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This is bbc news for the latest headlines reviewers of the uk and around the world. The European Union degrees of 500 billion euros rescue package for the countrys hardest hit by the coronavirus pandemic. The devastating Economic Impact of the coronavirus is also being felt in the us. Another 6. 6 million workers have filed for unemployment. Boris johnson has been moved out of intensive care for treatment of the coronavirus but remains in hospital. No safer place than space, the mission not even coronavirus could stop. Hello and welcome to audiences in the uk and around the world. The latest coronavirus developments in britain and globally. It is being hailed as the most important plan in the eus history, after days of disagreements, eu leaders have reached a deal over a package of measures to support their economies hit heavily by the crisis. The agreement came after the italian Prime Minister told the bbc that the eu could fail as a project with a decisive action. He was speaking to a correspondent. They are still battling it and maybe even controlling it. While it remains high, italy is slowing the infection rate. The intensive care wards are easing a touch. This country is glimpsing the light. But its prime minister is telling us that italy feels alone in the fight, unsupported by European Union start sharing the burden of what he calls most serious test since second world war. It is a big challenge to the we are not just war. It is a big challenge to the we are notjust writing pages in the records of if youre up to this challenge, with the European Union risk itself . There is this risk, if we do not seize the opportunity to put more into the european project, the risk is real. Many hit by the outbreak when i receive financial aid. The European Union stressing unity. Today, we have three safety nets and a plan to make sure that we Grow Together and not a part. Once the virus is behind us. This emergency plan will shield our economic and social fabric as we dive into a recession. But it is behind russia that seeks to outplay europe in sway italian public opinion, sending medics and supplies. The Italian Government denies it with return favours. They are seeing who can return to work, having built up immunity, and is performing double the daily virus texts of britain. The missing sympathy to my friend borisjohnson the missing sympathy to my friend Boris Johnson and to the missing sympathy to my friend borisjohnson and to tell him did not give up. Performing test to make this under control. Without testing, it would mean to cope with it in the dark. Baby steps of progress is hit delete starts to turn a corner and refined that lost word. Hope. The Economic Impact of the pandemic is being felt around the world, jobless figures in the United States have searched and another six and a half Million People followed unemployment can you claims last week claims last week. Up to 60,000 americans could die with coronavirus and that is lower than previous estimates. Of the state of new york has seen the highest number of deaths in a single day since the outbreak began. The sound of the sirens has become the sound of the sirens has become the sound of the sirens has become the sound of new york. This people have become scared of ambulances in and the hospitals of the end of it. Bereavement on the scale that is brought back awful memories. We lose so brought back awful memories. We lose so many lives on 9 11, we have lost over 7000 lives over this crisis. That is so shocking and painful and breathtaking. I dont even have the words for it. This famous cityscape has some jolting new additions. The Military Hospital ship, the comfort, docked on the piers that used to welcome the great liners. This is central park in the coronavirus spring. A Field Hospital in an open space they call the lungs of new york. And those sirens again, where youd normally hear the sound of childrens laughter. America is not just facing its toughest Public Health crisis like the rest of the world, economically, its being hammered. The fear is notjust of a recession but a depression. In the past three weeks alone, more than 16 Million People have lost their jobs. Thats a higher number than the unemployment recorded during two years of the Great Recession between 2007 2009. The federal reserve, the fed, is ready to pump in trillions of dollars in emergency relief. Its new yorks poorest districts, heavily populated with african america ns and hispanics, that are being hardest hit by this health and economic crisis. These were food parcels being delivered in the bronx. When youre in one of the poorest communities in the country, it already was a challenge. Small businesses, they cant wait weeks for the fed to help them, they need it in days. And so, what people are watching right now is what happens when you dont invest in addressing poverty for generations. As it confronts this invisible enemy, there is a marshall feel to life in much of the city. A war footing as america faces what could be its greatest ever peacetime challenge. Nick bryant, bbc news, new york. Nick go ant, bbc news, new york. Nick go ant, to c news, new york. Nick go ant, to washington v york. Nick go ant, to washington and rk. Nick go ant, to washington and stark pictures there from what is happening. The pandemic has not only had an impact on peoples lives by the economy and the jobless figures are surging. Yes, let me put that 17 million now who applied for unemployment in the next three weeks last three weeks into context. The labour force is 160 last three weeks into context. The labourforce is 160 Million People and so 17 of those 160 million have applied for unemployment and it is probably much higher than that, the number of people who have lost theirjob because those are the people who are managing to make the applications. The system the still overwhelmed people are saying they are making phone calls every hour and they still cannot get through to register themselves as unemployed so there area themselves as unemployed so there are a tonne of people who would like to get on Unemployment Benefits but cant because they cannot get online and the system is crashing. At this drive to me of trying to put the traffic of new york city and putting it on traffic of new york city and putting itona traffic of new york city and putting it on a country road. As nick said we are higher in terms ofjob losses in the crash of 2008 and in fact you have to go right back to the 1920s to the Great Depression to have job losses on this kind of scale and people are talking about this as a Great Depression to know. Eyes are on donald trump to get america out of this. Yes and there is a real debate going on now in the United States about how to get out of this lockdown that we are and. We have the treasury secretary staying on television today that he hopes the us economy can open up and may. Public Health Officials ive been speaking to the next couple of days was pretty optimistic and really this tied up the economy with health and at half the health has to come first. Either if there is some reliable tests where people are immune and therefore i can go back into the workforce, people are going to be very nervous about allowing the lockdown to open up again because the risk is that people will go back and then they get affected again and then they have to lock down again and everyone knows there isa down again and everyone knows there is a second wave coming in the autumn. Public health are very cautious about saying lets get people out there and get the economy started again. The predictions on the number of people who might die in the us have been no word compared to previous estimates. That is interesting and it is of course very good news that we have heard that it could be between 100 and 200000 and then we have the top infectious diseases price and the white house saying we could only have 60000 and i cannot believe i am saying only this is because they are getting more data. There are lots of different models, coming from the university of pennsylvania and colorado and this one coming from the university of Washington State and they have now said that they have much more data from italy and china and that is feeding into their numbers. What they are saying is that numbers are being lowered because social distancing is working and because america has basically gone into lockdown with no Economic Activity the virus is not having a chance to bounce around to new cases. The problem and the concern of some of the Public Health people we spoke to is as we start hearing the better news, the american start thinking it is not such a big deal and we thought it would be 200000 and we thought it would be 200000 and 60,000 does not sound so bad and maybe we can ease up a bed and go out in public again but then of course the concern is that a virus start spreading again and there is a real balance here giving people a reason for hope and it is because of social distancing and you have to keep those efforts up. Thank you very much as always. Borisjohnson has been receiving treatment for coronavirus and has left intensive ca re coronavirus and has left intensive care now but remains in hospital. The lockdown across the uk will remain in place for now according to the deputized Prime Minister. And you think youre saying 881 people who died in hospitals in the uk but that figure does not include staff and community or care homes. Here is our Health Editor you can. It was just so dreadful that no one was able to visit him for three weeks and furthermore no one was able to be with him during his final hours and minutes. Emily remembers her grandfather tony, who died yesterday. He had gone into hospital with another health issue, and then contracted covid 19. She told me visitors werent allowed because of the virus risk, but shes reassured to know two nurses were with him in his final hours. For me and my relatives, it is really comforting, just a picture of those two amazing people at his bedside comforting him and saying all the right things at the right time, and well forever be in their debt. We are just so grateful for everything they did. I raised the issue at the downing street Media Briefing today. Weve heard some harrowing stories of people dying alone because family cant be with them, for understandable reasons to do with the virus risk. What do you say to the British Public about how things will develop from here . Speak we do not know conclusively beyond the point where we can start considering cell we must keep it up and the key thing is for people to understand how much of what they already have done has helped contribute to avoiding an even worse situation in terms of the spread of the virus and the number of gaps and how important it is that we dont slow up or take pressure off at this critical moment before we have come through the peak. In general, id expect the deaths to continue to keep going up for about two weeks after the intensive care picture improves, and so were not there yet in terms of knowing exactly when that will be, but thats the sort of timeframe id expect. The latest analysis of data in england and wales suggests that death rates go up with age in both men and women, but men are ahead of women in all age groups. Alex died in hospital with the coronavirus ten days ago. None of his family could be with him. But staff did set up a video call, and his son said that made all the difference. It felt like we were together. It was really rich, it was really real. He was weak. But we also connected as a family, so often thered be three or four of us on the telephone, a group video call, and we could speak with each other, comfort each other, make plans. We felt together, which is. Ive not been explained that before. This is what patients will be aware around them staff like these in Papworth Hospital in masks, visors and gowns. Its confusing and communication is difficult. Thats tough for doctors and nurses as well as those who they care for. Dr rachel clarke, who specialises in end of life care, says it can be an emotional drain. Sometimes at the end of the day, you know, you take off your gown and mask, and you just cry your eyes out in the car on the way home, because youve seen things you dont want to see, but at the same time youve tried your utmost to be there at a time when perhaps a loved one, a son or daughter or spouse, cant be there, and you are literally all the patient has and with every fibre of your being all you want to do is support that patient. The upward trend in deaths appears to be slowing. But whatever the statistics say, there are life and death issues for thousands of families to confront every day, in every part of the country. Hugh pym, bbc news. Do you stay with us here on bbc news because still to come just how bad is the spread of the virus and iran . The death rate is climbing with particular challenges for volunteers and the dead for burial, we have a special report. Years of hatred and rage. His funeral became a massive demonstration of black power and influence. Today is about the promise of a bright future, a day when we hope a line can be drawn from the lady past. Blood he i think the works were beautiful, intelligent and it is a sad loss to eve ryo ne intelligent and it is a sad loss to everyone who loves art. This is bbc news and these are the latest headlines. The European Union has agreed a 500 billion euro rescue package for the countries hardest hit by the coronavirus pandemic. The devastating Economic Impact of the coronavirus is also being felt in the United States were another 6. 6 million workers have filed for unemployment. Iran has the highest number of covid 19 debts in the middle east. Volunteers are stepping up middle east. Volunteers are stepping up to clear the corpses and mortuaries. Did the number of bodies cast doubt on official figures . A warning that this report has some graphic images. Gearing up to retreat to dead. These men are still going to be clerics and volunteered to do going to be clerics and volunteered todoa going to be clerics and volunteered to do a job that the professionals are reluctant to do. Cleansing the bodies of coronavirus victims so they can be buried according to islamic traditions. It is notjust fear that is causing the shortage of body washers. It is the sheer scale of deaths the country is facing. These dead bodies have been done since morning but the numbers are so huge and the work never ends. These are all coronavirus victims. The man goes on to say that some of the bodies have been there for five days. He was later arrested for spreading lies. But look at this. A similar story and these volunteers drafted and to cleanse the dead. Since the start of the coronavirus epidemic, unofficial reports and antidotal evidence raised questions about irans official figures. Some researchers estimate the number of covid 19 debts to be much higher. Official statistics say just over 60,000 have contracted the virus and around 4000 have died. But a group of iranian researchers in the us are sceptical. Using dynamic modelling of the epidemic, they estimated that the number of infections as of march the number of infections as of march the 20th could actually have been closer to 1 the 20th could actually have been closer to1 million the 20th could actually have been closer to 1 million and that more than 15,000 people closer to 1 million and that more than 15, 000 people have closer to 1 million and that more than 15,000 people have lost their lives. While this isjust than 15,000 people have lost their lives. While this is just one study and we may never know the true extent of the crisis and iran, the signs of the scale of that are dug into here. Instead of individual grades, bodies of multiple victims are placed side by side and long trench burial sites. Unhea rd are placed side by side and long trench burial sites. Unheard of in this part of the world. The first of seven re product creation flights from india are and, carrying 316 passengers and within 20,000 british citizens stranded in india have asked for assistance to get home. Our south Asian Correspondent reports. They are leaving now after seven weeks of travel and day 18 of lockdown to take the first Repatriation Flight. The start of a long journey home. An abrupt end to afamily long journey home. An abrupt end to a family trip. We were at the airport. She bought a sleep on the first Repatriation Flight for citizens in indiana. A packed plane flew more than 300 bricks home. As she returned to london for a family reunion, it cannot come soon enough is enough. Really happy to be home and children are very happy to be with my husband but at the same time, they left us i felt. There was no information given to us. It was very ha rd no information given to us. It was very hard at some points to actually be able to get home because of the lack of information coming through. That is sentiment shared by hundreds of tens of thousands of bread stuck in nbs topley other nations started their people back almost immediately as lockdown was called. Germany has already flown 3000 of its citizens back from the money and medicine. I talked to rita farmer and she is still farmer and punjab and she is still stranded and scared. We want to be back on the uk sell oil with our families as soon as possible before things can get even more severe here and at the end of the day we just feel that we have not been listened to. No one cares, no one bothers. It is appalling. This week flights read from multiple places but one and he wa nts to from multiple places but one and he wants to know why other parts of india are being ignored. They are in punjab and that is what we as mps tell the Foreign Office again and again and that is where the demand from constituents is and that is why they feel they are discriminated against, they are elderly and fast running out of medicine and others can do it why cant we . As india remains, down, officials in the uk say they are working to get everyone home. An estimated brits in the country, it could take time. If youre looking for somewhere coronavirus freight you may need a Russian Space rocket to get there. A new cruise glass and not the internationals base station and one of the russian cosmonauts on board says right now the safest place to be is the space station. With a pandemic sweeping the world, here is an ids. Leave the planet. A Russian Rocket blasts into space. Confirms separation of stage two. Step inside our cosmonauts and nasa astronaut. The new crew for the International Space station. We interrupt that package to take you live to the white house in washington where donald trump is getting his daily press conference. A meeting with the secretary of treasury and secretary of transportation on proposals regarding the airlines and the Airline Business and we are working very closely with a lot of different people and we will be probably putting out a proposal and giving them some of the details some of the very powerful details over the weekend, it is moving along quickly. The Airline Business has been hit very ha rd the Airline Business has been hit very hard as everyone knows and we are going to be in a position to do are going to be in a position to do a lot to help them. So that they keep their employees and they say their businesses and that will be taking place i think you could say over the weekend and we may even have discussions with some of the airlines or all of the airlines over the weekend. I think it will be a very acceptable package it will be a very acceptable package it will be a very big package and acceptable package, good for our country and good for the airlines and good for a lot of people. Likewise ijust spoke with the president of russia and the king of saudi arabia and we had a big talk as to Oil Production and opec and making it so that our industry does well and the oil industry does well and the oil industry does well and the oil industry does better than it is doing right now, the numbers are so low that there will be lay offs all over the world and certainly lay offs in this country and we do not want that to happen with great energy in the United States so we have tens of thousands ofjobs and a very good talk. But as he notes opec met today and i would say they are getting close to a deal. We will soon find out said that was a conversation we just had so we had a busy hour and a half. Let me begin by expressing my sincere gratitude to the American People they are making profound and difficult sacrifices and their own lives because they know it will save the lives of countless others and that is exactly what it is doing. You see it happening and where we are and where we stand and hopefully where we will be opening up. We will be opening very soon i hope. Together our people are writing one of the most noble chapters and the proud history of our nation and americans are also encouraged to learn that borisjohnson the Prime Minister has been moved out of intensive care. That is a tremendous statement and we continue to pray for him and his fast recovery. It is a very positive development. As the new york Metropolitan Area continues its battle against the outbreak, the federal government is there to support them. The centre has been converted to a 3000 bed hospital, one of the largest anywhere in the country. And by the incredible professionals i have to say, the co re professionals i have to say, the core of engineers and what they can do isjust incredible. They core of engineers and what they can do is just incredible. They have done a fantasticjob and are building nationwide 21 temporary hospitals and adding 17,000 hospital beds and they did that all within a very short period of time. It is any incredible thing that they can do, the army corps of engineers and female. Doctors and nurses are being supplied with protective equipment and more than 24 flights have already been completed and 49 additionalflights now already been completed and 49 additional flights now scheduled already been completed and 49 additionalflights now scheduled in the near future. So additionalflights now scheduled in the nearfuture. So that additionalflights now scheduled in the near future. So that has been very successful and as they arrive they are going directly to a point. The American Medical System continues to perform beyond our highest expectations reminding us that the United States is blessed with a most advanced health care and most Skilled Health care workers anywhere on the planet and other countries are looking to what we are doing and are testing operation has become far and away the everywhere. I want to thank the heroes hit as they fight to save american lives and at the top of the mill, pretty sure we are at the top of that hell and now we are going downward and in some cases we have already started the process. Earlier today i spoke with hundreds of Mental Health leaders and advocates around the country to discuss the vital work that they are doing and we have the top doctors in the country and some international doctors, Mental Health a big factor. Not only is the virus commencing physical suffering but also mental suffering as well. So that we are staying physically apart no american is alone and we are all in this together. But Mental Health doctors and experts, very great call, very interesting call, they are working very hard. We are also seeing encouraging signs to raise for therapies. There was a promising new treatment that might prevent the virus from replicating and in hopes to begin testing in Clinical Trials very soon. It is going to be very soon. They have great feelings for this particular therapy. And they think that a lot of good things are happening through the fdas coronavirus treatment acceleration programme, 19 therapies and programmes are being tested and 26 more are an active planning or Clinical Trial so we have 19 therapies being tested currently and 26 more are in the active planning for Clinical Trials. That is a lot. Trials for the anti rival drug continue and the company has also expanded emergency use for new patients, getting good early results by the way. Companies that manufacture hydroxy are massively ramping up production. As you know many people are recommending as strongly as the pack. We added that. And also zinc and the federal government continues to build our stockpiles and distribute millions of doses for doctors used as they see fit. And i am pleased to inform you we have just had a lot of good things happening that we have to see how that all works out. We have purchased and stockpiled millions and millions of doses

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