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Hello, im ros atkins, this is 0utside source. Governments around the world are tightening restrictions as the coronavirus continues to spread. The uk advice avoid social contact, dont travel, this is bbc news, im clive myrie. Dont go to the pub. The headlines at eight oclock. Borisjohnson said the measures the Prime Minister outlines drastic new measures to combat the spread of coronavirus. Were tough but necessary all essential contact and travel should be stopped. I believe they are overwhelmingly people are advised to work from home and avoid visiting pubs, worth it to slow the spread of the clubs and theatres. Disease, to reduce the peak, to save they are overwhelmingly worth it to slow the life, minimise suffering and to give spread of the disease, our nhs the chance to cope. To reduce the peak, to save life and president macron orders the whole minimise suffering, and to give our country to stay at home or risk being punished. He says france is at war nhs the chance to cope. With the coronavirus. Whole families will have to stay at home for m days if one person shows symptoms. And, from this weekend, anyone with Underlying Health conditions should be shielded from social contact for three months. This is going to go on for some time. I think we should not be under any illusions that we just do this for a couple of weeks and that is sufficient. This is going to have to be for a long period. President trump says americans should prepare for the pandemic to continue until the end of summer. People are talking aboutjuly, august or Something Like that. The french president , Emmanuel Macron enforces a full scale lockdown of his country, as europe tightens its borders. Here, communities are pulling together to help those most in need. This is serious, now is the time to think about social distancing, washing your hands. And, the actor idris elba says he has tested positive for coronavirus, and is self isloating. But says he has no symptoms. The Prime Minister has announced drastic new measures to tackle the coronavirus outbreak. Boris johnson has urged everyone to work from home if possible and to avoid pubs, clubs and theatres. He said now is the moment to stop all nonessential contact and to avoid all nonessential travel. The over 70s, pregnant women and those with Underlying Health conditions must be particularly vigilant. Whole families must now self isolate for m days ifjust one member the advice came as the number of confirmed cases in the uk rose to 1515. 55 people are known to have died. The uks chief medical adviser, professor chris whitty, sought to reassure people saying that for most people the chance of dying of coronavirus is very low and that for now schools will remain open. But he warned that the new restrictions on peoples lives were going to last for a long while. Heres our Health Editor, hugh pym. Britain wakes up to a very different week. Commuter numbers are well down on normal, with more people choosing to work from home. Carnaby street in Central London is quieter than usual, even for a monday morning. And this afternoon, the Prime Minister said drastic action was needed to slow the growth in cases. He had this message for those with a fever or a new, persistent cough. If you or anyone in your household has one of those two symptoms then you should stay at home for m days. That means that, if possible, you should not go out, even to buy food or essentials other than for exercise and, in that case, at a safe distance from others. And then this advice for the whole population. Now is the time for everyone to stop nonessential contact with others and to stop all unnecessary travel. We need people to start working from home where they possibly can and you should avoid pubs, clubs, theatres and other such social venues. And for the most vulnerable, there was this new guidance. In a few days time, by this coming weekend, it will be necessary to go further and to ensure that those with the most serious Health Conditions are largely shielded from contact, from social contact for around 12 weeks. And contrary to previous guidance, officials now plan to ramp up virus testing. Just to give some numbers on that, over 44,000 tests conducted, of which over 42,000 were negative. And we will continue to scale up the testing every single week from here on in. Moving out into the wider community. The nhs, meanwhile, is pushing on fast to make room for the inevitable surge in patient numbers because of the virus. At the Mater Hospital in belfast they are providing specialist beds with ventilators. Nurses are being trained in using protective clothing to care for patients who have tested positive. Its warm, its challenging. Its like youre in the desert. And there is no air. And we can only be in there for about 40 minutes at a time so trying to do everything we can do for that patient in that timeframe, to keep ourselves then safe with the risks of the masks. Hospital leaders point out that most patients will recover quickly and wont need specialist care. But they are worried about the sheer scale of patient numbers. I think what scares us is the potentialfor the numbers of patients that could come. And we dont really know how many could come at the moment. But we have been preparing for the worst, absolutely preparing for the worst. But im confident that we are prepared for that. But one doctor from an english hospital, supported by some front line colleagues, says the nhs isnt prepared for what is coming. We are not ready. We are running out of masks already. And we havent even started the crisis, really. There is a crucial lack of ventilators and even our oxygen supply might be in danger. Ministers will argue the latest measures should help hold back the increase in cases. The Prime Minister said they were draconian. They will certainly make a difference to peoples everyday lives. Hugh pym, bbc news. All of this is having an effect on the markets as well, the closing bell has rung in new york. All down, and in the United States, we actually have the updated figure, video w is down 12. 9 . Despite those cuts in Interest Rates around the world to try and steady the ship, to it has been another bloodbath on the markets and clearly investors are worried, not just about the markets and clearly investors are worried, notjust about the problems of the spread of this virus, but also about what governments around the world are actually doing to contain it and this of course will have a knock on effect for anyone with pensions or investments. The markets they are showing just how all pervasive the spread of this virus is. Let us get a little bit more about the new measures from the government. And our Health Editor hugh pym is here now. President macron has been giving an address to the nation announcing similar measures as the ones from borisjohnson but similar measures as the ones from Boris Johnson but he similar measures as the ones from borisjohnson but he made it clear that there would be sanctions if people didnt follow these measures. Borisjohnson is still, from the governments perspective, saying that there arent going to be sanctions if you dont self quarantine, what is the psychology behind that, seeing as the rest of the world seems to be forcing it on people . Thats right, this is in itself, a very big change since the end of last week, to move from saying public gatherings wouldnt be banned on thursday, to now they will be banned because Emergency Services would be allocated to them and a whole lot more changes to the way people behave, big changes on the back of the new Scientific Evidence that cases are set to escalate more rapidly. But, there are no enforcement sanctions in there, they will rely on social pressure that individuals wont want to be seen in pubs or out and about at a time when the message to the nation is, you must do your bit and stay responsible, either at home or avoiding nonessential contact, i think there will be legislation on quarantine measures, if people need to be quarantined there will be legislation on that, but not in terms of these wider measures. And the announcement that the capital is ahead of the curve in terms of this getting worse. There is nothing specific to london, is there, in terms of these measures, the Prime Minister is simply making the point is that people must follow the rules, perhaps more diligently here than in other places. I suppose because of the size of london, it is the capital and the number of people going through, the number of pubs, bars, restaurants, theatres, venues and all the rest of it, if they are concerned about a cluster of cases which they must be, there must be evidence about case numbers and the nature of the spreading in london, the sort of measures that they have announced will have a particular effect on the capitals social life, as well as the rest of the uk, so i think that is possibly one reason why they have gone down that particular route. Generally speaking, the cases are spread across the uk, unlike in italy where they were very concentrated in the north, we saw the scenes of hospitals getting overrun, the assumption here is that is more widely spread and we hope that the nhs will be able to cope. Thank you very much. The Prime Minister said the new measures were particularly important for anyone over the age of 70 as well as those with Underlying Health conditions. Pregnant women have been included in the list for the first time. Our special correspondent lucy manning reports from brighton. Five, six, seven, and. They have saved the last dance for today. The older generation, told like everyone that they must step away from others and minimise contact, but the Prime Minister is clear that it is particularly important for the over 70s. Simply to be told that because i am over 70, just, that i have got to stay at home is not in my interests, in a way, although i know the intention is good. Its like solitary confinement without having done the crime. Its mothering sunday next sunday. Will i be able to go and see my family, or will i be on skype while they are in the restaurant . I think weve had rather conflicting information. 0n the seafront at hove, fresh air is allowed. Older people to avoid others, those with Health Conditions shielded for 12 weeks. We kept our distance. It would be difficult because we are very social animals, but even so, we have skype for ourfamily. We are calm and unafraid. Whatever is thrown at us. Social distancing needs to happen because when the older generation are out and about, they cant be sure if people have coronavirus butjust arent showing the symptoms. But there is a clear danger that social isolation is also likely to be a big problem. Getting ready for self isolation, jane. Her daughter has already insisted her mum, a spanish teacher with diabetes, works online from home. I will self isolate because i am in the age group, 72, and i suffer with type two diabetes. I am a vulnerable person. I do miss you. The good thing about all this technology is that, actually now, you wont be able to get rid of me, because im determined that we will be able to do some nice things together, whether that is cook alongs or book club. For the elderly, the vulnerable, pregnant women and their families, these will be the most difficult weeks and months, split apart in the hope lives will be saved. Lucy manning, bbc news, brighton. With me is paul hunter, a professor of medicine at Norwich University and a specialist in the control of diseases. First of all, the message that have been introduced, if you are over 70, it is best to stay indoors. Unless you want to get out and get exercise, does that feel like the right move to you . Certainly staying at home, avoiding other people as much as possible, but that doesnt mean actually staying indoors, you can be in the garden, you can go for walks as the Prime Minister said today, if you cant get anybody to do shopping for you then clearly you are going to have to do that yourself, although ideally, you would be able to rely on friends and neighbours to do that on your behalf. It is tough, but it is not a total isolation, it is saying dont go near people but dont necessarily stay indoors all the time, exercise, walk your dog, that kind of thing. 0ne walk your dog, that kind of thing. One person may have a consistent cough and fever, the rest of the family should isolate as well, does that make sense . Absolutely, because we dont know exactly how long people remain infectious after they have had the infection, but seven daysis have had the infection, but seven days is a reasonable upper limit and then the extra seven days is a reasonable time for somebody else to then get ill in the family. What hasnt been stressed in the Prime Ministers news briefing is that if somebody else in that 14 days then gets ill, then you reset back to zero. Absolutely, you would have to do that, so if i got ill and then seven days later my wife got ill, if we still had our children at home, they would then have to be in for three weeks and then if they got ill, it may be four weeks. So, you have to reset when anybody in the house becomes ill. We have been describing these as tough new measures. The bottom line is, you dont have to do them if you dont wa nt dont have to do them if you dont want to, whereas in france and germany, spain and italy and south korea and elsewhere, there are sanctions. It is not surprising to you . I think that there are laws that can be implemented if people ignore them in large amounts and, i think the current approach is to see ifa semi think the current approach is to see if a semi voluntary strategy works and if it doesnt, and if people ignore it, then there is the potential for imposing it legally and, as was said at the press briefing, the laws are there and can be used if People Choose to ignore this. But, as we get closer, we heard the scientific advisers and american advisers today talk about this inflection within the curve, particularly with in relation to london, as we get closer to that, do you perhaps feel that a level of compulsion will have to be introduced . Well, i would prefer it not to be but i wouldnt rule it out. We will just not to be but i wouldnt rule it out. We willjust have to see how people react. Clearly, if we move to a compulsion and one of the problems with that is that we will be taking police and other Emergency Services out to enforce that and that in itself will take people away from dealing with other events, so hopefully, we dont have to but nobody is ruling anything out at this stage. Right, i amjust nobody is ruling anything out at this stage. Right, i am just getting some news in that i would like to put to you, the number of uk cases, there are now at 35,000 to 50,000 cases of the coronavirus in the uk, according to estimates from imperial couege according to estimates from Imperial College london. And those are estimates, not diagnosed cases. 0k, and so the governments advice would be based on those estimates and that model . Yes and that is what they have been following and i think one of the things that the government was saying today is that those models have changed as a result of new information over the last week and that is why they are bringing in more rapidly than they had initially expected. What it does do is that it brings us in line with a lot of other countries and the uk government in for criticism by many scientists in this country and overseas about what was perceived as being a less rigorous approach last week but we are now very much in line with other nations. Thank you very much. And well find out how this story and many others are covered in tomorrows front pages at 10 40 and 11 30 this evening in the papers. Our guests joining me tonight are the Political Writer and academic, Maya Goodfellow and the deputy Political Editor of the spectator, katy balls. Sport and for a full round up, from the bbc sport centre, heres jane dougal. Well, following the impact of the coronavirus, decisions about the football leagues will be made. There are football leagues will be made. There a re calls football leagues will be made. There are calls for euro 2020 to be postponed to allow for League Season is to be completed. The first match of the tournament is supposed to be in rome on june of the tournament is supposed to be in rome onjune the 12th. A football reporter simon stone explains. Apart from five countries, all 55 uefa nations didnt play football at the weekend. There is no realistic possibility of any of them restarting and, how would you finish these seasons . And the only way realistically that these seasons will come to a conclusion is by creating space and the only way of creating space and the only way of creating space and the only way of creating space is to get rid of the euros from the calendar. To rugby union and the premiership in england has been suspended for five weeks because of the pandemic. This will include four scheduled rounds of matches with games due to resume on the weekend of the 24th to the 26th april. The quarter finals of the european champions cup and challenge cup scheduled for earlier in the month have also been postponed. Also suspended is rugby leagues super league until the 3rd of april, with a fear among many that some clubs could go out of business. The suspension applies to the mens, womens and community game. Rugby leagues chief commercial officer, mark foster, has said any cut to the money super league is paid by broadcasters could threaten clubs and that communication between clubs and the government will be needed to avoid this. I think we need to talking with them, talking with the government and others who may be able to help us and others who may be able to help us through these next few weeks and months and i think communication is a key pa rt months and i think communication is a key part of all of this, as we have started over the last couple of weeks with all our Contingency Planning and communications to the clu bs planning and communications to the clubs and to government and to all that are involved in the sport, those clubs that you talk about are really important parts of their local community and they do such a greatjob in those local communities and so it is important that thatjob continues for many more years. This years oxford and cambridge boat race has also been cancelled. It was due to take place on the thames on the 29th of march. The traditional event has been taking place since 1829, but in a statement the organisers said their concern was with the health of crew, spectators and staff, and that their thoughts were with the athletes who had worked so hard and made immense sacrifices. 0rganisers from the London Marathon say theyre not looking at a downturn in charitable donations with the race having been pushed back to the 4th of october. The marathon usually takes place in april, but has been moved due to the coronavirus outbreak. Nearly 43,000 runners competed the race last year. We are not looking at a downturn, we are looking at putting on an amazing celebration of life and humanity, of communities coming together. What will go on over the next months is unknown to everybody, our focus will be on trying to ensure an october what we deliver is something quite incredible and that actually, the world once again will want to celebrate that and want to do fundraising at that moment. The olympic european boxing qualifying event in london, which started on saturday and went behind closed doors on sunday, will be suspended after tonights session. Galal yafai has become the first british boxer to secure his place for the tokyo games after beating russias rasul saliev on a unanimous points decision. The big question now is when the rest of the olympic qualification bouts can take place. Thats all the sport for now. Ill have more for you in sportsday at half past ten. Donald trump has issued new guidelines aiming to slow the spread of coronavirus. They include a recommendation to avoid social gatherings and some public spaces. Youll like my administration is recommending that everybody works to encourage schooling from home if possible, avoiding gathering in groups of more than ten people, avoid discretionary travel and avoid eating and drinking in bars, restau ra nts a nd eating and drinking in bars, restaurants and public food courts. If everybody makes this change or these critical changes and sacrifices now, we will rally together as one nation and we will defeat the virus and we will have a big celebration altogether. 0ur north america correspondent uleem maqbool joins us now from washington. The president has come in for some criticism over the last few weeks, in some peoples eyes downplaying the severity of the outbreak and the pandemic, is there a sense with his announcement today, that things have changed . To an extent, but you can hear there that he talks about not gathering in groups of more than ten people, he was on stage with another 15 people in a packed Briefing Room right there so many people are saying it is a lot of do as i say not as i do and, he is still being very optimistic about where this is heading and he said in that News Conference that he has rated his response to all of this as ten out of ten but he did issue these new guidelines, they arejust guidelines, they arejust guidelines, they are not rules as such and that is to home school where possible, to not go to bars and where possible, to not go to bars a nd restau ra nts where possible, to not go to bars and restaurants and to not congregate in large groups. Some cities and some states are taking things much further and, to a lot of people it feels like the president is still playing catch up a lot of the time and following the lead taken by, for example new york, closing Public Schools or even San Francisco that is announcing that from midnight tonight, nobody should leave their homes except for essential travel. So, there is still a sense that, for some at least, he is not taking it quite as seriously as other countries leaders are doing but certainly his tone has changed. But, no nationwide restrictions, no federal restrictions in terms of sanctions for people who might turn up sanctions for people who might turn up at Mass Gatherings and so on. Not as yet, not even in terms of schooling and what should happen with schools or with bars and restau ra nts, with schools or with bars and restaurants, though nothing from the president to say that certain things must happen, in fact there are primary is still going ahead in four states tomorrow, so people will be going out to vote and the president didnt comment on that process being stopped either. What they have said in that News Conference was that1 million test kits are now being made available. But the big issue over the last week or so has been that those who need testing are not getting tested because of the availability of kits around the country. Even now, in that News Conference, the president is saying that people shouldnt be tested if they dont show the symptoms, but of course, we know from other countries that the spread has been curtailed by finding those who are carrying the virus even though they dont show the symptoms. He said once again, that nobody should be tested u nless again, that nobody should be tested unless they are showing symptoms, but even then the reports from people right across the United States who say that they feel they have the symptoms, they have gone to try and be tested and they cant be tested, so there is a lot still to do. Thank you very much. In france, 148 people have died as a result of the virus. President macron has announced a raft of measures as he puts france on a war footing to fight the virus. In a televised address, hes forbidden people from leaving home, except for essential reasons, from midday tomorrow orface punishment. Frances borders will be closed in agreement with other European Union countries. He also announced that no business, regardless of size, will be allowed to fail. He also said gas, electricity, water bills, and rents will be suspended. 0ur correspondent Hugh Schofield is in paris. Very tough measures, but at the same time, offering the kind of economic help that i think a lot of other businesses in countries around the world would say that they need. Yes, thatis world would say that they need. Yes, that is france for you. Nothing is done here without the promise of state help to see you through and out the other side. The promise is a very very big one, the promises of tens, if not hundreds of billions of euros, but president macron is saying it every step of the way, he said it on thursday and again tonight, whatever it takes, we will pay, whatever it takes we will pay. That means reimbursement for everybody who has to take on employment or partial in employment 01 employment or partial in employment or temporary unemployment, everybody must stop working because of looking after children or temporary sick leave, any disruption to the economy, any business that finds itself unable to stay afloat will be rescued. This is a promise, a blank check basically to every business thatis check basically to every business that is going to feel the pinch and they are going to, but the bill is going to be absolutely astronomical and it does mean that, looking ahead to coming out the other side of this crisis, the world will not be the same. He says that he is going to enforce people being forced to stay in their homes and self quarantine and so and so forth, does france have the resources to do that as well as deal with the pandemic on a health level in the French Health service . I dont think you should conjure up images in your head of soldiers out parading and patrolling around Housing Estates and people scurrying out of doors, it wont be like that, it is psychological, it isa like that, it is psychological, it is a psychological message to get people to stay at home and stop mingling, which they were still doing over the weekend here in paris, certainly in the good weather which is coming, it is a psychological message to say, this is compulsory, you risk a fine, i doubt very much that many fines will beissued, doubt very much that many fines will be issued, but people are being told quite categorically, that times have changed and it is a measure of the extraordinary things that have happened that a country the size of france, the fifth or sixth biggest economy in the world, is telling everybody nationwide, to stay inside for the next two weeks, it is going to bea for the next two weeks, it is going to be a ghost town here in paris. It is not just paris to be a ghost town here in paris. It is notjust paris but across the country, everyone will be staying inside, italy and spain have done it already, frances following suit and one does feel like asking, is this where other countries are going to have to end up, is this simply the only way, finally to stop the virus spreading . And the borders of the European Union itself are to be closed . For 30 days from midday tomorrow, the borders of the European Union will be closed. Again, we need to be careful with vocabulary here because it is clear is saying that if you are coming back from abroad and you are french. I expect yourforeign back from abroad and you are french. I expect your foreign and you want to leave, you can leave, but there will be checks, is the point, there will be checked at borders to stop people who are just coming in on holiday or whatever, i am not convinced that scientists and doctors are convinced that this bound borders method is that significant, given that the virus is rampaging here already, but, it is pa rt rampaging here already, but, it is part of a response to this feeling that europe as a whole needs to act and take measures that cover the whole of the territory. Thank you very much. 0n nonessential travel within it. Germany became the latest eu country to close its borders and in france, are editor is in brussels. How soon could this ban on travel actually begin . All individual eu leaders have to sign up to it because the commission to make a proposal but it is the National Leaders who actually ta ke is the National Leaders who actually take a decision and if you look at the proposal quite clearly, as they we re the proposal quite clearly, as they were saying there, the virus is in europe and it is spreading across europe and it is spreading across europe and it is spreading across europe and the World Health Organisation described europe already last week is the epicentre of the pandemic. There is questionable Scientific Evidence as to just how questionable Scientific Evidence as tojust how much questionable Scientific Evidence as to just how much this ban on travel and non europeans coming in would actually do to really slow the virus down. And there are other reasons why there propose this and from an Economic Perspective, because youve already got individual European Countries restricting travel on fellow eu neighbours, this is slowing down the flow of goods inside europe possible a Single Market and that is bad for business, bad for business at a time where it is already under grounding pressure because of the coronavirus, it is three of its biggest economies, spain, france, italy, having to spend so much money trying to battle of the virus in there could be weeks even months of this still to go. So it is important to the commission to have that free flow of goods and being able to move around the Single Market and politically, there are a lot of people were pointing to these internal travel bands within the eu germany, austria and france and italy saying that the eu is finished and each country is for themselves. We have similar things in times of the Immigration Crisis when countries are closing the borders in the Commission Want to say no, this isa the Commission Want to say no, this is a concerted effort and we are going to build a shell around europe, create fortress in europe and that will allow the countries insight to list all of their internal travel restrictions, but because of all the exceptions to the european travel band that is being proposed, they will not be Strong Enough or countries like germany, the Czech Republic and poland to be able to lift their travel bands. So it is likely to be more of a symbolic ban than ever hardline. It is likely to be more of a symbolic ban than ever hardlinem is up to the individual countries to make their decisions. The eu leaders of the sign up to it and i think it is very possible that they will find a way of signing up to it but i think it is very likely that the countries that have their own unilateral internal restrictions in place will keep those restrictions. And therefore, i think that it is limited in its effect on with the Commission Wants to do, is left those restrictions so that you can say from a pr perspective that the eu is together and from an Economic Perspective to keep their free flow of goods going around the Single Market. I think it is too crass to say that this is the end of the eu and you can see the countries do not ca re and you can see the countries do not care about each other, i think it is natural that the National Governments put their own public first and for all 27 eu countries to come to a complete agreement on travel restrictions and mood restrictions on movement, that would ta ke restrictions on movement, that would take far too long and the spread of the virus is happening at different rates. Their countries are taking things into their own hands, by the same time, that does not mean theyre giving same time, that does not mean they re giving up same time, that does not mean theyre giving up on the European Union as a whole. Countries agreed to share a protective clothing for full body clothing for doctors and nurses and fake modes as well, face masks. He can find out more on the symptoms and how to protect yourself on the bbcs news app at bbc dakota dot uk. Borisjohnson Boris Johnson says borisjohnson says everyone in the uk should now avoid nonessential travel in contact with others in the fight against the virus. In the first of a series of daily briefings, he said drastic action was needed. He said anyone who lives with someone who has a persistent cough or a temperature should stay at home for 14 days. People should avoid pubs, clu bs clubs people over 70 and those with Underlying Health conditions are being told to avoid all the necessary social contact. London is a few weeks ahead of other areas in terms of the virus curve meaning transmission is happening more rapidly. Meanwhile, countries across the globe have been imposing new measures to stop the spread of the coronavirus. But many say theyre not doing enough. European union says he wants to close external borders as a trust to maintain the unified approach to battling the virus. The Prime Minister had to say this is the according to the Scientific Committee it looks as though we are approaching the fast growth part. And without drastic action, this could double every five or six days. First, we need to ask to ensure that if you or anyone in your household has one of those two symptoms, then you should stay at home for 14 days. That means that if possible, you should not go out, even to buy food or essentials other than for exercise and in that case, at a safe distance from others. If necessary, you should ask for help from others for your daily necessities. And if thatis for your daily necessities. And if that is not possible, then you should do it you can to limit your social contact when you leave the house to get supplies. And even if you do not have symptoms and if no one in your household has symptoms, there is more that we need you to do now. Second, now is the time for eve ryo ne now. Second, now is the time for everyone to stop nonessential contact with others. And to stop all unnecessary travel. We need people to start working from home where they possibly can. And you should avoid pubs, clubs, theatres and other such social venues. It goes that saying, repeat this message, we should all only use the nhs when we really need to and please go online, rather than bringing the nhs. This advice about avoiding all unnecessary social contact is particularly important for people over 70, for pregnant women and for those with Health Conditions, certain Health Conditions. And if you ask why we are doing this, why now in my note earlier or later, why bring in this very draconian measure, the answer is we are asking people to do something that is difficult and disruptive of their lives and the right moment as we have always said is to do it when it is most effective, will rethink you can make the biggest difference to slowing the spread of the disease, reducing the number of victims in reducing the number of victims in reducing the number of victims in reducing the number of fatalities. And as we take these steps, we should be focusing on the most vulnerable. So third, of this coming weekend, it will be necessary to go further and make sure that those of the most serious Health Conditions are largely shielded from contact from social contact, for around 12 weeks. And the reason for doing this in the next few days rather than earlier or later is that this is going to be very disruptive for people who have such conditions, difficult for them but i believe it is now difficult for them but i believe it is now necessary. Difficult for them but i believe it is now necessary. We want to ensure that this period of shielding, this period of maximum protection coincides with the peak of the disease. And it is now clear that the peak of the epidemic is coming faster in some parts of the country than in others and it looks as though london is now a few weeks ahead. And to relieve the pressure on the London Health system and to slow the spread in london, it is important that londoners now pay special attention to what we are saying about avoiding nonessential contact and to take particularly seriously the advice about working from home and avoiding confined spaces such as pubs and restaurants. Lastly, it remains true is in last few weeks that risks of transmission of the disease at Mass Gatherings are relatively low, but obviously, logically, as we advise against unnecessary social contract of all kinds, we should extend that advice to Mass Gatherings as well. Contact. And we want to ensure that we have the critical workers that we need that may otherwise be deployed at this gatherings, to deal with those emergencies. So from tomorrow, we will no longer be supporting Mass Gatherings with emergency workers in the way that we normally do. So Mass Gatherings are now moving emphatically away from. Many people, including millions of fit and active people over 70 may feel listening to what i just people over 70 may feel listening to what ijust said, that people over 70 may feel listening to what i just said, that there people over 70 may feel listening to what ijust said, that there is something excessive about these measures. But i have to say that they are overwhelmingly worth it. To slow the spread of the disease, to reduce the peak, to save life, minimise suffering and give her nhs the chance to cope. 0ver minimise suffering and give her nhs the chance to cope. Over the last few days, ive been comparing notes and talking to leaders around the world and i can tell you that the uk is now leading a growing global campaign amongst all our friends and allies that are in the g7, the g20, the un, the imf, all of those bodies the un, the imf, all of those bodies the play significant role in aiding the play significant role in aiding the campaign to fight back against this disease. To keep the economy going, to make sure that humanity has access to the drugs and the treatments that we all need in the uk is also at the front of the effort to back business, to back our economy, to make sure that we get through it. We are today asking a lot from everybody, it is far more now than just washing your hands, although they clearly washing their hands remains important, but i can tell you that across this country, people and businesses, in my experience, or respond with Amazing Energy and creativity to the challenge that we face and want to thank everybody for the part that youre playing and that youre going to play. News just into youre playing and that youre going to play. Newsjust into us. Expected comments to be said, given everything that is going on, the grand national due to take place next month on the 4th of april has been cancelled due to the coronavirus outbreak. That is according to the resource. The grand nationals due to take place on the fourth but has been cancelled along several other huge high profile sporting events with the premier league, Six Nations Rugby and now the grand national is due to the coronavirus notice from the racehorse. The director of age space and organisation that helps share advice on elderly care, she joins us from west london. Thank you very much forjoining us. We are the Prime Minister there outlining the stricter measures that he wants us all to follow, pregnant women, those with Underlying Health conditions and people over the age of 70 should consider the advice that they should stay at home where possible as part ofa stay at home where possible as part of a range of measures and that when it comes to the over 70s, we are talking about several weeks and i will be a shock to a load of people who are over 70 infield fit is fiddles. I particularly agree, and it is shocking that we are at this point. And i think it is about being incredibly practical. Particularly if youre looking after if youve got elderly parents or elderly relatives or elderly neighbours, we all got a role to play here. I think theres some very practical things that people can do, medication, make sure people are stocked up and have online Prescription Services through theirgp online Prescription Services through their gp surgery, you might want to think about cash and money, lots of older people rely just think about cash and money, lots of older people relyjust on cash, particularly locally and theyre probably very more practical things like pets and dog walking and dog food and cat food and people need to try and hold their hearts be practical at this stage. I think theres also the food and supplies and new roles aside, we know the Online Delivery Services in the supermarkets are pretty under the pump at the moment, but really worth putting in place a few measures now, trying to register online so at least there are regular deliveries for people but also i think increasingly, we are seeing today, this incredible upsurge of local groups, whether that be just by street or by neighbourhood, people offering to cook meals, do shopping to get involved and i think that is going to be a team effort and i think the last thing is that in talking with friends and family and putting in communications now whether that be skype so that you can chat to different groups of people, whats that messenger and all the sorts of things, the next few days really important in terms of just few days really important in terms ofjust some the really practical things things we can do. ofjust some the really practical things things we can do. If one is over 70 and is not up to speed on skype or facetime, then now is the time to get that sorted out because that social isolation, that since that social isolation, that since that perhaps you are on your own, that perhaps you are on your own, that can be a big factor in all of this. And for all of us, that is the nightmare scenario. So it is about building that cocoon around peoples they do not feel as trying to reduce they do not feel as trying to reduce the isolation is much as we can and it will be a combination of tech and very human responses. So absolutely, trying to get everyone up to speed on some of the text of this week is a really good idea. Thank you very much forjoining us. Thank you. Let us see much forjoining us. Thank you. Let us see what it is like in germany, berlin to be specific. I am joined by someone who works in the city. Thank you for being with us. What is a bit like so far there with your authorities dealing with this pandemic . It is been pretty crazy for the past couple of days and we we re for the past couple of days and we were told that on thursday will be working from home from now on and over the weekend, it is been really coming down and theres no bars open, no clubs open and i think theres a complete ban on gatherings of over 50 people. Really the only thing that is open now are the shops. In the pharmacies that is about it. Ive seen a busy intersection and and it was completely empty. And are you coping with being in yourflat, working from flat and not being able to really go out and about . Working from flat and not being able to really go out and abounm working from flat and not being able to really go out and about . It is not ideal, but there are always ways to get around it, so, not ideal, but there are always ways to getaround it, so, i not ideal, but there are always ways to get around it, so, i managed to invest in a project or get some good entertainment and do some exercise endures and so we do not have to go out and the gyms are close now, but even so. Out and the gyms are close now, but even so. You are out and the gyms are close now, but even so. You are one of out and the gyms are close now, but even so. You are one of the lucky ones because you can actually work from home and there are a lot of people who cannot do that and financially its gotta be a big problem for them. For sure, yeah. Absolutely, im super lucky being the position that im in and theyre going to be lots of people that have to go to work and i dont know exactly what steps the states are going to be putting towards them but its really quite good and i would imagine theyll be looked after for a while. How long do you think youre gonna be able to take it . That is a tough question. I think that however long it takes, we dont wa nt to that however long it takes, we dont want to be putting people at risk. Im not too concerned for myself but i know that there are lots of people out there that will be in serious danger if this disease are the on the fast like it has in italy. Joe, it is good to talk to you, thank you for joining it is good to talk to you, thank you forjoining us and good luck. Thank you. Thank you very much. Lets look at some the other news now. Allegations that he initiated a Sexual Assault by telling her he wa nted Sexual Assault by telling her he wanted to recreate a pose on a christmas card. The witness can only be identified as woman be, saying that it happened at a meeting at his official residence. He denies 13 charges related to nine women. Police officer was called at the scene Police Officer was called at the scene where pc Andrew Harper was killed last year and 20 or billy that he witnessed his body tumbling in the road. Pc harper died when he was dragged a car which is collea g u es was dragged a car which is colleagues said tracked him. The three deny involvement. Best known for this radio to series which ran for this radio to series which ran for more than 25 years. Theres been another day of heavy losses on the stock there has been another day of heavy losses on world stock markets. Londons ftse 100 closed down four per cent. There were even bigger falls in new york, frankfurt, paris and madrid. Aviation firms are amongst those that have been hardest hit. Heres our economics editor faisal islam. Across the uk, the eerie sight of airports turning into parking lots as planes are grounded, and used as people stop flying across the atlantic and within europe as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. Pilots, air crew, ground staff, airlines forced to lay off workers, and in the case of virgin, temporarily imposing leave without pay for several weeks at least. A huge sense of anxiety at the moment, and waiting for update daily to see how quickly this crisis is going to be under control. Elsewhere, Car Manufacturers across europe are shutting down for the rest of the month at least. High up in the first day at the bank of england. He suggested more support on its way. The damage is something we want to minimise and stop. That is why you saw prompt action last week, that is why you will see prompt action again when we meet. The public can be assured of that. Indeed, his counterparts in the usa slashed Interest Rates by 1 last night. The markets across the world tumbled again, reaching the lowest levels for several years before recovering half the losses. These are massive moves in stock markets, and they are happening every single day. They reflect the fact that when parts of society shut down, sectors of the economy do too, from aviation to car production. And while right now the Health Emergency is obviously the priority, when Companies Run out of cash, they cant pay people, they have to lay workers off, and that is why huge amounts of government help, more than they possibly could imagine last week, will now be required. The worlds major capitals starting to feel emptier. The worlds leaders speaking on a teleconference about the health and economic challenges. Perfectly obvious, just the g7 conversation i was having today, everybody sees that this is going to be potentially a severe blow for the economy. Just two, please. No worries. Many in business are choosing to mokin at this time of crisis. Here, a gin distillery in bristol making alcohol hand sanitiser for the needy. Elsewhere, manufacturers are looking at changing production lines to make the ventilators the nhs desperately needs. Workers and workplaces that are likely to end up needing much more help too. The bbc is putting on hold its decision to change the licence fee for people over the age of 75. Free licences will remain in place until august. The director general, lord hall, said it was challenging times for the country and the focus had to be on keeping operations going and serving the public during such a difficult time. Actor idris elba says hes tested positive for coronavirus. The star of bbc drama luther tweeted to say. He feels 0k and doesnt have any symptoms. Elba says he has been isolated since finding out he was exposed to the virus on friday. In a video he urged people to stay home, practice social distancing and wash their hands. Lets see a bit of that now this is serious. Now is the time to really think about social distancing, washing your hands and beyond that, there are people out there who are not showing symptoms and they can easily spread it, ok . So now its a really good time to be really vigilant about washing your hands in keeping your distance, 0k. Now its time for a look at the weather with nick miller. Hello, high coming in to settle the weather down it looks like it will be feared by the weekend. And even thenit be feared by the weekend. And even then it will be accompanied by a fairly chilly breeze out there. Although today started with a lot of sunshine, particularly across scotla nd sunshine, particularly across scotland and Northern Ireland, was of the cloud increase in that with herfrom bringing in the rain and as a going to tonight, moving its way southwards, we will all see the rain from it in the rain and as a going to tonight, moving its way southwards, we will all see the rain from it and it will turn to stall through parts of northwest england and wales with some rain here, most persistent into the hills, southeast wilsey some clear spells across parts of southeast england and allowing temperatures to fall close to freezing throughout the touch of frost in some places. Scotland and Northern Ireland will have clear spells the few blustery showers here but overall, it is going to be a milder start tomorrow compared to this morning. But its going to be a cloud day across much of england and wales, not a huge amount of rain, patchy light rain and drizzle through england and wales, around the coast in the hills, and in another area of rain pushing into Northern Ireland and scotland, so yet again, it seems wetter as the day goes on, average wind speeds new bea day goes on, average wind speeds new be a breezy day for england and wales and gus will be higher than this, but despite the cloud in the breeze and tensing some rain, more of us will see double figures in the mid teens and places. As we go through tuesday night against wednesday, the weather front will going to scotland and Northern Ireland and parts of england and wales, the line between milder to the south and colder air to the north of it in the cold air will win out of the week and still blustery showers with quite a strong cold wind running into northern scotland on wednesday it will be a semi spell away from the shower into Northern Ireland. Lots of cloud across england and wales and from that pushing southwards, some patchy rain, so that if you get to see the brightness will be very mild and the main story is turning colder as that area of cloud and rain sinks south and there will be of the corridor air that will win out, still with the weather front closing parts of southern england in south wales but High Pressure is finally building in and the weather is settling down. So the chance to sing some rain for parts of southern england and the south wales were in the week by the weekend, most places are looking to ride but surely especially in the 00 59 28,980 4294966103 13 29,430 frosty nights

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