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Details of how britains prince harry will create a new life with his young family remain unresolved, despite the blessing of his grandmother Queen Elizabeth. The Prime Minister of canada, where harry and megan will spend some of their time, has said there is still much to discuss. In a statement after an emergency meeting with harry, the queen says the duke and duchess of sussex have made clear they do not want to be reliant on public funds. Royal correspondent Nicholas Witchell reports. Within the seclusion of sandringham house, a family meeting, chaired by the queen, and attended by the prince of wales and his two sons, prince william, duke of cambridge, and prince harry, duke of sussex, to discuss how to accommodate the sussexes wish to step away from the royal family. After the talks, the queen issued a statement in which she said she went on to say that whatever the precise reasons for the sussexes disenchantment, its clear from the statement that the royal family is determined to find practical solutions. Many details are still to be worked out. 0n finance, the statement simply says the sussexes dont wish to rely on public funds. And security is one of the complex matters still to be resolved. Before todays talks began, william and harry had come together to denounce a newspaper story which suggested the sussexes felt they had been pushed away by the bullying attitude of william. The story was false, offensive and potentially harmful, the brothers said. Todays talks and tonights statement from the queen have emphasised the familys understanding and sympathy for harry. People who know him believe his loyalties must be in turmoil. I think harry will be hugely conflicted at the moment. He loves his wife. He wants to protect his wife, and she, it would seem, is very unhappy living here in our royal family. 0n the other hand, he was born into the royal family. He has served it. He has served the queen and country in a military setting. He expected to spend his whole life working for the royal firm. And while harry may be conflicted, it appears meghan feels wounded by criticism which, in some cases she believes, has been racially motivated. However, the home secretary believes this is mistaken. Im not in that category at all where i believe there is racism, at all. You know, i think we live in a great country, a great society, full of opportunity, where people of any background can get on in life. As the talks ended and members of the royal family left sandringham tonight, it is clear that there is more work to be done, but the queen says in her statement that she wants final decisions about the sussexes to be reached in the coming days. Nicholas witchell, bbc news, sandringham. British scientists have issued a grim warning about what the australia fires may be telling us about Global Warming. They say the fires would be normal in a world where temperatures have risen by three degrees celsius. And already the worlds average temperature has risen by one point one degrees above temperature has risen by 1. 1 one degrees above pre industrial levels. Theres a consensus among the vast majority of scientists that we need to keep temperatures from rising by more than 1. 5 degrees to prevent the worst aspects of Global Warming. But thats looking increasingly unlikely, and in a world three degrees warmer, according to the hadley centre, part of the uks met office, weather events such as the australia fires would become normal. I spoke just now with professor nerilie abram, climate scientist at the Australian National university in canberra. I think these fires are a real wake up call that we really need to start taking Climate Change seriously. Australias just experienced an extremely hot and extremely dry year, and these are the types of impacts that we can see in a climate where we have only had one degree of Global Warming so far. And yet, in australia, i know, as in other parts of the world, the us for instance, Climate Change divides people almost as brexit divided the uk. People tend to take a visceral position, not necessarily based on facts or logic. What chance that this is some kind of turning point . Well, i do hope that it is a turning point and i think that the conversation in australia has changed because of these fires. I think partly thats because these fires have affected such a huge proportion of the australian population and so people are either directly affected by the fires, theyre affected by the smoke, or theyre seeing places that they know and love being damaged and destroyed and so the conversation here has changed and that, i think, if theres any benefit to come from this, then that does allow us to get that scientific message out and that scientists for more than three decades have been saying that this is a type of thing that Climate Change would do. Youve done an enormous amount of research into this field, youre very experienced this field, are we heading for a world three degrees warmer and what would that world look like . Currently we are in a trajectory where would be expect temperatures, Global Temperatures to be three degrees or more by the end of this century so what were seeing now, in some places, its been described as the new normal, but what we need to remember is that were on an upward trajectory, so at three degrees, this might be a normal year but well still have the extreme years on top of that, and so i think it shows us that we really need to take this seriously and, if you want to reduce the risk in the future, then what we really need to do is to start taking urgent action to reduce green gas emissions and to limit further warming. So professor, quite apart from the fires, which are clearly bad enough, what else would we be seeing and experiencing . Weve also seen reports today coming out with an update of the warming of the oceans and, of course, in australia weve had dire predictions from scientists as to the impacts of that warming ocean is going to see on places like the Great Barrier reef. Ans so if we let warming even get to 1. 5 degrees above the preindustrial level, then we expect that, in large places, the Great Barrier reef will not be able to exist as it currently does. 0bviously thats a huge part of the australian identity and a World Heritage type area were at risk of losing. Smoke from the bushfires will soon circle the earth back to australia, according to nasa. Nasa says plumes from the particularly large blazes around new years day have now crossed south america, turning skies there hazy, and moved halfway around the earth by january the 8th. Massive infernos have raged along australias east coast for months, pushing smoke across the pacific, killing at least 28 people and destroying more than 2,000 homes. Lets get some of the days other news. American officials have again warned against allowing the Chinese Company huawei to participate in 56 telecoms networks. Theyve told British Government ministers it would be madness to use Huawei Technology because of the risk it poses to national security. The Trump Administration has banned huawei from involvement in 56 because it fears the Chinese Government could pressure the company to spy on the United States. Reports from moscow say the libyan general, khalifa haftar, has left the russian capital without signing a ceasefire agreement with the un backed libya government. It comes after a day of intense diplomacy during which russian and turkish intermediaries sought to persuade general haftar and the internationally recognized libyan Prime Minister Fayez Al Serraj to sign a truce. General haftars forces have besieged tripoli for nine months. The us attorney general has announced that 21 Saudi Arabian cadets, on military training courses in the United States, are being sent home. Child pornography or islamist extremist content was found on their computers, during investigations into the Fatal Shooting of three american servicemen by a Saudi Airforce pilot at a Florida Naval base in december. Saudi arabia has said it will consider criminal charges against them. The taal volcano in the philippines is continuing to throw out smoke, ash and lava and authorities are warning of an explosive eruption within hours or days. The volcano is 70km south of the capital city, manila. This is a live shot. You can see how murky it is getting. Around 20,000 people have been evacuated from the area around the volcano, the second most active in the philippines. Taal is on an island in the middle of a lake, and officials have declared a state of calamity there. Howard johnson is there and we got the latest from him a short time ago. You can see behind me the taal volcano still billowing, lots of steam into the air. It alternates between ash and steam. The white cloud indicating more steam, black more ash. And that is being dumped around here. Weve seen it drying off today its a little bit drier conditions so we are using the masks to stop the particles getting into our lungs. We can still smell the sulphurous smell in the air as well. I spoke today to the head of the Philippine Institute of volcanologists and he told me that the activity inside the main crater has been continuous since this eruption on sunday afternoon. And also that there are vents that have opened up on the northern flank of the volcano which is also emitting steam. He said within those fissures he could see small explosions. There has not been as much fountaning of lava as there was the other day but today we are seeing this continuous mix between magma water, heating up the water and billowing it out. Also overnight there were lots of eruptions. So far there have been more than 212 eruptions since this volcano began rather, there have been tremors, 212. That indicates that the magma underneath the volcano is still mixing and moving around which indicates this is still a dangerous situation. Level four out of a maximum of five. If you are in the midst of it, a so called tremor, itjust feels like another earthquake, doesnt it . Many more people fleeing the area . At the moment around 20,000 people have moved out of the area. Those are the latest figures. Theres an exclusion zone just to the right of me, which the police are manning at the moment, it means no one can go into that area or come out. You canjust see, round here, the area has been completely decimated by the ash. Lot of family members have moved out. Yesterday we visited an Evacuation Centre that had around 100 people staying at that centre and the families therre described how they heard this tremendous boom when the volcano first erupted. They saw the flashes of the lightning with the chemicals and the dust mixing above the volcano. They are staying there until they get the green light to move back to the area. As it stands, level four out of five, that means tat there could be an imminent eruption, a dangerous eruption anytime soon, within hours or days according to volcanologists. Stay with us on bbc news, still to come lagos becomes the new gotham, as nigerias comic craze creates local superheroes. Day one of Operation Desert Storm to force the iraqis out of kuwait has seen the most intense air attack since the second world war. Tobacco is americas oldest industry and one of its biggest, but the industry is nervous of this report. This may tend to make people want to stop smoking cigarettes. There is not a street that is unaffected. Huge parts of kobe were simply demolished, as buildings crashed into one another. This woman said she had been given no help and no advice by the authorities. She stood outside the ruins of her business. Tens of thousands of black children in south africa have taken advantage of laws passed by the countrys new multiracial government and enrolled at formerly white schools. Tonight sees the 9,610th performance of the long running play, the mousetrap. When they heard about her death today, the management considered whether to cancel tonights performance, but Agatha Christie would have been the last person to want such a thing. This is bbc world news. The latest headlines Queen Elizabeth backs new roles for harry and meghan, though she says she would have preferred them to continue full time royal duties. A new study by british scientists finds australias bushfires would be the new normal in a world that is just three degrees warmer. The french government has stepped up its contribution to the military campaign against islamic militants in west africa. President macron has promised additional troops and said the French Mission would now function under the same umbrella as the operation run by five regional governments. As bill hayton reports, the move is being seen as a response to increasing levels of violence in the past two months. 3,000 km from west africa, but connected by conflict, the city was a symbolic choice for this summit. Seven of the 13 french soldiers killed in a helicopter accident in mali in november were based there. The leaders of mali, burkina faso, chad, mauritania and niger, the so calld g5, came to pay their respects. Their discussions with president macron took place under a cloud of gloom. Their forces have recently suffered a series of reverses. Translation today more than ever, it is clear that the results were achieving, despite our combined efforts, fall short of the expectations of our peoples, who are experiencing major difficulties. French forces have been deployed in the sahel since 2013. They now operate across five countries, but until now, their command structure has been kept separate. That will now change. Translation the priority is the Islamic State of the greater sahara, which doesnt prevent us from fighting other terrorist groups. But this is the main enemy, because they are the most dangerous. We are now implementing a joint military coalition between our operation and the joint forces of the g5. There is rising anger towards the French Military presence in the sahel, triggered by the growing number of casualties. This summit was intended to bolster the coalition. Governments will have to up their game if theyre to roll back the islamists advance. Iran has denied using live ammunition against protesters on the streets of tehran. Demonstrators are angry at the downing of the ukrainian passengerjet by an iranian missile. Officials say the plane was shot down by accident, killing everyone on board. Videos posted online, though, which the bbc has verified as far as possible, appear to show gunshots during a protest on sunday in central tehran. The protesters chanted slogans aimed at irans clerical rulers. It is nearly a week since iran fired dozens of missiles at air bases housing us forces in iraq in retaliation for the american assassination of irans most senior military figure, qasem soleimani. One of the bases hit was al assad. The bbcs Quentin Sommerville was the only british Tv Correspondent to see the damage. The United States embassy in baghdad, and a coalition chinook on a mission to project american resilience in iraq. The embassy below was under siege, and its bases under attack, but the message to the assembled press pack is america is still a commanding presence here. And thats despite this. God damn new footage, filmed by a us airman, of irans attack on american and Coalition Forces on al asad airbase. Another one, another one the attack lasted two hours. The reason the american Led Coalition has brought us here today is because it wants to show that iran wasnt messing around. This is the crater from one of five missile barrages. Look at the enormous blast that must have come from here, enough to force over these concrete barriers. 0n the other side is a tiny bunker, a concrete bunker. And inside was a us contractor. He was there throughout this attack. These blast walls probably saved his life. America is under pressure in iraq these days, so this counts as a success. Advance warning meant the troops were hunkered down in bunkers. No one died. It is rare for the us, with all its firepower, to be attacked face on with conventional forces here. It was very loud, very loud explosions, just bright white lights. So the shelter that we have, like, its open, so its outside. So you can still see, and you literally see the whole sky light up. And then, about a few seconds later, then youll hear that just tremendous boom. Iraq is now a more dangerous place. It was Qasem Soleimanis assassination which triggered this attack. Foreign troops emerged unscathed, but the same cant be said for their mission. Iraq now wants its foreign guests to leave. Relations between the us and iraq are now a tangled mess. Baghdad says they have a year to clear up and get out. America says it is staying put, and all the while, iran watches and waits. 0n al asad air base, this time they say they were lucky, but america may not see the next attack coming. Quentin sommerville, bbc news, al asad air base, western iraq. The us treasury has declared it will no longer label china a currency manipulator. Officials in washington say china has now made commitments to refrain from the currency devaluation that gives it a competitive advantage. It is a move that has as much political significance as economic, and it is almost certainly connected to the signing expected later this week of a preliminary trade agreement between the two countries. It is 0scar season, and thejoker is smiling. The movie about that creepy comic book character has 11 nominations, while director sam mendes is hoping 2020 will be the year for his world war i epic 1917. But there is controversy about the female directors who were overlooked and the lack of diversity among the nominees. The bbcs arts editor Will Gompertz has been reviewing the nominees, and has this report. To bring laughter and joy to the world. The 0scar nominations are in and, perhaps unsurprisingly for an awards season being criticised for a lack of diversity, the four leading contenders all tell white male stories. Thejoker, a batman origin story, is out in front with 11 nominations. And then there are three films with ten nods each. Sam mendess world war i epic 1917, Martin Scorseses mafia saga the irishman, and Quentin Tarantinos once upon a time in hollywood, about a fading star and his stunt double. So who is going to win what . 0k, larushka, lets get straight down to it and deal with best actress. Whos going to win . Well, interestingly, black british actress Cynthia Erivo is nominated for harriet. She was shut out of all the nominations for the baftas last week. Will she win . I dont think she will. I think Renee Zellwegers got this sewn up forjudy, where she has this amazing, transformative performance asjudy garland. 0k, next up, best actor. I think it has to be Joaquin Phoenix for the joker. You know, i think youre right, but itd be lovely to see Jonathan Price win, wouldnt it . Aw, a brit in there. Your Authority Comes from the fact that you will suffer and die in the job. So, moving on to best supporting actress, who would you like to win . Florence pugh. Not enough to earn a living or to support my family. Rising young british star. Love her in little women. Im with that, but whos going to win . Laura dern, its got to be laura dern. Shes having a fantastic awards season for marriage story. Call, text, communicate in any way, shape or form. And then we have best supporting actor, which is like a dogfight between big hitters. Weve gotjoe pesci and al pacino fighting it out over the same film, the irishman. I know, and then youve got tom hanks for a Beautiful Day in the neighborhood. But i think brad pitt is going to win for once upon a time in hollywood. Are you an actor . No, im a stuntman. Lets move behind the camera to best director, which once again, like the golden globes, like the baftas, is another all male line up. Yes, i was very disappointed about that, though i was cheered to see a korean film in there in the running, for director bong joon ho. His film parasite is there. Though i think its going to be 1917, sam mendes. He hasnt won since american beauty, his debut film in 1999. And so to best film. Theres line up of ten, including little women by greta gerwig. So she does get a mention, although not among the best directors. Who do you think should win, and who do you think will win . Well, id love little women to win, but i think tarantinos once upon a time in hollywood, just because hollywood loves movies about itself. Larushka ivan zadeh speaking to our arts editor Will Gompertz there. When you think of superheroes, you probably think of characters like superman, batman and spider man. They wear capes or masks. Usually they are men, and usually they are white. But, in nigeria, a comic book company is trying to address that with characters who are a lot more diverse. The bbcs tim allman explains. Meet a valiant warrior and an african superhero. He is the main character in a comic book called and trials of the spear, mixing tribal traditions with so called afro futurism. Its part of a movement to put African Comics on the map. The Company Behind it is called comics republic. Based in lagos, they produce books and animation. The mission is to produce african heroes and icons. Its a story about people who have the capacity to do good. And we are big on diversity, and were doing it from the african perspective nigeria, to be particular. This is a chance for superior fans to come together. But it is notjust about buying books. Its about creating them too. Its a big one, its a big deal. People come to discover new talent. People that have come to comic con, they want see what is possible and start a company. The entrepreneurship kicks in, and they can start something of their own. It seems comic books are back in, in nigeria and across the continent. The medium seen as quintessentially american, being reborn in africa. Before we go, there is just time to bring you this story from alaska. A man has been rescued after surviving more than three weeks in the alaskan wilderness with little food or shelter. Tyson steele was stranded after his remote cabin was destroyed by fire. He lived on canned food, and used debris to make a tent in sub zero temperatures. After being alerted by family members, Alaska State Troopers spotted his sos message in the snow. And you can get in touch with me and most of the team on twitter. Hello there. Storm brendan brought some very stong winds and heavy rain to the north and the west of the uk, primarily for Northern Ireland and for western scotland. You can see the system here, wound itself up over the atlantic, lots of isobars on the chart, hence gales with gusts up to 80 90 mph across the north west corner of the uk. These are severe gales, storm force winds, and also heavy rain. And the rain has swept its way northwards and eastwards, eventually clearing away from the south east early on tuesday. Weve got lots of showers packing in behind across the north and west, where snow will fall over the high ground. Watch out for icy patches across the north of the uk to start tuesday morning. A little less cold the further south that you are. We look to the south west, the next area of low pressure, moving up to bring another spell of rain and gales as we head through the course of tuesday. Still stays quite blustery across the north of the uk, as storm brendan continues to retreat northwards. There will be some sunshine through the morning, but then the clouds build and the rain starts to back into the south and the west, pushes northwards. Could be that it could be windy across the eastern side of england as well on tuesday. Stronger winds perhaps than what we saw on monday. 40 50 mph gusts, 65 plus across some of the headlands in the south west. Now, in the north its going to remain quite chilly, with these wintry showers, four or five degrees. But, in the south, 10 13 celsius. It will be quite mild, despite the wind and the rain. That system pushes off into the north sea as we head on into wednesday, and then were in a run of west, south westerly blustery winds, with sunshine and showers. It will take a time for that weather front to clear away from the south east through wednesday morning, but eventually it will and then many of us will see some sunshine. But it will be quite blustery, particularly in the north and west, where there will be wintry showers here. A few showers around the irish sea coast as well. Youll notice the temperatures down a little bit, so it will feel a bit cooler on wednesday, but at least many of us will have the sunshine to compensate. Theres a short lived window of fine weather, because the next frontal system will move up through the south west to bring more wet and windy weather for thursday, so the winds could be quite strong. Some of the heaviest rain in the north and the west of the country. Therell be a bit of sunshine further east, but it looks like the clouds will tend to build up as we move through the day, that rain will be quite heavy in the south west, in towards wales. Again, perhaps a little bit milder in the south, double figure values here. 7 9 degrees further north. And then its all change. To end the week, it looks like High Pressure will begin to move in as that low pressure clears away, so itll settle down. One thing you will notice it will turn colder, particularly as we head on into the weekend. This is bbc news, the headlines Queen Elizabeth has issued a statement about harry and meghans future, saying shed have preferred them to remain on full time royal duties but supports their wish for an independent life, not reliant on public funds. The duke and duchess of sussex plan to split their time between the uk and canada. British scientists publish a grim warning about what the australian fires may be telling us about Global Warming. They say the fires would be the new normal in a world thats three degrees celsius hotter. Already the worlds average temperature has risen by 1. 1 degrees. Thats above preindustrial levels. The taal volcano in the philippines is continuing to throw out smoke, ash and lava, and authorities are warning of an explosive eruption within hours or days. The volcano is 70km south of the capital city, manila. 20,000 people have had to leave their homes

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