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Welcome to bbc news, im simon pusey. Our top stories President Trump defends the killing of irans top military commander in an airstrike. The us says general Qasem Soleimani was actively plotting an attack, and their decision saved hundreds of american lives. We took action last night to stop a war. We did not take action to start a war. As iran vows revenge, tens of thousands of iranians take to the streets in protest. In other news safe at last, relief as the Australian Navy rescues a thousand people whod been trapped on the coast by bush fires. Iran has vowed severe revenge against the United States after the killing of Iranian Military commander Qasem Soleimani. He was blown up outside Baghdad Airport in the early hours of friday morning, on the orders of President Trump. Us Officials Say the general had been plotting to kill americans in the region. Iranian leaders have called the killing an act of International Terrorism. The pentagon is sending an extra three and a half thousand troops to the region. Heres our middle east editorjeremy bowen. This was the moment that the us assassinated Qasem Soleimani and pushed the middle east into a new year and new decade of uncertainty and more danger. The pictures came from a tv station controlled by iran. The attack, from a missile fired from a drone, hit his motorcade as he was being driven out of Baghdad Airport. The us and iran were already fighting a war in the shadows. Neither side wants uncontrolled escalation, but the chances of miscalculation and a lurch into a bigger war have increased. Qasem soleimani was no ordinary foe. For a generation, he was probably americas most capable enemy. His death delivers a blow to the heart of the iranian regime. For many years, soleimani built up irans power outside its borders and made it, and himself, a major player in iraq, syria and lebanon. He was a talisman for iranian hardliners who have been rocked to their core. Theyll want to get even perhaps more than that. Last sunday, american air strikes killed 25 members of kataib hezbollah, an Iraqi Militia armed and trained by soleimanis quds organisation, after an American Contractor was killed in a militia attack. The militiamen, undoubtedly on soleimanis orders, marched on the us embassy in baghdad and attacked its perimeter. The militias he created were a vital part of the fight against thejihadists of Islamic State but they are also one way that iran projects power abroad. The huge american compound is a fortress and it wasnt breached but the attacks goaded and threatened the trump administration. The americans are rushing in reinforcements to the middle east 3,750 so far. Us civilians told by their government to get out as soon as they can. But trump wanted to press home an american advantage. His reign of terror is over. Soleimani has been perpetrating acts of terror to destabilise the middle east for the last 20 years. What the United States did yesterday should have been done long ago. We took action last night to stop a war. We did not take action to start a war. In baghdad, some iraqis celebrated the killing. For weeks, Anti Government demonstrators have been demanding an end to iranian influence in iraq. In tehran, ayatollah ali khamenei, irans Supreme Leader, visited Qasem Soleimanis widow. He said severe revenge awaits the criminals. Iranian hardliners are devastated. The spokesman for soleimanis Republican Guard corps was highly emotional in a tv interview. So were regime supporters on the streets. Qasem soleimani was their hero at a time when they see themselves surrounded by enemies. Iran was already under severe pressure from us sanctions. President trump might be gambling that he has so weakened iran that it will rage but not hurt the us badly. That assumption could be dangerous and wrong. Jeremy bowen, bbc news. Irans foreign minister has condemned the killing of qasem solemaini. Speaking to a persian tv channel, Mohammad Zarif said his country will respond to the attack. Translation iran has the right to retaliate whenever it wants to end whenever it feels it is the right time. We will not be blackmailed by the americans. We will act whenever and however our leadership wants. So iran is vowing to avenge general soleimanis death, what kind of retaliation could there be . Heres our chief International Correspondent lyse doucet. Iran has many ways and many means to strike back and judging by its past military operations, its response will be carefully calibrated. It will be carefully calibrated. It will want to be seen to reply in equal measure to what it has described as a declaration of war but it wants to avoid a direct military confrontation with the United States, which it knows could push this region into an ever more unpredictable and deadly escalation. So its next move could possibly, through some of its many proxies across this region, possibly in iraq, whether us forces, us targets, where i am now in afghanistan where us forces are also based. But given that irans vast intelligence network, it could also take place in another part of the world, far from irans borders, but iran will want to have an operation that shocks and surprises at a time of its own choosing but stopped short of an all out war. But the repercussions of this major turning point other question of days, weeks, or even months. This will play out across this region for many years. And within the past few hours Iraqi Television says theres been another air strike, this time targetting a convoy of vehicles belonging to an iranian backed militia. It happened on the taji road north of baghdad. A Para Military group, known as iraqs Popular Mobilisation forces reportedly claimed that an air strike hit a convoy of medics. Lets speak now to our correspondent david willis. David, according to donald trump, the strike was to stop a war not start a war . Yes, absolutely. And indeed resident trump makes the point that the american operation that killed Qasem Soleimani will save american lives while his detractors contained the exact opposite. Mr trump also making the point today that Qasem Soleimani was planning a big offensive against military personnel or diplomats in the middle east, therefore making the middle east, therefore making the point that by killing him, the us was taking defensive measures. The United States has failed to back that claim, the claim thats all the money was plotting a new offensive with any sort of intelligence information, however thus far, despite calls from congress for it to do so and some misgivings among certain elements of congress that they were not briefed in advance of this attack on Qasem Soleimani. 3000 further trips being sent by the United States to the area, that is not going to stabilise tensions, is it . I guess they are there to defend us interests and allies, but it is not an offensive move, that . Exactly, and of course we have a president here who was elected on a promise, lets not forget, to withdraw american troops from the region and end american involvement in wars overseas. Here we have more trips going on, the pentagon talking of 3000 plus as a result of the increased tensions following this attack, and of course there are about 5000 american troops still in iraq, who are perhaps potential targets, now, should there be any sort of response, any reprisals, from the iranians. So i dont know whats going to happen now as far as thatis whats going to happen now as far as that is concerned but certainly there is a lot of concern on the pa rt there is a lot of concern on the part of democrats in congress, that this could prove to be a reckless move on the part of the trump administration, simon. You mentioned the democrats there. The reaction to this in america has been somewhat along party lines. It hasnt been that simple . Very much so. We have seen that simple . Very much so. We have seen democrats content this attack isa seen democrats content this attack is a reckless event. Joe biden, who was in the rest of his partys president ial nomination said that the action against sm seller money has tossed a stick of dynamite into a tinderbox, there has been similar reactions from Bernie Sanders and elizabath warren, reactions from Bernie Sanders and eliza bath warren, and reactions from Bernie Sanders and elizabath warren, and calls, of course, for the white house to articulate its overall strategy as far as articulate its overall strategy as faras iran is articulate its overall strategy as far as iran is concerned, where does the white house go from here and what does it do, if indeed, iran does decide to retaliate. David willis live in los angeles, thank you. To stay with us here, we will have more on the story later. Oil from the broken tanker erika would head out to sea. It didnt. The worlds tallest skyscraper opens later today. The burj dubai has easily overtaken its nearest rivals. This is bbc world news, the latest headlines President Trump defends the killing of irans top military commander Qasem Soleimani, insisting that washington is not looking for regime change. Irans Supreme Leader has vowed severe revenge on those responsible for the death of the iranian general. More now on that story. Jamal abdi is president of the National Iranian american council, a lobby group dedicated to promoting greater understanding between the american and iranian peoples. He joins me from washington. Thanks a lot for coming on. Is a big fairfor thanks a lot for coming on. Is a big fair for you thanks a lot for coming on. Is a big fairfor you now thanks a lot for coming on. Is a big fair for you now the thanks a lot for coming on. Is a big fairfor you now the power vacuum that has opened up iran and who fills that . Yes, that is a big fair, because even bigger than the imminent response of the iranians and the potential for an escalatory cycle a nd and the potential for an escalatory cycle and a full blown war, even if that doesnt come to fruition, what yesterdays actions may have done was cemented this pathway that donald trump has put the United States and iran on. It is very difficult to see a diplomatic offramp given these new circumstances, and inside of iran, those who are arguing for negotiation and trying to seek a return by the us to the nuclear deal, already very much weakened, and now they have been completely undercut and i dont see how they have any Political Capital to argue that there is any prospect for talks oi that there is any prospect for talks ora that there is any prospect for talks or a little solution with washington. Donald trump says he doesnt want warburton escalation of violence seems pretty likely. Do you think there has not been really cognitive thinking in the us or long term thinking and it is much more reactionary . Look forward to this administration engaging in some cognitive thinking at some point in time. We havent seen it quite yet on iran. The soleimani assassination is really the combination of a maximum pressure strategy that was not a strategy at all. It was a series of tactics and at pressuring the iranians government to do what . Nobody really knows stopping the administration has eight times make at times said it would look to change the entire nature of the regime, abandon Nuclear Weapons which they already had which trump had abandoned himself, so trying to do some form of logic, it really seems that donald trump wanted a photo op with the iranians, he didnt get it, and we are stuck on this escalation pathway, and now i think that he has gone so far that there is no coming back, at least for donald trump. Hopefully not for his successor of the administration. Instability in the region is obviously a big concern at the moment, more than ever, and yet hundreds of iraqis were out in baghdad celebrating the news last night. A very its complex situation because you have on i handed, those who celebrate Qassem Soleimani as probably the official most responsible for the defeat of isis and inside iran, he is a part ofa repressive infrastructure but on the other hand, is viewed as a protector of irans territorial integrity. And someone of irans territorial integrity. And someone who has prevented iran from becoming somewhere like syria, iraq, afghanistan. And so i think that the response of this, inside of a run, properly one of fear and uncertainty and outside of the region, i think that you have many different actors on the views on whether this benefits them or not. The bottom line is it does not inject stability into the situation. Is going to be very interesting to see how iran and its allies respond to that and is no doubt will be checking back in with you on this topic. There is jamal, the president of the National Iranian council. You can find much more about this story on our website, including more information about Qassem Soleimani and why the us decided to kill him. Just log on to bbc. Com news. Other news now in the last few minutes, the australian Prime Minister has confirmed that 23 people have died in the bushfire crisis since september. Among the latest victims are two people who were killed on Kangaroo Island off the coast of South Australia where an emergency warning has been issued. This fire tornado was filmed on the island and is feared that bushfires could consume the entire national park. Meanwhile, more than a thousand people have been safely evacuated by navy ships from the town of mallacoota. Prime minister Scott Morrison says the country is entering a critical few days. There are now scores of fires burning across New South Wales and victoria. Our correspondent Shaimaa Khalil reports now from sussex inlet, just over a hundred miles south of sydney. For the first time in days, nearly a thousand tourists and residents can breathe a little more easily as theyre finally moved to safety. The navy has stepped in to rescue those who were stranded on the beach in mallacoota when they were encircled by an uncontrollable fire on monday. A state of disaster has been declared in eastern victoria ahead of tomorrows extreme conditions. Up to 100,000 residents are being told to evacuate. If you can leave, you must leave. That is the only safe thing for you, yourfamily, and, indeed, for others who may be called to your assistance. We cannot guarantee your safety. In New South Wales, the message is the same. Fire authorities have said that saturdays blazes could be as bad as, if not worse, than those of new years eve. In the coastal town of batemans bay, firefighters are racing to protect those who have decided to stay. Despite the warnings, geoff and pamela zorbas decided they are not leaving their small town of sussex inlet. Hopefully its not going to be as bad as theyre predicting but weve got the hoses ready and we just hose the house down if the embers come. And if the fires do hit hard, weve got a boat here. Were going tojump in the boat and were going to get out to sea. Illjust take the family and the dogs and away we go. Jay martin is also staying put to defend his house and to help friends and neighbours. He tells me the anticipation of disaster is what worries him. Waiting. Thats the hardest part. Weve been at it for two weeks and its just waiting. And theres people doing it a lot tougher than me. Ive just been waiting and helping out, just getting through tomorrow and hope it all passes and we get a bit of rain on monday. A blaze has just started on the bush in this area, just beyond that tree line. Firefighters are watching closely here. Their concern is that, with the wind picking up, this could travel very fast and get here. Theyve been patrolling the area and making sure that properties are protected. Thats really the main aim. Politically, this has been a rough ride for the Prime Minister, whos been regularly criticised for how he has handled the bushfire crisis. And its notjust the residents who have made their feelings clear. I dont really want to shake your hand. Scott morrison said he understood the anger but was focusing on the task in hand. Our concerns are obviously now looking out over the next sort of 2a, 48 hour period. This is a ferocious fire that is still out there and the climatic conditions are going to be very difficult to contain that in the next 2a to 48 hours. That is why the evacuation messages are so incredibly important. There is a real sense of dread here about what will happen in these coming hours. At a time when many had planned family holidays, australians now wait for yet another firestorm to blaze through. Shaimaa khalil, bbc news, on the Southern Coast of New South Wales. Lets get some of the days other news indonesian authorities are turning to the technique of cloud seeding to try to stop more rain falling in the flood hit capitaljakarta. Planes have been sent to inject chemicals into clouds in an effort to alter the storms that have left large areas underwater. At least 43 people are known to have died, with some 192,000 evacuated from their homes. French police have shot dead a knifeman who killed one person and injured at least two others in a surburb south of paris. Police said the man attacked several people in a park in the town of veel jweef which is five miles from central paris. He then fled the scene which was near a supermarket before police said the knifeman was neutralised. A former Mexican Security minister, Genaro Garcia luna, has pleaded not guilty in a new york court to accusations of taking bribes to allow the Sinaloa Cartel to ship drugs into the United States. He was arrested in texas in december after a former Cartel Member testified that he had twice met him to hand over suitcases holding at least 6 million. The husband of british iranian dual National Nazanin Zaghari Ratcliffe says hes worried for his wife after the assassination of the iranian general Qassem Soleimani. Mrs Zaghari Ratcliffe has been held in iran since 2016, when she was arrested and accused of spying. Our correspondent Charlotte Gallagher has been speaking to her husband, richard, who gave his reaction to the death of the general in this mornings us air stirke. Shock is probably the honest reaction. Its the revolutionary guard that hold nazanin. What does that mean for nazanin . Its not clear. It probably means an escalation and foreboding for everyone in the region, and we are all watching in different ways. Theres probably a concern at a selfish level of what this means for nazanins case and tension increasing is always bad for a solution you know, someone being released soon. There is always the worry that things could get worse. At times it seemed that you were making progress and nazanin would be released quite soon, and then you go backwards. It must be really hard for you personally. Weve had lots of near misses and missed opportunities. The longer this has gone on, the more worried you are things could escalate in a bad way. We are obviously not hopeful at the moment. Just before christmas, nazanin had her parole refused, so we were feeling like there has been no good news for a while, and i was getting ready to push the Prime Minister and the government to do more and be a lot more assertive. In some ways, that still feels the right thing to do but absolutely the wrong time at the moment. How is nazanin doing in prison at the moment . I spoke to her on Christmas Day and new years day. She was, as you might expect, fairly low on both occasions, partly because its a family occasion where she is still stuck in prison. And in some ways, this year was different for us because it was the first year we had gabriella back, so life was moving on for me and gabriella, and we were celebrating in a way that wasnt true last year. And in a way, it adds its complexities if you are sitting in a prison cell where that doesnt happen. The added thing this year was that she was on Hunger Strike both days, in solidarity with kylie moore gilbert. So it was. Tough conversations, she was fairly glum and i dont know how shes reacting to the latest events. Its hard in prison not to feel despairing at small things, so a big thing, im sure, will be taking her low. Do you think it gives her hope that when things like this happen today, a lot of people were saying how will this affect nazanin . She is still fresh in peoples minds even though it has been a few years and she was put in prison. I think that is absolutely right. The fact that people care and follow her, remember our story, think of her in tough times is only good for keeping her safe but also good for morale and for knowing that people care. And we wouldnt have got this far without the care and kindness of people out there. Richard ratcliffe, husband of Nazanin Zaghari ratcliffe, speaking to Charlotte Gallagher. Several people have been injured after a bull ran wild at a new years festival in peru. It happened in the city of wan kav el eeka. Bullfighting and running with bulls are popular in the country, but Animal Rights groups say they are cruel and inhumane. The bbcs tim allman has more. Even by the standards of this festival. This scene is pretty chaotic. The bull is let loose in an open field and is allowed to pretty much run wild. This the almost inevitable result, people thrown around like rag dolls. Others are gored, lucky that only their clothes had been torn. It is all part of a four day religious festival held to celebrate the new year. Locals call it a much loved tradition. Critics insist it is cruel and the animals are clearly distressed. Often following an event like this, the bulls are taken away to face a matador and almost certainly an untimely demise. This a controversial some say and upsetting end. A raging bull that rages no more. Lets bring you a reminder of the top story now and President Trump has said that the iranian general Qassem Soleimani was killed is to prevent him from carrying out attacks against the United States. Iran has vowed to take retaliatory action. You thank you for watching as they tune on bbc news. Hello there. Despite some Early Morning rain in the south east and Gale Force Winds in the northern isles, for many it was a better day and more sunshine for many that we have seen this year. We can see this from the weather watch picture that has been sent there was the Early Morning clouds that eased away. Clear skies behind and just some showery clouds from the far north. With those clear skies continuing overnight, it means a chilly start to our saturday morning. Low single figures in the south east, a touch of light frost in sheltered rural parts as well. Saturday shaping up to be a reasonable day. As High Pressure builds from the south, across the top of the high we have those weak weather fronts and always a bit more of a breeze with the isobars squeezing together here. Generally speaking, it is not looking like a bad weekend at all. Sheltered eastern areas perhaps seeing the best of the brightness. Some sunshine across eastern scotland and england. The cloud thick enough in the west for a spot or two of drizzle and into the far north west with that weather front never too far away. Maybe some persistent showery rains and strengthening winds here. Temperatures at around 8 10 degrees and that is down from what weve seen of late but still not too bad really for this time of year. As we move out of saturday and into sunday, a High Pressure system starting to drift off into the near continent. Again these weather fronts creeping in across the top of the high and again those isobars still a feature. The winds will strengthen and start to swing around to more of a south westerly direction on sunday. Again, always the risk of more clouds along the west facing coasts. Persistent drizzle and rain in the far north west but again sheltered south and off eastern areas seeing some sunshine and temperatures at around 9 12 degrees as the high. As we move out of sunday and into the start of the new working week, we have to look high up into the atmosphere. Yes, the jet stream. It looks like it may turn into quite a powerfuljet and that is going to be responsible for driving areas of low pressure across the uk. It does look as though we are set for an unsettled spell of weather at the start of the new working week. Not one weather front to sweep through only to be replaced by another. It does look like its going to be wet and increasingly windy with plenty of isobars on the chart. Potentially on tuesday quite a stormy spell with gales likely and some of that rain quite heavy. Enjoy the weekend if you can. This is bbc news the headlines President Trump says the us killed irans top military commander, Qassem Soleimani, to stop a war, not to start one. In a televised address, mr trump said the us had killed the number one terrorist in the world. He said soleimani had been plotting imminent attacks. The iranian government said it would retaliate against what it called an act of International Terrorism by the United States at a time and place of its choosing. Many World Leaders have said the killing of general soleimani could lead to serious consequences for regional and global security. New south wales fire commissioner has warned saturday will be a long and difficult day for everybody, as bushfires continue to burn out of control. Theres been a similar warning from the fire chief in victoria, as australia faces possibly its worst day yet in a summer of wildfires. Two more labour mps have announced they are joining

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