Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20170629

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The difference between democracy and a wet haddock. That and other observations. Good evening and welcome to bbc news. The judge appointed to lead the inquiry into the Grenfell Tower tragedy has promised to leave no Stone Unturned as he tries to get to the truth of what happened. Sir martin moore bick, a retired appeal courtjudge, has been asked by the Prime Minister to produce an interim report as early as possible. But sir martin has said he is doubtful the process will be as wide ranging as some residents hope. Our Home Affairs Correspondent tom symonds reports. A coucil in turmoil. Our reputation is absolutely in the gutter. Kensington and chelsea was forced to abandon a meeting this evening, when journalists were allowed in. Councillors decided they werent prepared to speak freely, their lawyers had warned it could even interfere with the coming public inquiry. An inquiry which will be led by a seniorjudge. His background already scrutinised by the government, today he faced the media. Ive never seen anything like that building, which is now completely gutted so that you can see through it in many places. Im absolutely determined that this inquiry will be open and full and will cover all the ground, so that we reach conclusions that are reliable and can prevent anything like this happening again. The chairman, sir martin moore bick, was born in wales and went to Christs College cambridge before becoming a barrister. He was appointed to the high court as a judge of 1995, hearing commercial cases, and to the court of appeal, the Second Highest Court in england and wales, in 2005. People here are desperate for answers. The Prime Minister has said she would like an interim reports within months. Today, the judge said that could include details of how the fire started, why it spread so fast, and the response. But, he said, even that could take up to a year. After all, the remit of the inquiry has still to be decided by the government. The cause of the fire will clearly be a core topic, but that involve delving deep into the regulations governing tower block safety, and the pressure to examine social and political causes is unlikely to go away. Well, ive had a brief conversation with some of the residents. He spent several hours listening to the views of survivors and local people, but already he and they appear to have different views of the inquirys aims. He may certainly get to the bottom of, you know, what caused the fire to spread so quickly. Whether he will get to the bottom of who is responsible for causing the fire in the first place, is a different matter, and thats the one thats really concerning residents at present. We want a wider inquiry, the one that would include the issues that were raised before. So basically the attitude towards people. Theres a feeling around the tower that he should examine whether warnings about fire safety were ignored because the community had no voice. Whether my inquiry is the right way in which to achieve that, im more doubtful, and ill give that some thought and in due course make a recommendation. But there may be other ways in which that desire for an investigation can be satisfied, otherwise than through the work that im going to do. So you may not be able to give them the very wide inquiry they appear to be looking for . Maybe not. Local people will be consulted about the inquirys remit, but the chairman will have to keep their support. Inquiries like this can go wrong the Child Abuse Inquiry lost three chairs. His newjob is not an easy one. Tom symonds, bbc news, west london. Meanwhile, the leader of kensington and Chelsea Council has told bbc londons Political Editor tim donovan that he didnt want to be drawn on whether he should stay on or not. Thats not a matter for today. Thats something we will look at in due course. Myjob at the moment is to make sure that the council has a head that can be recognised. Im the public face of the council and i need to be seen to be making sure that the proper response to peoples lives, that have been so devastated by this tragedy, is in place. Would you accept tragedy, is in place. Would you a cce pt to tragedy, is in place. Would you accept to be leader in six months time . Thats not a matter im ready to discuss now and its not a matter for me. But would you be prepared to be leading the conservatives into the election next year for control of the council . I understand you wa nt to of the council . I understand you want to go down that road. I think at the moment it will actually demean the lives that have been lost by getting too much into the political future of either me or anybody else. The leader of chelsea and Kensington Council speaking to tim donovan. Women from Northern Ireland will no longer have to pay for abortions provided by the nhs in england. The concession was made by ministers to avoid a conservative rebellion in votes on the queens speech. The Governments Legislative Programme for the coming two years was eventually passed by a majority of 14 votes in the house of commons. The majority was gained with the support of the democratic unionists, as our Political Editor Laura Kuenssberg reports. What she wants you to see. The Prime Minister, on the red carpets of europe. Everybodys in a good mood. Everyone in a good mood, her german colleague says. But at home, hard work. To avoid being humbled by the house of commons, with mps threatening defeat. The chancellor of the exchequer. Phillip hammond. Ministers had to make a last minute promise that women from Northern Ireland who go to england for abortions wont have to pay. The government. Intends to intervene to Fund Abortions in england for women arriving here from Northern Ireland. It is welcome that the government is now saying they will correct this injustice. However, he will know, as everybody know, the devil will be in the detail. And ministers had to do that billion pound deal with the dup to get their numbers, to fury, even on their own side. I can barely put into words my anger at the deal my party has done with the dup. We didnt need to do it. But. What is grubby about money being put into the infrastructure of Northern Ireland to promotejobs . Money going into the Health Service of Northern Ireland . Money going into education . Whats grubby about that . The Prime Minister returned this afternoon to help pass the vote to improve her governments programme, stripped of its most controversial measures. In the back. Are you hanging on, Prime Minister . And then out at the front to face the oppositions main complaint. It cannot ensure that when people go to work, they have enough to live on. It cant maintain our public services. Thats a government that doesnt deserve to remain in office. I do not see, mr speaker, how the nations of the uk can cope with the drastic economic hit that will come as a result of brexit. Is there a determination to stand up to the most powerful, as she promised at Downing Street . To coin a phrase, the answer is no, no, no. Nice and smiley, keep going but labour itself faced embarrassment. Nearly 50 of this number defied the leadership, voting for a Brexit Amendment that failed, with three Shadow Ministers fired over the vote. Yet it was the government that was repeatedly on the back foot. Taking the hard decisions that will Set Britain On Course to seize the prizes and achieve a brighter global future. The case that, in the end, had its way. The ayes have it, the ayes have it. But tonight and for some time, wins that will be cobbled together. No sign of cruising to any victories. You could almost hear the sighs of relief from number ten. Had it been defeated, this fragile administration could well have collapsed. Yet with no overall majority and less authority, ministers know that even as they win tonight, it is parliament and not the Prime Minister that can really show its power in the months ahead. Laura kuenssberg, bbc news, parliament. Talks on setting up a new Power Sharing Executive in Northern Ireland have been extended after the parties failed to Reach Agreement by the deadline today. Downing street says discussions between sinn fein and the democratic unionists will continue until monday. If there is no agreement by then, there could be a rule from westminster. The Northern Ireland secretary could give the parties more time to negotiate or call an assembly election. The Islamic State group is facing defeat in mosul, its last Big Powerbase in iraq. Government forces say theyre finally set to recapture the entire city. Its three years to the day since is declared a global caliphate. After prolonged battles and countless military offe nsives, is has been pushed back to the cities of raqqa in syria and mosul in iraq. This report from our correspondent 0rla guerin and Cameraman Nicolas Hameon On The Frontline in the old city of mosul. Gunfire covering fire, as troops dart into position. Wejoined them, pushing forward but keeping low. Theres an is sniper ahead. They can see his hiding place, and he can see them. A heavily armed brigade from iraqs Emergency Response division, held up by the snipers creed. 0ne shot, one kill. But they manage to press on across the rubble of a hospital complex, treacherous terrain, closing in on the last remaining is fighters. This was their main base in mosul. Some are in the next building. But not for long. Please warn unit two that those is guys are on the move, he says. Thank god we dont have any injuries now. A Coalition Air strike adding to the embers of battle. This is the final push forward against the so called Islamic State. Its a gruelling advance here in the heat and the dust. This battle has dragged on for more than eight months. Weve just been told that three is fighters have fled from the building right in front of us. But its clear that most of the militants who remain will fight till the finish. But so will the troops who are determined to bury the Islamic State where it was born, in mosul. Iraq has paid a high price for this battle, losing many Young Brothers in arms. Translation we lost many fighters here, all of them young. I miss them. Their families miss them, and the country misses them, but they didnt die for nothing, they died for this country. And today another fallen soldier carried from the battlefield, after troops reached whats left of the al noori mosque. A 12th century treasure. It was here the is leader proclaimed himself ruler of all muslims. Is blew up the mosque last week. The liberation of mosul may be at hand, but it wont free everyone here. At least not from their memories. Mohammed abdul karim was held at this makeshift right behind his own house, just for repairing mobiles. They brought a prisoner here and tied him to a tree. They poured water all over his body. Then they brought two electric cables and shocked him until he fainted. They woke him and did it again. He told us that man was one of two he witnessed being tortured to death. Mosul is emerging from the shadows after three long years of tyranny. The caliphate now lies in ruins where it was declared, but the is ideology has long since spread from here, bringing anguish to cities including london and manchester. In this battle of our times, there are many front lines. 0rla guerin, bbc news, mosul. Now on bbc news, its time for newsnight with evan davies. Did we get the rightjudge . Grenfell residents wonder whether this man, picked to run the inquiry into the fire, is going to run away from the difficult questions. From my brief meetings with residents of the tower and local people, its quite clear that many of them will have evidence to give that will be of great value to the inquiry. The question is whether this is to be an inquiry into the fire, or into the dysfunctions of a society that allowed the fire to happen. Well ask what it will take for the inquiry to earn the confidence of those affected by it. Feeling like you havent had a pay rise in a while . Can the Chief Economist at the Bank Of England explain whats been going on . 20 years ago he was waving goodbye to the british colony. Today, the last Governor Of Hong Kong gives us his view on sino british diplomatic relations, and has this to say about the chinese ambassador. You should feel rather sad for him because hes been here several years and he doesnt know the difference between democracy and a wet haddock. Hard to believe but the iphone is about to be ten years old. Its undeniably useful, but how do we really feel about being electronically tagged . Its like a really narcissistic, clingy girlfriend who always wants my attention

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