Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20170604

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For a new approach. There is far too much tolerance of extremism in our country so we need to become far more robust in identifying it and stamping it out across the and society. Our priority must be Public Safety. Another will take whatever action necessary to protect the security of our people and our country. During the day, several homes were raided in barking. It is thought for the people arrested are women. 4. Ariana grande, coldplay and Liam Gallagher were among the stars taking part in a concert in manchester. Stars from Around The World took part in the event. Many songs were dedicated to the people affected by the victims of an attack ata affected by the victims of an attack at a concert by Ariana Grande. Later we will be looking at what is making headlines in the papers. Good evening. Good morning and welcome to bbc news. Seven people were killed and Dozens Injured in a Terror Attack in london carried out by three men who were shot dead by police. It was britains second major terror incident in the space of 12 days and began just after ten oclock last night. It began just after 10 oclock last night when a hired van was used to knock down pedestrians on London Bridge. Three men wearing fake Suicide Vests then left the vehicle and began stabbing people in pubs and bars in nearby borough market. Within 8 minutes the three men had been confronted and shot dead by police. A member of the public was also injured in the exchanges. During the day 12 people were arrested in barking in east london following a series of raids. And the Prime Minister speaking in Downing Street called for a new approach to combat the Single Evil Ideology Of Islamist Extremism. We start with our home editor mark easton, whose report does include some distressing images. Clear the area now and a country cried please not again. It is the first news reports began to break. We are hearing tonight that British Armed police have attended an incident at London Bridge, we dont know anything more at this stage. Atjust after ten last night, three men in a white van drove at speed across London Bridge, determined to kill the spirit of the capital. Oh, my god. A white van came speeding, 50 mph, it turned into the pavement, hit about three people in front of me. Oh, my god close the door. Close the door. There was people just lying everywhere on the bridge, just people trying to help each other out, people bleeding, there was just blood everywhere. Having deliberately mown down pedestrians, the three men got out of the van, knives in their hands, murder on their minds. He went and up and started stabbing this girl, i couldnt do nothing, mate. They were running up, going, this is for allah, and they stabbed this girl i dont know how many times, ten, 15 times. They attacked her, and they stabbed another guy, they went up the road, i started going, everybody go, terrorists, they were stabbing everyone. He just stabbed this person if they got up, stabbed them again, move onto the next person. I was staring at them from the balcony, just thinking, how could someone do such a thing . Armed police were on the scene within minutes, as the three men moved towards the bars and restaurants of borough market, they were running in all the pubs and bars, stabbing people, i. I was throwing things at them, pint glasses. People were throwing chairs, it seemed like chairs and glasses were going in both directions. These four friends were settling down for a meal in a Mexican Restaurant when the three knifemen arrived. Three men came in, one pulled out a knife and stabbed one of the girls sitting closest to the door, i think she was only 17. I got a glimpse of a guy with a knife, and before i knew it the doors were shut, we were at the back of the restaurant. So you saw him . Briefly, a glimpse. People were very scared, they began to run, knocking tables over to try to get out the way, and then very quickly, as we said, the men in the restaurant put the shutters down. In the early hours of this morning, claudia and liam, given refuge in a strangers flat, told me what they saw from their apartmentjust above a pub the attackers are targeted on their killing spree. We looked out the window, people were running everywhere, we heard that there had been a stabbing. It was when i saw lots of people running down into the underground that i thought it was more serious, because it was mass panic, notjust a fight, it was something serious. One young guy seemed to come out of the pub, and he was knocking on the window of the ambulance, saying, you have to help my friend, hes been stabbed, he is in the pub. Whether that was inside or outside, i dont know, but he said my friends been stabbed. There was another guy, probably in his 40s, On The Other Side of the ambulance, knocking on the other window, saying ive been stabbed, and he was covered in blood, he said, ive been stabbed five times, help me. He must have been in shock, because he seemed very calm. He had his shirt open, all this side was pure blood, it was just around his neck. He was knocking on the window saying, you have to help me. At this time, police cars were still heading to London Bridge, apparently unaware of where the attackers were. This one guy walked out in the road, managed to grab the attention of one of the police cars and basically forced them down that road, saying, you have to go down there, hes down there, and so this one police 4x4 screeched down stoney street, and then easily within five seconds there were six gunshots, or what sounded like six clear gunshots. Gunfire. Six rounds, two attackers dead. Then, witnesses suggest, another volley of bullets as the third attacker was shot and killed, all within eight minutes of the first call to police. It seemed like a big attack was happening, so we wanted to keep the door locked. So i wasjust having a. Must have been terrifying. It was terrifying i was having a mental battle between either the idea of an explosion coming through the floor or us being on the street, which one do we do . So i shouted down and said, what should we do . One of the Police Officers said, you have to get out of the building now. It was an attack notjust on individuals but on our way of life the killers targeted people having fun, enjoying the freedoms of a diverse and liberal city. With daybreak, Tales Of Bravery and heroism emerged from the horrors of the previous night. I heard truly remarkable stories of extraordinarily brave actions by officers on and off duty, who were first on the scene. I also heard of colleagues from other Emergency Services, and members of the public who ran towards the danger as this incident unfolded. Many, many people risked their own safety to help others, and to treat those seriously injured and indeed to confront the suspects involved. The Prime Minister addressed the nation from Downing Street, also paying tribute to the work of the Emergency Services. On behalf of the people of london and the whole country, i want to thank and pay tribute to the professionalism and bravery of the police and the Emergency Services, and to the courage of members of the public who defended themselves and others from the attackers. And our thoughts and prayers are with the victims, and with their friends, families and loved ones. But mrs may was notjust reflecting a nations shock she promised the outrage would be met by a response. It is time to say, enough is enough. Everybody needs to go about their lives as they normally would. Our society should continue to function in accordance with our values. But when it comes to taking on extremism and terrorism, things need to change. London is still trying to come to terms with the awful events, to understand what happened. This was an appalling act of terror, where innocent londoners and visitors were enjoying a night out in London Bridge and borough market, and were deliberately targeted by these cowardly terrorists. Barricaded in bars and restaurants for two hours or more, police finally let people leave for home in the early hours, hands on their heads just in case an attacker was still among them. They were shouting, put your hands on your head, were visible. I just want people to know this is not what london is like, we are a strong, welcome, caring city, and this is a terrible thing to happen, but it wont stop us living our lives, really. London bridge is falling down, the song goes but london appears determined to stand up to those who would divide it. Four Police Officers were among those injured in the course of the attack. One was off duty, and was stabbed as he struggled with one of the attackers. Another was a British Transport Police officer who, despite being unarmed, confronted one of the suspects. Its been confirmed that people from france, spain, australia and new zealand are also among those injured. And tonight the first victim has been named as Christine Archibald from canada. Our correspondent Sarah Campbell reports on the people caught up in last nights attack. Daniel oneill, whos 23, is recovering in hospital, one of the many pub and restaura nt goers attacked at random. The shock and anger is palpable from his mother. Hed just stepped outside the barfor a second, and a man ran up to him and said, this is for my family, this is for islam, and stuck a knife straight in him. Hes got a seven inch scar going from his belly round to his back. Im still in shock, i still cant quite believe its happened. Absolutely senseless, the attacks. And these people say theyre doing it in the name of god, which is an absolute joke. The First Commandment is thou shalt not kill. All faiths share that belief. If it wasnt religion, theyd find some other excuse. Theyre callous, theyre barbaric. And theyre absolute cowards. There are many more victims. Brett freeman a father of three was stabbed four times on is still in hospital. Geoff ho is currently in Intensive Care after being stabbed in the neck. Today, colleagues at the Sunday Express Newspaper described him as an absolutely first class reporter, and a fine and decent man. He focuses on other people. He loves other people and he featured in help, he would. Initially, the injured were taken to five different hospitals across london, including here at st thomas. This is a cosmopolitan city, and thats very much reflected in the nationalities of those who found themselves caught up in last nights attack. It is now known french citizen were killed and a canadian. Her family said she would have no understanding of the callous cruelty that caused her death. New zealander oliver dowling, according to a Facebook Post by his sister, has been operated on after being stabbed multiple times. Australian candice hedge, who reportedly worked in a local restaurant, was having a meal with her boyfriend when she was attacked. Also injured, four Police Officers one from the British Transport Police, and three from the metropolitan police force. One of the met officers, who was off duty at the time, tackled one of the armed men, and remains in a serious condition. The Emergency Services have been praised for their quick response. People feel sympathy with the victims, it could have happened to any of us, it could not be foreseen and the patients were extremely shocked. This 19yearold american student found himself desperately tried to stem the flow of blood from a man shot in the head. At that point we knew that we needed to somehow apply pressure onto the womb to stop at a little bit so that is when we took off my belt and used it to stop the flow of blood. We are supposed to hear he survived . Very. I could not sleep wondering if he made it. The list of names and faces of those injured or killed will grow longer. Each one, an innocent bit them. As we mentioned earlier, police raided several properties in barking in east london and arrested 12 people in connection with last nights attack. One of the homes raided is believed to be where one of the attackers lived. Our special correspondent ed thomas has the latest on the Extensive Police investigation. Tonight, the focus of the Police Investigation a block of flats in barking. Here women were escorted from the building. This video clip was taken by those inside. Armed Police Surround them, lying on the floor with their hands behind their backs. So far 12 people have been arrested. The bbc also understands one of the london attackers who died had lived here. Were not naming him at the request of the police, but we spoke to this man who said he knew him. But weve spoken to this man, who knew him. He says over the past two years the attacker became more and more extreme. We spoke about a particular attack that happened. Like most radicals, he had a justification for everything. For everything and anything. And that day i realised that i need to contact the authorities. Hed would only speak to the Bbcs Asian Network if we protected his identity and changed his voice. He used to listen to a lot of musa jibril. Ive heard this stuff, and its very radical. Im surprised some of this stuff is still on youtube and easily accessible. I phoned the Anti Terrorist hotline. I spoke to the gentleman, i told him about our conversation and why i think hes been radicalised. We put these allegations to the police. The friend said the attacker wasnt arrested even after he was reported. I did my bit. I know a lot of people did, but the authorities didnt do their bit. This couple say they also reported the same man to Police Almost two yea rs the same man to Police Almost two years ago after he tried to prevent their children. What did you think he was doing . Radicalised the kids, the message was clear. If you arent muslim and you dont follow the religion of muslim youre basically going to help. He said the kids needed to be saved. Saved from what . From this world. We dont know if any chances to stop these men were missed. For now the focus is on a search for evidence and answers. This is the heart of the investigation, starting with Anti Terrorist hours before the attack and now forensic teams are focused on this ground floor flat at the side of the block. This was east ham this evening, a man scrambles across a rooftop as armed officers train their guns at the windows. This investigation is still farfrom over. Ed thomas, bbc news, barking in east london. Last nights attack happened just four days before the general election, which will go ahead as planned on thursday. National campaigning was suspended for the day by all major parties, except ukip. The Prime Minister insisted that established methods of tackling extremism had to change, and that thered been far too much tolerance of extremism in our country. Our Political Correspondent alex forsyth reports on the political reaction to last nights attacks. For the second time in two weeks, the flags at half mast. A mark of respect. For the same reason the Election Debate deliberately muted for most of today but politicians did come out to universally condemn this attack and praise the Emergency Services, and from the Prime Minister, this time much tougher talk on tackling terrorism too. We cannot and must not pretend that things can continue as they are. Theresa may call for action Around The World to stop Internet Firms allowing extremism online. A review of the uk Counterterrorism Strategy and she warned across society there was too much tolerance of extremism. While the recent attacks are not connected by common networks, they are connected in one important sense, they are bound together by the Single Evil Ideology Of Islamist Extremism that preaches hatred, so is division and promotes sectarianism. Here it seems an attempt to offer more than platitudes about the countrys protection, the direction clear. But at this stage little detail about what that means, not least for some dozen communities who too have a sense of anger. Muslim communities across the uk are outraged about what happened, weve had three Terror Attacks in the past three months and that something intolerable for anyone who lives in this country, we want to together with our government, with our Civil Society to tackle terrorism wherever we find it. Labours answer after barely a break in the campaign criticising the conservatives over police funding, promising more officers. The party leader wanting to quash any sense he would be soft on terror. I would take any action necessary and effective to protect the security of our people and country, including full authority of the police to use whatever force is necessary to protect and save life, as they did last night, as they did in westminster in march. All parties are determined cruz wont be be railed. The election will take place on thursday, the preparations continue, the campaigns will resume in full tomorrow and now again the nations safety at the heart of the debate. Ukip says theres been an unwillingness to confront extremism in the past. Weve got to Fight Fire With fire, i wouldnt take anything off the table in dealing with these people, theres a small number of people, theres a small number of people in this country who quite clearly hate who we are, hate the way we live and want to describe our democracy. They are a cancer and they need to be cut out. In scotland a warning, robust action must not lead to the persecution of any community. The terrorists win if we allowed ourselves to become divided and they do so if we allow our freedoms and Civil Liberties to be undermined. That is what acts of terrorism are designed to do, to divide and to undermine the values that define who we are. This once again has become a balancing act between the need for security and action, and the protection of Civil Liberties. What we must do is Work Together to make sure we tackle terrorism in a very practical and effective way and do it together, but what we must not do is to trade away our freedoms, our Great British freedoms, in response to the cowardly acts of these pathetic people last night. If we did that they would have won. But today in they would have won. But today in the fight against terrorism, any sense of victory feels far away, any a nswer sense of victory feels far away, any answer is hard to come by. One thing many here are holding onto, and attack designed to undermine democracy has only strengthened the will of those determined to protect it. Alex forsyth, bbc news, westminster. This attack in london came less than two weeks after the bombing at the Manchester Arena in which 22 people were killed and Dozens Injured as they left a concert by the american singer Ariana Grande. Tonight shes been holding a benefit event, with other acts, at old trafford cricket ground. Our correspondent Judith Moritz was there. They came to dance, to sing and to remember. She was the artist they most wanted to see and the voice they had waited to hear. Midnight shadows when finding love is a battle. She was joined by children from a manchester school. Crowd singing you are my everything. There were tears and hugs and then Ariana Grande revealed that she had met the mother of one of the teenagers who died at the arena. I had the pleasure of meeting olivias mommy, a few days ago, and as soon as i met her i started crying and i gave her a big hug, and she said that. Stop crying because olivia would not have wanted me to cry, and then she told me that olivia would have wanted to hear the hits. Many of the injured were determined to be here, defiant despite memories which are still fresh. 1a year old Natalie Harrison was filmed, caught up in the panic after the explosion. Today natalie and her mum came to the concert but it was not an easy decision. Its been a traumatic time and the only thing that i would say is that, for me, it is a bit too soon. Because i feel that i am onlyjust coming to terms with what has happened. So coming back today, how does it feel . It is exciting because i want to see ariana without coming home and being upset. Do you think it will help you coming back and having a good experience . Yeah, it will probably help me, like, heal and stuff. Security was tight and visible and everywhere. There were stories of strength and resilience. We heard the bang. And i got hit,like, in my upper left thigh and i had to go to hospital and have an operation on it. Im really excited, like, yeah, because i really enjoy concerts so it is not going to stop me. Artists flew in from all over the globe to take part, many with words of support for the uk. Manchester, london we are here, we are together and we are one. Ijust want to take this moment to honour the people that were lost, or that were taken. We love you so much. To the families, we love you so much. The atmosphere here is a real mix of celebration and commemoration. Plenty of tears mixed in with the cheers from this audience. Its hoped that millions of pounds have been raised to support the bereaved and injured and thatjust being at the concert has helped many of the survivors. Judith moritz reporting from manchester. Time to look at the Weather Forecast with darren. Youre probably wondering Weather Summer has gone because unsettled weather this week, some spells of rain, heavy at times and accompanied with strong winds, some drier interludes and it could turn warmer later in the week. Our first area of rain is coming from this developing cloud here and thats been pushing rain across Northern Ireland heading into scotland, should move through and things bright and to bring showers, a dull start for Northern Ireland. Rain developing more widely in Northern England, especially wales and the south east, showery outbreaks as the wind picks up in other eastern parts of england. Into the afternoon across scotland we will find some sunshine but also some showers. These could be heavy, possibly thundery, and we should get brighter skies allowing showers to develop in Northern Ireland. But a cool develop in Northern Ireland. But a cool, wet day for the north of west england, for wales and the south west as well. As you head to the midlands, east anglia and the south east, some brief warm spot for showery outbreaks develop in the afternoon but wetter weather likely to be further west in wales, as much as 80 millimetres during monday and monday night. That weather wet wetter weather moving slowly north and east but at the same time the winds continue to strengthen, especially in the south west. As we head into tuesday we will start these temperatures, ten or 11 degrees, but quite a wet start for many eastern parts of the uk. Were left with one area of low pressure driving the heaviest rain up into scotland. This Weather Front should ta ke scotland. This Weather Front should take the rain away from Eastern England fairly quickly on tuesday, although the rain could lingerfor a while in Northern England, the wettest weather will be in scotland, especially in the east. Elsewhere, gusty winds, strong to gale force winds, driving in a mixture of sunshine and also heavy and blustery showers with the possibility of hail and thunder. That area of low pressure, the scent of which is going to be in eastern areas of scotland, will continue to feed the rain in here and tightly packed isobars, so very windy still in scotla nd isobars, so very windy still in scotland and Northern England in particular on wednesday, the rain in the north east of scotland but otherwise a brief, drier and brighter spell of Weather Perform or rain arrives later on from the south west. Hello, this is bbc news, with martine croxall. Well be taking a look at tomorrow mornings papers in a moment, first the headlines at 12 30 12 arrests are made by Police Investigating last nights Terrorist Attack on London Bridge that left seven people dead and left 48 injured. A van drove into pedestrians before 3 men jumped out and began stabbing people in nearby streets. In an unverified statement, Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the attack. A french citizen and a canadian citizen are among the dead. As details of the victims emerge, relatives of those hurt have been telling their stories. In Downing Street, the Prime Minister condemned the evil ideology of islamist extremism and called for a new approach. There is, to be frank, far too much tolerance of extremism. We need to become more robust in identifying it across the Public Sector and society. Our priority must be Public Safety and i will take whatever action is necessary and affective to protect the security of our people and our country

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