Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20170427

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Important a problem to pander to politics . And from detroit as donald trump reaches 100 days in the white house to the White Working Class voters who put him there, do they still think he was worth their vote . Good evening and welcome to bbc news. A Man Carrying Knives near the Houses Of Parliament has been arrested on suspicion of terrorism offences. The 27 year old man had been under surveillance by the Security Services. He was stopped on Parliament Street close to whitehall this afternoon and was wrestled to the ground. Theres been heightened security in the area around Parliament Since the westminster attack last month, in which five people were killed. June kelly has the latest. Under arrest in the shadow of Government Buildings in whitehall. This wasnt a random stop search and arrest. The man was under surveillance as part of surveillance by Counter Terrorism command. Close to Parliament Square before 2 30pm the suspect was quickly in handcuffs. Police had wrestled him to the ground on a traffic island. Its close to the Foreign Office and entrance to downing street. He was led away to an unmarked car and taken to a high Security Police station in south london. And this is what he left behind his rucksack and his knives. One of them, it was kind of a long one really, it looked like. I dont know what kind of knife it was, but it was like a proper strong knife. He didnt say anything. I wouldnt say panic but the Firearms Officers were running and they were all tense. The Prime Minister was away from london on an election visit to derbyshire. Im aware an individual has been arrested in whitehall today and that that individual has been arrested on the basis of a terrorism charge. Obviously i cant say much more about it, because it is an Ongoing Police investigation, but i think it shows that our police and our intelligence and Security Services are on the alert, as they always are, looking to keep us safe and secure. For the second time in just over a month, westminster was once again on a terror alert. Security are concerned with the police and everything like that. But overall, i think people still feel safe and tourism, people will continue to do what they do. Scary to be honest, because it has happened the second time in one month. So, yes, it makes me really, really worried. We saw the helicopters circling. People got in touch to see if you were ok. Friends and family up north were saying make sure you are ok down there, not walking about. The suspect is said to have no link to the killer Khalid Masood who launched his assault first with a car and then a knife. He took the lives of five people, including Pc Keith Palmer and injured many more. Since then theres been a heightened sense of security here. The fact that he is in a location which has recently been subject to a Terrorist Attack that would tend to make any investigating officer think this is the time we need to step in before he causes some harm. The fact that perhaps he was making his way towards parliament as well is a very key point that they would want to take him out when he was least expecting it. What do we know about the man . He is 27 and lives in london. It is said while he is a British National he wasnt born in the uk. Counterterrorism detectives and the Security Services, m15, will be trying to build a picture of his background and they have been monitoring his movements. As he begins his first night in custody, police will be looking at his associates. June kelly, bbc news. Theresa may has refused to be drawn tonight on Whether Britain could offer Military Support to the United States in the event of further american air strikes against president assads regime, describing the suggestion as hypothetical. It comes after the foreign secretary borisjohnson said it would be hard for britain to turn down a request to support President Trump. And he suggested Military Action could be taken without the consent of mps. Our Political Editor Laura Kuenssberg reports. Anybody got a cup of coffee . Coffee fuels campaigns. So do big personalities, and they do start early. Borisjohnson burst out this morning. It seems incredible when you have a threat. With both barrels, claiming Jeremy Corbyn is weak on defence and cannot be trusted. Good morning, john. And suggesting the uk could join in, if america again bombed syria. If they come to us and ask for our support, whether it is with submarine based missiles in the med, or whatever it happens to be, as was the case in 2013, john, in my view, and i know it is also the view of the Prime Minister, it would be very difficult for us to say no. You would have to go to the commons. That needs to be tested. You are not sure . I think it would be very difficult for us to say no. He said similar before, but it matters now because the tories believeJeremy Corbyn is soft on defence, whether regarding syria or the rest of the world. I think there is a risk that people will say, he isjust an islingtonian herbivore, a muddle headed mugwump, or whatever. Only the labour partys putting forward any ideas so far. It seems all the tory party will do is be rude aboutJeremy Corbyn. The world is more unstable and more uncertain than perhaps we thought it was going to be 20 years ago, and that is why theresa mays leadership now is so important and why it is so important for me, im afraid, to draw the contrast between her approach and what i think would be the chaotic approach underJeremy Corbyn. Jeremy corbyn is in their sights. You could call him the underdog. In a park today in the marginal seat of harlow. But labour mps fear their leader has to be reminded notjust to talk to his true believers, but to the whole country. The tories think that makes him a real outsider. We take a message out to the country. Politics is of course always personal, but so far, this campaign has been much more about tory attacks on Jeremy Corbyn than a big battle of ideas. What do you think about what the tories have been doing . It is getting very personal. That is their nature, David Cameron was a bully and now they are proving to be bullies. It seems like a witch hunt. It does seem like a bit of a hunt. Why doesnt Boris Johnson Talk About Tory Policies for the general election and not have a go at the Labour Leader . This is an awkward moment for labour. Are you worried it is turning into a Personality Contest . Clearly what the tories are trying to do is make it very much about you. I dont do personal abuse, i dont do name calling, i dont believe in that kind of politics. I think we are sent to parliament to represent people and put forward a serious debate and that is what we will do. If you were Prime Minister and the president of america asked the uk to support them in a strike on syria, what would you do . Call the general secretary of the united nations. We need a Multi Lateral approach to syria, we need an enhanced pressure to get a political settlement in syria. Raising potential Military Action against syria is controversial in any campaign. The other parties were not impressed. A unilateral, illegal intervention would be counter productive and it seems to me borisjohnson is following tony blair in that respect. If the government wants to have Parliamentary Authority they should ask for it, not speculate wildly and jump to whatever President Trump does. That speculation followed the Prime Minister to leeds tonight on the trail. Asked again and again, she would not repeat Boris Johnsons admission. This is a hypothetical question because there are no proposals on the table for a further strike against syria. Yet the tories believe wholeheartedlyJeremy Corbyn is vulnerable. Thank you very much. And they plan to make it hurt. Laura kuenssberg, bbc news, westminster. The Prime Minister has accused the eu of lining up to oppose the uk in brexit negotiations. She was responding to comments by the german chancellor Angela Merkel, who said the uk had illusions about how tough the talks would be. The eu says it has agreed its Negotiating Guidelines for the brexit talks and that the 27 other countries are united on their strategy, which will be adopted by eu leaders on saturday. From brussels, our europe editor katya adler reports. For the first time in a long time, the vexed eu is feeling bullish. Reflected today in its most powerful nation, by its most powerful leader. Speaking in the bundestag this morning about brexit, Angela Merkel painted the uk as confused, the eu as resolute. Translation to us it may seem obvious the form negotiations will take but there are some in britain who still live under quite some illusions. That is wasted time. In full election mode today, the Prime Minister seized on these comments, as much to target political opponents at home as to fire back at the german chancellor. Weve heard her comments today, weve seen that actually there will be times when these negotiations are going to get tough. Yet, our opponents are already trying to disrupt it, at the same time as 27 other European Countries are lining up to oppose us. The 27 eu leaders are in brussels on saturday to finalise their Negotiating Guidelines. They want the uk to honour financial commitments made to the eu before brexit. And to give permanent residency to eu nationals living in britain for five years or more. They also insist that the uk will not be able to enjoy the same Single Market benefits outside as inside the eu. And how come brussels is suddenly so confident . Well, there were fears here after the brexit vote that could spell an end to the eu but so far no other country has walked out the door. And while britain holds an election and is divided over its brexit approach, the eu, so famous for infighting, seems calm and united. Still, britain keeps hoping its allies amongst eu countries will help behind the scenes. Portugal is an old, old friend. Prime minister costas told me of the uks importance to portugal in tourism and in trade. Hundreds of thousands of portuguese nationals live in britain too. But he said there would be no special favours. Translation i think it would be an enormous illusion to define a Negotiating Strategy like that. The uk isnt going to have 27 separations. Britain is negotiating with the eu as a whole. How difficult, though, Prime Minister, realistically speaking, will it be to maintain this united front . Because, we know the eu, the eu is fractious, its a fractious union. Translation no, the eu will negotiate in a united fashion and that is not negative for the uk. The Single Market only exists as a whole so the eu has a single voice. But for how long . In portugal and across the eu, leaders are now keen for negotiations to start. There are other issues to deal with, like migration, and they know their very public show of Unity Over Brexit will soon come under strain. Katya adler, bbc news, brussels. Crime recorded by the police in england and wales went up by 9 last year, with increases across almost every category. Violent offences went up by 19 and there were also rises in knife crime and burglary. But the office for National Statistics claimed much of the overall increase was due to changes in the way Police Record offences. United airlines and the passenger who was dragged from a chicago flight earlier this month have reached a settlement. Lawyers for Doctor David Dao say a condition of the pay out is that the amount remains confidential. Doctor dao suffered a concussion and a broken nose after being forcibly removed by airline Law Enforcement officers. The airline had overbooked the plane and selected the man at random when nobody volunteered to leave. United airlines has apologised for the incident and announced changes to the way it deals with passengers. The high court has ruled that the government Cannot Delay Publishing its plans to tackle illegal levels of Air Pollution until after the general election. Ministers had argued that making the announcement would break strict pre election rules. But the judge said the governments plans to deal with illegal levels of Nitrogen Dioxide must now be made public in less than a fortnight. Now on bbc news its time for newsnight with kirsty wark. Now on bbc news its time for newsnight, with kirsty wark. How does the government plan to clean up our air . Its d raft its draft plan will have to be published before the general election. London was enveloped in a 1 0 election. London was enveloped in a a0 mile blanket fog. Election. London was enveloped in a 40 mile blanket fog. Four people died from the great smog. Today the judge cited to be 3000 deaths from this fuel and Nitrogen Dioxide, but are there more things leading drivers to pollute male . We

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