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The government has suffered a second defeat on its brexit bill in the House Of Lords. Peers are insisting on what they call a meaningful parliamentary vote on the final deal to leave the eu. The government will now try to overturn the changes in the House Of Commons. Ministers accused some in the lords of trying to frustrate the brexit outcome. Theresa may is still hoping to start the formal leaving process by the end of the month, as our Political Editor Laura Kuenssberg reports. They are not universally loved, but the House Of Lords wont let that drive its opposition away. Defeating the government for the second time in a week on its plans for brexit. Contents, 366. Not contents, 268. So the contents have it. With the biggest turnout for nearly 200 years, just for good measure. Reporter do you think parliament should have a meaningful vote . Ministers are determined not to give in. Theyve promised parliament already a say on the terms of brexit. But arguments for a legal guarantee of a vote won the day in the lords, a desire even if theresa may and her ministers, look who was watching on, want to walk away without doing a deal. When it comes to our rights, parliament is the place that you come to. Parliament makes those decisions. The reason is simple we dont trust the government on this matter. This countrys future should rest with parliament and not with ministers. But the governments supporters question the motive. Does the noble lord not agree that this new clause in effect, gives this house a statutory veto on the decision made by the Prime Minister, with the support of the other place to implement the decision of the british people to leave the European Union . This house is absolutely full of people who still havent come to terms with the results of the referendum and this is a clever lawyers confection in order to reverse the results of the referendum. With 13 tory rebels on their side, labour in the lords emboldened. It would be completely irresponsible for parliament to say, oh, bye, bye, theresa may, were waving you off, come back in two years and tell us what youve done. This actually makes sure that the Government Works with parliament to get the best deal we possibly can. Butjust like this, next week the bill will make its way down from The Red And Gold corridors to the green and gold, to the commons. Will ministers budge or will conservative rebels decide to fight . I will continue to believe that that is the right thing to do, for there to be a vote in both houses, deal or no deal. And if i have to vote against my government again, i will do it. Weve discussed, deliberated and scrutinised both of these issues before, at length and we still declined to accept the amendments that have been passed in the House Of Lords. Weve heard no new arguments. Theyve come up with no new ideas, so i expect the House Of Commons to pass the bill unamended. Theres no sign theresa may will relent to keep rebels at bay. It may be brave to stand her ground, but she may have to find the courage in the end to back down. In the wake of that vote in the lords, the conservative former Cabinet Minister lord heseltine has now been sacked as Government Adviser after rebelling over brexit. He has passed this information onto The Press Associations. He is of course a long time eurofile and did not want the uk to leave the eu. He certainly felt that during that vote todayit certainly felt that during that vote today it was important that the lords and parliament as a whole had a proper say, in lords and parliament as a whole had a propersay, in his lords and parliament as a whole had a proper say, in his opinion, lords and parliament as a whole had a propersay, in his opinion, in lords and parliament as a whole had a proper say, in his opinion, in the detail of the final brexit deal. So lord heseltine. News coming in in the couple of minutes. He has been sacked as Government Adviser after voting against article 50. Tomorrow, the chancellor, philip hammond, will deliver the first budget since last years referendum. There are growing calls for him to allocate more money to social care in england, and to help firms cope with business rate rises. The efforts to balance the governments books are far from over, and, as our economics editor kamal ahmed explains, the age of austerity is likely to be with us for some years to come. Bridges over the tyne, on one side gateshead the other newcastle, the front line in the battle to fix the economy since the financial crisis, cuts have bitten here. One example, local parks are now paid for out of the Health Budget after a 90 fall in funding. The economy locally has grown, but below the national average, unemployment is high. And if people here thought austerity was over, its probably time to think again. This budget will be all about the deficit, thats the difference between what the government spends and what it receives in taxes. And to bridge that gap it borrows and, just like a credit card, that costs money. This year the deficit is predicted to be £68. 2 billion. For comparison, it costs about £100 billion to run the nhs for a whole year. The government wants that figure to fall every year until 2021, when it wants the figure to be £20. 7 billion. Those Borrowing Figures are expected to look better tomorrow because the economy has grown faster than forecast, but there is no angel on the horizon yet. The government is still committed to reducing spending, there will have to be efficiencies. The department that funds local government in england will see its budget cut by 2021 by 24 . The justice department, which funds courts and prisons, will see its budget cut by 20 . Scotland, wales and Northern Ireland will also see reductions. Northern ireland will see the highest, at 3 . Some departments, though, will be supported. The department for international development, which spends on overseas aid, will see its budget rise by i7 . Health in england will also see its budget rise by £1. 5 and education will see less of a reduction than other departments, just 2. 2 , and the schools budget will be protected. When it comes to our taxes, the government has already announced that increases are ahead. The key question where . Well, the government has got rather good at taxing less visible areas. For example, the taxes paid on dividends from shares people might own is going to raise more money, an extra £2. 8 billion. And taxes on insurance policies are also going up and thats going to raise an extra £700 million and stamp duty, thats the tax we pay on buying a house, is also increasing. That will also raise £700 million. The grand message of the budget that there are still risks ahead, brexit and economic slowdown. The treasury wants to use tomorrow to prepare for the future, warning that now is not the time to end austerity. Kamal ahmed, bbc news. As has come out of the last few minutes, lord heseltine has been sacked as Government Adviser after rebelling against the party. Lets talk to our political correspondent. It isa it is a bit ofa it is a bit of a bolt Out Of The Blue . It is a bit. Lord heseltine has been very clear that he will be an helpful to government on wrecks it, in backing an amendment previously and to give eu citizens the right to stay on in britain. Brexit. And making a speech today, as well as voting against his own government, when it comes to making a meaningful vote for brexit. The government has to seek parliamentary approval to do this deal and in the House Of Lords he made it very clear that he felt that mandate for the referendum shouldnt last for all time and all circumstances. The Public Opinion might change in a couple of years. That seems to be the last straw for Downing Street and he has issued a statement to The Press Associations tonight saying, ive just been told chief whip at the lords has been sacked. There are string of advisoryjobs at the lords has been sacked. There are string of advisory jobs at the department of communities and local government. He goes on and says this is entirely right but he is sorry the expertise that he has put up a governments disposal at the past six year has come to an end. But he says it is duty of parliament to assert its sovereignty. To quote another prominent conservative politician, lord heseltine said he would do what he thought was right for the eu even if that meant apn would ultimately sacked him. A bit ofa would ultimately sacked him. A bit of a surprise that she moved so quickly to get rid of one of the most prominent critics in the House Of Lords. The government offcourse says they will try to reverse the amendment. She would have to seek parliamentary approval on any deal she strikes with the eu. Thanks. Tomorrows budget will include money for new Grammar Schools in england. Theyll be among 140 free schools set up with a fund of £320 million. Labour says the plan is a Vanity Project and insists other schools are in desperate need of money. The plans also face opposition from some conservative mps, as our education editor Bra Nwen Jeffreys reports. Before the Number Crunching of the budget, a visit for the pm to a maths school. A little extra money for her education priorities, a signal to schools generally not to hope for more. We have protected the core schools budget, but, crucially, what we are announcing is £500 million of investment in schools, £320 million of which will be new schools. That will create around 70,000 new school places. More maths schools are part of her plans. This is not a Grammar Pupils are selected, but at the age of 16, then pushed to get top a level results. We know that what weve done here for students who have this interest in mathematics and the Mathematical Sciences has enabled transformation of those students, different futures, Better Futures for them and therefore Better Futures for us all in a sense. And so having more schools like that is exactly what i think we need. Education is all about creating a sense of opportunity, the hope that what your children learn will give them a better chance than you had. And thats what the Prime Minister is trying to tap into at a time when there are uncertain years ahead. This is all about the politics now and very little about the modest amount of money. Schools across england face financial pressures, falling funding per pupil and no promise of help in the budget. The Government Spending plans dont begin to address the real problems in our schools. We have buildings that are falling down, we have a Teacher Recruitment and retention crisis, we cant get enough teachers into the classroom and we cant get them to stay there. Some of the new money could be used to set up Grammar Schools so what happens to Grammar School places now . Only 3 of pupils are on free school meals. 13 are thought to come from private prep schools. And just 73 out of 163 Grammar Schools give priority to poorer children in admissions. Thats why plans for new Grammar Schools face stiff opposition. There is a legal ban on creating new ones in england. More free schools are likely to open before the first new grammar. In the next wave i dont think there will be any grammars either because i think itll take a while for the government to get the ban lifted. It will be in the wave after that, next year, maybe the year after that, that we are likely to see some grammars being approved, if the ban is lifted, but i cant see them opening before 2020. Traditional values and excellence, for some that is what Grammar Schools mean. But others fear this is opportunity for the few, not the many. Branwynjeffreys, bbc news. Full coverage of the budget obviously here on the bbc news channel. Now, newsnight. The cia can apparently do some amazing stuff, like turn your tv into a microphone and listen in. But now their secret Hacking Tools have leaked. This seems to be an incredibly damaging leak in terms of the tactics, techniques, procedures and tools that were used by the Central Intelligence agency to conduct legitimate foreign intelligence. So says a former cia director. If the leaks are real, its highly embarrassing for us intelligence. We will ask the journalist Glenn Greenwald whether we should be worried by the cias ability to hack, or by its inability to keep its own secrets. And, theyre at it again. Defeat for the Prime Minister in the lords. They Want Parliament to vote on the final brexit deal. Does that make sense, or screw up the negotiation . Gina miller and Theresa Villiers will tell us. The day before the budget, were inside Cumbria County Council to see how austerity is playing out. Are theyjust about managing . We cant go on like this. I dont think we can we can continue like this, as councils, up and down the country. And viewsnight looks on the bright side of life. Now, imagine we were to treat people the way most of us really are. Pretty nice. Creative. And more than willing to contribute to the common good

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