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In the main city stepanakert, where food and medicine are running low, and power cuts are frequent. Live now to rayhan demytrie, who is our correspondent In The South Caucasus and central asia. A very good evening to you and george r. I think you can hear us, what is the very latest happening at the moment where you are . World, in Nagorno Karabakh, the focus is now on humanitarian crisis because we have people escaping from the azerbaijan so people are concentrated now in the basements, there is no electricity, some pictures have emerged on socialfrom journalists posting regularly about the situation in Nagorno Karabakh and it shows really overcrowded basements with no electricity and people sitting there in fear not really knowing what comes next. I really knowing what comes next. I want to ask while we have you, the Foreign Minister has been speaking at the United Nationsjust Foreign Minister has been speaking at the United Nations just in the last few moments. Saying azerbaijan will treat Ethnic Armenians as, quote, equal citizens, tells what he means by that. Quote, equal citizens, tells what he means by that means by that. Well it is not the first time we means by that. Well it is not the first time we are means by that. Well it is not the first time we are hearing means by that. Well it is not the first time we are hearing from i first time we are hearing from azerbaijani leadership, from the president himself saying the right of Ethnic Armenians will be guaranteed under the Constitution Of Azerbaijan and the religious, cultural and Educational Rights but there was no talk of autonomy or what will happen to the local government that has been in place in the enclave. Plus critics would say that azerbaijan was my own human rights are not in a great state. Its not a country were people can come out and protest openly or even criticise the government. In the last few days weve had reports that some of the peace activists, people who have spoken openly against the war in azerbaijan, that they were prosecuted by the government so i think these statements are good but given the conflict lasted for so long between armenians and azerbaijanis, there is very little trust between these two communities. Azerbaijan said it is working with russian peacekeepers to de escalate tensions and demilitarise the area but what are we to make of that . We are but what are we to make of that . Are Hearing Reports that the demilitarisation or the Karabakh Armenians laying down their arms in the process is ongoing. Today we heard a comment from the azerbaijani president ial aide who said on x, formerly known as twitter, that all that has been happening is that they are one of the most militarised areas in the world. The process is ongoing with the help of the russian peacekeepers. Ongoing with the help of the russian peacekeepers peacekeepers. Thank you very much for now. Azerbaijan has now embarked on demobilisation and integration efforts on the ground. The long overdue meeting of the special representative of the government of azerbaijan will meet with armenian residents finally took place on september 21. We continue as the format to directly discuss the plans of the government of integration as well as to address the issues related to restoration and the preparation of infrastructures and are looking ahead to public services. The Central Government institutions have expeditiously started to implement Support Measures and all efforts have now been mobilised to address the immediate needs of the civilians. From this point i wish to reiterate that azerbaijan is determined to reintegrate Ethnic Armenians as equal citizens. The restoration of azerbaijan and the commitments provide a solid ground. Despite all serious challenges stemming from armenians position, azerbaijan confirms its readiness again for any negotiations with armenia based on equal respect for others legitimate interest. We believe there is a historic opportunity for both azerbaijan and armenia to establish good relations and exist side by side in peace with sovereign states that are internationally recognised borders. It is high time to seize this opportunity. That borders. It is high time to seize this opportunity this opportunity. That was the azerbaijan this opportunity. That was the azerbaijan foreign this opportunity. That was the azerbaijan Foreign Minister. This opportunity. That was the azerbaijan Foreign Minister speaking at the un a few moments ago. Life back to the Un General Assembly. Russias Foreign Minister speaking now. Translation the element bereft of their basic fire for self preservation, headed up by washington countries that are not only expanding and modernising their descent offensive capabilities but going into space and the information sphere with new Dangerous Manifestation of the expansionism was extending the alliances area of responsibility to the entire eastern side of the world using the pernicious slogan of the indivisibility of security. The indo Asian Pacific region and to this aim washington is creating Political Alliance like injapan and the republic of korea, canberra and wellington. They are pushing the dispensation of the structures to practical cooperation with nato and this is bringing its infrastructure into the pacific area. It is obvious that such efforts are targeted against russia and china and on the collapse of the inclusive regional architecture this runs the risk of creating a new Exclusive Hotbed of geopolitical tension in addition to that which is hotting up significantly around europe and one certainly has the impression that the us and these Western Collective thatis the us and these Western Collective that is fully subordinate to it as decided to turn the Monroe Doctrine into a global one and these ideas are totally illusory, they are extreme, but the Pax Americana will not stop it. They are trying to do all they can to put the brakes on the acceleration of the natural course of events in the Vilnius Declaration of nato on strengthening the partnership between russia and china has been characterised as a threat to nato. Speaking to his ambassadors, it brought, speaking to his ambassadors abroad, president macron spoke and it runs the risk of rekindling the worst in particular europe with a review of the world order is under way as of its principles and is undermining the way that the west is working. This is the end of that quote so here is a revelation, if anyone wants to meet without us, or without our consent and that poses a threat. The pushing of nato into the asia Pacific Region is something good but the expansion of brics is dangerous. But the main trend has become for the. To strengthen their national sovereignty, traditions, culture and way of life, they do not want to live under anyones yoke they want to make friends between themselves so we are on an equal footing and for equal benefit and such organisations are on the rise and they are defending their rightful role in forming objectively our multipolar architecture. Perhaps the First Time Since 1945 when the un was established, there is now a chance for genuine democratisation of Global Affairs which inspires optimism for all those who believe in the rule of law internationally and who want to see a revival of the un as a central coordinating body for global politics. A body where decisions are made about how to reach decisions together having a fair balance of interest and for russia it is clear there is no other option but the us and its subordinate Western Collective are continuing to fuel conflict which artificially divide humanity into hostile blocks in time for the achievement of overall aims doing everything they can to prevent the formation of a genuine multipolar affair world order and they are trying to force the world to play according to their own self centred rules. I would like to urge western politicians and diplomats once again to carefully reread the un charter. The cornerstone of the world order established at the end of the Second World War is the democratic principle of the sovereign equality of states large and small, irrespective of the form of government and of their domestic political social and economic structures but they were Still Believes it is superior to everybody else in light of what was said. The Pernicious Statement by the eu, head of diplomacy, that europe is. And the rest is a jungle. Hes not bothered by the fact that rampant and other forms of intolerance have the values of all world burnings of the values of all world burnings of the koran with discriminating of the torah, persecutions of the orthodox clergy and disdain for believers, a very common place in europe, gross violation of the principle of sovereign equality is the use by the west of unilateral or coercive measures. Countries which are victims of these illegal sanctions are well aware that restrictions harm first and foremost the most vulnerable strata of society provoking crises in the food and energy markets. We continue to insist on a swift and full cessation of the us� s unprecedented inhumane economic financial blockade of cuba and for a lifting of the absurd decision to declare cuba a State Sponsor of terrorism, washington must, without any preconditions, abandon its policy of economic suffocation of venezuela. We see unilateral sanctions that are openly undermining its development. Any measures that circumvent the un and the coercive measures must be ended as must the weaponised practice of manipulating the security sanctioned policies to exert pressure on those they do not like. Something that clearly demonstrates the wests Self Centredness and their attempts to ukraine knows a ize ukrainise the agenda. The need in the middle east really depends on solving the protective Palestinian Israeli Conflict based on the un resolutions to the arab peace initiative. The palestinians for more than 70 years now have been awaiting their solemnly promise made to them having their own state but the fact that their own state but the fact that the americans are monopolising the Mediation Process means that they are doing everything they cannot to allow the sand we call for a pooling of efforts of all response will countries to create conditions to resume direct palestinian israeli negotiations and we are pleased the League Of Arab States has its second win, stepping up its role in the region and we welcome the return of syria to the arab family and we welcome the start of the Normalisation Process between damascus and ankara which we are showing up with our ukrainian colleagues and all of these positive signs are backed up by the format which forced that the syrian settlement and we do hope that with the assistance of the un, the libyans can prepare for general elections in a long suffering country that for more than ten years has not got back on its peak feet after the nato aggression that destroyed their state and open the floodgates for the spread of terrorism to that region and waves of millions of Illegal Migrants to europe and other areas of the world. The analysts have said as soon as. And his military Nuclear Programme he was destroyed by us, the west has created astonishing risk for the entire Nuclear Nonproliferation regime. We are concerned by washington and its asian allies whipping up hysteria on the Korean Peninsula where the strategic capabilities of the us are building up. The russia, Chinese Initiative to deem humanitarian political challenges as a priority have been rejected vendor has been a tragic development of the situation in sudan. Its nothing other than the impact of the failed Western Experiment to export its liberal and democratic dogma to the country. That was russias Foreign Minister speaking and we are taking this pictures live. A lover of their because Vladimir Putin cannot attend because Vladimir Putin cannot attend because of the International Arrest warrant out for. Lavrov serve a cause. We have no direct comment on the ukrainian attack on the headquarters of Russia Prevent Black Sea Fleet which happened on friday and we thought there might be some comment on that but apparently not there is no comment on the us is preparing to send long range missiles to ukraine. No comment on the rumour that the us is preparing to send long range missiles to ukraine. Also referring to us isolationism, the us not interfering into european affairs. Mr lavrov talking about the rise of Brics Countries defending the rightful role in the multipolar architecture, critical of the us and the United Nations there in terms of how the us is dominating affairs on the International Stage and particularly talking about the us attempting to ukrainise The World Political Agenda so lets that back in. Yellow do set up a community of Serbian Minister Parties in kosovo having special rules regarding language and traditions and in both cases the eu act as a guarantor for these agreements, apparently they share the same fate, you just need to look at the sponsor and see the result. , � , , to look at the sponsor and see the result. , � ,, result. Now brussels is imposing its Mediation Services, result. Now brussels is imposing its Mediation Services, socalled Mediation Services, so called Mediation Services, so called Mediation Services, so called Mediation Services on azerbaijan, armenia and washington. This is. In fact, yerevan and baku did settle the situation so the time has come for mutual trust building, there are Russian Troops who will certainly help this and talking about the community on paper, we can offer a completion once and for all on the process of decolonisation and this is in line with gaa resolutions and we want an end to all colonial and neocolonial practices. A Video Illustration of the rules that the west wants us all to live is the fate of the commitments that have made in 2009 two provide developing countries without hundred billion dollars annually to finance Climate Mitigation programmes and if you compare that fate with the unkept promises, and its unkept promises, with the sun is that the us, nato and eu have spent on supporting the racist regime in kyiv, according to reports, 170 million since fabry 2022, you will understand what the enlightened west really thinks. It is high time for a reform of the existing global government architecture. It should be no more artificially holding back of the redistribution of quotas in the imf and world bank with the west recognising the financial clout of the countries in these global south. It is important also to unblock the work of the disputes body and there is increasingly to expand the composition of the Security Council slowly through eradicating underrepresentation in the composition from the global majority so countries from asia, africa and Latin America and its important that the Security Council is both permanent and Non Permanent and they can use the authority in their own regions as well and then global organisations such as the g 77 and oh it is high time to look at fairer ways of making of the un secretariat. One criteria that has been a place for many years rather all the criteria in place for many years do not reflect the actual clout of states in Global Affairs and artificially ensure success of dominance of citizens in nato and eu countries in this disproportionate situation is made even worse with a system of permanent contracts which winks people to positions in host countries of the headquarters of International Organisations and the overwhelming majority of which are in the capitals that promote western policies. A new type of un reform is needed, whether where there are no leaders, teachers, followers and we are all questions are resolved based on consensus reflecting a balance and an interest for example this is really borne by the brics which follows the johannesburg summit. Also at the regional level, seeing the gcc and other structures in Eurasia Harmonising the integration processes as part of the shanghai cooperation. The eurasian economic community, and dcis, chinese belt and road project. Naturalformations chinese belt and road project. Natural formations for a Greater Eurasian Partnership is under way as well which is open to all associations and countries of our shared continent without exception and these positive trends are unfortunately being undermined by increasingly aggressive policies, by the west and their attempts to maintain their dominance and it is in the common interest to avoid a fragmentation of the world into isolated trade blocs and macro regions part of the us and its allies do not want to negotiate on making global processes free or fair, rather, an equal, the rest will have to draw their own conclusions and will have to make their own socioeconomic and Technological Development not dependent on the neocolonial instincts of the former neocolonial powers. The main problem with the west, lies with the west because developing countries are prepared to negotiate for example in the g20 and we see clearly that the modernisation will be re engaged in methods to develop mutually acceptable finances. Its important that we do not miss this opportunity and these trends must fully be borne in mind by the us and secretariat and its statutory aim is to seek consent from all Member States within the un and not on the sidelines there is a un being founded following the Second World War and any attempt to revive this would undermine them as the representative of a country that the Japanese Military is and i would like to draw attention to the egregious phenomenon of Rehabilitating Nazis and collaborators in europe and in particular in ukraine and the baltics. Forthe particular in ukraine and the baltics. For the first time last year there was a ge resolution to combat glorification of nazism but for the first time this was voted against by germany, italy and japan and this regrettable fact calls into question the true repentance of the state for the mass crimes carried out against humanity by them during world war ii and also runs counter to the conditions under which they were accepted into the un as fully fledged members and we strongly urge you to pay particular attention to this metamorphose that runs. Russias Foreign Minister speaking live at the Un General Assembly in new york, they are in place of Vladimir Putin who Cannot Travel because of the International Arrest warrant out for him following his countrys invasion of ukraine and the key message there is there needs to be a reform for global government architecture, highly critical of the west, the united states, and what he called the us and its subordinate for maintaining its grip on political power around the world. Attempts to ukraine eyes it. He accused the west of islamophobia in europe and he said the west wants to consider itself as a superior to anyone else and us self centred rules. Do stay with us here. We will keep you posted on this story as it develops. Hello. In many parts of the uk, Cloud Amounts have been increasing during today, Signalling A Change for the rest of the weekend. Some warmer but wetter and windier weather on the way. Its all thanks to a Weather System that contains the remnants of what was hurricane nigel. Certainly not a hurricane any more but providing an injection of tropical moisture into this area of low pressure. Some very heavy rain across some Western Areas as we head through tonight. Further pulses of rain returning to the South West Of England and wales later on, quite windy for a time, particularly around western coasts and much, much milder than it was last night. By the end of the night, we will be between 10 and 16 degrees. Sunday morning starting on a mild note but with low pressure firmly in charge, a couple of different Frontal Systems which will provide some outbreaks of very heavy rain. This rain tending to affect western and northern parts of the country, so western england, wales, Northern Ireland, Western Scotland seeing some outbreaks of rain. Further south and east, more in the way of dry weather, some spells of sunshine and actually with the southerly winds it is going to feel pretty warm in the south east corner. Large swathes actually of england and wales up to 20 or 21 degrees, even further north could see 18, 19, 20 across some northern parts of scotland. As we head through sunday evening, this band of very heavy, squally rain pushing across South West England and wales. Northern ireland very wet for a time and that rain really setting in across scotland, perhaps enough rain for some flooding and disruption. Gusts of wind of 50 or 60 mph. Through sunday night into monday, that Frontal System sweeps away eastwards but low pressure will still be firmly in charge of our weather, so for monday, yes, there will be spells of sunshine, i think parts of england and wales will stay dry but Northern Ireland and scotland seeing some pretty hefty showers, it stays quite windy. Temperatures of 15 to 22 degrees, so broadly speaking above the norm for the time of year. Then as we head towards the middle part of the week we will have to keep a close eye on this one. A developing area of low pressure. Huge uncertainty aboutjust how deep this low might become, exactly where it will move across the uk, but the chance for some very heavy rain and possibly some very strong winds around the middle part of the week. Broadly speaking, a very unsettled week ahead. Then as we head towards the middle part of the week we will have to keep a close eye on this one. A developing area of low pressure. Huge uncertainty aboutjust how deep this low might become, exactly where it will move across the uk, but the chance for some very heavy rain and possibly some very strong winds around the middle part of the week. Broadly speaking, a very unsettled week ahead. This is bbc news, the headlines. The head of ukraines Military Intelligence claims that russian commanders were among those injured in fridays Missile Strike on the headquarters of russias Black Sea Fleet in occupied crimea. Russias Foreign Minister has been speaking at the un in the last half hour. In the uk borisjohnson urges the government not to scale back plans to build the hs2 high speed rail link amid speculation part of the route could be axed. The bbc finds out that the government has disbanded a task force that was set up to improve Energy Efficiency in homes. Russell brand posts a video online saying its been an Extraordinary And Distressing week his first Public Comments since Sexual Assault allegations were made against him. Sport and for a full round up, from the bbc sport centre, heres lizzie. Lets start at the Rugby World Cup where england are playing their 3rd game so far against pool ds bottom side chile. 31 0 to england at half time and they are expected to win this so this is more about line ups as Steve Borthwick settles on his best team. But it took them 20 minutes to get on thre scoreboard. Onto football, and premier League Leaders Manchester City comfortably beat Nottingaham Forest despite having a player sent off. Rodri was given a red card just inside the second half. Phil foden and Erling Haaland scored the goals. Thats played six, won six for city so far this season. I think its not

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