Transcripts For BBCNEWS 100 Days 20170711

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Have drones, suicide bombers, this will be a very hard fight. The so called big economy has given rise to new ideas and some dynamic new companies. But our work is properly protected, or flexible contracts now an excuse to avoid Response Ability . And beijing is putting on quite a show. The promise of new trade along the new silk road, bridging the gap between east and west. In less than a decade, china has built twice as much high speed rail as the rest of the world combined. Hello, im in new york, kristian is in london. It now looks possible that Donald Trumps campaign didnt knowingly cooperate with people from russia. The e mails have been did knowingly cooperate. The e mails had been released and show a direct line from donald trump eyes inner circle to moscow. The e Mail Exchange was with this man, rob goldstone, a Music Publicist and former Tabloid Reporter who was arranging the meeting was up mr goldstone represents the russian pop star emin agalarov. His father is this man, a Russian Oligarch who teamed up with donald trump in 2013 to take the Miss Universe pageant to moscow. He is close to present pitt and stop close to President Putin. Donald trump jr, Jared Kushner and Paul Manafort all attended the 2016 meeting with the russian lawyer. You can see there are the direct link between the three men and moscow. Trump junior claims he link between the three men and moscow. Trumpjunior claims he has no knowledge of what the meeting was called to be about what knowledge was being supplied. The russian lawyer spoke to nbc news to deny that she is a kremlin stooge. Have you ever worked for the russian government, do you have connections to the russian government . Translation no. They had the oppression, it appears, that they were going to be told information that you had, but the dnc. They had the impression. Added they get that impression . Translation it is possible they were looking for such information, they wanted it so badly. Joining us now from washington to try and unravel all this, our north american reporter. Lets ta ke this, our north american reporter. Lets take a look at what goldstone actually promised in his e mail to continue. He said, some official documents and if information that would incriminate hillary and her dealings with russia and would be very useful to your father. This is obviously very high level. Donald trump jrs donald trumers response to all of that. 0k. Donald trumers response to all of that. Ok. Anthony, help us understand all of this. How significant is it . I think his is devastating. Last night, we saw the New York Times described the e mail, but to see the actual text, the words exchanged, shows that donald trump words exchanged, shows that donald trumer words exchanged, shows that Donald Trump Jr knew words exchanged, shows that donald trumer knew exactly going into this meeting that he thought he was going to be receiving assistance from someone connected to the russian government, that the russian government itself wanted to help his father get elected. Whether that actually took place in the meeting, you heard the lawyer mentioned that she wasnt connected with the russian government, but here we are, he is going into the meeting, he thinks hes getting those documents, andi thinks hes getting those documents, and i think that is very damaging for him. 0k, damaging, anthony, but already the question is being raised about whether it was actually illegal. Collusion may be unethical, it may not look good for the Trump Campaign, if indeed this is collusion, but is it illegal . Thatll be for prosecutors to examine. Im sure the independent counsel is taking very close look at this. The statutes involved say that foreign governments cannot contribute to a political campaign, whether that is just dealing with monetary contributions are contributing, sisters in the form of incriminating in formation or Opposition Research, i think that is an open question, but as you mention, the political object of this absolutely devastating for Donald Trump Jr and for the this absolutely devastating for donald trumer and for the entire tribe of ministration and the campaign that had been denying any sort of link any interest in getting help from the russian government, welcome here you have donald trump to your going into a meeting and thinking that is what he was going to get, and if you look at the top of this e mail chain, Donald Trump Jr, the day before the meeting, forward the e mail to Jared Kushner and Paul Manafort, they had said they went into the meeting not having any idea what would be discussed, but it seems likely that they had these e mails in their inbox the day before they sat down intron tower. And of course, this is the moment where we all good into the moment where we all good into the archive to see what they said at the archive to see what they said at the time. This is injanuary, Vice President mike pants denying anyone in the campaign had contact with the russians. Did any adviser, anyone in the Trump Campaign, have any contact with the russians youre trying to meddle in the election . So of course not. I think to suggest that is to give credence to some of these. These bizarre rumours that have swirled around the candidacy. These bizarre rumours that have swirled around the candidacylj dont swirled around the candidacy. dont know what you and cathy will think but this looked like a classic sting from the New York Times, they tease a bit out of it, and suddenly, there is this transparent release of e mails from don junior. There is this transparent release of e mails from donjunior. But 17 minutes before he was transparent, there was the New York Times story. Maybe they had this e mail all on. think that is safe to say, these e mails are not exhilarating or exculpatory for Donald Trump Jr e mails are not exhilarating or exculpatory for donald trumer by any exculpatory for donald trumer by a Ny Stretch Exculpatory for donald trumer by any stretch of the imagination full stop is exonerating or exculpatory. I think you try to get ahead of the story. He was so explicit, going into this meeting, it will not help at all, the fact that he got this out a little ahead of time. And you heard mike pence there, trying to separate himself from the story as best he can. But he has been put in a position, multiple times now, with the marco fu and Michael Flynn allegations, where he was time to say things and then become. Wouldnt you just love to know who is leaking this information . There is a lot of speculation. What more than one, 23, according to the New York Times. Two or three. He in the white house was donald trump . I have been told by people abroad, and here in the United States, this this isjust pa rt United States, this this isjust part of american politics. Its a brutal game people polled just do Opposition Research. Here is a treat. He was the Campaign Strategies for mitt romney. He worked on the Bush Campaign in 2004. She worked forjohn mccain. This is not normal in american politics, clearly. Yes, Opposition Research happen, but does not come from a foreign adversarial. But the question being raised, increasingly, is whether it was in fact illegal. Lawyers will have to look into it, i knew from both sides here, lawyers who say yes, this idea that they got things from a foreign adversary or foreign entity, that is illegal. Im also hearing lawyers say no, this is good to be very hard to say that this was actually illegal. This was the point talking about. This was the point talking about. This is how lawyers make their money disagreeing with each other. They are all lawyered up. Theres plenty of money going around. But even plenty of money going around. But evenif plenty of money going around. But even if he hasnt committed a crime, the real suggest the russians were dragged out the Drug Campaign to stop so even if you take donald trump stop so even if you take Donald Trumerout of stop so even if you take donald trumer out of this, the centre is that moscow were trying to interfere. The russians were trying to help the Trump Campaign full stop the russians have denied it just last week, but full stop the russians have denied itjust last week, but does that and ill ring true . The former russian Prime Minister is now a leading Opposition Figure and joins us now. Thank you forjoining us. Is it now getting harderfor the kremlin decided and interfere in the American Election last year . kremlin decided and interfere in the American Election last year . I think as the story develops, some kind of understanding that russians, especially those who are in the so called Sanctions List, are trying to build up a model, to try to eliminate those sanctions. I think this is a confirmation world than interference the elections, though just e mails that youre referring to, suggests that that could also be the case. Why would mr putin have gone to such lengths to stop Hillary Clinton . I think that is. That was clear that during that period of time, during the obama administration, relations with mosuls russia changed completely. I would say american reaction of Human Rights Violations ta ken would say american reaction of Human Rights Violations taken by putin was absolutely unacceptable from mosuls perspective, though i think this is an obligation of the American Government as well as many other governments, that human rights would be respected in russia. Of course, the ukrainian affair, annexation of crimea, the syrian operation, everything contrary to general order exists in this world. Mr putin would like to destroy all those things. Of course, he wanted his regime to be seen as a decent one. But u nfortu nately, seen as a decent one. But unfortunately, from his perspective, the American Administration and other western governments are standing very strongly on their values and understanding what is International Law is about. Values and understanding what is International Law is aboutm values and understanding what is International Law is about. If your candidate an arms length from it, so you werent directly in the data, that would give your trying to keep an arms length,. What we know about this oligarch, agalarov, hopelessly seated between . How close is heated putin . hopelessly seated between . How close is heated putin . I dont know how close, but i would say he has an extensive and Large Business in russia and that suggests that he has a good relation with high level officials, and this lawyer, is not officials, and this lawyer, is not of course working for the government, but i think a number of her clients are people who are in the Sanctions List and that is why i think her attempt was to build up a mechanism to limit those sanctions. I think that was what the main purpose was. I know i dont know about the other information presented in the e mails. Some kind of compromise on Hillary Clinton, as they say there, that could be the case. Other we have no evidence at the moment. Very good to get that insight. They give very much. The uk economy has graded record on climate in recent years, but has created the right kind of implement . Has created Record Employment, but it is it the right kind . We have a report on the gig economy will stop a report reveals that often, this leaves too much at power in the hands of the employer. The report recommends that workers for countries like uber and deliveroo should be classed as contractors, giving them more security. This is making peoples lives more insecure are making their lives more insecure are making their lives harder to manage. We need to ensure that the self employed and those working in the gig economy are all properly protected. You in the uk, we have had Record Employment and a lot of it is down to the gig economy. The problem is that retail comres are trying to shift some of their contracts onto these as you are flexible their contracts onto these as you a re flexible contracts their contracts onto these as you are flexible contracts get around some aspects of employment law. So he is saying korea to play he is saying, you need to pay National Literacy workers, sick pay, holiday pay, all the rest of it. The trouble is, and this is where you need the balance, a lot of people in the gig economy like the hours. They were four to they they work for two employers, they want to be flexible to. But that got me thinking, wonder if those is a debate like that in the knighted states, there is a debate here, but i dont sense that there is one . The United States. The gig economy in 2020 will take up 43 of the american workforce. That is huge. American workers dont necessarily expect modern times a paid holiday or health insurance, even, pension benefits. That is not the social contract that americans make with their employers. So you hear sangam bling here about that i do heargrumbling hear sangam bling here about that i do hear grumbling about whether employers should treat their employees better, but the gig economy is actually very well suited to the way people do business here. In this, our last week of 100 days 1 in this, our last week of 100 days , we are looking more closely at some of the teams that have guided this problem. Yesterday, we talked about the retreat of western, liberal democracy. Today, were talking about the relationship between politics and identity. The pattern was a uk government minister, also the last governor of hong kong and a european commissioner. He is a man who has seen first hand where National Identity and projects combine. His Memoir Isjust Out Identity and projects combine. His memoir is just out and he joined identity and projects combine. His memoir isjust out and hejoined us a little earlier. In your book, you talk about some rather unexpected things in relation to the Prime Ministers you worked with, three of them, ted heath, Margaret Thatcher and john major. In the context of todays relaunch, theresa mays relaunch, how you think she compares . I dont think there are bottles of champagne being broken over the bows of the ship with this relaunch. I think she is obviously in difficulty. She is in office but not i think in power. Because the Conservative Party is quite nervous that any attempt to find a successor would divide the Conservative Party even more fundamentally than it is already divided. She is not a bad woman. I think she is quite limited and i think that she allowed herself at the early stages of these doomed Brexit Negotiations to line up behind the people who wanted a hard brexit or no deal being better than a bad deal and so on issues like the role of the European Court of justice, on immigration, i think the government have got into a particularly difficult corner. I think its going to be a struggle to get out of it without either loss of face or considerable bashing for the national interest. Lets broaden this out and talk about one of the themes in your book, the idea of identity in politics. We all heard donald trump in warsaw last week and he spoke about the crisis of Western Civilisation and the idea of identity for National Politics and i wonder whether there are not a lot of people, whether in europe or in america at the moment who wouldnt agree with him and think we need to reclaim in this fast moving globalised world where people are crossing borders, we need to reclaim a sense of sovereignty and identity. But his definition of our identity in europe and i think in the United States is lamentable. His idea of identity bashes islam, keeps people out, very tough immigration controls, doesnt have much to do with the things which america helped to give the world after the second world war, institutions and values, which gave us probably the 50th happiest and most stable and peaceful years in the worlds history. I believe the relationship between freedom, the rule of law, economic success, democracy and accountability so that the second half of the last century was so much better than the first. If we want to go back to the first half of the last century, when nationalism poisoned and undermined civilisation, then President Trump is welcome to it, but it certainly isnt something i went to see for my children and grandchildren and that is why i have written this book. If we are to see a world in which america has a different role and it seems under donald trump, that role will be a more retiring one in the world, do you buy into the theory that other countries are going to step in, namely, the country you know very well, china, for example. In fact, is it all really doing so . I think as far as president xi jinping in china is concerned and so far as President Putin is concerned, President Trump is the gift that goes on giving. My own view is that there isnt a really big and serious issue in the world that we can tackle in a sensible, rational way without american leadership. I think europe can play a part but i think its going to depend very much on the United States, presuming the role that made america great. America doesnt need to be made great again, it is great already. Americas reputation around the world has been nosediving since President Trump came into office and american soft power, which was one of the reasons why america could achieve so much around the world, has been shot to pieces by this administration. I dont say that with any pleasure but it is true. You have been talking a lot about hong kong of late, if that soft power is replaced by Hard Powerfrom china, should we be worried . Yes, we should. Hong kong is guaranteed by treaty between britain and china, a treaty which runs until 2047 and what it looks as though china is trying to do at the moment, is to overturn some aspects of that agreement which was supposed to guarantee hong kongs way of life for 50 years. My own view and im sure that of other people, if you cant trust china to keep its word on that, what can you trust china with . I want to see china playing a responsible role in the world community. I think china doing well isnt a threat to us. I think china doing badly would be a threat. Interesting words. There is no doubt chinas 20 extend its reach, and with the us it retreating from things like the transpacific partnership, there is new opportunity. China is promising a new trillion dollar rail routes, following the trade route which once connected these and west. In a special report, editors travelling the length of this new cell growth. Today, she is in western china, where it is hoped that it may help resolve tensions bring a Muslim Minority and the state. This is the face of the new silk road. Behind the stage make up, this girl is a muslim from a farming family. The people left behind by chinas growth. Here, the state fears radical islam. And ethnic unrest has kept many way. Translation tourists i met had heard this place was unsafe, that they couldnt be sure to get out unharmed if they came here. Some people did some bad things and it has affected all of us. China is trying to rewrite the script. At this theatre, a grand narrative of ethnic unity and opportunities for all. Theres a lot of ground to cover. The wealth gap between west china and the coast, a challenge as immense as the terrain. This economy is addicted to building. But the coast now has as much road and rail as it can absorb so china seeking new frontiers at home and abroad. First stop, west china. To solve economic Insecurity Problems with one blow. The silk road was once unimaginably remote the most chinese, not any more. In less than a decade, china has built twice as much high speed rail as the rest of the world combined. And pushed it out to the far west. Towards the fabled silk road oasis. A magnet for the biggest Tourist Board in the world. One the government hopes will kick start growth and stabilise the region. Heading west to troubled xinjiang, do they fear becoming targets for terror . Translation not afraid, there are people looking after our safety everywhere we go. A small group of people are causing trouble but 99 are good. At the grand theatre, they are spending 250 million on a silk road centrepiece. But the more china invests, the more it has to protect. The ancient silk road story has moments of danger. And chinas grand new narrative is fraught with peril. Deliver on the spin of opportunities for all or forever scanned the crowd for the enemy within. Some challenges facing the new rising superpower, china. Youre watching 100 days from bbc news. Still to come, we had a report from inside raqqa in syria. Our correspondence on the front line of the fight against the so called Islamic State. And its the finish line for the 2024 olympics, two of the last contender Still Standing will find out soon if they will be the host of that olympics. Coming up on 100 days on bbc news. Good evening fell stop a change of fortunes, some rain, some of it really quite heavy across the south west and for parts of wales, as you can see from this weather watchers picture, it pushed its way is through the day bringing some heavy rain across the south coast into parts of dorset and towards swi team. The first significant rain we have seen for this years wimbledon championship. The rain will convey you to track its way steadily eastwards and it will continue to be quite heavy, which is great news for the gardens and for the farmers out there. Ourfirst the gardens and for the farmers out there. Our first significant rain across parts of Southern England so far thisjuly. Clear across parts of Southern England so farthisjuly. Clearskies, across parts of Southern England so far this july. Clear skies, a across parts of Southern England so far thisjuly. Clear skies, a chilly night to come in the north of scotland, low single figures in rural sheltered spot, but where we keep the cloud, it will be 14 or 15 degrees. That will start a clear away from the essex and kent coast during the morning, perhaps lingering for the morning rush hour, but behind, a legacy of either wait for a time before it will thin and break in the sunshine will come through. Not looking too bad across parts of wales, pinter northern england, the isle of man, Northern Ireland and the bulk of scotland will start the day on a slightly chilly enough but with plenty of sunshine. It really is looking like a promising date through the middle of the week. As we go through wednesday, that car that we have done towards the south west will too thin and break up during the latter stages of the morning. The wind swinging round to a north easterly direction, it may feel chilly on the coast, but with shelter we could cease some temperatures of low 20s, possibly. It bodes well if you have tickets for wimbledon, wednesday, a perfect day and one with it. 22 degrees the high, 72 fahrenheit. Training into their stake not much change into thursday, dry, in the sunshine, it will continue to feel quite warm with light winds, 18 to 23 degrees. Clouds gather into the far north west. A week rent will make its way slowly south and east, bringing some showers, but by friday, a ridge of High Pressure builds again and generally speaking, things look quite promising. Maybe some could arrive as we go through friday, but cry. Welcome back to 100 days plus. Im katty kay in new york. And im Christian Fraser in london. Our top stories President Trumps son has released an email chain, showing he was keen to use information from russia to dig the dirt on Hillary Clinton and help his dad win the white house. But the lawyer he met denies the allegations of a connection to the kremlin, and insists never possessed any damaging information. Emails released today by Donald Trumpjnr have changed the debate here, about whether the Trump Campaign cooperated with russia to affect the us election. In the correspondence, this is what the person arranging an encounter with a russian lawyer promised. Some official documents and information that would would incriminate hillary and her dealings with russia, and would be very useful to your father. This is obviously very high level and Sensitive Information, but is part of russia and its governments support for mrtrump. Donald trumers response if its what you say, i love it, especially later in the summer. Well, joining us now is matthew rojansky, director of the Kennan Institute at the Woodrow Wilson center. Matthew, put your moscow hat on. Or are they making of this in the kremlin . What is very strange about how this has come together is that the lawyers substance of argument, which had to do with the sanctions bill, the russian retaliation etc, that was 100 consistent with the kremlin message. It plugs into basically a life and death struggle for the putin regime. The Big Proponent of those sanctions was bill browder, a former american citizen, british who bankrolled the campaign to get sanctions against moscow. The element of luring the Trump Campaign in, what sort of sounds strange about all of that to my year is if you are running an intelligence operation to try and su btly intelligence operation to try and subtly push an American Election, thatis subtly push an American Election, that is the opposite of what you do. You do not very publicly, and through these very obviously traceable intermediaries, put out feelers and deliver nothing of real value or substance. You do the opposite. The very quietly deliver things of tremendous value in a plausibly deniable way. This seems like the opposite of a russian intelligence operation. It may have been a bumbling rush hour kremlin lobbying operation. What you say is that maybe the lawyer overrate this . Or maybe somebody further down the it is quite possible. The way the Kremlin System Works made recalls the soviet system. Over fulfilling the soviet system. Over fulfilling the plan. Putin set a general direction for a russian policy. Then you have a competition. Remember the famous Competition Among the hackers . This Competition Among elements of the russian state and their interlocutors and intermediaries to fulfil the expectations of the top guy. This was a bungled operation by some people who were not the a team. We should say we have some news in from the white house. A statement from President Trump, in which he says, i son is a high quality person and i applaud his transparency. As we pointed out earlier, these e mails would not have come out if it had not been for the New York Times investigation. Prosecutors have been asking for these contacts, these meetings earlier. I take the point matthew is making. Maybe there wasnt a plan from the kremlin in this particular direction. The point is, and this is surely the uppermost point of this story, is that he was prepared to go along with it thinking the information was coming from russia. It doesnt matter what information was coming dandelion, or whether he knew who he was meeting or not, he was prepared to go along with it, thinking it was top information coming from moscow. Surely that is the point . You will hear a lot of about the issue of intention in the next few days. Day by day, the Islamic State is being driven out of its strongholds. The Iraqi Government declared victory in mosul yesterday, though the United Nations believes there are some 3000 civilians trapped in areas still held by the militants. With that push in mosul the next target is raqqa in syria. Gabriel gatehouse, along with Cameraman Fred Scot and producer peter emmerson, have been with them on the front line. In raqqa, Islamic State is making its final stand. Fighting their way into the heart of the caliphate, a Fragile Coalition of power is great and small, of arabs and kurds, of Men And Women. This woman is in command of a thousand fighters on the raqqa front line. Together, these Men And Women make up the Syrian Democratic force is, stf. An alliance that includes arabs but is led by the kurds. Their success against is has come in no small part to backing from the United States. The americans have quietly built a presence on the ground, providing weapons, presence on the ground, providing weapons, training and firepower. The commander and her unit on the western front. It is a tight squeeze inside a home made armoured truck with a couple of firefighters driving towards the centre of raqqa. Islamic state are supposed to be surrounded inside the old city. But is have dug tunnels. And they frequently pop up you dont expect them. These fighters are coming up against is fighters in all of these streets. They have got drones, they this is going to be a hard fight into the centre of raqqa. Inching their way into the city, house by house, the fighters are so close they can hear is in the building across the street. This is of course across the street. This is of course a battle for territory. They are fighting to retake the capital of the caliphate. Has something happened . The caliphate. Has something happened . Everybody the caliphate. Has something happened . Everybody is springing into action. They think they have got some isis snipers in the buildings around. What is going on . They are moving here. They now face Islamic State at perhaps their most dangerous. Wounded, cornered and with nothing left to lose. But the fall of is is inside. In sight. So what happens next to Islamic State . Joining us is jamesjeffrey, who is a former Us Ambassador to iraq. He also served as Deputy National security advisor under president george w bush. Ambassadorjeffrey, what ambassador jeffrey, what happens ambassadorjeffrey, what happens to Islamic State fighters, both from iraq and syria, who havent been Ca Ptu Red Iraq and syria, who havent been captured or killed . There will be some. There will be some. A few will try to generate a gorilla campaign against whatever the authorities are in iraq and particularly syria. We saw visinia rack in 2010, 2011. There werent saw visinia rack in 2010, 2011. There we rent many saw visinia rack in 2010, 2011. There werent many but they can strike from time to time. There will be very stringent controls on letting these people back to their homes. There already are in places like tunisia. What would your advice be to the Trump Administration and the Coalition Forces in the region, to try to make sure that isis 2. 0 doesnt re emerge . To try to make sure that isis 2. 0 doesnt reemerge . That is a really great question and it is what people are focused on. This is a huge victory we are seeing unfold in mosul and in the days and weeks ahead it is the destruction of Islamic State, the first since the downfall of the taliban in 2001. However, we have isis in the state it was from 2014 to 2017 because of irans intervention in iraq and syria. Supporting its clients, particularly president assad, but also some of the shia politicians in iraq. And isis. We have to avoid that happening again. Iran is the next big issue that the Trump Administration is going to have to tackle. It is not ready to do it yet because it has been preoccupied understandably with isis. It seems to me that the United States sees a friend in the Prime Minister, someone they can work with. He is already on record as saying they need a federalism in iraq that works for the sunnis and the kurds. When it comes to mosul, that is tricky. It isa it comes to mosul, that is tricky. It is a city were all others different societies are present. How do you command a city like mosul and give these communities faith that their interests are being upheld . There is a standard that we have learned in many conflicts. I think of sarajevo in bosnia. It requires Strong International engagement. You have that with the american Led Coalition right now. It requires the kind of bottom up reconciliation that we have seen in some areas of iraq that have been retaken by isis. But the underlying problem is, and we saw visinia rack and we have seen it in afghanistan, if you cannot control the big politics of the region, neighbours such as iran, pakistan, no matter what you try to do on the ground, falls apart. We have to deal with irans influence in iraq. James jeffrey, thank you. Politics, too much of it. Time for some sport. Paris and los angeles will be the next hosts of the Olympic Games after tokyo. In an unusual move, both cities will be officially awarded the 2024 and 2028 games in september. All the other contenders pulled out of the race. But the Question Remains wholl host the games first . My my kind of race. No competition. Both cities are vying for 2024. Emmanuel macron has put himself front and centre of the paris bid. It is him again. He makes me feel inadequate. Here he is last month, boxing in paris as part of events to drum up support in the city. He is only four years younger than me. I hate him hes also been in switzerland as has the mayor of los angeles, with gold medal sprinters Allyson Felix and michaeljohnson. Donald trump has got into this, hasnt he . Yes. Surprise, surprise he is rooting for los angeles. He has got this fancy dinner with lobster, which i think he hates. They are meant to be celebrating bastille day. It is going to be about the olympics and who wins. Donald trump likes to win. Emanuel macron likes to win. I was looking at this dinner. It is at the jewels we re at this dinner. It is at the jewels were at this dinner. It is at the jewels were jules verne restaurant in paris. No other guests. It has been closed to all other guests. It is just Emmanuel Macron and donald trump. They will dine on blue lobster and caviar, among other delicacies. Does the president like blue lobster . No. He likes a stake and he likes it well done. Otherwise he likes diet coke. This is not his kind of dinner. I could always sit hello there. You are watching bbc news. The top stories. The government has ordered an inquiry into the contaminated Blood Scandal of the 1970s and 1980s, which led to the deaths of nearly 2500 people. President trumps son has released an e mail chain showing he was offered Sensitive Information on Hillary Clinton in last years election, purportedly on behalf of the russian government. Johanna konta has become the first british woman konta has become the first british woman to reach the singles semifinals at wimbledon for nearly 40 yea rs. Semifinals at wimbledon for nearly 40 years. And an update for you on the markets. The ftse index down. Johanna konta battled back from the brink to win a Three Tech Thriller Against Romania Second Seed simona halep at wimbledon, to become britains first female semifinalist since 1978. Konta fought back to win 67, 76, 64. She since 1978. Konta fought back to win 6 7, 7 6, 6 4. She has matched virginia wades fleet of 39 years ago. Konta served superbly to win in two hours and 38 minutes. She will play five time champion Venus Williams in the semifinal. She spoke after the match. Congratulations. What a performance. What a stage to do it. Matching virginia wade. She was watching you. Right now it is a little bit surreal. It is quite incredible how quickly things go in tennis. Two minutes ago i was just playing and now i am here. Things happen very quickly. I am definitely did digesting things. The tension out of there at times today, it seemed like you had incredible focus, you were able to do what you had to do at the crucial moments . I definitely felt very clear on what i was trying to achieve out there. Regardless of whether it was going my way or not. I really stuck to my true self and just tried to create as many opportunities as possible. I knew that going into the match against simona halep she would not give me much forfree. I definitely simona halep she would not give me much for free. I definitely have to be the one out there to create my own chances, and ifelt be the one out there to create my own chances, and i felt i be the one out there to create my own chances, and ifelt i did be the one out there to create my own chances, and i felt i did that. I feel fortunate i took a

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