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Or, to be more precise, america in the company of nicaragua and syria. If President Trump pulls out of the paris climate accord, thats who the us willjoin as the only countries in the world not to have signed the Landmark 2015 agreement. It will signal a withdrawal of American Leadership on perhaps the most critical issue of our time, with enormous implications for the future of the planet, politics and jobs worldwide. So what is the paris accord . Under it, countries committed to capping Global Warming at 2 degrees celcius with an endeavour to limit Temperature Gains even further, to 1. 5 degrees. Rich countries also agreed to provide Climate Finance to help poorer nations switch to renewables. They pledged 100 billion a year by 2020, many countries wanted more. Today, the top ten Greenhouse Gas emitters make up over 70 of total emissions, china overtook america as the worlds biggest emitter in 2007. For more on the announcement, we can speak to Barbara Plett usher will he keep his Campaign Pledge to the important constituency, the Blue Collar Workers in the industrial heartland, who believed his rhetoric that the climate accord is killing theirjobs. More widely to republican constituencies who believe it is a bad deal and puts them at economic disadvantage. Does he listen to everybody else backing him to stay in the accord . International allies, the un head, the pope, large parts of the Business Community in america, some white house advisers, even his daughter are worried about the possibility of removing the americans from the accord, not least because of the environment, but also because of the environment, but also because the benighted states would because the benighted states would be isolated. And its Global Leadership will be affected. There has been some discussion of possible middle ground, not completely pulling out, but with re negotiating the targets that the United States will keep. It is not clear where thatis will keep. It is not clear where that is going. It will not only be americans watching, that is for sure. It will be people around the world. Those are the voices that the white house and the president is listening to. We will know in an hour. We will bring full coverage to you on the bbc across the world. Well, among the american officials who were key in getting the us sign on to the Climate Agreement in paris was ernest moniz. He served as president 0bamas Secretary Of Energy and joins me now. You were the grandfather of this deal, you got it on the table in paris. Secretary kerry was the lead negotiator. How are you feeling today . The prospect of america pulling out of a deal that you worked so hard to see come together. First of all, i am curious to see what the announcement will be. But if the United States, if the president announces, polls out of the Paris Agreement, it would be a terrible mistake on many grounds. Fundamentally, it is rejecting science. It is adding to, and u nfortu nately, science. It is adding to, and unfortunately, increasing loss of confidence in the ability of the United States in meeting agreements. And especially when combined with the budget, the first budget, the president put forward to congress. Frankly, it will undermine our competitiveness in a multitrillion dollar arena energy economy. What about the counter argument on the science, we dont really need the paris accord anyway, because Market Forces m ea n paris accord anyway, because Market Forces mean that america is emitting less and less as it is. The reality is, we are well on our way towards the paris target. It has nothing to do with Climate Policy at the moment. But i would take the opposite conclusion, natural gas and renewable growth in the United States has got us down 12 14 . 0ther countries, who have made comparable 01 countries, who have made comparable or stronger commitments, dont have that advantage of an abundance of natural gas. Why is this a bad deal . I have never heard it explained, i just hear the words that it is a bad deal. After kyoto, the issue was, the emerging economies are not in here. The paris deal puts them in here. The paris deal puts them in here. We dont have flexibility. We have flexibility. We are doing quite well in this direction. However, we do need paris. We do need to have policy that will guide us. I remind you, not just to policy that will guide us. I remind you, notjust to the paris goals, but even more Carbon Reduction is required. Clearly the people in the United States that objects do so two france, they dont like america not having sovereignty over its own climate deals. And the workers who are employed in the fossil fuels industries, whether it is coal or oil, feel the agreement might cost them theirjobs. First of all, there is no evidence that today has been experiencing job loss, quite the contrary. We know there have been substantial losses in coal mining, which started long before this. It is technology, it is mechanisation, and most recently it is in fact the abundance of natural gas that has displaced coal as a market phenomenon on. That is the reality. That is not going to be reversed. What we need to do, and we did in the 0bama administration, instead, we put 6 billion into play to develop the technologies that would allow coal to be used in a low carbon world. Lets look forward, lets develop the technologies, lets develop the technologies, lets use our innovation, and then we can have All Of The Above involved. Spent hours sitting around the table with global counterparts discussing the issues of Climate Change. If residentjohn pulled out, do you think other countries will decide they dont need to stick to their image and targets . decide they dont need to stick to their image and targets . I dont believe that. I believe there is no going back. We are going to a low carbon future. That has been made loud and clear by American Business leaders. They say, we are not going to make investments in a high carbon future. Investments last decades. The states and cities are moving forward. We are going forward. All this does, if in fact we pull out, all this will do is make it harder and more expensive for the United States to play, and will diminish oui states to play, and will diminish our competitiveness in that future market. Thank you for coming in. President trump has a lot of supporters here in america if he pulls out of paris. Among them is phil kerpen, president of american commitment, a group dedicated to free markets and economic growth. You were hearing the deck with terry, ernest moniz, saying that america loses nothing by being in the paris accord, and gains the advantage that emerging countries are ina advantage that emerging countries are in a global accord as well. What do you make of that . Yeah, thats highly inaccurate. In fact, the cost to the United States is considerable. This agreement will be used as a pretext for litigation, to force the Clean Power Plan to come into effect. It has meant higher electricity prices. There is a direct Cash Transfer in the agreement, 100 billion per year from the advanced countries do the developing world. The lions share of that will come from the United States if we remain in the agreement. We will be paying Higher Energy prices, and paying more foreign aid abroad. Two big losses foreign aid abroad. Two big losses for the american people. But in terms ofjobs, as you know, most economists seem to believe that the job growth that comes from the renewable industry is actually equal to anyjob losses that there might be in the fossil fuel industry. Thoughifs be in the fossil fuel industry. Though its not a job loser, being pa rt though its not a job loser, being part of the paris accord. Its a big job loser on an economy work bases. It takes a lot more labour to produce energy from renewables than it does from fossil sources, because they are much less efficient and productive. If you spend more and have more labour intensive production and Higher Energy prices, you may employ more people in the energy sector, but it will be harder to employ people in manufacturing and the other sectors of the economy that consume energy, as well as being more expensive for individual consumers as world. The economy wide impact of Energy Prices is very negative indeed. This idea that we have brought the developing world into it, and this is the framework, it ignores the reality on the ground. First, commitments made in india and china, they do not limit emissions levels. They will not meet the promises that they have made. India has 370 coal power plant in the planning stages. It is impossible to meet their paris commitments with that plan. They wont meet the promises they have made. Germany has had their image and increase in age of the last two yea rs. And increase in age of the last two years. What is making countries angry about the president right now, instead of ignoring his commitment, because there is no enforcement in this agreement, he is doing this the honest way and saying we will withdraw from this because we will not meet the obligation. That is a much better form of not meet the obligation. That is a much betterform of leadership, being honest, than what we are seeing from other countries. Thank you forjoining us. And underlining the splits in the republican part on this issue, this was the tweet from former republican president ial nominee mitt romney. Affirmation of the parisagreement is not only about the climate, it is also about america remaining the global leader. Ron, is this about science and jobs and the economy, or is it about American Leadership in the world . All of the above. When you look at the fact that the United States is committing itself to an accord that is not a treaty, it gives a lot of people on capitol hill concern. If it is such a monumental agreement, as people have said, why didnt the United States submitted to the senate for ratification . Why did we not have hearings on it . Why did we not have hearings on it . Why did we not reject it will ratify it . |j not have hearings on it . Why did we not reject it will ratify it . I was going to ask the point, this Impacts America come the perception of america come the perception of america around the world. America on a critical issue has decided to withdraw leadership. Something a lot of people had wondered if the president would actually do. How would you respond to that . Is it a concern of yours . You have questions about the paris accord in america, are you concerned about the leadership issue . I am. Perception is reality. The perception here is that the United States would be pulling away from 195 plus other countries in the world, and not leading on an issue. Mr trump might not agree on the science, and he might not agree on americas role, but i am worried how america will be perceived as a global leader, which we always have been. Frankly, it looks like we might have an american president , since he doesnt believe that Climate Change exists, therefore america doesnt believe that. That sends a very interesting signal. Stay with us. Breaking news 110w. Signal. Stay with us. Breaking news now. Reports coming in from the philippines of gunfire and explosions outside a complex in the capital manila. It is situated next to the international airport. Fire trucks and police have gone to the area, when we get more on it, we will bring you it as the story develops in the philippines. Back to the paris accord is now. Nature and politics both abhor a vacuum and if America Cedes leadership on Climate Change, other countrys will step in. Angela merkel today described paris as an essetial accord. A leaked statement from the eu and china shows they are already planning a joint announcement maintaining their commitments to paris. And beijing, the worlds biggest polluter, promises to stick to the terms of the accord, whatever mr trump does. Translation china will continue to implement promises made in the Paris Agreement, to move towards the 2030 Goals Step By step, steadfastly. But of course, we also hope to do this incorporation with others. The europeans will also taking more of a Leadership Role on the issue. Laurence tubiana was the french ambassador for Climate Negotiations that led to the Paris Agreement. Shejoins from paris. Thank you forjoining us. How much ofa thank you forjoining us. How much of a blow will this actually be to the paris accords if america pulls out . Of course, its a big deception, because the us has had a key role in drafting this agreement together with many others. So on that side, its a pity. And its a pity, essentially, for us society, us diplomacy, but frankly, when i look at the reaction all over the world, from europe, from china, from even bge six countries recently in taormina, again, the elements really of what Prime Minister rudy said recently in saying again, certainly tomorrow in france, really there is an overwhelming recommitment of every country to the Paris Agreement. I dont think this is really a blow, meaning it is a pity. It is deceitful. Im sorry for this big achievement, im sorry for them the us in particular, but i think the us in particular, but i think the train has left the station. If you listen to all the other experts around the table early on, i think the train really is there. The modernity, the transformation of the local economy is irreversible. That is what is written in the declaration between eu and china. I think it is a pity because, the us has the lead in technology, and capacity to lead on that aspect. But now, i think the ball will move on with other countries, and other directions. It is a pity for the us economy in particular. We havent had an announcement is yet, we will announce it in 45 minutes time, if President Trump surprises us all and said america is staying in the paris climate accords, how much better off well plan it be . Oh, anyway, iwill be happy, because it is a collective endeavour. The withdrawal of the us, anyway, will slow the movement, of course. So its very important that the us stays, and the us with all its capacity, to help other countries, and to show were dirty and the transformation of the economy. So it would be very, very good news. Iwill economy. So it would be very, very good news. I will be listening to it later on, but in the case not, i do think its a blow for the Paris Agreement. The Paris Agreement demonstrated resilience, not only because of government, because of the capacity of many other stakeholders that was the conception of paris, really having a city, the states, the businesses, really committing to the Global Growth of paris and the trans formation. That is really there, and i think the wave is amplified by the reaction of the us announcement today. Thank you for joining the us announcement today. Thank you forjoining us. I want to pick up on something that has been talked about, actually, if President Trump says that america is pulling out of the paris accord, the truth is that states and cities are already doing a lot to reduce emissions. We have california, the governor of california, the governor of california who told the bbc that they are going to stay on the path and Wilma Ghost Lake themselves with china and europeans. You also heard that new york would maintain the Paris Agreement. We hear the United States is abdicating leadership, we have heard that there were no republican voices in paris in the accord. I wonder whether this is truly speaking for the entire United States government and us as a democracy, or whether it speaks for the democratic party. Look at the number of American Businesses, rex tillerson, the secretary of state, who is a republican, has also said that america should stay in the paris accord. Two different things. The negotiation in december, 2015, it was all democrats. You may have many ceos. If it was a Bipartisan Party that went to paris, we may not have what we are having to date . You had 22 republicans saying they were rejecting it. Split sides. Thank you. There have been other things going on in washington as we wait for the paris announcement. The former fbi director, james comey, is to testify next thursday before a Senate Intelligence Committee Investigating allegations of russian interference in the president ial election. Mr comey, who was fired by the president last month, is expected to testify on conversations he had with President Trump about dropping the fbis investigation into his then National Security adviser, michael flynn, over his contacts with the russians. We will bring you all about when it comes. Donald trump has decided not to move the us embassy in Israel Tojerusalem for now. The president signed the legal waiver that keeps the embassy in tel aviv. The white house says donald trump remains committed to eventually moving the embassy to jerusalem, but the delay is intended to maximise the chances of negotiating a peace deal between israel and the palestinians. Pakistan has rejected afghan allegations that it was involved in a massive bomb attack in kabul. Pakistan was accused of supporting the afg han affiliated haqqani network, which the Afghan Intelligence service has blamed for the attack. No armed group has officially claimed responsibility for the attack. 90 people died in the bombing, which struck in kabuls most secure district. The british politician, nigel farage, whos a trump ally and the driving force behind last yea rs brexit referendum, has described as hysterical, reports that he too is a Person Of Interest in the fbi investigation. He said it was extremely doubtful he could be a Person Of Interest since he had no connections to russia. A week today brits will decide who they want to run their country, and negotiate their departure from the European Union. It was supposed to be a slam dunk of a victory for the conservative but right now theresa mays party is only just ahead in the opinion polls. So with seven days to go, is it starting to look like a real race. Today, out on the campaign trail, both the Prime Minister and Jeremy Corbyn focused on the big issue, brexit. Im confident that we can fulfil the promise of brexit together, and build a britain that is stronger, fairer, and even more prosperous than it is today. Theresa may says no deal is better than a bad deal. Lets be clear, no deal is in fact a bad deal. It is the worst of all deals. Applause one area of the uk that voted to leave the European Union was cornwall in the south west of england, despite it receiving millions of dollars in eu subsidies. Ros atkins is there for us. What are they making of the election in cornwall and how the polls are tightening . Hi to all of you watching, brexit as you mentioned is a huge political issue here. One of the key consequences of a positive vote for brexit was that lots of people that supported the ukip party are considering switching allegiances to the conservatives, the National Polls have suggested this could be happening as well. That is one lived for the conservatives. The counter is that at the last election, the conservatives in cornwall got a clea n conservatives in cornwall got a clean sweep. All six constituencies went blue. The lib dems say, vote for us, we will give you a second referendum once the brexit deal is negotiated. For those people in cornwall but dont want brexit do happen, that is proving attractive. The key dynamic here is, how can the tories shore up their position, and how much progress can the lib dems may . I am sure you were watching the debate last night, theresa may wasnt there. Have you heard any voters in cornwall complaining that she wasnt there . 0r voters in cornwall complaining that she wasnt there . Or did she think her stand in amber rudd did a good job . I will tell you a couple of things directly relevant to that, if we bring the camera around, this beautiful beach in falmouth. You have picked the nicest place m beautiful beach in falmouth. You have picked the nicest place it was full of tourists and locals enjoying the sunshine. We spent half an hour, me and a couple of producers, trying to find anyone on this beach who watched that debate. We have failed to. Which told me that perhaps, a lot of ordinary people dont engage in big, media events in the same way that the media does. The second interesting conversation i had. God forbid one man sitting behind a windbreak said, i am fed up with theresa may for not showing up. I am a conservative. I feel she theresa may for not showing up. I am a conservative. Ifeel she should have done it. I have not been impressed by her performance in this campaign, but impressed by her performance in this campaign, but i am still going to vote for her despite those reservations. Thats the challenge, by most commentatorss acknowledgement, Jeremy Corbyn has had a strong campaign, but that there is an as is airily mean he has done enough to persuade gentlemen but that doesnt necessarily mean. Whether voters do that will very much decide the outcome of the election. We will find out in a weeks time. I hope you make sure that you peek equally de ligt locations through the British Isles through the next week. I wouldnt wa nt through the next week. I wouldnt want you to see you anywhere rainy. God forbid it rains x mac i will do. See you soon. An update on the Breaking News out of the philippines a few minutes ago, there have been gunfire and explosions outside a Shopping Complex in the capital manila. Employees have fled the scene, and spoke of a masked gunmen on the second floor of one hotel who was firing at guests. Reuters said that police are now in full control of the situation. We will bring you that constantly as the story unfolds. I want to bring one back in. You have been with me all week, it has been an incredibly busy week in washington. As we get to the end of the week, and we have the president s announcement coming up, and we have talked through the week about the russian investigations, it occurs to me that there is a common theme, americans leadership in the world is under scrutiny, almost like never before. What can the president do to prove the perception of america right now . I think he needs to project leadership and have a strong sense of purpose of what it means for him to be president of the United States, what is his vision . How does he articulated . And can he get people to follow him . We have seen get people to follow him . We have seen tweets and a lot of odd state m e nts seen tweets and a lot of Odd Statements coming out of the white house, which seems very dysfunctional, and frankly, doesnt have a coherent message. He need aduu have a coherent message. He need Adult Supervision to help him in the white house, for him to do those tasks. Great to have you in the studio. I have had a lot of fun. Christian is back on monday, back from the south of france, we will keep one, too, though. You are watching 100 days plus, have a great weekend. See you on monday. Hello and good evening a huge contrast across the uk today. In the west, a lot of cloud and Rain In The South East of scotland. Further south, blue sky along the south coast, sent in by a Weather Watcher in east sussex. This is the big picture. The satellite shows a swirl of clouds, an area of low pressure, cloud across the north and west, rain as well. In contrast, temperatures, 40 degrees in the north west, 25 degrees early on in the south east, a warm afternoon here. Eventually, a band of rain will cross the irish sea, it is a slow process, but by the end of the night, we will have a warm night for much of england and wales, 14 or 15, if you degrees lower than that for scotla nd if you degrees lower than that for scotland and Northern Ireland. In the morning, wet weather in wales and western england. A dry and warm start. 8am, and western england. A dry and warm start. Sam, 17 or 18 degrees. Start. 8am, 17 or 18 degrees. Further west, back into the cloud, ra i nfo rd further west, back into the cloud, rainford northern england, eastern and several scotland, too. Fresh air from Northern Ireland to the western side of scotland. Eventually, the fresh air will win out, moving in behind our weather front, fresh air will win out, moving in behind our weatherfront, which will only work from west to east. The head of that, warm, and thunderstorms breaking out. The pressure follows behind. A warm afternoon in the south eastern corner, 25, 26 or 27 degrees, further west, 17s 18s. Corner, 25, 26 or 27 degrees, further west, 17s18s. We will lose the thunderstorms in the south eastern corner, and we have fresh air. By saturday, a better feel. It will still be unsettled on saturday, low pressure to the north west of us. This weather will bring cloud and rain to the north west of the uk. Further east you go, you should be drier. Top temperatures of 21 degrees, down by several degrees. Further west, 16 or 17. A fresh start on sunday. 18 or 19 degrees, and it will be another day of sunny spells and showers. Most showers on sunday in the west. That is how the theme continues into the start of next week on a sunny spells and showers. Top temperatures in the upper teens at very best. Hello and welcome to the election wrap, your guide to all the days news from the campaign trail. Now. All together. What does brexit mean. Of course, silly. It means brexit. All the Party Leaders today were desperate to make that clear with their own modifications thrown in, naturally. Obviously the debate that you didnt take part in, you are getting a hard time on social media for not doing it, having seen that do you think you made the right decision . Do you think she watched it on telly with a cup of cocoa . If we only knew. Well be visiting the most marginal constituency in the country, gower in south wales to see if labour can topple the tories. And in Sunny Skegness for a lovely day by the sea to check if the folks there have already made up their minds to vote for

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