Transcripts For BBCNEWS 100 Days 20170329

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Policy is the hardships and a client of the communities that i live work and dear europe, people from across britain say farewell to the eu. It has taken nine months but today britain took the decisive step towards leaving the European Union, and a relationship that has bound this country to the continent for over a0 years. The british Prime Ministers letter just six pages long was transferred to the president of the European Council by the uks ambassador to the eu. That very simple process triggers article 50 beginning two years of devilishly difficult negotiation. The deal that is agreed or maybe there will be no deal agreed but either way the outcome holds consequences not only for the four nations of this United Kingdom but also for the future of the European Union. We will look at all of that tonight, but first lets hear from our Political Editor Laura Kuenssberg on this momentous day. Some moments make us. This is one. The minute In Westminster, belfast, edinburgh and cardiff that the United Kingdom formally changed course. The article 50 process is now underway and in accordance with the wishes of the british people, the United Kingdom is leaving the European Union. This is an historic moment from which there can be no turning back. Probably our last ambassador to the European Union handing over the letter at 12 25pm. The document that says we are on oui way out. Theresa mays signature on our departure. Herjob now, to make it work. This, her hope. A country that goes out into the world to build relationships with old friends and new allies alike. And that is why i have set out a clear and ambitious plan for negotiations ahead. It is a plan for a new, deep and special partnership between britain and the European Union. Her decisions about how mean we are out of the Single Market to control immigration. As european leaders have said many times, we cannot cherry pick and remain members of the Single Market without accepting the four freedoms that are indivisible. We respect that decision. A friendlier tone to the continent, an ambition to bring this country together. Mr speaker, when i sit around the Negotiating Table in the months ahead i will represent every person in the United Kingdom, young and old, rich and poor, Town And Country and all the villages and hamlets in between. And yes, those eu nationals that have made this country their home. And it is my fierce determination to get the right deal for this country. In perhaps the most important letter that shell ever pen, the Prime Minister spoke of her hope to give reassurance quickly to the millions of eu citizens who live here and brits abroad. We should always put our citizens first, we should aim to strike an early agreement about their rights. But no guarantees. The Prime Minister wants a Free Trade Deal with the eu of greater scope and ambition than any before. A bold hope seen as naive by some to try to protect firms who do business around the continent from rules and barriers. No overt threat to walk away but a serious warning. A failure to Reach Agreement would mean our co operation in the fight against crime and terrorism would be weakened. We must work hard to avoid that outcome. Her message, the eu needs us. She wants also to agree the terms of our future partnership alongside those of our withdrawal from the eu, to work out how we leave at the same time as sorting out the future. Labour arent the only ones sceptical she can deliver. If the Prime Minister can deliver a deal that meets our tests that will be fine, we will back her. More than ever britain needs a government that will deliver for the whole country, not just the few. And that is the ultimate test of the brexit deal that the Prime Minister must now secure. The clock is ticking now. Memories of today will be so different. A public party for some. Even though thats not actually the foreign secretary. Almost a wake for others. Thats the sense in the home of the eu. Theres no reason to pretend that this is a happy day, neither in brussels nor in london. Some powers coming back from brussels will bypass this place and flow to holyrood, cardiff and stormont. For remainers here and in the Scottish Government those promises dont go far enough. The Prime Minister still cant answer basic questions about what brexit will mean for businesses, the economy generally and for the type of society we live in. This six simple pages will do much to determine our place in the world in the future. The letter is less abrasive in tone to the rest of the eu than when mrs may started as Prime Minister. But she still had to persuade her party she really was committed to leaving. Now the clamour of the referenda misconduct, the tone is politely practical. The message of the letter, get real. You need us and we need you. Remember we bring a lot to the table when it comes to policing, security and intelligence services. It wasnt firing a shot but she was just making a reminder, remember what is at stake here. It is exciting but i dont underestimate the scale of the task that lies ahead in the next two years. What has happened today is the biggest stimulation of british power and sovereignty in my lifetime. A letter which is really about kicking off a Trade Negotiation had six mentions of trade and ii mentions of security. It struck me as a reckless series of threats. Not that he ever needs a reason to be pictured with a pint, today ukip were celebrating. Over the moon, happy. Today, for me, after 25 years of campaigning, The Impossible Dream came true, im very pleased. And look who popped up later. What matters now is that we have a successful negotiation and try to maintain a close relationship between britain and the European Union. In a rare interview inside number ten the Prime Minister promised, despite all the challenges, our relationship with the rest of the continent will be just as good. What we are both looking for is that comprehensive Free Trade Agreement which gives that ability to trade freely into the european Single Market and for them to trade with us. It will be a different relationship but i think it will have the same benefits in terms of that free access to trade. An assertion that will take a lot to prove. One her counterparts in europe struggle to believe. Number tens time for preparation is up, now time to try to persuade. With me now is our chief political correspondent, vicki young and in brussels, my colleague ben brown. That piece talked about the town and it is different, warm and conciliatory. She is setting up the environment for the negotiations. When you go into negotiations you must have the bottom line is, but the uk government is trying to say we are not just the uk government is trying to say we are notjust any third country trying to do a deal, we have been pa rt trying to do a deal, we have been part of your life for the past a0 yea rs. We have part of your life for the past a0 years. We have been interwoven, the economy is, politically, and we can continue that close relationship. She spoke about a deep and special partnership. Four orfive she spoke about a deep and special partnership. Four or five times she spoke about a deep and special partnership. Four orfive times in the letter that is what she talks about so clearly shes going in trying to be positive. I think the interesting thing is we heard a lot about no deal is better than a bad deal but today she made it clear thatis deal but today she made it clear that is not what she wants. It may be what some of mps think would be perfectly 0k, not what shes going for. She said the eu could cope with no deal but should not be what theyre aiming for. So very much going in trying to get a good deal. Well the tone was important in this letter and also interesting in brussels as well. Yes and the town of the response i think has overwhelmingly been one of sadness. Donald tusk after receiving the letter at lunchtime said, we miss you already, he could not pretend to be happy and so on. So obviously everyone knew that this day was coming but now it has arrived, a mood of some sadness and disappointment. A little irritation i have to say at what has been perceived in brussels as an attempt by theresa may in that letter to link security and trade and possibly or the reading here link security and trade and possibly orthe reading here is link security and trade and possibly or the reading here is maybe to use security as a bargaining chip. And guy verhofstadt, the chief brexit negotiator for the European Parliament, said they would not acce pt parliament, said they would not accept any attempt by the british to link Security Cooperation and trade. And that is an important point, security has been used for leveraged in this letter, amber rudd said if we took money back from europol we would also take information. That has raised some eyebrows. It caused quite a stir, theresa may in the letter talking about going to wto rules but also saying in Security Terms of failure to Reach Agreement would mean the fight against crime and terrorism would be weakened in terms of cooperation. Downing street said it is not a threat, just the reality. The reality with things like europol if we have a lot of information in there and they cannot just expect that to continue if there is no deal. The stakes are very high but of course it is going to bea very high but of course it is going to be a compromise and the danger with that is no one is happy at the end of it. Thank you both. Nine months is a long time for people to reflect on the vote they cast in the referendum. Has opinion changed at all . Well this is by no means conclusive but it is a yougov poll that has been Tracking Opinions each month, and you can see that broadly speaking britain is still as divided as it was at lastjunes referendum when the uk voted to leave the eu by 52 to a8 . Factor in the dont knows and opinion doesnt appear to have shifted very much. So after aa years together it is time to write those Goodbye Letters heres what some people will miss about eu membership, and what some people will not. Dear European Union. Dear eu. Dear friends and neighbours. Dear European Union. Well, its time for us to go our separate ways and personally, i wish that werent the case. I look forward to a new chapter. Im not sure we deserved all the insults. Everything that the technocrats in brussels seemed to touch falls short of what its meant to achieve. Youve always been central to my life. Summering on the beach in portugal or making baklava with my aunty in athens. Vous allez perdre un mauvais locataire. Vous allez gagner un bon voisin. What the people voted for Injune Last Year was to take back control. It is important that we do not forget or lose sight of the bonds between us. We have had 40 good years together. Many of us still appreciate your best qualities. All that i have seen under three Common Fisheries Policy is is the decline and the hardships of the communities i live and work in. You helped keep the peace in europe. And we have enjoyed access to a Skilled Labour force from europe. Im looking forward to a relationship based on friendship, not federation. We are who we are because of europe, not despite of it. Based on alliance, not absorption. Weve made our choice. Not perfect, but if we work together, we can emerge stronger. We are leaving the European Union, but were not going to go away. No man is an island, entire of itself. Maybe one day the next generation will decide against divorce. Every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. If a clot be washed away by the sea, europe is the less. Europe will lose a bad tenant, but gain a good neighbour. As farmers we will roll up our sleeves and will adapt. I do not want you to see this as a terminal divorce. I will always remain a european. Yours sincerely. Best wishes. Best regards. Lots of love, douglas. Well, that video ended with Douglas Carswell formerly of the Uk Independence Party hes now an independent mp and campaigned to leave the eu also with me is Catherine West a labour mp a remain campaigner. Your constituency was the top remain constituency in the country so naturally you voted against the brexit bill despite of the whip in your party. But you have not done much to stop the brexit bill and many are unhappy about that. U nfortu nately many are unhappy about that. Unfortunately it is quite a sad day for me and my constituency. There are questions which today raises and we did not have many answers from the Prime Minister, just a lot of uncertainty and concern overjobs and inflation and the fall in sterling. Worries about Public Services if there is not enough tax income for example if we go into a tax haven like state. Many questions about Security Arrangements to keep us about Security Arrangements to keep us safe. Lots of questions around the future for our children. Some are young people said to me that they were upset that they did not get to vote, and secondly they feel a door has been closed by the older generation on their future. Itjust raises all those questions and im worried about the future. Douglas, you devoted your entire career to this moment so i would imagine the mood is different. In the letter the Prime Minister i sense a bit of give and take, are you in the mood for copper mines . We need to be pragmatic, and people like catherine and her constituents need reassurance. I and her constituents need reassurance. I have and her constituents need reassurance. I have campaigned to get us out of the eu but i believe ina liberal get us out of the eu but i believe in a liberal brexit. For us to be a successful country we need to be politically independent but also need to be economically interdependent. We need to find a relationship with europe that allows a liberal, Global Britain to engage with our neighbours and i hope catherine and many others will be reassured that this is not the nigel farage vision of brexit. Would you both agree on one pointedly is that for the last nine months we have been divided, and now surely as politicians in that big house over there, you are batting for uk plc, and are on the same side. Of course idid and are on the same side. Of course i did today i was speaking to people about china and the economy but we have to remember the eu is still our biggest market. We cannot pretend that fact is not correct. We must base our approach on evidence. I think weve got our tests in labour and we have outlined that strongly about the economy and jobs. Around the drop in sterling and what that will do to confidence in the economy. And im concerned about Public Services because if the economy goes down, it will not be nigel farage with infected but people in] wick who will feel the pain. So im worried about people on low and middle incomes, what will happen to them if the economy goes into decline. By leaving the failing Customs Union and becoming global, we can about we Customs Union and becoming global, we can about we can Customs Union and becoming global, we can about we can open up to where the growth is. It is notjust about leaving the eu, for a generation a small clique of people have made Public Policy in this country with no reference to the public. Once we left we can make sure the people who make Public Policy are properly accountable to the public. We can change all manner of Public Policy and the possibility is exciting. I would like to see higher Environmental Standards. As long as were the eu we have minimal Environmental Standards which become the maximum. What we can do as a country opens up. The Prime Minister has given an interview to andrew neil tonight and she says it is possible to get a new Free Trade Agreementjust as good as being in the Single Market. Us experts have told me they think a trade deal with the uk will take at least ten years to negotiate. That is a long time. But do you believe it will be just as good on the other side . |j but do you believe it will be just as good on the other side . I think we have a lot to lose. There are no restrictions on the moment on Cross Channel Trade and i know of no one who wants to impose those so i think we will have good market access. I think we need to look at how we cooperate in areas of security and defence, the fight against terrorism and make sure we do not trust the kind of people who have been running the europe with security and intelligence. We have got to cooperate in new ways. We are out of time, thank you very much. While the focus today has been on london. Ive been watching the markets, and they did not move much In Washington. A pretty muted response. The currency in fact was up, what are they make of it over in the United States. Well if you look at the pound it was under pressure but the market seemed to Ta Ke Under Pressure but the market seemed to take it in their stride broadly speaking. This is something we have been waiting for today for a long time. But the bank stocks were under pressure because of course they are big employers in the uk and there are questions we are waiting to find out answers for. I got the chance a short time ago to speak to someone about the financial implications of brexit, mr goolsbee, who formerly served the chairman of president 0bamas council of economic advisors. Hejoined me from chicago. Austin goolsbee, thank you very much forjoining us on the show. Im keen to get a perspective sense from america. What do you think people here and particularly the markets make of brexit . You know, we are dealing with our own version of kind of the forces of brexit in the us. I would say the us perspective on brexit is coloured by donald trump and we have the experience in the us that donald trump is elected, actually the market responds in a positive way and people said we are going to get a lot of policy done perhaps or we are going to unleash animal spirits. And now it has slowly been kind of falling apart, lets call it. And it feels a little bit that way perhaps for brexit, that the initial naysayers, their fears were perhaps overstated. But now as you get into the long slog, and if there is going to be a 60 billion bill associated with brexit, and if youre not going to be able to negotiate a Trade Arrangement with the eu in a relevant time frame, then kind of a slow bleed like it is more on the table. I remember going back to the time of the vote, you said it was a victory for donald trump. It seems like you still feel like that. Immigration of course an issue that helped to propel him to victory. Here, Immigration A Key Issue in the brexit vote. The freedom of movement. How important do you think that is going to be Going Forward in the negotiation . You know, weve got to ask the europeans that. But it feels like it is very important. It could be drowned out depending on what happens in elections in some of the other eu countries that remain, particularly in france. But i think that the basic proposition of the brexiteers was, nothing will go wrong in the economy and the only change is that we will be able to stop as much immigration as we have been having. And itjust feels to me like that is definitely not going to be true. Obviously a lot on the table in terms of trying to get a trade deal done with europe. But what about the prospect of a trade deal with the United States . I think youve seen donald trump express, i do not know if you would call it willingness, but say, you know, we are pals and were going to move you to the front of the queue. Echoing the kind of maybe poorly chosen words of barack 0bama. But i think realistically the chance that in the next two years the uk would be able to negotiate a Trade Agreement and sign it and get it through the us, that seems very unlikely to me. Thank you very much. Some interesting thoughts. Much importance being put a Future American Trade Deal of course. Well, one of the first things the politicians have pledged to solve in the weeks ahead is the future of Three Million eu citizens living here in britain and around one million british citizens living on the continent. Lets go to spain our correspondent gavin lee who is on the costa blanca and big number of british people there gavin who would like a bit more certainty . It is pretty idyllic here on the sun but all along the coastlines there are so many british people here, 300,000 in spain, more than anywhere else in europe. 0ne 300,000 in spain, more than anywhere else in europe. One third of the total number of brits. What is interesting, a year ago before the referendum a lot of people were panicking, very cautious and saying it isa panicking, very cautious and saying it is a bad thing. Ifound panicking, very cautious and saying it is a bad thing. I found very few people openly saying they thought brexit was a good idea. But now actually people are more pragmatic, many on the coast saying theyre hoping and waiting for the idea of what happens to the future of brits in europe as negotiate a straightaway. Quite a lot of people openly saying we did vote for brexit, were happy with it and it isa brexit, were happy with it and it is a good thing, we do not like immigration, aware of sand in the critical, but also i have met people who are starting to go back to the uk. And they believe with health ca re uk. And they believe with health care and pensions, that might start to seize up and they are making their own way back again. Thank you for that. A lot of the focus has been on this building behind me today the House Of Commons but we did pause for a short while this afternoon to remember those who lost their lives in the Terror Attack last week, and the many who were injured. Police officers, Faith Leaders and members of the public gathered on Westminster Bridge to observe a minutes silence at iaao the time the attack started. Similar events were held around the country. Prince william visited a Police Memorial in staffordshire where he laid a wreath for pc keith palmer, the officer stabbed by the attacker at the gates of the parliamentary estate. Youre watching 100 days from bbc news. Still to come for viewers on the bbc news channel and Bbc World News prime Minster Theresa may tells the bbc she remains determined to get a Free Trade Dealfor britain. But will europe allow it . If what the European Commission is saying, thats unlikely to happen they want the divorce first, then a deal will theyjust go around in circles . Thats a question well be asking when 100 days returns shortly, from bbc news. Hello. The wind is coming more from the south which drags up warm air but to achieve high temperatures we need sunshine and there was not a great deal of that today filled up the cloud still big enough to get outbreaks of rain especially across northern and Western Parts of the uk. Damian across scotland, heavy for a time uk. Damian across scotland, heavy fora time and uk. Damian across scotland, heavy for a time and flirting with the South East Of England and up to the midlands. But a lot of cloud over night, really mild but the time of year. A little bit colder across northern scotland, and during the day it will be warmer in the north east of scotland than it has been for some time. Some rain is not far away from northern ireland, affecting mainly used in part through the day. Continue on into cumbria and up into dumfries galloway. So the rain not far away from Western Parts of wales, running through the midlands and across lincolnshire. That tends to push away and already brighter skies developing in the south east. As the main retreats back towards the north west uk, mainly affecting areas along the irish sea, so we have more sunshine coming in across england and wales. We will get some sunshine and wales. We will get some sunshine and some of that warmth in the southerly wind. It could be the warmest day of the year so far. Even further north and west temperatures pretty good for the time of year. More rain on friday, moving into scotland. That Weather Front is pretty wea k. Scotland. That Weather Front is pretty weak. Behind that we have slightly fresher air but more in the way sunshine so it should feel quite pleasa nt way sunshine so it should feel quite pleasant again on friday afternoon. The weekend saturday will see little sunshine but also some showers that could be almost anywhere. And though showers will be slow moving. Any sunshine and it feels quite pleasant again. A cold night to come on Saturday Night because the showers get pushed away by this developing ridge of High Pressure that is building in from the foul. Keeping the Weather Front at bay for the time being. But the second half of the weekend is going to be much drier and brighter, again the wind light for most. Some sunshine making it feel pleasant and highs of 16 or 17 celsius. Welcome back to this Special Edition of 100 days, with me, Michelle Fleury In Washington and Christian Fraser In Westminster. Our top story the British Government begins the process of leaving the European Union an official hand delivered letter to the eu formally triggers a two year countdown to brexit. And coming up, reaction from the Prime Minister in a rare interview from inside number ten downing street. We also live in brussels for more on the view from europe. We are also live. The british Prime Minister took nine months to trigger article 50. If that was a challenge, it pales in comparison to what lies ahead. Theresa may is fighting on so many levels, in europe, with the opposition in the commons behind me, she is fighting to keep the union together with scotland demanding a referendum, she is fighting to keep her own party on side. And if she manages all that, how on earth will theresa may satisfy the electorate, when they wanted such Different Things from the referendum . Mrs may has been speaking to my colleague andrew neil about the task ahead. What we will be working for and what i believe we can get is a comprehensive Free Trade Agreement. We are looking, we would like to see as frictionless and free trade is possible, tariff free across borders, so we can continue that trade with the European Union. Can it be as good . It will be a different relationship, that is the point, because it went be a relationship based on membership of the Single Market and are accepting all the other things that voters rejected. What it will be will be that we want that new partnership with the eu, we still want to work with the eu, we still want to work with you and cooperate with you and actually, getting a Trade Agreement isnt just about the uk, actually, getting a Trade Agreement isntjust about the uk, it is not just about our business, it is about businesses in other countries being able to trade with us. So i think its in the interests of both sides to agree a really good deal. Its in the interests of both sides to agree a really good deallj understand that but your brexit minister david davis, he said there will be a Free Trade Deal which will, deliver the exact same benefits we enjoy now. You and i know that cannot be true, the European Union will never agree to the exact same benefits. What we are both looking for is that comprehensive Free Trade Agreement which gives that ability to trade freely into the european Single Market. But it cant be the same benefits. And for them to trade laws. It will be a different relationship but it can have the same benefits in terms of that free access to trade. When we leave the eu, we end our membership of Something Like a0 pan european agencies and other things, security, haircare. 0ne agencies and other things, security, haircare. One is agencies and other things, security, hair care. One is significant, given the events In Westminster last week, will membership of europol, the Uruguay Police service, will that continue post brexit . Uruguay police service, will that continue postbrexit . That is one of the things we will have do negotiate. The europewide police service. You want to . A number of crime and Justice Matters are important, it is notjust europol, it is other things, systems about information on people crossing borders, for example, which are valuable to us and to the other countries. But would you like to remember remain a member of europol . I would like to retain a degree of cooperation on these matters that we have currently. Now that brexit has been triggered, the focus shifts to the substance of the negotiations between britain and brussels. The uk wants to talk about its so called divorce bill from the eu and a trade deal at one and the same time, while the eu wants the money settled first. 0ur Europe Editor katya adler sat down with frans timmermans, first Vice President of the European Commission, and asked him how any progress will be made if both sides arent prepared to bargain. Well, that is all part of how we negotiate. How do you square that circle . Everybody starts with his own interest and tries to former lead his own to interest in the best possible way his own interests. So how do you have that, that trade with the parallel of divorce . The determination of the eu will be based on a careful analysis of theresa mays letter. There can be no future settlement if we are not very clear on how the divorce settle m e nt very clear on how the divorce settlement is going to be. Well, donald tusk, the European Council president who took receipt of the Prime Ministers letter today, must now weigh the interests of the 27 remaining countries that form the council and come up with an Opening Position. He has promised his First Response by friday. So, here it is. Six pages. The notification from Prime Minister theresa may, triggering article 50. And formally starting the negotiations of the United Kingdoms withdrawal from the european negotiations of the United Kingdoms withdrawalfrom the European Union. There is no reason to pretend that this is a happy day. Neither in brussels law in london. After all, most europeans, including almost halve the british voters, wish that we would stay together, not drift apart. We already miss you. Thank you and goodbye. That was the view of the European Council. Later, the European Parliament gave its reaction and made clear what its priority was in negotiating a brexit deal. The European Parliament must defend citizens rides. This is why we need an agreement based on continuity, reciprocity and non discrimination. Not reaching a deal on the right of citizens means not reaching a deal at all. Plenty of reaction there and it is worth remembering of course that the European Parliament does have a veto. Lead guitar you quickly about the calendar events Going Forward. We will get some sort of response on friday from the European Council president donald tusk. It will then probably take him a few weeks to come up with an Opening Position which is agreed by the 27 countries. In fact, there is a coming together of the European Council at the end of april. Negotiations. Probably in may or june but dont forget, there is the French Election and in september, the german elections, so maybe these negotiations wont start in earnest until after the german chancellor or indeed Martin Schulz wins the election. Going forward from that, they hope to get something agreed by they hope to get something agreed by the autumn or at least 0ctober they hope to get something agreed by the autumn or at least october 2018, so that that would give this parliament and also the European Parliament and also the European Parliament five months to ratify it. Lets get more on the view from europe, lets speak to sorin moisa a member of the European Parliament and of the trade committee. Hes in brussels. A very good evening to you. It is worth pointing out to everyone who is watching us Around The World that it is not just is watching us Around The World that it is notjust about is watching us Around The World that it is not just about the future of the uk. This deal that is agreed and negotiate it is important to the future of the European Union as well. Negotiated. It is vitalfor the future of the European Union for a number of reasons. Of course, the vote of the british people to leave was of course a vote of No Confidence in the eu itself and the eu needs to recoverfrom confidence in the eu itself and the eu needs to recover from this vote of No Confidence. 0ne eu needs to recover from this vote of No Confidence. One of the things thatis of No Confidence. One of the things that is vital for us to do is not to send a signal of weakness to our Member States and to our population that in the context of the brexit negotiations, we have not delivered, in the sense that we would create a market for leavers if britain leaves the union with a deal and a Status Thatis the union with a deal and a status that is more advantageous as a nonmember than it would be as a member. Then we create a market for leavers and populists and this would bea leavers and populists and this would be a vital peril for the eu itself, so it is vital in this context for us to have a deal that does not punish the uk but does not reward it either. We do need to put in place, during the ago shenzhen, the right mechanisms so we can find the right price for britain to leave the eu during the negotiations. But you can only negotiate realistically the divorce terms over the next two yea rs. Divorce terms over the next two years. What goes on from that point forward is very much up to the Uk Parliament and it may be, and most people here will hope, that the uk will make a success of it, so it is inevitable that people will look to the example of brexit. Inevitable that people will look to the example of brexitlj inevitable that people will look to the example of brexit. I am sorry, i am afraidi the example of brexit. I am sorry, i am afraid i have not understood the question fully, i could not hear you very well. What i am saying is you can put things in place which may be obstructive and may even punish the uk but you can only negotiate the terms of the divorce. From that point onwards, if the uk makes success of it, it may well encourage others in europe to take a pattern. Of course, if the uk becomes a brilliant Success Story by virtue of leaving in itself, yes, it might well encourage others to leave but what we are trying to do here and it is really in good faith and with a very open mind and treating the uk as good neighbours, not the enemy or anything hostile, is to find the right balanced deal for the anything hostile, is to find the right balanced Dealfor The Uk departure. There is no price of leaving per se, what we seek to achieve in terms of the leaving invoice is for the uk to respect its existing commitments. The lesser status will come from the access to the Single Market that we have do negotiate as a separate package once the exit deal itself will have been negotiated. I am very grateful for yourtime, negotiated. I am very grateful for your time, thank you for coming on the programme and an example of how difficult it is going to be. It is not just about getting difficult it is going to be. It is notjust about getting the ratification in this parliament, at the European Parliament, they have to get the agreement of 27 other countries. Tough talks ahead. Lets get some other news from Around The World. Officials here In Washington says a female driver was erratic and aggressive as she struck a police car and tried to run down officers near the capitol building. Shots were fired as they took her into custody. A Police Spokesperson says the event was not terror related, and no one was injured. The frontrunner in the french president ial election, emmanuel macron, has received support from the former socialist Prime Minister. Manuel valls left office in december, and had previously vowed to back the socialist contender benoit hamon, who beat him in the Party Primary injanuary. Mr macron is a former economy minister, and currently leads rival Marine Le Pen in the polls. And bob dylan will finally accept his Nobel Prize For Literature in sweden this weekend. The singer, who is 75, caused controversy last year when he took days to publicly acknowledge the prize and decided not to attend the award ceremony. Dylan will be in stockholm to perform a concert. Well, it seems to me that the song we wa nt well, it seems to me that the song we want to hear at the moment is blowing in the wind, i dont know if you have a favourite . Like a rolling stone, in the context of today. But rolling where . Michelle, plenty of people who campaigned for brexit will celebrating today. For others, their world has been turned upside down. And if you were looking for a metaphor for that, how about this . This is the Monsterjam World Finals in las vegas. Its the first time a Monster Truck Driver has completed a front flip in the sports history. I dont know which is more surprising, the fact that it did a front flip or the fact that there is a monsterjam final. Look out many people are there. The man in the driving seat is lee odonnell, his nickname is the mad scientist. That is probably because he has just about got his angle spot on. How many practices do you think he had to do to get that right and what happened when it didnt go right . Extraordinary, well done to the mad scientist. Well, that is 100 days on this the day britain formally told europe it wants to leave the eu. Ill be back through the evening, bringing together all the reaction. For now, though, from Michelle Fleury In Washington and me Christian Fraser hello. This is bbc news. The headlines the Prime Minister has officially triggered britains exit from the European Union. Today. Britains ambassador in brussels handed the letter to the president of the European Council today, triggering two years of negotiations. And a week on from the Terror Attack In Westminster, a vigil has been held to remember the victims. An update on the Market Numbers for you heres how londons and frankfurt ended the day. And in the the United States, this is how the dow and the nasdaq are getting on. If we look at the footsie, it pushed higher. Sterling rates were mixed as markets shrugged off the triggering of article 50. Ftse 100. As the Brexit Process gets underway, one group who will be paying particular attention to developments are young people most of whom werent able to vote in the referendum. A mock Airline Cabin in a classroom in leeds. These 16 and 17 year olds hope to getjobs in europe and beyond. Some are worried about the future. If i do become cabin crew, there wont be many opportunities with the Bigger Airlines in the eu for me to get a job. It may make it a lot harder and i may have two stay and i may have to stay with the uk airlines and not be linked with any others. What is happening . What is tomorrows headline going to be about . Elsewhere in the college, the nuts and bolts of brexit are being discussed. The only thing they agree on is that the detail is online. I think brexit is a bad idea because of the funding we will lose from the eu. I think it is a Good Opportunity for our country. Kieran and brandon are happy going head to head over the matter. If we lose a lot of the funding or Free Trade Deals, how will we be replacing them . So we are not just left on our own and isolated. 0pening ourselves up to the rest of the world, its important we have that diversity and co operate with other countries around the globe and not just singling ourselves in one block. If we bring such a spectacular change, we have no idea what has go to happen at all. T its such a gamble. Weve put our country on the line, essentially. It will affect us. Back in the cabin classroom, things may have to be

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