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Also wheres the evidence . Congresss House Intelligence Committee demands from the president that his phones were wiretapped just before the election. After turkeys ministers are blocked from attending some european rallies, president erdogan threatens to take the netherlands to the European Court and accuses germany of supporting terrorists. Diplomatic freeze. Blizzards in americas north east forces german chancellor merkel to reschedule her trip to the white house. Im katty kay in washington, Christian Fraser is in london. It is 53 days since donald trump took office, its 233 days since britain voted to leave the European Union. So much has happened since then and yet nothing at all has happened at least in terms of the formal brexit negotiation. But things are about to hot up. Tonight, the Uk Parliament takes its final vote on the brexit legislation, which should clear the way for the Prime Minister to begin the process. It has just rejected both of the amendments. And on the eve of that historic vote, word from the First Minister of scotland today that she wants another Independence Referendum. I can confirm today that, next week, i will seek the authority of the Scottish Parliament to agree with the uk government the details of a section 30 order, the procedure that will enable the Scottish Parliament to legislate for an Independence Referendum. The uk government was clear, in 2014, that an Independence Referendum should, in their words, be made in scotland by the people of scotland. That is a principle that should be respected today. The detailed arrangements for a referendum, including its timing, must be for the Scottish Parliament to decide. However, in my view, it is important that scotland is able to exercise the right to choose our own future at a time when the options are clearer than they are now, but before it is too late to decide our own path. Well, the british Prime Minister has delivered a forthright response, accusing Nicola Sturgeon of Tunnel Vision. Lets have a listen. As we negotiate to leave the European Union, i want to negotiate an agreement that is going to work for the whole of the United Kingdom that includes the scottish people. Thats why weve been working closely with the devolved administrations, weve been listening to their proposals and recognising the many areas of Common Ground that we have, such as protecting workers rights and our security from crime and terrorism. The Tunnel Vision that the snp has shown today is deeply regrettable. It sets scotland on a course for more uncertainty and division, creating huge uncertainty, and this at a time when the evidence is that the scottish people, the majority of the scottish people, do not want a second Independence Referendum. So, instead of Playing Politics with the future of our country, the Scottish Government should focus on delivering Good Government and Public Services for the people of scotland. Politics is not a game. 0ur scotland editor, sarah smith, is in edinburgh for us now. The First Minister is a very smart politician. I am sure in private she has guessed that the Prime Minister will not give an Independence Referendum in the midst of these complex brexit negotiations so if she has worked that out what is her political calculation here . She is asking for that referendum to be before the uk leads the eu. She says there is a window when scotland should be allowed another vote on whether or not it should become an independent country. The uk government seems unlikely to allow that, they do not want to fight a Referendum Campaign at the same time as negotiating brexit, so they will try to insist this be held after march 2019. There is bound to be a tussle over the next few weeks and months that might suit Nicola Sturgeon well because a lot of her argument is she has been forced into the position of holding this referendum because the uk government are not listening to scotland and the wishes and she could use it to strengthen the argument, if she changes the date. Could she force theresa may to delay her timetable in triggering article 50 . There are reports that that might happen. We we re reports that that might happen. We were never absolutely sure when theresa may was due to trigger article 50. There was speculation that might happen tomorrow and that is why Nicola Sturgeon made that announcement today. Of course, theresa may now has to die just this fairly momentous news from edinburgh which would have taken this by her surprise. Has the digest. She will not want to look as though her timetable has been knocked off course because she says her full focus is on Making Brexit work and she does not want to look like she has been derailed. Stephen gethins is the europe spokesperson for the Scottish National party. If you really want the big uk to get the best possible brexit deal, and let us remember that this is your biggest Single Market, surely you would hold off until this very complex negotiation has been completed . The Scottish Government has already proposed the best deal, to remain part of the European Union, that is the best deal we have got. But the next best deal would have been to obtain membership of the Single Market and that is why the Single Market and that is why the Scottish Government proposed a compromise before christmas time to the uk government. We said, we will put to one side membership of the European Union, even though we voted in favour of remaining, and wed retain membership of the Single Market. That is the least worst Option Forjobs in the economy. And the least worst option for the uk as a whole. We try to help out the uk government compromise but they do not appear willing to take a compromise. The European Union has signalled he would have to begin the process as a new accession country, meaning he would have to come in line with the new economic terms, meaning a deficit of 3 . At the moment, your deficit is 8 10 and the economic facts have not changed since 2014 so how will you sell that to the scottish public . The uk is heavily in debt and it is due to get worse, given the disastrous economic decision to take us out of the European Union. What is more, scotla nd European Union. What is more, scotland as a country has met the rules for being a member of the European Union, it would be a net contributor because we are one of the richer members, and is already a member of the European Union. If you saw the european parliaments chief negotiator, there is an openness and willingness for scotland to continue its membership of the eu. Just to be absolutely clear, do you have private assurances from the European Union that they would accept Scotla Nd Union that they would accept scotland as a new country . This is still an internal Member State Issue for the United Kingdom but what has been interesting is not so much the private reassurances but the public reassurances. Jean Claude Juncker said scotland needs to be listened to. We have heard the same words coming out of burling, dublin and elsewhere. That has been a shift since the last Independence Referendum. We would have this referendum. We would have this referendum in totally different circumstances than the previous one. It seems like youre just playing with a very weak hand. Since 2014, when you did not manage to get the referendum you wanted, the price of oil has collapsed, and the still is not total unanimity amongst eu members. There are an fact fairly big objections from other members as having scotland as an independent country. Most recently, we have had the spanish and the Peoples Party in spain saying you cannot compare scotla nd in spain saying you cannot compare scotland with catalonia, of Course Scotla nd scotland with catalonia, of Course Scotland is a totally different case. I am scotland is a totally different case. Iam not scotland is a totally different case. I am not sure that argument stacks up any more. Also, from an economic point of view, the most damaging thing that can happen the scottish economy is leaving the European Union and the Single Market. The institute of the University Of Strathclyde have estimated this could cost scotland 80,000 jobs in scotland alone. This isa 80,000 jobs in scotland alone. This is a shock to our economy and devastation to jobs and the economy that we can ill afford. So the First Ministers plea today is to save jobs and the economy and retain our membership of the European Union and retain a secure a relationship with the rest of europe. Did you hear firm Cast Iron Guarantees and reassu ra nces firm Cast Iron Guarantees and reassurances the, because i did not . Know, but they did make the point that they would not just be know, but they did make the point that they would notjust be able to go into the European Union as an existing member, they would have to go through the full process, and the economic facts are still as they we re economic facts are still as they were in 2014, particularly regarding the currency and deficit. Potentially even worse for the price of oil. Lets look at what has changed and what has not changed. What has changed is the argument because the snp have always embraced this idea that scots will only vote for independence in scotland is thriving. They are saying now is not, can scotland afford to be independent but can scotland afford not to be independent . Mr gethin is said we need to be in the Single Market which is a strange argument when you consider that the uk market, the biggest market they have this four times the size of the european market. Would it mean the people in scotland would vote for independence . That is not the case either because we know that trump nationalistic and sturgeon nationalistic and sturgeon nationalistic economics are potent. I dare the other plenty of affluent middle class people in scotland who voted remain in the Eu Referendum and are probably thinking, this time, i will not put the same store in projects via as it did last time. Which is why these conversations they are having with european leaders are so critical and why we need to get to the bottom of why they have been given guarantees. That would presumably influenced the way scots might vote. You are right. 0ne way scots might vote. You are right. One thing we learnt in 2016 is people vote with their hearts as much as their heads. Absolutely, and timing is crucial here. It is crucial for the timing is crucial here. It is crucialfor the prime timing is crucial here. It is crucial for the Prime Minister because she said today she does not wa nt to because she said today she does not want to fight on two france. We will probably not see a referendum until after 2019. She will be hoping the uk economy is sufficiently strong that it would put people off in scotla nd that it would put people off in scotland from going down this route. But the timing is also crucial for Nicola Sturgeon as well. She wants to ta ke Nicola Sturgeon as well. She wants to take advantage of an economic downturn in the uk, that is probably her best hope, so the timing for both leaders critical at this moment. I think what will be so fascinating, over the next two yea rs, fascinating, over the next two years, not just the fascinating, over the next two years, Notjust The Deal that fascinating, over the next two years, not just the deal that the fascinating, over the next two years, Notjust The Deal that the uk gets and that theresa may manages to negotiate with brussels, but also the impact that it has on the United Kingdom. What is surprising is the amount people are watching from the side of the atlantic. There are a lot of supporters for brexit from the trump campaign. But i wonder whether the white house would think of Scottish Independence as a result of Scottish Independence as a result of brexit. Just finished on that point, today, you got the Sinn Fein Party in northern saying they need a vote a united ireland, plaid cymru talked about a similar discussion in wales, and the snp, the union certainly looks fairly fragile. We will put that argument to the one of the cheap brexit architects later. We have had two votes on the amendments. There has been little sign of the conservative rebellion in all of this. These were the changes at the House Of Lords, wanting to guarantee the rights of eu citizens living in the United Kingdom, the second one was about securing a final vote, a vote on the deal that theresa may gets at the end of the process of negotiation, but both of those changes have been overturned by the House Of Commons. It will now go back to the Upper Chamberagain, to it will now go back to the Upper Chamber again, to the House Of Lords, where they will consider it one more time. Indications there art that Labour Opposition Peers have not seen any sign that the government will give way on this. They do not see any point in pursuing this any further. It seems that this brexit bill will pass its final parliamentary hurdle tonight and that leaves theresa may very much able to trigger article 50 when she chooses to. I am told that it will not be this week, it will happen towards the end of march. The House Intelligence Committee has given the Trump Administration until the end of today to provide evidence that phones at trump tower in new york were wiretapped just before the election. White House Press Secretary sean spicer was asked a question about this at a briefing a short time ago. Heres a little of what he had to say. He doesnt really think that president 0bama went up and tapped his phone personally. Ithink. What does he think . I think theres no question that the 0bama administration, that there were actions about surveillance and other activities that occurred in the 2016 election. That is a widely reported activity that occurred back then. The president used the word wiretap the mean broadly surveillance and other activities during that. It is interesting how many news outlets reported that this activity was taking place during the 2016 election cycle, and now we are wondering where the proof is. It is many of the same outlets in this room that talked about the activities that were going on back then. Well, president 0bamas director of national intelligence, james clapper, says trumps twitter claims are entirely baseless. But that didnt stop senior white house advisor Kellyanne Conway suggesting on sunday that the alleged surveillance may have gone beyond listening to trumps phone calls. What i can say is there are many ways to surveil each other know, unfortunately. There was an article this week that talked about how you can surveil someone through their phones, through their television sets, any number of different ways, and microwaves that turn into cameras, etc. So we know that that is just a fact of modern life. Well, kellyanne was referring there to last weeks Wikileaks Revelations that the cia has Hacking Tools for breaking into computers, cell phones even smart tvs but, this morning, she backtracked. They werent making a suggestion about trump tower, those are two separate things. Thats what you were asked about. And i answered him about surveillance generally. But you have no evidence that that kind of surveillance was used against trump . I have no evidence but thats why theres an investigation in congress. Well, there was this reaction from the President Trump, who took to twitter to defend his counsellor. He wrote, it is amazing how rude much of the media is to my very hard working representatives. Be nice, you will do much better. Well, to get more on these allegations, werejoined in the studio by william cohen, former defence secretary and former republican senator for maine. He also served on the Intelligence Committee for over a decade. Is the onus here on the white house to prove that what President Trump accused president 0bama of doing, a crime, he has evidence on that . We are seeing an example of fake news coming directly out of the white house. Just last week, the president was getting compliments for being president ial because he wrote a speech. This is not president ial conduct. The issue a tweet accusing a former president of committing a felony without any evidence whatsoever. It is not saying, congress, please help me find out what is on my own department. All he has to do is pick up the phone and say, tell me what happened. But the ship that the congress to conduct an investigation is sending congress down a rabbit hole. I think this is nonsense. So you do not think the media is wrong to be asking questions about this . Until you have proof of something as outrageous as this, we will cover something else, we will not be diverted and covering all of this while other things going on, people are being arrested and moved out of the United States, actions are being taken, attorneys are being fired, rights are being rolled back. We are now trying to find out what he meant, was it surveillance, wiretapping, your phone . This is nonsense. This is 1984 the media has an obligation to tell the president he has facts and to bring them forward. Not tomorrow, next week, next month, do it on your own and do not make comments like this without facts. Essentially what we are saying is we cannot trust what the president of the United States is saying that has big implications not only the relationships internally but externally, his credibility worldwide . Credibility suffers. Not only does his credibility suffered but that of the United States. We are seeing the us is portrayed as a circus in which people are running around with bells and whistles, trying to find out what the facts are. It is fake news in any event. Fa cts are. It is fake news in any event. Facts really do count. The world is turning faster and faster and is becoming more dangerous and the last thing we need is to be having fake news put out. We are being seen as a circus. Thank you forjoining us. It is quite extraordinary the rhetoric and how it has escalated. In one respect, neither side can back down. In the netherlands, she is facing up with the nationalists and the far right politician in the netherlands, then you have got mr erdogan in turkey who needs the support of the nationalist based. Definitely. It is a critical time for both countries. Both will have elections in two days time and in turkey, there is this referendum. And president erdogan desperately needs the nationalists in turkey because even though he has got the support of the nationalist party, there is a crack in the base, so not all of them are supporting him because these amendments will increase his powers massively. He could not get the full support of nationalists in turkey. It is like his last attempt to approach them and filled the nationalist values. Reading some of the comments here. Ankara should re evaluate part of the deal they signed last year to restrict the flow of migrants into europe. This is a stick that they can beat the europeans with and they have used it before, and it would be particularly potent when the french and germans are going to the polls. Turkey has been playing this card since last year. The agreement came into Effect Last March and since then, the number of migrants who are trying to cross into europe or turkey, the number of them has declined dramatically, and turkish citizens have been given these are free travel promise, but it has not been fulfilled. So turkey or the time, after this agreement came into effect, using this card against europe, saying, we will open our borders and you will deal with that problem. Interesting, we will watch that closely. This is exactly what bill cowan was talking about, that there are moments in the world, that there are moments in the world, that the world is moving fast, where they get the crisis points. How are other powers going to deal with that deterioration of relations where we have had a president where people say not ready . I wonder what they are thinking of what is happening in turkey and what president erdogan is doing ina turkey and what president erdogan is doing in a white house that frankly is not even staffed. That is exactly edge. Four months ago, the Secretary Of State would be wading in and tried to cool heads and bang heads together. That is not happening. Europe is very much on its own at the moment. Some of the comments that are coming from mr erdogan really do rankle with particularly the dutch, the core of the dutch nazis after the history they have, the occupation, and the number of people that died in the netherlands, it is really too much. You have seen some of the reaction we have had today from the netherlands. It would be interesting to know, even amongst mr erdogans supporters, who are thinking you has gone too far this time. You wonder who will step in before that referendum because he is now saying he will travel to europe and get involved himself. Youre watching 100 days from bbc news. Still to come for viewers on the bbc news channel and Bbc World News . We will be live in westminster where mps have voted in favour of legislation, clearing the way for britain to lead the way for withdrawing from the European Union. It has been a mild start of the week and a really pleasant one. The best of the sunshine has been in east anglia, south east england. But also, in Northern Ireland, where the temperatures reached 16. 6 also, in Northern Ireland, where the temperatures reached 16. 6 celsius, the warmest day of the year so far in Northern Ireland. Some areas of cloud have drifted south eastwards. It could well be that cloud has increased overnight. A mild emerson control, meaning temperatures will not go down too far. 0utbreaks control, meaning temperatures will not go down too far. Outbreaks of rain running in the north west scotland, becoming increasingly lighter and patchy. By the end of the night, look at how this temperatures stay up. Lets take a look at things at 8am. Mr nil for ground. Could well be a bit damp and drizzly. Some brighter breaks across central and eastern parts of england bya central and eastern parts of england by a similarly misty, murky picture into the high ground of north west england. Could well brighten up a time in Northern Ireland in the morning. Sunny spells in scotland by a strong wind across the north and severe gales here. The northern and western isles, just sent excess of 70 mph, particularly around some of the showers. Elsewhere, variable cloud, some bright sunny spells, the risk of patchy rain coming back from Northern Ireland, anywhere towards the Western Hills could be dampened drizzly. In any sunshine, we could see 18 celsius. When the sun comes out, it feels very mild once again. Some of that patchy rain further south as we go through tuesday evening and overnight. 0n south as we go through tuesday evening and overnight. On wednesday, an area of cloud. Still some showers of rain in the northern scotland, not as windy. The rain front we as it pushes south on wednesday but more Weather Fronts are coming our way at the end of the week, ganging up way at the end of the week, Ganging Up On The Atlantic with stronger winds as well. We will see a transition by the end of this week lasting into the weekend to cooler weather, windy weather, and for many of us, wetter weather. Welcome back to 100 days. Im Christian Fraser in london. Catty case in westminster. Mps At Westminster have overwhelmingly voted to overturn amendments to the brexit bill. Prime minister theresa may could theoretically start the formal process of leaving the European Union, as early as tuesday. And coming up we will be at the mexico city that receives more deportees than any other place on the southern border. The now to a turbulent day in which is politics, Nicola Sturgeon will try to hold a second referendum. And there is the policy of brexit, they are trying to start the Brexit Process , are trying to start the Brexit Process, they have rejected two amendments from the House Of Lords, earlier we heard from the Scottish Nationalists and soda is here from the brexit side, dominic robb was one of the more vocal guys on the brexit side. The Prime Minister said i will never allow a divisive nationalists to undermine the union between the nations of our United Kingdom. Isnt that what brexit has done . I dont think so, we cant stop the snp because sturgeon continuing with this pretty obsessive Tunnel Vision towards another referendum if that is really what they want but im not sure it is what the scottish people want. It is what the scottish people want. It is to the least to have this pledge made now before we had even started a letter knowing where we know where we will end up with the outcome of the brexit negotiations. I think the best thing that we can do is going to these negotiations with a very clear mandate from parliament, the economy is strong, going and looking for the best deal we can get for every pa rt for the best deal we can get for every part and nation of the United Kingdom. While we are at it, the generosity of spirit for the european friends and look for the win win deals. European friends and look for the win win deals. Of course the snp would say that people on the brexit side have Tunnel Vision, let me ask you, does the scottish announcement today weakened the bargaining position . First of all when the Prime Minister gave her Lancaster House speech, in the polling that followed, there was huge public support for the vision of post Brexit Britain with a self governing democracy and strong european trading ally and friend but also broadening our horizons to be a Global Leader and it was very interesting, if you look at some of that evidence, there was clear support in scotland for that Vision Andi Support in scotland for that vision and i think we should get on. We cant control what the snp does, with democracy and a devolved settlement. We are absolutely going to respect it, she is at liberty to decide, and say what she wants to do. Im just not sure that is where the scottish people are right now, thatis the scottish people are right now, that is for her to argue and she will want to get easily decisions arguing for the best deal, in every quarter of the United Kingdom. arguing for the best deal, in every quarter of the United Kingdom. If we dont get an announcement that the Prime Minister is triggering article 50 tomorrow, is it fair to assume thatis 50 tomorrow, is it fair to assume that is a bit of a political victory for Nicola Sturgeon . that is a bit of a political victory for Nicola Sturgeon . I think it was becoming evident from earlier in the day that the precise time, day or week remains to be seen because what week remains to be seen because what we are ready concerned about, is less the political priorities and more what is the landscape in the context of the eu and there is a huge amount going on but the truth is, what we know today, is that we have got this very strong, clear mandate from parliament as well as directly for people through the referendum. The economy is strong, the post brexit vision, but into a white paper, has attracted strong and overwhelming public support and indeed support across the United Kingdom and all nations of the United Kingdom. We need to crack on and focus on delivering it. And to go into it with a bit of ambition and self confidence. We have debated, the bill on triggering article 50, for six weeks. 0ne clause debated for six weeks, we have had these arguments, what the public overwhelmingly wants is to get onto these negotiations and get the best deal for everyone, whether they voted to leave or remainers. Thank you very much forjoining the programme. Since donald trump, has become the president , any illegal alien who is suspected of a crime is not a priority for deportation. It means more fear of being deported. The bbcsjuan paullier reports from tijuana which receives more deportees than any other place along the us mexican border. Iaman i am an american. Music no other city on the Us Mexico Border has a more intimate relationship. For this Hip Hop Artist who lives in the us but has family on both sides of the wall, it has to find his music. Because of my spirits is growing up, and knowing that my Family Members in order to be with me, they are going to have to cross a border and potentially get arrested. I made an effort not to put borders and restrictions on my music. He has relatives among the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants in the us. Trumps anti immigrant rhetoric has left him treading the prospect of his family breaking up. I had prospect of his family breaking up. Ihada prospect of his family breaking up. I had a Family Member who had to go into a Government Building and from the moment that we got the scheduled date, to the actual date, there is a lot of tension, there is a lot of arguments at home. Because of the fear. There is a very real fear that anything could happen to our families at any given moment. deported, his relative may end up in tijuana. The city receives more deportees than any other city. For those deported it is a painful paradox, they fill their foreigners in the place they were born in. 530 is the area code. Tag twos tell a story of a life involved in gangs, and drugs and guns. He spent his teenage years injail and drugs and guns. He spent his teenage years in jail but was deported to mexico because he was born there. He was dropped into a place he barely knew, having to speak a language that he had already forgotten. I think what i want to say in image and i have to translate it in my mind to be able to say it, and somewhat i cant even pronounce in spanish. Third israeli the reason why, call centres have worked out for me. These are call centres and many of the people working here have been deported from the us. It might been deported from the us. It might be surprising to people to know that they are talking to tattooed ex gang members. Chris is a supervisor and doesnt even think of going back to his old life, but the new one hasnt been easy. Sometimes people dont even give you that opportunity, they say he doesnt know any better. Some all gangster or gangster wannabe, drug addict, deportee. But that is how they, they looked down on me. the us president keeps his promises, the us president keeps his promises, the challenges here in tijuana may not only be a bigger or high offence. A wall of prejudice is another obstacle that many could face. Difficult things to discuss on the border. If i asked you what music, tech, the vatican and politics have in common . You might be hard pressed to come up with a response the answer though is that theyre all on the agenda at the south by southwest festival in the texan capital austin. And given the nature of the new presidency here in the us politics is most definitely under the spotlight. 0ur North America reporter Anthony Zurcher is there. Before we talk to you, i want to talk about a famous visitor you have had down there, joe biden. Hes looking remarkably calm and relaxed but also taking a quick potshot at President Trump. Just take a listen. It is my hope that this new administration, once it gets organised and im not being facetious, will be able to focus on and be as committed and enthusiastic as we were in the goal of curing cancer as we know it. Is that joe biden . Knowing joe biden he is being facetious. Is that the mood down there . Welll facetious. Is that the mood down there . Well i Thinkjoe Biden said that he didnt want to get into politics and keep robbie shouldnt be criticising the Trump Administration although he did take another swipe at them on Climate Change policy. I think what you are seeing time and time again are people trying to grapple with the changing politics here, in the us. Last year, barack 0bama came to this conference and talked about how government could be a force for good. That is a decidedly different type of line of conversation coming from washington about how to pare back and dismantle the administrative state. If you look at some of the panel discussions, it is about how democratic mayors can hold the line against the Immigration Policy and tra nsgender the line against the Immigration Policy and transgender policy. There is talk about how the media can deal with fake news and however one can pull together, and address the changing political environment. There is definitely a shadow cast on this conference by the new wind is blowing out of washington. Are they also talking about some of the social policies of this government, the travel ban, a lot of people who travel to the United States and work in the Tech Industry have taken a sta nce in the Tech Industry have taken a stance against it . Yes they have, i was discussing this very topic, with a corporate ceo, and he said that the Immigration Issue was one of the biggest concerns for them because they rely on the International Talent pool, the people that they can bring in, on the special visas who have specific expertise and is larger concern was there was a lot of uncertainty and businesses dont deal with uncertainty very well. In a very sunny austin, texas, we should be there and not here in washington, because it is very chilly outside. So chilly in fact that one house in upstate new york, looks like this. It sits on the sure, of lake ontario, where they are bearing the brunt of the bitter cold right now. Halls bricks and windows. All covered in ice. I am not sure if a front door is left, taken by a local photographer, saying that many people doubted the authenticity, it is the era of fake news. It is very cold, we are about to get slammed by a snowstorm. News. It is very cold, we are about to get slammed by a snowstormm news. It is very cold, we are about to get slammed by a snowstorm. It is ajoe biden to get slammed by a snowstorm. It is a joe biden free zone. You are getting ready, boots and coat at the ready. My kids of course of thinking, we are finally going to get a snow day, we have almost had no winter in washington. Here we are in march, my son s birthday and he is thinking he will get the day off school. I think it is a snow day. You are not allowed to be late, i need you. She was supposed to be coming to the white house, relations a bit frosty between President Trump and angela merkel, he has called her Immigration Policy is catastrophic. Maybe why this is why they orchestrated this snowstorm. That is all for 100 days today, we will be back at the same time tomorrow. And you can follow us on social media. We hope to see you again, save time tomorrow, goodbye. Hello good evening this is bbc news. The headlines. Nicola sturgeon has announced plans to hold a second Independence Referendum. In claiming Prime Minister is ignoring the issues of scottish voters on britain leaving the eu. Teresa may has issued a forthright response including the Scottish First minister of Tunnel Vision. And setting a course for uncertainty and division. Mps have voted to reject calls by the lords to modify the brexit bill. We can look at the market numbers, they ended in london with a small rise in frankfurt, trading continuing, a small rise just now on the nasdaq. Now it has been an eventful evening At Westminster where mps have voted to reject two House Of Lords amendments to the brexit bill, legislation which will allow theresa may to begin the uk exit from the European Union. Lets go live to achieve Political Correspondent vicki young who is there for us. Mps have been considering those changes made by the House Of Lords over the last couple of weeks to the brexit bill. They have decided not to accept them, they have thrown them out. There were some conservative rebels who decided to abstain, a couple who voted against the government, that bill goes straight back up the corridor to the House Of Lords where they will consider it but it looks like it in its final entry, im joined now by the labour leader baroness smith. What are you going to do now, you are about to start breaking again. You voted for the changes over the last couple of weeks, would you carry on . I think that the House Of Commons has made its nuclear, i had to say vital there was any chance of getting changes to the bill why sending it back i would do so but it is very disappointing to see the government majority actually increased in light, and that conservative rebellion didnt happen, they sat on their hands but they didnt vote which would have made a difference, i dont think there is much point of making the empty gesture to send it back because they will send it back to us. What really matters to me is to us. What really matters to me is to fight the issues and win. But if the government think that we will let these issues dropped, they are mistaken. The whole issue of Parliament Voting on this whole brexit is so important, it is supposed to be about sovereignty. Im pleased that the government has conceded the principles because labour mps put those amendments down first of all. There will be those watching who will remember the supreme court

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