But its still not far enough. Ten months ago, britain stood on the edge of the precipice. A vote for brexit said the government would be disastrous. The hit to the uk economy would be so great, there would be spending cuts and tax rises, almost immediately. Well, what a difference ten months on. As the country prepares to start the brexit process, phillip hammond, todays chancellor of the exchequer, was sounding a very different tone. I report today on an economy that has continued to confound the commentators with robust growth. A Labour Market delivering record employment and a deficit down by over two thirds. As we start negotiations to exit the european union, this budget takes forward our plan to prepare britain for a brighterfuture. And the reason for this cautious optimism is the growth rate for the uk economy for 2017 it has been revised upwards from 1. 4 to 2 , while employment is forecast to grow every year to 2021. Far from the immediate recession predicted by remain campaigners and mr hammond was one of them the uk economy is proving resilient. Reflecting the recent strength in the economy, the 0br has upgraded its forecast for growth next year from 1. 4 to 2 . And mr deputy speaker, i dont see too many people on the Opposition Front Bench doing this. In 2018 2019, growth is forecast to slow to 1. 6 , before picking up to 1. 7 , then 1. 9 , returning to 2 in 2021. Here in the uk the spotlight is fixed on the new taxes mr hammond is levying on the Self Employed. But generally speaking, the outlook is more positive than many had expected, despite those slightly lower forecasts for growth in the years in which the uk will be negotiating its withdrawal. Which is surely some embarrassment to the imf. They predicted a recession soon after a leave vote. I spoke to the managing director of the imf, christine lagarde, yesterday heres what she had to say about brexit. The imf had been negative, pessimistic about the prospects for the british economy post if brexit were to take place. Actually, it hasnt panned out like that, so far at least. Are you revising your forecasts on the british economy now, post brexit . We did revise injanuary, as we published the update to the World Economic outlook. And we will be very attentive to the industrial activity results, to Service Activity results, to the way the sterling is behaving and so on and so forth. If we get something wrong, we are the first ones to admit. But as you said, lets watch. You dont think the imf did get it wrong in this case . We revised, as ijust said. With me now is anand menon, professor of European Politics and Foreign Affairs at Kings College london who specialises in issues surrounding brexit. The remainders will course say we have not left yet. No doubt some remainer is got it wrong. Some people said as soon as we leave George Osborne said we would need an Emergency Budget within weeks. But there is a longer term prediction about what happens when we beat the Single Market and Customs Union and for that we have to wait until believe. I know you have been around europe talking to others about brexit, how will other countries view what is happening, do they look at it with some concern . No, i do not think it is the case that other european states want us to suffer but in terms of whether it looks as if we are benefiting from leaving, i think they will be calm because we had not left yet. They will wait and see when we leave the Single Market 01 see when we leave the Single Market or Customs Union. At what point do you think we will whether those forecasts put forward of lower growth and high unemployment, when will be get a sense of that . growth and high unemployment, when will be get a sense of that . I think the real impact if there is one will be felt once we can no longer trade within the Single Market or Customs Union. Some economists are now predicting that we will see a falloff in investment as companies perhaps decide to relocate or invest less in this country because we are outside the Single Market. That is very much the order of prediction we have seen wrong already. It is worth picking up on an interesting thing from the budget, the 0br document. It bases predictions on growth, levels of migration that are far greater than the target the government has. If you think one of the reasons to support brexit was to get the number down, these predictions are based on numbers that are significantly higher. Thank you. I keep hearing in the United States, you might not think people are aware of the uk Growth Forecast here, but i heard some people who are pro trump saying all those experts who said the uk would go down the tubes economically after a leave vote, they were wrong. The experts were wrong and they will be wrong about donald trump as well. It strikes me how many people are raising that as an issue. A lot of people in the uk will think back to what michael gove, one of the chief architects of brexit said at the time, we have had enough of experts. What was interesting about this speech today, which was half the size of the speech last year, there was no mention of brexit. 0nce 01 there was no mention of brexit. 0nce or twice he spoke of leaving the eu but of course the broad canvas is brexit. He did not make many references as to what would happen next. The reason for that of course is the experts got it wrong. If you forecasts now probably more predictable than at any time in living memory because peoplejust predictable than at any time in living memory because people just do not know what is in store over the course of the next four years. So i suppose once burned, twice shy. We will keep watching. As the world watches what brexit will mean for the uks economy, there are also questions about what the Trump Administrations Economic Impact will be in the us. Since hes taken office, the stock market has made steady gains but whats the long term trump forecast . Its a topic i also discussed with imf chief christine lagarde. You have been reasonably positive on the us economy and the policies under donald trump. He has talked about 3 growth. He also talked about slashing us taxes, a 1 trillion infrastructure bill. An increase in military spending. Do you think he could do all that . What we have done is revised the us outlook for growth. From 1. 6 in 2016, we forecast 2. 3 and then 2. 5 in 2017 2018. There is a lot of positive news that has already been priced in, that has already been anticipated. And clearly that would lead to an upside in terms of economic growth. If that was not to happen, in other words if there was no tax reform, no support of significant infrastructure, range of projects, if there was no fiscal spending, that would lead us to have to revise downwards. But at the moment what we see is positive anticipations with potential downside risks. If it was not implemented. Are you concerned about trade policies from this administration because he has after all already taken the us out of the tpp and made it clear he wants to look at nafta and revise that. What would worry me would be if leaders were not focused on securing the benefits of International Trade. But at the same time making sure that those who have been left to the side of International Trade, were not looked after. And if those who will be affected by technology breakthroughs, by robotisation, by Theirjobs Being removed from the supply chains, were not looked after and not prepared to adjust to those changes. Because they have been people left to the sides but there will be more, irrespective of International Trade or not. Simply because technology will bring about those changes. So my clear priority and focus in two weeks time for the g20 will be that. Focus on helping people prepare for the changes. And look after those who have been affected. You are describing a world in which we had brexit and we had donald trump elected, and the story that you are talking about. And chinese new plans coming into effect soon. We cannot focus the entire world around uk and us. But that story of trade and how some people have been left behind by the march of globalisation, is what has led us to populist governments being elected. In those two countries. In those two countries and to the prospect of more protectionist policies. You can understand why voters in those countries might want protectionism. They feel we did not get a good deal out of this. I have to look at the entire population and that is the community of the imf. While you have i would say probably about 20 countries that are very concerned about these issues and where the media talks about that and not much else. I have about 160 other countries that are very keen to see International Trade, that want globalisation and that have benefited vastly from standard of living, reduction of poverty. If you just look at the advanced economies, the average income has gone up. Is it to say that everyone has benefited, no. What has not been done by policymakers and everyone is at fault, us included, is we have not focused on those who have lost out of globalisation in those advanced economies. Did you find relatively upbeat about one donald trump are setting out . She was positive about growth in the United States and the uk as well for that clearly she must be careful not to be political specifically on the Trump Administration and domestic american politics. But the point she made was interesting, but there are countries where we are seeing populist governments coming in and Populist Movement is doing well and in those countries there is a desire for protectionism. But if you look as she set at 160 countries around the world who benefited from global trade and who want to keep it, that isa trade and who want to keep it, that is a different picture. For those countries economic growth, employment, Economic Prosperity and their future with the depend on access to balance basically the developed world and developing world. It will be very interesting. 0ne breaking line of news, there is a European Summit tomorrow in brussels talking of course about brexit and donald tusk the Council President has been speaking ahead of that and saying they intend to press on with their Draft Negotiations on brexit within 48 hours. Of theresa may triggering brexit. He said they will then meet later in april to finalise those terms but it seems to me of course they have spoken about four months, and he said no negotiation until she triggers it but there are clear about what they wa nt to but there are clear about what they want to do and well get on with that within 48 hours. It looks like this is going to start moving fast with article 50 is triggered. A Military Hospital in the afghan capital, kabul, has been attacked Officials Say more than 30 people were killed. Three gunmen entered the compound early on wednesday while a fourth attacker set off a bomb at the main gate. Afghan Security Forces brought the siege to an end after several hours of fighting. So called Islamic State says it carried out the attack. In guatemala, firefighters say at least 19 people including Children Have died in a fire that ripped through a childrens care home. 25 other people were injured in the blaze. Its still unclear how the fire started. But on tuesday police had to intervene after a riot broke out at the home. The nephew of the north korean ruler has spoken out for the First Time Since his fathers assassination in malaysia last month, saying that he is safe in an undisclosed country. My my father was killed to days ago and im with my mother and sister. Kim han sols father is the half brother of kim jong un. The 21 year olds thought to be in danger if his uncle wishes to target any possible rivals to the north korean leadership. Still in the region, china is warning of a looming crisis between the us and north korea. The Chinese Foreign minister wang yi asked reporters in beijing if the two countries really are ready for a head on collision. Mr wang is Proposing Pyongyang suspend testing of missile and Nuclear Technology and, in return, the us and south korea should stop their annual joint Military Drills which consistently infuriate the north. Thereve been violent clashes between police and protesting farmers in the greek capital athens. Riot police fired tear gas at demonstrators, who rallied against tax rises. Some of the farmers used wooden sticks and shepherds crooks to push the authorities back and to smash police vans. The cias job is to steal other peoples secrets. But the agency seems to find it very difficult to keep its own. Yesterday wikileaks published over 8000 documents which laid bare how the agency is hacking smartphones and digital televisions. And none too surprisingly a number of the big tech firms whose products have allegedly been compromised by the cia have been reacting. Apple said it is already addressing some of the vulnerabilities. The knock on effect of course is that hacking will presumably get more difficult. We are joined by aki peritz, a former cia analyst. How damaging is this latest leak . |j how damaging is this latest leak . think it is damaging, it is something that you have the technology and techniques out there but there is also someone providing this information to wikileaks. The last of the documents came out of every last year and currently it is an investigation going on at the cia and also run by the fbi to see if there is a mole in the system providing this information to these outside organisations. Supposing i am one of the american adversaries and this leak comes out, how much intelligence does it give me as i try to prepare my own Cyber Warfare techniques, does it help me keep ahead of the game . It might, some of what wikileaks provided was the fact that if this is all true, the cia can actually get into certain phones. We had known that people can get into phones and access them now for a while so this lays out some of the techniques they used to do that. But if you have any smartphone the fa ct but if you have any smartphone the fact that youre collecting data on that device means that you are vulnerable. Remember the cia on looks at intelligence organisations, so looks at intelligence organisations, so american citizens should not be concerned about this. But foreign adversaries should be concerned. Sean spicer at the white house is concerned and he has been speaking about wikilea ks and concerned and he has been speaking about wikileaks and talking about how damaging it was for the us. The idea that we have these ongoing disclosures of Classified Information should be something that everyone is outraged that in this country. This is the kind of disclosure that undermines our country, our security and well being. Country, our security and wellbeing. Sean spicer speaking there and we should abolish remembered the president himself during the course of the Election Campaign talked about how much she liked wikileaks. Campaign talked about how much she liked wikilea ks. But campaign talked about how much she liked wikileaks. But they were tremendous. This is in the eye of the beholder, the american public, if they like what they are leaking, and the like wikileaks and if not, they do not. The cia is trying to protect the American People and American Government and our state from foreign adversaries. A lot of them use cell technologies. And we would want Intelligence Agencies to go and try to grab that information for the United States. It is about securing this country which is more important than cisco or apple. Within these documents they talk about a group within the cia who still the malware, the fingerprints of you will but have been gleaned from foreign hackers. So the theory is the cia could make a hack look like it had come from another direction. You can see how this will Start Playing politically because fox news last night said well maybe it was not the russians that hacked the democratic servers, maybe it was the democratic servers, maybe it was the cia using russian fingerprints. That is interesting. It is something that could be used for disinformation put out by wikileaks and then immediately picked out by russian organisations and very conservative outlets here in the us. Saying the dnc pac was not done by the russians but by the cia. So it is quite interesting that this thing is quite interesting that this thing is put out and is immediately picked up is put out and is immediately picked up by is put out and is immediately picked up by this ecosystem and pushed out for a very specific narrative. find that fascinating spot but very seriously, it then begs the question about political meaning of wikileaks because we know there was a lot of pressure on donald trump at the moment. There are questions about russian funding behind wikileaks. If theyre able to start selling the story then you have to question their political leanings. Of course. And remember wikileaks is the organisation along with a number of others that the Intelligence Community here in the us identified Asa Community here in the us identified as a cutout or go between between Russian Intelligence Service putting out negative and derogatory information on Hillary Clinton and hercampaign and some information on Hillary Clinton and her campaign and some of her colleagues. And sol her campaign and some of her colleagues. And so i think it is pretty obvious that wikileaks is in the Assisting Business Of Moscow and their fellow helpers. The fact that we have, that wikileaks has this information that predates much of the election is rather striking because it suggests theres someone in the cia ecosystem who might be providing this to this organisation. That is something the fbi really needs to follow what one. Thank you very much. And the russian thing refuses to go away. The House Intelligence Committee saying it will look at the investigation and have public hearings on the 20th. The republican chair of that committee, david nunes, was asked about Wiretap Allegations that donald trump made against barack 0bama at the weekend. This was his response. The president is a neophyte to politics, hes been doing this a little over a year and i think a lot of the things that he says, you guys sometimes take literally, sometimes he doesnt have 27 lawyers and staff looking at what he does, which is i think at times refreshing and at times can also lead us to have to be sitting at a Press Conference like this answering questions that you guys are asking. It is remarkable. It is like were in two different fact universes. You should not take literally what the president says, seriously . Maybe a staff should just take his twitter machine away from him. Lets move on. Tens of thousands of indians work in the us on short term visas but the president has warned he is considering restricting them. Justin rowlatt has been finding out what the Software Industry makes of that proposal in india. She graduated from a top us university. Shes worked as a Software Engineer for microsoft and facebook. But ridi mattel isnt sure she would be welcome in america any more. I cannot believe engineers like me are being pushed out of the us today. It is really unfortunate. President trump has made no bones about his intentions. We will bring back ourjobs. We will bring back our borders. We will bring back our wealth. And we will bring back our dreams. And the fear is that will affect indias dream of a growing it sector. There has been talk of cutting back the 150,000 Temporary Work Visas the us issues to professionals like Computer Programmers every year. India is overwhelmingly the biggest beneficiary of those visas, it gets 70 of the total, a key reason why the indian it sector is now worth 150 billion a year. That is almost 10 of indias entire gdp. Yet ridi mattel is not worried. Her bangalore based Online Finance business is thriving. She thinks fewer us visas will be good for her and good for india. Now i could not be happier, we are developing. We are going to grow exponentially over the next decade. It is just a confluence of Macro Factors and trends which is going to be wonderful, for sure. And we need smart people here. The indian governments Small Business and tech champion acknowledges there will be costs in india if visas are restricted but also believes indias it sector is Strong Enough to survive and grow. India is growing at 7. 6 per annum, it is an oasis of growth in the midst of a barren economic landscape. But when these people come here, india will probably start growing at 9 10 per annum. So no issue, we welcome people, but the loser will be america in this case. India increasingly offers all the amenities of california including craft ale. That makes it more likely that a Visa Clamp Down will backfire. Indian It Professionals who return are more likely to stay, and to develop businesses that will compete with us companies. Justin rowlatt, bbc news, bangalore. Youre watching 100 days from bbc news. Stay with us for more including my thoughts on International Womens day. Springlike weather will be found more widely across the uk tomorrow. Today was Northern Ireland and North East England that enjoyed the sunshine. But the uk was topped and tailed by cloud and still will be overnight. Cloud across Southern England, south wales producing some patchy rain and drizzle and some hill fog. Quite windy with showers across scotland, some snow to the top of the hills. Not much frost around. Moving on thursday morning, around. Moving on thursday morning, a brighter day in south wales and Southern England but still for the far south west, parts of cornwall going to get some further outbreaks of rain. A bit of a misty start across south wales, the South Of England but elsewhere some decent sunny weather to begin the day. And across scotland still some showers around but these begin to fade and into the afternoon we just have a scattering of showers left. Still some outbreaks of rain at times into cornwall, some more clout into southern coastal counties of england and south wales but elsewhere some lovely sunshine coming through. Temperature is widely in double figures and feeling pleasant. Up to 16 degrees in some places. But the eastern of the uk going through thursday night, they could be some frost around. Mild night in the west with cloud and outbreaks of rain. What a contrast as friday begins. It will be the cloud and rain winning out on friday pushing north. 0n friday things look very different with plenty of cloud around but feeling similar because it will still be mild. It is more unsettled at the weekend, we bring these Weather Fronts across the uk but there are gaps in between. And if you are in these gaps it will be brighterfor a time. You are in these gaps it will be brighter for a time. The weekend sta rts brighter for a time. The weekend starts mild but we change wind direction, and what that does is to bring temperatures down a couple of degrees by sunday, not much it has to be said. So occasional sunshine, occasional rain and just feeling a little bit cooler by sunday. Welcome back to 100 days. A reminder of our top story as the world prepares for brexit, the British Government upgrades Growth Forecasts for this year. Coming up the president declares his tremendous respect for women, and the first lady hosts a lunch at the white house for International Womens day. How equal, though, are women in the us . One of the biggest Applause Lines at Donald Trumps election rallies was his promise to repeal and replace 0bamacare on day one. We are now day 49 and President Trump has run into the complicated reality of delivering on that promise. The white house is mounting a full court press to try to get the new republican plan passed, and there is the real prospect that it might not work. A short time ago the, republican speaker, paul ryan, stepped up to defend the bill at a news conference. We are working Hand In Glove with President Trump, Vice President pence, secretary price. This is all hands on deck, because you know what, we all ran on repealing and replacing 0bamacare. We know that if we do nothing, the system collapses. We know that if we just repealed it, the system collapses. This is why we have to pass it with something better. Look, i would just say this look at what this does. This is a conservative wish list. With me now is the republican strategist ron christie, nick bryant is with me. That is not how conservatives feel about it . Many within his own caucus, the republican party, especially on the 0utside on capitol hill, dont think it is conservative, exciting or monumental. They wanted to go further and they are calling this 0bamacare Light and 0bamacare 2. 0. In the senate, they have a different problem. It is moderate republicans who oppose this. They think it goes too far on the Health Coverage that is given to poor people, and they are worried that it will remove some of the 20 Million People that got health care under 0bamacare. So you have republicans thinking it is too conservative, others thinking it is too liberal will the white house get this through and does it want to get this through and does it want to get it through . There are two lines of thought at the moment. This is a negotiating position, they put it out and it is subject to negotiation, and they will add some conservative sweeteners to get the freedom caucus, as its called, the 30 of lawmakers who are opposed to this. But there are others who think this. But there are others who think this is what President Trump wants to see past, so live with it. You have all were already you have already seen President Trump using his twitter feed. There was a kentucky senator who has been a critic on twitter. If President Trump will use twitter to attack people who oppose this law, he will be spending a lot of time on it. am wondering about this. You can tell me if im wrong, but is it that there has been a fundamental shift . 0bama shifted the paradigms. Is it now generally accepted in the United States that health care is a fundamental right, and entitlement, and is that the problem is . It is ha rd to and is that the problem is . It is hard to take and entitlement away when you have given it in the first place, and that is a huge problem. There are 20 million uninsured people who got coverage under 0bamacare. Who were they . A lot of working class people who voted for trump. They were annoyed with the spiralling premiums, these increases in their Monthly Health bills, but the modelling that has been done on these new proposals suggests that theyll be hit with even bigger rises under this new proposal, so it is politically hazardous for the Trump Administration. Nick, thank you very much. It is worth saying that this is the big dealfor President Trump in his first year in office. He really wa nts to first year in office. He really wants to get something done on this this year. And his first step into legislation the real star. The white house is calling round all the local radio stations. Republicans are calling in to get people on board, get constituents, can you dont like this, on board as well. The first lady, melania trump, has just hosted a lunch to mark International Womens day at the white house. Her husband also greeted the day with a tweet declaring his tremendous respect for women, and another honouring their Critical Role in society. Which might raise an eyebrow or two among those of us who watched that famous access hollywood tape. The president aside, it is pretty clear american women havent made the progress they might have anticipated. Hillary clinton recently declared that the future is female, but as she knows better than anyone, the present Political Landscape isa very different place. For the time being, its a mans world when it comes to being boss, and notjust in the us. Over 130 countries have yet to elect or appoint a woman leader. The congressional picture is only slightly more encouraging. Women have helped National Office here for over a century since Jeannette Rankin was elected by the state of montana in 1916. Today, 21 women are in the senate, and 83 are in the house of representatives. Its not great, but its better than the paltry 11 women who were elected as recently as 1970. And thats the story of womens progress. We have made advances, just not as big as wed have liked or even expected. Take the world of business 29 companies in the s p 500 now have female chief executives. Thats a third more than eight years ago, and it is better than europe, but its still only a pitiful 5. 8 of the total. American businesses are lagging many other countries, places you might not expect, like russia, indonesia, latvia and the philippines, where women hold over 40 of senior level positions. The statistics might well depress someone like anna bissell. She was americas first ceo, and she blazed a Trail Taking Charge of her familys Carpet Sweeper Company way back in 1889. I suspect anna would have thought the Glass Ceiling would notjust have been cracked but completely smashed by now. Were not there yet, and in her memory, we will all keep working to make it happen soon. Well, Gender Equality is firmly on the mind of christine lagarde. Heres more of our interview with the International Monetary fund chief. Wouldnt it be nice if we got to the stage where we didnt need an International Womens day any more than we might need an International Mens day . It would be terrific, but i dont think that day is about to come, im afraid. You think we are still a way offs i think we are still a way off, and i think that we will probably be for ever a way off, because there is something that is sort of endemic, and part of our Cultural Heritage about being either discriminated against, excluded, downgraded, undermined, and i think having an International Day to actually challenge that is something that we must keep, because these discriminations, these practices of undermining, are not about to go, im afraid. Are these practices endemic in women and how they see themselves, or are they endemic in men and how men see women . I think they tend to be endemic in both genders. We tend to internalise a lot, too much, those characteristics, and i believe that men are afraid of women having too much power. A lot of men might say, why should i share myjobs with women . M a lot of men might say, why should i share my jobs with women . If there are more jobs and growth in general, if there is better development, more education, everybody will benefit, notjust women. Education, everybody will benefit, not just women. And for education, everybody will benefit, notjust women. And for our findings are clear about is that bringing women to the table will actually generate more growth, will create more jobs, will improve the development of countries that need it, and at the micro level, it will actually bring more to the bottom line in companies, so it isjust an economic no brainer, as many have said before, but we need to repeat it and repeat it and rehash it all the time so that people understand that it benefits all, notjust women. Your report for International Womens day talks about womens talent being underappreciated and underused is it frustrating that we are still in this position . think it is worse than that. It is underappreciated, underused and at the same time, exploited. If you look at low income countries, who goes out and walks miles for water . Girls. Who misses school was my girls. However frustrated we are, we have to just keep girls. However frustrated we are, we have tojust keep at it. Girls. However frustrated we are, we have to just keep at it. The leader of the biggest economy in the world has famously been abusive towards women. How much does that tone from the top of the us economy change the equation for women . I think what is important now is not to look at what happened in the past but to hold all leaders accountable. I have heard people say, i am not a leaders accountable. I have heard people say, lam not a i leaders accountable. I have heard people say, lam not a lam leaders accountable. I have heard people say, i am not a i am a feminist and not demonstrate that they respect women. I am keen to see what is being done, what is being implemented, what measures will be delivered, and if President Trump puts in place at the federal level pa re ntal puts in place at the federal level parental leave that will allow american women to continue theirjob without worrying about maternity, i will say bravo. He has talked about doing exactly that in his address to congress. As i said, talking is one thing. Walking the talk is going to be decisive. Really interesting to hear from christine lagarde. China has given President Trump the chance to expand his brand, after approving dozens of applications to register the trump trademark. What do you know about that . Many requests were made during the Election Campaign. Donald trump already owns about 70 trademarks in china. The question this raises, and which hasnt been fully addressed and unravelled in the United States, is the tricky question of Conflict Of Interest . That this president have a Conflict Of Interest . There was one about trump escorts, which was in the headlines. I should bring some clarification. bring some clarification. I knew you would bring that up a grabbed my attention that the president wanted to brand escorts in china. It is about protecting your trademark, which is why it is there. If you see the headlines tomorrow, you will know why. Take a look at this. This isa know why. Take a look at this. This is a man who was stopped by the police. It is pictures from the Dashboard Camera of a Patrol Camera in arkansas. He was stopped for a fa u lty in arkansas. He was stopped for a faulty tail light, and this is what followed. He juggled faulty tail light, and this is what followed. Hejuggled to prove faulty tail light, and this is what followed. He juggled to prove that he wasnt drunk. I dont actually know what happened, whether he was allowed to get back in the car and go one. They used to make you walk the white line, didnt they . That is another way to go about it certainly more entertaining for the officers. And if you can get all the balls in the air, you would get let off. Juggling for you. That is 100 days. Share your thoughts with us using the hashtag. That is 100 days. For now from katty kay in washington, and me Christian Fraser in london goodbye. Hello. This is bbc news. The headlines the chancellor Philip Hammond has increased National Insurance bills for the Self Employed, in his first budget. The moves led to accusations hes broken a Manifesto Pledge, not to raise taxes. The budget included an extra £2 billion for social care in england, with the chancellor saying hes putting the economy on a solid footing. In response, the labour leader, jeremy corbyn, said the budget was built on unfairness, and provided tax breaks for the few and Public Service cuts for the many. An update on the Market Numbers for you heres how londons and frankfurt ended the day. A mixed bag there. And the same in the United States, the nasdaq up and down. Lets take a closer look at some of the main Talking Points in Philip Hammonds first budget. He announced a 1 per cent rise next year in National Insurance contributions for the Self Employed, and another rise the following year. The move appears to contradict a conservative Manifesto Pledge at the last election. Mr hammond also announced an extra £2 billion for social care in england over next three years, with one billion available straight away. There were also measures to soften the impact of the Business Rates revaluation in england, with £435m for firms affected by increases, including a £300m Hardship Fund for the worst hit, as well as a £1000 discount for most pubs in england. There were further measures affecting the Self Employed with a cut in the tax free Dividend Allowance for shareholders and directors of small private firms, from £5000 to £2000 from april next year. Its a measure that seems to undo a pledge made by George Osborne in his budget last year. Mr hammonds also finding £100m to place more gps in accident and Emergency Departments in england for next winter. And there was a change in technical education, with the introduction of a new broad based t level qualification, as well as an extra £216 million in funding for schools. The government has been coming under pressure to provide more money for social care budgets, with Council Leaders saying the system is on the brink of collapse. Well, today the chancellor responded, announcing £2bn of extra funding for social care in england over the next three years. So today, mr deputy speaker, i am committing additional Grant Funding of £2 billion to social care in england over the next three years. Mr deputy speaker, thats £2 billion over the next three years, with £1

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