Second night of air strikes targets shia rebels in yemen, as the countrys beleaguered president arrives in the saudi capital. And italys highest Appeals Court is to decide whether to uphold the guilty verdict against amanda knox and Raffaele Sollecito for the murder of british student, Meredith Kercher. Hello. Thanks for joining us. German police have seized possessions, including a computer belonging to the copilot who apparently crashed his plane deliberately in the french alps killing all 150 people onboard. The police say they have clues, but theyve given no details. What has emerged is that the pilot, Andreas Lubitz had to interrupt his Flight Training for psychological treatment which was believed to be for depression. Well as a recovery operation and investigations continue we can join tim willcox now, in the french alps. Tim . Reporter join me live at the main helicopter command center here in seyneslesalps, five miles as the crow flies, from the main crash site itself. Lets just take you to a live position that has been set up by an agency overlooking that crash site, which i think we can show you now. Just showing how difficult it is for the investigators and the recovery teams to work there. You can see the sheerness of the mountainside there. Nowhere for these helicopters to land. They hover close by as the teams on the ground collect human remains and other wreckage, put those remains into bags and then its a crate which are winched up onboard the helicopters which then return here for dna testing, to see if they can match with the samples that have been taken from the victims families. Some 300 victims families came here yesterday. The vast majority of them we understand have returned to marseille last night. A few more are expected today. I was speaking to the deputy mayor a little earlier, who says some of the colombian victims families are expected to arrive today. Well that is what is happening on the ground here but the focus has now moved very much to germany and the homes of Andreas Lubitz, the 27yearold copilot who according to the french prosecutor yesterday in a most Dramatic Press Conference deliberately took control of that airbus a230 and steered it down toward that fatal collision that led to the death of 149 people and the copilot himself. Lets get the very latest now on the investigation in germany. This report by our correspondent, andy moore. Reporter investigators say they now know why the plane crashed, but what was inside the mind of the copilot Andreas Lubitz, remains a mystery. There are reports about depression, about a breakup with his girlfriend, but nothing has been confirmed. In germany, police have been searching the home he shared with his parents. They took away computer equipment and other items. Its reported they made a significant discovery, but its not known what that might be. At his flat in dusseldorf another search with more items taken away. Translator the french authorities have issued a request for an investigation into the dusseldorf prosecutor to ask the police to search the pilots apartment. That means that we have with five investigators searched the flat for clues as to why the pilot could have done this. Reporter in america, theres a socalled rule of two regulation. If one pilot leaves the cockpit, a Flight Attendant must step in to make sure the other pilot is never left alone. In europe, there are no overarching rules. Some airlines already have a twoperson policy. They include ryan air, flybe, and jet2. Other airlines such as easyjet, monarch, and thomas cook say they will initiate one as soon as possible. Initially, lufthansa, the Parent Company of germanwings, says there was no need to change their regulations. But change may be forced on the company. Andy moore, bbc news. Reporter in fact police said yesterday in germany theyd made a significant discovery, a few more details have emerged about that. Lets go to the home that Andreas Lubitz shared with his parents, who are here yesterday, we understand. Our correspondent, Anna Holligan, is outside that home. What more have police said now. Reporter there is still Significant Police present here in this quiet cuddle sac in monte barr. Computers were taken last night. Police reported a significant discovery at Andreas Lubitzs dusseldorf flat. They did go into detail but did say it was not a suicide note. Investigators have, though, uncovered indications of Mental Health problems at that dusseldorf flat. And those were reported in the front page here showing Andreas Lubitz. He used to jog around these streets. They refer to him as a mass murderer. That is, of course the suspicion referred to by the prosecutor in marseille. They also talk about a history of panic and anxiety talks, depression, a history of mental ill illness, and they say that he had psychological help weeks before the crash. Another report here from the german broadcaster, art, reporting there was a note on Andreas Lubitz federal Authority File talking about Mental Illness and this recommends regular psychological assessment. And one final report coming from the Duch Telegraf today, saying that Andreas Lubitz crashed the plane into the same alpine mountainside where he loved to go gliding. Where hed been going gliding since he was 12 years old. All of these reports unconfirmed. The one piece of information we do have confirmed is from Andreas Lubitz the 27 copilots bosses at lufthansa. They say six years ago he did, indeed take time off of his training and that was for a period of some time, but after that period he returned to service, he underwent the required required technical and psychological tests, and he was deemed fit to get behind the controls once again of that aircraft. Reporter Anna Holligan outside the parents house there. Before helicopters are landing with human remains just behind me now, to be taken into a little temporary mortuary for dna testing, to match up with the relatives dna, which has already been given to the authorities here. Well this Little Community of seyneslesalps has been changed forever. A lot of people though are wanting to help. I was speaking to the deputy mayor and his englishborn wife mitchel and diana ray a little earlier about what exactly is going on here what the process is and how it has affected this community. When they first join an airline, they would have obviously qualified as a pilot, and for at least a year they would have been flying with one other pilot, who would have been closely watching watching them in all of their maneuvers, watching their mood getting to know them understanding their temperament and so on. When they fly to an airline, they will go through a number of tests, and these will be of a wide range in their nature. Some will include tests to understand how they react in certain situations mental awareness, spatial awareness, and so on. And for some there will also be some tests around mental stability and psychological problems. And of course we must remember that Airline Pilots every day that they are at work they are sitting, literally shoulder to shoulder with another pilot, whos very closely watching all of their behavior all of their reactions, noticing if theyre deviating in any way at all. And of course there are other people on the flight as well including the including sometimes even passengers who will notice the pilots as well. Reporter sorry, that was the Aviation Psychologist actually Professor Robert moore, who we spoke to a little earlier. I think we can now bring you an interview i did with the deputy mayor and his wife of this community here. That is mitchel and diana ray. Such a difficult time for the whole community. You were here yesterday with some of the victims families. What happened . Yesterday, in the beginning of the afternoon, several families came, friends and families of these victims. They came to the place where they can have a rest and think of these victims. There was a short ceremony with several regents. Including, i think, imams, and catholics. Catholics, yes. What was it how difficult was it for these relatives . How much sort of emotion did some show and then did other people did sort of take this in a very different way . Its just well we were amongst interpreters but in fact we didnt come into direct contact with them because the germans arrived with all their interpreters, they had everything written and they all wanted to be together but it was extremely distressing for everybody concerned. And they stayed i suppose, about three quarters of an hour perhaps an hour. There was a speech from the german ambassador. What did he say . Shes a woman. She . We couldnt hear it because we were well in the background, but she was in tears and apparently, it was extremely moving. And some of them took stones and they left photographs and they left flowers. And they all got back into the coaches, there were seven of them and they came up for the religious ceremonies that they how has it affected people here . Its a Tiny Community of 1,200 or 1,400 people. Well people are just its just difficult to say. Everybody has been offering help, but obviously theres not very much that anyone can do. Theyve been offering their rooms in their homes and chalets. People are just just completely gob gobsmacked. Theyre so very distressed. Very distressed. Diana and michel rey. Michel is the deputy mayor of seyneslesalps. Lets just take you back to that live shot we have of the actual crash site itself just showing how inhospitable it is and how difficult it is for these recovery teams, who are going to be here we understand for several weeks, as they try to cover this area some 4 square kilometers. Trying to find the human remains and trying to find more of the planes wreckage and indeed that data recorder. This is an area which is very popular with people hiking in the summer months and speaking to one person locally, who just said that these mountains, these beautiful mountains, will never seem quite so beautiful again. So that is the latest here on the ground in the french alps as the investigation in germany continues, and that recovery operation as well continues for weeks, months to come. As i speak, yet another helicopter just about to touch down here with more of the wreckage and remains of those passengers and crew onboard that airbus a320, which came down on tuesday morning, which has changed the lives of everyone here and, indeed so many nationalities and families around the world. Back to you in london. We have some breaking news which is related to aviation but certainly not related to that story. I should make this clear. A severe power outage in the dutch capital, amsterdam, has severely disrupted flights in and out of the citys main airport. Thats the fourth largest airport in the world. The dutch electricity administrator says the power loss affected a large part of North Holland province. It was caused by a failure at a high voltage power station just outside amsterdam. All flights were suspended, initially, some were diverted to other airports as well. So flights out were suspended or diverted, but the power back on at the airport. Flights are once again gungbeginning to take off as normal. I say, as normal, but a little bit of a backlog there. Now, therellitalys highest Appeals Court is deciding whether or not to upheld the guilty verdict for amanda knox and Raffaele Sollecito for the murder of the british student Amanda Kercher in 2007. If this is upheld sollecito will be sent to prison and a lengthy extradition battle will get underway for knox who was allowed to return back to her home in seattle. Well gafvin lee is in rome for us. They say the defendants are hoping, of course, this court ruling will be the end of the case. Both amanda knox and Raffaele Sollecito are awaiting their fate today. Were told by lawyers of amanda knox remember this case twists and turns, since the first of november, 2007 where Meredith Kercher was found dead in her house, her flat. Amanda knox at the time. Since they, both her and her former lover, sollecito, have been convicted, acquitted, convicted again. On the one side amanda knox says she does expect a ruling today. Shes extremely apprehensive. The appellate judges behind me this is the supreme court, weve just seen the lawyers for Raffaele Sollecito arrive. Hes arrived in court as well the back way to avoid the press. The judges will have to decide are they happy with the reestablished verdict last year . If they are, that will be case closed. The ruling will be upheld Raffaele Sollecito will be taken into custody. Amanda knox we expect within a few weeks, there will be a request for her extradition from the u. S. If it goes the other way, if they are unhappy and there is questionable forensic evidence in this case which has led them to go back and forth, then there could be another trial. Wow. I mean it looks pretty clear for mr. Sollecito, if they do uphold the case we know where that stands. As for talk of an extradition process, what chance gavin, i mean how likely are the United States going to be cooperating . Well there is an agreement which goes back to the 80s, and there is talk of certainly amanda knoxs lawyers of a double jeopardy ruling affects any extradition. The fact that you cant be tried twice in the u. S. Actually, when you agree to an overriding agreement like this you apply italys system which says this is the same trial, regardless of verdict, you have to wait for a definitive ruling. Ultimately, it will be an application from the ministry of justice here to the u. S. Secretary of state, and goes all the way to the obama administration. Weve had a comment already from john kerry secretary of state in recent weeks, saying he will do his duty. He will look at this if the conviction is upheld but not before then. Gavin lee. Do stay with us here on bbc world news. A lot more still to bring you, and that includes a reflection on this man. Its putins pulling power, were calling it as we have a look at the enduring popularity of the leader as he hits 15 years since he came to power. You pay your Auto Insurance premium every month on the dot. Youre like the poster child for paying on time. And then one day you tap the bumper of a station wagon. No big deal. Until your Insurance Company jacks up your rates. You freak out. What good is having insurance if you get punished for using it . Hey insurance companies, news flash. Nobodys perfect. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. See Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. 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The latest headlines, police in germany are analyzing possessions taken from the home of Andreas Lubitz the copilot who is thought to have deliberately crashed a passenger jet into the french alps. European airlines begin introducing new Safety Measures including a rule that two crew members should be in the cockpit at all times. Saudi arabia has carried out a second wave of air strikes in yemen against Houthi Rebels there. Powerful explosions were reported in the capital, sanaa, also in the south of the country. The president abdrabba mansour hadi has arrived as the Coalition Forces carry on targeting these iranianbacked Houthi Rebels. The Saudi Bombing Campaign shows no sign of letting up. It seems so that the saudis are determined to carry on with their air strikes. They have hit not only sanaa, but also the houthi heartland in the province in the north and also the oilrich province. Actually, some analysts say that the target of these air strikes is not to resolve the Current Crisis militarily, but to curb the advance of the houthis and to force them to go back to dialogue because a lot of people believe that the Current Crisis cannot be solved by military confrontation, but rather by dialogue and communication. But so far we are not sure if the houthis will listen to that or if they will be forced to go back to dialogue. What we understand is that they are trying to advance as much as they can in the Southern City of aden where president abdrabba mansour hadi was, and when i visited aden this month, ive spoken to the people and i asked them, what is the houthis wants . And the reply ive got to everybody ive spoken to is that they are going to defend their city with their soul and blood. Thats what they told me. And this raises actually lots of concerns about the future and the coming days that is awaiting this country, which is now in double tragedy. We have the houthis hitting hard and the saudis advancing. We know that dozens of people were killed in these air strikes, because some of the air strikes have hit residential buildings. Now, 15yearold, Vladimir Putin came to power, confirmed a as the president of russia after boras yeltsins resignation. This week their measured his support rating at 85 . That popularity at home is far from the ratings that mr. Putin receives from the west. Sarah ransford reports on what makes mr. Putin quite so appealing to russian voters. Reporter a powerful image of a leader still strong after 15 years. When Vladimir Putin first became president , this pair were too young to vote, but now theyre among his biggest fans. Their design headquarters looks like an internet startup or a pr fund but the brand theyre promoting here is president putin. So fashionable, they say, people even want to wear him. Its because hes a strong leader. I would say the strongest in the world. With yeltsin, i was ashamed he ran my country. But putin represents strength. Thats important. Im not ashamed anymore. Vladimir putin cut a very different figure than his ailing predecessor. He was cast as a macho man of action from the very start. Stunts like this helped his support ratings soar over 80 . But its driven by policy, too. Like the annexation of crimea from ukraine, condemned as an illegal takeover by the west here its seen as a triumph. 15 years after he first came to power here Vladimir Putin remains so popular, that Young Designers actually choose to print his face on clothes like this. The reason that Many Russians give for mr. Putins enduring appeal is the fact that hes given them back a sense of national pride. So even chocolates are political these days. Mocking western sanctions of ukraine and encouraging buyers to eat the heads of state behind them. A long economic slump could well reduce support for mr. Putin, but so far, many blame the west for that and not their president. Well of course we earn less but we dont care since its a question of our world country. State tv plays a major role shaping those views. Dmitry is a rare critic on the airways these days. He argues thats key to mr. Putins popularity. People just dont see any alternative. 90 of russian receive information mainly from the tv shows. About 55 of russians receive information only from television. Reporter is so saladVladimir Putins reign continues and here they told me theyd be quite happy to see him running russia for 15 years. Sarah rainsford, bbc news moscow. I want to leave you with a moment, at least, with this live shot from the french alps. Basically the ravine in which the germanwings plane crashed. Helicopters have been buzzing, picking up and recovering whatever they can from the scene. Well keep across the story of course for you here on bbc world news. Discover brookside and discover an exciting combination of tastes. Rich, dark chocolate covering soft centers. Flavored with exotic fruit juices. Its chocolate and fruit flavors like youve never experienced before. Discover brookside. Oh, paradise lost. Yes, once booming brazil heads for tougher times in a quarter of a century. And first, oh, back in fashion is now a 40 billion industry. And were going to be hearing why fashion has done a uturn on this controversial trade. Hello, everybody. Im aaron. Welcome to the program. It is an exciting snapshot of all the latest in the world of business and money. Were going to talk about falling off the antifur bandwagon very shortly. But first, lets start in brazil. Because, you know what not long ago, it was one of the worlds Rising Economic stars. The b, of course in the group of brics fastgrowing economy along with russia india, and china. These are tough times for all on that list but especially for brazil. Because later today, this friday, official figures are expected to confirm the economy is in its worst state in a quarter of a century. Government stimulus measures dragged it out of recession last year, but not for long quite possibly. Todays figures may show that brazils economy went into reverse again in the final quarter of 2014. The final three months of that year contracting a fifth of a percent. The Current Quarter is also expected to be negative meaning, yep, brillazil is probably back in recession, which is two quarters of negative growth. Thats how we get a recession. A slumping Commodity Prices has certainly hit brazil very hard. And of course, you may remember this a huge Corruption Scandal has dented foreign investor confidence. Well to give you an idea brazils currency the rial has lost a quarter of its value against the dollar in six months, the worstperforming of all major currencies. Daniel gala now reports. Reporter workers in this factory will feel the heat of brazils economic slowdown. Last year, 150 people were employed here making aluminum components for the car industry. But since then 60 them, around 40 of the workforce, have been fired. Brazil is moving towards a very high level of debt which will make Interest Rates even higher. The government needs to make it clear to the Brazilian Society that that this year it will be building a bridge that will lead brazil to sustainable growth. But not all is doom and gloom. They have more than 700 electrical good Stores Across brazil and they plan the open another 40 stores this year despite concerns with the growing cost for their business they remain optimistic and say brazilians are still buying tvs and washing machines in great number. Translator our company has gone through all sorts of crisisn 1980s. The 2008 Global Financial crisis with Lehman Brothers and all that. We believe this is skbrus turbulence and that brazil is well equipped to navigate through it. Reporter from stimulus to us a terry, brazil has done a uturn in the way it views its problems. The big question is will it all work and how long will it take for things to improve. Brazilians are bracing themselves for months of relatively higher inflation and unemployment. Both analysts and the government seem to agree that things will get worse before they start to get any better again. Daniel gala bbc news. Well keep across those numbers, but i dont think anybodys going to be taking their hats off to those numbers when they are out. Did you get that one . Okay lets talk about this. Its gone from the ultimate fashion faux pas to the fashionistas favorite. It is controversial. It is fur. Because on the british catwalks last year more than 60 of shows featured show. And at the new york fashion week, i believe the figure topped 70 . Lets get more on this. Mark is president of the fur federation. I remember it, 1994 20 years ago, you had the big fall supermodels of that time big Global Campaign i would rather be naked than wear fur, those models Naomi Campbell Cindy Crawford kate moss all recently seen been wearing fur. Whats changed . It is extraordinary, isnt it . 20 years the heart of it is that designers want to work with fur. Its not now the old style grandmas coat theres color in it, theres light furs theres trims. Its become more of a fashion mix rather than being a very special sort of oneoff item. And that has changed attitude, because people are seeing it more around on the shops and in the streets. But for the antifur campaign, it doesnt change the ethics because its more fashionable and designers are doing more with it. It doesnt change surely some of the campaigners will still talking about because were talking farmed animals here. Mainly, right. The concerns about the treatment of these animals. Things like that. That doesnt change. Those attitudes dont change. There are going to be some people aaron, that just whatever happens with the welfare standards, whether its in fashion or not, are just totally opposed to it and i totally respect that. Thats their view. But what youre see, the Younger Generation who have different priorities, different concerns they are seeing it more now on the catwalks theyre obsessed and love fashion. So that does change their minds to some extent. And i would like to think, also the industry has improved its highly regulated, really really good standards. You put that together and thats why were seeing this shift. Who are the big producers these days . And where are the big markets for fur . Its a really complicated global market. Youre seeing at the moment new york really hot. Theres been a lot on the catwalks. The economys booming. Theres been quite a cold winter. Asia has softened a little bit. Theres been a slight reduction in Luxury Products but china is still a market. And when it comes to where the fur is produced countries like denmark and finland, very very strong, impressive farms there. And quite a bit of wild fur coming from north america and canada. So wild fur does sort of make its way into the mix. Now, is it legal wild fur . Absolutely. We are bound by International Conventions on what we can trap. But mainly what you find with the fur is its a conservation issue. A lot of wild animals need to be culled for conservation reasons, so rather than culling and throwing away then youve got an economy creating jobs and welfare by people using those skins for fur. So its part of the economic mix in north america. Because some will say, again, the antifur campaign will say, manmade materials nowadays for normal stuff, right, fake fur, all sorts of you know material to keep us warm so we dont need fur. How do you combat that argument . And say, we shouldnt be killing these animals . Theyre right that fake fur is everywhere. The Science Behind fake fur is improving. Its a choice issue. Some people will have fake fur. There might be an economic reason. Other people want the actual beauty and the real feel and the touch and the warmth of real fur. Its a choice and im not forcing people to take real fur. They can make their own minds up. Ive got to wrap it up but its a 40 billion industry supposed to grow even bigger than that . But fashion can be volatile as well. Marcos thank you very much indeed. Lets move on and touch on some other stories making headlines all around the world. Consumer prices inflation in japan, it ground to a halt in february after two years of rising prices. Economists say a drop in energy costs amid slumping oil prices has had a big impact on the numbers. But they could put pressure on the bank of japan to expand their already massive stimulus program, aimed at ending deflation. Hey, blackberry is expected to report a Fourth Quarter loss and a sharp decline in revenue. The once dominant smartphone maker has been all but pretty much wiped out from competition from the likes of apple and android phones. The experts and investors will be looking for signs on whether the company can deliver on its promise of growing Software Revenues as it promises to become more of a software and services player. There you go. Struggling there. No surprises. Lots going on, follow me on twitter. Tweet me ill tweet you right back you can get me bbcaaron. Sport today coming up right now. Ill see you soon. Byebye. playing harmonica get your own liquid gold. Go on, git theres gold in them thar shells. Liquid gold. Who does this kinda thing online . Iii clicked on some links, ugh the kids werent even home. Wait, wait, wait, this changes everything. Its cars. Com Service Repair feature. So well never pay more than we should. Well done. Research, price, find. Get the right Service Without all the drama. Hello. This is sport today live from the bbc sport center. Coming up on our program, we look ahead to the climax of the cricket world cup as australia and new zealand face off in the finals. Gone in the first round, his return from injury is swift. Hes knocked out of the miami open. And americas hoffman leads the texas open after the opening day. Hello and thanks for joining us. Were going to start with cricket. Two host countries, australia and new zealand, slugging it out to be crowned the worlds best oneday team at sundays World Cup Final in melbourne. New zealand could perhaps to have the psychological edge. They beat their neighbors in the grief stages. The team has plenty of depth, whether brenda mccullkulcullen steps up or not. Without brandon having infut, theres a couple of games in a row. Quarter final games, he was light on runs there, and martin stepped up. Its been whack a mole with this new zealand team. So if he doesnt fire with the bat, its not the end of the world, because theres williamson, theres eliot, and others to do finishing job. Anderson in the middle as well. Its a batting order not with the superstars we would associate with this Australian Team at the moment with the pure destruction of finch and warner and the classic, but its whack a mole which one will have the biggest day and how are they going to combat that. Our defending World Champion hamilton set the fastest time in sunday for malaysians grand prix. Hamilton missed the first session and the start of the second with an engine problem, but still finished ahead of ferraris kinney. And alonzo finished 17th. Spaniard running his first race of the year after missing the australian grand prix on medical advice. He suffered a concussion in a preseason crash. In tennis, del potro is out. Hes returning to competitive action for the First Time Since suffering a wrist injury in january and his rough game showed against the worlds number 60. 2009 u. S. Open champion losing the first set, 64, and the second on a tiebreak. And Maria Sharapova has lost her second round match in straight sets sets. Americas Charlie Hoffman fired a five under par 67 to lead by a stroke in the first round of the texas open in san antonio on thursday. Both scores were hard to come by on a windy opening day. And phil mickelson, who was three shots off the lead was a little bit perplexed to how he managed to break his eight iron, hitting out of the fairway bunker. Going on to eventually bogey the hole. But hoffman will head into fridays second round, full of confidence, after his exquisite round round. And therell be no pushovers in seven years time. It will be one of the strongest nights in africa. A return on a Huge Investment that the gulf state is making in their football game, as alex south reports. Reporter ranks a lowly 109th in the world, but still smiling. Not many would give qatar any hope of qualifying for the next world cup, a guaranteed place in 2022 betting that that would pass the majority of this one by. So they want to do something special. Okay and then nine but we can do it. Show we are better day by day, we can go more forward. And we hope we can make it and show the people who we are. And its teams like algeria who did so well in the last world cup that qatar will have to test themselves against to see if they can qualify for russia in three years time. A small crowd, mainly made up of the countrys large algerian population have little to get excited about. Just 2,700 saw his goal. The smallest ticker parade ever. Just 50 more inside the stadium to share the moment. Algeria, brilliant in brazil but fairly average on a thursday night night. Qatar performed to qualify. We pretty much believe we can qualify and thats big matches, we get experience. Though another win for qatar, who have already beaten australia this year. The hope for a place amongst the elite in 2018 will not be so far fetched after all. Alex south, bbc news doheart. The new york rangers have got their place in the stanley cup. Dan boyle, matt buckrelly were also on the score sheet, closing in on the metropolitan Division Title as well with the win taking them to 101 points ahead of the new york islanders, who were beaten 32 by the l. A. Kings. And he goes by the name metta world peace, but for those of you slightly longer in the tooth, known as the former Chicago Bulls and l. A. Laker as ron artest. Hes signed for an italian side and in his presentation, he explains what to call him after changing his name four years ago. Some people know me as ron artest, people who saw my career. So they still call me ron. So thats fine. Most of the young kids they call me metta. And everybody in china calls me panda. So you can pick. Now, in the nba, a careerhigh 34 points for the pacers, 111107 on thursday night. The bucs raced into an early lead in the first quarter, a three pointer making it a 23point game. But by the fourth the pacers were back in. George hills shot from downtown putting them within two. Hills threepoint attempt, couldnt quite drop finally winning by 4. Get all the latest sports news on our website, bbc. Com sport. Byebye. Looking at ways of designing and building malaria out of africa. The mosquitos that carry malaria parasite are responsible for more than half a Million Deaths around the world. 90 of these are in africa. Researchers have developed insecticides to kill these lethal creatures, but increasingly, the mosquitos are developing resistance to our chemical weapons. New insecticides will be developed, but it is likely that the mosquitos will eventually develop resistance to these, just as malaria parasites have become resistant to some of the drugs we use to fight the illness. We are committed to an arms race with the mosquitos. One that is becoming more intense. Researchers worry that without a new game plan we cant win. Now weve entered the arms race we cant stop. If we were to withdraw then we would likely have a serious malaria epidemic. We need a longterm strategy to get out of it. A vaccine could prepare the body to fight the parasite rechbt preventing people from developing malaria, even if they are bitten. It may even be able to interfere with the mosquitos by modifying their genes or infecting them with bacteria to prevent the parasite growing inside them. But these tactics arent currently a reality. Scientists at the London School of hygiene and tropical medicine are working to create a longterm battle plan for tackling these winged killers. They believe we should not forget the much broader process of Socioeconomic Development. Designing and building malaria out of africa. If we look back at the Success Stories of Malaria Elimination over the years, jamaica, in 1966, italy in 1970 australia in 1981 and morocco in 2010 Socioeconomic Development plays a large part in the process. In Northern Europe an area once plagued by malaria, cows were traditionally brought into houses over winter. Later, when it became normal for cows and winters to spend the winters in different buildings, the mosquitos stayed with the cows and away from the people. There are many other historical examples where malaria has been controlled as a byproduct of housing, agriculture, and other development. But today, the urban and rural environments are both designed. We now have the opportunity to deliberately sculpt the landscape to eliminate malaria. Even simple things such as having a ceiling, like a metal roof rather than a thatched one, can help. Already we can see urban developments is much lower than in rural ones. And the factors that make a difference, such as which water sources mosquitos do and dont like will help keep malaria at bay. The factors that trigger the transfer of malaria is tricky and weve only just begun, but the combined effort of all these factors are big. This battle strategy may help us finally win the war against malaria. Youre watching bbc news. Im tim willcox live in seyneslesalps, close to the scene of tuesdays fatal plane crash. Our headlines investigators reportedly find evidence that the man thought to have crashed his plane in the alps killing 150 people may have suffered from Mental Illness. As police seize a number of Andreas Lubitzs possessions, several

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