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To pay respects to the royal family. Gunmen set up a car bomb then attacked one of tripolis top hotels. We are getting reports the government is still inside and taking hostages. Another male. It goes from bad to worse. Russia had their Credit Rating cut to garbage. That means its more difficult for russia to borrow money from around the world. It also means russias rating is now that of bulgaria. Welcome to gmt. It is noon in london and 7 00 a. M. In washington and boston where a snowstorm and Near Hurricane Force Winds are battering the northeast of the u. S. And Eastern Canada. Winter storm juneau shut down major cities including new york and six states declared an emergency. Over 7,000 flights have been canceled now for wednesday. New england is expected to bear the brunt of the storm. Transport and car travel has been suspended. The same measures have been taken in new york city where a winter storm warning remains in effect. Mayor de blasio warned residents not to underestimate the storm. This is not a typical storm. It is going to pack a real punch. We have to expect heavy accumulation. A crucial point, some storms come in in a measured manner. This is going to come in in a sudden spurt of activity. We saw flurries this morning. That has largely dissipated. What you are going to see is something that hits hard and fast. People cannot be caught off guard. Best thing to do stay indoors, stay off the roads, stay off the sidewalks. The mayor of new york there. Lets take you outside to midtown manhattan, how is it there, laura . Reporter lucy seven inches of snow so far in new york. Not the two to three feet that was forecast. The city though is at a standstill. Subways are not running. You are only allowed to drive on the streets if you are in an emergency vehicle. We are waiting to hear from authorities when they can resume using public transport. The storm tracked slightly to the east. Whats happening now is there are blizzard conditions on long island and in connecticut where two feet of snow has fallen. Winds of 35 Miles Per Hour that have been reported. Joining me now is a refugee, tom fox of new jersey. Thank you for joining us. You stayed in the city. You run the telephone system. What is your assessment of the storm . We dodged it. Its actually a beautiful morning in the city. Last night, it was windy and hard to walk around but it didnt justify shutting everything down. Reporter the authorities thought the storm was going to be so much worse. You think they were wrong to shut everything down . Like i said it worked out great for me. I got a night in the city on my company. We get a chance to walk around the city without all the traffic. Reporter would you prefer they kept everything open . No but then again, i dont run a business in the city. They werent able to stay open or get open this morning. Reporter an interesting question. In the future what do officials do when they are faced with a forecast that says it could be a historic storm and in the city we only get seven inches. What should they do in the future . I dont believe they have much of a choice. They have to shut it down for safety. If somebody suggests there might be a problem and the best guess is we were going to get much worse weather. They didnt have an option. Reporter describe the city for us. It was a ghost town. What was your experience last night . It was hard to find a table at a restaurant because most of the people they had no place else to go. I think a lot of people were stuck in here. This morning, its beautiful. Its nice and quiet. You can walk down broadway and not be bothered by traffic and too many people. Reporter you, yourself, are you planning to go to work this morning . I am. Thats why i spent the night so i would be able to get in. We did not expect to get people in in the morning, so me and a couple of my associates we spent the night next door and well be in the office this morning to keep things running. Reporter thank you very much indeed for joining us. Stay warm. Thank you. That is one of the experiences of one of the refugees from the storms. He had to spend the night in the city. I spent the night in city. My children are on a snow day today. Thousands across the city. The wider point is maybe here in new york we didnt get the worst of the storm. Right now, there are blizzard conditions in long island in connecticut, very heavy snowfall there. So the worst of this storm is still going on lucy. Great to see you. Im sure the children are pleased to have a snow day at home. Lets talk more about the storm thats brewing. New york dodged a bullet so to speak. What is happening in new england at the moment . Its bad. North, toward boston heavy, heavy snowfall warnings from coastal flooding to blizzard conditions further inland. We are expecting one to two feet of snow. This whole storm is going to intensify through the day today. The winds get stronger snow gets heavier as it works across new england through the day and nova scotia Eastern Canada tomorrow. What about the point laura was making. Theres anger in new york they were given warnings and it didnt come true. Seven inches of snow is a lot in a heavily populated area. Its caused trouble on the roads and the airport as well. A difficult thing, though isnt it . It is indeed. Further to the north, through the new england area. Yes, some areas maybe escaped the worst of it. Some are looking at incredible impacts. How long do you think it will go on for . Not quite heavily populated. Travel will be disrupted. It is staying cold. The snow is going to stick around. Icy roads and lying snow. It will take awhile for the crews, the airliners to get to the right places and transport it. They are prepared out there. They are used to weather, not as bad as this. It is winter middle of january. Its not unprecedented to see heavy snowfall. I think it was 2006 last time we saw huge amounts of snow. That was record breaking in the new york area. Some records are broken. Thank you so much. You can get all the information on the u. S. Snowstorm on our website. If you go there, you will find alternative ways of measuring snowfall. Comparing it to the height of different kind of dogs. You can check it out at web bbc. Com world. Photos of the winter storm are on social media. This is the empty street of manhattan and new york citys streets. In massachusetts on tuesday morning. The snow is piling on top of his balcony and car. They are on the website for you. Check them out. If you would like to send yours, we would like to hear from you. Many people were unable to access facebook for up to an hour in what may have been the social networks worst crash in more than four years. Facebook photo sharing site was hit. It occurred when they introduced a technical change. They are up and operating normally now. Control of the strategic town of kobane. They have been celebrating in the streets. They say said its too early to declare it. Australia has beaten the uae 2nil. They will face an unbeaten south korean team. It will be played in sydney saturday. President obama cut short his trip to india to visit saudi arabia. He will pay respects to the late King Abdullah. This visit underscores the key role saudi arabia is playing in the middle east right now. A huge delegation. Security correspondent frank. How would you describe the relationship between the u. S. And saudi . This is the most important bilateral relationship with any arab country in terms of the west. This is a summit between the two most important people president obama and the new king. The saudis and americans agree on a lot of things. Partners in the coalition thats not popular at home in saudi, but nevertheless they are taking part in air strikes in syria. Below the surface, they disagree on a number of things one of which is about president assad of syria. The saudis were dismayed in september of 2013 that america called off the air strikes against the regime of president bashir al assad. I think if they are going to speak candidly to president obama, they will say you are only going to be able to get rid of Islamic State if you deal with al assad. They want him gone. The fact hes cutting short his trip in india what about america and iran. How is that . Thats not popular at all. The pictures you are seeing of president obama and his wife michelle who i expect have a form of islamic coverage. Black cloak. The question is how much hair and face will be covered. She will almost certainly wear one as a mark of respect because that is what is worn there. 30 people including the cia director former secretary of states, james baker who is popular with the saudi government. He took part and was instrumental in evicting them 24 years ago. So to answer the question about iran that is making them uncomfortable. They are the two rivals when it comes to the middle east. Saudi arabia is dominated. Iran sheer dominated. Not just in countries but in places like iraq syria and lebanon. They run comfortable. In an effort to get a nuclear deal with iran by that i mean stopping iran from an alleged weapon. The americans might be tempted to give iran a free hand. Thats the fear. So obama will try to allay that and fears hes switching attention to asia pacific and the middle east. Thank you for joining us. President obama on his way. We are expecting him to arrive in the next half hour or so. Stay with us here on bbc world news. Still to come yemens dangerous and volatile unrest. We spoke to a reporter who gained access of their operation. Breaking news now we are getting from libya. Gunmen are thought to have taken hostages inside a luxury hotel in in. A number of security guards have been killed. Lets go to our correspondent that joins us from tripoli. Is it clear whats happening right now . Reporter its not entirely clear. We are still sifting through multiple reports, some contradicting each other. We do know that the area around the hotel is sealed off and the hotel is in lockdown. The last reports we had was they made one are and there were three gunmen that were that took part in the operation at the hotel. There was an explosion after the gunmen went into the reception area and opened fire. We know that a number of Foreign Companies have makeshift offices including apr, an American Energy supply company that works with the ministry of electricity here. We understand from sources that the foreign employees who that company has left the hotel. This is the latest we have. We do not know if there is a hostage situation, per se but there may well be some people that are trapped in some floors of the building as Security Forces try to get it. Associated with Islamic State said they carried out the attack. I know that is difficult to confirm. How strong is Islamic State in libya . Reporter its been very difficult to assess the presence of the Islamic State in libya. We know that there are elements definitely in the east of the country that have shown clear signs of Islamic State tendencies if you will. There have been a number of attacks in the past month in tripoli and also about 200 kilometers away from tripoli that has been claimed by people claiming to be representing the Islamic State. Its hard to verify this kind of content, but they do often uphold material showing the exact moment they committed a certain act like bombings. Last week they claimed the bomb attacks outside the Algerian Embassy in tripoli. No casualties at the time. Again, its very difficult to assess their presence here. A lot of foreign observers will say that its likely there are groups inspired by the Islamic State copy cats if you will. Not necessarily foot soldiers taking orders. Thanks for that update from tripoli. Well continue to watch the situation there. The country being torn apart by competing militia to yemen, a country also in crisis. A rebel group on the offensive against the western backed president. They are dealing with an al qaeda insurgency. The position makes it strategically important. They are most active in the north of the country. They are shia and many believe backed by iran. Al qaeda controls much of the south and they are the target of frequent attacks. Who is taking control of much of the capitol, the president took the resignation. Our reporter managed to get exclusive access to one of the fighting groups. She is with me here in the studio. First, lets watch her exclusive report. Reporter here they are. I have been following them for bbc arabic. Gaining unprecedented access. For over two months they have allowed me to film and interview them. For much of the leadership the fight is a proxy war against western powers. Translator this movement started to act after 9 11 as we felt the need to start surfing on Natural Resources and the war against terrorism. Reporter for a decade the government launched offensive against them in their northern stronghold. Now, the fight reached the capitol and expanded further south into areas held by al qaeda. For four years, they were in control here. They recently seized the city following week long battle. A fighter shows a house he claims was an al qaeda prison. Translator this is whats left of one of their houses they used to kidnap people. Torture them here and send them. Reporter they say the government is simply not doing enough to stop al qaeda, forcing them to step in. He takes us to meet children he says were orphaned by al qaeda. He tells me he was coming back from prayers with his grandfather when a bomb exploded nearby. He was lucky to escape with his life, but left with terrible injuries. During my time in yemen, i found that many ordinary citizens are tired of the continuous violence and instability in the country. Protests like these, they complain about the power of the militias. The victims are the civilians. We are the unfortunate victims. Only god can help us. Reporter this is a crisis being watched closely by the u. N. United states and britain. For yemens the rise of many armed groups left many fearing for their future. Returned from yemen and is with me now. What was it like to be with them for those months and film them every day and watch what they were doing . I was embedded for part of it, but able to talk to the other side. This has been going on for a long time now. I dont think i have ever seen this before. We had check points all over the city that werent the army that werent the police. We had, what they call the screen which is it was all over the city. It was really to me quite an achievement for them. They started off as this very little group up in the mountains of north yemen. Its quite an achievement for them. That is a visually astounding thing to see. What is it they want . I think i think its power, obviously. They want control. They claim that they want to rid the country of a lot of corruption that is in the place. Nobody can disagree that corruption is a huge issue, but its a matter of who controls the government and who can get the government to a functional state. So, a lot of what i saw is them going into ministries trying to track where the money is going. That was genuine, i think. Also it comes with other problems. They are not part of a government. They have no official role in it. Why are they not in control of political purses . To me i think its them trying what they claim is that they want coalition, all the groups to come together and to rule the country. They dont want to be the only ones. It is also the difficulty if they become the government, they hold all the responsibility of whats happening in the country. I dont think they are ready for that. I dont think they want that responsibility. They control part of the country, al qaeda is strong in the south. How will this affect peoples every day life . What do they fear . Insecurity is unbelievable. You dont just walk in the street but theres a pervasive fear of the car bombs and random attacks on them. So that i think, is the most disturbing thing to people. The unknown. No one knows where the country is going. Thats really disturbing. Thank you very much for joining us. We are going to take you straight to president obama, his wife michelle, just touching down in the saudi capitol at the moment. The president cut short the final day of his trip to india. A large american delegation to pay respects to the late saudi king. Crucially, he will meet with the new king. A big delegation, as i mentioned with him. This visit, really underscoring the crucial role the u. S. Plays in Foreign Policy in the middle east. Saudi, one of the handful of arab nations to join the u. S. In joining air strakes against the Islamic State. Crispy m ms® are baaaack. What are you doing . You said to tell our fans crispy m ms® are back. Not those fans did you mean this fan . No. annoyed grumbles what about that one . Theres a fan in the break room, oh and in the. trails off so good, theyre back. At ancestry, we call it a hint. Our little leaf that helps guide you through the past. Simply type in a name and youre taken on a journey. A journey that crosses generations. And continents. All to tell the most amazing story. Yours. Discover your story. Start searching for free now at ancestry. 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We take you to the inquiry looking into whether the russian state was involved. We have the latest on the airport national. Lucy it is official. Dubai international is now the worlds Busiest International airport for travelers. 70 Million People used the airport. Stay tuned. We have an aviation expert coming up to talk airport battles and the carrier. President obama has spent the last three days in india as the country celebrated their independent constitution. It was a sign of warming ties between the two nations. But, he cut short the trip briefly, to travel to saudi arabia. He just touched down now. He is there to pay respects to the lay saudi King Abdullah. Rather, he is going to meet with the new king as well. A big american delegations are traveling there. They are expected to be on the ground for four hours, we understand. You can see the saudi officials lined up there waiting to greet the president when he comes off air force one. Not quite certain what will be on the agenda but president obama has said he will raise his advocacy for human rights. He says balancing advocacy for human rights with the needs to cooperate with saudi arabia on terrorism and security as well. Michelle obama is with the president for return. Throughout the day on bbc world news. Lets talk about president obamas time in india. He spoke about the Untapped Potential of economic relationships between the two countries. In the speech in delhi, he spoke of the importance of solving regional disputes. Following the trip is matthew. Lets go to him in delhi. Matthew . Reporter thanks very much. Welcome to the college, one of the oldest and most prestigious colleges in new delhi. Half of indias population is under the age of 25. It is an incredible statistic. Young people driving so much of the change they were actually seeing in india. I suppose its why president obama made it his last stop on this trip meeting hundreds of students among the relaxed town Hall Meetings listening to them. Mocking him at one point. After three days of relentlessly positive messages he took a chance based on religious intolerance and womens safety and dignity. That was so much the last half of these three days. With that he made his way to the airport and was gone heading off. You just saw him touch down. When indias Prime Minister visited washington a few months ago, he boasted. India, eventually will give the world most of its work force. All those young people coming on to the jobs they are changing just about everything. The jobs market attitudes, aspirations. I went out to one of the trendiest neighbors here in delhi and spoke to a group of youngsters about all that change. They started by telling me that even going out to dinner was becoming a new trend here. It was add some point. You have to get home by a certain time and things are changing. All the generations are becoming more open to things like this. Tolerant, yeah. They dont look at it as a threat anymore. I think its been around for a long time. Over the last ten years, the trend of going out is really improved. Yeah, i think our generation has seen a lot of western influences. Reporter it is really noticeable, western change the starbucks, the kfc. They are all here now. We certainly go to those places. For us its not like we make a conscious attempt at looking at all those brands as something that comes from the west. Its something that is there. We look at it as a new place that we could go and just hang out. Just Someplace New that people like to go and hang out at once in awhile. I think there is a balance. You want to go on the street as much as to a starbucks. Its not like oh i must spend 100 bucks on coffee. When you look around the table, you all have your smartphones. India fits the generation. You are all tech savvy. Smartphones are a recent phenomena everywhere in the world. A lot more people can now afford it. But thats also because india has a massive population. Reporter in terms of change you say necknology. What about social attitudes that are not changing. Do you think your attitudes to women, for example. You three here do you feel safe in a city like this . The capitol is far behind. The streets to people driving up on the transport, the public transport itself. Reporter you have thousands more cameras. In a week. We demand for it we talk about getting things dialogue dialogue the difference, also there is no real action. Reporter it goes back to return to the pictures you were seeing air force one on the tarmac. Now the president meeting those saudi officials. Hes been in india for three days. Supposed to be here a little longer. Go to see the taj mahal but with the death of King Abdullah changing details to pay his respects and have conversations with the king. Those pictures are president obamas arrival. Well have plenty more from delhi later in the program. Back to you in the studio. Matthew, thanks for joining us from delhi. We are going to stay with these pictures for a moment. A significant moment president Obama Meeting with saudis new king. He is only there for four hours. He will have a formal meeting with the new king and attend dinner with other saudi officials at the palace. Secretary of state john kerry is there along with former secretary of state Condoleezza Rice and james baker. The Arizona Republican who often criticized president obamas policy is part of the delegation. Politicians from both sides ott aisle in the u. S. Visiting saudi arabia today. Time to catch up with the business news. Starting off with russia more bad news for the russian economy. Let me explain. Standard poors, the Credit Rating agency downgraded russias Credit Rating to junk status. All this as the russian economy continues to weaken. What does that mean . It means that around the world, pension funds, they can no longer buy russian debt. It makes it very difficult for russia to borrow money from around the world. This is the first time in more than ten years they have been rated below investment grade. Now, that is bb plus. Doesnt mean much to most of us. What it does is puts it at the same level, russia at the same level as indonesia and bulgaria. What sort of damage will it do to the already struggling nation . Lets have a listen to this comment from one expert. Russia has been excluded since the summer sanctions. Its not going to have a catastrophic effect short term. Some existing contracts will see a raise. Custom companies will serve the existing death. Some Companies May have to redeem. They may have breached terms of contract. The real impact of this as you say, it reduces the availability. When we get through the sanctions, hopefully come out of the crisis, the junk status remains, it will take longer and be difficult for them to stage a recovery because of this downgrade. Again, we are going to keep across it. A lot going on in the world of aviation. It is official Dubai International is the busiest. 70. 47 Million International passengers used the airport. Thats almost 2. 5 million more than Londons Heathrow which previously held the crown. The board of Irish Airline has a takeover bid from aig. The value is close to 1. 5 billion. The Irish Government owns 25 of the airline. Lets get more on this. Grant is an expert from ohg that gathers information and data on global air travel. Great to have you with us. Lets start with this. In terms of dubai taking the top spot, it is an example of restricting growth at one airport and embrace it at another . Absolutely. If you look at dubai, its unconstrained 24hour operation, a couple runways. If you look, by comparison at heathrow curfew scarce flying very large aircraft. Every time they get a take off and landing, 30 more seats than heathrow. Its the time progressing and london losing place as a global hub, im afraid. Touching on that we talk about governments around the world. Governments that get aviation and embrace it. While we have the dillydallying in london, another airport for london. In the meantime we are losing the spot. Also, the uk economy loses out, doesnt it . Absolutely. Its well known, about 1 million passengers translate to 1,000 pieces of employment and the secondary that goes around the airport as well. We are losing out. We are losing Financial Companies and the city is going to lose out. The big companies, the global businesses are going to relocate elsewhere. Lets switch gears and talk about the air linger. For people who follow this kind of industry when one group of airline buys another, they not only buy the airline and all that metal, they buy landing and take off slots. Is aig, they want to get a hand on the valuable heathrow spots. Yeah. They have 20 slots a day in the hands of british airways. That takes them to 54 slot share at london heathrow. Thats five or six times larger than the nearest competitor. Virgin is going to start new slots. Thats the only way to respond to the growth of other airports such as dubai and carriers like that. Air lingers is probably happy, they get to keep their own brand and selfmanage, i guess. The Irish Government owns 25 of it. Will there be hurdles, you think . I think there will be Public Opinion and resistance locally. Ultimately, this is a really really good deal for air lingers. Strategically, just the right time for them. Their business is in good shape. They are about to embark on a new lease or term with a new ceo just about to be appointed. Getting this decision done making sure they have the foundation and are part of a bigger group is essential to their future and will put them in a great state. Bigger is better. They are going to compete with the carriers. Good stuff. Thank you very much. John from oag joining us. Lets switch back to the middle east. Flights have been suspended. A dubai aircraft was hit by gunfire. No one was injured in the attack. They have suspended services to baghdad as a precaution. Tweet me im tweet you back. Bbcaaron. Thats it for now. Back to you. Thanks so much. Still to come he was poisoned in london eight years ago. Its taken until now for an inquiry in the death to begin. We have the latest from the opening day of that inquiry. Push your enterprise and you can move the world. But to get from the old way to the new youll need the right it infrastructure. From a partner who knows how to make your enterprise more agile, borderless and secure. Hp helps business move on all the possibilities of today. And stay ready for everything that is still to come. Thanks for being with us. The top stories this hour. The last few minutes, the cities of new york and new jersey lifted a travel ban that has been in place because of a winter storm in the area. Now, breaking news from libya. A gunman attacked a top hotel in the capitol of tripoli after setting off a car bomb. At least three security guards are reported being killed. This is a very Popular Hotel with foreigners in tripoli. We are getting unconfirmed reports of other casualties as well. It is not clear if there are hostages involved. Commemorations are being held as the auschwitz concentration camp in poland. More than 1 Million People died at the site. The jews were targeted by the nazis nazis. Wreaths laid at the wall of death where they executed prisoners with a single shot. Executions here seem like mercy. The gas chambers brought death on an industrial scale. She came back today, the memories known as painful, despite the passing of the years. I always think about it. Its in front of me. I fear that it happened. She summoned the strength to return and confront the shadows of the past. I was just 10 years old. I knew the war, you know, but i didnt understand what was going to happen and why everybody was so nervous about it. I soon found out for myself. Reporter as a mother, father and sister, she was forced into the ghetto before transported to auschwitz. They unbolted, opened the doors. We looked outside and awaited the train. The screaming and bellowing, get off the train, get a move on, be quick. Its it was so terribly frightening, you cant describe that. My father jumped off. I jumped off. By the time i jumped off, i didnt see him anymore. Without a kiss, without a goodbye, he disappeared into thin air. I never saw him again. They took men to one side, women to the other side. Guards moved in and shoved us into columns. Some of them were in auschwitz. This is the place where people have been taken straight into the gas chambers. We were told to strip, leave our clothes on the benches. Everyone had their head shaved. Then we were pushed through some very heavy doors into a room that looked like a shower room. No windows, only slats. Everyone was saying prayers, hugging, kissing one another. We were told it was our last we were the lucky ones. They still needed us for very hard work. Water came through. Not gas. We never believed we would come out alive of auschwitz. Reporter she did survive, but she lott lost her mother, father and sister. Why return today to auschwitz, to a place of such horror . There are a lot of denials. Weld over. If we wont speak out, i was one of the lucky ones who survived where so many did not. If we wont speak out, the world wont know what happened. Thats why we do it. We are going to have extended coverage of the main ceremony at auschwitz at 4 30 on bbc world news news. Join us there. A Public Inquiry of the killing of the former russian spy started in london. He was poisoned with radioactive polonium in 2006. Inquiries going on this morning at the world justice in london. Alexanders widow, marina and their son, an attorney invited my attention to the ref frens by the select committee to the murder of Alexander Litivinenko as an attack on the streets of london. The fact that the foreign secretary and others observed that the matter of his death put many hundreds of people at risk. And to a motion the United States has representatives dated the first of april, 2008 in which it was noted polonium 210 could be used to kill large numbers of people or spread general panic and hysteria to the public. Richard is outside the world quarter justice in london. Richard, eight years of theories conspiracy theories. None of it tested in court, of course. What are we expecting the next few months . Richard, im not sure if you can hear me. Wondering about the inquiry and what to expect in the next few months. Reporter the inquiry is going to go on until easter at the very least. We are told its going to be at least 70 witnesses who will give testimony and crucially, they are saying they are hoping the two main suspects both of whom work for the russian secret services. They are hoping that they will give evidence by video link. We know they will not come here to london or attempt to extradite them since 2006. Failed saying they cant by the constitution. There is a possibility they could do it by video link. Whether they will is another matter. Theres going to be a lot of evidence. A lot of it is based on the original evidence and investigation by the police here in london who carried out a massive investigation here and also went out to moscow shortly afterwards to seek it. What is russias view of the inquiry, richard, and what happened eight years ago . Reporter they obviously, denied being involved or russian state involvement. They put out theories it was the British Secret service, the mi6 or another russian entity behind it. They put out all sorts of other theories. Clearly, the focus of the inquiry is whether the russian states can be held responsible or not. From what we have been hearing from the lawyers representing the inquiry, theres strong evidence. Indeed they were saying having seen the sensitive material provided by the british government, he said there is evidence that the russian state was involved in this killing. Richard, thank you for the update. Thats gmt for today. Lets find out what is coming up on impact. Thank you lucy. In a few minutes on impact we take you back to new york and boston for the latest on the giant snowstorm thats hitting the east coast. Well also be live in the libyan capitol tripoli where gunmen have attacked a hotel popular with foreigners and well have live coverage of the commemoration in poland to mark 70 years since the nazi run camp auschwitz. Stay with us on impact. So,you call your insurance company, looking for a little support. What you get is a game of a thousand questions. Was it raining . Were your flashers on . Was there a dog with you . By the time you hang up youre convinced the accident was your fault. Then you remember; you werent even in the car. At Liberty Mutual we make filing a claim as stressfree as possible. See Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty Mutual Insurance female vo i actually have a whole lot of unused vacation days, but where am i gonna go . I just dont have the money to travel right now. I usually just go back home to see my parents so i cant exactly go globetrotting. If i had friends to go with id go but i dont want to travel by myself. Someday. 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Thats why im glad i got a policy through the Colonial Penn program. Do you think they have coverage for me. Something thatll fit into my budget . Yes. You can get permanent coverage for less than 35 cents a day. You wont have to take a physical or answer any Health Questions. Plus, your costs will never go up and your coverage will never go down. If youre between 50 and 85, you can get guaranteed acceptance Life Insurance for less than 35 cents a day. There are no Health Questions or medical exam. You cannot be turned down because of your health. So call about the Colonial Penn program, and ask one of their representatives about a plan that meets your needs. Im definitely gonna call about the Colonial Penn program. Picard captains log, stardate 42695. 3. Were the first manned vessel to enter the Selcundi Drema sector. Unmanned probes have recorded unusual levels of geological activity in all five planetary systems. I am hoping the enterprise will find the answer to this enigma. Commander, i have been reviewing the unmanned probe scans. At some point during the last 150 years the fifth planet of Selcundi Drema has shattered forming an asteroid belt. Id call that geological instability. Worf is there any indication that this is the work of an unknown intelligence . This is geology, not malevolence. These planets live fast and die hard

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