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This is not a military takeover what this is about wood fence forces is doing is to pacify it degenerating political social and economic situation in our country Africa's oldest leader finally saw the army turn against him the week that oil rich men as well it was declared to be impartial default of its breathtaking debts when India imposed restrictions to tackle smoke in Delhi The levels are just getting worse and there is nothing going on so we are helpless we are frustrated and we are really concerned and worried about our children and why our American politicians rallying around a man accused of paedophilia all that after this. B.b.c. News with Su Montgomery huge crowds have been demonstrating in the Zimbabwean capital Harare calling for President Robert Mugabe to resign protesters have been singing at the gates of his residence telling him his time is up the rallies were called to show support for the military who seized power and weapons day placing Mr Mugabe under house arrest on Sunday morning the leadership of the governing Zanu p.f. Party will meet to discuss dismissing Mr Mugabe from Harare Here's Ben Brown Mr Leggett obviously the late army commanders here tomorrow for more negotiations about his future we've heard from his family that he's insisting he won't step down because he believes that would legitimize what he sees accrued h.r. Against him but if he doesn't go voluntarily we know that to morrow the Central Committee of solitary aphid the ruling party here will meet to expel him as party leader to depose him and then I'll show you state's expected the parliament here would meet to impeach the president and force him out of office the Lebanese politicians Saad Hariri who shocked his country when he resigned as prime minister says he will return to Beirut within days he was speaking in power to talks there with President McCraw Ramon there by a vote I'm going to pay reach in the next few days to celebrate Independence Day when I'm there I'll make known my political position after meeting with President Michel are you. Many Lebanese suspected the site is a pressured him into resigning and we're holding him against his will Mr Hariri denied that. So Jeff it's in the South Atlantic to find a missing Argentine submarine with 44 crew on board of intensified 7 Arjan time and foreign ships are on their way the u.s. Navy has sent a high tech Marine maritime patrol aircraft to join the search the submarine was lost in contact 3 days ago can disappear just following developments but even spokesman said the training is that if a sub loses communication it should rise to the surface so the search has so far been focused on searching above and not below the sea they say around half the area where they think the sub is has now been swept and searched and they also say that they think the communications difficulties which is the main premise might have been caused by a power cut but they're not discarding any other scenarios Bangladesh says China has offered to help diffuse the ongoing crisis involving Ranger Muslims more than 600000 people have fled me and more to escape systematic violence by the Burmese armed forces they're living in overcrowded refugee camps in Bangladesh China's foreign minister met his Bangladeshi counterpart in Saturday and called for the issue to be resolved through bilateral negotiations rather than and an international initiative b.b.c. News the Palestine Liberation organizations office in Washington is under threat of closure after the Us State Department declined to reissue its 6 monthly operating license the decision may stem from a law stipulating that the Palestinian authorities must not pressure the International Criminal Court to investigate Israelis. The Gaza Strip crossing point on the Egyptian from Tir has reopened under Palestinian Authority control for the 1st time in 10 years the P.A.'s forces were driven out of Gaza by the mass movement in 2007 both Egypt and Israel imposed tight restrictions on travel through the territories border crossings while they were under Hamas control Gazans hope this will lead to much freer movement Hong Kong and China have signed a controversial deal that will allow mainland Chinese security officials to be stationed at a rail terminal in the former British territory passengers traveling on a proposed high speed rail link between Ganjo and Hong Kong when I go through border control in the city one of the founders of the is Julian heavy rock band AC d.c. Malcolm Young has died at the age of 64 he'd been suffering from dementia and a neighbor actually reports roll metronomic. Simple. The sound and songs that propelled AC d.c. Into one of the biggest bands the world has ever seen one could be forgiven for missing Malcolm Young on stage whilst his little brother Angus whirled around dressed as a schoolboy forcing his Bon Scott and later Brian Johnson screened the lyrics in ear splitting falsetto welcome barely left his spot beside the drum kit but his pulsing purrfect disciplined rhythm drove the band on inspired by legends such as Chuck Berry Malcolm And Angus formed AC d.c. In 1973 the songs were co-written by the band but most of the riffs came from the guitar of Malcolm Young b.b.c. News. I'm Johnny diamond and welcome back to the world this week then Israel is in terrible trouble as financial chickens come home to roost even with a last minute lifeline from Russia the country has been declared to be impossible default of its towering debts and in the United States the toxic mix of politics tribalism and allegations of sexual misconduct. But 1st on Wednesday it looked very much as if the oldest ruler in Africa was on his way out Robert Mugabe Zimbabwe's president was under something like house arrest as the army intervened over what it feared was an attempt by the 93 year old Mr Mugabe to make the way clear for his much younger wife Grace to take over the country there were traditional and much loved symbols of a coup taking place armored personnel carriers on the streets checkpoints all around the capital the Caesar of state radio and t.v. And an announcement by the military over that same state t.v. But the military said this wasn't a coup. And by Friday with little or no outside intervention Mr Mugabe was again carrying out presidential engagements it was looking more like a negotiated and managed exit than it had done earlier in the week I asked our diplomatic correspondent James Robbins just how damaged is Robert Mugabe Oh I think politically he's fatally damaged that's very clear and he had always hoped I think to live out his entire life as the only leader independent Zimbabwe had ever had it looked like a traditional coup but it wasn't a traditional coup at all it was absolutely not a traditional coup this was a coup within the ruling system and what's really extraordinary about this coup Robert Mugabe over almost 4 decades in power had of course increased his own power making himself executive president moving from being the 1st independent the prime minister and then he'd stripped away all opposition he'd made Zimbabwe virtually a one party state built around his own Zanu p.f. He'd seen a lot of black challengers. He'd bound the army and gripped it tight and close to him and made many generals complicit in the corruption and mismanagement which has brought the country so low so this was not a coup against him personally this was a coup about the succession as Robert Mugabe must inevitably becoming very close to the end of his life his very frail is very ill some of the generals were acutely worried that his wife Grace 40 years his junior was going to be able to subvert the Constitution and manipulate things crush all opposition herself and become the only successor and many people in the ruling party in Zanu p.f. Were absolutely not prepared to tolerate that many generals were not prepared to tolerate that and she was being aided and abetted by her husband he had promoted into what the head of the women's section of Zanu p.f. Clearly giving her a pass to the succession that's absolutely right I mean he as far as we can tell clearly wanted to establish a family dinner still Once you've accumulated all power to yourself what is left if you suffer from megalomania I suppose the idea that your family will go on after you and she was a very persuasive has been a very persuasive consulate and she obviously was very very willing for that to happen and also I think to put itself in a position where she would be unassailable and not subject to justice frankly because we all know what she's known as it's Zimbabwe the 1st shopper or Gucci great There are plenty of charges that could be leveled against her and of course holding the office of president makes you immune from those charges have Robert Mugabe previously been seen as untouchable because of his liberation pedigree the fact that he was a veteran of the casting off of white rule absolutely within almost the entire continent of Africa if you are the father of liberation then you are untouchable you have effectively carte blanche. The tide may be running against that slightly now but until this moment I think most Zimbabweans even those who suffered terribly under Robert Mugabe cut him a huge amount of slack we talk about this in the abstract that you spent much time in Zimbabwe much of it spent covering the rise of Robert Mugabe that's right I was in southern Africa effectively between $95.00 and the end of $9091.00 and of course the biggest event during my time as a correspondence of an effort was undoubtedly the release of Nelson Mandela but in the background there was the steady decline of good governance in neighboring Zimbabwe and I went there a lot I remember being in the stadium when Robert Mugabe. Made a decisive move to consolidate his power when he was sworn in as Zimbabwe's 1st executive president. And you could feel then frankly that this was headed in only one direction Robert Mugabe he can if you like be excused or explained by the difficulty of transforming an entire society but he became increasingly impatient and he with his extraordinary Jesuitical Marxist background failed entirely in his management of the economy and things started to fall apart and you could see where this was headed but perhaps not the depth to which he would take Zimbabwe in the years after I was in southern Africa he like other powerful men before him appears to have been brought down by the powerful wife at his side of the power hungry wife at his side he's not the 1st you know we've seen it a lot in history haven't we I mean you go back to the Caesars and you can speculate about more fictional characters about Lady Macbeth and of their own time you can talk about Elektra Cheska Nicol h s q's wife who was entirely complicit in the Subversion for the church ask you family of the entire country of Romania before of course they were put before a People's Court and shot but at the risk of being accused of massaging me let's be clear that in a male dominated world the woman in a powerful political relationship is always and remains I think the junior partner perhaps one exception there which is that perhaps Hillary Clinton was harmed by Bill Clinton Hillary Clinton if she attempted to take that top spot was actually harmed by the legacy of the time she spent at Bill Clinton's side I'm hesitant of course. Hillary Clinton you know we were talking about different groups if we talk about Hillary Clinton. Yes I think succeeding through a democratic process as the spouse of someone who's previously been elected that's at the top I mean people have achieved it obviously and yet she was undoubtedly damaged by that the association in some voters mind you other projected to simply didn't want Hillary as their president James Robbins. How does a country that sits on a vast lake of oil end up unable to pay its debts early this week $2.00 of the big credit rating agencies ruled that Venezuela was in parcel difficult then Russia threw the country a lifeline of sorts agreeing to restructure $3000000000.00 of debts giving the hard pressed nation some breathing room as the financial week closed partial default was also declared by some of the world's biggest banks and investment houses Venezuela is taught to ring under a mountain of debt and there's almost nothing left in the bank the b.b.c. South American business correspondent Daniel Gallus keeps a close eye on Venezuela I asked him what this week's developments actually meant when people say partially fold because they can't be sure of how big of a mess this is we know that Venezuela like any other country needs to borrow money from people abroad just to get its cash flow go in and pay for its expenses but there's been long speculation for almost 3 years now that at some point Venezuela wouldn't have the money to honor all its that basically because Venezuela's economy runs on oil and there have been 2 problems with oil One is that the price of the barrels haven't been too positive for Venezuela but also the company has the had a visit which is the state company has an invested enough so it's producing less oil than before the talk of the debt the billions here the 10s of billions there are so far away from ordinary people's lives that it can almost seem Another World Is there a direct impact yet for ordinary Venezuelans in the parcel default that has been declared by the sort of high finance houses around the world it's too early for that there's more of a scare of what might happen to people in the near future but so far it hasn't changed the situation in Venezuela which is already pretty bad for people in the streets Venezuela has all sorts of problems shortages of goods you know shortage of food. Food and medicine specially and triple digit inflation so the situation is already bad enough the Bard's has been for the last few I suppose mum it's about intervention and assistance from China and Russia and we saw help from Russia this week in the form of restructuring a 3000000000 dollar loan how important are those 2 players now for the survival of Venezuela and are they equally pitching in or are they pulling back and what are their interests the thing with Venezuela there's a lack of transparency we're not quite sure what the Sobrino state of the finances are so the big question in the market is when will the as one of the 4 it could had been there when when Yeah exactly well if to because we don't really know what's going to happen in the future let's when it's one has to do it has to pay a lot of coupons on bonds those are basically a down payment that it needs to make this month and there's a lot of them coming up this month so if we can get through these payments now who knows what will happen with the price of oil in the next year you know and maybe even as well it could get a lot of money through the price of oil along even as well I can manage to just buy some time every time it has a lot of these coupons to pay that might be enough you know of just to face the next situation or even solve its problems that must be a problem for potential investors like Russia after the Russian oil company which is that the state oil company Venezuela itself has been declared in partial default and presumably people are starting to eye up its assets that is sort of a crucial player in this whole debt mess because on the one hand it is the company that will pay for his well is that in the future if you can operate but it is also the company that isn't producing enough revenues right now and I guess if we think that Venezuela has the world's largest proven oil reserves a lot of people would think that if. Divison is unable to run that oil is unable to operate Venezuela's oil someone else will have to step in so there are a lot of interests looking at that it is a will it survive which is crucial for the even as a long government if and if it doesn't who will benefit from this Daniel got us you're listening to the world this week the program that tells you what happened in the past 7 days and why it counts coming up as the residents of Delhi choke on seemingly endless smog the government suspends the restrictions it introduced to try and reduce the poisonous clouds hovering in every corner and if you want to listen to us again also previous editions talk b.b.c. The world this week in your search engine it is a sign of how extraordinary politics in the United States has become that the leader of the Republicans in the Senate felt he should call on the Republican candidate for next month's election to fill the vacant Alabama Senate seat to withdraw from the contest the candidate Judge Roy Moore has been accused of sexual misconduct with several teenage women and girls when he was in his thirty's Mr more forcefully denied the allegations these attacks involve a minor and they are completely false not true. About something that happened nearly 40 years ago they're very hurtful to me personally but it's also a sign of how extraordinary u.s. Politics is that some Republicans appear happy to discount or even ignore such charges whether they are true or not do facts not matter anymore and if they don't what does Katty Kay has been watching us politics for the b.b.c. For many years he's been thinking about the toxic mix of political tribalism fact and allegations of sexual misconduct there have been a lot of sex stories recently or rather a lot of sexual harassment stories not surprisingly they're all quite grubby intend to show the worst in human nature take the news in Alabama this week it's a textbook case an older guy in a powerful position is accused by at least 8 different women of molesting them when they were teenagers one of the women says she was only 14 at the time Roy Moore is now 70 years old and is running to be the next u.s. Senator for the state of Alabama there was also a report in The New Yorker magazine claiming that Mr Moore was banned from visiting a local shopping mall because of his tendency to badger teenage girls that it takes quite a bit to be banned from a shopping mall there's not been a slew of these types of stories and I sincerely hope they do change our culture especially for all the women who work in industries where the men aren't famous and so are less likely to be outed and for the women who are so financially dependent on their jobs that they simply can't afford to turn down their letteris bosses but the story of Judge Roy Moore in Alabama has revealed something else that has nothing to do with sex and harassment it's a story of tribalism. Over the past few days Mr Moore has been widely condemned by many top Republican politicians in Washington who say he should drop out of the Senate race they say they believe the accusers stories over Mr Moore's denials but the reaction in Alabama itself has been quite different there are several state Republican officials and local Republican Party committees have come to Judge Moore's defense Ed Henry a Republican state representative suggested it's the women who accused Mr Maule who should be prosecuted for not coming forward with their story sooner and so allowing an accused predator to roam free seriously and Jerry Powell the Republican chairman of big County Alabama told a reporter he did vote for Roy Moore even if the allegations are true and he did commit a sex crime against a minor take a breath and let that sink in for a moment it's 2017 and an Alabama Republican official says he'd vote for a paedophile what's so revealing in the context of tribalism is Mr Powers reasoning he says he'd vote for Mr Moore even if the harassment allegations are proven because he couldn't bring himself to vote for the Democrat in the race Jerry pal believes any Democrat is de facto worse than any Republican even if that Republican molested girls and then lied about it this is a whole step beyond the realm of Fake News this is taking fact checking them out with the trash and quite happily forming your own opinions based on nothing more flimsy than pure prejudice and here's the kicker according to research shows we are all prone to doing just that you may be off friends our kids on news editors and yes the good people of Alabama. Political scientists have known this about us for years in 2010 a landmark study by 2 psychologists showed that facts fail to sway our opinions indeed Brendan Nyhan and Jason reflow argued that fact checking can actually make us more entrenched in our political biases when someone presents us with evidence contrary to our beliefs we feel under siege and dig in our heels that's what seems to be happening this week in Alabama more recently in the aftermath of the Trump victory political scientists discovered that voters aren't stupid they are capable of believing a politician is making misleading statements but that doesn't change the way they feel about him or her this is getting more extreme because politics has become not just polarized but tribal we hunker down in groups of like minded people and then we fight to protect that group as the political atmosphere grows more toxic fuel by social media that's made the debate more personal and more vicious we feel we have to fight even harder to protect our crowd that means relentlessly attacking the opposing camp and refusing to budge from our opinions in the face of inconvenient truths like the possibility that someone we support is actually a child molester I want to think Gerry Powell the Alabama state representative was being disingenuous and that he doesn't really believe a Republican paedophile would be better than any Democrat I want to think that because the alternative is just to alarming for all of us what ever all beliefs Katty Kay in Washington that. The government knows what to do to avert what is acknowledged to be a public health catastrophe but can't do it that was the opening paragraph of a recent Reuters News Agency report on the smog that has blanketed Delhi now for almost 2 weeks is it really that simple and at the same time that complicated the good news for residents of the Indian capital the smog eased this week from severe to very poor the bad news some of the limited measures put into effect to try and finance the filthy air were also suspended for guidance and explanation I turned to protect. You know Delhi bureau I would see it all boils down to political will be known what to do this happens Yadav to you know it's been happening for several years now one of the main causes is that every year of farmers in north India burn crops which is crop residue after the harvest in big numbers and the smoke from that travels to Delhi and the big cities in north India one thing that has been suggested is that farmers could be given more mechanized equipment to get rid of the stubble rather than burning it but government says it costs money and the State Government has asked the central government for money that various reasons you know there's a bit of political there's a bit of red tape isn't that you know this gets caught in things like that because they're 2 separate political parties at the center in the state the fact is they do need farmers to cultivate badly for them it is an important thing because they need food stocks to be intact as long as they're getting that they really don't care. But the health implications I mean this this figure that knocks around the breathing the smog at its worst is the equivalent of smoking 50 cigarettes a day the pressure on the governments surely from every level from residents and health professionals and local politicians must be astonishing is it simply there have to balance off these different competing interests and at the moment the interests of getting food in and of who might pay for mechanized equipment really balances out the interests of this vast city covered in smoke that's actually exactly what people are asking is it really that difficult Well they have tried some stopgap measures like when it got really bad last week they put a ban on the supply trucks that come into Delhi because they are really polluting. The raised parking fees in the center of Delhi so people are discouraged from traveling in their private vehicles and use public transport more they put a ban on construction activity because that is also a major cause of pollution because so much of this is about dust as well isn't it dust in the air absolutely absolutely and construction is a major cause of that because Delhi is you know is the capital off one of the fastest growing economy in the world is always drawn always development going on there's a major underground train project going on there are buildings being constructed because there's an influx of migrants that comes into the city and there needs to be housing for that so they have tried these measures but at the end of the day they're only temporary they are not long term solutions so they're out of your factors here there's also the problem of coal fired power plants and there is one major one in the south of Delhi which is a major culprit also during winter a lot of people on the streets homeless people who as the curity guards the ball in a lot of we start to be able to make fires so that it keeps them warm and that adds to it as well and in the mid. Of all this in an almost surreal move the Delhi Harf marathon still aims to go ahead on Sunday even though the air quality is what class now was very poor Yes so in situations like this one looks for every little bit of silver lining and the silver lining in this case is that the air quality has come down from being Sivia to very poor now of course that's not much of an improvement but given that the air pollution levels were as much as 30 times the speed limit last week I mean I'm sure this has come as a slight relief to people in Delhi but it's not all over yet the prediction is that the air quality could deteriorate again in the next couple of days and if the past few into months are anything to go by past few years then this situation is likely to continue at least until January pretty. That's it from the world this week for now if you've got any thoughts on what we've done or on what you'd like us today please contact us at b.b.c. World service via Facebook or Twitter and don't forget to join Ben right at the same time next week for a look back at what's happened in the next 7 days this is the b.b.c. World Service where science lives for the creative with drugs we can get drugs anywhere in the country in 15 or 20 minutes the curious when we look at the twins we found there were certain microbes that were always present in the skinnier twins you know the way twins. Are with our extensive agriculture their use of pesticides this could become a big problem and forward thinking it demonstrates what I think the boxes for which is helping us to understand ourselves the thoughts everything has already happened this happened and everything is going to get the place just a piece of it now and the adventure of it keeps finding ever more compelling evidence for god only water at large but. Potential life there are a marketable Well it's like releasing the valve on a pressure cooker Dion's on the b.b.c. World Service at b.b.c. World Service dot com. I'm Peter White amongst my highlights travelling blind in belly in it's echoing multi-story main station where trains criss cross Europe the international cries of its market traders and stumble stacked rise surfaces side the former houses of Jews seized by the Nazis still bearing their names for remembrance the many faces of Berlin reflected in blind man roams the globe coming up after the news b.b.c. News Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe is expected to meet the military who have taken power in the country on Sunday they are attempting to persuade him to step down the governing Zanu p.f. Party for so long Mr Mugabe's biggest supporters will also meet on Sunday morning to discuss dismissing him from the party on Saturday huge crowds demonstrators in the capital in the capital Harare and elsewhere calling for Mr Mugabe to resign the Lebanese politicians Saad Hariri who shot to the country when he resigned as prime minister says he will return to Beirut within days Mr Hariri announced he was standing done while in Saudi Arabia a fortnight ago search efforts in the South Atlantic to find an Argentine submarine missing for 3 days with 44 crew have intensified with more air and sea craft heading for the area an Argentine Navy spokesman said around half the area where they think the Samhain may be have been searched. Bangladesh says China has offered to help diffuse the ongoing crisis involving rayon Jammu Slim's China's foreign minister met his Bangladeshi counterpart on Saturday and called for Bangladesh in Myanmar to resolve the issue through negotiations the Palestine Liberation Organization has warned it will freeze its ties with United States if it carries out a threat to close the p.l.o. Office in Washington in a video on Twitter the organization secretary general Cyber Cat called the move unacceptable for the 1st time in decades the State Department has declined to reissue a 6 monthly operating license one of the founders of the historian rock band AC d.c. Malcolm Young has died at the age of 64 he and his brother Angus set up the group in the 1970 s. Markham co-wrote much of a C.D.C.'s material including back in black and for those about to rock b.b.c. News. It's a beautiful sunny morning here and which is rather pleasant because I'm just flying night from a rainy Manchester in England I want to get to the center of China I'm here at the airport and any sensible blind person would get into a taxi but I don't like to do that because the public transport of the city tells me more about it than almost anything else. Which is the best trying to get into the center the center center of the lane with the 9. Right side yes of course if you buy a ticket for a while and you can't get to the center of your body you can't I don't get it from that ticket machine. Will be a person there or if I got to the how to use the machine. Well there's no way I'm going to be on the witness machine come until someone he doesn't speak. Here to give you those. So what do I really know what I know what my prejudice is well of course I know that for most of the time since the 2nd World War It's been a divided city and I know that they've taken more immigrants in to their city than any other city in Europe. And I think given a ticket. Change. That was going much too well. You know I want to get to the pundits part when this man who was out. Side. If I never got sick it's just. What you want fortunate you know 11 thank you thank you very much. Well the problems of traveling when you're blind in a country where not that many people think speak English is that my uming is something that we're not very good as blind people and pointing out things this is when it actually becomes a bit of a challenge and often the only way to achieve it is to fight company does speak English which feels like cheating. There's been a lot of interesting noises from this training the finally this one that seems to mean that we have made things that made lots of grunting noises as if it was thinking of back to. The pub on the right side of the next one will be nice. But I was bit of a surprise on the court he missed his jump although Could you see that on that train systems in d.c. And you commented that. I'm always the one I want to get assigned of a city to meet blind people because we listen to cities and Eric Turner is the ideal man I think because he works in that field he is very interested in in mapping areas and using technology to do it so people can get around and so I come to the noise and station I'm not going to meet him in the moment there's only one problem I'm not quite sure how he's going to arrive. Well I write. Are you walking out Rick. Right close your. Eyes so I was talking to you on the fire and then you were quiet higher I'm pleased to meet you too just as we stand here in the middle of the ride it just tell me a bit about no I couldn't not turn is just a little bit of a good example of how Berlin runs. Invents itself I'm a consistently new for the past century if you want to put it that way I mean that's 2 wars I'm out we had just waged now for my game for industrial revolution aspects of the division between the east and the West and not occurring now and here lives here in NY would you say if you were describing this community count I would describe my current being a fusion of Prada meeting our homeless. We have a striking change since basically the financial crisis in 200-8911 kind of woke up well I would say Berlin woke up about investors welcome we have squares semi-skimmed in a big thanks to even by those streets I'm turned I think blocks that my wife she hates and why does she hate it all because we for example just now we just passed a home but I miss them or are refugees sleeping next to this really noisy street called mock street car marks with Graves you know what would come out of made of n.y.c. Must have made of it here next between as a noisy street and a cemetery sleeping refugee how symbolic can you get home in Nam and this is just one of. The suffering of others we've just been walking now we're going to how many lines about a half a mile not not some obstacles lorries stuff like that yeah. For me personally I don't I'm not in the meat off having to use a cane but I use a smartphone and that's what that's the one of the biggest inventions and tools for me personally most of the various Are information barriers Yeah we don't know where we are we don't know where and how to go I mean we cannot identify things that's right we don't know what the indicator bullet on the stage here if you say you if you go to a bakery unless you know this bakery I always have to have. The balls to go up to people and always say like hi my name is what are you doing. I just. Got the. Can you explain in Turkish what we have. Enough. And that is what I want to make to you on down the. Road all the people who live I mean who are the immigrants who live here where if they come from you would describe clouds which is a neighbor part of town as being Turkish we based. On I would describe being rather a radically paced. Ones like I said I say there's a lot of shopping. On the sun a lot of burning people a very lot of. Tourists is that one of the sirens that you would identify them as a very holy impaired person and now it's here it's going on people are not it's all Berlin is a city where you have a lot of sensory aspects I mean will receive you with a lot off noise a lot of us metal you have people do smell they smell awful insensed mess my loft. And every area of the town has its characteristics and that is really astonishing I mean that's what I love about from in general. From the just went by crunching someplace on the question of course it was a cue for the pilot. Well it is absolutely famous for its markets big Germany is. I've been advised to count here is the Winterfest market and it sells a lot of food clean vegetables and just wandering through it's absolutely crowded. Full of smiles with. Authorities now coffee. And flowers. There's nothing formal They are. A level. I guess speaking that yes a talking this I have good on calling it originate during our sauce it's. Do you want that yeah. The bridge that can topple must of must and then they would do you want a root and branch. Honey a backyard and because of what you're. Going to have yours with the company still says you still have to wait. For a guy. To live with you 300 many nationalities on the market stand when you hear people who know quite a lot. I shall insist on the question what either but it was handy at this point I should run into fellow correspondent Peter Craven thank God. What did he say Let us that liquor means tasty very very. Very cosmopolitan man its name is yeah yeah yeah in the sense that yeah I can just name can hear the different voices different accents spending. Get the good citizen and. We change the world of Europe which is all rolled into English total which means it's a play on words which means not expensive oil it's not expensive we only know it's least oil or oil prices the fact you're of the price you're a price that it was you know that's a call that's been given the fact that I 2 know. I got to come here and look. 50 percent of the people here. Taurus right where the visitors to the city the next best for changing quite quickly and there's a bar up here on the right called Cafe variable which was one of the very sort of flexible Ok bars in Berlin and gay cafes for many years and what has now become to happen is that it's in a lot of the guys oh so people are from supposedly and they want to see a little bit of communism. With a bit of the war a little bit of amount superior a little bit of techno called life and I want to see Burlingame soon actually so then come to the Canary restaurant we're going to have for I'm look at days from the gays realize about being looked at so they're moving away so this great Berlin tradition is quite close to. Being lost I think it might actually holds down and also I mean. This is my dream shop it would have been over a shop I hated years ago because it's a bookshelf which is full of books I can't read but technology means that suddenly I can scan books all come into the shelter which is good. Which just means books I'm told and her books. And I'm struggling to reach the top of this plant there. Which includes. A district. Very big pile it is a long time you know the pile is. For me to use a little desk and they use behalf is hard when I started to come and now this is a pile of desk and is there any kind of connection between the books they're all could you find anything and it kind it's not easy because if you lift one book you just see the next so it's confusingly and I didn't look so I mean you always find a treasure. Round the corner to know that it's very busy but it's still nice with the media and the market is getting it so I live in this area and I can find all the necessary things and we picked up to friends and I don't have. So it's like not only did we think this area in the house where I live we had maybe 30 parties like 30 flats and we had very different nations and all over the world the nations of. For. All places because. If you're not. Keeping it to sleep it isn't with. Knives but people have told me about it but it's bullshit it's called really good expect there is. A rail line running out of the several reporters respect for the 1st floor for building running from left to right all right so much of this is the lighting problem on the left hand side courage going across to the right going eastwards to Moscow to Paris Moscow Rohan Why it's the train the Polian could have called to say they've been to the inside. And then when you look down. You can go down 3 or 4 levels and there's another line which is going north south. About some line that goes from in the South Midland down there right down to it's too late and I feel like I'm going north to Stockholm in Sweden so you've got actually 2 main lines crossing over each other on different levels in the same building it's a spectacular come that's amazing to encapsulate your. Place in a lot of ways yeah right now it's just me standing here I get Thousands of years people were sitting here leaders of the communist dictatorship run by the socialist unions are you generally because he. Has Come right to the eastern fringes of the land and although it's 28 years since the wall came down there are still some very grim reminder of what was done here in the name of German government one of the grimmest is a prison spring 1945 the Red Army takes from the head. And it's called the how in Shanghai was a prison and this is where anyone who was thought to oppose the will of the East German state. He was incarcerated and I'm it's now a tourist attraction which sounds great but it shows the determination of people to remind everyone of what happened here. Parts of the barriers are around the building for what is called special camp number 3 which usually do enough sleep isolation because Try to imagine that they're going to get arrested today and bring you into this secret flights fully cut off from the outside world and you wouldn't know where you would be neither would your family and even in the building you'd be isolated from the stars he would make sure that he wouldn't get into touch with out of prison that. You distance yourself. To him. This is the only cell which is a copy of a warning about caring for one wall to the other. Really morning until late at night he would not be allowed to lie on this. Type of this measurement I mean one which made it obvious that these are these are tiny cells. For a thing that's controlled. Cleaning higher you slept 10 unit you have to lie on your back you are there on the output the nights that were always on. And you would have to have your hands in this position and were being watched the whole time say if you move from that sleeping vision you will waken up. That. There are like heroes ready to deny you sleep. But the 1st I didn't know there was looking at you. Ever to get this far or would count us for it though we know that something is going to happen it might still catch your point quite an honesty to the process and there you go one. Interesting wondering whether this would be easier or harder for someone like me midnight and he's fully. And come to the conclusion it might be someone like me because there are so many times when you have to make an entertainment you know you're not being distracted by what you can see around here and there we think in your head it's just I don't know whether that's true that it's conceivable that it might be easier to survive in this kind of sterile condition. What do you do in Ballina clarity Sunday afternoon probably not very good to go to the 0 the parking. Lot people seem to be doing is coming to the trouble Newseum and they of course that around so there is iconic East German cars that were very sly and a long time to get partly about 20 years and I've always been fascinated by these. Cars that have to wait 10 or 20 years to become Is that really true maybe. 10 years 20 or something like that yeah yeah and what's so special about been the motor but yeah yeah if you're telling your children about them yes yes. It's a long time ago you know we like to travel. But I don't want they don't want. Well you be grown up by the time you got one yes yeah be in your thirty's. Yeah drive Yeah I'd like to drive. As. One of the 1st line driver you had. Let go doesn't seem very secure Oh here we go. Try me time lights on the floor fell off it. Didn't feel very fragile on the side as if any one slammed in they pulled to pieces. If you're not looking you know driving my d.d. I do use a bike but only if I'm in your area and I had. An accident with the car the driver's door opens and I hit the door Phelim I find it wrong for upsetting but it's also not that send it out put you off now. Only for half a year. It's a stale cycle yes I do you know when you're cycling I know how I am much can you actually see. Audio anything I listen a lot and. I just make sure that I make a lot of noise and I have a really good I'm really good grades. I'm mad I know fair enough but then I must imagine living in a city like that and have to take risks you think you have to take risk in life and added time in any space we always talk about things we cannot do we should think more of things we want to do and then just do them. It's not just working it's just all right. There's a memorial in Berlin to the Jewish victims of the Holocaust designed by architects Peter Eisenman Peter Eisenman he's a Swiss architect. And to be engineer. Point it would be coupled office it consists of a 19 cows and square meter full point 7 acre site coupled with $2711.00 concrete slabs they look like a grave stone house but they're a bare bones the one we've got right in front of a piece with a very close one of these 2. Yeah you get a feel for the heart yeah so we're talking about what 3 and a half feet high comes up the tree just above my ribs and the interesting thing about this Holocaust Memorial is that it is a solemn cry but if you look at the when we look around here you can see people like myself I'm not why not anymore I'm sitting on it it's quite a few people are sitting on the story yeah this one guy across there now standing on top of one of these he says jump from one to the next one is saying you know it's a play ground and some people find that offensive other people say well this is good because we're actually sort of we're beginning to be playful not disrespectful of the shocking history of the Holocaust but we are beginning to sort of accept that it's part of life. I don't know what was he doing so many people just simply can I simply extend that every now and. We have. No standing on the blocks you know jumping on the block I just have them for me and my colleagues and as many people you know worried more about people being offended than what they're actually what they may be saying or what they. What I'm trying. Many people say this is symbolic simply extended to each other not for the architect I could say just in a more way for 6000000 people it's was killed in a 2nd level the Holocaust Memorial you say in a funny way this is part of the dilemma of a blind cherished because I feel that this is somewhere that I should come and take it is that the Holocaust memorial but my fear is that I won't understand its symbolism so in a way it's a little bit reassuring that you say that a lot of people don't understand its symbolism or that it means different things to different people. Like safe. Here lived in. Orning $1819.00 Iliffe 20 dollars bucks and what's interesting here is that the pavement. There in fairly good condition I keep detecting these little kind of bumps in the right and then in the pavement a mess significant yet I can just explain you know we see here. Little stones shiny little stones and there are written letters on it and they tell us the story of people who used to live here until they were deported there were only Jews they put these stone stumbling stone some stepping stone. Right in front of the houses were Jews lived all over in Germany specially in Berlin but all over in Germany and these commemorate them and these little stones are to irritate people and to make them aware about our history so these little biographies Yad with a little biographies and hype common evades all we have really really a lot of them here in the city there are houses where you can see 8 stones just in front of one house there are nearly every street in special. Regions and where Lynn and I were Jews used to live. Walking out on a couple street here this is obviously was a family here live to use Lukman phone 872 early last month born 88 to 3 intense last month all 917 must have been the son yeah so 3 years of them were deported the parents on the 1st of November 94 to one and 2 let's munched and tilt their 9042 and their son. The plane to be flown and. It will was a hospital. And could leave the hospital 940 and. Nobody knows what happened to him just to me unknown we don't know who he maybe he was somehow handicapped also because he had to go to people they took them away him away from his parents but I'm only speculating I don't know but that is what it makes you do. Yeah that may have had something to do with him in that it wasn't just he was disabled people who you know of course they're able to and real people and. Home to us now. And you can join me Peter White next week when I'll be tapping my way around Christchurch New Zealand. This is the b.b.c. World Service where no we're all let's see plunging did down everywhere we go in something amazing. Shimmering see the coral reefs and all of the fish the dark clouds loom on the rise in the Isis changing will a tempest become less than a week the ocean stories. Coming soon and it's 2050 g.m.t. Over to you with Imagine a minister is forced to resign from the British government and one listener wants to know if the extent of the coverage on the will service is really justified plus the producer who was allowed unique insights into the creative process of the author of a best selling frilly series this is the b.b.c. World Service the world's radio station. Hello I'm Rajan data and coming up after the news on the forum he's regarded as an architect of the modern.

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