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Day and potentially wet night. For the West Midlands It's 3 minutes past 11. Radio for the West Midlands. Police E W am 95.6 Jenny Kelly's happy Al You may have been hearing the smaller Kevin partially could use a cabinet trick involving a penguin want to shoot past the chopper parka it is actually couldn't do with a real life hankering after the penguin ranks of the truck the streets are badly and only very well you see that well the good came in different colored rough as well as the do with the difficult rough as I don't know actually signifying that the red blue glow was really on my wall here all the colors the rainbow. Well you know they think that there's never a pink what it involves to creating such a No I'm what you do you get the Penguin you take it all out of the wrappers you buy one corner off yes and then diagonally you buy the other corner off yes ticket in your cup of tea Rajon suck the tea through the penguin and old those nice big chocolatey mess. OK Should the baby say you have intervened to save the lives of 60 pegboard. Personally I'm glad they did what they grow the golden rule of make sure I'm wildlife documentary making now that it's a maybe but that makes you know we've got to go down and that's what's great that this is the story in this news that's the name of the the C.B.C. David officer would have rescued the penguins at the central Sunday's episode did Misty's the show's executive producer. Says already together his Claymore concertinas. The team decides to act. We've given it a lot of so we've decided that we ought to make it a ticket chalet wrap that they will have 3 years. For the film crew to intervene but they realize that they may be able to save at least some of these kids simply by digging a few steps in the ice. Will look oh my goodness. We were literally just about to leave the 1st verse of destiny making their way out to spring so people just make their way back to the colony and then on the chicks I was much for the chance of survival because it's their chance they're going to survive down there and. Now this is how I feel about it I'm delighted I'm made up that the 60 penguins and those chicks of 5 I'm made up but then I have to think about the previous episode where David the chimpanzee member I don't know whether you've seen a David the chimpanzee was butted black and blue. Or the chimpanzees he was and it was so dramatic and there was David I thought he was dead and then all of a sudden his finger twitched the other one of his fingers ripped off as well now I thought come up on get a vets on to David to pull things Klingon on to life but David A sobre on the B.B.C. Didn't intervene with that one and then apparently later all the the rival monkeys came back and killed him finish poor David off Oh David how come they didn't intervene I made up the Penguins lived but should the B.B.C. Have intervened or should the penguins have frozen to death or let Mother Nature take its course. Let's speak to a real part of the station he's one of Australia's top wildlife photographers he's down and as we speak Kim Elman great to speak to you from you're in Perth Ken good board for the U.K. Good evening to you in Perth. It is very wrong silly in Perth to. Sleep in the on the other side of the world great to speak to you to know how do you feel about the story kid how many penguins live how do you feel because you are a professional in fact one of Australia's finest wildlife photographers. I look at the story. I think which is that remembers that in general the rule is you'd never interrupt for the Wildlife Service and you become a part of it. And that's certainly what was drummed into me when I did all my stuff there are always exceptions any aspects of life and I think what I did was perfectly fine I went in with. One and I think I shouldn't be chastised for doing it not until I was in Africa with more I thought it was an amazing story of. The way we live or interact with wildlife but this one instance. Of. A group of peoples 6 perhaps. Korea been tightened by law and one by a level 3 were under threat the 2nd by Titan through an old ones left all the time in the middle of nowhere he made a decision to drive up to personal pick it up put in the footwell of a car he was going to try to back to the area where the mother was known to believe because even guns and animals and that executive assistant is quite high up now Hawkins in the past American tourists one of those men one of the cattle and he said no you can't do that because that will. Increase the chance of the mother ostracizing you know really got about the whole thing unless you know if you don't let us play with us we're going to report you to the Rangar so he brought the media link back to the area where the mother was put the plot up for the crown and brought to the ones office I mean in this in front of these Americans pull the reins what he's done the right to sit right applies and all the evidence on board and I'm going to do and what you've done you've done the right thing in this instance but certainly the rule is you don't see him in almost all circumstances don't you I don't know whether you heard my description of David the chimpanzee who was back to Black Dog live what was it what would you turn to him because he's not part not to change there's a Paul you know 99 percent of his D.N.A. Is the same as mine and yours and I'm Larry was fighting for life and I wondered how come the same with penguins but not even the chimps are are wouldn't of been ready advertising Margo I'd step in and rescue. The slacker. That happens in the wild it's one on $120.00 whatever residual as Muslims in the episode but no I certainly wouldn't be in on that. What would you intervene situation I mean I wouldn't I wouldn't giving them anything because I come to cover for whatever normally got guys with me but I would leave all that up not that it's a good rule in this instance if you will not afflicting someone else's knee over these penguins. You're simply helping them with the simple step of having since that isn't getting enough Yeah yeah it's dominantly it may have been different can say for example they were stranded on an avenue where there was seals sharks the Penguins would be part of the natural food chain then all of a sudden. So often my God will be separated from the pack that sat there on a car next to a point hobbling up next to the point you can't bring the thing inside it and protect the people Scarlett at the because that's the way it works that you do you have to get emotional about some of the things that you see can. I once in some model on safari I once watched some chuckles close. Some sort of giving birth on the the body was half out of the body of this animal one that was wrung from the jackals in the in the draft by the UN. That's pretty hard to watch and I've never seen wild dogs like Certainly front of them but only that is quite clever to watch because the heat. From the back wall is still alive in the specially for women and children or her with you having to take your work home with you can when you when you see things like that I think would I suppose be problematic for me to try and not off the. Later we talk about a dinner that will sit around across the specific lives of the gardener with those working in the car and discuss what happened but it's not anything that I would lose much sleep or joy because I went on a 24 seventh's show your book is sitting upright a place on my coffee table a home it's a fabulous work of art and I would argue that it's a must for households who love nature how can my listeners find out a little bit about you a bit more about the work you do and possibly explore the possibility of buying this book when I can buy it from the director Kim Il Mn DOT COM PI Y. M. a Woman out of a little home with a whole lot of stuff on my wall cloth you see information about my Formula One clothes and 2 little cards to quote some of us the poorest 100 and I walked in on 100 women's 1st. Please not prices just the different movers of women that are had breast cancer and both breasts removed one breast the most popular Nickols all sorts of fascinating perfect timing for one more women with self harm in the next couple months. While on it's called What's free will is the project celebration of the breast celebration of the pressure of the GOT THE do know my life can. Be of a bar pick her fine print it from size and it's a fascinating piece of work good man we'll talk again Ken Ken Melman Dr Tom look at the Komodo. Thanks very much today let's get. To the breast Let's get some cold rock took place let's get some cold Come on let's do it let's do this thing oh wait so I. Thought I'd say. I mention that I do it daily I'm fortunate enough to have been booked I hope it's the worst of all this is going to give us website because there's so many great photographs on Google so just for me to want to pose with oh that's just really a formidable guy just a trace of a problem to come up with its formula. Check it out Hey why am. I L L M A N in film and for a while yet I know I'll have. The solace page not that's why we kept That's why we got him on he was the guy who found the world's oldest message in a bottle Dramatica right I remember when tidbits. Couldn't think of a song to go along with I know we could try to literally I mean the story was a message in a bottle Yes found and we try to illustrate some stories with songs and that's the one that stopped us wasn't never been able to think of one we had some very close ones involving beaches in that's right yeah writing 100 letters but you know managed to find a story like up too late to the message in the bottle still. Here is now you want to see the day we go wild life Kim spent 6 months photographing Africa for his groundbreaking book African safari thoughts and he can go and have a look at online I think Kim and his wife Tanya traveled the globe on a promise you won a bronze medal for independent book of the year will sit down and check it out Kim Il Mn DOT COM peace on them 6 case with the B.B.C. Right to intervene Good morning. I'm happy I'm a country will be free and I know and you know and all that of a 100 when and when an animal told you Joy there's always a whole dispute with the out of that and something benefit from that then in this particular case it would appear that locking could possibly benefit by leaving these animals just when. The Carcassi would have been never completely frozen and only one prisoner are possibly for many years to come and eventually could have gone into the don't shine possibly saving more or even bigger animals so I'm going to ask you to come off the fence which one. It's possible if I'm going to show me my hand and I've got the wherewithal I think and do exactly the same thing because when you see these animals were trapped yes it was no fault of their own that we're in a trap we always collapsed and that the minute that if if anyone was just an animal inadvertently got caught in a trap Yes what we honestly tell them to walk away and I don't think I'm with you on that will Keith thank you very much indeed and the uncertainty as. I don't believe the snowflake has spread to camera crews now what next on the insults in the News of the message from so one of her members who was saying basically you're in the wrong job if you want to stop rescue and keep saying I keep thinking about say pigeons it's not the backwoods you're in the wrong job hunting to them is the vibe would you have rescued them the morning would have rescued and . So you I would have done as well I want to get the thing is this. Today with Kevin comparing the. The I that was a chimp and a saying. I think he called the the buffalo shacks which is a bit of a shame but never mind with the lawyer and then we have the Penguins So basically. The scenarios where you can do things it's not as when you can't be like this the the the I is an elf in my office and if he goes somebody also take over the hierarchy and perpetuate the species right. Buffalo's surrounding the law well known as a kite before I was a little tenuous existence because. They are either kill the other one or the other one yes that's right and what are you going to do tranquilize 6 or 7 for the sake of the law and I don't know you're right I don't think Paul David could have been rescued he was clinging on to life without everything and aisles of his who were to be so but you see the pain we don't have the alpha male I have a complete colony and I look after looks after Chico and the point he's boys saving them you've got some capitulation of the species very easily led all I did was dig a few steps to cool to under command but listen I'm with you on that they didn't keep in touch thank you so it's time to symbolise the B.B.C. Christmas show 28 fisted big stuff begins and returns to Birmingham Symphony home an exciting lineup of music acts comedians and plenty of surprises trainees going to university little studio in $42.00 languages he wants to be a Premier League referee it sounds like the Sochi to December and tickets is 7 pounds 50 with no booking fee to book call 812-1780 double 3 double 3 click H S H stock 0 don't you turn over is it the symphony hall box office she felt greatly here was weeping cross I said Don't be ashamed I hope you should you no more she said a lady would but you ought to go anywhere these days the B.B.C. W.-M. Christmas break. This day the 13th of December to see the memory of the legendary presenter. The sort of. Wishful to contact B.B.C. WM cool story Oh wait oh wait one double double knowing 56 or takes a one triple 3 starting a message telling us to stand a message right see how pretty she had a taste and beliefs. You can. Play the same. Sweet . I never knew. The song. Just Kids. Love. WM 95.6 Stephen Page these issues on the southbound side of literal row continue for the i Phone 46 down towards the downs and islands a lorries broken down on the motorway roundabout itself around the I'm 42 a junction 9 goals in Levy queues by north of the belfry for the time being also busy if you make it a journey through Delhi at the moment on the northbound side of Birmingham the road towards Tesco the Bantry traffic light my problems he was holding fine for West Bromwich and their problems to make you aware of using public transport everything else usual member wants 833550. Story music. Scene telling us 95.6 wait for the West. Bank of the morning good morning leave been told that 4 police officers were assaulted in separate incidents in the in last night it comes as a video of officers being savagely attacked in London was shared widely on social media Democratic Unionist Party has made it clear it intends to defeat the Prime Minister's proposals for break sit the spokesman somee Wilson said to hold his party's efforts along with the main isn't some leave Tories were directed at forcing a rethink the authorities initially have altered the seizure of a migrant rescue vessel the Aquarius is part of a probe into alleged illegal disposal of hazardous waste prosecutors are investigating $24.00 people including several members of the charity M S F and average speed cameras could be used to move a. As the city council looks to cut the number of road traffic collisions and casualties stuff and wait the remote and the Black Country New Age among the 8 some to consideration but the breezy I'm feeling cold today was some showers a high 5 degrees Celsius 41 found hight windy and potentially wet tonight and I have 2 degrees Celsius 36 finite That's nice for the West Midlands it's nothing thanks to Danny Kelly M B B C W N 95.6 radio for the West Midlands Well we're going to catch up with Carl I see what's coming up but don't get up to Caroline Sonny and Cher guaranteed to put a smile on your face as a variety of guests join the fun afternoon make sure you chewed it up 2 o'clock to find out they're going to be a lively one always says. The B.B.C. W A N 95.6 radio for the West Midlands car like a bit of a Hello Danny your are a small if you're a very festive down there would be a tense a lot I know I don't know who put the tents on the microphone Well it's made all the difference it looks lovely right was the biggest rants that you've ever seen I'm talking with Chris a guy and he wanted shoes and it was really now you have not seen that right you've just seen the same one this bloke called the other duck. That's. Right we're going to be tooken rats also have you ever broken you know he's my son Elliott was elbowed. At the weekend playing football took him down down a terrible and also after one we're going to talk talk to a lady who specialize is in catching catfish is what fish oh yeah people get out fishing Yeah your my favorite you know the good side. And the boys I don't know if you make stuff at all to it's magic isn't just magical when I calm because I want to Danny OK yeah you need to you're my favorite waste of time I'll be quiet you've got to go through the rules basically what we're going to do here now is to quick clip from a movie and we need to know who the movie stars are that appear in the clip and what that movie is the need to give us a call on a one double double 956 get the. Sound like Popeye then when you're like you did you nearly did a Popeye laugh. When I got to get the 1st ball because he said most films is the more let's see let's just say you show. Your rhythm seashell whether you're in the pub quiz that's what I see question about of my life just go with this guy if you. If you don't know the answer to say this but it's very simple spend their lives in the dark ride to hide from. Your completely lost your mind what are you drunk on the elevator for OK. OK just say this guy let's hear it once again. From the lives in the dark trying to hide from. You're completely lost your mind what are you drunk on the elevator for OK no good voice. The key is the store one of my favorite films of all I really you say yes he is you know the one where everyone else should know you'll give it away you'll give it away. Oh wait so I won't double Oh double I bought 6. And she's doing the song funny and he's telling me I love you lucky if. You can just take a need to show patience to me and gave me a. Turning to leave you to me to be you in the. The artist once again I said the 1st. Husband in every film notes about the most spend their lives in the dark trying to hide from. You're completely lost your mind what are you drunk on the elevator for over a don't think the filmy of being in the tide turning everything. Will be the captain No that wasn't him. Was the boss. Must be the wicked witch No he's not been in that was the balls are the No right so no a puff the Titanic in the woods the balls you maybe to the field will be the. Devil Wears Prada OK a puff the Titanic devil was brought in yeah it was the goal to build a house. Here Morgan Freeman a short term called chasing girls who've spend their lives in the dark trying to hide from. Your comments lately lost your mind. Wrong on the elevator for oh. Well pull Morgan Freeman is the right answer. Do you know who are the 2 a book. Is a lot you can use aloud place by any chance of an as the lady at the locus functions. No no she may share what she made sure names so if you know it once it's no it's not Jennifer and only it's right pull on you what what's the film Case case a girl has the girls and made them cry No it's not all that psyche Anyway Paul but you've got Morgan Freeman right now forgive me but if someone what did he say Jennifer Lopez Yes if you say no. But they should names Surely the answer you such a full was yes maybe it's the Jennifer Lopez when there is no ball to this is no big I think it's the 1st names. We get. Let's hear it once again because it's a mostly from the live in the bar by the high price you're completely lost. read. I think we've got it simple good morning good morning. Jennifer Love Hewitt can you all know what's there with that movie. Collector The Bone Collector I think when I was running to your switch apartments you got that on video and you know that was the stuff was stuck in the machine and couldn't get out the machine Morgan Freeman co-write Bone Collector not Jennifer Love Hewitt again same name who who who was she Jennifer Love Hewitt's She's an actress yet if you go on would you like Jennifer. Jenny said no no no you could be here all day pulled you know there's a list of some more Jennifer's for us who want a clue and I want it on rock on ROCK ME BUT I NEED A I think college or let's hear that brain thinking it's a clue is a clue right OK You know if you if I knew a she'd be a great friend of mine. You need to understand. Yes right you know poll we've got Morgan Freeman he's been in every film No in every film Jennifer Aniston he was in Nativity rocks was in the Bone Collector might been pole. Now I'm thinking I think it's about how it's. Pulled Stephanie you know it's about . Morgan Freeman wasn't in the Terminator and he wasn't a knight so post from Devil Wears Prada well constructed I don't think I mark right welcome frightening yes and you've got Jennifer on it and yes that person is Jim Carey Yes Are you still on I'm a broad range Bruce or more. While. Rightly Sheridan Sali hope Sheridan I know a lot of beautiful though Sheridan such a good just name isn't it you know you share it with the Sheridan certain Smith me Yes miss but you know your more beautiful than showdowns I think you get too easy. For you going to say the same oh why don't you you know if Jim Carrey is the actor in one of my favorite films which film I referring to Sheridan I don't know because . I'm thinking and a love for Morgan Freeman Morgan Freeman's great you know. From the woods devolves to in The Wizard of Oz nor was he in Titanic. Sheridan thank you for playing Thank you. So what is your your favorite The name escapes me what is it about it's about. The whole life of is a film set the Truman Show that. Alex Lester I prefaced Benjamin's if an eye is going to shift how does it feel as we vote even the most inspirational Brummagem all time really humbling I mean I'm a little bit overwhelmed by because I've noticed so many promises somebody great from Britain now I'm just so grateful I didn't know I was so much appreciated just to know you're a Brummie traveling the world where Mari commodious director but I don't look at Fordham Law Because it for me and I decided I am Oh Richard Heathfield in Brixton Road and whatever but the people of always be integrated for a shoot for Alex Lester at breakfast joined me here on B.B.C. WM Monday to Friday from 6 I think we've got time to take one more penguin call already at the gala his Claymore concert tunes. The team decide to act. We've given it a lot of so we've decided that we are making the biggest shell around that they will have 3 years. Expanding from the film crew to intervene but they realize that they may be able to save at least some of these ads simply by digging a few steps in the ice. Will look oh my goodness . We were literally just about to leave the 1st person definitely making their way out since really it's a big deal just make their way back to the colony and them and the chicks still have a much better chance of survival because it's their chance they're going to spike the. Calves and meet cats we don't I mean Leo Leo let story them when they when they write to him to the. Well I say yes only because I watched of Washington for years I can remember was in black and white one programming I think in the ninety's I remember him getting involved to help an animal because we don't normally do this to the body the elephant was not something it was it was a penguin a thing or that it was quite a large animal maybe it was an elephant and I was a help and it was a nice case we wouldn't normally put a lot of to get and they would be spied on in the corners of. Penguins. In summary so long as they're not denying the food you would rescue an animal Yeah the thing is that when I was next to him again last year when there's nobody. Sort of the coin or you get a freeze in the face today you can't. Sort of Elvis impression David rueful. How Yes. Good morning good morning would you rescue them or would you let them freeze to death I would have rescued them by honestly thought I wasn't alive to do it because of that circle of life and. You know that could have a family a polar bear as they were just looking to pick up a kangaroo Yes you know. In that same room with all the runny moles. yeah i thought you know i would equate to be no the ronnie most but would if i don't them saval it with a possibility so let the freeze the death is what you say yeah all right dave thank you for writing not bought go to lot thank you let of freezed that that the circle of life of coal of start was a movie wilson it along king was an it ah the like from the yeah do you know other big song cycle of large to the they begin to try my trick with a penguin softer noon done so well is it what does it volt is get it penguin in a truck that penguin that yet you buy a corner off each end just the corn a stick the penguin in a cuppa tea is if it's a straw and suck the tee up through the penguin what is the experience it's just law it dosed and then you go to put the piping and quickly in your mouth and then it just all melts and you math and it's just all uzi and old chocolatey and a lovely how many gulps of it will warm when allow be floor it just disintegrates that's the funniest say because than you've got a you go to make sure you pick the penguin up quickly before it completely disintegrates and plops back in the take release you've got to tree the dream have an eco ops i living i live an amazing large it i doubt any you got a d. Of the drily a brief synopsis of all the aforementioned films which was a do it didn't really I would. Go for the 2003 film Bruce Nolan is a career in media is stoled He gets passed over for the coveted anchorman position he loses that complaining that God's treating him pull a so God comes and visits him and gives him powers and he goes a bit of a spray using his newfound abilities for personal use and realizes the prize of the world going on with a date. Like travel for the West Midlands. $95.00 Stephen still problems on the downside islands around the M $42.00 a junction 9 a lorries broken down the roundabout itself and there's the traffic lights place in the inside lane so the kids are stretching back past of the belfry on the southbound side of Ledge Hill right was the April 6th and they problems to make you want to leave using the M 6 north all southbound. Similar story north on the M 5 towards the start of the contraflow 2 it's already for the a for want to break them if you make a journey on the M 40 tame north or south on the money carriage like all those he's kidding around knocking on the exit GITTOES problems of a lorry on the Thames an island anything else as usual Mama had a baby she W.-M. I said above for wanting 3 but if I could. Music. 95.6. For the last man is made a bit uneasy is no reason if you tell me in this land that even eyes of online police officer was sexually assaulted Ivana cool out 3 other offices were violently associate on different jobs one of whom was grabbed by the throat Detective Inspector Warren Hynes from West Midlands Police has the details that was there it was wrapped around the frights 2nd one was kicked punched so it was kicked in the chest for the 6. That might very well be having a chance to look at us just for he says. Very. Next treason his cabinet is meeting for the 1st time since 2 senior ministers resigned last week over the draft Brix it do the discussion comes a day after the Democratic Unionist Party which props up the government of stained in budget votes in a protest against the agreement but the prime minister appears to have seen off the threat of being ousted for now because fewer than 48 Conservative M.P.'s have written letters expressing no confidence in her Chris Greene is one of more than 20 M.P.'s calling for Mrs May to go and expects more colleagues to join him saying a process that's going to take weeks if people are getting the lesson that's up to them but there is a process and I think people be really concerned about the deal it's almost already brought down the supply and confidence deal with the do you pay it parts in jeopardy the next $3.00 and a half years of a Conservative government what can we do if they do YOU DON'T supporters interviewed by the B.B.C. Has shown that the N.H.S. Is now routinely failing to meet waiting time targets for cancer A.M.D. And receipt operations in England Scotland Northern Ireland and Wales for the 1st time ever all parts of the U.K. Have missed them for a whole year the Departments of Health in each nation say they are committed to improving waiting times average speed unfortunate measures a set to be introduced in Wolverhampton the council is looking at a way of to reduce the number of road traffic conditions in casualties last year across the West Midlands almost 3000 people were injured in crashes on our way it's routes into consideration in Wolverhampton include Stafford road burning and road and the Black Country new boat Easyjet has posted pretax profits of almost 580000000 pounds for the year to the end of September more than 40 percent for the previous 12 months the airline benefited from the collapse of arrivals such as more like an Air Berlin as well as the effect of strikes at wine ham and has been announced that the.

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