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Clune wedding that took place in the u.p.a. Nuclear power there where a group of Hindu men made sure that there was no anti muslim rallies or protests against the wedding to talk about that as well that's coming up on the program. Was about new music for you. The not use on your. Decoration man a. Talk about that is a new song by animal. Like a rock I mean I'll call him describe this. That's because of the music on this. Job a job was done with. A bunch. Of on the. Judges They gave me company but they got the money. But. Other than you got Bill. 'd That's true don't you think they make. Dubba dubba the. Young. I didn't. Look like a. Dick. And that was from the film that hardly anyone I can remember talking about this failed money and is obviously due for release on the 10th of January it is we're really up to date are we with a music company that this is how we ought to start 2020 now cause with having the latest music on at the beginning of the latest news everything we need to be on top money yeah and in fact then hard to know the track from that Hardy very soon so I'll be playing that bus was the bunk 3 is it the band 3 Yeah I've got 3 tracks on because that's probably doing quite well as we'll catch up with that as well when we have you caught up but now hold gayo you're. Going to the yes man let's catch up with the latest travel news and that is with Nicholas in Gloucester share our need for she eats between him Barry lead and Hina Miranda by moving at the moment adding a few moments to the journey the air Bristow the m. Party 9 and through their abilities travelling south bay and traffic moving well there from the m 40 junction 22 shey in 58 junction 18. Into Bristol in Stapleton rude near scene Mark Sure did you have some heavy traffic here with a travel over and 5 minutes and 3 summers at the 37 it high craftily temporary chaff lays out in a pretty shiny Cheechoo watching me Marks I mean at the b.b.c. Travel Center thing very much cynical erm Nicholas back with more troubling news in about a half an hour's time. Called free on our way 1000 to 8 double 3 double 6 b.b.c. We'll show. You on the scene. And I'm sorry mum and we're with you until 8 o'clock let's talk about our sort of break over Christmas and what we've been doing etc and also what's more important is about the decoration the thing is I have a Christian background so I understand a lot more about it than maybe some of the other people who are not from a Christian background but what about you that I mean we were in your mind so because you were a Muslim background what when he says Down here we definitely take them down before the 6th of January and it comes to a stage where the decorations in the Christmas trees and all the cards they've been up since the end of November the last week of November and we keep them on for a least 4 weeks running for 4 weeks running but we do have a special saying in the house like they need to come down and so House is going to it takes a bit of time honey. We got 2 big trees to take down in our house yesterday I was with my mum in the kitchen and she said I need some help can you take some of the decorations down and I was one by one you know delicately delicately putting them away into a box ready for next year again and we were taking down the Christmas tree their hands and it was all in its numbers so it's going to be really ready for next year again so when they do take a bit of time money yeah the thing is there's a bit of a controversy as to whether you today's the last day or 2. Moros the last day because according to the Anglican Church today the 12th night you see the 12th Night and epiphany started this is the Christian calendar this is when the what they call the wise men came to visit baby Jesus engaged in the presence we don't know doesn't say in the Bible where it was 3 wise men and we what we do know is there were 3 present so everyone makes the assumption there are 3 wise men but that starts tomorrow that's a bit. Now the only concerts they believe that all the decorations come down by the end of the night even Shakespeare writes 12 night there's one of the plays in fact I remember doing that in school in Swindon when I was growing up. But some believe that 12th Night is tomorrow night because they start counting the 1st day from Boxing Day Some people do and then it all gets complicated because the. Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas tomorrow Kerry says although it's all very interesting and it's all so much behind it all money and we've got until tomorrow to take some people I mean some people believe that if you don't take them down by tomorrow let's say tomorrow really the last day it could bring bad luck yes that's what I've heard and I thought well you know some people believe where does it come from like you know they don't if they're not taking knocks I've still got a Christmas card up in my office just wondering I don't want to. Go I wouldn't worry about a good thing is if you're a Christian really if you believe in God or if you're any religion really believe in God then probably you shouldn't really have all these 2 positions I would think personally because he doesn't really believe that I know we in our family we've had decorations up beyond the 6th of January and some of the shops I'm know there will lots of shops. As well they'll still have the lights and decorations on and then they should take and then they should take the gun a certain point I suppose is just to keep people happy all can always like Come on take the decorations down now with me want to Easter. You stood next. To already in the shop by the way but let's talk about if it were me if anybody wants to join in with our discussion I'll give you a telephone number you can give us ring but also I want to tell you about me being on t.v. And I mean it must enable I mean let's leave a show called free on early down to late double 3 double takes. Yeah I mean 12020 is starting in a big way is far is most people concerned concerned they think of positive things down there they start thinking about going on holidays because you see the adventures. What else would have gone to you Well the holidays we see life insurance covers we see a lot of Jim deals I am seeing you know New Year new you yourself started in looking good in keeping fit I've seen all of that on the main ments and hearing at the same time I see exactly what I'm going to be on on b.b.c. 2 this Wednesday evening with Tom Carey a very well known chef from Gloucester and in fact he studied in one of the colleges that were active now but anyway that program blues fit. Is going to be on Wednesday at 830 on b.b.c. 2 and I took part in it because I'm diabetic although I'm not trying to lose weight necessarily but I'm diabetic and try to control my diabetes better and plus another 10 or 11 other people from Gloucester took part in it here's a clip from the programme on Wednesday. Guys here I think. Are challenging Now I know we're going to have a big day ahead of us so we're going to have to have a proper party and lovely wholesome breakfast. Over here we have. A single portion of that is $535.00 calories we'll be full up and it's a really good start for the day to go to come on come on don't be shy Sergei self abortion has worked out our individual daily calorie allowances take into account our new exercise regime the foods you certainly in bad need to stick to 1800 calories a day and these hopes are a good start you can have it in kind of accounting I don't even know how to work it I know I think once I start I'm in the mindset I know I'll be fine it's just making that start really. Has 2300 to work with and I'm on 2800 because. Well I'm the biggest. Kind of porridge you never get in practice for every year it's Ok this is the wind break howling British if. You really think that Greece will make a lot of very bad that I'm. Going to. Get a very many crazy 1st day. And sat there. All the way when this same question to. Me the real reason for a look on his face I'm going to say work on my. Hair is they're talking about me really because I never had porridge you know I mean I did see that if to your years I've been here what you've never tried. To never do anything without a thought before and I went on I. Mean how did it taste I mean was it did you like it was sounds like it was very bland. But I mean Tom said add some fruit to it you can add very to the bits and pieces and nuts and so on to make it slightly more interesting so that's what I did in fact we added some fruit to it but yeah you gotta watch you've got to watch the program on that Wednesday they see what your face looks like with that Manet definitely. This if we work out which he really is for music good news like we. Do one hour you. Can Take that the most successful British band of its time announced they were splitting up the. Doors coming back to the town of Swindon in this particular year . We missing. The point was I think the string 96 and one Helena interval and reckon it's 995 the rewind weekday afternoon. Since while on the scene with. 'd same t.v. To leave. The fleet but you can let. 6 would you eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat. Eat eat eat. Eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat from the tree. Be be partners look as if they're deceiving or they are deceiving and he's saying the same thing to her they're not really telling the truth to each other really other. Then I said I got to say that buying 3 is dead remarkably very well and the theatre has. And the other talk about that bit later on and we know about 3 stars I love a book cop which is played by sound man can and I've got to say is doing so well and well talk about the crew was later on. The b.b.c. Will. Now more than a $100000.00 people have held a protest rally in the Indian city of Hydrabad against the new citizenship law critics say it is anti muslim and against the valleys of India's secular constitution despite heightened sectarian tensions a story of communal harmony has emerged in one state with the protests when I largely of Hindus formed a human chain so that the wedding party of a Muslim groom could safely reach the venue in the city of gone poor and he could be mighty to his bride Zenith is the mistress of the Times of India wrote the story it was almost like a knife mag kind of thing that happened on a wedding day that the groom's families calling family telling them that they are not ready she or whether they will be able to bring their wedding procession on the base and they are not so obviously though there was a lot of tension in the families specially in the bride's heart and head so and that is the point when the neighbor. India we and some other people also and there were some local leaders who who are into politics and all they also ended in this and I knew and they decided to give the sense of protection to the family then they call I love groom's family. And ask them to bring the wedding procession without any what he or without any tension and they will ensure that the wedding will take place in the same venue and all that it will be performed and I think after a shot is even the family decided to bring the wedding procession. They ended on board and then all these people there was some 50 or 60 numbers they escorted the groom's family to the guest house where the wedding was about to get all the midnight and it was in the middle of that. Just 24 hours before the wedding so this was a very tense time in new to Pradesh a time perhaps of of heightened tensions between Muslims and Hindus actually there is nothing at all between the Hindus and the Muslims in India and you'll be there is a section of people who are protesting against the citizenship amendment bill but that is not a minute while is that a lot but nonetheless was was this quite an unusual gesture of this group of 50 Hindus a scorching a Muslim wedding party it doesn't often happen that is a lot of harmony between Hindus and Muslims in India but yeah sometimes situation get in but in this particular case this was a spontaneous gesture by this. And even the bride's family is Betty Baye time for to be is guys even after her wedding then the bride game back to her home $4.00 to $5.00 days after the wedding the fust thing she has done is to meet those who read this before and getting her to a house has to be much reaction in India too to the story yeah but it is flooded with congratulations to DUI and they are reading happy because this is the kind of India even in ins want to see and live in many. Many of the people who have tweeted this story they're sharing this story actually one vital because you already tightly said that in this I mean this was really a scolding story really came out. Of that. Missing. Of The Times of India talking to us about this wedding this taking place in the protests which is a great story because Sonia I personally grew up in an area which is very secular is the term they sing because at the back of our house there was a mosque so we knew a lot of Muslim people who lived in the area and then near us there was a Sikh school there's a good water nearby there was also a Hindu temple there was a church a little bit way out of the During the Kent is where I grew up in a church out says so everyone got on really well that we didn't have any problems the fact that we were Christians and the others were Hindus mostly Hindus in the area but obviously politics get in the way sometimes yes money I mean I've got to say I grew up I'm behind where I live there was a mosque and not far away was the good and within a few streets so well for a couple of streets away we had the Hindu Temple So everyone kind of collective did their own places and where we lived we had to interact with lots of different religions so it was kind of like known to us to just behave in a certain way you know you just sort of respected each other's religion and said Walk away they're Muslims they're Hindus they're seeks I'm Christian as long as we respect each other that's fine Exactly and also not not to forget that we also had a church that was just right next door to the actual mosque where I were living so we had to respect the church we had to respect the mosque as well as they had to respect the outside religious and to respect to each one on one another b.b.c. Will show the stories you show up. For hours and beat. The street down and you know it was Team g.b. I mean people don't even. Know when I. Looked around and I said. This. She was for a time when she made this call and she's college it. Was a 4 year old child who marries as to when the pain should. Be plenty of money today the place you live the stories you shot the music you b.b.c. Were. Coming out very very shortly animal Iraq who's released a new single releasing using that we've got a preview of a way to play that song is Let's catch up with the latest cry. Anyone that is with nickel or. In Gloucestershire. Currently closed. Junction traffic being value fair to their But coping well this is all dining h.-e. And accidental So on the ether to eat when we road closed again g.t. And I stay in the air traffic is moving well if you know the area however and on the m 50 board between junction to Adelaide p. And junction one bridge median is worth continuing and one lane is closed there with a speech restriction currently running I need a Macintosh at the b.b.c. Travel same tact thank you very much Nicola there's more Tommies after 7 o'clock. Called free on the way 1000 to 8 doubles redoubles 6 b.b.c. Wiltshire. You're listening to me Money Massey and I'm sorry I'm I'm tired and coming up on the program in Bollywood but quasi Bollywood but fast this week we're going to be talking about we'll be hearing about Khan and his new fail we're going to be talking about good news as well as the bunker 3 plus more than 800000 people have cut back on eating animal products for at least a month this year that's what they did last year hoping this will be happening this year as well the guy they call it will be talking about that very very shortly plus animal a rapper he's releasing a new single. And it's going to be available on all platforms you can be to download it and pay a little bit for it so on but we've got the 1st airplay Sony is. Talking about going you know can you are you have a have you had a guy here it is. Really an area of Yuri Gagarin you're a source of it might. You know that we're going to stop drinking is a no no Obviously you don't drink anyway Britney are going to stop drinking because he's supposed to draw I draw a January so I'll have dry gin you know and I'll have dry why white wine so you know so how do you drink then another way. Things they. Never came back between a drug and you got flow when your bosses from the. Corner say yes. Thanks to free. If the person the cocaine gets a bit chilly. I suppose. You mean the engineering not just means of a meal in Reason I mean to lower my we keep on climbing there's no fish Lang's we grammarians trying to wish you we're here when you know when we on the dominant did something crazy going to use go quick one is not the right because your heart is here with eyes my little with there is a video of a bear all near. Me mommy with your brightness Jim that will tend to get 15 minutes the lyrics of. Blather wonder why. I'm so tired such a sky baby camera much of it is going to keys down through this it would get on the way daylight you know the now using the long drip bring Long live still fresh Oh yes we're getting in the leg are lifting the misty without breaking a sweat who almost think you know wrestling no money you get right his long awaited for the best don't get Brenda's are just trying to lower the cost of my responsibly what. You will get the tempo we not speak. To this game no friends likes come or actually be sick. If you leave. I needs a name Cooley somebody wrote the report someone how it's a common disease free I'll not say anything anymore I'm sure if someone. No So you a call from all for an old old called rely on this. I'm trying to reach a recorder in the globe you call teach kids bespoke I don't care what you broke oh no she told me. To go. My tears I've got to say no I'm when I hear some of these rappin songs and music I do for they're talking about real life stories seem way to go to pay attention 1st of all I used to ignore and some of the raps and now when I listen to them they do say where I see touch on what's going on in the real world and they're really telling the Rhythmix in a way not to be ignored I will say you know ignore them like the name animal has a world of people calling goat going to go to bed I don't know. Why they call him goat we'll have to ask him and there's that $0.50 yeah that's a good name. Is you'd be called 50 Tucker. From the rolls crawl so you're going there all your time because all you get is where you're worth 50 quid or. So no grower by the way is $10000000.00 rupees Anyway that's animal and that's going to be released is going to be available on all platforms you need to search for it online if you want to do is called All is which is fantastic. And my. Ra a list tuple would require the 1st one for 2022 is good news then some yes it is good news indeed and I've got to do did we speak a little bit about good news and I touched a bit about it about the banks with the bank 3 and good news stars Kareena Kapoor and Kareena cut a couple car now as we know her and we've got. And we've also got caught. Vanny and I have see I saw clips Well some dancing that I saw towards the end of 2019 and I've got to say good news is set to crush the bug 3. 1 with the world it will be guys it's become the 7th highest a grocer of 2019. Good news how yes good news and it's one of those films that just talk about the could was I mean look the film actually stands and with a grand total of you currently. Stands of 100147 point 7 t. Could draw right to work this out in groupies in pounds you knock off 2 zeros the end of it and then you get tells you how many pounds that is yes I mean that's the 7th highest grossing 42902019 I said 2019 I don't know. Find you can say 200-1000 we can say either 2000 or 29 t. Only prefer to say like 2020 year not 2020 because you know what we say 1980 didn't we hear 985 So you'd say the 1st number is a 19 now the year is 20 year 20 so therefore I like to say 2020. 202020 you have to so you don't copy Well how much. Good news just about Is it Ok. By the way you saw Martin the other day in one of the pubs and he said to me You're listening to your show and you were talking to Sonya at that time when she had to prove herself as she was by the density. I don't know if. I could say what do at the words. Had to say what my name was and that it is because of the way we rest on the ball ticking in Bristol Road in Gloucester and the guys who listen to us in the kitchen Hi guys than everyone else not sure. Because they're saying Sandy is not about us you name has not been addressed she she she she is indeed it is and then you said no it's not it's pronounced as yes exactly did they believe you but been there since that. They did say bring it down some time so maybe you ought to pop in some time maybe today could be the day. Carry on with the good news and what else. Got the world when we last spoke about Aamir Khan I was speaking he didn't feel just like the thugs of Hindustani played that role of a pirate and I've got to say you look like Jack Sparrow and every time you you kind of see the resemblance and you see here they're both pretty good actors in their own way Aamir Khan has got his own Starland and we go to say he was seen on Saturday well as he reached him our child British to shoot a portion of his upcoming film Lara Singh right in this state capital as tell fans fans were really rushed by to get a glimpse of the Bollywood star and to we've got to say he took time out to pose for selfies we haven't seen on the screen either for a while and you know we have to remember one of those films he does make when he stars he when he's making a film producing a film or stars in the film he is of it does turn out to be a very good film we choose member the film. Oh yeah because if everyone got confused in the. P k stood for something yes but it's actually as it stands right even though they did not stand for anything it was like being like. Be. Are you doing good when he do when somebody is drunk you appear they say oh he's talking like this because in the. You're right so they thought he was talking like that because he sounded alienated me yeah he would say you're right he was talking like that because he'd been drinking alcohol Yes exactly and I think all very calm whenever he touches on the family is a film that you we do need to go in March and 1 of his films it was 3 Idiots and it sounds like an idiotic film but it ended up being one of the intelligent films that Bollywood has ever see this is what. Manny Massey b.b.c. Will show. It's a. Good . So. As you mean not the Alyea not. Not in. A guy that we better get the names right move going to say this is that what we've just heard is a remake from the original version from their RB Mar where they were which was from the film Charley bars and that was sung by Kavita Krishnan birthday but this one's from the fam Bunty. Can see a bit of a resemblance and also that animal sound is a. Goat you know we said maybe called animal because he says I'm a goat but it actually says his downfall is it is an acronym which will bring the greatest of all time were the that's where it is so it is so we wait to hear more from you and see what happens we'll have a chat on air sometime very soon when the song is going to be released but let's talk about the gang you're in the meantime because more than 800000 people have cut back on eating animal products for at least a month last year that's what they did that's according to research commissioned by the charity began Yury which encourages people to try a going vegan for the whole of January now let's get more on this story now by talking to Nathan Metha now he's the founder of the young Indian vegetarian society Nathan good evening good morning many good now 1st explain to me the difference 1st of all between vegetarian and a vegan. The leading is the one who doesn't take any daily products along with being a vegetarian so no know their products at all right so you can't have your good all milk or anything like she does a thing you can help Reagan your gut. We can chuckle at Reagan I scream anything you want Reagan is now there rises is a huge growth of going to them in this country and the main reason is one of them is ethical the where that cause that created is horrendous there is the situation of our planet at the moment the 3rd is the or die your health so for all these reasons you know more and more people are going. And it's almost real Lucian going on now is there any health benefit in this in this in absolutely Once you've got a cut out made from your that I mean even the doctors and everybody will now tell you cut down on your meat obviously confidant it made is because a. Vegetarian food there's no cholesterol in any vegetarian food right meat you've got a lot of cholesterol icons in the facts which are all known for being the modern day killer diseases various forms of cancer. That it isn't all these kind of things are triggered or. Pushed ahead. By meat. So being a vegetarian you can be very very healthy and also. If you look at the planet now everybody saying we are on a brain and the biggest cause one of the biggest causes the amount of any bills we are producing to eat them you know the human population is 7000000000 now at the moment but we are producing 70000000000 animals than any meat in gastronomy cows and. Yet how. Particulate is bad for the environment apparently that's what is telling us yeah you know the greenhouse effect but also just a very just imagine for a moment 70000000000 animals just their waste. Where does it go it goes into oversaw and I worry with an Ocean's polluting them polluting the reverse and oceans oxygen dies and oceans begin to die. And to feed these animals we are going right over to South America all over the world and we are getting them to grow soya maize lawn with them doing it for export the rest yes we can feed the animals so we can feed the animals around about Vestal way of doing it . You know the amount of grain to fit any of those could feed 4000000000 human beings Ok Well let me just ask you something about Hinduism now because I presume you have a Hindu background do you actually imaging by faith Yeah yeah yeah I'm your father and I grew up in an area where there were James's where mosques they didn't even want to have. Little insects but what I wanted to ask you was basically then Hindus believe that a cow is like a mom mother Yeah because they give you milk and feed you broke so this doesn't mean that we should be treating the cow like a mother than we should be drinking as milk any moment. I'm some change you know at one time you remember if you go back on the one day in the villages like a cow was like a family pet looked after well fed very well and whatever extra milk it gal we used to use but those days are gone now the cows are kept in confined conditions that artificially inseminated and that you want a high concern that feeds to get more milk out of them that causes arthritis the others are swollen and they're suffering all the way through and then the calf is gone it is separated separated from the mother straight away. Sort of drives are mad. Emotionally and you know if America is more it is no good to the data industry and it is shot dead in there so last year I think in u.k. We shot at 10250000 medicals on on us and those which are not there is for real. The time has come for the in those also to think yes the car is the mother but you know we don't need to exploit its milk Ok. What about health and I mean you going to get enough protein and enough vitamins and minerals nutrients from the can diet Yeah the only thing you've got to be careful of with a vegan diet is beetle meat to get from from soil but because everything is so senators now you can't So 'd you hope to have a beetle from say 45 cereals or. From a health food shop at a capsule which has beetle but otherwise don't miss anything because think about protein length eels and all kinds of beans and peas pulses full of potency no problem the problem in the West is that we've got too much too much protein that and then having too little so that's the issue at all yeah I just this is a little about the personal thing I unfortunately because I eat vegetarian most the time yeah I've been told I've got b 12 deficiency and also iron deficiency. So I need to eat certain veggies you saying to me there are certain vegetables I can eat to compensate for that basically yeah. See you know you. Spinach combined with orange juice or whatever the compliment each other not problems at all well you know where I'm not saying that they were his lacking in it I mean the probably you do but you know from. Time to time you get the sudden I don't know where it comes from all everybody needs the 12 people. So Ok if you need I mean the easiest ways sunshine so make sure you get enough even in summer but also you can get. That. So. There's no issue but on the other hand you know most of the major killer diseases are now asserted with Ike and I'm kind of made. It is really. You know medically Now Ok The doctors can't see because it's not good but it will if they're going to cut down on meat or a new thin thank you very much for your time and all the best send happy began Yury . There we have a gallery Zaria I hope you are taking part of it began. Cutting back on me as a cutting back on a few things here. I got to have protein there yes you do all right it was on air we can talk more after the news because the news is coming up next in cause we'll be talking about a musician this in the news at the moment that's coming up after the news that. The place you live is the stories you share the music you love. This is b.b.c. We'll show. B.b.c. News at 7 I'm Tom what's Barra's Johnson has said the u.k. Will not lament the death of a top Iranian general killed by a u.s. Drone strike on Friday but in a statement to the prime minister warned those calls for retaliation or reprisals would lead to more violence and where in no one's interest. Money was killed in Iraq where M.P.'s have now called for the expulsion of all foreign troops these people in the Iraqi city of Karbala expressed anger at being drawn into an increasingly tense situation. Not only will this think I don't know I don't want today we announce our total rejection of the American intervention and the bombing operations that took place in Iraq we refused to turn Iraq into a platform for a war between Iran and America over nervous Thank you. What we condemn the attacks against Iraq's sovereignty the aggression near Baghdad Airport shows that Iraq has no state the foreign secretary Dominic Rob has urged Cyprus to do the right thing in the case of a. It is teenager convicted of lying about being raped and I Anapa the 19 year old was arrested after withdrawing her allegation a decision she says was made under police pressure Mr Robert told the b.b.c. There are still clear questions about the case I think she's going through a terrible ordeal my 1st priority is her welfare to get her back home safe and sound and I spoke to her mother on Friday to see what further support we can provide and we've made very clear including me to my Cypriot opposite number that we think we're worried about her welfare but also we've got very serious concerns about her treatment local councils in the north of England have said the h.s. To high speed rail line must be built despite criticism it could end up costing more than 108000000000 pounds they say the line is essential to transform economic conditions for the former deputy chair of the panel reviewing a jest to published a report warning about the rising costs football and in the days a 3rd round f.a. Cup action Liverpool beat Everton one nil at Anfield among the other highlights Chelsea beats Nottingham Forest to no at Stamford Bridge and Tottenham came from behind to draw one all at Middlesboro to set up a replay and organizers of the Golden Globes are preparing to open the red carpet in Los Angeles British stars including a Livia Coleman and Phoebe while the bridge have a combined $32.00 nominations also among them the newly knighted says Sam mend.

Related Keywords

Radio Program ,Meat ,Waste ,Christmas Traditions ,Industrial Agriculture ,Vegetarian Related Media ,Meat Industry ,Veganism ,Food And Drink ,Wedding ,Family ,Philosophical Terminology ,Political Philosophy ,Interpersonal Relationships ,Food Ingredients ,Fertile Crescent ,Western Asian Countries ,Member States Of The United Nations ,Nutrition ,Diets ,Human Behavior ,Beverages ,Positive Psychology ,Milk ,Member States Of The Organisation Islamic Cooperation ,Elevant ,Wedding Ceremony Participants ,Radio Bbc Wiltshire ,Stream Only ,Radio ,Radioprograms ,

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