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I just think Sunday friends would fit the Manchester United States last show is they so against Chelsea from force that atheists fight life. And this is over or not over 5 on Dawson added by and have not been this the program in a moment move go to Chile together weeks news from there the ongoing street protests have taken something of a much more violent than physically in parts of Santiago's when the government started to hit back now it seems to feel that it has the upper hand also will bring you the latest on the trade in fires in the south east of the country last night talking about how people on some of the northern suburbs of Sydney is important to the city as Sydney is just showing that we're being told to consider evacuating certainly and also it is the longest night in the shortest day were the winter solstice and I've been finding out more about what it means and what we can look forward to now if you come in from from the Long is not in the Salter's day everything is positive it's all gravy from now on till summer Sure sure but as I say it's a chilly 1st where the United Nations and several human rights groups have accused Chilean police of using disproportionate force during and protest the began she months ago comes it she lay in a policeman appears in court after being accused of running over a protester during an anti government demonstration on Friday the protests were triggered by a hike him public transport fares but of turn into a mass movement against inequality in the country one of the key locations of the protests has been the plaza Italia and I 4 nights Jayne Chambers has been telling me about the square significance Placer County Yeah it's a very very important square. In the center of Santiago and it's always been the focal point of protest but also celebration me as he bats where people traditionally go I guess a bit like your pal the square and I since this social unrest started on October the 18th that's where most people had gathered it well in Santiago as he though things going on across to me to protest and at one stage they even had a 1000000 protesters but it's been a scene of a lot of police brutality as well there's been a lot of tear gas there have been nice plastic bullets and these problems with all these injuries and these water cannons but on Friday particularly what happened and there's a lot of up rule about this at the moment is that it was a protest but it was actually. Because recently earlier on this week the government had been saying look you know not enough we're going to be easier a tolerance on protests we believe it's just a minority of people now and other people are being stopped from their daily life getting on with their daily life so they're superintend in Santee other the kind of government government didn't authorize this protest and a minority it must be said you know it was probably a few 100 people turned up and the police where there was a lot of tear gas I was a lot of tanks but what happened was that this protest seemed to be crushed between 2 tanks I saw it on the television and cry to night and it was really shocking and you just didn't know what had happened to him and then you know went viral and it turns out on Saturday they confirmed that he had actually had his palace crashed which is awful although quite frankly from the footage at one stage it looked even worse so now there is a kind of massive uproar you know human rights again saying please brutality this is actually terrible he should that the person involved the police person involved should be taken you know should be. But what's going on they would do in court today and then they're kind of rumors that they got off pretty lightly at the moment so that the latest But meanwhile a lot of people are saying that this is like they kind of just be in a bind and you know there are lots of people who have and businesses I went to talk to some of them there's an old lady who had a kiosk for the last 50 years and she has to take things home every day and she sees protesters throwing rocks at the police and her head from all the. Places been looted and people can't carry on with their businesses I spoke to one restaurant. This place could get a man which is a very good restaurant and it's always kind of made sandwiches traditional Chilean sandwiches and he told me what it's like I am at the moment. 20 percent of what we used to sell 38 people would work here many businesses are having to close or get rid of staff we don't know how long we can carry on the situation is like the Titanic we are sinking. No one has come to save us. From. The business in located in France it would be conserved if these protests have been going on for many weeks. Gosh for more than 2 months now and you know it's really tough because they say they're just being. Completely broken that protesters have ripped up the pavements to make barricades the lights don't work so this is a really tall wristy area and businesses right right down there with those 2 big events Coke 20 that climate change the big conference and APEC and you know I spoke to had hotels he said that it was just right and they were fully booked and then they got canceled and obviously no one's coming anymore and they say we need people to come because otherwise we're just going to go. And so it's very problematic so this is the whole thing with I said Callia and it's really splitting the country because some protest people are saying we need to protest we need to carry on this has to go on and others are saying no to West Side Up. You know even the I'm delighted to Metro system we can't get around you've looted our shop. Safe and we just want to go about our daily life so that's a big kind of split I would say in Chile at the moment between how people are viewing this but obviously obviously incidents like the one with their 20 year old Oscar being crushed and not acceptable of course or not a few weeks ago could have described the protests as a popular uprising all most. Of this be. A communal national demonstration. I think said I really do I mean when you think back to know when I was here or in my to even be instead October when they had a 1000000 people in plastic and there was a real sense of we've all come together and this is actually largely peaceful and we're pushing for change but people I talked to just kind of fed up yes they want change yes there's going to be this. Where they should change the Constitution and yes people think that's massive inequality but a lot of people do you just want to get on with and they do you think that these protests are stopping them doing that I think there is less support for them now I mean you've got a kind of hard core group called the front line and they are generally students and teenagers he actually. Said and they feel that they're kind of keeping their resistance going and and some people who see them as heroes for the cause but others who need them as delinquency were just kind of you know taking advantage of the situation so yeah I think opinion is very much divided but one has to remember historically when going to change. Was around it was very much divided than it's well I mean it is you know it's a bit kind of like it pretty much 5050 and I don't think that something. Trade to the rest of the way I think people actually don't realize it's a lot of people are in t. These protests so I think that it's important that people need to hear that it's wow that's one of the obvious difference with the rule of General Pinochet is that he wouldn't have cared less if 2 tanks crushed a man because he was a 3rd seringe or dictator a great dictator whereas with a democratic government surely a lot of these kind of scenes were talked about and the 2 month long struggle if you like as harm the government or is it harming the opposition. Absolutely that's a very very good point I mean you know President Bush yes he is a right wing president and opinion polls are right right down 10 percent at the moment but he will say look this is a democracy we need change I accept that interesting Lee I went to a meeting the other day which is there it's a bit like going to number 10 and we spoke to their government spokesperson It was a kind of enough we couldn't record anything but she made some very interesting points how he took a hit on his popularity and he knew that was coming because he thought you know what I don't want to be seen as that person he came out all guns blazing when that was deeply unpopular I think initially they thought it was kind of the far left wing groups doing this but they quickly realized that there was discontent among people who voted for them as well and they quickly need that they needed to change things and they've always listened and not to what the human rights groups are saying and really do want to follow the international protocol and are finding the situation quite tricky with the police and getting that under control so you know he knew that a lot of his supporters who are very very right wing would be angry with his bid to kind of reach out to other parties and listen to human rights groups and really come out and know that people can protest so he is having a difficult time I mean a lot of people say that he lacks leadership and that's a big criticism but you know right now he's absolutely not general going to jail and people are very keen to hold on to this democracy that they say is very fragile I mean you know it's what it's told this president democracy and they want to get it right but it's very very difficult because you've got all these different political parties squabbling and wanting different things so it's a hard one at the moment. People who. Last 2 months. There is no will. It's really tough there isn't much of one now not really it's not like Britain so it's hard you know a business owner complaining to me there yeah banks are saying Ok you're having a tough time you don't have to pay your mortgage or your rate at the moment will put it on hold that they are expected to pay down the line and they're also a complete painting their local. Councils are still charging them for rates even when I shop to be so that's a real sense that they've been abandoned and it's very precarious and they're very worried about what's going to happen to them will be. Any part of the protest. That's a good point. And I meant I'm sitting here and it's faltering it's a degree. It's a feeling everyone kind of you know school's out. You know the students are out and no one really gets back to work properly until March so a diary is impeding that things might slow down and this time and kick off again in March when everyone kind of back to school and back to uni and back to work that's also. The forest and drought and farmers and you know Cherry people he great cherries and dairy and Peaches they're all suffering because it's so hot at the moment so that's another big issue as well what's going on with the climate here in Germany. In Santiago the Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has conceded that climate change is a reason behind the intense wildfires burning across the country but he stressed that global warming could be connected to any single blaze the staunch defender of fossil fuels Mr Morrison has been accused of not doing enough to tackle climate change. In Sydney following his return from a much criticised family holiday in Hawaii. He joins us now from Sydney for the current situation with regards to the fires. Well it's far less dangerous than it was 24 hours ago but certainly here in New South Wales more than $100.00 pushing grass fires continued to of those $59.00 still to be contained there were fears in the last few hours that too large fires burning to the west of Sydney would merge that has happened so although temperatures have dropped by almost 20 degrees in the last 24 hours in conditions far more favorable the oath or it is the working very hard to do some defensive work by that they mean they cause of containment lines with heavy diggers they also do something called back burning This is where they predict where a major fire will go and they set fire deliberately ahead of that main fire front and use the wind to burn that controlled fire into the main fire front so these are defensive maneuvers that the fire authorities use because the next few days don't look too bad from a weather perspective but no rain is forecast here in eastern Australia or no significant rain is forecast here for quite a few weeks and fire authorities do say don't and the only way that some of these bigger fires will be extinguished is from the heavens as opposed to the end of a hose pipe but there's definitely been a turning point of the last 24 hours in the void because of our. Well it's a turning point I'm not sure if it is the turning point I think what we're seeing since this crisis began anew and I've talked to a lot over the last the last few weeks since September that's when the crisis began you see a ferocious upsurge in the flames then they die down for a bit then the weather changes it gets very hot it gets very windy there's still no rain and the fires rear up again so I think that is going to be the pattern of the next few weeks or even the next few months some of these fires Dalton could burn for weeks and weeks and weeks and it's not only on an issue here in New South Wales to the north in Queensland they've had very serious fires there in the southern states of Victoria and South Australia very serious conditions down there as well in recent days and in Western Australia they've had many fires over there as well so this is a nationwide crisis and late last night the Prime Minister Scott Morrison flew back from his holiday in the United States the fires were raging when he was away and certainly the political debate over his absence was also raging Yeah it's almost unimaginable It is a national disaster that we're talking about it's almost unimaginable even from this long distance that was read look at this from the prime minister didn't cut. Much sooner to do with this how much of a political blows is this going to beat. I think it is a p.r. Disaster for the prime minister he has given in to this relentless pressure off to going on holiday with his young family during the Bush 5 crisis he's apologized and said he understood the anxiety that his absence Kohls to also criticize long before he went to Hawaii about his attitudes to climate change his government is an ardent supporter of the coal industry in the election in May that Mr Morrison center right government unexpectedly one that would speak cause in large part support from mining communities now we were listening to him at a press conference today he was saying that he understood that global warming was a factor in the bushfires and he said that climate change could not be directly attributed to individual fires and I think that's what most scientists would say but the scientific opinion here is that Australia's climate is drying it is warming therefore it is creating conditions extremely fertile for bushfires Mr Morrison was saying he was taking it seriously he also defended his government's environmental and emissions policies I think he's trying to find a middle way in all of this I think he's acknowledging the impact of global warming on Australia's bushfire crisis but he's not making too many promises that will upset voters in those coal mining communities so I think today we've seen his comments as very much a politically expedient response yes he was sorry for going away now he's back he's fronting up and he will address the issues but of course the next few weeks and months Australians will be wondering exactly what he will be doing in order to take climate change even more c I was thinking what will be doing in terms of tackling these me do. Whether he's convene a special cabinet committee or otherwise. A teen to go there to deal with this particular issue. Fighting fires is very much a jurisdictional issue here in Australia they fight fires differently in South Australia than they do in Western Australia or here in New South Wales what we have in New South Wales state of emergency was declared a couple of days ago it lasts for a week it gives fire authorities here sweeping powers to switch off the electricity grid to order evacuations to close roads all of their own volition in order to fight this crisis so it's very much a federal approach to the firefighting efforts that have been coals from fire and emergency chiefs for all our national bushfire emergency summit to look at the ways that Australia could fight fires in the future if as expected they start earlier than normal they burn more intense intensely the normals So those fire chiefs looking at a new way that Australia could address a worsening bushfire threat not just in this year but in years to come whether Scott Morrison agrees to that summit whether he goes if there is one we'll have to wait and see but in the immediate aftermath of those catastrophic conditions yesterday it does seem that certainly here in New South Wales that military style fire fighting efforts the emergency line is pretty thin but it is it is doing its job thank you Phil most of that in Sydney today is the shortest day of the year the winds so this happened literally 5 minutes ago for 90 near in the u.k. And hundreds of people have gathered in Stonehenge to celebrate Jeff Bruce helps organize the Stonehenge so still festival then there came 25 minutes too late Jeff I do apologize but to give you time to at least to celebrate the souls in the way that you want to do the intruding where you at the moment rather than. Just pop up onto the campsite right and what's happening there exactly. So he. May think he sees some association with his gun laws for the past 12 years all this year we've got our 1st substance 1st focus on the part the winter solstice What do you do what do people do that is a music festival or something of the suit. Me 1st of all. He all he of course town hall people come through. Come together as one to sort of hurry. Please so source why why and why is it happening at Stonehenge. Is because of the place ho ho great cover. To sort of vote for those who are of make it to Christian. Groups do you have to be pagans or tend you know you know anybody we were a family 1st open soul search term autistic you Anybody is welcome to come enjoy he and have a small circle of the celebrations the timing's really important I mention food 19 sigs ever made this ago was the moment of souces. Then. 90 Yes couldst. Comes together. Sort of the sunlight Why do you think. In the kind of a modern Cone says his it does seem as if it's a somewhat ancient ritual would you think it matters to people who in a modern context. Because it is is because it's. All it's all sort of. 11 fold like a hustle all. About nature he had both of us all as old. As. The whole must be cool. Calls us. Has. Like 3000 people. Slowly. Because of some of. Those. photos 'd much you know that it's a building boom being stone and you know imagine. What we do on the size. Of a part of the world it was always a size a. I don't know why when you mention bone fire pagan festival campsite I mean Judy started thinking of the actor Edward Woodward. Of the week a man. But it was not the light that was. Right that said let me dispense with that for those who have been the. Gay with it what would it be like for us to come to do we have to pay to go in and what can we expect to feel differently about so or otherwise. It's early in the summer one is for the 1st. Because the process is a whole easy 24 hours a night in Farsi to come apparently. A little McCLIM sorry we were suffering for us to. Study for we some sort of Mars is 4 days of music and there's really very clearly those words of sympathy for to come and have observed this presented will all sizes with some in your face it's. The winds of the Winters a bit more to this belated 1st row. With acoustics. Ok it does sound like there's a lot going on thank you for telling your sort of bondage of rouge over Jeff Bruce the Groves who organize the Stonehenge Soul Stirrers 1st of all and is there at the winter solstice festival at the moment as we speak Ok let's get the latest 5 Live headlines now has come across from digital b.b.c. Sad since last week on the move this is b.b.c. Radio 5 Live tributes are being paid to Martin Peter says scored one of the goals in England's $966.00 will come when there is death that they age of $76.00 Geoff Hurst called him one of the all time greats all of more than this in the sport with Dawn Surely police think the discovery of 2 bodies in southeast England might be linked to organized crime the Eastern European men were found 5 miles apart on the outskirts of London the 1st on Thursday and the 2nd on Friday they both been stabbed there strongly in Prime Minister who's a staunch defender of fossil feels has conceded climate change is a factor in the country's wall foreign crisis the burning across 3 states and Scott Morrison said Sorry for going on holiday is the fires burn and British Gas is to take over the supply of 800000 customers have to breeze energy cease trading last week the regulator off gems as the switch will happen today supplies won't be interrupted the 5 Live news dumbass b. Has the support they will the football has been paying tribute after the death of the 1966 World Cup when a Martin pitas form angler midfielder who was capped 67 times by his country has died at the age of 76 the former England manager Roy Hodgson has shared his memories of a remarkable player one of the legends of course when the people who should play him will always be the annals of. English football for his World Cup triumph he was a wonderful footballer Martin Peters an elegant extremely talented midfield player who really has no particular weaknesses and is going from Live in member so it's a Crystal Palace side lost one nil at Newcastle Liverpool have won the Club World Cup for the 1st time in the history after they defeated Flamengo one male Roberto from a nose called The game's only goal in extra time has the Reds boss I said before the game I don't know exactly how it would feel now I can say it's outstanding absolutism sation Oh I'm so proud of the boys and. Could be better the Manchester City boss Pep Guardiola says he enjoyed watching his side is there be less to $31.00 to move when 11 points of the Premier League leaders Liverpool we are spectators Well we like well like towards my team play good so of course when you win it's better because you have more time and more have been in every nation. But sometimes when you win her temper Arsenal said Ok we won but we are far away from the way you want to compete elsewhere Southampton are out of the bottom 3 after beating Aston Villa 31 the new adverts in managing the watched from the stands as they do Nel Nel with Arsenal Sheffield United be Brian one nil goals were 21 when his at Norwich and Burnley secured a rare one nil away win at Bournemouth in the Scottish Premiership latest Celtic defeated Aberdeen $21.00 The rules say wins for how Milton Motherwell and Livingston's and Johnston and sneer and to nail nail extra on top of rugby union's premiership after coming from behind to be less the Tigers 312200 Saints were beaten $2210.00 by sail Harlequins beat wasps $2822.00 and Saracens defeated Bristol $4713.00 to move within minus 13 points Well the director of rugby monocle says the not. Thinking about the possibility of relegation it's also a really tall order to be. Concerned. For. The last 20 minutes. Of the team that we see. In the. Benetton unfallen Cheryl has beaten the Austrian. 31 in the 2nd round of the darts earlier this week she became the 1st woman to win a match at the event this Radio 5 Live b.b.c. Sound. Good morning we've a significant number of flood warnings out across England and Wales and the chances are that that number will rise is because the rain still falling on the website that the Met Office will not rain has started. It's mainly affecting areas but creeping into that time will start to care for in the West as we head towards morning as it does so. Following in the just about anywhere but at least. We should. Frost away from the far north so temperatures. But not rising much above 9 or 10 actually through the day rain. Slow to care the rain Dracula's heels. Which will become more prevalent through the afternoon say temperatures about 9 or 10 degrees. For Northern Ireland. Is a concern as it was 24 hours ago and it's slow to care it could linger for much of the morning quite dense in places but once it does so it'll brighten up with some sunshine and just a few showers particularly into the afternoon. The temperature is starting the day close to freezing and lifting to about 6 or 7 degrees and sunny Scotland where there are a few around that will continue but there's a risk of some ice because temperatures are below freezing already there's a risk that we'll see some quite thick touch the focus while I don't time now take that time to kick it again will do it's a day of sunny spells and a scattering of showers or she can become more frequent to get into the act as with the show just about anywhere that day they could be happy with hail and thunder up in the north the hills a little bit wintry aswell not how it's looking. Only. With Radio 5 Live Here let's take a look at the morning. From the Sun on Sunday told me what is in their paper main story seems to be focusing on the Labor Party and where they go from here because we've had they've had about election results it's the 2nd time that Jeremy Colgan has run for office in 2 years and he's now going to step down in the New Year and the be a bit of positioning in the past few days a year probably see him on a 2 or had one or 2 on the t.v. And radio like here start with us the shadow. Rex's secretary and Emily Thornberry the in the shadow foreign secretary and Lisa Nand they gave an interview to one paper and Rebecca long Bailey the shadow business secretary is also names floating around as well as as a possible contender and the reason really for a nap firmly in the ring but they're all doing but a shadow dancing at the moment and I was caught trying to quiet musings with a bit of a race to dismiss to show that the most working class street ensures you know my mom and dad were hard up and leave their house with an outside low and 0 Hour but not that I lifted a case and they're all trying to do each of the dry and show that they were the real working class McCoy to try and curry favor among the membership but we'll see what happens that wall what we're revealing today in The Sun on Sunday is that. The union chief. Len McCluskey they the leader of unites the giant trade union. Had held a meeting with some senior Labor colleagues from the from the left and that they had a little meeting to try and discuss how to kick to maintain the hard left script on the Labor Party and I had been having chats with people such as Seamus Milne The strategy chief of the labor general secretary Jenny Formby and Kerry Murphy who's also. A close ally of Jeremy Cole is as his chief of staff and there are many chats decide what is the man who is the most likely target to stop the party return to the sense ground and then they seem to be the hams made public what they seem to be plumping for Rebecca long Bailey the 40 year old former and h.s. Solicitor and shadow business secretary and think she is the right person to carry the torch but there will be some debate whether that's where the change is needed and she's already being advised by. John landsman of momentum and another senior hard left activists called Alex Ham again helped mystical been successful 2015 leadership it so well you have there is is the left trying to annoy the. Candidates for the for the for the for the the next leader's job and you know you meanwhile you've got the the more moderate members of the party and he's in particular trying to reunite behind somebody and they have a bit difficulty deciding who to unite behind at this stage so that's going to be very interesting because it will be one side against another no it'll be the grassroots who decided the end in their votes but they have to put forward a candidate who's I think to take the party forward indeed and that's the question is and it's What's the if you like election that they'll have to fight in 5 years' time. If the last election was something of a beauty contest does Labor have anybody that will be as charismatic maybe as the prime minister Brian Johnson of the moment does he have all these contenders is anybody you can say Boris Johnson on that well that that's that's interesting. I don't think there is Personally I think we're looking at a bridge somebody who will be a bridge to the next leader I think it might be a bit worse than I'm afraid. Remember Neil Kinnock was the bridge between the hard left of. The previous leader Michael thoughts who lost 983 election with what was described as the longest suicide note in history that was in his manifesto and then Neil Kinnock came along and last 2 elections him self to try and make change Labor slightly modernize ever so slightly to pave the way for John Smith and then Tony Blair to take labor into power and. The moderate more moderate Labor M.P.'s The Blair right wing if you like a saying we need to do this again but I think we're not even looking at the Neil Kinnock character being the next person I think we're looking at somebody to steady the ship and try and slowly turn it round get it back in shape and make it ready for somebody else to come along and take the next step it really is that bad now if you look on the left wing people like lemma Cluskey he believes that Labor has been changed for good and it can't go back the problem with the election was that they were they had the wrong policy on Bracks it and that Jeremy called in did was not an effective leader and that was a toxic mix which turned voters off and there is a lot of truth in what he says there but there's also a view among some branches of the Labor Party that they actually need to change and the role of the bigger reasons the 3rd elements in is that they're the left wing policies were rejected Labor's only won 4 elections in the last 14 years in the last 14 general elections over 50 or 60 years and they have been when they've been more moderate Tony Blair wants 3 as a as a moderate leader and they say we've got to get back into the center ground we're going to lose the hard sell of our party and that's what this next leadership is all about I couldn't be more important to the Labor Party about where they go next do they stay pure socialist. And risk losing if as they say or is that is that we're all at work and that's the big debate that's going on in that and I'm not hearing from the people who is names have been associated with village of challenge in the name possum or herring from them vay consider themselves as caretaker leaders they they do have to do that but. Let's not beat about the bush Boris Johnson's got an 80 seat majority it's going to take one massive swing to turn that round and from the position where he is to do that over 5 years it will take him on a miracle what you what what the Labor Party really needs is somebody who can dent that majority and then move move it from there I mean this is the problem with the problem but this is the reality of our system once somebody gets a big majority as indeed Tony Blair did it takes several hits to try and chip away and bring it down so it will be difficult for somebody to come in and and overturn Boris Johnson in one go of course you can't be leader of the political parties they are not to become prime minister I mean it's become. You know a caretaker manager to sort things out I mean even Joe Swinson from a very small number of seats as Liberal Democrat leader. Was for some time saying that she wanted to be prime minister so they have to they do have to put on that face but there are people there were there was I've got I've got a poll in the sun and so on there were details of a poll which was taken out privately by some Labor M.P.'s who recently a few months ago wanted to get rid of Jeremy called it and were considering another hostile challenge and I did some polling to see who they could unite behind and there were 3 people who came out well in the poll one was kissed Ahmed the shadow breakfast secretary who was the most recognizable figure who people knew who he was and moist of foreign source he might make a good leader 2nd was Emily Thornberry the shadow foreign secretary and 3rd was Tom Watson the deputy leader of the Labor Party now he stood down as an m.p. So he couldn't run anyway but Rebecca long Bailey finished bottom in the recognition factor in single figures I think it was now the difficulty for. Have them would be how on earth does she get off that hill she's got a lot of work to do but of course if she gets the backing of Unite the union. The left in the party and the momentum that Jeremy called in fan club as we like to call it then perhaps with the grassroots behind and a big vote then she will she will she was she will get that job and of course once you've got the job yet it's then then all hardware begins you know what about the Prime Minister's problems because even though he's not this huge majority and he won. He jump or very he's bill at the end of last week even so he has got to deliver a lot of countries. To a constituency that is expecting him to repay them for their support of him yes because all those. Constituencies in the north and the Midlands that read wall as it's been dubbed it was an impenetrable fortress of Labor seats which was badly dented by the Conservative Party in that election of only just over a week ago and he's got places like Bishop ballclub and a conservative m.p. There for the 1st time in its history others of M.P.'s in seats that have not won full since the 1930 s. So that they've won over these really traditional Labor heartland states but what they've got to do now in the next 5 years is to appeal to the night don't just win the seats and so few months 1000 quid in there of them off with a few little announcements they really have to do something to make the lives of the people who work in those areas the working class people who voted for the Tories they have to do something for them they can't just be given a bit a lip service alleges really important to him what Mrs That should do the generation half. It was to allow those very voters to buy their council houses and that's not yet available to Bros Johnson now because if you don't sow says and left there he's got to do something on that Carnival scale that would change the lives of people fundamentally wouldn't yes how is it housing is a big issue in fact the son of council houses is not it's not an issue now we need more social housing association houses and council houses we also need affordable houses for purchase because getting on for young people now is is a virtually impossible is getting that the deposit that's needed and folding the mortgage so he's going to do something to make more affordable homes successive governments over the past 10 years have been you know that the current coalition and the Tory government have been talking about will make more affordable housing and setting salaries and it hasn't been reached that has to be done that's to make connectivity transport systems of the better and of course Bracks it's a lot of these people back Boris Johnson because they want Bracks it delivered so of course passing the Bracks it daily on Friday in the Commons and now 40 shopping days away from Bracks say on January the city 1st that's a big plus too but what wife found fascinating about this stuff. And I've just I mean just over the Labor Party and how there's this battle between whether it changes or carries on as days and with the they the hard left controlling the party certainly a grassroots level there are lots of people whose paid 3 pounds to join who are of that of the left they want to keep it on the on the ruling on the same lines as Jeremy Corbin staying true to his socialist principles. They're not going to change despite losing if they if they get their way whereas the conservatives who win the election by a landslide will probably change because they want now to address the concerns of the new supporters and the whole. Political spectrum has been thrown open there and changed the dynamics are completely different so we might end up be talking in a couple of years time and the parties are revolving a little bit more maybe maybe that maybe the Labor Party stays as it isn't it carries on in the same vein and the Conservative Party is something completely different but that's something that is happening right before our very eyes and this week is a week off essentially investments of not just the politicians with us Mr Jones as well e.-s. Will be still going to produce a political stories for next week's pay because the papers come out and there will be things I do a thing for the Sun on Sunday between Christmas New Year. I write some tongue in cheek award for politicians looking back across the year the the silly things they've done the gaffe of the year the quotes at the end that sort of thing so we have a bit of that but there will be some stories around because the politicians are still on the end of the phone and will begin Michael Terry were to wish them some Christmas cheer and see if they can give us something to do while a story picked up today was that the big ban chimes bungs as we call them will sound for breakfast because we've got a new speaker in there. Judge John Bercow stood down and we've got so Lindsay hall in there now and he has said that he is amenable to allowing the whole thing of the big banks and of course remember they were stopped in August 27th St I think it was full renovations to take place because that the loud hourly sounding of that huge bell would deafen the the workmen and women working on the on the tower. But. It remains in the new year every year that's one exception the other exception is it's district is the stroke 11 strikes on on remembrance on Remembrance Day But he's saying that if the M.P.'s really want it is amenable to letting it ring again . The day when br. Formally leaves the e.u. And 11 pm on January the 31st and I mean as a result of the new Canon you Koreans Yeah the last ones didn't make it I mean this is the other thing we're all getting used to after 10 years. 10 years of that coalition and better chaos but a few months as David Cameron with a small majority then than we had they had a referendum on entering them a came in and then then she lost a majority so we've had all this sly chaos and everything on a knife's edge not knowing which way votes are going to happen when the Bracks it Dale finally got through all Friday we all knew before the folks it because of the big majority that Boris Johnson's got that it was going to happen so the surprise and. They excitement and they they anxiety of have things in not knowing the and said See it's all been taken as a politics so things are a little bit more calm and stable in. But nevertheless we we feel like you say we were getting Christmas tried and I was like hitting a cliff edge because it's the only cliff edge of the real cliff edge we came to because we we came back in on Tuesday after the end election Monday Tuesday after the election all the new M.P.'s being sworn in for a couple of days then we had the Queen's speech on Thursday lots of activity after that then we had the big votes on Friday the Parliament sitting right up to the Friday before Christmas and then suddenly on Friday afternoon after the vote was taking all these M.P.'s ring out with their bags travelling belong behind them so them carry carrier bags full of chocolates and wine from they cast the Commons and the House of Lords shops as they went off for Christmas and waved goodbye and the place is deserted again now and then everything stopped so there will be stories around but it will all come back again in the couple of weeks. In the 1st week in January should we spare a thought for those employees lost their jobs 10 days ago because I hadn't tags. It's quite haunting to sexually from a friend of mine who's a politician and she lost her seat she says 12 years to the day that she sent this text and she says that she was devastated and we're talking about another mutual politician who lost his seat I'll leave the names of the but I'll tell you what she says she says look there's nothing acts as an ex m.p. He the person who's just lost his seat will be devastated I was a wreck and you can ask another mutual friend of ours I don't wish the darkness he then please just last to see that he is about to enter into I don't wish that on him. It's true that I mean the strange thing many people apart is that no not everybody has this floating voters but some people have been Labor all their lives and vote Labor and say I am which they dislike conservatives and probably vice versa but those of us who work in that it's not it's not quite like that you know we have contacts friends and people we company we enjoy on all the different parties and you always feel a little bit of a lump in your throat when you see somebody is being lost I mean in the same life sometimes the prime ministers you know member Gordon Brown when when he was Taft our number 10 I felt quite sorry for him is a you know I was a major politician for so many years and certainly from Flight of the route being pulled from the nation and those M.P.'s they leave parliaments we wish them well and say see on the other side off they go and then some of them don't come back and we send him a little text message saying good luck but you know that they have to they have to have a living and fun new career it's tough to mock Recy because it's brutal and and you know even those who came back. Lots of lots of labor m.p. The story came back suffered in different ways from the swing because I said Oh good to see you back how do you do and he said well my majority was cut from me just for example from from 120022300 or so militants in a war that's quite a big a big chop chop chopping down your your your your security for the next election you know and then you see some conservatives who misuse majority gone up so they feel more secure and that's the sort of life these people live they choose to go into politics because of that's what they have to deal with but either there are some of the who've been in since I mean Caroline Flint for instance he was a minister for Don Valley she came in as a Blair babe in 1997 as we call them. And she's lost her seat. After all those years and you know it may must be it must be tough to take you when you may have been warning your own leadership how what what needs to be done and perhaps being ignored or. That is the way politics goes and we just hope they will find another thing to do so and bounce back and come come back again I remember one m.p. Who'd lost his seat I will name I'll spare the blushes he lost a seat and he's been trying to get another seat and he's been going round to different. Constituencies and standing before the panels and I say his name come up on a panel in one constituency and he gets into the final story and then he doesn't get picked so he's going back to square one to try and become a candidate again so of course having not been picked for this election you know has to wait for the next one in 5 years time based on us to make a living in the meantime it's a tough. Thing for thought there from David ng of the Sun on Sunday. Now yesterday Fallon share of wild crowds in the Alexander Valley is the early Bally's I call it when she hit the bull's eye it's a big it's the world's number 11 menses Ilyich this late in Swindon said shoots the 3rd round of the t.d.c. World Championships so that's 2 male dogs champs that she's be said in a week earlier as opposed to Sporting Life journalist Chris Hammer who was at the match I think everybody was. Just delighted when she want to say that just because nobody wanted to go out. You know like a damp squid you know they want that no one wanted. Everyone wanted to see that it wasn't a fluke the other night and so when she got a set against the world number 11 you kind of thought well that's great pretty good at home celebrating like she's won the whole thing. And then he comes back and levels are getting are you at the dream's going to end but we're good to her and then another said she's one another's that and the crowd again I can compare it to Super Saturday at the London 2212 Olympics and. I cannot explain how the crowd the ecstasy you've got Bear in mind the thousands of people are predominantly men lots of beer and it's almost like football cries i watching it was like England fans watching them play in a well kept in a pub you know when you feel scenes of bare flying everywhere and it is a woman playing does being a man and and it's just you counter into words which is absolutely believe it will so then this belief is. Grow in the opponent mental seal of it you know it's one of the best players in the world is a major winner and if you rattled the crowd of burying him in a kind of home of a playful I don't think it was supposed to be you could say he was bothered by it because he's a popular player he didn't ever get booed. And he was frazzled by and it was a slight it back it and then. In a. This woman has climbed up front and she just actually playing from cache you know she's playing at that would be any man if not why she's playing against I want to complain. It was just on the thought of it and I could indeed Chris I am of the. Palettes is a felon Sharon beats. Second Man she's beaten in week t.d.c. Dog championship Fallon shared his true to the 3rd round. Female dogs player from in charge agreed 2nd man it's the championship is another one of the headlines and the championship belongs to cowardly Godzilla body. Throughout this tournament that's it from us thanks for listening. To more from what. This c.b.c. . On the b.b.c. News on 5 Live at 5 o'clock so Jeff says fellow 966 World Cup Final score Martin pizza's was one of the all time greats the midfielder whose clubs included West Ham and Spurs has died aged $76.00 was suffering from Alzheimer's Australia's Prime Minister's admitted he was wrong to go on holiday to Hawaii while his country burned Scott Morrison spoken since returning from the heavily criticised trip but I think strides a fair minded about this by now at the end of a difficult year people go on leave and I know I wouldn't dad might have promised of their kids I want to keep it but nevertheless I understand the anxiety and why people have been upset by this and that's one place to be back Mr Morrison's conceded climate change is a factor in Australia's bushfire crisis detectives investigating them. Herders of 2 Eastern European men in north London looking into possible links to organized crime they're found stabbed to death over 2 days 5 miles apart. 25 pesto products from the Italian source maker's circular are being recalled of affairs they might contain peanuts with no mention on the label include only own brands just made friend in Waitrose Prince Philip spending a 2nd only to the central London hospital the 98 year old Winton on Friday but it's still not clear oh boy a correspondent Helen Wilkinson's there it seems like the royal family's plans for Christmas are being kept a timetable being kept as normal as possible and I think that gives you a bit of an indication that perhaps there isn't a particular concern for the cheeks health but of course several family will be high pain that he will be back in time for Christmas but more than 90 flood warnings across England after more downpours urbanites the Romans her agency has been putting up defenses in several areas to try to save homes and businesses and Border Force Staff of Stuart's almost 3000000 pounds of the faith goods from reaching customers in the run up to Christmas and one season more than 1300 counterfeit. Burberry and Gucci scarves worth around $900000.00 pounds were confiscated at London Gateway ports. To support their level Captain Jordan Henderson says the team want to win as many trophies is possible he was speaking after they were crowned world club champions for the 1st time in their history the Premier League leaders defeated Flamengo won they'll with Roberto from a no scoring the only goal of the game Premier League champions Manchester City have closed the gap on the leaders to 11 points that after a $31.00 home win against Leicester City Sheffield United to beat to Brighton one nil Southampton are out of the bottom 3 they beat Aston Villa 3 Want away wolves were 21 witness at Norwich Newcastle defeated Crystal Palace one nil and. By the same score in the Scottish Premiership latest Celtic beat Aberdeen 21 there also wins for Hamilton Motherwell and Livingston in rugby union Premiership acts to have gone top after coming from behind to beat Leicester 3121. 2210 sale were 2822 winners have wasps and Saracens defeated Bristol 4713 and fallen Sherrick has beaten the Austrian world number 11 men soar Sali of age 31 to win the 2nd round of the p.t.c. Darts earlier this week she became the 1st woman to win in the event this is b.b.c. Radio 5 Live on digital b.b.c. Salads. Cherie rain in eastern England will clear to leave some sunny spells across the u.k. The moring see though the worst of it in the West with a risk a fund is today a full even for William and 7 for Christmas day. We've got a whole heap of big names to get through the big day on 5. Who's under our tree. We've got 3 English James and John Robinson some special guest Peter Crouch maybe with Liam Gallagher Christiane is a pretty commonly Kristoff great James Jimmy Anderson and Felix what I'm saying in this market might start with my own of course the queen. Christmas Day with the lames. And the b.b.c. Sound just in case you didn't catch all of that but the 5 like websites for full listings from the breakfast room say with Alan Oldroyd and Geoff Lloyd 1st though full of love so it's a pretty good coda programmes to please don't call or text. Hello welcome to 5 Live saw ants from the naked scientists mind I'm is Chris Smith And in this hour we're tackling the sorts questions you've been sending us over the last few weeks including why the universe is expanding and how fast is it doing it is fast worse than sugar and can you really die of a broken heart or is. Just a myth make it scientists are 5. With me this week to answer your questions our diet and genetics guru jarls Johann Giles Good Evening Press What's the world been saying to you lately. I mean one of my favorite ones is that this company has just launched a d.n.a. Diet test not so far so not new because I think lots of people have done it but they have now incorporated one of these fit bitty type of thing watch thing.

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