They were it would give them the impetus to feel that they could carry on doing the toss they were doing I've had people subsequently say to me it made good big difference to them the fact I was in there on this page risked my life in the tower the foreign secretary says he's had a frank exchange of views with the V. Russian foreign minister about the nerve agent poisoning in Salzburg Jeremy Hunt who's at the U.N. In New York says he made it clear to such a lover off that it was unacceptable for Moscow to instruct intelligence officers to use chemical weapons on British soil but Scott Lucas a professor of international politics at Birmingham University says the suspects are unlikely to stand trial in the U.K. We're looking at a wider significance politically and economically and that is because of this of the United States has imposed sanctions sanctions that are supported by the U.K. And other countries if Russia is not forthcoming on what happened including the role of these now then those sanctions will be expanded in November and Russia as we point is it's economy there have been heated exchanges at a meeting of the board of an N.H.S. Trust at the center of a growing scandal about maternity care regulators have expanded a review of services Shrewsbury in Telford N.H.S. Trust after complaints from more than 100 families a school in the center of Brussels has been named in honor of the murdered Labor M.P. Jo Cox who was killed by a neo nazi terrorist in 2016 the ceremony was led by the mayor of Brussels and attended by Jeremy Corbyn and members of Mrs Cox's family Adam Fleming was there Brussels was her kind of city not just as she had a great time here but because all about multilateralism solving the world's problems different nationalities coming together and that's the point the Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn made even doing some of his speech in French David Beckham won't be prosecuted over a speeding charge the form of footballer was accused of driving his Bentley at 59 mph in a 40 zone in January but the lawyer Nick Freeman who's known as Mr loophole has successfully force it on a technicality the creator of Postman Pat. John Cunliffe has died at the age of $85.00 the T.V. Series was commissioned by the B.B.C. In 1901 and it went on to be broadcast in more than 50 countries around the world the whether a band of cloud or spots of rain will move southwards across England tonight followed by Clear Skies spreading from the north feeling chilly in the north of the country with overnight lows of between 2 and 11 degrees Celsius B.B.C. News It's 3 minutes past 7. Johnny I and B.B.C. Will. Good evening. Welcome to the program thank you ever so much for being here. Company. Evening I was saying all day yesterday all the show is incorrect that was Wednesday however today when 99 percent sure. We found this week me. To come for you including. Orchestra. Friend of the show Rick close friend of the show also on the show. That used to sports changed her life and at 71 years old wants to prove to older people. Online and how it's changed over the past decade. So much fun. So much. Of the week it's class mountain from Bradford. She's. On the show we want to talk to you about your stories of goods stories of birds because we'll meet the. Bird sponsor on the show. Coming to talk to was head of performing at the festival for the closed doors of the program Have you ever owned one do you have a have you been attacked by one have you seen. Plenty more to come this evening Well some. Parts of the morning. Of course. You know we have a fun. Day. You could be anywhere else and. The fact that you come to us makes us. Feel wanted . Thank you for you know never change and. That's the theme of the evening. And we're. Talking to each of a different context. Of a different. Because we're talking to the open book. David Linda on the show in the next. You to tell us your stories of. How if you go to the can speak. You know we want to speak to you and your callers immediately if you have. Already. Been easy if you haven't been attacked by a book have you have a hot it's. Always funny in your house the colony The follows. So to speak those kind of stories we wanted on the program one triple message with the words it's 080169858. Get in touch twitter and facebook dot com the stuff. Or. 16. 58 to get in touch with. I know Diana was save a prayer on the B.B.C. Texas on the way Electric Light Orchestra in a moment's time and tonight we want your tales of birds please 81 triple 3 Start message with the word Johnny 080169858 or find us on line is Johnny I answered just searching or the usual places you'll find as there so this is a great story and is a fantastic video I would urge you to watch online to see this woman in action because in the past weight rooms in gyms have probably been dominated by young. Probably by the muscular men however thanks to people like my next guest time is changing it has been for some time as well by the way Catherine Walter from Cambridge took up power lifted in have made 66 years on she holds every world record for her age body fight just that I think in 6 years she has cleared up all of the World Records and I'm really pleased to say that she joins me now hi Catherine how are you hello John the I'm fine I would just say I'm from Oxford all this food that won't prolong the going to get well you'll get I was fired for that not to worry no you do right to I'm so sorry about that no problem now tell me about powerlifting because it's quite an unusual sport for I would say anybody to take up let alone someone who was inactive in in their mid sixty's and I don't reinforce stereotypes that but I imagine there weren't that many of of you doing it when you joined with us yes well I mean I wasn't completely inactive but I was worried that I was not I was I was going to start becoming less and less fit. So I was complaining to one of my sons about not having time to go to the gym 5 times a week and he said you ought to think about lifting heavy weights for a few repetitions because it's better for you thing cardio and you'll only have to do it twice a week what's not to like so I happened to have a colleague at Oxford who is also a power lifting coach and he introduced me to it and I've never looked back so powerlifting you say it's unusual Powerlifting is it's not an Olympic sport it's not it's it's it's we do lift weights but the 3 lifts that we compete with are the squat really put the bar on your shoulders squat down till your thighs are parallel to the floor and stand up against the bench press which most people probably know you lie on your back and push the bar up and to the deadliest where you just. Kind of lean over and pick it up right I mean it's still I guess is still quite an intimidating arena for people to go into isn't a gym particularly powerlifting a white lift in James' day still quite old school and traditional lots of audio and lots of metal bars everywhere Yeah lots of testosterone I guess most people think well yeah that's why I started the club Lineker ladies that lift to give women a safe space where they could be introduced to to powerlifting and feel comfortable and not intimidated in the gym Tell me about the the science behind it because a lot of people may not realize but once you start losing that muscle mass around say faulty which is much older than probably people realize that you're not going to get it but by as you said in your video by going running go. For a walk around the park you need to do quite high intensity resistance work yeah to to put it simply if you don't challenge your muscles to do something really difficult picking up a heavy weight belt they'll start them with the the tissues in the muscles will start not just being muscle tissue but being other junk. And you'll get weaker and weaker likewise bones if the there's a scientist at Harvard who has increased the bone density of women over the age of 65 by getting him to lift heavy weight right it's the same process you lift something that's right at the limit of what you can lift 5 to 8 times and your bones in your muscle say wait a minute I've got to get stronger and I did. But I love the physiological effect. And you have the bone density of a 20 year old I do indeed Wow that's fantastic What does it do few on a personal level not not just to the physiological benefits but wanted to make you feel when you doing it and afterwards Well it's a I mean when you're when you're doing that if you do it properly you can't be doing anything else you can't be thinking of anything else everything's reduced to you your muscles the bar gravity. And it induces a kind of mindfulness. That carries through to the rest of your life I'm not I was always branded from very young as not good at sport and I'm not good at ball sports but this sport is something that is really quite accessible to people who are not necessarily who don't consider themselves coordinated for example right the other thing it does is teachers use it to. Failing doesn't make you a failure because if you're not pushing yourself to fail you're not trusted to you're not trying hard enough you will inevitably fail if you're increasing your weights a little by little every week yes and that's a lesson then you move back and you start again and that progression and that's a new self it's so important I've been trying for a marathon at the most Yeah and I actually had to start lifting so some weights over the last couple of years are doing and you get to an age way you tend not to improve and get better things you know I mean you can plateau and I have love particular strain for the mountain in pushing myself and test myself I think I'm right distance last week I'm not progressing today so I did in that time and I'm sure it's the same for you go OK I didn't go out half a kilo on this week to my box Well I'm going to try and do a couple more reps and I did last week and seeing that progression is something that I think as life goes on we forget that we're still capable of precisely lose another thing that's really good for women old or young is that it makes you concentrate on what your body can do instead of what your body looks like yeah that's really important actually and that's important no matter what age you are moved tell me just finally about your records because you have all of the world records in USA career I think it's a bit of a joke for somebody who's not good it's for you know that it's amazing tell her to tell me what are they in and what weight still if then OK well so there are 2 there are 2 sorts of competitions in power lifting there are single live where you can compete in an individual lift and there are so last weekend I was city European Single if competition there were some people who were only doing bench presses or only doing squats. I did all 3 but as individual as so I was actually not thrilled with my performance I did as I squatted it was respectable but I squatted. Who 80 die squatted 90 kilos and bench press. $37.00 and a half kilos and I said this is $95.00 and I'll do better I'll do better this year well that's still very very impressive and and my total for the 3 together in a full power is I actually have better listen for power my total is something like 225 kilos worth reading I mean not heck of a lot that is very very impressive Catherine and thank you so much for being with us and I feel inspired now like you the rest of the nation does here in you as well and what a great thing to be able to say and good luck with thanks to me if you took great things to look after Take a cue that's Catherine Walter that from Oxford. Oxford University amazing. 70 motivation just think about Katherine Walton 6 years old a world record. Electric Light Orchestra sweet talking woman hello to Emma in Fairfield Johnny I used to work for a vets in Swindon and someone once brought in a parakeet they'd found a nurse the parakeet back to full health and moved in and then he moved in with a family mill to provide a lovely story about birds did you know I had no idea about lease but there are there are parakeets that live wild in England in a couple of parks down south especially in this one there's a park in London there are there's a group of parakeet a flock of parakeets this is absolutely true producer can the man that can is looking at me questionably says big time Charlie but it's absolutely true look for it on that one search engine and they think that it's come from various escaped pirates and they've all got together in their mated and they baby part they may parrots and then they've become these flocks of wild parrots in England it's true it's absolutely true feel of near any let me know one triple 3 star that message with the word Johnny we are on a bent of tails of birds tonight please 81 triple 3 Start message with the word late or 800 don't do it leads don't do it I do it Johnny sorry how long have I doing this and still saying that Johnny J O H N N Y or 801691858 Kevin's in Wiltshire Hi Kevin how you home very good GERD lovely we're talking birds tonight and I think you have quite a few don't you have 3 and Canaris Oh yeah and. He is to the well. So good. Worse. It's many many many can you wait a minute. I have many I was here I made a. Piece to you on the radio mini. Well done well done that he has a good girl isn't she Kevin She is fantastic I was made a. I think. 5 years ago oh yeah yeah what about the other day. Oh the canary is not quite sure what's going on so many you know the canary was many many. Many then but so many was a canary many say and you didn't tell me out ahead as well as you go ahead you know 3 canaries in a hen Yeah now I've heard a lot of good things about hens and they apparently are very big personalities is that true that's true why did you get many in the 1st place. She was. In a slow down near the rear Severn Oh yes and the other birds picked on her all and I went down and rest her oh you're a good man Kevin and how long have you had a phone now that. Course he probably for. She's got great life as an ocean is not a good life does she lay eggs yes she does for breakfast. Is typical. It only minutes eggs yeah. She's a good pet right OK that's what you need and really isn't it I guess I guess I can understand what she's saying to me right she knows what I'm saying. Good on you well will you tell us will you put it back on I'll tell ya I'll tell ya how you go mad if she does let me she were here Gary get one so you don't want to say goodbye to. Many are. Going on don't strain yourself given where are you right OK good. I don't know where she gone. OK Wendy you're on the radio my darling many on the radio many thanks for being here. For your well would you want to. Well done well done many many thanks Kevin. I were all right good man you take. Great Pat great advice thanks ever so much Kevin. In a rescue plan had a great pet nice man he was in on if unexpected can travel mentioning anything in West Sussex to a 23 remains closed Coast bounce shots after a serious collision of vehicles going off the right there just before bony cost me except for the 87 to air ambulance was also on scene blocking the northbound carriageway earlier but that is back open in London a kid brought the A 2 shooters All right so shot at the sun in the science right about all to serious collision earlier and it will short frocks feel Chong I'm straightness the age for clothes both ways after a collision need to little right response and the other problem is to call in all 30123. 84 that's the latest on that and more. Everything. Business is illegal it is massive illegal so long to. Me. It's an illusion to. Be. The most. Eldest son. Told. And it's easy to see the business is Was moved to. Not sure where we go from Kevin and many more try to move forward but I think that's going to be the highlight of the show already even even though we're only 35 minutes in I can see surpassing that that was joyous if you do have a talking Bert and or I mean he didn't quite talk but she made enough noise to be on the radio then please to get in touch with us and also General stories of birds tonight please stories of an avian theme Anyway hello to my committee my wife a bird Johnny a bantam Cockrel we kept hens too but they kept attacking him so we had to bring him inside strangely whenever and Robinson was on the telly the cockle would sit on a chair and watch. The Kool-Aid and egg while it's a miracle as it transpired the cockle was in fact ahead and that explained why it wasn't popular with the other hens outside Mike thank you very much Mike. Triple triple 3 star that message with the word Johnny I made a comment a moment ago that there are wild parakeets living in England much to the surprise of the team here it is absolutely true thank you to the deluge of text that's come through to explain the situation Hello Johnny the parakeets are everywhere in west London especially and I love this legend has it Jimi Hendrix let a couple escape and they bred in flocks and all over the place Martin in London parakeet surpassed Johnny in some places they destroy even yards apparently says John. Johnny there are thousands of green parakeets in England go to Kew Gardens there is so many of them your border seeing them a good time to see them is in the next few weeks apparently when the horse chestnuts are right they love eating them. And who's this from this from anonymous please make sure you put your name on when you texters Johnny are working in Bristol at the moment but I live in Essex the parakeet you're talking about started as a released flock from the filming of African Queen apparently in the fifty's in Richmond Park there now all along the Thames Valley as far as reading and down to the Thames estuary I live in the leave Valley outside the M 25 we see them flying over the house regularly uit fantastic stuff one triple 3 star that message with the word Johnny or it's only 101-691-8582 get in touch with the program stories of birds tonight please now 23 minutes to 8 and have you ever tried internet dating. Do you remember when internet dating used to be thing that people were a little bit embarrassed about it's just part of our dating culture now isn't it and we'll explore this more now with an interview that I did just before the start the show a new study analyzing 850000 dating profiles have revealed some insights into the way that we romance online let's call it that anyway the study by online an online dating agency and the Oxford Internet Institute reveals a lack of symmetry in the way that men and women approach online dating Dr Tara Siri is a professor of computational Social Science at the University of Oxford and I spoke to him earlier and asked him how he was very good thank you very much for your good thank you what was it like Firstly looking through 150000 different dating profiles are but you saw some interesting things that. Well yeah that was very exciting to have actual state of course who were not interested in the individual you know for mates and personal information off the use of the of I'm more interested in the overall pattern and more interest only the trends over the past because we had there for 10 years I think the 1st time it could be you know evolution of our language. And so how is it changed then I mean when we talk about online dating now obviously and rightly so it's totally acceptable nobody raises and I led people used to say somewhat under their breath ever so slightly if they were trying internet dating when it 1st began but it's part of our dating culture now how do you find things have changed over the years well you mentioned that you know the difference in the interned from the gender roles we know that men initiate more karma systems that what's was surprising to me was that this difference has increased you know 10 years ready ago the. Differences between men and women have come through in series of conversation online but now we see a big gap that surprising because of course of a trend you have to have. More equality of gender roles you know more familiar with the and less asymmetry between genders but for some reason it's I think right to breaking it down then e-file and actually the number of men starting the conversations online as a creature increased from 6 percent to 30 percent so it's mostly men that are the ones that are starting the interaction Yeah that's the difference between initiation rates you know 10 years ago and the 6 percent more men the start of conversations today conversations are percent more likely to be initiated by men than women right and why do we know well what we know is that when women in the share the conversation they receive less responses that that kind of negative feedback for those who actually try to break down the story of types. And that could be just because of the so faithful norms that we have you know we are told by our friends and family if a girl approaches you you should do so for these shows maybe there was something wrong with them maybe they are very desperate Well those are all things unfortunately existing in our faith is that we should change because you know assistant here of course all maybe and this is making a presumption that is that a straight man a straight woman but perhaps it's a man might be more intimidated as well by a confident woman who starts the initiation Yeah and you know again even if that's the case we should this is kind of more seriously because of course the role that women play today in a society and as an individual is where it's different you know what 100 years ago and distribution of women being passive a man approaching them needs to be changed you have course he does I mean that is that is a very draconian attitude isn't it you've also found interestingly being good looking I mean whatever that may. But self identifying I guess is as good looking doesn't always mean that people are interested or want to date. That was actually interesting good news that some of you realize that people who self rate themselves time out of town are not necessarily the most successful one not they actually receive less messages than you know of a man who suffer a sense of self 8 out of 10 for many was even though the optimum actual score in terms of receiving the largest number of messages for men was 5 and a half of them actually if you're 5 or 1st then you do as good as a 10 out of time really Yeah and that's not a bad news sware a good actually that you know you don't have to be the most likable one also far from. Being fun. Interesting trends the feeling that people are more accepting are or let's say they're put less emphasis on income and education of the potential partner competent 10 years ago don't have to be good looking you don't have to be rich and you don't have to be well educated so if I ever have to get back into the dating game God forbid. I'm not so intimidated now to use internet dating I have to say now I know a girl has I mean of a also looked into some personality traits in ALS her wrist a child but those kind does important play an important role and I wonder just finally what you make of the advent of social media and the what's known as swipe right dating apps are these ones that do seem very much based on purely how somebody looks and often uses a how do we say this a short term Cup rather than something that somebody might use to find a long term relationship alas interesting because we are all very excited about this very novel idea of let's just swipe and find love. That was very novel 5 years ago let's say but I think it has reached its you know its plateau and the people who are not often meaningful relationships. Are probably less keen on those kind of let's say quick place offering Laughs I don't know how you Siri really good to tell you final question would you try internet dating based on what you found I had to try anyway because you know the chance that your system without knowing how it works. If you're interested in knowing about my success rates more than happy to set it off because. I'm going to try. Just watch me try. Watch me try. I really. Feel. friend of the shud basically an employee the show rick astley on try really light out 13 minutes to 8 the seas gianni with you until 10 o'clock tonight stories of birds the see been place 81 triple for Restart that message with the word Johnny or 80169858 Johnny I went to meet a new client in the home this summer and as I walked in she grabbed me to tell me there was a bird flying around a conservatory I had to get out I was terrified says Sophie did you manage to though and was it good for business hello to Jill from Essex couple of decades ago journey out a cat called Alfie one day I went outside and saw Alfie running away from a black bird turns out Alfie was terrified of the squawks that the blackbird was making so the blackbird chasing him. Definitely the opposite of your cat bird chase. Hello to Ken from back in I'm sure if you have got to bring Johnny don't eat ice cream in an open space anywhere I've seen countless C. Go down and still ice creams from small kids they're vicious Well I have a similar experience in. Or as my mom calls it Devon with fish and chips The seagulls were the size of our stations and the entire plate of fish and chips out of my hand including container as well with complete disregard for littering by the way if ever you need reinforcement Siegel's of. People they really are literate and fish and chips tailless the worst kind of criminals stories of birds plays a triple 3 star that message with the word. Sound like a broken record you know how much joy myself this week playing. Through face. Triangle the night before that. Joy Division. Played of course in the. Night. Tonight we're going to. Be free. From their sick studio album which was republic. Interesting on this because public was the 1st album. The 1st release actually after they left Factory Records with Factory Records back to regular. Release through a London record album got to number one in the U.K. It was actually their last album to do it was nominated for a Mercury Music Prize. And the single We're about to play you is actually I think really the last top 5 hit in the U.K. That the band made up today. The band went on hiatus following a Reading Festival promoting this album in 1903 it was all to do with. The lead vocal a student like travelling around North America apparently. They were meant to do that it's just the pressure of that got to the band. Broke up took a hiatus to reform 99 he said the song with playing you got to number 4 in the U.K. . But 28 in the Billboard Hot 100 which is actually still today state the highest charting single in the US. Do you remember I had something a little kernel of this in my mind do you remember them performing with Baywatch this was a thing in 1903 that filled the live performance of the song for Top Of The Pops on Venice Beach that was part of an episode for watch featured David Hasselhoff various background and bikini clad actresses dancing in convulsing on the beach. That's all you need to know about this record tonight. Legend of the wage and regrets. I. No order on regret from 993. 1 more try tomorrow to come from the water we're not sure what it will be yet but we haven't played Blue Monday so I think we can probably guess what it's going to be maybe 843 style that message with the word Johnny or 801698582 get in touch with the program tonight as well Barry's done Hi Barry how you saw Johnny 5 thank you very much and they were talking boats tonight then you will find a special you. Now by sticking hangs in the back garden as yeah I had them for many years but it one year I had a broody hen and she just would not come out of the nest slots. And they they just want to hassle Erickson and it was a very. Perience poultry caper. He gave me a handful of duck eggs and he said just put these underneath her and see what she'll do well every single one of the duck ducklings hatched under the chicken. Bones and it was soon as soon as they opened their eyes and they saw the head that was their mom well they followed her around the garden everywhere these half a dozen ducklings all following the hen round this is a major I mean we were talking about the other we did you hear Papa goose this was the all through the raised a load of gold slings and he was talking about imprinting So the 1st thing that these little birdies see if they spend a bit of time with them they become instantly attracted and attach the most because they think it's their mom. I know Mr partner while in print Yes because I know you wouldn't they just follow it absolutely everywhere they walked in a straight line behind they when she tried she put her wings over them by one under her wing all along every now and ducklings grow at a fantastic right and within about 6 weeks they were the same size sister chickens are trying to see her get here when the surround the chick even if that the ducklings was absolutely amazing and we had a we had a little inflatable swimming pool and the 1st time the ducklings jumped in the swimming pool the chicken was going around the outside squawking she was terrified they were all going to drown but it was just there OK In the end the word that's the main thing every no no ducklings one of the story. Barry thanks for your take it love the show don't it bite you very much stories of birds TONIGHT plays a one trick. With the word joining our 101698 team $58.00. Taking B.B.C. Will show. B.B.C. News that a ton more old Listen the commissioner of the London Fire Brigade has told the public inquiry into the Grenfell tower fire that she feared for her 5 fighters lives as they went into the building down the cotton says she struggled to talk about the tragedy which claimed 72 lives last June or to look at pictures of the building but she defended the stay put policy under which residents were told not to try to escape if you would find and you were to expressed in some. Because you that believe that's fair far in your block of flats new resident there but the fall I was not affecting you in any way shape or form there's no hate no smoke anything traveling into your actual flats we devise you stay in your flat because that's the safest place to be right by leaving you may well his emergency services response a health authority at the center of a maternity care scandal has been asked to one day the hundreds of records to independent investigators the show's brain Telford N.H.S. Trust says it will cooperate fully and provide details of deaths and injuries over 19 year period Health and Social Care Secretary Matt Hancock says it's important to get to the truth the investigation that has been set up can range as wide as it needs to to make sure that we get the balls war on the families can find out what happened and then that we can learn the lessons from it the number of people dying in road accidents because they want wearing a seat belts is increasing the charity break says a lack of government interest in improving road safety has made.

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