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On the maiden narrowboat voyage on route to bass song persons almost appropriate they are the good shepherds guiding him along the candidates and even our morning thanks for getting in touch today we'll see you tomorrow breakfast next at 630. On and on Tuesdays it. Is b.b.c. World. Good morning I'm praising breaks on b.b.c. Roche's Monday the 14th of August 27th your news now Nate Jewish g.p. Care for dementia patients across our county is inconsistent according to a report by Health Watch Wilcher the independent health and care organization says some doctors are dismissive of patients concerns about their memory and not everyone gets a clear diagnosis a b.b.c. Investigation has found there's been a sharp rise in the number of passengers suspected of being drunk on planes in the past year the figures seen by Panorama show officers made almost $390.00 arrests that's an increase of 50 percent and charities warning that around $140000.00 vulnerable children in England have potentially dangerous home lives but are not receiving the help they need because they're not deemed to be at crisis point Action for Children says the youngsters are stuck in what it calls a revolving door of Children Services repeatedly being referred and assessed but not given further support. Rural crime cost $560000.00 pounds in Wiltshire last year that's according to a report by n.f.u. Mutual out this morning they say it fell by 18 percent in 2016 compared to the previous year but quad bikes 4 by fours all terrain vehicles and tools are still being targeted by thieves. In sport Welch's Jordan Smith finished 9th on his debut at the u.s. P.g.a. Championship making him the best British player at the tournament Smith who's from Derry hill near Qom ended his final round on throne departed time with open up Open runner up former world number one Jason Day and Chris Stroud Justin Thomas won the championship to take his 1st major title works as Danny Talbot picked up his gold medal last night after storming to victory in the relay the world ships the sprinter from Trowbridge ran the 3rd leg in the 4 by 100 meters final on Saturday night it was the 3rd fastest time in the history of the event and in football Romelu Lukaku scored twice on his Premier League debut for Manchester United they beat West Ham for nearly in their 1st game of the new season Tottenham also made a winning start to the new campaign where they too know when a Newcastle who had kept in Jonjo Shelvey sent off b.b.c. World news it's 632 things are so much nakedly green Good morning good morning Ali I spent about an hour of my afternoon yesterday thoroughly pleasantly discussing the weather with neighbor Steve over the hedge basically slated the whole of 2017 and then ended up concluding that actually was quite a nice Sunday. Well yeah it was it was nice yesterday and actually the beginning of the summer was quite nice as well so you may June July Will had some decent weather but I think Ogust has been a bit rubbish that's how I would summarize summarize things we keep unfortunately a bit of a That'll do things for this week but you know you do will be some sunshine around but to start beginning we've got a weather front heading our way today now I think through this morning you might see an old and old child ready but the bulk of the morning news dries in hazy sunshine initially although we have got some folk out there 1st Actually that will gradually to break this morning but many of us are bright and are largely dry morning as I say some hazy sunshine but gradually all cobbled and with they can come the Often we see some some outbreaks of rain not everyone will see them they all risk I think as you have through the afternoon they will come and go a bit but it's a could be wet for a time into this often and we see them just getting up to around about 20 degrees will say now through this evening that we tend to see things turning driver time and simpler outbreaks of rain arrive around the middle part of the night and then surely they clear 3 they lived up to around 13 or 14 and it's not a bad day for tomorrow actually spells of sunshine a decent part of the day's drive we have to risk some showers popping up into the afternoon which could be quite shocked PAP's pregnant should be relatively few and far between then and I started Wednesday some spouses on China 1st gradually Crabbe if they can and later on in the day quite lively rain moving in from the west in the sunshine the showers of for Thursday summer on Friday sunshiny showers but by that stage a bit of a brisk wind side as they saw in settled some right around times but also some sunshine as well then so it sounds this is not too bad I guess. We've been trying to b.b.c. Will not see bad so on this Monday morning it's not half as bad as you thought was going to be when you went to bed on Sunday nights how damning not just the weather it's always all right Monday. Stay with us on Friday for some thanks to my 2 and half hours or so 66 percent of people over 65 living here in motion with dementia care and I want you received a formal diagnosis you. The whole thing it seems a bit pot luck as to whether or not you're going to get the care the treatment the diagnosis you deserve a real family deserves when the looking out today in some detail was the heavy weekend or story of abstinence from 3 diary drink is here on b.b.c. Well they've signed up don't forget to be an alliance when it comes to alcohol consumption for parents of the bottom of their pint glass with an expert examine every single sample 50 years ago today Britain's pirate radio stations were forced to close many of the nation's favorite D.J.'s and jump ship to the be some stayed behind of course actors rebels we're going to hear the full story later. You'll Voysey mule coal as 345951 devil 3 devils sakes a.b.c. We'll show. You stories in the papers are tell you about in a 2nd extreme dog grooming a party there are worries about how far it's now going yes for you. And also the man who got on a plane and wanted to go to Stansted to see his pregnant wife and it up in Las Vegas. Like you do. Need to leave. The Bluebird and she's seen. This sick sick. With never living. Suits me. In this lame. Machine in lives claiming they are just in. She. Told you. The moon name bears. Now. Now. Much a stage we believe a success news or just say if you know someone who's been diagnosed with dementia What's your opinion of the care they gets and they got from their local g.p. Said you want all started well according to report published by independent organization Health Watch we'll share it's a bit of a mixed bag we'll be taking a look at the reports I'm going to reaction lights on breakfast but 1st our ports Emily He's been to meet David Walker at the home on the edge of Mount Sion now Georgina was diagnosed with. 13 for the last 12 months Dave has been keeping a diary charting everyday life living and dealing with the illness written on the 3rd of June 24th in referring to my feelings or thoughts on him. The mental issues cover and see why she is constantly bitter both facially and verbal she's aggressively verbal to any responses that she may. Feel disillusionment we had everything going for us what does the future hold the sense of dismay there's no future no holidays we can no longer go to theatres shows we have no social life we have no friends like me mentally exhausted. There's a frustration she won't accept that there is something wrong she won't take her medicine we have issues getting her showered and dressed preparing the eating food she has difficulty cutting and handling food because 100 shaking emotional issues no conversations no intimacy no love I get the occasional her or she asked to be. We sit apart we sleep in the same bear we might as well not. David Walker talking to our ports Emily He just reading a bit of the diary has been keeping as tough as a lesson so about what life's like if you don't know if you're lucky enough not to be in some way living with dementia touch buyout Simas at the moment with your family that's the kind of snapshot of how bad it can be at the cage no hug there David clinging on say well we'll have more on this report to the care provided by g.p.s. And we'll share to patients with dementia after 7 o'clock and if you're. Up for you know what David's been really they're just letting us into your life for a bit whether it's running up the show no 345951 double 3 double 69 s. Know what it's like if you're being cared for or your caring for someone you love desperately or maybe if you can look back at the last couple of years your midpoint stage in your dementia journey I think I call it my health practitioners How's it being plays with the way you or someone else was diagnosed has it been since that diagnosis comes through where you left hanging in there like some people suggest can happen or actually you know what you want to praise you g.p. Praise your local health authority a little bit let us know give us a call that number again 034-5951 double 3 double sex. Travel every 20 minutes b.b.c. World and how are things going on good morning Ben thank you all looking fairly quiet Santa if you're having ants and about the Smalling looking at the census traffic 3 Swindon or coping fine and no problems on the a 350 all the a 3 a 3 and shopping look nice and quiet through under the eyes is this morning we saw the road works at the Harlem junction and it's just like a bit slow if you having up towards songs really the moment the m 4 that's looking good on the cameras now no delays at locally on the train as we do so help our ongoing disruption on Southwest trains all because these works under water and that's the latest trouble every 20 minutes spawns a problem cool at 345951 double 3 double 6 a.b.c. Will show. Up. Good morning good morning Ben What an idiot display Listen to this right a British bank aboard the wrong plane while trying to fly home ended up in a Las Vegas. Despite claiming that the airline staff a check his boarding pass 3 times and I've got some simple this guy here maybe it was. Well let's read on in the Times today Samuel 29 a finance broker was booked onto your wings flight to Stansted after meetings in Cologne he fell asleep on the plane and woke up to find on the in-flight entertainment system the journey tracker or my engine started on the back you see that it flown past the u.k. You can just ring the bell now you know fairly how pulling emergency chain he is the on board wife finally to connect to his wife Monique who was 7 months pregnant with her 3rd child she made a distraught phone call to the airline to complain before Mr Jones Koski landed at McCarran International Airport in a Vegas almost 8 and a half hours a miles from his intended destination. This gets better right when I got on the plane I did think it was a big plane for a short flight. But I didn't worry about it so I put on my headphones and went to sleep when I woke up I saw that we passed the u.k. I asked the person next to me what was going on he said Oh well a fighter Vegas I said and I can repeat what he sat and I probably say a lot worse in that situation this morning to make him feel a bit better we're asking you please review our to tell us about the times when you got on the wrong bus the wrong train the wrong plane I'm guessing we won't get so many of those calls it can be something really small fry you know one stop too far in the past one stationary on the train or it can be pretty dramatic now you're going to get us going here with a mild start Yeah I've never done that I never can remember getting on the wrong plane or monk bus or train anywhere but I have waited at the wrong carousel and I. Just easing you into this is morning so I was very wrong number 2 when she needs to be number 3 I can live my whole day with a friend who didn't really want to come back for a holiday and we had such a good time and then we got back to the airport waiting thing where I actually went right to the end and everybody had taken their. We just thought where do we go now there's nothing here and then we just happened to look over just a couple of carousels away and there were out bikes in that that someone had of the taken off because they not been picked up by in the wrong place Mark Emma thank you for getting us going so let us know your stories place you can text they want triple 3 and start with a well. So b.b.c. World should be involved in Swindon today tomorrow and Thursday there's a charity event to raise money for the Swindon epilepsy support group so can I give pretty major from the National Citizen Service at the site in a function rain from 11 till 6 that we had chalking and braiding and later tattoos face painting an attempt to break a world record a cake sale today only gets the name of the bear and guess how many sweets in the jar in full for today it's a free family Potter experience on the beaches family center you can make you employ trade learn the techniques of ancient. Places are limited and most beautiful hand moms' be today the film does this despicable me thing and Despicable Me 3 that we shown at the time hall at 2 o'clock Churchill is on at 8 o'clock North badly today it's fun in the sun on the piece more 10 to 1133 summer holiday sports coaching for children from 5 to 11 and installs beach not the cycling event for people who use adapted cycles wheelchair transport and 100 cycles is that the athletics track from 6 to 7 to get your event on the pinboard email what's on at b.b.c. Dot co dot u.k. B.b.c. World. 645 on this Monday morning. There are concerns about the standard of g.p. Care for people with dementia in b.b.c. Investigations found there's been a sharp rise in the number of passengers suspected of being drunk on planes in the past year and rural crime cost Welsh as a commie more than half a $1000000.00 pounds last year you'll be talking about a report into the drunken levels on planes in just a little bit but 1st the weather breaks of rain quite breezy today actually next is beside. The degrees Celsius 68 degrees Fahrenheit and a full forecast for you with Holly at half past 7. Shall we look in a 2nd at the front pages I think we will we'll go through them rattle through them for you morning's Alan's 14 year old grandson became an organ donor after he died suddenly some of the people in the family even my wife still got it preservations whether it was the wrong thing or know people saying you should leave to come into it and how many people has he helped Allie Val's morning to you that's what you just I never got your own question I was on to something really to where those callers want to come down country can relate. Actually. Allie Val's back this morning from 9 on b.b.c. World. 647 can't wait for that she's always on 5 for me Sally a front page of The Times today may faces backlash over Russia Brecht's it plans decisions railroaded through Whitehall warns its reason may facing claims by senior officials that decisions rushed through in Celtic fashion over summer the pair more turn from holiday today to increasing concern among civil servants and ministers that scene in Mandarin Zarella reading through decisions where many politicians absence from Westminster the Daily Mail war on heart deaths blood testing chemist and g.p. Waiting rooms a $7000000.00 go undiagnosed millions to be offered checks surgeries in a new Dr the strategy aims to raise dramatically that section of silent killer conditions including high blood pressure high cholesterol and indeed irregular heartbeats The Telegraph today paid millions by Arab state envoy you've also got Jules and Cheney all of a picture with their 5th child when it was born a year ago all of it reveals today that he will never say never to extending his brood he wants more. Hunt's 44 carry flush fund health chief's office bathroom Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt as how this toy and shower suite put in to his new office after ordering 22000000000 pounds worth of n.h.s. Cuts he demanded the private bathroom with floor to ceiling slate tiles and Sensorites amazing lights as well yes so you can freshen up on the stuff after cycling to work. Funny for now the mirror the full week and a bit of the Pretenders you get your free pull out all the football coverage from the weekend and was an exciting but also my fight to save marriage and McPartlin his winning his fight against drug addiction he's Via to save his marriage after beating drugs. Coming up empty baby's English radio lives having a plane should he be having none Renee. The government looking away can do after a number of complaints of going up apparently people having a bit so much booze 32000 feet in the. a Monday morning Lee Boyd from Bow wood and Dani champion of the worlds who brilliant success stories when it comes to sporting endeavors this weekend I'm sure you saw Danny Talbot in the relay and possibly watch a bit of the Gulf as well with one of watches finest golfing exports coming 9th in one of the world's biggest golf competitions the best brick in the field we're going to be getting all of that with the sports news comes 20 past 7 and 20 past 8653 now in a b.b.c. Investigations famine a number of arrests of passengers suspected of being drunk on planes has risen by 50 percent in the last year the figure seen by panorama from 18 police forces with a major airports in their area show officers made almost 390 arrests while reporter and the union has been telling me about the investigation well between February last year and February this year there were 387 passengers arrested for drunken behavior at airports in 18 major police force areas the year before that number was 255 so it really has gone up quite a lot and there's also been a survey of cabin crew members of the Unite union 4000 of them responded to this survey with one in 5 saying they had suffered physical abuse a more than half saying they'd witnessed disruptive drunken behavior at u.k. Airports I'm guessing one or 2 the listeners on my show more I've had you know one or 2 g n C's in the past maybe they're nervous fliers I'm hoping though I mean one of them got absolutely legless before they got on one of the actual rules surrounding drinking on planes. Well if you enter an aircraft while you are drunk or you get drunk on an aircraft it's a criminal offense with a maximum sentence of 2 years imprisonment alcohol licensing laws though do not apply to cite sales at airports so you'll find the balls that can stay open very very early and late to serve passengers on those quite sort of obscurely timed flights so you could well find a bar open at 4 am last July the aviation industry introduced a voluntary code on disruptive passengers most of the big airlines and airports signed up to it it also retailers to warn passengers they should not be drinking duty free booze on the plane and it all staff not to sell alcohol to passengers who were already appeared to be drunk but panoramas found that more than a quarter of corporate cabin crew who was surveyed Well I'm aware of this code a tool on the trade body airlines u.k. Says it should be made illegal for people to drink their own alcohol on board a plane so what's the going to do about it what kind of. Well the Home Office says it's considering calls for tougher rules on alcohol in airports and on planes parts of the industry though are already acting other local stare line jet to already banned alcohol sales on flights before 8 am the managing director Phil Ward has said further action is needed Karen De The chief executive of the airport Operators Association has said she does not accept that the airports don't sell alcohol responsibly She says they're working with retailers and staff to make sure that they do understand the rules and the union looking at that and it's not the only aeronautical issue in the papers this morning if you just joined us you will be unaware around half 6 are told about this a British banker boarded the wrong claim or trying to fly home no suggestion that he was drunk by the way can I just say that he actually got on after 3 ticket checks so he's a little bit of a loss how this happened and he fell asleep and woke up and was on his way to Las Vegas and not home to Stansted airport to see his pregnant wife Can you imagine this and I was a bit full on sometimes when he was pregnant in this you 3rd child coming but that would be one excuse that would be you know a mistake and he went to Las Vegas Samuel John Kerry finance broker was booked on to your wings flight to Stansted after meetings in Cologne somehow he managed to fall asleep on the plane after say he got on the wrong one completely and we're asking for your stories planes even if they're not quite dramatic travel woes So ending up in the wrong place being on the wrong bus plane taxi whatever it was we had Mel Kemah bless a store member when she was standing at the wrong airport carousel for at least 5 minutes I mean that is pretty hardcore Well Walters and producer of the show this morning how 5 minute I know Confusion reigned and soul they worked out that they should have been 5 yards away you got your own story quickly Yeah that's right I've managed to get on the train ready to go up north to Manchester in the bag on the train got ready thought it package now trains leave for another 20 minutes puffy cars now open so I just get back off the train yeah get myself a sandwich or pop back. And so on Sat. Not that I've only gone and got on the wrong train initially back on and then got back up the tried and got back on the right trying swear red cheeks heart was messed up so I went to the gods and just said I need my back what can you do Season 5 I said Ok you trying to on his way to Plymouth so what you'll need to do is get off that crew and then we'll have you back you need to wipe for about 10 minutes we're back maybe a puff an hour an hour and then get back on the trying for crew. Housing managed to get from Plymouth going sound crazy world No I don't want. 345. Or 6 with your stories. That the. Power. 2 for. Every 20 minutes b.b.c. We're looking at I remember knowing since residents on the roads to report on the trains no delays for Wilshere So that's good as well but the cabbie outside don't forget us still we're jus service up to 50 percent fewer trains out London Waterloo while his engineering works continue. On. To just force in. To see. The civil court case the jurors like this news and your report says people diagnosed with dementia across Wilcher getting consistent care from their g.p. The independent health and care organization Health Watch Will some doctors did not properly address patients concerns about their memory they say not everyone gets a clear diagnosis and some patients were referred on to other services or offered reviews David Walker from Melksham looks after his wife who has. And says getting a diagnosis was. For dealing with her illness it was vitally important because at then go me an opportunity to find out about her condition early onset Alzheimer's to do my research to learn more about the condition but also more importantly how to help to manage the condition and also to help me to find the external support that I needed. Which has been absolutely vital in helping to keep Georgina at home with me now works for Farmer says some people believe they can just walk on to his land and help themselves Nick Bush is an honorable and cheap farmer it down farm unorthodox only chip in and he suffered a string of crimes at his property over the past decade including arsons theft and fly tipping or the new figures out today from the insurance company n.f.u. Mutual suggest rural crime has fallen in Wilcher He says it's still an issue people do. React help themselves. And we do not want to lose any tools fuel or any. Number of arrests of passengers suspected of being drunk on planes in the past year has risen by 50 percent according to a b.b.c. Investigation panoramas seen figures from 18 police forces with a major airport in the area which show around 390 arrests were made there are calls for changes to licensing laws at airports Laura Hobbs witnessed drunk behavior on a flight from Manchester to I be ther in June when people were getting on the plane they were very clearly very drunk in my peripheral vision about the corner of my acted see one of the ladies was obviously sat on the guys and they they were definitely doing stuff that you probably should we do know how to play a charity is warning that thousands of vulnerable children in England are being left in limbo because their needs are not severe enough action the Children estimates 140000 young people referred to social services for issues such as drugs alcohol is a more domestic violence and not getting the help they need local authorities blame government cuts but the Department of Education says it spending money to help councils develop better ways of helping children more from Mark Ashdown this report highlights the many thousands of children in England who have potentially dangerous home lives but who are not deemed to be at crisis point so slip through the cracks the charity Action for Children spoke to $141.00 local authorities and found the threshold for intervention varies too which is left children who might be living with substance misuse or violent family member stuck in what it calls a revolving door of Children Services repeatedly being referred and assessed but not getting further help Melksham is new skatepark is finally ready work started at the King George the 5th playing field back in April with a plan to have it finished in time for the start of the summer holidays recent wet weather has delayed the 180000 pound project by around 3 weeks now what's the council has told us it will open at midday today. 5 years on from the London Olympics Wilcher is one of the most active counties in England nearly 75 percent of adults in the works accounts Larry do the recommended amount of physical activity per week puts them 18th out of all of the councils and 4th when it comes to the larger you know tree or Thora tees Swindon is $176.00 overall Bradford and even kayaker at McKeever won gold in 2012 he believes there has been a legacy from London I think you just have to look at say events like the athletics going on at the moment in London you see the kind of general General uptake of the fans like the stadium packed I think there's still that awareness of events and awareness of sport and love of sport and you know I think that it continued to grow Isn't it fantastic staying with sport and in golf welchers Jordan Smith finished 9th on his debut at the u.s. P.g.a. Championship making him the best British player at the tournament Smith who's from Derry Hilmi a calm ended his final round on 3 and a part of time with Open runner up former world number one Jason Day and Chris Stroud Justin Thomas won the championship to take his 1st major title and wheelchairs Danny tell but picked up his gold medal last night after storming to victory in the relay at the World Athletics Championships the sprinter from Trowbridge around the 3rd leg in the 4 by 100 meters final on Saturday night will choose whether cloudy with outbreaks of rain today that could be a few breaks in the cloud later on the top temperature of 20 this afternoon generally unsettled week ahead with sunshine and showers tomorrow b.b.c. World news it's 6 minutes past 7 Thanks Nic we're going to look more at these in a few mutual rural crime figures later it's a good opportunity because many things will happen when we might find out how bad the crime is to how they're going to defeat that crime and 3 is it true or not that all tractors work by using the same key that's a very good question you know this before I have heard that I've heard that it's got to be you know I always tell what the North is of you guys feeling in the water this morning there actually might be true. No one I've come across in life is completely poo pooed it would be left right and center I would one would think so net we're going to try to get to the bottom of that and whilst all the time taking this story ever so seriously of course. Breakfast we've been free to b.b.c. Will show what else can we bring you the next half an hour or so 5 years since the London Olympics and I was not gone suck it up life means quite as you get older the Games Makers the medals the mask also watches sports stars winning gold from counting canoes or at least counting down the club suit counting beans Olympic champ kayak and McCabe you're in the news there now an accountant's p.c. Which is in Long's been to meet him to see how the last 5 years have been for him and we will also in the next 45 minutes or so take on the style dryly and hear how it is another 50 years ago today will survive Mark is not a verse phrase since Britain's pirate radio stations roared a lot of deejays Of course maybe a favorite jumping ship and going to be some though of course were rebels and stayed exactly where they were the world we having someone who really knows their stuff. Looking about for us and Johnny Walker who's now on Radio 2 of course one of the rebels will hear from him before 8 o'clock you'll always seem your county cool out 345951 double 3 double 16 b.c. Will show. 7 is past 7 people being diagnosed with dementia and what you're not getting consistent care from their G.P.'s as according to report published by independent health and can organize Asian Health Watch will share will find out more about how they put the information together and what the report says in just a moment but 1st our reporter Emily has been to meet David and Georgina Walker at their home on the edge of Melksham Georgina was diagnosed without Simon's back in 2013 and for the last 12 months David's been keeping a diary charting everyday life living with the illness with 3rd of June 24th in his aggressively. The responses that x. . I feel disillusionment we had everything going for us what does the future hold there's a sense of dismay there's no future no holidays we can no longer go to theatres shows we have no social life we have no friends like me mentally exhausted. Anonymous David Walker a full time carer for my wife Georgina who sell sinus Could you tell me how long ago your wife was diagnosed Georgina was diagnosed. About 4 years ago we got the proper diagnosis behavior became noticeably different. About 6 years ago. When we were living in a different part of the country and the diagnosis that we got 6 years ago was depression has some tablets go home and get on with the rest of your life that was obviously the wrong diagnosis but because I wasn't aware of what the reality was we just stumbled on until eventually having moved down to wilt we got the correct diagnosis from a local doctor and then all the relevant tests and support started to be put in place how important was it to you to get the correct diagnosis it was vitally important because it then go me an opportunity to find out about her condition which was early onset Alzheimer's to do my research to to learn more about the condition but also more importantly how to help to manage the condition and also to help me to find the external support that I needed. Which has been absolutely vital in helping to keep Georgina at home with me and what sort of support do you see. Because of the circumstances around Georgina as conversation we currently receive around our 6 hour support to help me we're getting out of. Getting her. Cleaned up if we need to. Getting her showered dry dress and how is this changed your life it's changed it completely out of that any perspective that you could imagine and I know of a carers will agree with me your whole life changes but it changes progressively everything that you look forward to everything that you could do slowly grounds to hold and is that very stressful I think depends very much on the sort of person that you are. I feel I'm very resilient and. Determined and very focused on finding solutions and one of the ways that I would say that is most obvious is in your garden would you mind showing me into the garden with that do you care I would love to. Could you just talk me through sort of the top where we've got. Ripple effects felt and water water feature and there are different plants and flowers different colors different heights so. So the flowers from the Mediterranean the true remembers very well and we talk around the garden as we're walking around the garden and it's all designed to spark memories and to to keep her mind active Yes this is something whatever she did we can see something so it's a spirit that it's been a labor of love that's all. They were talking us through what's life like for him and his wife Georgina living without Simon Well airport looking at the levels of care and the cancer was put together by Health Watch welcher Lucy Woodruff is their manager and with us we're both you know at different times is it's a real painful lesson but other times Smiley yes of us there they were grabbing on to the best parts in life and he's got left Yeah and I think I know David he's. Very resilient so you know and he would do any everything for Georgina and as well as get on with his own life yeah so it's a toss and this report top line does it sort of basically say it's still a bit pot luck if you think you're going to get dimensions or someone has is better but not good enough I think the report really does highlight the lack of consistency in clarity that people can expect living with dementia from their g.p. Practices I mean we've we've heard some really good examples of people living with dementia and their care is receiving a direct cleared out diagnosis which as David David said really enables them to plan for their future and to manage the condition but at the Earth people have told us that actually they've not received that direct diagnosis they've not been referred on to. Ongoing support organizations like to mentor advises and they've not. Had ongoing house checks and it's not normally because the g.p. Doesn't know enough about the condition to be direct. In themselves before they change someone's life for the worse probably I would like to say yes or no to that but I think you know people G.P.'s have a lot of to think about Haven't they they've got a lot of conditions to manage and some specialize in dementia and old people and those those G.P.'s know a lot more I would imagine than maybe the rest of them I am out he pointed to as well you know reading this report great if you get your diagnosis but then still some people feeling that they're left hanging in there because they're not they're not signposted So when I need to go next Yes that's right yeah and out so I'm a support of got a great service that mentor advises service there's 9 of them across the county and you know G.P.'s are able to refer newly diagnosed patients into the dementor advised service and there are support service providers will go and visit that person at home really go through in detail some of the things that they can expect and then refer them on to other support guys ations like cafe's memory singing for the brain things like that so they're valuable support so 66 percent of those living with dementia Currently I'm Welsh are getting the formal diagnosis last up slightly still below the national average though so some way to go I think they're on track there are a lot better than the have got the figures up and a lot better than they were a few years ago so we are slowly getting there what would be your advice if someone is worried there at that 1st stage of thinking one of the minute something's not right I think I think they just need to go to their g.p. Explain what their symptoms are really try and push for that diagnosis that's a real key diagnosis loosing thanks for joining us ever so much Lucy Woodruff from Health Watch Well she just practicing to my broad picture of what the report says you'll hear more from David so. About what his wife Georgina later in the show your calls this morning would be nice as well if you were on not to mention journey as they call it and you've got criticisms of the way you've been treated or oxygen I want a praise for those that have tried to help and are trying to help your g.p. Or any particular Help Group 345951 double 3 double 6 I was there for you and your . 716 b.b.c. Version use his nick there are calls for improvements to the standards of g.p. Care for people with dementia in Wilcher the b.b.c. Investigation has found there's been a sharp rise in the number of passengers suspected of being drunk on planes and rural crime cost which was a commie more than half a $1000000.00 pounds last year and the weather today while an abrasive rang quite breezy to last about among the short At all events my contempt of 20 degrees Celsius is 68 degrees Fahrenheit Holly green it is bank past 7 with the full forecast. 716 is the time let's look at what's going on in the state shall we for a short while because of vigils being held overnight in the American city of Charlottesville in Virginia in honor of a woman killed when a car was driven into a crowd demonstrating against a white supremacist rally since the attack President Trump's been criticized for failing to specifically condemn far right groups his national security adviser says the attack could be defined as terrorism and the vice president might pens his use even stronger words we have no tolerance for hate and violence. From white supremacists near Nazis or the k.k.k. . These dangerous fringe groups have no place in American public life and in the American debate and we condemn them in the strongest possible terms. Who was a friend of the woman who died have a hand says the bigotry of groups like this must be confronted I think it's added tear it's a hate crime and it should be treated is that the group that was here the right the neo nazis for hate I want everybody to come together. In something like this doesn't happen I want everybody to get together in unite and spread love and spread peace and spread happiness and don't let hate live the White House has defended president trumps reaction to the early attack saying he was condemning all extremists including white supremacists the Christians come because he didn't single out any one group in the marriage Charlottesville Markel Cygnus says Mr Trump has helped embolden the white supremacist demonstrators these influences around the country this anti semites rhesus Ariens Nazis k.k.k. They're always in the in the shadows but they've been given a key and a reason to come in the light the time has come for this to stop this should be a turning point this movement jumped the shark and it happened yesterday people are dying and I do think it's now on the president and on all of us to say enough is enough yesterday on the steps of City Hall one of the organizers of Saturday's far right Rally in Charlottesville Jason Kessler tried to give a news conference he was heckled booed and forced away from the microphone he was almost by protesters shouting Shame blowing horns and calling for his indictment speaking against the wall of noise Jason Kessler blamed police for not preventing the violence that we think you're around you 'd. Try to take if you would what happened yesterday. What happened yesterday was a resort to Charlottesville police officers refusing to do their job they stood down and did not true true which he agreed upon security arrangements. When he condemned the violence but said the organizers had had the right to hold their rally the f.b.i. Are continuing their investigation into the attack in which a car was driven into a crowd demonstrating against the far right the pages of that the freeze frame snapshot that you've got on the front of some the papers today is just extraordinary You can see people being bowled over in their shoes flying off their faces 22 year old. Man has been charged with murder 719 Good morning family on prefaces get some travel. Trouble Every 20 minutes b.b.c. Wiltshire arrant thanks very much good morning just like a bit slow in Swindon at the moment if you're coming down at the 419 just down towards junction 15 that's looking fairly busy at a 350 day that's coping 3 become as is traffic through mobile and said we're 50 heading on to the a 3 a 3 that's looking nice in clear east and westbound if you having into Summerset I just around it just as there was an accident reported on the a $383.00 just causing it well to hold ups and if you having into songs break pretty hard injunctions double those roadworks The causing one of the with delays not be enforced coping fine and there's no delay showing locally on the trains and that's the latest travel every 20 minutes spots a problem call at 345951 double 3 double 6 a.b.c. Will show. We are going to be looking at these crime figures a bit later on the program in a few mutuals and you look at just how people are suffering trying to keep out of their tractors neg tolls and combine everything else in the country and there's always some shocking tales of how people have had it bad we're asking you you know while still keeping absolutely the severity of a store in the forefront of our mind and have police are going to get on top of it we're also going to use this as an opportunity to find out once and for all when we speak to people in the now if. It's somewhat easy and you might imagine to make tractors because they all use the same case is that true or is it just an urban myth or rural myth should I say you can get away with any tractor because they all use the same kitty shouldn't if that's true they'd be made a little bit more security conscious soon says Ben regarding the tracks according to the words it was a brand new combine harvester has one kid I've got a brand new carbon harvest in our give you the kill Yes She's right Sue is right so maybe it's true all tractors can be operated with the same Nobody likes a diversion on their way home but when it's a musical diversion it can be quite fun was born in choosing 951 for one cheat at 1st so we British in 1980 but the longer you listen the easier it gets for this person songs was famously used in a television commercial featuring a gorilla playing the drums you sick. So did you get it of course it was Phil Collins Newscycle diversion part of Dr week days from 4 on b.b.c. World 7 coming up in just a few minutes time 50 years since pirate radio was closed down or at least the government tried to close it down completely 1st sports news with Bam Williams good morning Ben. Smith our 2nd some technical issues but they are absolutely ratified now there we go right yet lovely Smith finished 9th on his debut at the u.s. P.g.a. Championship making him the best British player at the tournament Smith who's from Derry hill near Qom ended his final round on 3 under par to tie it with Open runner up former world number one Jason Day and Chris Stroud Smith finished 7 shots off the lead he spoke to Richie percent absent How do you sum up your final day this is . Really really up to. Over one just really really just myself for the whole week he said coming into the. Said after winning the tournament I got you here you are pinching yourself being here so what was the reality like for the 4 days of the event still on the same still pinch myself but now I've had some very good grapes enjoyed the whole experience and and the players are ready to go I'm happy to talk us through for people back home the progression you made from. Europe or your approach or Order of Merit just 2 years ago yes they won one now and I won the Grand Final to win out which got me into top 5 which got me in charge talk art and managed to win the chara sort of merit the year off and lucky enough one Tom and German companies which got me into this you set yourself any goals over the last 2 years where you wanted to be just letting it all happen not really you just just just let it all happen enjoy myself put in some hard work with my team back home and. Enjoy myself and that's still the ambition or the way you're going to go about it from here there's nothing no fish Oh yeah just to keep them on the and it's working so far so hope for that progression to keep going play this weekend to see what you can do next thank you much Justin Thomas went on to win the championship to take his 1st major title as we've been hearing which is Danni Talbot picked up his gold medal last night after stopping to victory in the relay at the World Athletics Championships sprinter from Tre bridge ran the 3rd leg in the 4 by 100 meter final on Saturday night saying We Saturday's action a Swindon manager Dave Flitcroft has hailed the ability of his 350000 pounds signing from Wigan came with the striker scored the town equalizer in the One or League 2 draw with Exeter so I've been watching Campbell it for 6 to 8 months you know this is just he's not just landed here you know from Pluto. You know I've been watching him he's been playing in the north and you know been tracking what he does is work he goes we were access all areas of the County Ground on Saturday you can catch highlights via the i Player including. Interviews with the club's new secretary and performance director as well as fullback Kyle what Noi and the fans. Who scored twice on his Premier League debut for Manchester United as they beat West Ham 4 in their 1st game of the new season to go top of the table we please stop mentioning this and we just forget it ever happened if you listen on Friday show Sue Davis here she's running a fantasy football league whenever I got my 12 year old son to take care of business for our team he knows his football he only went and put the card on the bench thinking they put him in the Tina how he missed out about 20 points Delhi Ali as well the Spurs midfielder on the bench Jordan picked for the Everton goalie clean she on the bench I had words last night with Charlie and rightly so I said go into a dark room read up on the rules and regulations or quite frankly are not letting you do all my hard work for the next 9 months going to be tough since defending champion as well. Motor Sports success for several weeks the drivers at Castle circuits classic weekend there were class winds in the saloons for William to Claudio from caution and Simon Thornton Norris West Wind and Wayne Rushworth was 2nd in his class in the tin tops with the Ford and Simon all in front of the devices was 7th in the Magnificent Sevens with his k. Through him so as Brees Tony Bennett had an exciting outing in the special g.t. Starting from pole position and leading for several laps ended up 4th and cricket Wilcher structure for a 3 day match at the end of day one yesterday which should lead by $341.00 runs $72.00 for 2 off 18 over simply regimes later this morning thank you so much Ben Williams Don't worry we'll have plenty more on that incredible performance by Danny Tarbert 3 of his friends in the relay sprint from Trowbridge running that important 3rd leg in the 4 by 100 meters final on Saturday night tense away you'll hear more about it but right now it's 50 years ago today since Britain's pirate radio stations were outlawed Howard Wilson's Labor government was introducing the Marine Offenses Act which meant most of the offshore stay. Worth forced to close many of the most prominent deejays Tony Blackburn Kenny Everett John Pilger jumped ship to join the b.b.c. Which opened its 1st pop Service Radio one just weeks later but Britain's 1st pirate radio caroline which came on air in 1964 defied the law and carried on it only stayed on air for another 7 months but the station still broadcasting online and has recently been awarded a medium wave license Johnny Walker has now radiates who was one of the rebels aboard Caroline. Right. It is hard to convey how a different everything was then that what they were not lots of radio stations there was no daily pop from the b.b.c. So it's these are pirate stations like Carolina like London and Radio 270 Radio Scotland they became so important in people's lives that you know they could hear the music they wanted to hear any time of day or night and because everybody lived on the ship at the time you not only got the music you liked but you sort of became part of this this radio family that lived on board but Caroline kept going and if it was going to keep going I wanted to be a part of it how do you feel as midnight approached the hero martyr all criminal I felt frightened. I felt a huge ways a responsibility on my shoulders there economic you know over 20000000 people were listening all over the continent at that night so a big responsibility but really exciting behind was that was the worry of how Robbie Dale and I were going to keep this station going because we arrived that afternoon to find the D.J.'s who hadn't had the on shore support that we just experienced they've been sitting out there on their own worrying about going into illegal and having to go into exile and having to go to ha. And not seeing their friends and family for who knows how long when the bug came out at lunch time they got on it so does just Robbie and me and a news reader to try and keep counting going this is Radio Caroline and it is now true but I. Was we really felt alone in those early and early days we got a ship about once a week sometimes once a fortnight we run low on water we've grown food the weather was against us everything seemed to be against us Radio one started up with fanfare from massive publicist and and it was like we're just being forgotten and I thought well let's try and put out a positive dream here that perhaps Caroline will emerge triumphant from all this I've heard this record which which was of promoting the Vietnam War and on the Beside was this instrumental version of Sergeant Barry Sadler's that was the record and I just sat up all night just writing these words and I became known as man's fight for freedom those are all story of my little fight for pretty doggone. It was a story on some notes on the fly on. August 14th was this dog is Robbie die on Johnny Walker last proudly robocall street I'm quite embarrassed when I hear it now actually because for some reason I did this very sort of actor ish kind of presentation on it but I just wanted to pee pads for the battle is over on the radio becomes a way of life but never taken for granted that. Nobody will ever go again Monday August comporting you know I did a 100 times like these I will. Johnny Walker starting that montage there the past of pirate radio farm on RB We see website half past 7 just before Nick brings you all the news Jason and chip and brings us here track to news Bernie says good morning regarding your question Do all tractors work off the same kid my fellow football coach is a farmer he tells me that tractors cost a quarter of a 1000000 pounds each and yes they all have the same k. Jason chip and I'm suggesting it is true and not some kind of urban slash rural in a field myth he's even cited a few tracts of brand names there to make it look like he really knows his tractor industry onions Thank you Jason we will endeavor to get a proper farmer not just your mate you claim is a proper for a proper farmer in get him on if you want someone to phone him b.b.c. Watch out 345951 double 3 double 6 if not we're going to try to get another one on to confirm if this is true or not before 9 o'clock is the big question. On. I'm 6 inches of your choice in. The World. Here's Nick. There are calls for better standards of care for people living with dementia in Wilcher Health Watch will tour the independent health and care organization claim levels of care are inconsistent and some doctors dismiss patients concerns about their memory rural crime cost 560000 pounds and watch for last year that's according to a report by the insurance company the n.f.u. Mutual out this morning they say it fell by 18 percent in 2016 compared to the previous year but quad bikes 4 by fours all terrain vehicles and tools are still being targeted by thieves the number of passengers suspected of being drunk at airports in the u.k. And on flights has risen sharply in the last year a Panorama investigation found arrests went up by 50 percent in the 12 months to February. The charity says around 140000 children in England don't getting the help they need because they aren't thought to be at risk Action for Children is calling for better guidelines for assessing young people and more funding for councils b.b.c. Will join you sit 733 times look at the weather now holy grain Good morning holiday Good morning bad not bad Sunday got a sight mainstay of chewing the cud over the heads in the front lawns yesterday he was miring is a cherry tree I think it is I was making sure my lawn looks spec and spot and we agreed that you know 27 saying not a complete write off yeah Olga's hasn't been great has it but before then it was quite nice we had sort of some decent weather through June and July but it was seems to be the way that the kids break up a needle goes downhill I'm good not bad at times through the weekend in this week is Ok at times but there will be some rain in the full cost as well and we've got some of that just Carney sitting across southwestern parts of the u.k. And it is slowly heading its way towards us in general then for many of us a brightish dollar to things and have good if you missed 2 full patches but they should handle it in clear bold and fine cloud continuing they can through the course of this morning mostly dry I think this morning maybe an isolated shower but the bulk of the morning dryly but in come the afternoon the risk of some patchy outbreaks of friends are going downhill a little bit through the course of the day and temperatures for today getting up to around about say 90 maybe 20 degrees indeed tonight then we see further outbreaks of rain at times especially through the middle part the night when it could be quite lively Eventually though it nips returns drier lows at 13 or 14 had it leads to a brighter day tomorrow I suppose the sunshine the bulk of the day is dry before the showers pop up here and there into the afternoon and feeding what will in the sunshine with highs of 20 or 21 at least instead of into Wednesday but gradually cloud they can see the course of the day when outbreaks of rain moving in later and then it's a case of sunshine and showers as we head through Does day and Friday on Thursday the winds fairly light but they do tend to whip up on Fridays he shallows will have quite a bluster to them as ever of course legal steps they don't read. Well let's fight and thank you I think we well most of us well if we got some of the flick on there are some point during the day thank you so much Holly green 7 35 pm with your breakfast on b.b.c. Washington when we think about crime here in Cannes we often think about how many times city centers but farmers are more sure often that picking up the pace is also being targeted by criminals named Bush is an honorable and sheep farmer that time farm in North Rex when a chip in him and I last decade he's had his fashion our problems including asons fasts and fly tipping to they think that just because it's opportune time they can come along to pop their rubbish recently we had an burnt out caravan overnight and the gateway which we had to tidy up we seem to be picking up after other people and we have put in place c.c.t.v. Cameras to try and catch the people who do it very difficult to catch them actually at it theft of small tools acquired we've forgotten attempted stealing of a quarter last year we had a fire yes they torched my barn or 2 pants with a in straw and that caused our 1st a lot of hassle and grief people do think as a farm it's free access help themselves and it isn't it's our livelihoods and we do not want to lose any tools or fuel or any items at all while a vast amount on listen issues and the cost of rural crime in Welsh has gone down it seems according to latest figures from a nephew Mitchell Rebecca Davidson's from the insurance and with us is heading in the right direction by the signs every back. We are finding the figures for last year encouraging and we're convinced that the best way to tackle real crime is when the police in communities and farmers work more closely together sharing information and looking out for each other and that we're still concerned in Wiltshire it's costing over half a 1000000 pounds a year and it's Nick was just saying to you I think one of the biggest impacts is the anxiety and stress a problem is causing far and they're constantly having to increase their security at the new ways of protecting their equipments and I think that you know when we survey people in the countryside one of their biggest fears was actually being state South and being watched followed by long police response times in rural areas I mean this assertion from from there almost like you know they're fair game you know they've got a large property the most they can cover every single failed in every single binary and it's a kind of you know white and something will happen well thieves know that the countryside is likely to be empty a lot of hype say that gives him the confidence to attack and that's often in daylight and so that's why it's so important that everybody works together and also brings about prosecutions as well sends out a clear message that the countryside isn't an easy target Strangely enough that if you know crime fighting it seems by 18 percent in 2016 into 560000 pounds it's still a lot of crime and could it change polices in communities eyes off the board but a complacency and it can that's why we need to keep raising awareness of this issue and sadly looking at our claim States for the 1st 6 months of this year overall across the u.k. It looks like it could be going up by as much as 20 percent is it isn't every time a case of a farmer in a deserves the sympathy empathy or or sometimes the people you know shoot themselves into the 1st in a manner of speaking. I don't think so at all I don't think they should ever be seen it's an easy target what we've seen is crimes really changing the face of the countryside and we're seeing highly organized gangs stealing expensive tractors machines which are costing over 100000 pounds in some cases so they can be exported on Kasten side lorry street ports into Europe and they're sold on right across the globe so this is a large scale problem and let's talk about that I mean what kind of security is needed to maintain your quarter of a 1000000 pound tracts and we all might think that we're a bit over the board making sure no one next are our state car or what have you but you know I mean how easy is it to take one. World if these are very determined and as we say they are very highly organized gangs but pharmacies in tracking devices on track season marking video in infrared surveillance in their farm yards and we're even finding that pharmacy using d.n.a. Markers to protect sheep from restless now asked me one thing plays are back and is it true is it true despite all those security advances you just cited there is it true that all tractors can be started using the same k. . Well historically tractors did have universal keys and that technology has moved on since then and farmers all are also using immobilizes in tracking devices as well but the manufacturers realized in these increased security and they've developed ways to protect machinery so they're very much trying to design out crime so any thought of me finding a key with you know big red tractor number one label on it in the middle of Chippenham and going to the nary a scary show that I can find is completely futile Well police don't then. We very much hopes. That actually protect that machinery that we are finding with some of the smaller older tract that they are a target as well they're being taken they might be smaller uneasy as to transport and they're being broken up into parts and shipped across the globe and there's quite a bit demands for them in developing countries Thank you for now Rebecca Davidson from n.f.u. Mutual insurance firm on breakfast b.b.c. Russia 740 keep your views keep your anecdotes place of the Big do or tractors use the same key question coming in Jason a listener and chip in I'm saying is May is a farmer and a football coach like Jason is and when they cheer the come from time to time he maintains that you can absolutely still start various tractors with the same kid. 320 minutes b.b.c. World 741 here's our thanks very much Morning cynical Beslow behind I'm junction I've got these roadblocks and Downton road a particularly slow if you having it towards some degree this morning and the a 383 that's moving fairly well at least 3150 if you having southbound just around out west Nashton we got some patches of slow traffic there also looking a bit busy through car as well on the a 4 traffic 3 chip in just a bit busy at the bumpers farm roundabout and in Swindon there was a broken down car on the a for one night. I just got towards the one times roundabout that's been made now but still got some slow traffic b m 4 go back is looking good on the cameras and there's no delays locally on the trying the latest. Travel every 20 minutes spots a problem call at 345951 double 3 double 6 c.b.c. Will show. 742 absolutely delighted to say is the time that I don't have to look in the papers because someone does all the hard work for me and for you Reverend Dr John Anderson I can see the priest in charge of the liberal group is with us again good morning John and good morning Ben you were right yes yes Monday morning tough course a lot of paper of us trying of void the Monday morning do you normally do Friday same type of busy so much in August I've got a very very hectic you have you tell us one or 2 of the things you can I was going on because you are one of these people who got fingers in so many parts Well I've been on holiday for 2 weeks that was really get I went to Iceland and Greenland was a prop all the way you switched off and you go and meet other people in the you know religious position no it was a proper family holiday which was good to have 5 days with no wife I it was fantastic What are the kids think about 5 days right what they've been pre-warned so they had lots of stuff loaded on to their devices so what did you do to minds off of just getting to eat most if they don't they did a lot of t.v. One of them a day and they did lots of t.v. From Icelandic neck flicks what an experience what is it like over it was main thing it was really interesting and I learned a lot of sort of history about Iceland which I didn't know told before like we'll keep pied Iceland as a neutral country the pritish invaded which I never knew how many years ago it was that I was 19 which one of 42 almost assume is the Germans invaded Denmark then Britain arced I said Would you like us to come in occupy us and that Icelandic government said no impression one anyway I never knew that what I watch in the war World War 2 in color. At the moment on the on the streaming systems I'm sure going to get slapped soon yeah I hadn't heard that that was maybe in Greenland is just very very different to the newspapers Piers the front pages for what they say Ok so the Daily Mail has worn heart deaths the Daily Mirror has my fight to save marriage the sun has hunts 44 k. Flash fire and that's quite funny about this I don't know what I think about this bathroom suite thing is hard installed and I think it's a very very much more expensive than what I ordered online for about 400 quid for a lot yes it's problem there when you start having contractors' having to do things it. Doesn't seem very sensible use of money from the outside you want of these people though who moans and you think someone does if their job position means they're trying to save money because the children always tired you know and I think I think because you know the whole thing I start to come to a deal which was about our incredibly expensive toilet Cullen saying it was near it was 800000 pounds for us to get a toilet which seems to mean she's his 1st friend into the show but the thing is is it going to be good value and that's the question is it going to be good value say that's a question for me I hope he's going to make it 44 k. Of showers after cycling in. And then there's some other things very small stamp duty in Telegraph and basically the times in the eye talking about trees I'm a coming back from holiday she's got a lot to do it makes my to do this look quite small if Jeremy Hunt is ever criticized for not being in the public eye enough you know sort of on the hospital wards or in Westminster you're going to be alright with that because you want to close doors put in the flush time and time again to increase the value ratio and I'd like to know some really good decisions that he makes in that bathroom 745 we're going to sign the papers with John in just a 2nd. Headlines on b.b.c. Reckon so. About the standard of g.p. Care for people with dementia in Wilcher a b.b.c. Investigation has found there's been a sharp rise in the number of passengers suspected of being drunk on planes and rural crime cost watch as a commie more than half a 1000000 pounds last year Sports News has banned Jordan Smith finished 9th on his debut at the Us p.g.a. Championship making him the best British player at the tournament and on his even for the town this weekend Swindon 31 all with league 3 rivals Exeter weatherwise cloudy with a brace of rank quite breezy 2 and a top temperature 20 degrees Celsius 68 degrees Fahrenheit the green back half past 8. So your 1st story today yes so in the Indian advertiser There's a lovely picture of people queuing up young people queuing up outside the wife in theatre and they go on a production of summer holiday and I just wanted to have as a bit of local good news story and more than 100 young doctors actors and singers will be spending the next fortnight putting on a musical from scratch and I was just thinking actually that's going to be a really positive transforming experience for the Haitian people thought it was great I did laugh to myself when I 1st saw this story that people are coming from as far away as renting in Chippenham. But it's really transformative those sort of experiences that young people have and so I think that's really positive and you can go and see it and 24th of August to the 26th focus to be on the wife and star of stay. I did a couple of school play nice but one of the things one of my daughters does quite a lot of backstage stuff and she really enjoys it it's that whole team building thing as well but also having your own responsibility which is great and it's just such good from Have you always been Ok with speaking in public given do quite a lot of. I remember the 1st time I read the Bible lesson in church about 25 years ago a for a long time. Was really quite shaky I did 1st pitch when I was 18 when it was kind of fed into I had to speak from my previous job as well so it just kind of fed into both things so the oratory of Donald Trump No he's always really Razan is that head isn't he when your arm papers he's always doing something one day I'm going to come and he's not going to be in the papers so when we were on holiday last week I thought bits going his shaking my head about North Korea but it's kind of disappeared from the headlines today and I don't really know what to say about it really. I'm really glad that my Pence is stood up and been absolutely right condemning of the groups which Donald Trump would not today to name and His Enemies part. Hoping that somebody would say these people if some of these people are terrorists particular person drove a car into the crowd the footage of that is really a shock and I saw some of it last night and it's. Shocking shocking stuff and it's. Yes and it's been a most limb. I wonder what Donald Trump's response have been in that situation I'm kind of assuming that most of you at home have seen some kind of reports about this we're talking at a vigil that's been held overnight in the American city of Charlottesville in Virginia in honor of a woman killed when a car was driven into a crowd demonstrating against a white supremacist running everything has gone on since then. And it was it was trumped absence of the of anything other than you know on all sides of things. You know parts he was condemning hate on all sides and violent small size and not maiming people like their clique like Klan and the white supremacists is saying this is wrong and so are the people have had to be brave on it so 20th of January to now i'm he's not doing particularly well at this present job pretty well others decide that but he has been he is putting his or him when you're trying to review the papers he's trying to dominate is that we do let you go to the times and I page 8 or 9 yet now there's a lovely lovely picture I don't know if you've seen it so I brought the paper and so you can see some of it it's a yarn bombing of bridge between north and southern island. And this lovely lady reach it Rita deftly has Jambo the bridge which is a border between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland and with cushions with knitted cushions to think about a soft border water a soft border with me with me and I look to the tourney to peace so bear with me with this is hard to bear with me when your microphone in front of your mouth is so bright yellow which which tell you something was the other one. 0 no I can't remember it's a long time ago I mean sorry I mean when you thought it strange when one of the things Teletubbies teaches people is about sequencing so particularly tough because Did you have to put the ball into neat then you pull the lever and the turret because to comes out and goes. In the bowl and if you don't put the bowl and today thirst the cust again he's everywhere and I think this border between North and South Niland is just one example of how we didn't know when we entered backset how many bowls we'd need to put on to how many bits in this custard everywhere is it for file that horrible diet work last I don't know what the tell you tip is custard but it's pink telling Pecos that was pink when my churchmen itll but it's just all those kind of consequences the learning about consequences if we do this then this will mean that and I think that. Some of this quite thing thoughtful about it but there are even for those people who are very anti backset the have been a whole raft of consequences which we haven't necessarily thought about before the Northern Irish and southern border issue is huge but there are other things like licensing medicines and whether for me I'm allergic to particular sort food coloring and at the moment it's. So I just read the packet what's going to happen after we leave the European Union and we can have to read designate all our attitudes and our food labeling and you know everything everywhere you go there's more custard all over the place. I can't really top that. With anything any more canny top custard where the person is grown his own custard does the topping doesn't it yeah cut nothing on top of the custard. Thank you Janet it's lovely to be here pretty much speechless 750 to think about what she said there is truth in the afternoons with James Thomas always happy to give anything again of obscene I'm going to misbehave herself but I'm going to be futile you get the same rebel go get it because now that you can love him I actually have a good to her heart to have to pull this room not too hard just to feel this is for if it could simply sit there again and you can hear again James Thomas what's all the key like yourself to your family it took a bit in the end because it is a bit too warm a bit too much the woman of my age you know. But. Luckily I'm never have to find that out so explain as Thomas weekday afternoons and see you on b.b.c. Will share come a smarter more about that time with your breakfast right now and apparently thank you to Mark Emma Hughes telling Tubby knowledge she's assuring me that the yellow tell you if you are in any doubts whatsoever was La-La back in that hugely popular b.b.c. Period of punching out episode after episode of tell you in the little green land the yellow one was law one of the stories in the papers today in The Times that Janet didn't mention was this one about a British banker who boarded the wrong Plame or trying to fly home and it up in Las Vegas despite claiming the airline staff a check his boarding pass 3 times we've asked you if you've got a similar story maybe not as dramatic as that one but of being on the wrong bus in the wrong taxi on the wrong train keep on coming plays 834-5951 double 3 double segues you can hear what happened in from Julie in bar after 8 o'clock. $753.00 and is it really 5 years since the London Olympics the Games Makers the medals the mascots and works of sport stars winning gold but where are they now some a step. Competing others over time had brought from one side McCain to one goat in the comic but he's now an accountant's She's in London has been so many of our fellow temperament they'll have to work hard to remember they're not going to get their McCue are I think I'm not gonna lie I'm still holding on that is what I look here for Great Britain and I'm not why I'm on the let's. Say become the Olympic champion and the men's k one through a 100 metres you went 2012 a kayak a podium a gold medal around his neck 2017 a computer an office chair a toy around his neck a lot changed in the 5 years thread McKeever you get to a stage in life realize that I'm not Peter time I can keep going on the water forever and it's nice to kind of settle down and get regular 9 to 5 see honest a decision came very naturally to me I started a family this year I had a little boy that was born in January so I fully accepted a few years ago that I wasn't going to be able to sit in about forever so I had to make kind of plans something to fall back on so when you came in you start do the hello I met and you saw get to know people did anybody know about your sporting background you do drop it in all the people still now months on that have no idea that you got a limpid gold medal so much back home I think everyone's been briefed before my arrival so yeah everyone knew in the office you still got on the the water in any way shape or form you had to do it so it's quite nice to just be up there recreationally now actually part of this morning is for those things I was never that keen on doing gym in the in the summer just because it's so nice to be outside and on the water but you're waking up saw from all the training if you're training 3 or 4 times a day that takes its toll on your body so the next morning when you go to wake up everything I says quite nice to kind of wake up and feel fresh. Back in Bradford the golden postbox remains a bridge just no named the key the bridge so it's legacy lives on but is there a London Legacy that thinks there is from London 2012 I think there's still that awareness of events and awareness of sport and love of sport and you know I think that it continued to grow Isn't it fantastic from a sport is all about participation and enjoyment the more people that get that message the better really but in terms of actual uptake you know I think it is it's kind of gradually improving obviously there was a big spike straight after London but I think it's going to stabilized a bit now and you hopefully will come a slightly rise and you have a go back and to stick the d.v.d. On and what your race again and you know every time I do watch it I still get goose bumps on the medal was that 5 years on this think is actually tucked away in a tracksuit in the cupboards from the law school visited science yet still kept safe rather than evens and Mackay even though counting beings are not strokes talking soon in long term Well there's no better time to be talking about a sporting legacy because it's been an amazing weekend for which a sports day we'll go for Jordan Smith was the best British player at the u.s. P.g.a. Championship finishing night from his debut at a major tournament as the boy from Bow wood but it all started with Tribe or sprinter Dani Talbot's and Team G.B.'s 4 by 100 meter relay team and why don't you go there and see if you are on the all important 1st leg of the us right now and see you can start moving I want to stand up and start going wild on the race from the start yeah. Yeah then when the race actually got going and c.j. Upset a great bass note we're clearly in the lead in the crowd was speeding up and out and shouts and I can barely hear him a lot of kind of that's when you got trouble just so you know if you want to strike but I think that the was. Thank you. Yes because I mean it was said that they stayed at the end to watch of the law to go no which is a moment we'll never get back and would probably never have a home or Championships in our careers and say to go out there and and win it with these guys is somebody who. Was probably was some of the stuff of Demi the champion of the world how incredibly outrageous was a vase for a while millions of people across the globe watched team g.b. Weighing go up as we heard from Donny that the noise of the cry was a mess the commentators struggling to have themselves paper Gibbs's from Chippenham when she was at the London stadium watching that famous victory Peppa Good morning good morning how was it. Had because we are you saying oh I'm a fire except Jade aftermath and then the atmosphere again and the touch paper with us and then the boys ran the race just when. It was fantastic and you had a great view of Danny Talbot waited to we were where we were sat we watched the 1st train into at intimate and then Adam ran the leg of his life and then as Danny said on that day the baton went and he just for a round that corner and the crowd. I think they probably just carried them home they were brilliant I think everything was fantastic paper and chip and one well share athletics found there to see history being made brilliant absolutely wonderful stuff. For you 20 minutes b.b.c. World Ok traffic heavy between young and slow between roll one pass in Junction 16 of the m 4 once again and slow in Salzburg while some road and Castle rate say no delays on the trains where your mother was coming now 50 percent fewer trains still at London Waterloo to 2 engineering words so Southwest trains a factor Don't forget. Digits in your voice in. The World. It's gone case New Jersey writes It's news there are calls for better standards of care for people living with dementia in Wilcher Health Watch welcher the independent health and care organization claim levels of care are inconsistent and some doctors dismiss patients concerns about their memory they say not everyone gets a straightforward diagnosis and some patients were referred on to other services or offered reviews David Walker from Belgium is a carer for his wife who has out Simers but was initially misdiagnosed with depression it was very difficult because her behavior was very aggressive quite violent times. The lady next door was coming into the house and interfering with her clothes and I make up an issue. Eventually the wrong diagnosis meant that we had to leave that house moved down to will be in the family Lucy Woodroffe is from Health Watch Wilcher she says getting that initial diagnosis is key to getting the right treatment you know G.P.'s are able to refer nearly diagnosed patients into that demented. Yes and there are support service that will come and visit that person at home really go through in teach how some of the things that they can expect and then refer them on to other support organizations like cafes memory singing for the brain things like that so they're valuable support now will show farmer says some people believe they can just walk on to his land and help themselves Nick Bush is an Arab oil and sheep farmer it down farm north rocks all new chip on him he suffered a string of crimes at his property over the past decade including arsons theft and fly tipping although New figures out today from the insurance company n.f.u. Mutual suggest rural crime has fallen in Wilcher He says it's still an issue people do. At the farm it's free our help themselves. Is our livelihood and we do not want to lose any tools or fuel or any items at all and Rebecca Davidson from n.f.u. Mutual says the crime makes some farmers ill I think one of the biggest impacts is young scientists in stress the problem is causing and they're constantly having to increase their security at the new ways of protecting their equipments and I think you know when we survey people in the countryside one of their biggest was actually being state South and being watched a b.b.c. Investigation has found a 50 percent rise in the number of people arrested for being drunk on flight sound airports in the 12 months to February the figure was at $387.00 compared to $255.00 the previous year Di Whittingham is the head of the u.k. Flight safety committee eventually it becomes a safety issue an offense to be drunk on the. Issue is very much the behavior of passengers perhaps in an emergency cabin crew are the primary purpose is safety and of course people who are drunk then interfere with that process the charity act. And for children up to 140000 vulnerable youngsters didn't receive the help they needed last year because their cases weren't judged to be serious enough the government says its reforms will improve the situation Debbie Morgan is a children's center manager of course it's harder now of court just under 2 and a half 1000 on the far east and 3 members of staff so as much as we do you there's a lot that we can't possibly do because we can't be if you were born we were already aware we're families that we're not picking up in the same way and it's only going to get worse from that new skatepark is finally ready work started at the King George the 5th the playing field back in April with a plan to have it finished in time for the start of the summer holidays recent weather has delayed the 180000 pound project by around 3 weeks now which the council has told us it will open at midday today. Well just Danny Talbot picked up his gold medal last night after storming to victory in the relay the World Athletics Championships the sprinter from Tribe rage around the 3rd leg in the 4 by 100 meters final on Saturday night and staying with athletics and 5 years on from the Olympics in London welchers Olympic champion Ed McKeever says the legacy of 2012 is fantastic 5 years on from the games the kayak is now retired and he told b.b.c. What he seen a clear uptake in sports across the board from a sport is all about participation and enjoyment the more people who get that message the better really but in terms of actual Updike you know I think is this kind of gradually improving obviously there was a big spike straight after London but I think it's gonna stabilised a bit now and you hope it will come a slightly rise golf and dairy Hills Jordan Smith finished 9th on his debut at the Us p.g.a. Championship making him the best British player of the tournament just in Thomas won the championship to take his 1st major title Welch's weather cloudy with outbreaks of rain today that could be a few breaks in the cloud later on a top temperature of 20 this afternoon generally and settle for the rest of the week with sunshine and showers tomorrow b.b.c. World News 5 past 8. Break we entreat b.b.c. Will show please make coming up before 9 o'clock we're going to be pairing into the bottom of the pint glasses along with our 3 diary drinkers here on b.b.c. Well following those reports I recently saying that consumers rising commission is to some of our local hospitals are rising 3 people volunteer pigs getting sold or not as the case may be this weekend hopefully recording every single last drop of alcohol or love put into the task that will be in being honest and transparent with us and we'll get a doctor trial as a result I will also ask you this morning please only 345951 double 3 double 6 when did your travel plans go wrong when we were in the wrong taxi on the wrong plain mean. Perhaps Or maybe you know stopped to fall in the past after one man was trying to go from Colona British boat he wanted to come back to Stansted to see his pregnant wife who was having her 3rd child he ended up in Las Vegas it wasn't his fault either your stories plays when travel plans go wrong you can take say one triple 3 start it will show your voice in your county coal as 345951 devil 3 devil 6 b.b.c. Will show. 6 minutes past days and the independents health and Carol guys ation Health Watch which is calling for more consistency for people diagnosed with dementia and you reports they publish says care being given by G.P.'s was a bit of a mixed bag really is sort of pot luck we'll get some reaction to the reports in the moments of 1st our ports Emily has been to me David and Georgina Walker of their home on the edge of Mount Sion Georgina was diagnosed with Alzheimer's in 2013 and for the last 12 months Dave has been keeping a diary charting everyday life living with the illness I'm on at you all the time if she leaves her curling tongs on all the had leuer left on the cause of the problem she's so smoking. She want to know where her cigarettes are how she got any. There's a frustration of concert talking to herself especially to members talking to her friends in the. Know intimacy you know love I got the occasional hook or she asked to be. We set apart we sleep in the same we might as well not we only have one but anyway and children to go it's just you and me. We said this. When you went to the g.p. The 1st time when you actually got the incorrect diagnosis how difficult was that to cope with. It was very difficult because her behavior was very aggressive quite violent times she. The lady next door was coming into the house and interfering with her clothes and I make up an issue eventually the wrong diagnosis meant that we had to leave our house and move down to Wilcher to be nearer to family and how did that make you feel. Devastated in one way because where we lived in Lincolnshire was where we were going to end our days we had everything we had the lifestyle we hope of the social life that the 2 went down saying Once the way. We could go to concerts etc are. All the arts stopped now you're down here do you have a good relationship your local g.p. And health care services we have an excellent relationship with our g.p. The whole of the surgery if I need some advice on Georgina because I can't get it down to the surgery anymore they will send someone out straight away and what difference does that make to you in your daily life Firstly gives me reassurance that I need any help I'm going to get it but also it's helped me to a little bit to understand the conversation further in terms of how she is deteriorating physically and mentally. So why is it so important to have an early diagnosis. Well my story is a good example of why we didn't get the early diagnosis and we lost out because of the benefit of getting the early diagnosis is twofold one is the person who's got the diagnosis now knows what the issue is and how they can deal with it but the other benefit of the early diagnosis for the is for the person who is going to be caring for the person with the diagnosis so that they can start planning for the future and putting in place a lot of the things that they can put in place while the person that they're caring for can also make decisions I didn't have a chance to talk to my wife about how she wanted to be cared for so I'm caring for her in a way that I think I'm the I know that she would want to be cared for I know she would want to be Wild West I know she would want to have washing every day I know she would want to like shaving and I do all of there for her but we didn't have the opportunity because we got the wrong diagnosis for her to contribute towards their own. Let's get reaction from the Welsh a clinical commissioning group in just a 2nd to see what they make of that with David Walker there taking us through what it's like for him and his wife Georgina living without Simon The report looks at the levels of care and the cancer was put together as we said by Health Watch well and earlier I spoke to their manager Lucy wood rough the report really does highlight the lack of consistency in clarity that people can expect living with dementia from their g.p. Practices I mean we've we've had some really good examples of people living with dementia and that carries receiving a direct cleared out diagnosis which as date with David said really enables them to plan for their future and to manage the condition but at the Earth people have told us that actually they've not received that direct diagnosis they've not been referred on to ongoing support organizations like to mentor advises and they've not . Had ongoing house checks said Wilson It is community and joint commission diets at which a clinical commissioning group listening to what's Lucy Woodruff survivor and Firstly David good morning good morning what in some cases is going wrong then in terms of people not getting the diagnosis early I don't know things are going wrong it's great to hear about David Walker 'd experience he's had remote chance which he didn't have elsewhere why I can say until the evidence is that you mentioned about the ranch diagnosis rates in Wiltshire the figure actually just to correct you is 67 point one percent which is above the national target that puts us in the Category One of the best in the country in terms of diagnosing dementia patients for our population Ok so that's gone up from what the 66.3 percent that it was in January of this year so that's a recent rise we have just large of a 6767 point one before years ago when I started to see c.j. Was languishing around the 40 percent mark So still there's about 33 percent no clinging on we have. Well it's not so much that it's so obviously but the point has been made is early diagnosis is key but not always the case the people who are presenting to the g.p. Practice early early enough in their dementia so we were trying to encourage that people to come and come forward much more quickly and I suppose as Catch 22 isn't if people are hearing stories of others not being diagnosed quickly or not being given the time of day they're wary that their G.P.'s can help well I think it's it's understandings what the condition is it's very debilitating one the 1st signs of it can be very confusing it could be just a bit of memory forgetfulness. Which could be something not like to mention it could be something like a cognitive and impairment so we need to understand when dementia comes comes about and people are recognizing some of those symptoms and there are. Signposts and advice and information available for people to be able to identify what that is and go to their G.P.'s as soon as they can but once they get there my point being some G.P.'s maybe not knowing enough about the subject to really confidently diagnose or or point them in the right direction not really follow their own but maybe work pressures lack of you know information from the top I think what we know is that there are some G.P.'s who specialize in in dealing with older people and understand dementia others may or may have specialisms or skills elsewhere but what we do also appreciate is we've been providing some additional training for. Our practice start a g.p. Practice staff and so far we've got over 250 of our practice staff who are who have received dementia friends training so they certainly recognize the you know the the problems associated with this condition and to provide help and support you know nice try and are being made in some quarters but I mean it's not just on the patient of course it is about the whole family unit the cameras in some cases it does appear that G.P.'s weren't prioritizing appointments for carers Why's that. Well I haven't got any evidence of that obviously we welcome the report from Health Watch him so we can identify what the findings are from people of experience. These these issues what is the evidence the evidence is in the Health Watch report so well I think you know you obviously they picked up one or 2 particular areas and where came to obviously learn from that but that you know as I said the evidence demonstrates that there is a lot more consistency there is there is better diagnosis and the improvements we've got as a result of working with Alzheimer's support with our dimension of viruses is improving all the time however we're not wanting to be complacent we recognize if there where there is gaps where there is inconsistency is we want to improve on them and what about technology and medical advancement you know you don't have to go very far to read a store in a newspaper where there's great hope spread because of different scans that can be had you know a cost I grant you a different blood tast something do you think that will make it easier in 51015 years time for G.P.'s. In terms of new technology g.p.s. Using that increasingly I'm more and more into the diagnosis so one would hope that would be the case for conditions like to mention maybe for a number of others as well Ted Wilson director of Community Services at the worship clinical commissioning group whether some breakfast today of course can say your story out 345951 double 3 double 6 you can text 81 triple 3 and started with the word will ship least so if you're on that dementia journey as they call it then what's it been like so far do you feel encouraged as to will some the same by some of the can is going on all do you feel like you didn't quite strike the jackpot you didn't strike gold and you were left hanging a little bit once you went and talked to a g.p. About what was going on to you or your loved one a 16. Without another news as we've been hearing or a concern about the standard of g. Care for people with dementia in Wilcher a b.b.c. Investigation has found there's been a sharp rise in the number of passengers suspected of being drunk on planes and it's claimed rule crime cost Walters economy more than half a 1000000 pounds last year and the weather cloudy with a brace of rain quite breezy to 20 degrees Celsius 68 degrees Fahrenheit Polly green packed with the weather a half a few for forecast and bam Williams with your sports news out past 8. And I want to get to Julian passed because he said this about half an hour ago not chance to squeeze it in is referring to this guy going on a plane from Cologne airport he's a businessman a British banker wanting to get home to the London area to you know care for his wife Many Q 7 months pregnant with their 3rd child got on board fell asleep woke up can imagine this woke up in their use of wiping the dribble from your mouth you think did I snore the least of his worries there more about what the guy next he thinks of you know he looks at his inboard flight entertainment screen on the seat in front of him he realizes that he's across the Atlantic flying to Las Vegas as an inquiry into how he went through 3 checks with the wrong ticket but that aside we're asking you this morning please even if it's not a dramatic is that your travel plans going wrong you fell asleep on a bus you got off the station whatever it might be let us know Julie says Ben I lived in Shropshire for 10 years a group of us nurses were coming to bar for study day and as I trained here I was in charge of travel everything went well Ben And so we got to Temple Meads station train and come in a couple of minutes early and there was a train to bar from the screen just about to leave we made a dash for it we got to the platform train still there the board said Barth we jumped on the train left seems to be going a different way we asked the manager the train was going back to Bristol Parkway I asked why he was on the barge platform he said that the train when I when we moved up the platform but the board said if I said it happens sometimes he said we had to go to Parkway white nearly an hour for the next 10. Train ban is you could imagine I never quite lived it down with my colleagues quite right Sue. Them freight b.b.c. World sure. B.b.c. Investigations found a 51 percent increase in the number of passengers being arrested for being drunk on airplanes in the past year figures from 18 out of the 20 police forces with a major airport in their area show arrests have gone up from 25523874 war the managing director of jet suit dot com the 1st airlines have been on flights before 8 in the morning he says the airport's needs who aren't so I think the key to more often refers to as well you know the terms of the. Car as well as be contrarians I think we have to take a stand we will issue a sanction to across the world and stop somebody from flying home if necessary and we have issued from. Between 272015 there were nearly 50000 instance of unruly behavior on international flights alley Murphy used to be a cabin crew manager she resigned after 14 years people just barmaids in the sky I was pulled into an upper class bed by a passenger who was feeling particularly lucky I guess they would start breast or they touch your legs or I mean hands going up my skirt up before it's raging G.'s thing and it shouldn't have to deal with that I guess I never wanted it to the police because sadly and this is completely wrong and any really occurring to me now you kind of just accept it as part of the B.B.C.'s Panorama program and you know like the union surveyed more than $4000.00 cabin crew nearly 90 percent it seemed disruptive drunken passenger behavior at u.k. Airports or on flights from the u.k. Our ports are Tina Delhi went undercover at an airport where you pay $25.00 pounds for 3 hours access to a v.o.i.p. Lines with unlimited booze she spoke to Karen David chief executive. At the airports Operators Association what we are encouraging is that all of our lounge staff if they are ethical allowed sometimes the airlines they should be say Drink Responsibly within a duty free shop at Manchester airport we asked those Selig's there is a very minute cheers if we could see the Cole on the plane one told us I'm officially I think I'll get away with it my view is well they should have said that because it is not acceptable to be drinking your alcohol on the plane more in line on the b.b.c. Website the Home Office saying it's carefully considering all the committee's recommendations and were responding to course the House of Lords Select Committee looking into licensing saying airports need to be brought into line the final decision expected in the autumn. Travel every 20 minutes b.b.c. Will Aaron thanks very much good morning it is the can slay 3 Swindon now with me Twain and one to wake fairly busy as is Cricklade right just a bit slow through the bump is far browned around at the a $353.00 for the South is coping point no claims from Trowbridge all devices I may create 3 days it would confirm the point I was one of the recent queues into songs being out on sub hunter road and the road bikes behind a junction causing some hold ups and this morning if you having on to the m 4 boats look nice and quiet and it's all fine and locally on the train it approachable and that's the latest travel every 20 minutes sponsored problem cool at 345951 double 3 double 6 a.b.c. Will show. You the fabulous weekend sports news for Ben Williams Just to check morning scans 14 year old grandson became an organ donor after he died suddenly some of the people in the family even my wife still got preservation whether it be to boy. Saying you should. Come in and how many people. As he felt I leave the morning to you that's what you think I know because she was I was on to something really cheap 2000 scholars want to come here because the late . Great Actually the mansion that if I leave Valdez dock this morning from 9 on b.b.c. Well she can't wait she's in the studio in what 15 minutes time to tell us why you really should be listening to her program at 9 o'clock am Williams good morning good morning bar where to start so much good stuff I know support for choice really well which is it Danny Talbot picked up gold medal in his gold last night after storming to victory in the relay at the world outlet exchange in chips on Saturday night the sprinter from for a bridge round the 3rd leg in the 4 by 100 metres final on Saturday here is that excitement again from Saturday night's was was was was was up until this guy was there for 10 years yeah quite the excellent viewing wasn't it Oh deary me fantastic it was good I was in a pub that night and I was like cheering on Danny's how that saying he's from Will check so I was away for the weekend and I thought I'm going to me like a hand man in the county pride exactly foreign source we expect to be family and Jordan Smith finished 9th on his her debut at the u.s. P.g.a. Championship making the best of British play at the tournament Smith who's from Derry here on account ended his final round on 3 under par to tie with Open runner up matter so he talks wind in town then yes let's hear a little little bit of what the manager thinks of one of his new signings. Yeah absolutely fantastic a 350000 pound signing came it will every netted the equalizer Swindon through one all with Exeter so I've been watching all of 6 to 8 months you know this is just it's not just you know from Pluto. You know of him watching him he's been playing in the north and you know been tracking what does it work. And there were success for drivers that council creams that classic weekend with class wins in the saloons for William to go from caution encounter Simon form to Norris Swindon's at Wayne Rushworth was 2nd in his class in the tin top while Simon all a font of Devizes was 7th in The Magnificent 7 in his catering souls' research Tony Bennett had a good outing as well in his a special starting from pole position ending up forth and cricket structure for a 3 day match began yesterday will share currently lead by 341 runs wonderful Williams thanks ever so much the other Ben Ben Price with you on b.b.c. Which break 1st good morning 826 we've been talking this morning about this report from Health Watch we'll share a look whether or not you get inconsistency if you're diagnosed or someone you love is diagnosed with dementia are you getting what you deserve you know a quick direct diagnosis and signposting to people that can help you at series a question from Carl is on the line for a chat her husband Barrett was diagnosed with dementia 8 years ago it's my pleasure to come down to Selma So for about a year ago I think I have a bit of a chat about Derek's allotment amongst other things to raise a good morning good morning how's life for the moment yes it's fine thank you and there recommend you know he was very adamant he was going to everything to stop the withdrawal from life as you know it but these things take effect how is he compared with a year ago well there's only one thing to volunteer doorway homeless charity able to do that anymore but he's still keeping very busy and. We're involved with a new project to set up and then shared in Karl so we're both involved in doing that together and we still continuing to do our allotment in our gardening and. Things like that that's ahead now how helpful is your g.p. Remind us when Dart was very 1st diagnosed 8 years ago a long time ago. We he did refer to the memory clinic and we attended that for some time and eventually we got the diagnosis but it was very early on in the disease I think at that time it's quite unusual to get diagnosis that early. But then really there didn't seem to be much around it from then on you know it's yes you got diagnosis but there isn't anything we can do for you now and since then you sort of champion people causes some new news for solo getting common and so when you hare we have the c c g The commissioning group spokesperson earlier Sanjay what what we should compare with other places in the u.k. In doing too badly is that the kind of feeling you get I think it's definitely improved I don't think people why ask around people don't seem to be left in the same situation we were but then also the. Aricept came off license and people were able to have it more earlier and I think that made a difference and certainly did for us there's all those sorts of things have changed I'm 8 years is a long time and things have developed one would still help even more do you think was the next step. I don't know really I think it has a supposed ongoing support when you need it and knowing where to go I mean I don't know quite what I would do now I believe when you know we could I suppose go see i.t.t. And we used to get quite a bit support from out some society but they don't have the contracts anymore you know so we don't you know really know what's going on and so I don't know. Senator Kerry for me make sure water knows cause Yes it's really well yeah take care Ok Thank you guys going up again thank you so much Teresa Quinn talking about life for her and of course for Derrick who was diagnosed with dementia 8 years ago now in a few minutes on breakfast will find out just how much booze our 3 drinking diary keepers have had in the past week Brian Reed one of them from chip in and he's been reflecting on the past few days. According. I haven't and. I know. My. Very. Yeah I think. You require. Training. I might even write a few words about Brian along with Sarah Collins of devices and Andrew Davis from Salisbury in the studio with me in a few minutes as we get a doctor to analyze their drinking habits from the past a week past 8 now. On. This digital your voice in your experience in. The World. News headlines are just there are calls for better standards of care for people living with dementia in Wilcher Health Watch world so the independent health and care organization claim levels of care inconsistent and some doctors dismiss patients concerns about their memory rural crime cost $560000.00 pounds in Wiltshire last year that's according to a report by the insurance company the n.f.u. Mutual which is out this morning they say it fell by 18 percent in 2016 compared to the previous year but quad bikes 4 by fours all terrain vehicles and tools are still being targeted by thieves the number of passengers suspected of being drunk at airports in the u.k. And on flights has risen sharply in the last year a Panorama investigation found arrests went up by 50 percent in the 12 months to February and the charity says around $140000.00 vulnerable young people in England aren't getting the help they need because they're not thought to be at risk Action for Children is calling for better guidelines for assessing young people and more funding for councils b.b.c. World news it's 831 to the weather with Holly grey not bad yesterday but it's still a fairly. Underwhelming Tolly it isn't on the well mingle exist that's a good word for my conservative and restrained in my language there are I think and I thought about the words I wanted to use very diplomatic I think and is an underwhelming week really I mean it's not too bad there will be some sunshine around times but some rain in the full cost as well and that's the case the today said many of us abroad start out as a hazy sunshine if you missed in full patches but they should tend to left but we could weather from departing and that means they can in cloud through the course of the day today you might see an old child this morning but the bulk of the morning is dry but then call me often in we have all the risk of some rain moving in not all of us pop seeing that rain but definitely risk into the afternoon and I was getting up to around about 19 or 20 degrees now and it's nice and by the outbreaks of rain turning quite heavy at times especially around the middle part of the night but eventually that rain sweeps through clear spells and loads of 13 or 14 and that leads to a decent day for tomorrow so nice bright day good spells of sunshine a couple of showers but I think the bulk of tomorrow should be dry and temperatures up to 2021 to feeling quite nice then the sunshine I think the tomorrow off now than a decent start to Wednesday but a bit like today goes downhill through the course of the day so I think in cloud outbreaks of rain moving in and then it's a case of sunshine and showers but Thursday and Friday fairly light winds I think those day but becoming quite brisk on Friday so no to you bad over the coming days but certainly perhaps a little bit on the mc side is the best word for it do you think this August is enough weather bad weather to drive a person to drink. We're going to tell me about your consumption in just a 2nd you know some good day on the sofa drink pint after pint asking ourselves whether summer is gone believe or thank you all 833 and it is the 1st moment of truth for 3 b.b.c. What you guinea pigs I for I'm glad you like being called guinea pigs so you don't like it's unlikely to. The brain cells baring all for the benefit of me was we monitor their drinking habits over the next few weeks I feel kind of doing yourself as well just asking a few questions as to whether or not you know you want to have that drink if you do fair enough or whether you just drinking because it's there is after we revealed last week there's been an increase in alcohol related emissions just one and a great western hospital in the past 5 years and here to tell us exactly how the last week or so has been you've heard a short snippet from Brian's diary primary from Chip and good morning Prime morning all right honest as ever Andrew Davies from Salzburg Good morning Andrew and Sarah Collins from the voices when Ben who wants to go 1st then Brian Yeah reckon for a year boy you know I was asking comment right now much did you get through I got through 10 and a half points Ok to June Tomic someone some group tell me I'm wrong and this time when you look at your diary in front of you turn half pints to g n C's and one so yeah Ok right next are you doing very good thank you drinking coffee there but what else was in your cup this week. Well what did I have a glass of Rose a on fighting I and I I was very good I went for the middle of over 250 males Ok yeah I was going to say how big a class he has in his career Yeah Saturday 4 cans of cider and 3 quarter to a bottle of rosé which I thought was very good excite sacrifice that last quarter so that's self control and that side it was that sort of 5 percent was a vintage $8.00 from Herefordshire value so. It's an old movie you know why. Yeah probably what you've seen that side of life is about right when she's big trouble right take a listen to no matter what so glass of prosecco Friday 4 kinds of side a medium strength 3 course the bottle of rosé yes it that was it was saying yesterday for Friday that no outside on Friday and said Ok we should stress mine was for the whole week that you might want presuming that you didn't have anything before the weekend no I didn't I was very good so that was just weekend drinking for you Yes Ok Andrew I was self-conscious as anything in the eyes of a report there is not suing but I know we discussed it we weren't supposed to change our habits but I limited myself to up just look at my sent items I emailed in. Over a whole week only at a point a half a lark a medium sized glass of wine no 175. But gin and top a double gentle Nick and 2 pots of backs you know the little balls. I could use in the system all the time the soup was so much focus on the side of drinking a vessel and the big glass half full Yes small of the normal ones you don't like while this fisherman I. Purposely didn't change my routine if I thought I would normally have a drink now or under trying I'm just trying to be honest but really I don't think it's a right or wrong way to do that or I'm so it's a pianist right Ok so one of the slow week since all of it Dr Sally Sara Sarge as Sarah Java so I've been taking my medical advisor to the charity drink aware and clinical consultant to patient dot co but you case are Good morning your morning right going there 1st impressions what you heard well impression is everybody was very aware of what they were drinking and that's fine because if you go want to drink were down low there are the whole point is making you think about what you're drinking overall I think I'm treated very well he decided to get the government recommendation dog men burned women should have no more than about 14 units and not one point of normal strength a year out soon. You're right a point of send her a Fed where best strength from the whatever which I seem to remember having rather too much of the 1st time I ever drank. Common were just outside devices when I was in my golly good eyes the next day I know but learn that me putting up a plaque on mass as we speak sounds Sure. Village Green it was but only by Davis is that the point is that one letter was one part of the normal side is about units but it could go up to 4 or even 5 units per point so what Andrew did is he very much divided his drinking over the course of several days not having most of his alcohol on one day and had a couple of alcohol free days so he had a little bit more than we'd like ideally had 6 units on one night but for a man we define a string as more than 8 to anyone sitting or any one day and for a woman we decide it has more than 6 units so overall actually and very big cake for the whole 3 days not more than 6 units in any one day I'd prefer them to divide Tuesdays drinks between 3 between 2 days so you know one and a half points or one on one and 2 on the other but other than that absolutely fine restaurant biscuits or Brian next Come on Ok so if I Brian Brian did have one alcohol free day which is good because having an alcohol free day reduces the chance you're gonna get dependent on alcohol overall he had about 23 units now rather confusingly and I know this is really unfair about 18 months ago the chief medical officer changed the guidelines and it used to be a maximum for the upper limit of 21 units a week for men. More not wouldn't treat for you today now we're saying 14 units a week to men or women and that's mostly related to the long term risk of cancer so . 'd Brian is drinking a good 23 units but he had 8 units on his biggest night as it were on Thursday and that again technically a binge but only just been shrinking increases your risk of short term harm to the big difference here we're looking at the short term homes and the longer term comes he did have an alcohol free day and he did have a couple of days where he didn't drink that much but I'd like to see him having a little bit less than he was having a Seems like a mason's pretty happy about technical points rather than a full on one surprise. To me and almost been Giraldi and actually been here but. There is a difference you are you are a vendor but only just I remember you were milling with. Find a lay in the road on the other side of the night as she did. Not so well. Sarah had 17 units on one alone that is really really bad news and when she said it was quite proud that I didn't have the last one well she'd already had about 10 units and this is all right you can see there's an issue you know Andrew has some of your colleagues in Crimea is fist pumping Oh hi hi Larry are you. Really really know what they are. The fact that she started off with a quiet week so much not much report on and she said she had the middle sized glass of wine now that does surprise me because from my perspective I've never seen a wine bar that serves wine bigger than $250.00 mil glass is normally the very small one of the $25.00 mills that just over a unit $175.00 males is the standard size and that's 2.2 units and $250.00 is a bottle of wine that's 3 units for the same drinking a bucket or even half. Of that would be a lot of the middle sized glass of wine but I think what does worry me is the the Saturday now I appreciate that it may well be a full on moving house fantastic maybe you can afford to celebrate the end but I would squash strongly suggest this is not so great to celebrate because 17 units at one sitting really increases the risk of short term harm and I have to say My other concern I'm afraid is the fact you can have that much alcohol and still be standing up says to me that you are quite used to drinking a fair amount of alcohol or you aren't really worry about the science of it as well one of things we do worry about is that the more alcohol you drink the more you can drink a lot of people think that means that they have become. The effect of alcohol where you may become apparent the short term effect but basically alcohol is a toxin it is a poison and nobody so having to process it so if you need both need to drink more to get the same effect then that means that your body your liver and the rest of your bodies they put under more pressure to process much larger quantities of alcohol and that actually means not only reducing the risk of long term harm you're actually increasing it don't assign a Java Sankey medical advice to the chatty drink when clinical consultants a patient doctor you can briefly then your reactions Brian 1st of all. Yeah I'm pretty. Satisfied with the results I think I had a look at what I would consider to be a normal week but it certainly made me think about the amount I drink and actually think about I did wasn't aware that the government guidelines on units at that she changed and gone on to 14 from 21 so I thought was borderline when I went over good luck for the next week Andrew. I'm really conscious that as I said possibly finished under a microscope so I was ready. Anything I could optionally have had I probably turned down this week so I was only really doing it when it was as it were meaningful train came as part of a particular occasion. But I think the big point about you can drink more and not feel the effects but actually that's maybe on your brain but physically your organs are starting to really feed it was really quite telling tales from a doctor and talking of organs Sarah I'm just. I have many wows that's quite confronting. Oh yeah leave out your cut off it's all. This was laid back you will see I'll see you again soon keep up all right thank you not your good ones I'm sure. Every 20 minutes. A 43 to the Rays are a Phillips thanks very much Ben good morning just like it's like 3 Swindon at the moment so on Piper's way we got some temporary traffic lights then she tried brakes is down to a single lane and just causing some delays at the moment also looking a bit slow on me 2 way as well. Carla coping fine I look at this like 3 Trowbridge now on county way and also through West Ashton the a 350 is looking at fairly slow on the senses not busy 3 caution if you having towards chipping in on the a for now the a 383 now it's looking good the moment the traffic is the very slow into song and road and the road works pretty hard in Junction also causing some delays but the m 4 I'm going to try and scope and find and that's the latest. Travel every 20 minutes. Sponsor problems call at 345951 double 3 double 6 a b c will show. Consummate professional broadcaster and chief hog giver alley vowels to poor old sorrow she done all right and actually she's not doing a liver or kidney is all that much because I cannot believe her because when I was listening to all of them I thought they'd all done a Ok I mean that's the trouble we all think we've done Ok the only way and honestly I've been this week thinking what I'm going to do the same and actually I have but it's partly because I got this most horrible sickness bug on Friday so of course. I think it takes to start with. But here I don't fancy that last wish oh yeah I know I think they're really bright but they really are is so well and good so yeah I want to Friday and Saturday I think it has promise of another one was the damage but actually those 3 people coming in air and being I played reanalyzed absolute admiration I think we're going to learn more from them and this of and the many of the studies you know that come out because it's real isn't it yes absolutely real 9 o'clock your show yet now we're going to continue to talk about this wonderful legacy from the Olympics or is it 70 finding out about that and talking to some of the it is 5 years on since the Olympics we've obviously had the World Athletics Championships which have been so well attended haven't they turns out we'll she's pretty active which is good when we can Swindon's in the middle and also you know which is Danny Tolbert but we're also going to talking to some of the excellent peons including Francesca Fox some help with a new trial but she was part of the. Rhythmic gymnastics squad for Team g.b. In the Olympics are catching up with her she is a mule can now and is doing still doing her gymnastics but not competitively but will fight be finding out how and why and also not asking her about the sunshine because that would just be too depressing. Plus a success story for one of the stories we featured on the morning show just over a week ago we told you about a fundraising campaign to turn a film that will just secret Spitfire factories into a d.v.d. They had to raise $5000.00 pounds we've only gone and done it since the broadcast and they've got more on big. Plans now because the money keeps coming in which is great isn't it ready for you in the years brilliant We're talking strictly and goes it's Monday bring out the band get ready to get guessing and just see how terrible I am. Allie Rouse let me thank you 46. So b.b.c. Will chip in board tomorrow Now what if you go on my answer and then today tomorrow on Thursday there's a charity event to raise money for the Swindon support group organized by Green pretty natures from the National Citizen Service to the south but in function name from 11 till 6 and we had chalking and grading henna and letter tattoos face painting an attempt to break a world record there's a cake stat cake sale guess the name of the bear and guess how many sweets are in the jar in full for today as a free family tree experience at the beach is family centered today you can make your own pottery and then the techniques of ancient potters in month 3 today the film Despicable Me 3 will be shown the time who at 2 o'clock Churchill is on at 8 o'clock in North Bradley today it is fun in the sun on the Peace Memorial ground from 10 till 1130 that's for children age from 5 to 11 years old and in Salzburg it's not the cycling event for people who use adapted cycles wheelchair transporters or 100 cycles is that the athletic track from 6 to 7 to get your of an . E-mail what's old will show at b.b.c. Dot co dot u.k. B.b.c. Welsh. Well thanks headlines. There are concerns about the standard of g.p. Care for people with dementia in Welsh or b.b.c. Investigation has found there's been a sharp rise in the number of passengers suspected of being drunk on planes and rural crime cost watchers economy more than half a 1000000 pounds a year sports news Ben Williams says that Jordan Smith finished 9th at the u.s. P.g.a. Championship making him the best British player at a tournament in tributes at Demi Talbot has picked up his gold medal after storming to victory in the arena at the World Athletics Championships Carty today outbreaks are. Into your brighter spell later you're looking at 20 degrees Celsius 68 degrees Fahrenheit. How interesting the to take so we had quickly in succession after our 3 drinking guinea pigs left the studio having confessed all is of course will mix in terms of analysis from our doctors looking at their drinking patterns for the next few weeks on b.b.c. Which one of done well one of done so so and one May be going over the prescribed limit by quite a few units of dawn in Middle East and when as has been I drink on average 3 to 4 glasses of whisky and real ale throughout the week I'm 80 odd I love the fact you not really quite sure how many eighty's you are down 80 odd let's just leave it there I've been drinking since I was 14 says Dawn there's too many people interfering telling us what to do I feel great and I enjoy my whiskey make sure the good stuff thanks Dom and June converse they from Hayden work in Swindon says to people realise alcohol causes depression and affection medication if you're honest I haven't drunk for 17 years it was my choice to give up and I'm so glad I did it to some people it's more than just a game much the experience begins as soon as we get up we talk about who we think will be playing. When you get to the ground you can just feel the anticipation the whole night is a student and so when you lose it puts you in a bad mood for the whole week when they were in this nephew was. Some are night Swinton take on West Ham United under 20 one's in the e.f.l. Car and join us for the build up from 7 am to full life commentary at 745 b.b.c. World share had a bit of a crawl Diggy Tex the other day when that trial played out there tell me about you know us being behind Swindon Town it said something along the lines of that woman in your Swindon time trial she says she's happy if they win. And San if they lose she must be pretty depressed the way Swan And Santa guy want to 2nd what is it what is a win drawn to lose so far this season and one of those when the draw lost in the company being corrected here let's not forget that. To Norwich Yeah smarty pants John Motson Atlanta getting things in way with his Atlanta rock home 111 is it 11 last one drum one that's not bad star whoever sent that sax Come on get it seem a break new beginnings so like great flag one of the ends of the weekend and so on to put a lot of time and effort into who will support his making sure everyone has a new chapter for Swindon Town Now you've been hearing this morning that the cost of rural crime in Welsh is gone down according to the latest figures from n.f.u. Mutual It got us thinking about rules security and other age old child we might have hurt that old trances won't work with the same key because quite frankly folks if that's true then your rule crime is going to go up and up is never quite some time before it comes down I mean let's not make it so easy for the perpetrators is it true is there any grain of truth in it who better to ask the man at bats has a beef farm in it down and the deputy president of the National Farmers Union we've had some cagey answers so far to this one both from listeners and other guests Monette batteries so I want some conclusive conclusive evidence please if you've got to do we're trying to use the same key good morning hello there no Things have moved on. The meter nor the same k. T t p s. Available on the market. Now not anything at all not a conspiracy theories out there and there are many would say oh yeah she just another one you know that the give them a good message because you're not like come on here and say it's still true perhaps if it is because any number make it easier for people but you're telling the truth Oh absolutely I mean. I think there was a big push from the insurers that come on you know this you know your insurance is not sustainable like this was in everybody's interest to sort it out but I think you know the pharmacy I speak to you know the problem that we have is causing for. He might damage huge amount of distress. You know there are a lot of the law of war crime going on which is still causing a lot of the stress even though it might have changed a bit and so was being made again and again and again and it all chips away doesn't it and the margins people go. Well course it doesn't and you know we've seen the role crying I think you know is now down to one person with her a big role counter. You know seen a lot of police stations close you know the police are under a lot of pressure and you know a country like ours which is very will under huge pressure as well although it's a 16 percent for when you might last through staff serious time not 856-0000 pounds still too much sugar on you but it's going in the right way it is going the right way and I think as far as as own from fast to machinery things are improving certainly technology is helping people have better security in place c.c.t.v. a. Lot but I think you know we still have coast in August here about it all with on both approaching that time of year again and it's really for people being vigilant and keeping their eyes open and the other issue to travel before it's appearing in exile again I just got conned to prosecute for you know just making sure that that was rubbish doesn't get in the hedge can do cause a lot of damage to wildlife and to stock and it goes to the absolutely just part one key issue so when you estimating things changed and when when he produces cotton on the wanky shouldn't so many things made one change to fires and yet all the money factors course have been driving this you know a lot of what was being stolen. Still is being stolen was a changing in the dynamic So we're going to look we're going to South America so you know it's being as a say in everybody's interest if things are called by making sure they have a truck around them all these things you know put people off or is it more difficult for things to be stolen and easier to find them if they are so it's just it's in everybody's interest to do it it's happening it's getting better I think still more that can be done Americans of the worst than again changing. From. Go to Brown you come and give the kids who are going to bring you commerce and I'll give you the retina scan or. The other side of it it doesn't know it doesn't Thanks a lot of facts get in the way of a good story many batteries and their fuse deputy presidents on breakfast today 855 now this is lovely because it's really 5 years here is since the London Olympics and the Games Makers the meadows the mascots which is sport stars winning gold no doubt still in your mind but what about the legacy of London that we heard all about it in way time after time in 2012 will be as he watches in London's been to the brothel and even rowing club one of its members had McKeever gold in my kayaking 5 years ago. So this is where it all began Fred McKeever hours and hours of training in all weathers lead to gold and in the days after the club was inundated with interview requests and potential paddlers might purchase is the Commodore he's been kayaking for nearly 60 years I think we thought well before the Olympics because of the build up to the Olympics that we knew it was going to do very well and we hope to be very well from that time on we started getting a number of inquiries and we had quite a boost in the number of people inquiring for courses coming on learn to paddle but since and since Rio We have an overwhelming response so after London you had that huge spike did a sort of a drop off and then come back up again it leveled out actually I would say Spike leveled out and then it picked up again so following we I think the funding was correct for for canoeing side and we did have very good funding and 5 years on do you think the legacy lives on as far as the funding is concerned you still get the same support here at ground level the funding has altered as it's been cut back in certain areas of the funding for the elite paddlers in the league team is still there but not so much for bringing on coaches and bringing in new structure into the into the Canadian side and that huge influx you had of people wanting to come along for the 1st time in 20125 years on do you still have some of those with you with some sort of seen it through to different levels we do we have 1015 people still there are still with us in the club and members bought on from 2012. I've never really got any focus towards her paddling until 2012 that's Callum danger from Derry Hill he was 121 London was on now based in Bradford he's a great Britain international Well I think 2012 sort of gave a focus to the racing side of things and and I definitely very license. It was possible to achieve so more than just going out and having fun like it's just sort of thinking while that's what you can get to after putting in the effort so 5 years on the legacy clearly still lives on how far you've progressed now so recently I went out to compete in Australia. The wild water canoeing Genia and on 23 world championships. There's definitely been a considerable amount of funding that's been targeted towards getting youngsters involved in school and I think London played a massive part in that since then there's been a massive influx of people not only in canoeing I know people have got into different sports in other sports such cycling and rowing and they've been persuaded to join because of London one child and because of the forms as we saw them by Britain. An example there for a laid bare of London's legacy calendar enjoy talking to be with you which is in London 5 years on from 2012 a bra from a Variety Club and yet more on the legacy from London with Ali are after 9 o'clock still to this day I rue the decision to go on holiday campaign in France during the London Olympics and I want to stupid decision is one of those i Books over a year before whatever so my off the ball which meant I was in some pokey little tiny French bar with very few Brits watching a super Saturday evening unfold tiny miniscule telly behind the bar a lot of French people not given to hoops sacré I won't make that mistake again I know loads of you absolutely remember all too well just what a magnificent night that was 5 years ago. Trevor every 20 minutes b.b.c. World delays on the a 33 Newton Tony I'm afraid temperature and ice and Swan and Pipers white likely to cause delays if you had into nationwide this morning as many hundreds do and no delays on the trains or worshippers still don't forget that reduced service at London Waterloo anything else you know about after 9.

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