Transcripts for BBC Tees BBC Tees 20191208 120000

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In the National League north with a 2 no victory over Chester Blackwell Meadows elsewhere spending more than the table after a 22 draw at Lemington now the weather with average you hust saying windy through the afternoon with sunshine and blustery shallow is so they showers could be on the heavy side perhaps a bit of hail and thunder makes him but some prolonged dry bite is possible but temperatures reaching 8 Celsius 46 in Fahrenheit. B.b.c. T.v. Softball Israel you're listening to b.b.c. Tease of the moment may be recovering from a bit of a late night Christmas party weekend really enforce this weekend and believe it will be you know Rico based on takes a bit longer as the years roll to just take it easy yet if you don't talk about it . About. Making. That. Everywhere. Change. That's. Where. Let please. Let. Me. Just give it. A. Good. Place. And that's strange. triple choice documents which are the words tease you will be here to b.b.c. Teacher tweets you can do that b.b.c. Teams have b.b.c. T.v. If you like to do via Twitter a sad anniversary today we're looking at the game which John Lennon said He left as a paid tribute to the great man some time between now and I have passed that b.b.c. Takes so that I'll give you a good clue it's a major news story that you see a lot of the famous they would like to go on his life other than that this is in let it all come together I want to pay tribute to the great but sometimes. The best songs to say I'll. See. You crazy. Just say. Oh. Oh. Please please. Please. 6 woodlands road as well only a 68 very busy road Darlington at the moment as well a round. Quite slow Dixon's as well needless to say around 66. Interchange major roadways closures happening moments helping the situation. Easton coming down to London. Because of the train of her like. 30 minutes any updates you have in the meantime. Oh to be 301230181 I have to say it was really good to hear Jonathan Woodgate Senate so positive l b b c t sports last night's there's more games this week it really goes the places notes Forestry the bar on cheers of the championship and also pulls the x. And city in the f.a. Cup The replay that's all he b.b.c. T.v. Sports use and I keep in Seaside County Durham and North Yorkshire on the move b.b.c. Sees Stephanie Mills in a 2nd there are so many ways to listen to it live when there's another load there's no limit on b.b.c. Sound getting search give me a memory tell me to get 1005 f.x. On digital radio We've got away with it today oddly don't like your way out such a small formal speak to a b.b.c. Taze Whatever you're up to and you can have those with the b.b.c. It was just that was the only song that every child of a Stephanie Mills has called never knew love like this before I don't talk about songs that stand the test of time and if you're at a party you know being a Christmas party may be over Friday Saturday for the weekend their thoughts are yours look over the dance for yours kind of no don't you think this is God and it kind of gives you the thing in your head we think of I want to dance there's a better be quick and get on there so if you have bags out we place a couple let's get out there if you don't mind good to play it's never new love like this before hello to Peter in south Baghdad in the year I took the goods hello to your brother make very famous isn't he almost as famous as you pretend he always talks about make money that Queen fishing village and sort of bank Yes very good. See goods that bought a Gore victory yesterday go off the over the mono I've got the year you have hello to Shirley remember in Dallas the time on t.v. And the John Lennon news story broken in the air we're looking at today hello to rentes lovely words good to know you there are to Keith in British West poll today getting it right well done to you also to Laura in spreading more any more for spare any more. Sure people use to that it's tough to do that maybe not at all so the Kevin who is in stoically remembers listening to Radio one at the time is a big radio on listening use talking about the D.J.'s like said Gary Davis and various others and Steve Wright still going strong of course new members particularly sneak into and the people's he bent over to interview John Lennon and Yoko about the Double Fantasy album was listened to on the radio and hear in the news and how devastated he was looking at Salsa coincidentally the story today of the anniversary of the day. This place and. There's just so many elements of that stirred see you have to be careful where you play this one that comes my story where there's another version of that so before I was playing the b.b.c. T.v. Today I just wanted to double check that that was the one and it was those whispers to Shaun of the some of the effects within there the just make that totally don't the beautiful boy it was John Lennon the b.b.c. Teaser coffee that we can live in the fact that you are so much enjoying this hello to Len in such failed got all the albums are still look around the car boot sales to a lot of his material on vinyl to plates all of the scratches and everything which go alongside it he's just the best simply the best you can never be replaced and also to dawn in good spirits loving John Lennon he is the greatest the heartbreak in the you're looking at today and the songs will live forever so nice to know should we do together. So. We have. You. Moving is the great thing about being here people see Jesus and live a loveless has gone from bad and you're able to move things around to accommodate a special day like today it was looking and we were looking at the year to day suddenly the new story is flying around so as you pick up the papers and the real look in and reset up the life of John Lennon it was this day in 1980 thought it would be looking at today and songs from the Double Fantasy album and secret that listeners pick up stuff like I just heard Chuck there with the and he was talking about the great line Life is what happens to you when you are busy making other plans is one of the greatest lyrics of all time life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans it's so good and also in there to Lindsay and we'd be so much enjoyed today we would see t's time of our lives and will do it again across the week we do it 12 each and every day Scott making will do between 12 and one and then he will also do between 3 and 4 and focus in on one particular each hour and I get a chance on a Saturday and Sunday golfing that weekend to do for half an hour bring back some great memories and sad memories like today I remember being at a function one of those radio function is where and the Peebles the former Radio one d.j. Who was mentioned as we were going through the half hour there and he was able to put up some visuals and also replaced some of the footage prior to that b.b.c. Radio one interview going out and what was really surprising was the uncertainty in John Lennon at the time when he was recording the interview to promote Double Fantasy he was going to be your rights are going to go through have done this sort of thing for a long time and he was full of self-doubt in many ways which was a real sort of start an insight into the world of journalism site he left us this day in 1900. B.b.c. . Looking good. So I'm going to do today for you is to include some of those 3 My kids again. Little. This. Is the kids for. Tease that makes it go I didn't expect that that was a bit of a surprise what did that come from that was a bit left of center and that's what we aim to do each and every Saturday and Sunday between $12.00 and $2.00 where we have access to this huge b.b.c. Lobby it's the biggest in the world so many will shout about it we may as well Ms we'll get it then explore and see what's it like that's the carbon as in the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra from 2018 when they brought out that album and he's a cracking producer there's no doubt about it I mean it's divide isn't it when you talk to me less so I don't like him and I want about Richard but either way or don't like him there's a you know said filament things that the made an impression of his life and what he was all about and his relationship with his sister and how they sort of got together and things happen there. But you see as brilliant I mean to get in there and to be called record those and make them sound even fresher and to play them on the radio is just my cup of tea so thank you Richard Carpenter and also thinking of the late Karen company because she was brilliant also a little want to do time of our lives because people contact the show and talk about things and it brings memories and people sometimes have time on their hands on a Sunday like today let's just contacted me he's in your thoughts be it he says you never guess what I'm looking right now at the David Armstrong testimonial program from October the 1st 1980 and it's the border 1974 lads against the current bar in that year and it was a showbiz game that had passed 6 and then it was one pound 80 top price and then 50 paid for boys to over the 1st $180.00 which is the year we're looking at today. a look at quarter to want to traffic and travel around the area down and watch them it's quite busy at the moment Holly build Mendelson road just by the arena way it slowed Middlesbrough the a 66 no surprises there just around the a 171 can go play interchange with those closures those long term road works in place and around Darlington as well North Road only a 167 just by the North Road train station and on Dixon's Bank road going into Darlington as well it's been quite busy this morning as well local trains looking good to be having down south and some disruption on the east coast line because of blood some problems that delays about an hour to stand between Stephen itchin Kings Cross because before right back with more in help now any updates you have in the meantime to share them with us full b.b.c. T's travel 301-2381 look at lots of happy faces Heading Out Serve the theaters the different things with the pants which have started around the b.b.c. Tees area possibly today there. Could be today matinee performances for you as you venture in there with those lights that cost about $5.00 quid to do the children see themselves 5 or. Me It's outrageous and probably last. Keep in Seaside County Durham and North Yorkshire on the move b b c t Thing in your are makes me want to live. Makes me want to. In you. And your. Ex my. Feeling. Rest Of My Life and. If you. Saw. How I was. And change. My love and the way you. The dark nerves. Just feels perfect to play that the b.b.c. Takes particularly because there's a lot of families getting reunited ahead of Christmas I'm well aware of that because the it's like Christmas people can't make it so those people in the area across this week in a spot if you in heard stories of if you hear Welcome to the b.b.c. Tees area feels like home. I. Should. Say minutes to warm the c t's crossed he said County Durham and milk Yorkshire wishing you a Happy Sunday Happy Christmas hello to be goes flexibility message said by the John Lennon tribute will just put us into no very best to you and your family Christmas time a lot of taffy the taxi driver Stephen picked on well known in Harley probably as much loves think if you today said you can just live in and probably get this tensile in his slate cd also down the flashy lights. Good for tips no like anything to top is not like that all of us fellas they're strong good to know you're listening to all of us leaving Chris Stevens Chris Connor there in the bottle today arrived back I was saying about people being in the area dead con a Contact me that could give them actually cause who would stand still as you're so good to have you back so hard to Steven Crist the Connors here in the world today also off to trim to say how Lord Soumik into Doreen. Making Dorothea beg your pardon that's my right and there Scriven down to condole with the celebration almost go again you miss is there if he'd celebrate none of it is sort of it was me to put in for that I'm like. You gather that. All the very best to you to offer to read with all you've been as well celebrated. You know how to live contribute and to read with our lives here it doesn't bear thinking about is a really. Kept all the. Titles and everything in talk of Nick nothing. All of a quest to be a good. Couple of ago where there's so many circumpolar very best picture of you I was talking about reworks or some seeds of it here's a rework you have to listen closely but there's a rework of all living Crosby Christmas up so. There's today oh mom she told me off Boat it's a. Good service prayer service. . But every time I see a Christmas card I somehow can't help reminiscing. About the very 1st Christmas that you and I spent together. Want to. Argue here we don't hear. time just knowing every one on Christmas card it was Jim Reeves b.b.c. Tease much more of that with Colin Bunyan Vinnie's finally he is here today from 2 o'clock with songs out of the forty's fifty's sixty's the 70s you can't go wrong what a great show that is here later on from to Alex Hohl a to add 5 until 7 with songs from the show's old affiliates News Sunday the seventy's here inspirations uplift and songs 20 past one today so much looking forward that I hope you get to stay with me thank you thank you thank you for feeling it today so much appreciate having Christmas trees. And crusties I can see Dylan and milky old crowd where. The receipts are 95 the family digital radio and on b.b.c. Sounds this is b.b.c. Tuesday 1 o'clock in the Inwood has the latest news a 14 year old youth arrested on suspicion of murder following the death of a man in County Durham has been released on conditional bail it follows an incident in southern wood on Thursday in which Mr David Cameron suffered a serious injury doctors and paramedics trying to save him but the 47 year old from concert was pronounced dead at the scene a short time later his campaigning for a general election enters its final week Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn are both stressing that Thursday's vote is a once in a generation chance to move the country forward the conservatives have given more details about their promise of a stroller and points based immigration system they say it will come into force in January 2021 and reduce low skilled migration labor is highlighting its plans for free social care the shadow health secretary John Ashworth told Sophie Ridge on Sky News what it would mean no will have to pay anything for the care that they get in the homeless support getting out the but this is about ensuring fairness in the system we're putting 10000000000 pounds extra in and you know this issue on social care has been docked by parties for years now has an air brushed on has had a big plan for on the steps of Downing Street and his plans vanished hasn't got a plan so we think it's time to put forward a serious credible cost of plan for Social Meanwhile the Liberal Democrats are concentrating on their plan to spend 50000000000 pounds on infrastructure projects outside the South East of England a charity claims there's a childhood crisis in the northeast as it says the worst poverty levels in the country this Christmas are in our region Action for Children claims the parents of 55000 under tents here can't afford the basics during the cold weather and while the holidays mean free school meals have stopped Sam Reeves is from Action for Children So that's the equivalent of 4 children in. In every primary school class who will go without things like heat is home and warm winds a core of fresh food and what we also found is that parents who are living below the bread Iraqi only able to spend an average of 2 pounds per child on food in response the government says it spending 95000000000 pounds a year on working age benefits to help those struggling a man has been arrested on suspicion of a racially aggravated offense after monkey chants were allegedly made towards Manchester United players the Brazilian midfielder Fred was hit by one of a number of objects thrown onto the pitch during a Darby against Manchester City Councils in the b.b.c. Tees area have artworks worth millions of pounds Middlesbrough has the largest fine art collection in the region with over a 1000 works including ones by David Hockney and Bridget Riley coming to a total value of 8500000 pounds Stockton's collection is valued at 5.8 millions and read currently planned has the smallest collection at just over 21000 pounds only a fraction of the art is ever seen by the public as any one time as many local authorities rotate the works on display sport now and Middlesbrough are 19th in the Championship after a one nil victory over Charlton Athletic a George Savile strike in the 1st minute yesterday proved to be enough for all 3 points at the Riverside Hartley poll United tasted defeat for the 1st time under manager Dave challenger yesterday as they went down to one at Woking pools and 19th in the National League after 2nd half goals from Jack Hyde and Dave Tarpey from the hosts cancelled out said Jimmy Toure a penalty at the Kingfield stadium challenge admits a few vital moments cost his side in sorry we're always going to be disappointed unfortunately have to go in there and lay off the harsh words because the true words were 65 minutes we've controlled that game and also me of course are of the game with through again poor decision making poor goals and it's better a rule in the least to change now the weather with Abijah Hearst's. Being windy through the afternoon with sunshine and blustery shadow is so they showers could be on the heavy side perhaps a bit of high lengthened to make some prolonged dry by possible but temperatures reaching 8 Celsius 46 in foreign high. School

Related Keywords

Radio Program , Christmas , English Language Singers , County Durham , Local Government Districts Of North East England , Christmas Traditions , American Female Singers , African American Singers , Radio , Holiday Related Topics , Christmas Plants , Locations In The Tees Valley , Radio Bbc Tees , Stream Only , Radioprograms ,

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