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Cleared an 80 year old woman of murdering her 81 year old husband who had terminal cancer the prosecution had alleged that Mavis Ecclestone had given him a potentially lethal dose of prescription drugs without his knowledge she maintained it agreed to end their lives together but that she had survived the couple's daughter has called for a change in the law on assisted dying. The place had written to hundreds of secular schools in this region warning parents that children could be targeted by criminals to act as money meals taking place it's a way of children as young as $12.00 involved in the scam says criminals transfer stolen money through children's bank accounts to hide it from the authorities to Dept of inspected Jim Forster from cleaving place says Children as young as 6 have their own social media accounts and they could be vulnerable and being exploited by criminal gangs there are growing dangers 1st of all you know they think that it's an easy way to make money but what they're actually doing is moving stolen money money that could be some Talk to make money that could be found in really serious crime could be as a hopeless terrorism it could be people trafficking and the end result is that you know the police can come knocking on the person's door it is a criminal offense that's what now is with Loblaw Middlesborough preparing for the long journey to Cardiff City on Saturday in the Championship doubts remain around the fitness of Johnny House and George friend who have been sidelined through injury elsewhere to cricket where it's day 3 of Yorkshire against Kent at Headingley in Division One of the County Championship Kent currently 356 in their 2nd innings they lead by a massive 512 runs as for Durham individually to their up against Northamptonshire or 122 for 6 they require another 280 to win and to have the dry and chilly tonight some patchy Mr and play tomorrow morning to leave a day of sunshine just a little cloud around and highs of 19 degrees Celsius that's 66 Fahrenheit very much Andrius on you roll. Every 15 minutes between now and 6 o'clock the wall of a Gregor woods where your traffic and travel of the good afternoon to you Greg I was looking I think Ira traffic is on the move so far really a little bit slow in Darlington Anson Colpus y. And north of road and if you're out and about and there and traffic is heavy on lazy Friday I 690 on the end down. Scientists looking at the census are heading in from the a one m. Junction traffic on the I 66 is fine if you going over there you and I and so far away from a Scotch corner and traffic around medicine are also on the move little bit heavy still and the norm for para on Dixon's bank data is called n o 330123 I want to thank you very much Greg. The selection b.b.c. Strike was called on the show between now and 5 o'clock for you on b.b.c. 2 he's well they're not upbeat that you're. Oh. But. I was a bunny last night as scores of people gathered to hear about what's happening to their out of I was medical services will hear from everyone involved next on b b c t's and a new school was launched on Teesside yet we bring the p.d. Ports to hear the big sell as to why young people should take a look at shipping is an industry must make a really interesting exciting Korea I'm enjoying as the North is going to ship in 6 . Find more it have hold of and always will of your travel guitar and use it support every 15 minutes that lovely luscious Paul Mooney with the weather forecast in their own boat and we've got Gary's got for you and we welcome back Steve lucky for best of the web or you just put you on b.b.c. . Reception b.b.c. . Good afternoon Yes thank you very much my job pure and simply just don't look at what's going on around to the side County Durham North Yorkshire and if it's out now we will bring it your way if in effect yet now scores of people gathered advantage Castle Methodist church last night he won the closure of the rich in hospitals out of our services now it was chaired by m.p. For p.c. Board and Helen Goodman. They say. But. This. May vary in. All. Of. The events that happened. To this house that. We want. We just. Say this. To be. Very. High and I think. There's still a long way. In. The residents put their questions to the clinical commissioning group County Durham and done and it's just Foundation Trust and the North East. Said that the services bonded Council was only used but residents said that they did not get directed to the Richardson hospital when trying to make an appointment through the n.h.s. 111 service and at times the meeting got very heated as people learned as a consultation in the future of health care the Richard in hospital again gone for over a year and not many knew about it was. The new. Kid in. The I'm sorry. To me happy Probably he. Really was. In. His. However. The they did when we went on for about an hour and a half and there was a lot of people out a lot to say so here's what people told me up the meeting is that area that they Been surprised me as you can He was very very very busy or bad bunny because your last note of the meeting comes after the c c g announced plans to centralise out of I was urgent care within a smaller number of hubs across the region are removing the provision from one castle and stunna now into still the closest hold is now Bishop Borkman now Sarah Burns from the County Durham c c j she was there last night a word with the caption. Yes some ways with which you this time we've considered all of the facts I mean the nation and the things tremendously so that it's across the district feet and in the room towns and just before she headed off home I got to chat with the town's m.p. Helen Goodman who's opposing the plumbing's and risk concerns with the door with their own county councils health scrutiny committee about the loss of services but have I still a let's be realistic chance I feel very strongly that service that they just don't take any of. Their doctors are sick. Of the it's good. That you it is fun huge. By the end now as I say it was a very busy and heated meeting us now and it's a complicated story about changes in local health care which it was made clear last night many people who are going to be affected in County Durham don't feel the fully understand or getting a fair city in what's happening to their medical provision We'll keep an eye on this big cities and any updates will bring you your way it's just come into court was for cause for a cause for well if you're in the corner it's quite was 5 b.b.c. 2 seen a long time to get the latest headlines with and rebook Miller That is funny man is calling for a review of a decision to award a major train building contract to an overseas company Nexus says the deal hasn't been finalized and claim place is still questioning 2 men on suspicion of the murder of a man who was attacked at the round El pub in phone abate last night Rob Lowe has the sport where Middlesbrough are preparing for the long journey to Cardiff City on Saturday in the Championship with doubts remaining over the fitness of joining House in and George friend we'll have more at half past 4 could look at your weather for saving and I go remain dry long periods light. Wins alone at the turn round of Chile or when I was called last night wasn't the most informed as we can expect in the usual places across to side County Durham North Yorkshire. Members know as cold as last night only between 7 and 10 degrees the Paul Mooney has a fall weather forecast for you on the right of 10 to 5 Martin Johnson scored his 1st goal of the season as middles from the friending to make it 4 games unbeaten in the championship. Next it's a trip to take on Cardiff City country on. 7 to 2 with. The b.b.c. Website b.b.c. Sport today from 2 and every week denied to between 6 and 7 your p.c. To sport and I would have a poll out of some and it would be a narrow tennis 6 to tell us what's happening or on the shore between $6.00 and $7.00 how up your right to go with your big cities until Paulison takes over just running up stuff that's gone right across our patch if it's happening we will bring it your way and if the something up meant and you want me to come out and see what's gone on let us know give us a call or 800859595 could be good could be bad could be something you're passionate about could be somebody that's doing some magnificent stuff in your neck of the woods Tell me about them I'm willing to call and say Yeah any time you fancy it or 1000 it 59595 now black and lords playing dead and walking out of school on climate strikes Well you may have heard of extinction extinction rebellion and seen as some of the protests that they've made now the aim of it is to get people and politicians to take the climate emergency seriously now tonight activists will hold a public talk in wreckage explain why we need to take real action right now our political reporter has been to meet some of the organizers insult to find out a bit more. The East Cleveland Coast has become something of a converse for a test that activists and recently the comping group led by donkeys create their auntie picks a portrait of Michael Gove's in the sands of cotton which they claimed would be visible from space unsold barn extinction rebellious been signing its insignia in seaweed Now it may not have been visible from space but surely visible from the cliff lifts at least one person responsible for it says definitely self that's purpose I thought I'd take a day off from serious campaigning and go and sit on the beach and just enjoy being in nature I am rather McLachlan And I am part of extinction rebellion. There was a lot of seaweed on the beach so I made a 3 metre wide extinction rebellion symbol. Which was quite entertaining and meant I got to talk to some people about the campaign so people be familiar with the name extinction of alien Prost not fully aware of what you actually do as the movement about Unfortunately national and international government are not doing enough to protect us from the threat of climate change and by to fast and extinction Balin are campaigning organization who set out to get governments to tell the truth about the situation the attention the extension of rebellion gets for things that you know the protesters are blocking roads or shutting down set the centers Why does the group take thought sort of approach. I can only really speak passively on this I did a degree in environmental biology back in the ninety's and I've been working ever since then with various different organizations trying to promote sustainability and looking after the planet and none of it's been enough you know we are now in the situation where the global climate is is just going crazy and if we don't complete completely change our lifestyle it's really say it's going to be too late we've made handing out leaflets and signing petitions and none of that has worked and it's not going to work fast enough so I will left with the only choice of taking nonviolent direct action which is things like blocking roads and delivering Also we've done a funeral procession through the center of a funeral for the planets where we all dressed in our best black and carried a coffin which definitely go a lot of attention. Diane at the fest with reffed which is no actual people dying is just lying on the ground pretending to be dead representing the species the echoing extinct we land the ground for 8 minutes because every 8 minutes a species guys extinct due to human impact on the planet and you have. Event tonight and red card What is it you're hoping to achieve through the people who come along we'll find out the truth about climate change I most parent has really concerned that the climate is not going to be a very nice place to live by the time my 9 year old gets the same age as I am now extinction rebellion all about campaigning like or national governments to get them to help us take the actions that will stop the worst of climate change. To McMillan their. Extinction rebellion Teesside now all of the public talk takes place at O'Grady. In Reta It's 7 o'clock tonight and this is what we do we just have a look around Teesside County dorm in North Yorkshire trying to find out stuff that's gone on and bring it your way so we can retell the story retell what you were telling us and we want your help wherever you may be right across all parts to the site County Durham North Yorkshire if if there's a story going on you want to tell us about we want to be part we we want to be part of the fabric of your community and retell those stories it's a freefall number to get in touch carries there ready to take a call right now or get in there like a proper Bon Jovi their fist bump their livin on a prayer or 859595 gone it doesn't cause an out and we could be telling your story on b.b.c. Taste it's 22 minutes past fall's. Traffic and travel every 15 minutes with Greg I was a look at Greg. I'm going to be smoking Ok really for this time day not by the toll just a little bit slower non thought on Dixon's bank on the middle spread downside and going in Target will still have a on the a 689 on starting Street starting right or should say looking quite heavy in both directions actually now on the sensors Darlington busy around to in the town especially since both sway and going out on Horton road no problem so on the a 1 am the I 66 looking Ok for heading over the pennant if you can update his call in 033-012-3018 extension 1 thank you very much Greg he's in Seaside County Durham and North Yorkshire on the move with travel updates every 15 minutes b.b.c. To be. Sure we do Gary Scott now we know but And yes the yes do you will perform honest with us if you look at we've got that relationship for young normally for Youngs we can be frank with each other for. Which. Yesterday you were short and come on you can do this today you can fill my gap if you brown you thank you very much what your own income on yesterday. Was devastated so this is where I find a fact I find a statement find something take a little bit out and you fill that gap or I heard this. On Radio 4 last night believe it or not. Across it which country is the only country in South America to have English as its official language. Exactly so which couldn't really is the only country in South America to have English as its official language and not talk about the Caribbean or Central America I'm talking South America. Do you know or do you think you know or do you just want to have a guess it's a free for number as always more by a long line because you know what we're like stuff and takes account of a North Yorkshire we thought was an 859595. A warning. Message with the word said challenge to fund it it's great to see notice b.b.c. I don't seek a flash in the local radio prissy out of the b.b.c. . He's just what he was. In the world my dream. Marjorie for because they didn't support our boring code it's true the Guardian got caught up in text the because he's a quitter all. The chairs look like him as well a little bit. More what you call a he. Yeah or whatever like a member in our jury got it absolutely spot on my gut straight away so number one is in the jungle not on yes you know what's right what's in there. No it's not the song it's some clothes and these. Markel no mark or not so you got it right so which could read is the only country in South America to have English as its official language you've got to know what a fill my cup and here is but when I started. So how was your holiday it was called Yeah nice and warm you've got it Brown Yes you put your factor 50 on so that you don't get none of that because you've got to make sure you don't get burnt on the map you have it's not worth it you know we go I don't know. I asked. I was not. Being sunburnt and I don't mean geographically. Definitely on the top of my head really top of my feet to your feet there's no it doesn't bother me that's why socks and Sun was a massive in our house because. I've also seen you out of a ginger persuasion like the thing is everybody's for you don't see any sunshine if you've all got socks and shows a nominee so many sunshine on there any birds I was on the beach and but the. Torture torture moment often taught my well I'm glad very still have to look after because I feel you've gotten that you know you do and you know best what are you falling for a state well I know you like heights. Now I was just sort of you know when you look in the balcony on my going to run to the house yeah I know that all the 34 stories high yet some looking at the one without a bit of a drop if you follow you. Would be. But this one even not sure where I could look over the edge because this is on Sky News for thrill seekers and if you're a billionaire right into this Ok you get the chance to be the world's tallest residential building from next year right Ok it's Central Park tower on saw called billionaires row in New York City's Manhattan District who'd written 12 floors or that up and reaches 1550 feet which is around about 472 meters that's a lot of meat is that it's a lot isn't it so when you look at that you know when you look at the height and you get a funny feeling you tell me how well you know when you go under the big shop Yeah I would you get all the store for you know if the lift brought not because when we saw the roads we forgot I was in such a. Flat and the lift didn't work on the 4th floor then the big shock was a nightmare and getting Fanny. Cutting a cultural. 12th laws you get a winch with the windows which you know I don't think d.f.s. Had to culture going to live or they were just have to leave it. Lift it up yourself there for that and that's what I feel we don't have that's on Sky News right on the website or if this is on. So know. That some women all over the world can go watch a mom left fuming Ok Carrie's. Face when I mention this she came home to find that a fiancé actually bought a fridge see if to lock away his chocolate that's it the headphones are off Carrie storm that was his call not to fill him in in the stairs he law from Wills slammed a husband a bin is about to keep getting the cord until she cracks it she says taking to Facebook to write about it behavior she wrote so this is what is come to us that you buy a house together you have a child together you get engaged you planning a wedding then this happens anyone want him surely this is breaking material right . Divorce for less. A lot less I'm looking out and she just got the shop by small talk at your own get your own why do you live you have to go sort of pill for this chocolate but I would use your own yeah but i would you feel if you were going on right in your family you'd just sort of pussy when you and your 4 cans. So you can get you 4 cans when you want to have a swig of goats or go to Dave's the color should go there I am one of the 4 but then that be peepin double when you've got some in your fridge already this is not grounds for divorce which to take and being such a shoulder were to take anything to to get chocolate I look everybody when it's we have this in our house because they only go oh you've not yet put in the coach what but that was mine no it's in the cupboard it's very good it's not like a student I was what you put out you're right you're right in him on the other. But it's not actually it it belongs to every one of them were many. She goes. Yeah not go. Together to look like he's going to be I think he might be something everybody twice in. My knowledge was very similar to Phillips and now that the kids laugh at me my older kids ago dought any more of us me who doesn't. Get married absolutely doesn't work and I'm going to finish on this one soon the daily study fancy earning 30 quid an hour that would be lots and good money doesn't it 30 quid an outgrowth don't want to go to well there's a couple don't embark all the one you do is to serve food at their wedding do the simple yet 30 quid and I'll pay but what's the address. On the website because of the Daily Star yeah there's a little bit of a catch to it you've got to serve it Nick it there was no problem at all because all the guests are going to be naked great the couldn't find a venue to do so the go into the the form of the who was a no is the groom I think the groom's house right and we set this all guess nobody's going to be there so we're going to want somebody to serve the food nick it can process last. Thank you if you spill soup when you think it's not well not just eating it but the letting. The band on get that close to a little would you and your friends might be a buffer and be all right so you get the tables reason behind if you want any part you like. There we go so if you want to you know. I want the software the from the front part of coming to exactly where but I've been in touch and you could go down into a piece you could actually. Do a little piece where you could present but almost all the microphone. As a yes. I think I would not answer that one it's an open question so if I'm cutting in a silver tray and a little where the old me microphone to be bitchy get over Bora stay money everyone best of the way. Because decently can see different in New Zealand. Where. The b.b.c. . You know I mean it's a 5 time to get your latest headlines on b.b.c. It is with Andrew Macmillan that he's found him as calling for a review of a decision to award a major train building contract to an overseas company but how can claim to touchy a need to make it has missed out on the contract to build more than 50 new trains for the Tyne and Wear Metro Hitachi says that unable to comment for legal reasons Nexus said the contracts not yet been decided and the bidding process is ongoing until January came place still questioning 2 men on suspicion of murder the 18 and 39 year olds from Middlesbrough were arrested in connection with the death of a man in his forty's he was assaulted at the Randall pub in Thornaby last night. Armed police have surrounded a property in Middlesbrough for the 2nd time in 2 days claim in place of the police presence in Acton street just off Southfield road it's part of a pre-planned operation linked to suspected serious and organized crime last night police target a house on Pelham street children as young as 12 are being used by criminal gangs to transfer stolen money that's according to claim police this is some children are being approached on social media and then asked to launder the money through their accounts for a fee you know that dry and chilly night some Mr Rand battled clear tomorrow morning to leave a day with plenty of sunshine just a little patchy cloud around and temperatures around 19 degrees Celsius that's 66 Fahrenheit thank you very much Andrea. Thank you he's great with your traffic and travel every 15 minutes like clockwork Greg. Indeed thanks Gary traffic on the I $66.00 is looking really happy on the westbound scientists you had towards the cargo fleet into change of power from Santa not bad on Dixon's bank now and then on for power a little bit heavy on the I 19 on the northbound side just after the t's fly over I rounded Darlington's still busy around really particularly hot and right and traffic on North Road is heavy both in and out bound if you can update us call in 330-123-0181 thank you very much Greg. B.b.c. . Think this is what I made a fool of myself to do. What I just it's every day over. Even more fooling myself up on a very thick nit. You are on and like a horse. Was a fervor when you expound your sporting prowess for the next 45 minutes to one negotiate this rather taut very thick nit. Might make a bit of a clatter right Ok can you do what I can but I can't guarantee that I won't laugh if you're wrestling Well the reason it needed jump up beyond that here on that are sorry very much right Ok Middlesborough head coach Jonathan Woodgate it's his wing of Marvin Johnson deserves all the praise that he's getting recently Johnson had struggled to find his feet since arriving at the club 2 years ago and has been sent out on loan on the Tony Pua this however this season he's been I'm in feature in would get side are you there is that you are really close margins commonlaw from as long as Sheffield United moved last year not playing here up all I mean really well is knuckle down. Fit even even in some sessions you would do an extra after just to really keep on keep his fitness even higher than in the rest of the squad and I'm really placement is doing. Given the chance and he's taken it more to come from Jonathan Woodgate you can hear on b.b.c. Sport tonight from 6 o'clock with Paul artisan and the journalists plenty of Champions League games taking place tonight Manchester City manager Pep Guardiola is expecting a tricky opening game against Shakhtar Donetsk the way they play we are not common in England. And of course it's a tricky always with difficult playing and against them the results always tight this is what will be different but always we won for for the short distance so humble It was like for this club now for Tottenham their manager part you Tino admits he spent much of the summit thinking about their Champions League Final defeat against Liverpool Spurs play their 1st game in the competition against Olympiacos this evening is going to be a difficult game we nobody will Colin be able to play with the quality that we cover we know each other really really well and of course always the kid is going to be too much of the same excitement and motivation only because I know then to try to dominate the game now 17 year old striker Mason Greenwood will start for Manchester United tomorrow as they start their Europa League campaign at home to a Stana all going to Greenwood needs more game time I have a big squad and pre-season which went really well everyone were fighting for places now it's a chance for someone to get some minutes Greenwood play definitely it's his 1st start it's Cardiff last year so he also needs games. Now Holly Paul United followed Ryan Donaldson says wearing the captain's armband has given him a renewed sense of responsibility Donaldson scored in pills 31 defeat to Dagenham and Redbridge on Saturday and says wearing the band fills him with pride of course I mean it's nice to be the leader of our group you know. Because we've got a good group. We've got we've got a chance of doing some really revert and there's like this you know you can you can you can go both ways you know you can. Let it affect you too much or you can watch it learn from it and move on and not what we try and do elsewhere it's day 3 of Yorkshire against Kent at Headingley in Division One of the County Championship Jonathan Doidge has the details Yorkshire been a set a record final innings chase of 550 want to win this starts in 1st class cricket by Kent who declared on 337 for 7 a 2nd century the much for can skipper some Billings the 3rd in succession for him played very nicely and there was also a good 97 early on in the day by Ollie Robinson that Yorkshire of already lost their 1st l.b.w. In the 2nd over of their 2nd innings without scoring to Darren Stevens probably hero of the much for can't and Yorkshire still winning $547.00 to win 441 in Division 2 Durham or at Northampton ship Martin Amis in it can bring us up to date with this whole Durham asked staring at a huge defeat here at Northampton and I can't believe how one sided This match has been to be honest with you particularly after Durham have put such a good run together 8 matches unbeaten and winning 5 of those but this is like watching that their own team from the start of the season not knowing what to do with the bat struggling against decent seam bowling and really North hands have dominated this from the off Durham set 402 to win an unlikely prospect got themselves into a tos straight away in their 2nd innings 19 for 3 before 66 from partnership for the 4th we get from b.j. Wanting him a 35 and Jack Byrne and went on to make 45 but they now gone their own currently 147 for 7 and needing another $254.00 runs to win that's not likely to happen and all fans $25.00 more overs to get their way gets they need tonight to take a dry and stride towards division one promotion Durham's promotion hopes end here and it's such a shame to see this performance. After all they've achieved in recent weeks and you can get full bowl commentry on both Yorkshire and Durham on the b.b.c. Cricket website or you can get it on the b.b.c. Sport app finally for me just the one race meeting this evening they go Kelso have more spot few in 6 minutes time did you join me take the job of didn't look like a disco dancing octopus. Something like that you looked like you were really struggling with the next called want to because it's tight Only I did it and yes well yes it looks like it's a bit of a turtleneck as well isn't it so yeah it's like trying to get a weather melon through my Polar heat you know heat are they. Are real heat but a quarter to have good lines anywhere so we find out horseracing to 4 you know we're struggling aren't we because some as a word some old lady who normally gives us also some tips for some research she's going on holiday How very. Very dirty she saw who's given as a horse racing tip today. Substituting some research all looking. Oh I am one I'm all right you're right wonderful saw here we are in the political boardroom and it's gorgeous This place isn't it sort sunders off this which is going on all as big boots to fill an oven and you've got huge boots to fill no one or you're like the judge is just. So come we are just as John put today if you don't mind on the I've got a tip for you after it's gone in the 6565615 Kelso. And I've chores one night in Milan because I fancy a night in Milan to be honest. One night in Milan All right I thought you were going to with your winnings going up one night in Milan get there before the sun see Russia down in the right is that good advice I was thinking about with the overnight so far that stands out to me come on the Josh Josh is just one more time gives it one night in Milan and it's going to $615.00 in Kelso is going to win probably yeah probably not. It's not even a hostile. Reception on b.b.c. T.v. And you treat them a London it's all right I never bring bring a wrong but Florence would never let any of. What's going on between now and 5 o'clock on big cities or get weather forecasts for you were Paul Mooney I've. Got to be dry before I get all. News in sport all on the way and also I think will change careers in about this week talking to the b.b.c. To see. What is David Stern the new crew Yes absolutely as well and also going to see a lot who will really do you well on b.b.c. T.v. . Spot must've been a fun and I got the shock of my life what he's a person for you will leave the story couldn't before 5 o'clock Now anyone who's thinking about a potential career at the minute should have a listen to this story right now so stop whatever you're maybe don't unless you're hunting heavy machinery or drive in the mortar with just listen to this and you dedicated shipping skill has been launched on Teesside to try and get young people ready for jobs in the shipping industry now stock Riverside college has teamed up with the Institute of Chartered ship brought us to school now we're taught that the skilled workforce can be created to fill the sort of jobs that we have right here on our doorstep and our very own Andy Bell has been known to take sport for a big say tease and he joins me in the studio now while your money doing well Mr Philip you learned well did have a good day how did. Had a fantastic day have you been to to support yourself it is must've it's huge what goes on there is absolutely magnificent it is and I think you know when the scale of it you can only really get a sense of it by going down there because goods literally common go from all over the globe and it's a major hub in the u.k. Supply chain and it's right here on our doorstep but I'd imagine they'll be a lot of people who drive past and don't realise just how big it is and what goes on at the port and so the idea then basically of this new school is to ensure that young people here have a tangible way of getting a job in the shipping industry which is right here right where they live and the thing is there are so many different jobs that are needed at a site like ports right you've got logistics terminal management surveying accountancy It's an endless list and there's a need to ensure that people are being trained to fill those positions down the line in the future so France Kelly is the chief executive of p.t. Ports and he hosted this launch of the new school earlier apparently it's the only school of its kind outside of London and Mr Kelly feels his port holds a wealth of opportunity who actually the 5th largest port in the country people don't know about it it's actually umbilical cord that sort of connection is all and then we talk about shipping and if you want to pursue a career in shipping in the ports industry and it's got this massive port on your doorstep right in it is really you know what why do you go down to London free education that isn't right here and now if they can do that right here our pay the ports involved 'd how are you going to support the pipeline of young talent the may end up working for you yeah Ok Well 1st foremost we are probably one of the region's largest employers and we've got a pretty good decent track record of being very young talented people in through Riverside college also through the schools in a moment Prentiss games and we know that business is growing also require a lot of opportunities on arising and we need to prepare ourselves so what we do do we support structure Riverside. Because people on internships we try to take on as many people as we can and we actually quite an ambitious employer too it's not always about now there's a vacancy get the right candidate in also to actually look at succession planning and you know what sometimes we take on more people are actually required just to make sure that we bet for the future so if you've been spoken to under Well there's loads of people down at the launch earlier today Nikki Sayer is the chair of the north east branch of the Institute of Chartered ship brokers and all is obviously very passionate about the new school and what it could achieve here on Tayside she's described the shipping industry as a silent sector and thinks young people have a total lack of awareness about the career opportunities they have on their doorstep keep banging on this but you know it's right here on our doorstep I asked Nicky to give it the big sell on why people should at least have a look at the shipping industry for a career right listen to me Do you want to job for life if you want to travel the world and you want to win some money and work in the shipping industry because even if you don't want to travel the world everything's here when you dos step there's so many opportunities even if you want to go into I'd say you can do itin shipping accounts accounts and shipping law legal and shipping engineering engineering and shipping operational roles everything on your doorstep and you just make a lot of really interesting exciting coming in as the North is going to ship and. 6 that was a good sound wasn't there she went for it and it all went thing still no this was just launched. It is shipping courier repeated ports Yeah if you're old Jacob Brian malt from Bellingham Now bear in mind Gary it was its 3rd day in the jobless and he was rolled out to all the media but you know Jacobs a crack in law he's been on the careers ready program that included and ship at p.t. Ports and they've really been impressed because p.t. Ports are sponsoring his degree and he's working at the port as an apprentice chart severe now he thinks young t. So he does need to have a look at what's on offer in shipping and see if it might be a fit for them as. Well we've shipped in you think arches of trucks are shipped with the so many different components involved Shipman sought to be an edge of the young people of Tayside of what's available that you think it's brilliant at the moment I've got full time work it's seen years old I don't have to pay for any university fees and I've also got lots of job security there to be able to put yourself out there and just get involved lords and those opportunities and what people want to Sun is the got university to do in the finish a lot of people dollar what they do are the sort to get a job by doing stuff like this you gain in work experience and your. Future career could but how brilliant. Brilliant brilliant brilliant stuff no anybody interested in the course can find out more information on the Stockton Riverside college website which is. Stockton. Dot u.k. But the time it is 30 minutes to find the. Time to get the latest headlines with. Is calling for a review of a decision to order a major train building contract to an overseas company rather than Hitachi in need to make life and clean place to the bank accounts of children as young as 12 being used by criminals to transfer and launder stolen money Rob Lowe has the sport it's another big night for British clubs in the Champions League Manchester City take on checked out then ask while Tottenham take on Olympiacos more at 5. Magic numbers in this very room. Romeo the magic number. Before you go. From 7 on b.b.c. Is a good. Nor is good is the we are for whether Paul Mooney I don't know if that's a compliment. Already of being I've been called was. But I may as well you know we had we should so told us it was bed and it did yank me shade so small and before the work will be dry when I get all Paul Yeah I think so yeah it has been an awful lot sunshine about it but it's been dry been a bit of a breeze there as well so I think it should be fayne Now that's important but past the rest of the weather yes it's been a lot more close going today not awful flits k. And Sun saying so long as we head into the evening but it does stay dry I'm fairly clear it will tend to break up a bit through the night so a kid will see one or 2 messed up for patches farming and temperatures will dip back into single figures not as cold as last night but a little when about 7 degrees Celsius which is 45000 hang in there maybe one or 2 before patches that could take a whale to clear tomorrow morning I think they will gradually clear and it's going to be a dry plate the last closed into the more blue sky but more sunshine and a change in the wind direction it's a very late sense westerly breeze tomorrow and that means we should see the numbers up to 19 Celsius which is 66 degrees Fahrenheit temperatures continue to Rice lately as we head into flayed in Saturday after a deal could be looking at 2021 Saturday 21 to 22 Celsius with a lot of fain dry weather by 10 we get to Sunday it's all beginning to change this clouds and rain swollen from the West could even be some rumbles of thunder in amongst it and that takes us back into much more unsettled weather for Mex to eat in the meantime enjoy the dry stuff while it lasts let's focus on the positive pole let's think of next week or next week yeah yeah Ok I will speech in the next hour thank you very much Paul who says. Every 15 minutes you're trying to get trouble a day way Greg I was 11 Greg. Don't carry traffics on the move no serious problems to talk about if you're handing out on to the a 19 is just looking a little bit heavy over the T's 5 are on the northbound side not so bad for southbound traffic around middle spurts heavy on the I $66.00 at the cargo fleet interchange on both approaches and there's some build up as well coming out of Harkat ul on the a $17.00 I mean that's looking a little bit slow towards the a 19 junction and Sheraton around Durham still having on the road on the end down scientific innovators call n 033-012-3018 extension 1 thank you very much grace in Seaside County Durham North Yorkshire on the move with travel updates every 15 minutes b.b.c. To the. Public a travel news of spalled weather would Paul Gary's got all that you for your own b.b.c. To use now from. Let's let's look to further Friday going to give you the chance to see England women's World Cup semifinalists in action action against Brazil went full level side code to the Riverside Stadium on the flick of October 8th will be a must have been brilliant for the words now we've got a family ticket so that's 2 adults 2 children owned a 16 and if you want the tickets all you got to do is listen out for the lioness roar in a round about quarter past 2 on Friday afternoon with the wonderful Scot and when you're it call or 80859595 the lines we want for 15 minutes we will call Warne lookee person back at random and you receive the tickets to go and see local stars I bet me pulling on Teesside produced of makes you listen it's a Friday afternoon he will be City's all the terms and conditions is like in the vert you know when the science bit core to our website but. Forward slash b.b.c. Meant absolutely brilliant We're looking to get a game here in New could be there. Gary's got right let's give you an update on this we off we're through. In the words of Bon Jovi. So there so why I asked you this is a fine of fact every day and take it but don't you feel it so which country is the only country in South America to have English as its official language. Jenny from the funds panel here because it takes sports has an unfair advantage I work in exports You got it absolutely spot on Gen thank you very much for getting to watch. Cricket in Arkham City is a bully's guys putting all the pieces bullies Frenchie says faultlines money says it's. A new. World don't join in his class which even I didn't attract or come by nerves to join you got to let us know it won't trouble to restart you messages because you're always in the machine of yours do you know you think you know whatever guess fill this gap you got off and I want to do so or so which could is the only could in South America to have English as its official language or 159595 text or is it one trip or 3 Start your message with t's or you can tweet us at b.b.c. Tace it is that simple you know lot of you've got to know your job or feet and you've got to know your own ins. That's what we do even big cities we educate inform and disco dance all the values of the. I think I've got the last one spot on now it's 6 minutes to 5 you get your news with under a very very very shortly but if you got bored much as you might know of use of no use of the super fund he lives in London and he must've been a fun trouble for the games each fall as the bore of age he just he just loves the Burra he's bored through and through and always dedicated to watching the boring. Who knew it and you'll even contribute on the fun for no big city sport on a such a we chip in with these texts through the week and whatever put this week he took to social media and he just wanted to talk about football he wanted to talk about his beloved Middlesborough and he got a horrible horrible shock. To find out what the shot was Monday night at the Instagram like. Sometimes people request to join in and have a little chat and then a group question Joy I accept that I would accept a star shot in the race and what. I got. A lot of young people watching as well. And it was all based in this battle and. Really spirit. To be honest people think other things. Which was quite worrying this well because it's you know young people saying that and then spoke to request Join the live and you thought it was either that they were somebody in the background. That basically posted on Instagram. And then started writing. The crime story. The. Trial. Yet the last 22436 hours people speak. Of the for me as well sometimes and if I'm to trust. The whole society. It is quite sudden is it really when you think you know the amount of time we told about kicking racism out of football could receive him out of society. He's a kid still using horrendous offensive language and yeah how do we how do we combat that use of the more we talk about it the more aware of it but how do we stop it while the civilian high pressure to leave it be for the change of the night you know be realistic the next I think it starts from the bottom I think education is very important ignorant use a lot of agendas I guess from people I mean if you can change people's opinions in the same. I think certainly from the engage you know schools from home I guess it's just treating everyone equally you know Slaven about about race or anything else about gender about it's about you know sexual preferences about everything really every single person same religion race except for except for. I think it starts from the bottom starts from schools education and I think they learned a lot you know in school and English and math and stuff but you sometimes wanted to learn enough about society about life about the most elements I guess and secondly school to start discussing. The permit schools. For me engage you know I think of the age appropriate discussion but you had time to start from the bottom. I think is the community you know the board of funds not follow you on social and complete gather and it's quite refreshing isn't it 99 percent of people out there just love you for who you are rather than you know having been a puppet because of your race you color your creed Yeah absolutely you know and to be honest you know I. Think from so far most of it's not nothing by race that the only thing you saw the 5 going there is a obviously. We're not going to you know when you go to the podium and that's the person that's the thing about your football and that's a good thing we can have opinions but we should have come down to you just warning you but a crack on social media and having not offensive language pulled in your face yes I mean that's that's never Ok you know obviously it's illegal you know. You can't be saying stuff like that instead of that in the street you know that. I mean it's something that's obviously increased showing. Actions. You know name I'm saying you know I'm not saying that my piece is anywhere near the level that they've got you know but it is. Happening in society a lot lately Abuse is abuse doesn't matter what level it should shouldn't be out and what's your thoughts on because that's been a high profile comes led by a lot of celebrities not sharing on mentioning abuse on social media you do not you got a lot of support what were your feelings about. You know I something I thought about you know the incident happened the night before so I think about straight away I thought you know less than 24 hours and then the next day I thought you know what I'm going to talk about and let people know what's happening and what I faced with there with that I could ignore. Obviously. Like it obviously abuse the piece but I think certainly pieces. You know a 1000000 times worse. That you know what yet is to just you know let people aware make people aware of what happened and yet the response has been very overwhelming you know something I didn't really anticipate and socially genus and response. And I didn't think I was you know what you're good lot and next of all can can see is that the funds on will have a good track on all right Jeffrey was asked is that there something. Special about your coffee. Thank you very much for sharing your story thank you. It's something no one should have to tolerate the border community coming around support news of course he's of. Diamond talk talk not. A crusty. Crowd where. You see. On 95 a fan digital radio on b.b.c. Sounds this is b.b.c. Taze one minute after 5 Time to get the latest news with Andrea McMillan that is funny man is calling for a review of a decision to award a major train building contract to an overseas company Ben how can claims he's had it confirmed that Hitachi need to make life has missed out on a contract to build 42 new trains for the time and when Metro impression I've got shows that it's actually come on the contract the official announcement was supposed to be January the procurement hasn't officially finished but I know that it's actually hasn't this contract reserve that pleasure is entirely because I think before the final wording of the contract there is an ability to poles must shine a light on why they actually have been awarded that contract and try and stop what is clearly a perverse decision Itachi which employs almost a 1000 people in need today Clive says that unable to comment for legal reasons the labor m.p. For Sedgefield Phil Wilson is demanding full clarification of the situation nexus has said the car. Not yet been decided and the bidding process is ongoing until January Clayton place a still questioning 2 men on suspicion of murder the 18 and 39 year olds from Middlesbrough were arrested in connection with the death of a man in his forty's last night he died in Hopi unship Kent declared their 2nd innings on 337 for 7 Yorkshire with a record chase on their hands a 2153 in their 2nd innings just a short task then a 530 to go with 7 wickets remaining asked for Durham invasion to their appearance Northamptonshire Durham or 187 they require another 222 to win you whether it is with Paul Mooney try tonight with a few Mester for parts as low as that and 7 Celsius 40 sysadmin hit another dry dates model any early mess this will clear more in the way of sunshine a bit warmer as well at 19 Celsius 66 fine and hate. Cold weather forecast for pole only a 10 to 6 on b.b.c. It is what every 15 minutes Greg traffic and travel of the head I was looking Greg . Jaffe saw on the move a little bit heavy on the a $179.00 heading out of hospital towards the a 19 Sheraton.

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