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But they should clear by early afternoon and elsewhere sunny spells but breezy with Scott to Chalice just so I'm free just strange and false use of US Climate Change time is running out scientists say if we want to limit global warming we need to change the way he is. Taking a closer look at what Britain can seek to prevent the temperature rising from today all the lies that he points one of Britain's biggest nuclear power plants looking at the wrong nuclear power may have been cutting down the use of fossil fuels to honor later everyone is going to have to wake up cool B.B.C. Radio 5 Live. On AM and F.M. Are in the U.K. On digital and online I'm Roger Sharpe were up all night in his State of the Union address President Trump discussed at length the need for a border wall on the solemn BARDA tens of thousands of innocent Americans are killed by lethal drugs across our borders and flood into our cities he said and then he turned to the criminal gang of us 13 which he told us heaters now operates at least 20 different American states adding They almost all come through our southern border tonight we'll take a look at I.M.S. 13 where the reporters spent the last 2 years hearing about them in the violent lawless ways is often with Mr Trump It turns out there is truth in what he says but the numbers seriously off. Well are great nations do not fight endless wars one of president trumps rallying cries to the American people last night and has 2nd State of the uni. In address and following up on that on that Wednesday President Trump said he expects to be able to announce by next week that Islamic state militants have been forced from all the territory they once held in Syria and Iraq and this just 2 months off to claiming that the jihadists have been defeated in Syria and U.S. Troops would be withdrawn while John Hannah is former national security adviser to Vice President Dick Cheney who was of course President George W. Bush's vice president and he is now senior counselor The Washington Post and to find a sin for Defense of Democracies I asked a missile Hanna to what extent the president's rallying cry about great nations not fighting endless wars is true what I'd say to that is that I think it's slight it reflects a real weariness on the part of the American public that we've been in the Middle East in particular fighting some very difficult conflicts now for the better part of 18 years and it's very hard for the American people to see what benefit the United States has gotten out of those wars and the president agrees with that that we ought to be spending our time and energy and resources and other areas in more beneficial ways to the national interests and I think a lot of people would agree with that having said that however it's also almost certainly true that great nations do not simply abandon the battlefield to anime's who mean the United States and our partners Great great harm and who is allowed to rise again and have their way will bring the United States back to these conflicts at much higher cost and much higher danger to the United States and our. Friends let's take a country that would be very familiar to you from your time and government and that says that has Afghanistan you know a very lengthy see it sort of war enough in Afghanistan the Nano in Moscow Russian brokered talks are going on between the Taleban and many different factions from Afghanistan along the Afghan government and the president last night talked about being constructive talks on it being time to try for peace is this the way to try for peace in Afghanistan. Unfortunately I've got my doubts I think the Taleban has now engaged in these peace talks because it has seen that the United States is in fact tired of this conflict that the United States wants out of this conflict. That it's signaled that it needs to go and that it's looking for some kind of political figure leaf to cover what will in fact be an A us abandonment of Afghanistan and hoping I think for some kind of decent interval before in fact we do have a a full on Taleban come back and and in Kabul What's the role of Hamad Karzai here. Well I did say I guess it's almost anybody's guess cars I have no doubt is is making some mischief he sees himself as still having some kind of political future and Afghanistan and Iraq and Afghanistan he's an ambitious man and my guess is that he sees himself as the power broker who will be aligned with the Taleban and together with them have a place and a and a future Afghan state that's dominated by the Taleban. If if if the United States where to be more involved in these talks do you think there's still a possibility of a negotiated outcome Listen there's always the possibility but I just I just think the way these talks are set up that the United States is now negotiating basically with the Afghan government to do it lack that Afghan government our partner in this enterprise for 17 years completely marginalized at the demand of the enemy forces of the Taleban who want nothing to do with recognizing the legitimacy of the of the Afghan government. That this is a deal between the United States and the Taleban and. And a Taleban that is still despite its promises very much tied and linked to Al Qaida. And to the remnants of Al Qaida in Pakistan so I I I just do not see this under the the current framework of these negotiations and being particularly well when the Taliban simply knows that the United States is anxious as it is to withdraw Mr Cheney a former boss a vice president for cost a long engagement for a custom long long war and that was $1.00 of his very 1st statements at the time a sadly it's been proved right doesn't he. Yes no it's this is I'm not even sure he would have predicted 18 years ago that we would still be in Afghanistan trying to midwife some kind of stable. Government there aligned with the West and instead we had now face a situation in which the Taleban is probably stronger than it's been at any time since $911.00 controlling more of of Afghanistan than it has at any time over the last 18 years I wonder if we could turn to to North Korea just because of the president's rather extraordinary statement saying that if it hadn't been for him the United States be involved in a major war in North Korea what do you make of that. Other than astonishment I'm not I'm not sure why and I mean one could just simply cannot imagine any of the president trumps predecessors ever ever making such thing but face it in the outrageous at outrageous statement to suggest that if Hillary Clinton had been elected president we would have been in the in the sick of the war I mean the fact is that yes the situation that President Trump inherited in North Korea was a very dangerous one but it was of course in some part at least the president's own rhetoric and tweets that dramatically escalated the tensions in 2007 Dame. Let's let's leave that one be for the moment and and turn to the the predicament of the cards we always seem to talk you know in almost a cyclical basis about the particulars of the Kurds way that we talked about it off to the very 1st Gulf War And then here we are again talking about the Syrian Kurds who really don't know what their future is or where their future lies. Yeah you know it's the president's decision to do again to kind of abandon the playing field in northeast Syria and perhaps leave the Kurds to. To the good mercies of the Turks their sworn enemies who are seem determined to demolish the Kurds in Syria. Has put them in an awfully difficult position I think it's only now that the president as a result of the pleadings of his own advisers is looking for some kind of way to. Prevent the worst outcome in Northeastern in Syria but unfortunately in his State of the Union address last night he really gave us no sense of a roadmap for how he intends to to accomplish that to both withdraw and yet not to completely betray the Kurds and leave them to the mercies of their worst enemies is it your understanding that there are people in the administration who are working to stop that from happening. Yeah there's no doubt no doubt there's a lot of sympathy for the Kurds and in part as centered in the American military it was actually had to be on the ground fighting with Steve's people the Kurds being at the front lines in this real battle and fact on behalf of civilization against against ISIS and losing thousands of fighters in the process I think there is a great amount of goodwill here for the for the Syrian Kurds even while recognizing the potential problems that it poses to Turkey and wanting to look for ways to it to address both of those concerns that people clearly telling the president that. That a disaster here for for the Kurds as a result of an American withdrawal will have very very long lasting consequences for the United States not only and in Syria of course but more broadly wherever we're looking for for partners and allies to join with us some of these very difficult challenges that we face around the world and into the non thank you for kind of going around the world with us time to one more thing and talking about long long term consequences now the president talks about having result from the and to media Nuclear Forces Treaty the I.N.F. Treaty and then it then he talks about a new missile defense system being a great opportunity and then he says perhaps we can negotiate a new agreement or perhaps we can't. Is that is that an attitude that that makes. To say is that not a 2 that makes any sense coming from the president of the United States. Well I mean there is a of course some history here I mean it was the Obama administration itself who began calling out the Russians for their pretty flagrant violations of the I.N.F. Treaty in terms of the development of these new intermediate range missile systems that they they were engaged in and ready to deploy against the agreement so it's been a process now of several years through 2 administrations trying to get the Russians to comply with the deal and and the Russians have refused to do that it's kind of clear Putin has wanted out of the deal and under those circumstances the United States felt like it could no longer comply now we do have a dish an old problem that the world has changed quite dramatically in the last 30 years or so and in fact that it's not just about the United States and Russia anymore there is a very big problem with with China and the kinds of precisely these kind of intermediate range missiles that it's been developing developing completely unconstrained that are posing real problems for the United States military posture and security system in Northeast Asia so I think it is time to really look at this to see what can be done hopefully new arrangements can be put in place either between us and the Russians or more globally that as some kind of new deal that might include the the Chinese so. I agree there's a degree of uncertainty here about what's going to happen and the threat of a new arms race I think is is very real but I do think there's there is the administration and the president's position here regarding the I.N.F. Treaty isn't completely lacking and some some level of logic. Well thank you so much can I ask you one last question was just totally off topic but what did you think given that you worked with him so so long and so. You know so closely what do you think the portrayal of the vice president Vice President Cheney in the film Violet. Lesson IOW I will have to be honest with you I have not seen I could not see myself walking down dollars for that I will stream it when it comes on my my Netflix or what I did see the trailer I think you know Christian Bale compared to any other actor I've seen attempt it really nails the vice president just in terms of the mannerisms of for days the physicality of the man it's really quite quite astonishing and he may indeed deserve an Oscar for that for that performance from you know these movies tend to have there's a certain level of predictable mist to them especially coming from directors that are more on the political left they play and that to that stereotype of Cheney The evil genius the puppet master manipulating the dumb Bush or didn't didn't really know anything about what was going on around him and that's just completely contrary to my experience of what their relationship was like and how deferential Cheney was at times to to Bush and making sure that whatever he did was was was in line with what the president wanted and getting overruled on a number of fairly important issues and sort of saluting and following the the orders I also do think this notion that that Adam McKay had of Cheney as. Kind of a completely amoral power hungry. Devil lacking in any kind of sense of of idiology. Our ideas about the power and purposes of the United States and the world whether you like those ideas or not Cheney was a guy of I have my sense of him always that a man of real substance to. Craved thinking about ideas craved thinking about how the United States ought to exercise its power in the world for what purposes so I think there was a lot more to the demand and simply it all being about some Machiavellian power grab for its simply for its own its own purposes power for power sake John Hannah not a bad review considering he hasn't seen the film neither then the Oscars this year will indeed be held without an official host for the 1st time in 30 years ahead of A.B.C. Entertainment which is the Academy Awards said it will instead highlight celebrities presenting the trophies the Academy name the comedian Kevin Hart as present to the end of last year but Hart was forced to withdraw in January in a row over some apparently homophobic tweets cow the cannas pop culture reporter and sounds as the carpetbagger of the Ord season columnist New York Times Hello Kyle I think for having been good to good to have you with us well they were pretty well driven into this one that I don't suppose anybody was a tall surprised. Yeah the cademy has been operating from a weird place this year. Putting it mildly I think that they've felt that there is a known and somewhat change the format of the show which is fine you know I mean the Oscars have been airing now for over 91 years while not airing but has existed as a ceremony and you know things have to change with the turns but it seems like every choice they've made to try to revamp the ceremony has been met with. Public opprobrium I mean Kevin Hart was hosting it briefly and then the people dug up a lot of anti-gay tweets that he had made and that he wasn't willing to apologize for and then he fell out. That's fine I guess on its own you know people may say her trying to plan something as difficult as the Oscars but then a lot of other things that have happened with this office their money maybe think it's positively curse them and they were going to cut the amount of musical performances until there was a backlash they were going to not have the winners of last year's Oscars come back to present so there was a backlash seems like they can't quite figure out exactly what they want this year's Oscars to be like one of the things that people often complain about is the lang so the Oscars. They making any effort to tell you that it will be a charter Simon is assured. Yes their number one priority is to bring the ceremony end 3 hours which is a little bit of a tall order given that last year's I believe was about 3 hours and 15 minutes but I have to say the idea of what to cut make the broadcast shorter it's kind of difficult because a lot of the ideas proposed including giving out some of the Oscars during the commercial break have met with a lot of scorn in the industry you know this is supposed to be Hollywood's biggest night and for a lot of these people they're being pushed to the margins on these Oscars so they're good to give away when nobody was watching where they mostly the tentacle Oscars which Oscars was a. They haven't announced yet which categories they will be but yes they're believed to be the classical Oscars things like cinematography which is all the more ironic given that the current president had me John Bailey it himself a cinematographer you know the Oscars have to have hastened to add that they're going to not just ignore these awards but edit them into a package that will be broadcast later in the telecast but by that time anybody who's actually in that ceremony will tweet it the winners out and we'll probably know that information so for people who really love watching the Oscars and you know love the way out there Oscar pool love that sense of appreciating. The best in the film industry it's a little compromised how do they actually cope with live tweeting and on social media and so on because the sentiment of delay Belton isn't to the Oscars broadcast Well there isn't usually I mean there's supposed to be done lives and I think that in the past you know the host that have succeeded in our new era of social media has understood that I'm the Ellen De generous to famously Accel fi with a whole bunch of big Hollywood stars in it and put that on line people like to watch the Oscars online people like to watch a whole lot of lot of things online you know you they they like that group communal experience of tweeting through something saying what everybody else has noticed saying trading means and I think that doctors may be shooting themselves in the put here someone because if not everybody's experiencing it in the same way online it's going to be one of those events where we love it to watch the Oscars because we love experiencing it with everybody else and that's going to be. A somewhat different experience here I think yes so A.B.C. Haven't made any specific on the taking something about how it will be online and if it will be online. Well there's been a whole lot of rumors about how this is going to go down I mean. Their priority seems to be twofold one is to bring in the Oscars or at around 3 hours and the other is to make sure that there are many big popular blockbusters reflected on the telecast is possible you know they have their wish in some ways because Black Panther a star as far as looking at Rhapsody Those are all nominated for best picture but when you look at some of the categories they're looking to either a limited or a push to the margins like say visual effects or sound mixing those are the categories where a lot of really big blockbusters like Avengers Infinity Ward represented so the films that they're hoping to get on the telecast a lot of the categories that they're looking to sort of. Tighten squeeze or remove altogether that that that's where that bread and butter on it is the makeup of the show will dive into the academy or is it really done to A.B.C. Given that they you know have some expect he's in the business of putting on great big music shows. I think right now we're seeing it sort of a tug of war between A.B.C. And a tad to me and I'll add one more part suspense in that tug and I think that the audience I think that in their haste to trim the show down to now proceed with no host and not necessarily an overarching comic sensibility what we're finding is that there's not really a sense of direction I think that there's not really the idea that the only thing we should be talking about about this year's show is that it's shorter. Betrays why a lot of people like to watch the Oscars which is to celebrate movies I've noticed that nobody really calls for the Super Bowl to be shorter in fact you know if you turn on the T.V. On Sundays in America you could just watch football game after football game and yet the Oscars at the supposed to be the special event that you know compromising itself in is sort of a batch I think that if you wanted tune in for the Oscars what the cattery maybe ought to do is promise that yes it might be a somewhat longer show than you're expecting but they're going to pack all of that show with the moment that you'll be talking about if they treated it like that I think the way that people view the Oscars the way they talk about them would be completely different I don't understand why they don't ask you is that really obvious. But one last question how has the audiences for the Oscars been steadily declining or how have been years when they've come back. Yes I would say that with most broadcast shows in general over the last decade there has been a steady erosion in ratings there's a lot of reasons for that I mean even the biggest shows on television. Have suffered ratings drops because they have to now compete with Netflix and a variety of other mediums that are all trying to get your eyeballs on them but that said I don't think that you know the Academy's haste to slice the show up is necessarily the right way to combat this they've got to go in my opinion a little more maximal even if they start the show and they have in the past with a host that is warning that it's going to be long and seems disinterested that to me set the tone right off the bat that makes people almost feel I don't know ashamed for what they tuned in to watch I'm reminded of will be Goldberg who hosted the Oscars a few times I went back and watched one of her old monologues and she says at the beginning of one of those shows she says yes the author is going to be a doctor is it going to be long and I don't want to hear about it because it's Hollywood's biggest night so let's just deal with it and you know that's kind of the attitude I think the Oscars need they should be unabashed about the fact that they're long and just make sure that they're packing it all up entertainment rather than have it be presided over or produced by people who are kind of ashamed of it now because on the coffee bagger The New York Times thanks so much Kyle thank you. It's Hoppus one. On digital B.B.C. Sound it's not speak German Venus is B.B.C. Radio 5 Live and here with the news has taught him a cloud of bodies been lifted from the wreckage of a plane which crashed near Guernsey carrying Emilio Sala and pilots David Ibbotson want to raise the aircraft's been suspended because of bad weather as to resume a proposed to go to Brussels looking for changes to her E.U. Withdrawal deal some M.P.'s are demanding an apology from a senior European official it follows comments from Donald Tusk that there's a special place in hell for those who campaigned for Britain to leave the union without considering how Donald Trump says he expects official confirmation next week that Islamic states have been forced out of Syria and Iraq he was speaking at a gathering of coalition partners in Washington and at least 5 people have been hurt in a suspected gas explosion in West Yorkshire It happened in Batley it's none of the injuries a life threatening Shabnam now has the sports. Back at some of the Premier League after it soon a win over evidence and a good a simple goals from Emerick Laporta. Perhaps Guardiola side ahead of time to rivals Liverpool but only on goal difference while top of the 2 have to wait Liverpool go to trial for it we knew we had not been told when the table saw we have one more game but importantly it was important game now we have another tough tough game in Chelsea without the future I'm too old to prepare it is not to stop in and stop important. In many many things we were we were solid and would play would get bronze in a 3 to the 5th round of the F.A. Cup to face Dobby Chris Eaton's team school twice in extra time to be West Brom 31 but we might hold work a bit we're going to some really good positions and I am going to find ourselves one day it seemed like it was going to be a lot one of them days but the 1st leg insert in some ways was a little bit similar but we had a really good possession and some really good chances but you need that one go. To get back in it and then after it wants to charge churned a little bit of it we showed our quality of sound to remain 6 points clear at the top of the Scottish Premiership and to beating Hibs to nil 2nd place ranges in our 5 points ahead of others enough to beat in their rivals to all the schools are on the B.B.C. Sport website Manchester City are through to the final of the Women's League compass to be Chelsea 2 nil Robin calendar is watching the League Cup Once again eludes Chelsea remains the only to Mystic trophy missing from their cabinet they paid the price for missing their chance in the 1st off City keeper partly pulled off to excellent save from Kirby and Cuthbert before bet England missed a close range header city took the lead 3 minutes off the restart the key to Paris winning and conversing a penalty on their shirt great awareness to cut out a loose pass on halfway and great composure to run the length of the hall punish past and also City up a chance to win a 3rd only cup they'll place the winner of the other $7.00 but with Arsenal and Manchester United in May be a joke in a secret has been recalled to the England squad for Sunday's 6 Nations match with friends at Twickenham the bath wing has recovered from a knee injury and replaces Mike Brown wins bionic countering Katie Poulter of given a great Britain and unassailable to net lead of a Slovenia in the 1st home 5 cup tie for 26 years cons of beads. In straight sets in Bath and roundabouts that it's a very happy to just stay composed then and stayed with it I definitely felt that even if I woulda lost that 1st set that was very little in it and I was going to trust in my level to be able to bring out good things and in that match which I'm happy I did come through that 1st and then I got a solid seconds as well will face Greece later today all Thursday's British Horseracing meetings have been cancelled because of an outbreak of a quine flu brisky a James Woods one gold in the men's slope style event at the World Championships in Park City Utah and to trump and Barry Hawkins a true sequel to. The sneak is welcome in Cheltenham but you know just from B.B.C. Sport 6 News. British Championships. 66666666. 666. 6 Nations continues this week. 663-6666. 66. 666. Thanks to you all this is B.B.C. Radio 5 Live on the B.B.C. Sound. Rock Show. Well technically at least the threat of a government shutdown still hangs over the United States even after the hugely unpopular shutdown that lasted longer than any other one and if it starts it would start on the 15th of February if it doesn't start that would be because President Trump and the Democrats have agreed something on president trumps a quest which he stated again they forcibly last night for a wall on the southern border with Mexico one of the reasons he cited involves stopping members of the Latino street gang called M S 13 from crossing over the group came to the attention of the then Attorney General Jeff Sessions who called them one of the most brutal of the guying striving the drug trade and brutality as sat my something that you hear about with Imus 13 on a drive spent 18 months writing about Emma's 13 for the investigative nonprofit news site Pro Publica Hello Hannah. Hi Well listen 1st of all you must been scared a lot of the time you hang around with the people who were being threatened themselves by Imus 13 I mean I felt a lot of sympathy for my sources for years I was reporting about people who were being threatened by the gang parents who lost children to the gang in the last I talked to members who were trying to get out of a gang but I wasn't that scared for myself because this is really a gang that targets mostly young Latino teenagers. A targets a very specific community and there's I D.L.D. Us right now and that's their team could be coming for anyone people are very scared but the reality is most people are almost invisible to this guy and I present of course writings are a good deal of time at his rallies a good deal but some of us type it as rallies talking about Imus started and scaring the life out of people doesn't he yet to hear President Trump tell it and the 13 is the biggest scariest gang and a national crisis but the truth is that the scale has stayed the same size in the U.S. For the last 10 years or so there are about 10000 members of the gagging in the U.S. And that's one percent of good members here it's a very small fraction of people committing violence and the people joining gangs and Central America of course it's a different story he said last night later operating in about 20 states is that true. Yeah I mean the gang is spread around the US It was founded in Los Angeles in the 1980 S. And now they're small groups in a lot of different states and nobody is defending this gang I mean the violence of the gang commits her arrest people and big groups with machetes and like I said they target young people and they're really merciless 20 July and the only way to get out is to die. But just because they're all around the country does not mean that they're taking over or that they're committing a significant amount of the violence here you said the hot although they began in Los Angeles where they called some traces these days so they actually spread back to Central America and in the earlier wave of deportation in the ninety's and in Central America it's really a different story there as the gang is sort of what Trump says it is here they're the gang is huge and it's really infiltrated a lot of political institutions and is a national security threat that's one of the reasons that we see so many people fleeing Central America to come to the U.S. Right now because of what I saw to know that I mean tell us how they operate you've talked to school kids who are just terrified about us are 2 Yeah I mean they're real in the pocket of this country in the suburbs of Washington D.C. The capital in the suburbs of New York City and I 13 is really busy a threat and they are preying on these recent immigrant student. Students and told me the. Last week of silence here and then in their serious so be targeted by gang members who try to recruit them and threaten to hurt them if they don't join the gang. There's a site that gang members are fighting over the border but what I've seen happening is people are being recruited to the gang once they get to the U.S. When they're in the SO horrible position as as recent arrivals and they are being deported on the immigration service ice is picking up people without papers and setting them back and some of those are M S 13 members Yeah ice is supposed to be targeting gang members right now more than in the past if you look at the numbers there isn't a huge attack in gang members being sent back on top of that is because of the 13 isn't only busy comprised of immigrants and then the 13 members are U.S. Citizens and you can't deport them but there has been a lot of instances in places like the suburbs of New York where people are being accused of being gang members on shaky evidence so people busy who maybe draw something that I think has a gang sign or can write the country calling code for El Salvador with candy gang signs they can also just be a sign of home country pride those people are now being targeted and deported and that sort of another is that that's making life really hard right now for teenagers and it's Suppose a cultural ignorance too isn't to difficult for for a nice. Officer who comes from a some kind of you know Standard American backed road if there is such a thing to to get into that culture and to understand it completely and a lot of people who are doing lawn person around the game don't speak Spanish so that's a huge handicap and it could be hard for anybody who's not in the subculture to distinguish between what a teenager may be trying to run like a gang member like act more tests than they are. And what's a teenager really being part of the gang and being prepared to commit violent. Leader issues that we've seen so how do you go about. Knowing in this issue of how do you tell in a teenager the criminal or a teenager in trying to look tough is something that was seen for a long time in the U.S. But now has this immigration implication where people are actually being deported what are the numbers because this is our account of how many A Well I suppose proven amas 13 members are actually being deported from the United States every year so I would say that there are. Several 113 members of gang members being deported and that's about in line with what we see year over year. And the big uptick we see in the U.S. Is people who are being deported just for normal in the Creation Research and on and some law enforcement and Per say that this focus on Imus 13 is actually getting in the way of normal criminal investigation because when you're going around trying to figure out who's in every Grant who might be part of this gang what you're not doing is solving actual crimes which paid a lot more you know for sure but a politician would say to some political value if you've decided that going off on documented emigrants and getting them to the country is a big priority but what about what about 30 and they would talk quite a lot about the the violence but it is I mean is chronic and horrible isn't it I mean what's the average age of an anonymous 13 member. And a vision is really shockingly young. This year and last year there have been people who are 15 and 16 years old at the time they committed their crimes charged with but these really gruesome murders sometimes they're quadruple murders. And murders over almost nothing over being perceived to disrespect the gang or wearing gang colors without permission or the colors of a rival gang and it's been murders committed with machetes and baths and so the crime scenes are just completely her Essec and really unusual but we're talking maybe $35.00 murders a year. At the very most which is a lot which is far too much but it's just a tiny fraction of the violence in the US to this is the number of homicides being up in the thousands the 10s. Thank you how very much for your reporting thank you. Well let's look at papers this morning and we've got to the Guardian which is picking up on Donald tusks comments about the special place in hell for those who backpacks without a plan that oh the match Oh and The Times says that the E.U. Is set to snub the prime minister again when she goes there later on today after the the Donald tusks remark everybody's on it to be honest the Telegraph the the Financial Times though is zeroing in again on the failure to make a deal and it says the failure to seal most breaks a trade deals is infuriating business leaders infuriating is the word that the F.T. Usually used as an headline and it says the Department for International failure international trade has just failed to conclude trade deals with most known E.U. Countries it time for the scheduled breaks date of the 29th of March and let's turn one more thing the Daily Mirror focusing on homelessness Britain's shame and there's a mother in a tent. Who is in Cardiff City Center whose unborn baby died of the cold the hardworking builder who broke his back sorry these are all people there listing on the front page the mum was unborn baby died of the cold hard working builder a broke his back and lost his job the wife affected on a path to Dispatches from 24 hours on the homeless front line which will horrify the nation so big story on homelessness in the Daily Mirror we're going to have a look at the back page of The Daily Mirror now in the company of the sports pages Al McKinley Well much this if you've gone back to the top of the Premier League all all be on the on goal difference Soviet style. After playing one game more than Liverpool where they were played it's a little pools the local rivals Everton last night and there they had a relatively comfortable victory wasn't champagne football by any means rough and ready to headline inside I am for the top is the headline on the back page because American Laporte school the 1st goal Coverdale chasing made it to you know later on is quite a comeback really for much to see because just over a week ago Pat Waterloo saying you know we might blow in the title race slipped to 7 points at one point behind behind Little Poland 5 points behind and in a week like my top 5 points and it's good looking very rosy once again for Manchester City. Not this is really a hard story to take but not having a go at Cardiff City yes sale Yes he's quite distasteful story really the headline is nonce we want solid cash this is a value on the money from the a 1000000 and sell a transfer even before salaries kazoos of hopefully. Involved in a plane crash in in the channel before sellers body has been found or identified has been a body found. Tonight in the in the channel has not been identified yet Numsa sent an email to Cardiff demanding the 15000000 pounds and then follow this up with a legal letter on the following Tuesday they're threatening action unless they get the 1st payment within $10.00 days now they see a $50000000.00 payable spread over 3 years anyway now whether or not Cardiff should be paying it today or tomorrow or in the next couple of days I think it's human decency would surely suggest it not should have just waited a little while at least until this episode has been closed and perhaps after the funeral It's very distasteful to be demanding money. Just just a few days after this especially with the tributes paid up I was not Celtic city to me on my salary and not very not a very good looking people when people are sick and tired of the big money in football as a money seems to rule everything and it seems to have trampled all over human decency in this case too. Well there's a bit of an inquest into what happened that West Liverpool much and not on the field but on the terraces this is not a good story either but West Ham of. Fast track down the thugs who hold racist abuse at Mohamed Salah on Monday night when some 311 Liverpool one final scores on camera screaming at myself and shouting with racist insults it's extraordinary that you still get this kind of thing I mean the Firstly these legal are so stupid to do in the 1st place and secondly with all the cameras in the ground and everything these days you just go you just can't get away with the cameras will be focused on them and they will almost certainly will follow them anyway West Ham of promised Little Paul that they will track down the culprits now there's a lot of transfer activity or transfer activity in the win that he way and spars seem to be at the heart of something spars one and pulling one way and Real Madrid the other and pulling the other way Exactly yeah this focuses on Christian Eriksen the Danish international midfielder was one of the one of the stars of spurs obviously but there is a growing feeling that perhaps in the summer he'll be off to Real Madrid and when Real Madrid come knocking they usually get the money if they do then Spurs would like to replace him with James Madison of Leicester City who's been abstaining from Leicester after joining from Norwich $24000000.00 pounds and establishing felt that is one of Leicester most creative players and while the reason spurs like medicine to pop in the fact he's obviously got talent is that they're low on players who meet the homegrown rules forcing them to name reduced squads in both the Premier League and Champions League this season which is a bit of an oddity they do have a number of English players in the 1st 11 but the squad needs more homegrown players and medicine could be the man they target to do just that in the summer if Eriksson as expected makes the moves around the grid. And Chelsea would seem a good lose somebody to Paris as a mom yes she's really in a Brazilian midfielder P.S.G. Very keen on him he's not always picked to start bomber E.C.R. Sorry if you're 18 months left on his current deal much the same as Eriksson and discussions of because of a new contract but P.S.G. Already made inquiries in the last transfer window in January he wants a long term deal at Chelsea but he's 30 years old and so it's unlikely that the policy of not giving long contracts to all the players at Chelsea and if he does go it's be quite double loss to Chelsea because of course he didn't has offered another target around the trade and he could come on up to about $100000000.00 pounds if he was to leave Chelsea for Real Madrid has out of course said he's already made up his mind was going to be in the summer he just hasn't told any of us yet. On a grate on a far West Ham's farm a Captain Billy Bonds Yeah they've done and decided to make the stand of the London stadium. Built onto course he's made a record 700 not appearances for the Hammers lift famously lifted the F.A. Cup twice as captain he 72 years old now and there's a lovely quote from Ashley says a great honest means so much to me my family to think of my little 3rd West Ham player to receive a son after Bobby Moore in trouble can you talk get better than that to people on Matsui great footballers and 2 great friends and he says it will be great while no longer around for my granddaughters to come here and say that's Graeme Dott stand. And Manchester City are taking their water skis with them when they play the next compel Yes yes it's a yes they're really serious about lighter stuff if you pull of course a big leap 8 Leicester in the Middlesbrough. In the middle bring the 4th round of the cup Cup replay. The score of their 2nd goal which was an absolutely cracking go public on Monday saying that city definitely won fantasy outpaces that you thought she had a page with 2 of the rockets a rugby teams and of all that has already been 60 games on the pitch in that headline a scrum and have a go if you think it hard enough he says there would be have been very few much to city lies if any would have played a grand like this and that's a little advantage we have to take if the game or in the end he had then would be thinking a different story I think he's probably thinking about the 9 mil it's thrashing that must be handed out to be an Albion. 2 divisions above the viewport but he's got a point you know that someone has a picture of the of the pitch just before a rugby going to be honest it looks more simple with a football pitch they say that they say that the you need a good level of cup games and obviously think that's what they've got. And Brian Ridge writing about Joe say Marie you are saying ring yeah this is a funny picture it's your say and I was slipped up he was the celebrity he was a celebrity was starting a Russian ice hockey match in the village behind as he was making his way out to drop the puck and Brian race saying that hard for days and beyond as he gets started last week I Russia all the 1700000 fallen. Tax fraud case a tough toss up so off would have hurt him most this way but he also points out the quotes from various much geology playfully Cockers I've been starting a lot of games and are only going to social say things that were positive people are smiling enjoying it and Herrera saying we're very happy with him everyone feels feels freer and associate himself as we were trying to get the team to go for 23 and 4 goals rather than just sit back and have to try and win one nail and the conclusion Brian comes to his merino who cause an increasing sound Basically the longer he stayed in my job and capable of ever doing that again. And why the dots help a good start the union side yeah the headlines Bull's-Eye not to the dots helps lane England doubletalk Holland magnificent performance of course by England in Dublin Henry slated to try Harare said that they use that same out of a night out a plate playing darts together as a inspired them to victory in Ireland he said we had a room plates and does a couple of drinks not a real good sign in fact he says very much like the old traditional rugby rugby seems remember from a few years ago related this was part of the team bonding and seem to do them some good is Noll it's no skin warrant and protein shakes obviously not having a DOS and a good drink with not necessarily good drink was certainly in the company of your friends always league is still good to team spirit. A lovely thing to do well let's turn away to the Boston Globe and David all joins us to talk about the MIT a very well endowed University with some very big clients who are there and everywhere Hello David Hi Ron how are you doing yes we have yes all these problems are going off to the excitement of yes but. I have I do I'm not sure if you were sharing the same excitement that we'd had here in Boston but it was a beautiful day I can go over that parade again if you'd like yes just one of these days that you love to talk about the news wasn't just so little. Rosy and wonderful all are a and little kids are climbing lamp posts to get a better view of the heroes it's a marvelous thing it was beautiful and it was a beautiful day it was about 60 degrees and very spring like weather it's a little cooler now but we had a great time in Boston but today we're turning to a little more serious news we have a story in The Boston Globe about MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology one of our major universities here in Boston they have decided that they will not sever. Its financial and research ties to the Saudi Arabian government. There were calls to do that as many might recall after the brutal killing of Jamal Khashoggi back last year and a lot of reviews and soul searching about different institutions relationships with the Saudis the Saudis of course are very wealthy and are spreading a lot of their large US around higher education and a whole bunch of other places MIT gets millions to do some energy research and individual researchers gets the money and etc etc So there were calls to perhaps cut those ties. But MIT says no they're not going to do that. The MIT president wall sort of denouncing the behavior of the Saudis for violating human rights rejected any unilateral. Disarmament if you will or calls to unilaterally pull out of any engagements with the with the Saudis so they actually say how much money the they are taking from Saudi Arabia and that we have tried to pin that down over the last few months is inherent Here's what we found the last fiscal year the university received. 7.2000000 in sponsored research support which would back. 40 some individual MIT researchers they also received several $1000000.00 I guess $25000000.00 from the Saudi Aramco the state oil company since 2012 that money has gone to the MIT energy initiative which is supposedly focused on developing clean renewable energy so there is the money there and I'm sure there's other pockets of money that we're not even all that familiar with so we did try to nail that down and so we're it's not you know I don't know how that compares to the overall amount of money that MIT gets in research I don't have that figure but it's a sizable slab. And if you're a professor or. A specific looking for grant money this is crucial isn't it so it's kind of left up to them to decide whether or not to go on except that that's right so they sort of split the baby or they said we're not going to accept it as a university but the individual researchers are sort of on their own if they want to say no MIT will help them with that transition whatever that means I'm not sure if that means that MIT will step in and actually supplant the money. They worry if their individual researcher says they don't want it from the Saudis. For news. Really for anyone else this C.B.C. 5. It's 2 o'clock in the news comes from David money the man years on 5 life specialist rescuers recover a body from Emiliano sellers crashed plane and installed Mantis is he a back on top of the Premier League. This is B.B.C. 5 life. Air accident investigators have successfully recovered a body from the wreckage of Amelia No cell as plane which came down in the channel ne Guernsey rescuers haven't said if the remains of aunts of the football or pilots David it send are transport correspondent Tom Barrett chose more weather conditions then turned and they were forced to abandon the mission to recover the large part of the plane's fuselage it is a setback for the investigation into the cause of the crash however investigators still have a lot of evidence to work with including detailed videos of the wreckage to reason may well fly to Brussels later for talks as she tries to break the brink sit deadlock of his it comes just 24 hours after European Council president Donald Tusk angered some with his comments that there's a special place in hell for those who campaigned to leave the U. Without a plan Michel Martin is island's opposition leader I mean that kind of language is not helpful at the stage and does nothing to advance season Manchester City women the Chelsea to male to get through to the final of the Women's League Cup The key to Paris scoring twice this is a joke on a seeker has been recalled to the England squad to Sunday's 6 Nations match with France at Twickenham he'll replace Mike Brown and you on account of be delayed to give Great Britain an unassailable 2 no late of the Savina in the opening a Fed Cup pool match is up to Katie Poulter one her in Bath this is B.B.C. Radio 5 Live on digital B.B.C. Sound Smart speaker come on Mars. The weather for today for northern and eastern areas with the spells of rain and Hill snow but this should play it by early afternoon elsewhere spells of sunshine but breezy and with Scott the chair was in the West it's time to put on that thinking cap and see where your imagination takes his entry is now open 500 was great short story but includes issues. On pesky pirate. Soup.

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