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Just for news. Really for anyone else this is c.b.c. 5 gives one a talk on 5 live as we welcome local radio stations from across the b.b.c. This is up all night I'm Dawson at a bio on the main news on 5 Live Teresa confident a body found in Dorset is that of the missing teenager guy of hope for to a thrilling round of autumn international matches these wins for England Wales and Ireland but this appointment for Scotland. This is b.b.c. 5 live with the b.b.c. News on far as David Harper a body has been found in the hunt for missing teenager guy a pope police say they're confident the remains on land their sworn age are that of the 19 year old who's been missing for 11 days has her sister Klara he is going to say was that I never will she is the absolute light of my life so beautiful so emotionally wise and intelligent and so passionate and artistic and creative and understanding 3 people have been arrested on suspicion of her murder they've all been released under investigation Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe is expected to meet the military who have taken power in the country they're attempting to persuade him to step down huge crowds have demonstrated in the capital Harare calling for Mr Mugabe to resign one of the protesters in Harare was roll war veteran Teddy Camorra come. Here because the. Plane was just referred to in your garden and I know you know I might be. Gerry Adams says he'll step down as president of Shin Fein next year he's held the position since 1983 the 69 year old also told the party's conference in Dublin that he won't seek reelection to the Irish parliament Denis Murray was the B.B.C.'s Annan correspondent for 20 years I think part of the reason behind him decide. Goal is not just age which is obviously very important but it's also that the focus of the party I think is moving more and more towards the south increasing its number of seats in the Irish parliament in the dollars I was $23.00 at the moment a murder investigation is underway after a woman was found stabbed to death in north London she was discovered in a house in muscle Hill on Thursday night police went to the home after concerns were raised about how well being tributes are being paid to the guitarist and co-founder of AC d.c. Malcolm Young has died at the age of $64.00 after a long battle with dementia golf cart Wright is a music journalist not only did he lead this band from playing Sydney pubs to the biggest stadiums across the world he was a real don't if practical man he said he treated his job and the band like work in effect in 95 there was no flesh about him there's no stories of wild behavior or drug abuse or that he liked the cigarette in a beer and a cup of tea Scottish Labour's new leader says the party will consider suspension for his predecessor Kazia Dugdale she's still an m.s.p. And has gone into the jungle for i.t.v. As I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here Richard Leonard says he's disappointed by her participation and David Cassidy is in hospital in Florida with multiple organ failure a spokesman said the singer was conscious and surrounded by his family that's the news now as the sport was Shojo England head coach Eddie Jones their knowledge his side had some crucial calls go their way as they beat Australia at Twickenham the 30 points to thinks win was England's 5th consecutive victory over Australia Scotland came their closest to beating New Zealand thinks 983 as they lost 822172 the All Blacks that Murrayfield Ireland needed 2 late penalties to thier Fiji 2320 in Dublin Wales were also run close by Georgia in Cardiff but won it 13 thinks Paul Pogba scored on his return from injury as Manchester United ease to a 41 victory against Newcastle the Premier League leaders Manchester City. On to nil Lester call from 10 has won his featherweight bout against Mexico's Horatio Garcia by a unanimous points decision it was the former to weight world champions 1st fight since he lost to Leo Santa Cruz in January Grigor Dimitrov will play David Goffin in the final of the a.t.p. Tour Finals in London he beat Jack Sock in 3 sets in their semi and in the doubles Jamie Murray and his partner Bruno Suarez were beaten in straight sets in their semi final this is b.b.c. 5 live on digital on the smartphone and tablet the weather overnight will be a few showers in northern Scotland and the far south west but other areas will remain clear with widespread Frost Sunday will be a sunny but rather cold day in the far south west will slowly spread to other western areas followed by rain into the evening high temperatures 9 in Cardiff 5 in Edinburgh. Breakfast Oh Simon King what about the weather is it if there's a wee bit. Different Is it a wee bit chilly over the weekend. Yet it worth it in the end what it was it was well worth a. Bit. Of that was actually Algeria's manager Rabah magic my old French teacher. It was the Wilma's for. You to go off on one was that directed at you Nicky Campbell has a very short sighted and never to bring up my mate wrong 5 like breakfast Monday morning from 6. This is up all night on 5 Live added by coming up in this hour you'd have thought the people would be partying right across the world of those people of Zimbabwean heritage who've opposed Robert Mugabe for the last 37 years and yet and yet And yet despite the fact that today supposed to be that day they've been waiting for this time when the long standing president of the country steps down. Somewhat. And the question is why why do they believe that the old dog so to speak as a few tricks still left before he is forced to resign his position that's the way they describe it in any case we'll find out in a moment from 2 people who have experienced Mugabi for many years some of it in quite shocking ways to be frank also in this hour it would also be talking about the submarine that we told you about yesterday in the missing Argentine submarine we saw it been found yesterday but it is still missing and now the search for it's been intensified in the South Atlantic police in Dawson searching for the missing 19 year old guy a pope who found a body and they say they're confident it's her the discovery brings an end to search around the town of Swanage which lasted 11 days guys sister Clara pope paid an emotional tribute to her she is going to say was I never will she is the absolute lights of my life. So beautiful so emotionally wise and intelligent and. So passionate and artistic and creative and understanding. And I will always always always be one of 3 always one of 3 and I just want to thank everybody. Everyone every hoagie every message she has been you know. One of 3 events all of this a. Propos the discovery of a body comes after Mass searches were staged today Saturday that is the love of the day of pope's disappearance the B.B.C.'s Lawrence Herdman has more on this this news broke just before 8 o'clock and it's happened on a day where more than a 1000 volunteers throughout Swanage and Purbeck and beyond in Dorset have turned out for a mass search along the coastline here in South Swanage the announcement was made as I say it says that officers searching for missing teenager guy or Pope have discovered the body of a woman near Swanage now the discovery was made at around 3 o'clock this afternoon it was made by specialist search teams near the southwest coastal path and the field where items of clothing had been found on Thursday morning by a member of a put the public this was about 200 meters inland from some very steep cliffs at the bottom of these fields now Detective Superintendent Paul Cassell is from the Dorset Police Major Crime Investigation Team and he told us the following although the body has yet to be formally identified we are confident that we have found Geir her family have been informed and are being supported by specially trained officers our thoughts remain with all of her family and friends at this traumatic time they've requested previously and then we make no further media releases at this point it goes on to say the coroner has been notified further forensic examination will continue and this with this will guide the investigation in respect of the circumstances of the death which at this time remains unexplained he goes on to say that he'd like to thank the community for all the support and the understanding with all the the search that has gone on which is be. Truly extraordinary and it really has galvanized and touched this community so those efforts are reflected from Dorset police and also goes on to say that the family are being supported by specially trained officers at this time so it really is a very sad conclusion it would appear after optimism remained right until the final minutes and a lot of hope within the community that there would still be a positive outcome the b.b.c. Is Laurens Herdman the 3 people have previously been arrested on suspicion of murder and released under investigation. Zimbabwe's president Robert Mugabe is expected to meet the military later today after they took power in the country they're attempting to persuade him to step down the governing Zanu p.f. Party for so long Mr Mugabe's biggest supporters and his power base are also meet this morning to discuss dismissing him from the party when earlier huge crowds demonstrated in the capital Harare and elsewhere calling for Mr Mugabe to resign the B.B.C.'s and say he spoke to some of the crowd here was really really done with . You that you are and. I don't I don't know how to express it because I couldn't believe me just like I'm dreaming. That you know what that me thinks Jimmy Kimmel that the guy but it's time to quote him The rest we don't do we seem bad he has done what is done here is wrong to us we know that but he must go and the regime is evil. You must go into this with these make yet the Will I've been speaking to cheese in bobbins. Holdman who lives in Wales but had to leave her country we discussed why and I should say some of what you're going to hear from has quite shocking Well said Alex McGee He was the chief advisor to Morgan Tsvangirai the opposition leader when he was in Bobby's prime minister in a coalition government and leader of the posse the Movement for Democratic Change of the d m the m.d.c. The main opposition party I also don't try to express well how he was approaching what could be historic day for Zimbabwe you know I always approach rebuttable government with note of caution so my expectations are very low on it believe it when it happens it's an important. It's an important day it's an important week it's been an important period for the people of Zimbabwe because they've waited for a very long time to see Mr Mugabe he's a very proud man he's a very stubborn man and I don't see him yielding without putting up much of a site he's going to fight to the center and my firm is some is a home and you live in Wales now you watching this from a distance from your homeland of Zimbabwe I know you had to leave Zimbabwe We'll talk about that in a moment but what's been going through your mind today as you have the news perhaps sometime later today Robert Mugabe will step down from power well I'm still in a shock it is really shocking it's not something I expected to happen but I'm excited I'm really excited that these actually happening and looking at all this because all the people who. We didn't think it was going to happen considering the horror week has been the really trickling numbers of people and out of the room we just see all these people today that much is it's breathing and it's just a change when I know like we are saying we don't trust him we know you're playing games we know but anything with se y. Fit for me is a change. Grace with a think Grace or we haven't seen that picture or when he was doing the university. Tour or money at the Open University he was by himself but you could tell that he guess as you could tell these expressions he was not confident in what you are doing he knows something is coming we know something's going to happen have you managed to dry the tears because I understand you've been crying a river or a joy all day I've been talking to my children my sons were there and they're spending it picked up from their morning and they say to my mum oh no i Life My son is 29 and so was my son's best day to day yet never think they mock rusty in reality going to the state else they've been at the state else they were taking pictures shaking hands with the school just it just never happened if this is a change this is something unbelievable does Alex will will mark his enthusiasm somewhat tempered I know because it's not a done deal yet but will he has him enjoy be reflected across him today or will there be people crying tears of sorrow at the prospect of Robert Mugabe stepping down from power. Well you know like I say Zimbabweans have. Lived under this man through for 37 years a lot of people have suffered. These are not people who are greedy or things these are people who have huge disagreements a lot of them have edge family that has suffered people who have died at the hands of the same people much more of my time with them today. But they're united play one cause which was too easy to remove Mr McGovern to see to see him leave power now I know that there are so many expectations I went with Mrs anger I and so I had close. View of the way that Mr Mugabe where and that's why you see me I am a little more cautious in the way that I approach it I was very impressed by the crowd in Zimbabwe you know what I did that was very important in blow I the 2nd city there were a lot of people and a lot of people have huge expectations I just hope that the pressure continues because as I say he is a very sly old man and he will try to use the old tricks in the book he knows that he's got the support of the leaders in Africa who face the same challenges that is facing and you know they're a little dictators club and so they will look after them he would try and use that platform you know that to continue to protect himself and so I understand the enthusiasm that a lot of people have and I'm listening to my thought their back if you have but at the same time having been at the very front line of duty and seeing how these things contest suddenly change in a moment I approach it with a lot of question which surely even this well you should Zimbabwe has reached a point of no return this week. No I mean there's no question about it it may not be today it may not be tomorrow but it will happen. Very very soon Mr Mugabe cannot stop the tide the people who have come out the temples of today of yesterday's March was to demonstrate that Mr Mugabe no longer has any authority no longer has any support because he sees a deluded man he has this delusion that people love him he doesn't realize that people come to use rallies only because they are fearful now the people who used to call people to come to the rallies are the ones who are now attacking him and so he's naked he doesn't have any power. And other people are never knew what freedom is the leaves a his life with his family with the graves and also scaring people how dead question wearing an apostolic uniform going to recruit people from a change you know I think people what else do they know when you know anything but all you see if. The television which is controlled by the government there's nothing else you've got no outside life for myself I think in my emotions is coming from the anger that we had to before I had to be forced to leave my country my beloved country I know I too in the past when I was born think might not have been right with me but it was not my time out for 971 so I don't know what happened to 1980 or no one is about the most and fear is a joke lastly teacher being beaten up being neglected teaches no one would be happy if you have experience the last I did and police never supported me I went . To report and they say do you have put yourself into it they didn't support. Me my house was destroyed and I ended up being abused a sick child we got this people and this is my time now that's when my anger is coming from I didn't want to come to you but I was forced to leave my country leaving my children there what had you done in their view that you know use you in the way that they did I talked politics I will m.d.c. To shoot that was the wrong thing I did I thought the elections were going to be fair as a teacher of course we I thought we had the right to choose the parts we wanted to and what teaching in everything that's Think method on the other side knows I was in court I was in the most. And that was the very bad area so anything that and I were talking I talked about the economy the economics of the country why because I mean it was forming done and I was preparing people for the examination before I know it's there well they didn't scam and there was a beacon in front of everyone no one complained at me and they had to match but didn't support me you know got his regime is let us suffer it even if we had nothing to go but why do you stop an ng now it's just making us happy and it's tipped it's a time this is a huge. It's amazing we are so happy that it lasted even he him to be housebound for me it's great we want that we love the mouth that was abused in our country for wearing a movement for democratic change to Egypt and to be a politics teacher. So when the ram at my house I had to hold a lot of them in my wardrobe if my whole wardrobe and they took I had to beg of them and they took them and they took everything out of my house. So my joke I did addition folks my dog was called folks to give him space meets they took him away and they're hanging on a tree and the Roy was. Honestly fighting a woman and was a single parent a single mother and my boy still at that big molester on the floor bleeding government what how can I support the government how can I not be happy today. Leaving. All My Children. The irony of of this situation you know is she has someone who is a victim terrible terrible crimes committed against her. No protection from the state and now I have had to flee now you know one of the biggest irony is that we have right now is that she was an m.d.c. Activist and there were so many of the mothers were killed at those had limbs broken and lost their property and so forth yes and what has happened in the last few weeks is that the people who have now attacked Robert Mugabe and they're really threatened him the authority or his order and power are the very people who are supporting him these are very same people who are killing people the same people who are raping who are committing all sorts of crimes in his name and it's such an ironic situation that of course because of the fact that Mugabe is now losing power these people are being held and so. It is important to understand that it is the beginning but as a people we have a long way to go because we've got one badly kept living but those who are replacing him are people who are part of the system and so as a people we have that enormous challenge because when it comes to for example ensuring that those people who committed those acts upon upon happy how to how does he get justice in obvious things I'm Porton they need to be dealt with Gee that's Solomon Moore thousands of people who have gone through all these challenges that need to be dealt with and of course there are other issues that corruption which to plague simply where the economy has done and the end it. People are really suffering all those issues at Wharton because you know Zimbabweans have every right to be happy about. This Every it's really important to have it and that the challenge is so enormous it's doing that because what we're fighting is not just the best but this is indeed and where did it go wrong with where did it go wrong where did the person in the system go wrong once upon a time. Robert Mugabe was seen is one of the saviors of Africa you know the revolution Rowe who to come British colonialism and beat it on the battlefield and in the political diplomatic boardroom or you know talk through Lancaster House with Lord Conny him as they tried to sort out the legacy of British clone uses clone you lose him in what was then Rhodesia and then Zimbabwe where did it go wrong because then it seemed as if he was a Democrat at least on the surface I know he was always a Marxist but in terms of trying to redistribute the wealth of the many as well to do say was the right thing to do and so on where did he go wrong yes well you know what he his record in the 1980 s. Makes a lot of people. You know have this narrative of him as someone who had these positive policies and he did good things about education health and other things but when economy improves the economy grew by 2.5 percent also every year for the 1st 10 years of his route and. I don't. Think there could be fact he had never been a Democrat got there all with they did that kinda look what happened Josh uncle what did he do he's very clever got to get people to like you me get people to think you good got 30000 people you killed him what are you think about once a Democratic president No I don't agree with which 30000 people they must have got you but that why you went before perished. Yeah I was I was about to explain that to narratives of robot and grab the fast 19 he's the narrative of this guy who was being progressive in the 1980 s. But as he pointed out I was about to say there's also the other deck and I Robot guys who send a crank you need to read you know might have been an end in the 1980 s. And yet the auspices that he was fighting is a dense or terrorists and that you don't even want to but because the 2 of them were friends. And now even though we are what we do. Better than Grace I think in my own opinion it's better to fight one person than this family who thinks that. They were big caught up in their hands and their power . Now we want to call a leaf and coalition will help and we can deal with love of God by himself. That that's what I think God should go and his wife and the family and it's boys who are wearing all these expensive watches was spending all this money South Africa and get it we've got nothing good to be buying at 1300000 ways of getting that money from all the damn owns them up with a rich country we want our welfare back and do we will go back and celebrate what Zimbabwe which we have experience when we were young we will be free and democratic sorry I am a bit angry because. I think we all understand your anger Alex you doesn't have every right to be angry with you would like that what's the problem politically with Grace Mugabi that Martha smidgen a couple jobs what is the problem with why is she so crucial in this narrative. Well you know this one is that the 2nd wife of Mr Gaby he came in in the one to 90 s. But she has a 2nd wife who had an affair and we've got bankers auditing or c.d.c. Was I could look up a secretary Don't forget that and she was a married woman she had their own children she had their own life and she knew she started going out with the Mugabe when stylee was not dead so in my opinion she's not a nice woman she she showed a different taking and mine and that is in our culture that is wrong she should have done that considering that she was also married and she knew almost got it Sally was the poor Sally Sally was the model Sinbad with study was a lot better than Griffin McGovern she she was she terrible great great good she great disgraceful gress I'm really happy discovering whatever whatever she is now praying for hey I'm not the person always she's someone to die but she is made us suffer or now she realizes what suffering means. I was about explaining that. One of the problems is that Gabby began his affair with Grace Yeah at a time when Sally Mugabe was actually quite ill and she had a kidney failure and that's when that's when that's when I had had their 1st baby yeah now what the problem I have thought because you see I like to look at these things from one and the other Grace Mugabe has done so many wrong things she's very greedy and she she he takes things from people when they whatever she wants she likes to you merely it at out people she likes to she's very brash and very aggressive and that has put off a lot of people however I think what what the narrative also does is that I think it ends up excusing report and making grace to appear as if she's the cause of Zimbabwe's problems and that she is the cause of Mugabe's behavior I actually don't agree with that narrative because you see Mugabe is Mugabe he has agency Mugabe has always been really spoken about what he did in the 1980 s. All those people who died Grace Mugabe wasn't on the scene she she didn't influence him to do that. Gabby's Mugabe is a stubborn man he does what he wants yes crazy has been influential but we must not absolve Robert Mugabe for the actions that he did and and and and I'm afraid sometimes the forecasts becomes grace all the time and forgetting that of the primary author of these problems is a robot who got himself and he must take responsibility so many thing if he had gone or not in Korea mother what we have seen what the author every politics what we have seen on telly. Everything it's always been great it gets shifted from Gabby and we so it can mean that she was so eager she wanted to be in power how did she do that because she's the wife of robots because she knows she can talk to him nicely she's got no political experience how is she become Dr Grissom a governor when does she go to university money because she's got money she can pay she can do this. Yeah and give you Stalin money making people in Zimbabwe rather. Holeman the who is in barbarian in exile in Wales we heard also from Alex who was the chief advisor to Morgan Tsvangirai the leader of the Movement for Democratic Change the opposition the main opposition party in Zimbabwe out of the news and sport will bring you the latest on the missing Argentine submarine 1st let's get the headlines now with David Harper. 5 from the elite football anyone else this is b.b.c. 5 Live place in Dorset said they're confident a body found on land near Swanage is that of the missing 1000 year old guy a pope she was last seen over a week ago Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe is expected to meet the military have taken power in the country later today they're attempting to persuade Mr Mugabe to stand down after huge crowds demonstrated in the capital Harare calling for him to resign a murder investigation is underway after a woman was found stabbed to death in north London she was discovered in a house in Muslim Hill on Thursday night police went to the home after concerns were raised about her wellbeing and Gerry Adams has told Shane Fine's conference in Dublin that he plans to stand down as president of the party next year he also says he won't be seeking re-election to the Irish Parliament those are the headlines shows Osaka has the Sport England and their 5th straight win over Australia with 3 late tries 30 points to 6 victory at Twickenham it was a much improved performance from their understated display against Argentina last weekend Danny Care run in England's final try but are few moments in the game could have gone either way 5050 decisions and sometimes you go get your sums as you go for it today that they work for us and not not for them and you know they're a great team but where we're happy with a win but still things to work on for next week Scotland have never be in New Zealand but they came very close at Murrayfield full back Stuart Hogg couldn't get over the line in the final seconds to earn a memorable win Scotland lost that 22000 team. In Wales Meanwhile held off Georgia in Cardiff to win 136 that whilst arland at one another through lane Dublin in Keatley had to nail 2 late penalties for their 2320 victory over Fiji Paul Pogba marked his return from injury with a goal as Manchester United won 41 against Newcastle at Old Trafford as Latin Abraham a bitch also return for Jos a merino side who are still 8 points behind Manchester City the Premier League leaders want to nail at Leicester but they look like they'll miss Johnstone for the next few weeks after he pulled up holding the back of his thigh something city manager Pep Guardiola sees as a blow for the calendar is for the mending and today you know we're going to have a lot of games friendly games or doesn't count absolutely for anything in the after we suffer for that so that gave him in as a name Enos and before this name isn't a minute to play 90 minutes they mean isn't here because we don't have a lot of central defenders. And they're going to suffer but we're going to find a solution reigning champions Chelsea are up to 3rd after a 4 nil win at West Brom whilst Burnley are just a point off the top 4 after beating Swanzy 2 nil it was their biggest winning margin they thiis in something which doesn't concern manager Shaun dice the margins are tight in the Premier League you know it's it's hard to run away with games in the Premier League and again you can do it in the Championship if you are strong job in the Premier League that's very difficult it could have been maybe it was being greedy we had it well enough can't reach Alex I could not scorn of the goal and I didn't really oddness up so much pleasure that side of it but overall you know we it was a very controlled performance I thought a very good went elsewhere there were wins for Arsenal Liverpool and Bournemouth in the Scottish Premiership Celtic extended their record unbeaten domestic run to $64.00 games where they won their win at Ross County their 6 points clear of Aberdeen who lost at home to Motherwell in tennis Grigor Dimitrov will play David Goffin in the final of the a.t.p. Tour Finals in London he beat Jack Sock in 3 sets in their semi in the doubles Britain's Jamie Murray and Brazilian Bruno Suarez loss to defending champions on the continent and John peers in their semi final and in boxing call from to beat her a.c.l. Garcia by a unanimous points decision to get back into world title contention. Take a deep breath. Deep oceans are challenging to explore the space around like the surface of the net is nice that fish with teeth that kill even under the shells of limpets trysting along the rocks like bottle tops planet team available on b.b.c. IP. Across the u.k. This is b.b.c. 5 live up all night with Dawson at a buy out let me bring you some information particularly important information if you're a fan of the wolf will phone in here on up on my own 5 Live in the early hours of Saturday the 2nd of December in 2 weeks' time we're going to be celebrating the 20th anniversary of the World Football phone in yes to victory the legendary has been doing it for 20 years and to mark the occasion I begin over the whole program to a special 4 hour episode of the willful phone and let me just hours after the draw for the 2018 World Cup in Russia and the plan is to get supporters of as many of the $32.00 nations taking part in the World Cup as possible into the 5 Cedars areas so for that night wearing their country's colors of course we'll discuss how the tournament might go and reflect on 20 years of the world for phone him with some very special guests that night if you'd like more information please do e-mail up all night at b.b.c. Don't go to ek tell us which country you support how long you've been listing to the world for phoning and put the phrase December the 2nd into the subject line of the email and give us a phone number so that same can get back to you as well I'm afraid we can't promise a place for everyone who expresses an interest in taking part and you have to be over 18 I'm sorry and you have to be able to arrange your own transport and accommodation as well we can all stay at my gaff but leave me to be Ok by me but generally because it's on a low place and I would love to hear from you and feel free to take part as well and I'll be reminding you about this of the course of the coming weeks. Now it's essential listening for any aspiring rock musician tonight the music world is mourning one of its great AC d.c. Is Malcolm Young. Just a few of a.c.c. Many bright had said would find them because of the news of Malcolm Young the leader and founding member of AC d.c. Has died at the age of 64 after a long battle with dementia could be is a rock critic and editor of don't say magazine. To just be changed it is somewhat a sad day if you're an i.c.c. Fan of course it is but at the same time listings and ice sheets I can't help but foots happened nobody had to it and be kind of quite glad and happy that Malcolm Young left this legacy field tonight well yes it's always sad it's great to join you on the show. In circumstances like this and. It is said he was. Significantly underrated guitarist really he wasn't one who was spoken of in the 1st prank by some people he's not like America because one of the things was that because he was a rhythm guitarist he was lead guitarist he really wasn't the basis or whatever but his role in putting together some of the songs we just heard is absolutely immense in composing the way he had the riffs with his brother Angus and. His legacy is that to see. And you begged for the rhythm guitar is doesn't always get the glory of the limelight and yet without that prism we could have some of those without that rhythm guitar is playing what we should ha been long Sewell dogs along there is no Ben particular with a good saw bad light AC d.c. Oh yeah that's very true people do concentrate sometimes on the bass because it looks together very much with the drums and that's very important many moons ago I was a bassist myself so when I became a critic than I do list bass quite closely but embassador have the luxury of having your wedding guitarist and that can be absolutely key Yeah I think the Beatles of their being there in the us as well just their own real battle for their shadow like well the beach is an exemption that she would George Harrison didn't oh she added Sean Lennon for the good job generally they the rhythm is added by the lead then. Yeah yeah that's true but you know there are tracks where shines through someone send me a link to my to my twitter feed the saying listen to live wire which I forgot that was one of the tracks with the live version of that from Atlantic studios and you listen to that on the sustainable Young's guitar is absolutely extraordinary It's what holds the whole piece together and makes it a fantastic rock song. Just clarify where the name AC d.c. Comes from because I've heard also who probably say issues with the generations is that because of course the baby tells you through a boy's episode tonight then they were when they 1st got together is a group yeah exactly Well I mean the so many different things and people even thought it might be possible satanic connections there are all sorts of stuff some of us they and there are others which you wouldn't think that when necessary they go for big coming from Australia which is the less tolerant of countries that some ways towards the suggestions they could have been but now it's very straightforward it came from a resolute appliance you know there was a question of whether it was a vacuum cleaner or something machine or to cause AC d.c. On where they would belong to a young mother Margaret or sister also called Margaret actually the only way it was Margaret the sister's sewing machine taken from so I just thought that was rather cool that's why they chose it no other reason than that and did they were they successful from the awful Do they have to pay they do. Well I went through a few different I mean Taishan was and that's the start of one lead singer was not brilliant. And he carried on to make me his tales that and I thought involved Scott but from the very beginning that I had a sandwich was. Fairly interesting because they were actually going back to bands which Malcolm liked from the rock n roller and people like a Buddy Holly and things so yeah it was an instant but over the course of a few years they were building it up and in fact the live show for a long time that's how the loss of seventy's and quite early material because some of the best albums that you know I genuinely didn't know the you were going to mention Buddy Holly but when we started talking would talk to about the rhythm good saw and the leads I was thinking about the whole you know sync you would get Ok this makes sense in relation to body on the guitar is how to play both rhythm and. Age in his band when they were a trio you know live on the stage say he took full purse with them and so on but. Like you said Chuck Berry as well as some Chuck Berry in there as well and they name a grated from Glasgow over to Australia in 63 and in fact Malcolm's favorite guitar for a long time was a 63 guitar he had a Gretsch that had a number of crutches like crutches the famous one but he had a double cutaway guitar that was itself a bit of a homage to some of the people of the past interested generally always so they would know the band so you were saying that they are it's the Brits when we they go off we are. Yeah you know. They embrace it on the policy in the $63.00 which is. If I found out Holmes was it yeah exactly if I can have these I know what it was and so they did that and. The fact trading done a few things the family encouraging you to music so the fact that they managed to get a band together the 2 brothers and their brother is actually the more famous one told the paper chase to himself This is right George Young So yeah there was a lot of sort of family feeling for the. Amazing the band has managed to carry on with They've had so many changes of thinking you know most recently 'd was an actual rose singing with a and also with the guitarist and stuff when Malcolm spoke than his nephew joined and is now in the band and that's you know that suggests that even as he was instrumental as he is in the band as much of the founding members is the band is great some pogs does. Well I think they've always been quite you know what a strong thankful and. Malcolm said he couldn't carry on the pad 2014 because they started to get them in check call got that of that stage then the band said that it was his. Wish that that it should continue in the same way as when Scott singer died in 1900 I thought about it for a bit until Bob would want to carry on so that's why they did what the social position was Malcolm You know when he was on stage behind the scenes with it he was a very unassuming guy actually he had a few drink problems as many of the band did not his brother has been teetotal for a long time actually but. He was a sweet quiet man Stephen King they had the also put a Twitter tweet out very recently way saying that he made all the noise of his guitar and that's about right you actually met him and he did once and I was rising my vocal band name the so I got that stuff about the AC d.c. 'd it was a very sweet little ceiling and the fact that the day later I actually met up with a cab driver for a taping for a ride somewhere and. Basically the guy said Are you in the Bond film and said yeah I'm in the bad weather playing away you're playing you know playing Leo to all summer Wembley and then the cost of putting things together the captain says you know who I hear realizes government will come with a cap because both Nicolas later than he just wanted to keep quiet which is very trademark welcome young with you know comes to move the fame game but I think he was in some ways you know because you know he has a say worked briefly in the in a brother factory was faked as a mechanic and he always had the 9 to 5 mentality on the say she would come forward if there is some bits of the kind of solid not not totally but he kept very much the back from the sort of Jonathan football type way and let his brother do all that you know the showmanship basically and I just got on and played his guitar and play very well do we know which of the changes him self was most proud of. Yeah actually it was a touch on the live wire he liked a lot which is a great song it's a bit understated but some of the others and like that one is less another one which is on Power Edge which people like to get is called What's next to the lows which was substantially knocked over that apparently and 'd that that will cover things but that was largely his stuff and that's really interesting you play that one along there and the lyric a might wonder about the lyric as a critic I got it but nonetheless as you just listen to the drums when they kick and everything and wow it's a great song I do feel bad and somewhat embarrassed sometimes also kind of questions I have to ask when people die because a lot of people want to know these things even though I personally think the private you know when somebody dies you know it has to have a certain amount of previously the should be God So if you've read notes on so this one do we know much of what he's Lassie is really like when he was basking with health issues. Well the band has spoken a little bit about this in the past and you said a certain amount of stuff in a couple of years ago. And this is a little bit obvious 'd to fans a sing them several times and that's what I want to quote what he was doing and that seems that unfortunately this venture got to the stage where he was actually Lissa's incredibly sad beginning to forget songs that he co-written they've been playing them for decades before he went on stage he was actually having to learn the chord sequence again and there's a stage when you know he realizes that both can go on guys is not right. Which is desperately sad and you know I think that a number of charities will be you know making points quite strongly saying that this actually 'd is a good thing the sense that draws awareness to this condition that perhaps more can be done about the future 'd and how will he be remembered you think really be best remembered clearly the band of a place in history about the individuals in the band including the man the founded the. Well you know though these are people who would be a bit sniffy because that's a like you know they sort of one of the great bands of all time I don't know I mean you know I think it's a certain degree you count up the fundamentals they've sold which is huge no it's 200000000 records worldwide of a period of time on to a certain degree that makes any kind of criticism yes 70 just like a lot of people love this and the reason there is a thing to be remembered for and quite show will be those albums particularly Highway to Hell to follow up black and black which of course you know sells 50000000 copies and that that's the one where you know he played a huge part in doing that whole a signature read. Plenty about the trip you know both of the. Currents were much more on the road crew. The is best. Out. 0808050908085909693 I'm sorry I still have my mind thinking about the music anyway 08590969 face another support for like to join this. Phone in this morning where we all seem to recommend unselected seen Christiane track of a fortnight the music critic in broadcaster Webster is with us this morning good morning among Good morning to you Don there are you know what I actually do you know it's one of which I suppose you know I hate being wrong and I didn't just show an immediate likable that might be the one you couch it bought just it just it's something else which I like had their own thing yeah but when we talk about. A best live one certainly talking about. Best heard loud and clear so you're talking about Tunes loud to start off with you know we can be quite soon it could be you've heard and enjoyed maybe quite quietly until you saw the. Many ballots was there also a lot pounding change because back or I shall catch up on it and you know that she stuck. In a car you're going to show next year the cows are bright and. The voice you can hear any Yeah thank you everything and I just like sometimes I can equally. Chorus . A wonderful option or it might just be. A great idea and my neighbors are hoping it will be a ballad tonight. So if you need a few minutes on the version thanks for now Mark Webster and they join us 808-590-9693 was the tune that is best. Loud Now let's get more on that submarine that's gone missing with $44.00 crew members on board it vanished on Wednesday the Argentine Navy now says its detected signals believed to be from the submarine the sound one official said Argentine naval bases had detected 7 failed satellite calls on Saturday lasting around 4 minutes rescue attempts have been hampered by heavy seas and high winds in the South Atlantic let's get the latest from Daniel police he is a journalist in Buenos Aires Daniel we are just hearing this news that some signals were detected you have any more information on. Well I mean that's. That's really the last bit of news that I sort of surprised us on on Saturday eat you said he said 4 minutes actually 4 seconds between the 7 signals that were lasting between 4 seconds and 36 seconds where they texted today as the defense minister just said which is really the 1st you know this this completely shakes up the whole story because it is the 1st real hopeful sign that we have about the submarines and since the start started Thursday night Friday morning so so it's definitely good news for for everybody here that you know waiting to hear news about what happened to the summer when this 44 people aboard Yeah indeed it's the 1st sign of life is the exactly exactly I mean I just I have I really just got off the phone with with a Navy expert who explained the stuff to me who said that it's it's it least suggests that there's at least some people who are I mean I hate to talk any stars but there is it's just there's at least some people who are alive in the summer rain there wasn't some huge tragedy in the summer as some had suspected because there's at least some fire of life in there and not only that but in order for them to send a signal it means that they must be at least close enough to the surface to get the antenna out so so these are all very hopeful signs that that leads people to believe that it's only a matter of time until a summary will be found do you know if the sense of signals will help the surge mission in located seeing exactly where the submarine news. Definitely definitely a mystery the fence now saying that he's working with a us company that specializes in satellite signals that will be able to triangulate the signal from the experts that I've talked to in the ministry defense officials I've talked to they've all said that it's really a matter of time now it's all a quick question of goes above my understanding of how these things work but there's a question of you know they can detect the signals and see where it comes from on the map and sort of triangulate it to get a better idea of where this scene was coming from it's notable that they're short of the signals come from the summer and so that's that's a very hopeful sign as well there's there's no question that Ok maybe this could be noise from some other ships in the area or something that they're sure it's constant summary and so that means that there are 7 of them they can attack them they know where they are coming from so so working up with the maps and the mathematical equations they can sort of reduce the search area by a lot it really is a good race against time though once and it is a race against time and it's. Going to what the defense minister here sent out a tweet just a few minutes ago saying that you know they're hopeful and they have sent the message to families that they'll soon be able to have the crewmembers home with them so so essentially. So it's I would say from the story that was looking really negative just a few hours ago because we've had a lot of I mean this is really has become a global efforts there's a lot of international help here not just from governments I mean the British government has sent over her Occulus plane an icebreaker that was already in the Falklands has come over to help all of the private car companies a lot of oil companies that are in the area have also but there should also disposal of the search missions so so it's been a huge operation and until a few I would say and our it maybe 2 hours ago they were really there was really nothing good to report and now everything sort of changed because of this bit of news and very briefly Don you can you explain to us what happened last night because we informed you when you joined us that we had reports that the submarine to be located and it turns out that they had been located there was a misunderstanding the. I just think it was. And. We lost count of that point in that some one crucial point there with the good news we're hoping is that the submarine. Has sent out a signal that has been detected 7 failed satellite cools lasting a few seconds and it does seem as if the location of the submarine is nearing its m.

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