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Passing somebody from the battlefield saved American lives there's no doubt about that he was actively plotting in the region to take actions a big action as he described it that would have put dozens if not hundreds of American lives at risk we know it was imminent this was an intelligence based assessment Meanwhile the Foreign Office has all sides to show restraint insisting a conflict is in no one's interests the mother of one of the British Airways crew killed in a New Year's Eve car crash says he was it gem and star of a some 23 year old Dominic photos was one of 3 Adeline stuff killed when their car collided with an h.g.v. Near Heathrow Airport his mother Christina told the Grimsby Telegraph it's been a privilege to have been his mother officials in southeastern Australia as stepping up rescue efforts following warnings that soaring temperatures will make the current bushfire crisis even more dangerous the country's navy is taking thousands of people off a beach in Victoria they had been trapped there by the flames the family of an 8 year old man from Worthing who died after being treated by a controversial cancer doctor is suing the sorry in Sussex health care and h s trust a coroner previously found there was a gross failure at the sorry hospital in Redhill to provide the patient with basic medical attention when free day free was one of 10 cancer patients he's deaths were investigated as an inquest last year the coroner criticised the consultant you want to just pull Miller on the trust he works for pointing to missed opportunities and professional jealousy. An employment tribunal in Norwich has ruled that ethical veganism is a philosophical belief and therefore protected by law the case was brought by Doughty customer Johnny who claimed he was sacked by the league and school sports because of his beliefs the leak says he was out she dismissed because of gross misconduct they'll be a further ruling in the future. Sussex Police say their annual Christmas crackdown on drink and drug driving led to more than 100 arrests in just 15 days 73 people were arrested on suspicion of drink driving between December the 18th a New Year's Day 37 were detained on suspicion of driving under the influence of drugs Chief Inspector Michael Hunter from the road placing unit said I'm surprised and disappointed that drink and drug driving is still considered by some people to be socially acceptable sport we start with cricket and England are looking to level up the series in the 2nd Test against South Africa in Cape Town England on our $166.00 for 4 off $62.00 overs off electing to bat both saris where he burns and Sussex his draw for missing football and brush and have Albion head coach Graham Potter is set to make changes for tomorrow's 3rd round f.a. Cup tie against Sheffield Wednesday at the Amex the seagulls reached the semifinals last year losing to eventual winners Manchester City the whole day will be live on b.b.c. Sussex from 2 pm and look at the weather world draw with consumption on the soft noon breezy with a moderate north westerly wind on top temperatures of 11 Celsius dry with clear spells tonight home some patchy crowd colder than of late with a gentle westerly those one Celsius and 2 or a cold clear starts then a fine day with plenty of winter sun shine they'll be gentle westerly winds on top temperatures tomorrow of 9 Celsius b.b.c. News it's coming up to 5 minutes past. The b.b.c. Sensex. Has hit those roads here is how literally Thank you Jerry I'm afraid a council see a delay on a 3 recovery ongoing here for an accident to happen this morning say north down delays are between Petersfield and list it is still down to just one lane I thought I'm sort of felt the need to build the Regis he felt the last in the lot as well since this morning in fact directions by 1st avenue for serious accident at the very house think laced had taken just under 2. Minutes. To Hastings instant Lennard stops the west bound to fly. Into a jet as you head. Between one top roundabout and station. On the new. Senses. On the m 25 which is looking very good. 20 minutes between 2. 15 minutes between Brighton because it was a safety inspection of the track. 6 . To 8. Please. Let's cut. Set to go around the presentation people to hear you and. If you got a girl who pushed her into just one Whitmont but you have you been given some sort of plan to have a Christmas that starting to look a little bit dead. We could help you revive. We can commiserate consulting you like a concert so. If you just to motional to Colin you could email to get the b.b.c. Don't go to jail you could text radio it's a long simple story the number is on the one. In the hot seat. Having made say and. I'm being denied she still. Has chocolate I was lucky. To travel today so if you go close in the state you do this the next sort of 35 minutes will slowly get a calling to come. The number of. B.b.c. So $6.83 a for. A big rally by a thank you we impressed how quickly got those 2 straws down there well you saw me coming in and that's the trouble we've got this big glass window here and as soon as you seem in Iraq if you eat like there's no tomorrow a lot of the producers will not this one but a lot of producers sit in the dark out there for that very reason like they can ambush me at any moment. And you don't seem coming but thankfully Pauline's old school and she likes the lights on don't you dear if you got a question then that's Pauline's number Radio 281 triple 3 to text or you can email to get a b.b.c. Doco don't you k. Steve as they say with a little around quarter to 3 and I will do some feel good Friday am from for your nonstop music sweet happy New Year any resolutions for you. Just carry on being as grumpy as usual excellent So this is from Sarah and she says I want to let you know about our local annual gardening event cd Saturday which is taking place in the 1st of Fed in Lewistown all between 10 and 3 entrances of pounds children getting free I would be willing to let your listeners know about it yes and maybe we will get you one and have a chit chat I know that the event includes a talk by Kate Bradbury who is one life gardening expert as well as talks on no dig gardening by a Sarah herself which I'm all for quite lazy as a person. And growing trees from seeds and seeds tools a seed swap and a willow weaving workshop my shopping activities with children refreshments common cause dot org dot u.k. Slash cd hyphen Saturday Thank you Sarah for getting in touch I will mention it again maybe we will get you one for chit chat Meanwhile 1st question for Steve comes from Bell who is in he failed and she says Did Joe and gardening expert This was sent on when the states wouldn't be offended I have a Heebie which is in flower at the moment with a healthy green leaves the top however the lower leaves are going yellow and then they drop off it was planted about 3 years ago and has grown to around to foot. 2 foot soil is rather heavy clay doesn't need feeding a mulch and something I really don't want to prune is that it would be very bare bottom any advice gratefully received from Bell in Heathfield we do have a picky here let's load up so you can have a look so in the hole it's looking pretty good yeah and the clue is in the heavy soil. Basically what's happening is that. It's water logging you know the soil very wet need you know people think are young to get water logging when you can see puddles on the ground but yes lots of the soil saturated their same sort of effect so I think that's probably what it is the might be a little bit of a leaf spot on there. And certainly you know a spray with something like. Fungus 5 to plus would help but I wouldn't do it at this time of year because a lot of these chemicals insecticides and fungicides. If you really need temperature of the above 6 degrees an average temperature above 6 degrees from to work probably over there this time you're you're wasting your money yeah yeah but no idea how just think it's the effect of all the rain and although a lot of these plants are evergreen they don't keep the leaves on forever and as the new ones develop on the top the old ones especially if they have been a bit shaded or anything then the ones that tend to get shed and some of the beast when they flood can be a bit of a nonevent but that one's looks rather nice quite Yeah you know mean you don't normally expect them to flowering it was Tommy years oh it shows how mild it is as well as being wet Absolutely. And again if you want to do any pruning the best thing you can do is wait until about the end of March but don't bring down into bare wood always leave a couple of leaves so do it will shoot down from below that point if you cut them down into bare wood quite often those them just die so we think in short it's the water looks a little scary and I think it's the wet soil and this is a say this probably entered leaf spot there. And something like fungus 5 to plus. Around about mid March. Certainly wasting your money before then yeah. But it probably will bounce back oh yeah I'd be surprised if it doesn't but certainly there's no point feeding it at this time. Simply because you know if it's what I think it is the roots won't be functioning properly that's why the leaves are going yellow so they won't be able to take the route from here will take many feet thank you thank you thank you Belle thanks for e-mailing it's to get a b.b.c. Doco dot u.k. If you've got a question you want to call us on you can give us a call as well cool b.c. So 602321845. 6 radio to one triple 3 let me be bored you when you came in with the saga of the last year ing at a d.i.y. Band involving a Christmas tree but you know if you find it one no and yes we did so we went through the whole Christmas several trips there phone calls numbers left cards hoovered everything checked a 1000000 times and then probably after Christmas so this is a good 2 weeks or minus 5 people going in and out of the house the entire time we were coming out of the house to go somewhere and 3 of us got in the car my wife and daughter came out Miles to say Oh so you're hearing on the floor there and we walked past it I don't know how many times each and all that heavy rain and got washed away it's what the drive it was so who knows but so we got it back but the thing is we don't look down do we are. A place or used to work in London. Name of the girl she originated from India and she was saying obviously the. Snakes she said so you're always aware of what's on the ground around you she said and it surprises how much money will lose she said the number of times she's been walking along looking the snakes and found if I look yeah exactly well not a fiver but certainly coins there and I'm just surprised that it's coins I mean fiver you know expected to float to the ground yes you know expect coins to make a bit of a sense on a lie. Yeah I just was with the shame that was my delusional me who'd who founded Well you know I got some real credit points it wouldn't you Well what I've done is I'd have found a woman she'd already got mum so they were placement. I've got a resting tenor and they're chanting Iris than a dog would question these coming into their own if they're being grown for the lovely red stems Hello I had no idea I have 2 questions but better to do the same no. The thing is the dark wood and the hay we should both be eating for about oh I suppose 1415 years they both just disappeared I mean the hay be worth going a bit brown on the leaves in the autumn so I trim them off you know to sort of make them pick your book Bush year and all that but nothing maybe gone dead dead dead and the dog was completely disappeared Amidst. How do you mean disappear you know gone I just can't see it anywhere we are usually happy you know in the cloud there and you know and you know cut it back it's all at the end of it cut it back at the end of the summer season too hard because I marked have been lovely red stalks you say but I mean all the leafy stuff is gone and I trimmed it down just below where I've had the leaves and is completely gone no red stalks now out so I'm mystified I know it's been raining RINGBACK forever but you know. I've made the soil quite Fribourg and I've got some membrane down and stuff on the top gravelly stuff you know actually was you know well slate and stuff like that. You know to sort of conserve an invoice just drains away eventually So it's just completely disappeared I don't understand it right well the thing is wait until the spring because if you know they may look dead. But if you wait until the spring. You'll soon know whether or not they are dead because they'll start to shoot again if the still the still life there well I hope so because I can't see anything there were told try to near a lovely twisted hazel which I pruned back a bit because rudely that's come into a circle backpack thing is yeah it was quite lovely but nothing else I'm so fed up with a I think how can I replace them all know well I'd wait and see but. What I don't understand is why you prune the dogwood in the 1st place because it's normally done in the spring when I did that you know when it stops me saying they are going to leave and go on and I get trimmed it back so tight you know really nothing drastic . I mean oh not gong Well let's wait and see if it bounces in the spring and you said he's gone as well did you say yes where he was definitely on decline because the leaves are all around the school so I trimmed all those off and now that they're disappeared while I'm in a sort of raunchy bits are there but there's nothing else no leaves already thing you know and they're pretty hardy. Yes but they're not long lived shrubs you know if you get 1520 years out of them you've done very well. But again with that tide wait until the spring and see if you start to shoot from ground level and if it doesn't then you can start looking a replacement Yeah Ok my dad thank you very much and healthy lovely New Year to you thank you and to you choose are a spicy by now by see by let us know if the dog would return Xining the done Iraq I think I for sulk Yeah we've got one of the moment again which is given to us but I have a tendency to kill them quite quickly and the dogwoods indestructible we've got some 15 years oh yes interesting let's know right let's go to ash and we're pruning David Austen roses well we're not but how cold. Whoa whoa whoa also won't. Believe just before Christmas about. Boxing yet. Read. About free for home I now only plonk them in the summer but it's free for all yes wondering how much whether I should go do it now and 3 how much like All right well the thing is because they're in it's their 1st year what I would suggest is quite hard pruning but white until around the end of February beginning of March. If you take them down to about 6 or 8 inches. Don't worry if they've started to shoot already because it's so mild if you take a look funny you should say that looking no serious bugs on socks on a government now get on a status facing. But. Now I mean we've got some that have started to shoot again but they're still going to get pruned and if February beginning of March. And pruning them hard you'll find that it will delay flowering slightly but you'll get bigger better flowers and stronger stems excellent yank you very much and the other thing you know the other thing is once you assume you prune them give them a fade and it doesn't need to be anything special It can be a rose fertiliser or something like grow more pelleted chicken manure anything like that but mix it into the soil because if it stays on the top and it's dry the plants can't use it it's got to be damp you know that doesn't mean we talk about feeding plants they can't eat anything they've basically got to take it up as a solution so if you leave the fertilizer on the surface. If the plan to only get some every time it rains make sense yeah all right. Quick search and I might. Well the only thing is the liquid fertilisers tend not to last so long whereas if you use something like grow more a pellet you can maneuver it would last you at least 6 months. Like. That's lovely thank you very much you know Happy New Year. Thank you very much l the best to you thank you 23 past 2 We room for more coals if you want to call us the number coming up emails to dig a b.b.c. Doco don't you k. Takes to radio 81 triple 3 his. B.b.c. So 6 hour wait I'm sure a change we want to thank will find a few hours. I'm through and you probably sitting there thinking Well lady from the radio station she said she called me back and I've sat here for 10 minutes and she's not maybe that maybe that presenter was right about her but no it's all lies Sylvia if you put the phone down then I will get you on a.s.a.p. Really just check use in the cradle properly Yeah. What about a Gary a elliptical Yes that really good at this time of year you mentioned earlier about the world the lady mentioned earlier about a twisted Hazel with cat kins these things have Calkins and they're normally up to about 6 inches long oh well my wrists are who was on on Sunday I presume I'd forgotten but she mentioned Sundays which must mean John the John measure or the Leslie Phillips or the gunning for term he says could you let me know if I could take a cutting from around my light of the Garry a elliptical that you identified for us we identified it can you take cutting from them yes she needs to do it pretty soon quite often they're taken as hardwood cuttings. And you want something around about. 89 inches long what I always do when I'm taking hardwood cuttings from using a pair of secretaries I use the sec it serves as a guide to the length of the cutting Ok I. Believe the top couple leaves on. Bottom cut just below a bud on the top cut just above a bud. You can treat it with a rooting powder and what I would normally do is put something like a 5 inch pot or put. 4 cuttings around the edge and one in the middle. Keep it well watered when you if you've got it outside at this time of year is not going to be a problem with. But. You may well find as we get into the spring if the leaves start to look as if they've wrinkling a bit put some cover over it like a politician bag or what I use is one of these big lemonade bottles and just cut the bottom off so the forms like a holdover. But yes and you leave it in the normal route by the autumn. Thank you very much nice to hear from you on the other thing I got to mention it needs to be last year's growth. Since it was just that rather than the old stuff. From last year's growth. Yes Ok. Listen again for the full details because those can be typing all up but thank you very much emails to get a b b c dot co dot you came to see if any luck with Sylvia but we've got Bob in Guilford he's got a very gated Daphne wants to know if you could prove that and if so by how much and when would you go about it. Yes you can but it should be coming into flower soon so don't prune it now and you know all right it's got nice variegated for which but it is growing for the flowers as well and the got a lovely fragrance. Daphne's tend to go through a surge of growth straight after they finish flowering so the best thing you can do assumes the flowers drop off to the problem that you want. And then because it's going through the surge of growth you get the new shoots and also any printing cuts a look quickly we would travel on weather and then back with Steve Moore gardening in due course Sunday breakfast we have to love our neighbors we have to think out of the box open your heart and get all the key thing is how can we engage with our local societies our local neighborhood so many people who don't have local family to support them. Can Easily easily slip through the net I don't want to suspend my mind as a scientist but I do want to give called the possibility the freedom that he may do something unusual Sunday break 1st this is the human story linked to what is now a national outrage Sunday morning from 6 on b.b.c. Sussex. Don't forget if you can't wait until Sunday for some more Emily then she's here for today the south in a dry with spells of sunshine breaking through as darkness starts to loom we head towards the sea we had highs earlier of 1152 tonight Dr long please spell some patchy cloud colder than of late gentle Wesley wind blowing highs of 439 is cold in place not getting to be a fine day the good deal of wind. Sunshine gentle westerly winds and top temperatures of 9 of 48 making them today someday looks like being another dry day with some sunny spells developing Monday looks set to. Start off on a dry note thank clubs thickening ahead of a frontal band of rain moving in later strong winds developing looks like another cloudy and windy day with persistent rain moving into the area that's the weather for. B.b.c. Sussex travel you travel back to the roads we go with. Thank you very much Joe my fave upright in the queue really busy now as it is taking 10 minutes from. Found elsewhere to these delays tastings instant Leonards on the westbound 859. Between the gardens and the average as you go towards Bexhill I'm afraid problems continue need to plug in Felton close in both directions since this morning for a serious accident is close by to do expect some delays in the area and places say there are a 3 looking really good in the space and says it's not returned to normal around Petersfield this morning. Out Astin the closing queues on the new hall varied between the one top and station very edge of the templates in place now the motorways the creeping well on the speed senses I can see in the cameras on the m 3 cell down there is a breakdown between the entity 5 judges 3. At the moment. Good news here as well Thameslink 7 they've returned to normal. But delays to continue. Delays of about 20 minutes and cancellations between Wimbledon and Clapham Junction I'm at the b.b.c. . With your travel updates 102321045. 6 travel you trust right let's go to you got in touch with the sas requested and we're putting a bubbly maybe a few Sure as well Hello Sylvia you're right yes. Yes brilliant fellow stay if you know in Ok I'll be not in the garden or the morning sorry enjoy myself good I'm Porus live at the State of the fuchsias and am but here it's all right to cut it down now or should I wait till the spring right now the thing is that the other fuchsias hard if you choose Oh yeah they come up every year I'm right about 30 years old I think marvelous they've only just stopped blooming you know where you got your money's worth and certainly yes right now the thing is that with the fuchsias because the very huge crannies very shallow just below that the sole surface what I would suggest you do is leave all of the top on until around about the beginning of March simply because if we do get a cold spell and let's face it these days if we're going to get winter it tends to be after Christmas. If you leave the tops on there they will absorb the frost and protect the crown by biting and then when he starts the shooting early March you can give it a really good haircut and it will come up as usual. Going to the base Oh yeah yeah yeah in March yeah right do you give it a fade. Yeah that's fine yet the concrete so they don't mind if I grow morals fine right now with the bubbly at. You know we should have been down in November well it could still be done now but it's one of those things where the old some pruning because Buckley's of got the tend to get told but also they've got very brittle roots. And so quite often what you do in the autumn you cut it down about half way get an n. Once we get down around about the yam and the federal beginning of March you cut it down to about a foot. I say right I've got that but what about now well the thing is how tall is it. Or 9 foot I would have a certain degree of. March back to the ornate last year so I think I've neglected it over they you know if you've not proved it for a few years what happens is the flowers get less and less and smaller and smaller that's what it is then I want to touch of the wet weather I have made out to get out there in the house because I mean well so if they write me off to another so it has been had a bit of neglect I'm afraid Well the thing if you husband's getting better the thing to do to celebrate is go out there and cook the butler down halfway right and then you can cut it down to about a foot as a say and a feather begin the amount right. And then it be fine and again if you wanted you could give that a fate if the flowering performance has gone off a little bit but you'll find that if you prove as a suggest you'll get Certainly next autumn late summer you'll get a much better display than you've had for the last few years brilliant That's great thank you very much Dave I mean it was so lovely guy out in the garden this morning in just enjoying the garden because we have made out to get out there for ages so you well know with the rain and you look as we were so it's been a real pleasure so I'll get down to that tomorrow. Cos it's good yeah I must admit we plan to go to Whitley over Christmas and each day we decided to go it's hard to write in so we didn't get there in the end so it was the way or I think very much so we and I said to you Jennie Brice His book is Qantas 3 years ago recently one branch has gone mad Should I report it I don't know what it is called 2 years ago when I spent 4 months away recovering from meningitis it was water the toll. And survived well. I'm glad Well now we can see the one branch which is gone mad. Which would you do that. Well I wouldn't I wouldn't report it yet I mean yes you've got that one issue that really is taking over but now it looks like that parts bring in a friend of a couple of years Ok so don't reports. Now leave it. Like a couple of years a huge one and yeah wonderful must hear from you thank you so much Jenny trouble spelling leaf done and now this piece in says some good spelling for going to be we did Bob He's variegated daft he didn't well yeah. Yeah. Well Jan and Guilford this came too late on Sunday for us to deal with right I bought a winter wash with a view to using it on my Japanese maple I read or was told. There was a good thing to use to get rid of bugs on the bark it is suffering from the disease that most people seem to get the bug gets discolored slowly dies back so can I use and if so when do I apply the label says up to the symbol when the plant is not in but also can I use it on roses which I've got terrible fungal disease in the leaves will drop in the summer so you couldn't bring in a stinking cold and cough thanks for your help Janet in Guilford glad she didn't phone but. Right well the thing is that with the roses Yes you can use it but the thing is especially this black spot. When using the wind to wash it will get rid of things like. A food eggs caterpillars that might be surviving on the roses but they don't really have any effect on fungus. And so what you the best you can do is when you prune the roses in the spring. If you spray them with something like Rose clay or soon as the leaves are about half open but the thing to remember is that diseases like black spot survive better on the soil or compost if they're in a pot or if it's a climber thanks that at the spores tend to survive better on the support structure whether it's a fence or a wall or Ritualists so make sure that you really soak everything but wait until the leaves are about half open and then you've got this layer of chemical on the leaves so that when the spores land on it they killed off straight away and it's much easier to control it on the outside of the plant when it's actually got in there. With the Japanese maple it might be another problem again a disease problem. If it's got what is called Coral spot and it sounds a little bit like that you've got to prune those bits out normally with. Japanese maples they're pruned in the summer and the main reason that it's done is because in the winter there are lots of coral spot spores about but there aren't in the summer Also if you prune in the summer while the plant is actively growing the cuts a look quickly. All right I'll send that after pretty good let's see if we've up to speed on everything else I think we've pretty much. I got everything that we've been handed on the gardening front through I think it was there for Christmas but I got to queue yesterday. Because they're doing Missa lumination thing overnight Yeah we did we did that last year. We've not been with this year but. I know they've got a different route this year from what Gus got all the publicity about it yes it's quite a display isn't it it is quite explain is a very very clever thing to do I think to give the gardens a boost financially through the winter Well obviously doing the same sort of thing yes yes the guest earlier was telling me that some nice thing to do as a bit skeptical but I'd go again and sure did so much. And Jordan didn't have the same that there weren't about the same display but one of the things that the do the really good is in front of the palm house where they've got that water feature Yes. They send up spray and then they project onto it yes they did that oh yeah yeah it's that's normally just before you go back in. To leave isn't it yeah it's the edge of the world but them and the rides that were you know traditional fare rides helter skelter and some steak and chips and that's very rare very very intense what with going alone might do was the next time they do a similar sort of thing to the yeah it's not obvious it's not as big no Having said that. As it's becoming more popular I think we get more and more adventurous every year. The only problem was when we did it was the 18th of December and it was absolutely thistledown so we all got soaked through. Well I thought we were heading that way when we got off the chew but actually it didn't happen here so it was all I was quite warm not warm but dry well things going from the tube to cure if it's raining you so before you get in. There will walk pretty good all right Steve some gardening dot co dot u.k. That's right yeah is the website and we'll see on a Sunday if not a Friday at some point I think I'm in about 3 weeks time right all the best to you and your family and happy new year and the same to you and yours and thanks for being with us today and we'll see you next time as the Bradley you heard Saturday take 1st looking this morning for some of those unusual words that are still being used by you or someone you know for maybe many many years ago. Well every day very old so you may not be appropriate in the gallery. Because it was. Saturday a break 1st one more very quickly from soon. Yes Same to you madam Saturday morning from 6 on b.b.c. South sakes. In Sussex Sussex this is b.b.c. Sussex. And . Told. Thank you thank you thank you thank you. Thank you Mr. Ramos that's on the phone. Thank. Thanks. Before. The song sung. The song. The book. Remember the. Movie. And some. The be . The bearer of. The good. In the big. Leagues. But you. Can. Plan a long game. Her the broom . And let. The. Cost to. Submit. The ball. Player. Plz. Plz plz. Plz. Plz plz. Troublemaking towards the new South Korea and then the looming we go with Jean Terrelle and the rest of the Supremes. It's 3 o'clock kind Fiona McCarthy 2 teenagers are being questioned by police on suspicion of murder after a man's body was found at a building in the center of Brighton an 18 year old man from Greenwich and a 16 year old boy of no fixed address are in custody Leon lawless reports from North St in the city police were 1st called out what appears to be the abandoned building up yesterday off to noon and when they arrived they discovered a mom's body inside they say at the moment inquiries is still ongoing to discover the identity of tot mom but they say it is being treated as mud to create this morning police officers be out in the city center conducting inquiries and they are urging members of the puppets come forward with any information they say they should take while I was in quite operation counselling President Trump has defended the killing of the powerful Iranian minute treated general Qassam cinnamon e in a u.s. Air strike Mr Trump said the General he was talkative as he left Baghdad airport had killed thousands of Americans and was plotting to kill many more terror on has vowed to retaliate but the u.s. Secretary of state Mike pump aoe has insisted America doesn't want a conflict with Iran the independent Rickets is a former British ambassador to NATO he believes wool is on likely I don't think either the Americans will be rainy and want war. But a targeted strike is not a strategy and I think what everybody is worrying about is understanding what happens next where do we go from here it gives the Iranians the option of attacking Western targets right across the Middle East on a timing of their choosing and I think that some kind of retaliation is inevitable Well it's understood that Mr Trump did not warn Boris Johnson in advance of the strike the foreign secretary Dominic Robb has urged all sides to deescalate tensions saying further conflict is in no one's interests tens of thousands of people in southeastern Australia up being urged to leave the area as the bushfire crisis intensifies high temperatures are expected to make the fires worse tomorrow the mother of one of the British Airways crew killed in a New Year's Eve car crash says he was a gem and star of a son 23 year old Dominic fell was one of 3 airline staff killed when their car collided with an h.g.v. Near Heathrow Airport his mother Christine has told the Grimsby Telegraph it's been a privilege to have been his mother a 60 year old man suffered serious leg injuries when he was assaulted by a group of teenagers in Bexhill on New Year's Day He had been walking in West paraded around 9 pm when the group asked him how much money he had on him he continued walking but was then attacked and needed hospital treatment and the National Trust has put forward a series of plans to develop an.

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