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Bradford City in League 2 but the minnows teaches the city through to the 1st round proper of the f.a. Cup That's the 1st time for 59 years Woking have a replay after one will draw absolutely but all the short tail went out well the Rugby Union World Cup is ongoing and Wales beat France this morning in the quarterfinal match they're looking to avenge defeat by the French in the last 4 of the tournament and 2011 although they go to the game as the favorites but head coach Warren Gatland feels his side's chances a big underestimated by some would still go with sort of going under the radar there's a lot more emphasis and talk about other teams in other games and and their success in the message of the pliers and we've been driving the. Choices here we are there on the plane on Monday going home over here until the end of a total Wally fine and dry day today with plenty of sunshine but crowd developing the south today temperatures reaching a high of around 14 degrees Celsius at $57.00 degrees Fahrenheit cloudy it's tonight though with rain showers increasing over eastern areas of Sussex and sorry you're up to date. Will help. B.b.c. Sorry travel you trust. Thanks very much Simon let's get all the latest on the raids and the raid bios with that Michael Page Good morning good morning quite start as you'd expect this coming Sunday morning there's a little bit of a delay from the m 23 southbound if you approach junction not again which airport but that's not unusual for this time of a Sunday morning elsewhere to begin Hill jail lying the general line is closed but that's from urgency repairs around there is a hill junction it was my work and just a reminder in Farnham Guilford road the a 3 to 5 remains closed both ways but like he worked in hell road and Guilford road trading estate and in Lewis never wrote he's closed the gap my workplace been road and the western road on the train the southwest. And. Which means the seasoning thing for the shop and Gill food you've also got going for a Western Railway but actually most of us have great wish to know that in Brighton and Portsmouth that it's being stupid and something the trains Great Western Railway also have the sort of make West know it also have buses running between reading and fuel food you could get with Express service he's not running between Brighton think that week at both and Subban the morning between Brighton and Lewis I'm Michael Page at the b.b.c. Troubles until. Last Sunday and no feast him show this day's p.v.c. Celery we've let me Geoffrey. And there is the king to inquire how easy it was the ear the was the wound with. The. The load the Wow they are so good the kingdom choir blinded by your grace 10 minutes past 7 Boris Johnson has written to the e.u. To ask for a delay to bricks it but without his signature the request was accompanied by a 2nd letter signed by the prime minister which says he believes any extension past the 31st of October would be a mistake Mr Johnson was required by law to ask her delay after losing a vote yesterday in the Commons So now the ball or at least one of them is in the European Union's court what will do in response to these latest developments Well here's the B.B.C.'s Europe editor catarrh Adler Well 1st of all I can confirm that the letters have arrived here in Brussels here in the e.u. There is 0 appetite to drag out the bricks at process any further at all in fact we heard from on your mac on the French president again this evening saying he didn't think that an extension was in anybody's interest and the fact that the prime minister has sent an accompanying letter expressing again his opposition to an extension that will help e.u. Leaders drag their feet a little bit 1st and foremost they're going to look to the prime minister to make good on his promise to them just 2 days ago here in Brussels that the new negotiated Rexx a deal would definitely pass through parliament and time relatively speaking is on Boris Johnson and the e.u. Side because the BRICs it deadline is not today it's at the end of the month under e.u. Law and even leaders want to keep the pressure on M.P.'s They want to help focus their mind before they say yes you've absolutely got a lot of time in fact if they wanted to leaders could hold their emergency Breck's at Summit to decide a new extension even on the morning of the 31st of October but all of that said if push comes to shove and no deal looks like the only option then after all these years now it breaks a process to prime ministers to Bret's it deals I can. Cannot see e.u. Leaders at this point closing the door in the u.k. Face I think they are then that point likely to grant another extension probably as short as possible and they'll want to know what it's for is it to pass final legislation to hold a 2nd referendum a general election or even a referendum on a new lease signed off deal the B.B.C.'s Katty ad lib and she hasn't had much sleep over the past few days well in a few minutes time we'll be hearing from the Bishop of Europe 1st they churches have been encouraging congregations to pray for the nation in the run up to the 31st of all some likes of Mary's touch in Horsham of even set aside a special area to pray and reflect on bricks it's well Rebecca talk is the curator at St Mary's Church on the causeway in the center of Horsham where they've set up a special Bracks it stressed chapel she told me how the idea came about couple of members of our church who had set up a prayer previously part of the 27 prayer me and we've got a very popular prayer room that we use in our church that people like to go in and pray in and we often set up resources and things in there to help people to pray for current issues that concern us as a church and they noticed now that things are hotting up leading up to the side rhetoric table and those are people feeling anxiety and stress and among them are local m.p. Who is a member of our church Jeremy Quinn we watched him in the stress that he's under the moment and felt that we needed to maybe do something to help support people at this time and so the 1st thing they did prayed about it and they were inspired by and some words from the Bible into chronicles from God saying if people pray that God will hear and will heal their land and so we really believe that God wants to heal our land at the moment and. This was their response really to that they came to me and we we decided to set up a chat so when people come and use this practice space all that results is that they can interact with Yes So we've got some different press stations set up within this temple and it's a pain to the public and every day we're a large town sent to church so we get lots of people who do come and pray and say you can come into our site chapel and in there you will find different things to help you price is one of them is that we've got a map of the u.k. With some plasters you can write on a plaster or you would like to see that we've got words like humility peace respect in those days things that we would like to see happening areas that we'd like to pray for across the u.k. You can add to a press physically by adding a speaking to us that way you would like to see because it was healing but we also have other stations there's one to pray for politicians but you can take a call and write a prayer for all politicians at this time of the spaces where you can pray as well for yourself to lay down your own burdens and tell God about your own problems and be relieved of of your stress that way to be sharing you always with God And there's also a other ones our environment as well that we know that people are concerned about that to say Praying for all natural environment as well now not everybody wants to say outcome from breaks it but But what are the benefits then of coming in and just setting some time aside see pray and reflect in your opinion well of course we're aware that everyone has that has their own opinion and within our church community and our local community people feel to feel very differently. About Rex's and the situation but what we're inviting people to do is to to come and pray whatever your position is everyone is welcome God loves everyone and wants everybody to be praying and so we're inviting people to come and just be in this place of call him of peace and lots of people he's come have said that it's been really helpful they found that just writing a prayer down for politicians has really made them feel much more peaceful about the situation and that they could hand it over to God that they didn't have to worry about it anymore and so members of our church community and also the public who have to wonder in a lot of people to visit touch have have been delighted to find that there are. Resources and things that they can physically touch and hold and engage with to help them to know what to pray for as well because sometimes when you're worried and she just don't know where to start where do we start with this situation lots of people have been saying that where do we start and praying is a really positive thing that we can all do together that helps us to feel better but also to have a positive impact on on those around us to and for the on on our nation I suppose the big question is how is this breaks it pray Chockfull going to be that well of course we launched it on Sunday after 930 said this because we were really keen to support people. And we knew this is a really critical time and we wanted to do something soon so we don't stick quite quickly we are aiming to obviously have it running up until the 31st of October but we will continue as long as we see that to be a need say we're going to vary based on what we think the need is and go from there . That was the Reverend Rebecca talk in Horsham it's an Mary's Church talking about their bricks it's stress chapel later on the program will be joined by our political correspondent Paul Rowley to try and make a bit more sense of what's been happening over the past 24 hours and of course what will happen next but 1st let's bring to the Right Reverend Dr Robert Innes the Anglican bishop in your IP Good morning good morning Emily So where to start really but what do you make of the latest developments overnight Well these parliamentary debates and motions and letters are starting to feel like a complex game of Sudoku on day but what I take from yesterday's debate is that parliament has really emphasized its opposition to a no deal that the let when amendments an attempt to stop the u.k. Sliding into no deal by default and for me that's a positive because from where I sit and no deal would be the worst possible outcome to all this many British in Europe whom I represent are feeling really vulnerable and anxious at the moment one of my diocese who lives in Accutane in France. Just wrote to me saying we have no representation there's no regard for our circumstances and in Odeo breaks it would be catastrophic for many of us please Bishop plead our cause so I really hope and pray the government won't seek to drive through a no deal in defiance of this latest but will use an extension to the 31st October deadline if it needs to so please Bishop lead our cause is that what you're trying . To do in your in your sermons amongst your congregations how do you do that. Well I have been trying to do that for the last 3 years because people in my diocese don't feel that they have been well represented. And they don't feel that they've been well understood for me my own position on breaks it has always been clear. I've always opposed leaving without a deal and just looking at the u.k. Trading relationship alone our closeness in goods and services seems obvious to me that to modell will lead to economic turbulence that will hit the poor and the most vulnerable the hardest and as somebody who lives in Belgium myself I know how important the e.u. Is as a peace project for its continental members and so I've tried to make that understood where I can in the u.k. Though it hasn't always been easy to do just just finally and we heard from a church in Horsham not the only church by any means to have set aside a special area for prayer and reflection they're calling it their bricks it stressed Chapel and they emphasize that this is the people on all sides of the bed debates whatever they think about Bracks it and the future it's a common pray and reflect Do you have similar spaces in your churches in Brussels in Belgium Well our churches will be gathering for worship this Sunday across Europe. And of course people will have time and space to pray bringing together people from many different nationalities and backgrounds with all kinds of views of course and we encourage people to pray about all these issues. And to to build fellowship between them to support one another and indeed pray and work for the best relations with our European friends and neighbors the Right Reverend Dr Robert Innes the bishop in Europe thank you very much for joining us this morning 21 minutes past 7 his how you can get in touch with us b.b.c. Sorry 08058714 see the c.b.c. Series. Just parking Breck sit in all the latest shenanigans in development society to one side for a moment all say well I want to hear your thoughts on a funeral as an personalized touches at funerals this is because research earlier this week came out from the Co-op about the unusual things that people want to be buried with including toffee crisps and clown shoes and this led Janice to get in touch one trouble free starting her text with the word radio to say I've asked to be put in my coffin in my cave in gear my ashes to be scattered into a river that runs through caves this is so I can go cave diving Wow Janice that's incredible thank you very much for getting in touch Pauline and how she has been in touch as well good morning see she says I've already had my funeral planned and it's going to be a celebration of life there's nothing more bit about a funeral and I don't want anything buried with me after $730.00 Anthea Balam Reverend Anthea balance and interfaith minister based in Brighton is going to be in the studio Anthea has written a lot of books and lots of readings to be used at different ceremonies different stages of our lives including funerals and she's officiated at lots of different funeral so. So we'll get her thoughts on the subject of perhaps those funerals that have many passing the touches for weekday mornings from 9 am on the doctor and so on he very much work for the man and I conform to what we're expected to do in society but this crisis is on the president is breaking news at the moment it looks like a deal has been agreed. How do you thing you on the weight of always been the tallest corners 9 his legacy still lives on when somebody says to me Oh I didn't throw that punch because of. Your very New York. When you wake up the. Day in question seances daily life and weekday mornings from 9 b.c. Sorry right now you're listening to Sunday breakfast music now from Portland. You. Portland and believe in it you now it's often being called the ideal chat show this week hundreds of people visited Sandown parks of the annual Christian resources exhibition to share ideas stock up on books and music and tryouts s. a New church furniture all reports of Ota stamp wanted around the $200.00 exhibits eg submission stands and met musician Paul Jones of Manfred Mann who opened the event with a rather familiar shout. Fishing culture which encouraging just friends this is most exciting with this number of Christian. People who actually know and love Jesus Christ Jesus Christ. Over semantics exhibits is in this full stick submission whole easy to get lost in it all the stance here is showing everything church in Christian let's start with something just a little bit traditional So how about a few bandos really colorful or free a church or some stalls for you that you will post to Judith hemming the road been making these things for 40 years that's right a couple where the time's gone. On they meet the rail in front of us we have a variety of styles from very traditional Victorian looking brocades pieces to very modern abstract styles as well. And this one here is a banner says let's it all those who come another world all in the resurrection if every couple of holes they are these particular ones are friends painted time stamps or any Reuters and they're based on the b.m.t. Choose the Jesus spoke to the people who think the church is a bit dull and grey and stuff in the brightening the plates are definitely answer doesn't have to be done stuff it's wild. So it's not just things to Bowie here from your church there are also important services available Francis Gregory of 318 is on one of the stories talking about safeguarding we head to a safe place just. So on loco and all nice to him and his stance of Proverbs 31 I would just speak up for those who voice this in the votes of vulnerable it's really kept the sense of I'm safeguarding should be embedded in the church. Definition we will sit except the businesses as well because room is such a big calling from Jesus to keep everyone safe and the world his people. Also several large bookstores here where you could buy anything from Bibles to Christian textbooks to children's books but of people in the queues following these books think of the Christian resources expression. It's good that you can look at things rather than perhaps order them online we don't have a Christian bookshop near us and so to come up and struck up a poem is also this is brilliant and you can looking at some of the other stories it's not just things for sale they're also services we're definitely had a chat with a few people and yeah it's good this one of 2 things I'm seeing people so it's good to find out something new where the king casts particular chairs are. Very old chairs. Going out to the different chairs very little here it's a good time to be able to do that usually face to be able to see them actually handle the chancellor satiric speaker of House. And that was the musician Paul James of Manfred Mann playing his harmonica in one of the seminars and in that report that report from the Christian was also the exhibition was from Rochester. Stamp 731 a hard time for the news headlines now with Simon Jenkins. Thank you Emily good bowling Boris Johnson has sent a letter to the e.u. Asking for an extension to Brecht's it as he has been legally forced to do but has refused to sign it he also sent a 2nd signed letter saying he believes another delay would damage the interests of the e.u. And u.k. Mr Johnson is facing legal challenges over the way the letters have been sent the Lib Dem m.p. Christine jargon says he's going against the will of M.P.'s stores are Boris Johnson's personal thoughts but they are not what Parliament asked them to do they are not what the law sets. And I think for a prime minister to do that is unacceptable parliament has asked for a specific saying to be done and he's gone against that. The number of profit warnings issued by u.k. Companies is at its highest level since the financial crisis research by the accountancy firm e y shows almost a 5th the u.k. Companies say they've earned less than they predicted they would in the last 12 months a rucksack containing firearms has been found dumped in Bush's in patching new Worthing discovery was made by a member of the public in Arundel road on Friday afternoon police say there are no reports of any injuries or firearms being used in the area a curfew has been imposed in parts of Chile's capital Santiago where violent protests are continuing demonstrations began in response to a padding crease in metro fares the longest nonstop commercial passenger flights landed successfully in the Americans sorry the Australian city of Sydney the corpses plane took 19 hours and 16 minutes to fly direct from New York the airline is now considering whether to begin regular nonstop flights and a rugby union Wales make France this morning in the quarter finals match of the royal cup and Japan wells are looking to avenge defeat by the French in the last 4 of the tournament in 2011 although they go into the game as the favorites you're up to date with the news for bowlers and on the hour 8 o'clock. The d.c. Series trounced. Thank you Simon and let's get all the latest on the writer on the rails with the Alan good morning good morning starting off on the trains there's no service on the catwalk Xpress between Brighton and Gatwick airport because engineering works tickets will be accepted on Southern and tensing service is no service on Great Western Railway as well between Brighton and Portsmouth Harbor and as a replacement for service running on the southern end that's between Brighton and Lewis because of engineering works to the roads in Lewis never road is closed in both directions that's from Spittal road on towards a western road because of gas main work is also temperature. Tighten operation there is wild which is slowing things down quite a bit morning I'm Eleanor hall in at the b.b.c. Trust center. With your travel updates 08058710 forsakes b.b.c. Sorry to trouble you trust. Sammy Ho now when all is said and done it's 22 minutes to a good morning if you choose. Joined us this is Sunday breakfast and we've talked quite a bit about BRICs it we will talk more about BRICs it and exactly what happened on Super Saturday and exactly what's going to happen next although I'm not even sure that our political commentators know exactly what's going to happen next but we will be hearing from the B.B.C.'s poor Rolly a little bit later on Sunday breakfast will also be taking a look at some of the inside pages of the Sunday papers with the Reverend and the about women interfaith minister in Brighton and Hove who joins me now good morning before we look at the papers and I know that you've had to turn several pages before you get to anything else than Breck's it this morning I want to talk about funerals this morning but I don't want to talk about it into doom and gloom allayed in a way this is because last week some research came out from the Co-op about the unusual things that people were buried with that they had in their coffins clown shoes items of food toffee Crist's were mentioned for some reason favorite drinks wedding dresses all kinds of things but the article in The Telegraph also touched on previous research that's been done about adding those personal touches to funerals I don't know whether that's helpful to the people left behind or whether when you are planning your own funeral perhaps whether that's helpful for you as somebody who has officiated at Knott's and lots of different funerals you've also written readings for funerals for not and I wonder what you want your take is on those very personal touches of funerals I think they're incredibly important I think they're very important because it is important to actually plan your own funeral it's something that makes you aware of the beauty of life so being able to face the possibility of death in x. Zillion years is not a bad thing but it's lovely because it means that if you create a funeral that people follow after you've died it makes them feel good as well so it's a mutually beneficial thing it's it makes people feel empowered. Even if they're very healthy to actually plan their funeral and have fun planning it and choosing the music which is absolutely great I'm endlessly planning wine and changing it but any such thing if I was going to say you find that a fun experience rather than something that gets you down well it is because in a way you're very aware of your life and the beauty of life so if you can actually plan as to what will happen when your day and how people can enjoy something that's really not an unhealthy thing because well I personally believe in the attempts to solve so it's easy for me to kind of be cheerful about it but I still think that it's a nice thing for people to actually plan because it makes them appreciate life and the beauty of life so much more it's very intriguing to read about some of the things that people want to have buried with the Jan I said earlier on that Janice was a really keen caver I thought she had a very bad caving accident several years ago but Johnny says that she wants to be buried in her caving gear and that is how she is scattered in rivers that will go in sick a I think that's wonderful other people like Pauline saying I want my funeral to be a real celebration of life Jill has emailed me this morning good morning to you Joe Thank you for listening to say that she wants to donate her body to the War College of Surgeons that's something else that people can do not always that easy to do. But that's another avenue that people can go to as are all these people really thinking about what they want to happen next why do you stand on the subject of whether a funeral should be a solemn occasion or a joyful Ok. I think that this is again something that people need to plan themselves if you really want if you're going to be very sort of healthy about your funeral you were probably will actually want a joyful occasion and there is something very beautiful about wanting a joyful occasion but it's very difficult if somebody is loved and very very loved it's very difficult for people to to kind of be totally celebration but one of the most beautiful funerals I did to actually was for a guy who was who was a communist but very musical he was he was. Absolutely special an enormous number of people came along and all these musicians played and it took on a most powerful life of its own and afterwards although he was a communist an atheist I said to his girlfriend gosh he was there wasn't he and she said and how so those of them kind of spiritual moments that really make you realize that there's something out there that is going on even if somebody says I wanted atheist funeral I just want this I mean are there everybody joins in on and gets totally emotional but really aware that their presence is there you have to believe in something I have to say if you want to comment on anything we're talking about this morning on the Sunday breakfast show you can text 81 trouble 3 Start your text with the word radio or you can give us a call this morning. To see sorry 080587 want to see. Well let's turn our attentions now Anthea to the Sunday papers quite a spread of stories you've picked for us both resign in peace a very good morning to you she has texted one travel 3 starting her text with the word radio to say headlines for Boris should read let my people go very biblical raise and well that hasn't appeared on the front of any of the papers but humiliated has that on the front page of The Sunday Mirror this morning the House of fulls is the headline in the mail. Sale on Sunday Super Saturday make that superfluous Saturdays says the Sunday Telegraph parliamentary sketch writer Michael Deacon he's arguing the outcome represented the entire Grex it process in micro cause I'm hysterical build up media frenzy promises to the public that this was the moment of truth and then at the last minute M.P.'s once again agreeing to put off the big decision for another day Anthea if you will take us away from that you've got an interesting story in the mail about an upcoming b.b.c. Drama. What Ariel's Philip Pullman who I admire greatly I think is a wonderful writer I think it's a wonderful series he has been vilified because he said openly he's an atheist Well I believe passionately as an interfaith minister everybody has the right to their own faith position and in a sense although he is absolutely he says he is very strongly an atheist there's a great deal of spiritual inspiration in his work particularly in the issue of demons which is a wonderful idea this animal that is sort of representative yourself so this is a trilogy of books exploring really it's the story of a young girl isn't it who tries to negotiate her way through a sort of otherworldly place with these sort of spirit these animal spirits that she has I read the book a very very long time it's been the story in the mail is saying that the b.b.c. Shouldn't have spent this much money on God hating t.v. Well this is absolute drivel scuse my French but it is absolutely awful to say that it's a wonderful book it's very inspired It's very beautiful and I think that actually dramatizing it is a very good thing but then it goes on to say something very unpleasant I think in that article about how you know the b.b.c. Is should be considering its position and I think it's mentions that the minister said something about you know. Perhaps people should pay for it for the license fee on a voluntary basis which I think is is tragic because 1st of all it's sort of blackmailing the b.b.c. About the content that it presents which is is not acceptable and really the b.b.c. Is the jewel in the crown of this country in terms of its culture so you know we really should let the b.b.c. Do what it wants to do and not try to censor it well I think we should all wait and see what's what this drama which is being heralded as a really so fabulous what I think it's going to be on Sunday night it's going to be wonderful and then make our own minds are very interesting take on that story in The Mail on Sunday cover stories in the mirror. You've got a page story on page 23 rushed me I'm a doctor hard pressed G.P.'s limit appointments to just 5 minutes terrible Isn't that awful isn't that really not the way to look after us all and I feel so sorry for the doctors and for the last years my heart goes out to them so that's a story also in the mail and from there I'm just trying to find it can't find it now you know me I love a story about food crumbs it's an itsy bitsy Vit c. V. Tes a taking the biscuit after shrinking to a bare treats but charting the same price this is the food firm's popular family circle biscuits assortment has been reduced from 670 grams to $620.00 but still cost the same around $4.00 pounds and it's Victoria biscuits have come down from 602550 but they continue to cost the same I mean these biscuits are a staple of every kind of community meeting run they are. I suppose they're obliged to do this but this is the way of the world I think we've all noticed that the things that we've eaten over many years are gradually getting smaller and smaller we're getting bigger Are they getting smaller Well that's a good or are they just further away. Now the few. The story that you've picked out in the in the mirror as well as sales of dark chocolate is on the rise yes that's very close to my heart and it says something about older people which I think is really scary but it's so that it's very good for you but chocolate and everybody is eating it in quantity it is a wonderful thing I mean it is my my favorite thing trucked I have to say my great column on the front page of The Observer Let's turn our attentions back to bricks it for just a moment and 1000000 says the observer take to the streets for public vote one of the largest public demonstrations in history this is a picture I can't quite find it at the moment there we go. Johnson faces fresh court action after rejecting delay to breaks it will keep you updated on all that's happening after 8 o'clock this morning but this picture really says a lot of I know it's a magnificent It's just fabulous and I really just think that that's where the democracy lies that people are being very very well behaved they're demonstrating they're not doing anything naughty and they're just saying what they want and then inside the House of Commons are 600 people half of whom are struggling to recognize democracy and a couple of them who represent a very small number of people who haven't even been democratically elected are just having tantrums it's bizarre it's got very confusing there are more than 2 sides now and that's becoming very clear because of the way that the vote went yesterday and one of the votes didn't even happen and what will happen on Monday and Tuesday we'll of course keep you updated on all of this on our breakfast shows on b.b.c. Sussex and b.b.c. Sorry I think some were surprised at the number of people who turned out in Parliament Square and the surrounding streets in the Observer organizers said the turnout void by the dry weather and the promise of Super Saturday was comparable to the previous 2nd referendum rallies 6 months ago when a 1000000 people gathered in central London I don't. Now whether we've got official figures yet on that but certainly was an awful lot of people I think it's wonderful and I think it's really a good thing that people express themselves in that very peaceful honorable way one more story from you. Another one in the mirror today Time is running out to save the King of the jungle What's this one about us about lions lands are those half the number of lands that they used to be it's a tragedy and of course it's a manifestation I suppose of of the way of the world but we really have to hang on to these beautiful creatures and you know there is this problem that they are diminishing in numbers and this is really an expense I mean this is why things like Philip Pullman's book is important because it reminds us of the importance of animals and how close they are to our spiritually so I know that's a kind of turns to of connection but animals you know we live in a world and share it with animals and it is so important that we love them when we look after them something we've talked about a lot on Sunday breakfast in the past Sunday Telegraph this morning a picture of Mike Bush all the b.b.c. Sports presenter and Kathy a Jones dancing their sound on last night Strictly Come Dancing. Jones's tears last week were released finishing I don't know whether you are strictly come dancing there are no i have to say in my house we are and never has a bit of glitter and sparkle been so wanted after watching all the parliamentary cover yesterday coverage yesterday quite a relief that strictly came on an absolute must just mention it will Bailey because because he lives in Sussex and Janette they did the most incredible contemporary number yesterday not a dry eye and it was so moving and I think you know just just paid tribute to that the power of dance when it comes to to sharing a motions and really really opening up a really beautiful moment so if you haven't caught that I know I got to see that I'm a player and watch it it's definitely make that part of your Sunday after working a long station here I know. You're a big fan of all things environmental and all things green one more story from a bring your own pots trays curb plastic use shoppers are abandoning plastic packaging and bringing their own containers for fish meat and cheese after the launch of an initiative an initiative by way trace the upmarket retail chain allows its customers to bring their own pots to pack items bought from some fresh counters in its stores and it says many customers are now buying less pre-packed meat fish and cheese as it begins to shift its focus towards a more plastic free future perhaps of the supermarkets will be following Oh yes I don't know you know I know it's wonderful that is such good news so bring your own pot so the fish and meat hounds are definitely I think that they also don't give out any plastic bags there as well but I know that there are other supermarket yes are now going up my as well Anthea thank you very much for your picks from the papers this morning stay with us in just a take we will hear Thea's 60 seconds. Have you heard Jane's cannon I'm Leslie McKay on b.b.c. Sorry we love to hear your story of the Soviet melt running from the banks went straight up it felt like especially the ones like there. You go I want to wake up to Frank 1st with James unless late at all got me here and there it is crowded I'm not going to start him or what trouble to sail around although I thought he well what the hell was going on there so I managed to grab the man out. With little things just looking at me in absolute shock and horror like me bring back Monday from 6 b.b.c. Summary my guest in the studio this morning is the Reverend am the about and in spades minister based in Brighton and it's time now for am here to bring us our 62nd Salman. Well many of us have been worrying a lot lately about all sorts of things so let's share some wisdom from the ancient and beautiful Chinese texts called down and it says this I have just 3 things to teach simplicity patience and compassion these are your greatest treasures simple and actions and thoughts you return to the source of all being patient with friends and enemies you resonate with the way things are but most importantly of all if just if you are compassionate towards yourself you harmonize with the world it is love and compassion of yourself that give you the key to connection with everything so please treat yourself with a kind of some respect that you would like others to look after you be compassionate to yourself in a generous way in fact make today a day for you and remember you are a spiritual being the most important spiritual being you will ever know and you are making a spiritual journey a voyage of discovery in a wonderful surprising and very special world. The Reverend and the about I'm with this morning 62nd salmon Anthea before I let you go we started talking about funerals and readings and the different ceremonies that you officiate at if people want to find out more about your readings and more about you how can they do it well there's there's a website called funeral readings dot org And there's about 120 or something like that readings which in fact I've written over the years about all sorts of things from football fans to grandmothers to moms to children and so if you want to choose a reading there just go and look in there and have a look at the readings you can print them out easily that's one way of doing it and just if you like just write to me you know any ideas that you want any help with I'm very pleased to offer advice. Thank you very much for joining us. Alison Krauss taking us out to 8 o'clock the news with Simon Jenkins next to sorry in ne Hampshire on f.m. Online digital radio and smart Speaker this is b.b.c. Sorry. Emily thank you good morning Paris Johnson has sent a letter to the e.u. To ask for a delay to Brecht's it but has not signed it the request was accompanied by a 2nd letter this time signed by the prime minister which says he believes any extension past the 31st of October would be a mistake Mr Johnson was under a legal obligation to watch for the extension after M.P.'s voted yesterday in favor of amendment withholding approval of his Bracks it deal and to legislate to implement it was in place with a Labor m.p. Stephen down t. Is warning the prime minister could face a further legal challenge whilst he's obviously entitled to express his opinion and has done so in his make that very clear in the media what he said legally required letter that's quite frankly the only one that matters if he's attempting essentially to circumvent the 1st one which he's required to do by law and that's a very serious matter while speaking to this program the Right Reverend Dr Robert Innes is the Anglican Bishop of Europe and he says ex-pats want a voice in the future and no deal would be the worst possible outcome to this many British in Europe and I represent a feeling really vulnerable and anxious at the moment one of my diocese who lives in fact.

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