Very angry because to rid darks all that a woman has died after apparently leaning out of a train window she suffered serious head injuries on the service to Bristol Temple Meads B.B.C. Research suggests around 20000 retail workers have lost their jobs this year with another $20000.00 facing redundancy Maplin and 2 is a reception down while Marks and Spencer and Devon and 7 L's brand closes gerund Jones is an economics professor at Lancaster University there are other parts of the retail industry that are growing sea of go where housing for large Internet companies such as Amazon but there are only a few of these large warehouses and lot of the people that are displaced from high street retail stores are not able to access employment in the new developing parts of retail sales in pubs rose this summer for the 1st time in 15 years which is Simmons is chief executive of the British beer and purpose of obviously we had a very good some are we also had England well in the World Cup and it was that combination which is great for the industry particularly for the on trade for the pub or for what was a very long and hard winter and sedated as Amber is among those due to speak at the official opening of the UN climate conference in Poland political leaders from around the world will address delegates during the talks that's the news on 5 life with the sport has Katie Shanahan Marco Silver says his evidence I didn't deserve to lose against Liverpool who scored a 96 minute winner goalkeeper John picked for its mistake lead to an easy header for substitute a vocal reggae to help lift will cut the gap on leaders munched a city to 3 points manager you know Emery got his 1st win against a top 6 side as Arsenal be taught in 42 in the north London Dhabi Chelsea move up to 3rd after they'd be flown to nil Chelsea manager sorry says Claudio Ranieri can have a very great impact at Phelim after his team secured the win Brendan Rodgers lifted his 7th to miss. Trophy in a row as his Celtics saw it be Aberdeen one nil to win the Scottish league camp saw some fury says I've never seen a worse decision in my life of his W.B.C. World heavyweight title fight with a Walter was declared a draw promotes a Frank Warren says he and the British Boxing Board of Control will write to the governing body demanding a rematch and Laura Kenny and Emily Nelson have won gold in the women's medicine at the U.C.I. Track cycling world cup this space B.B.C. Radio 5 Live on digital B.B.C. Sound small speaker. Challenge easing later across Scotland and Northern England elsewhere rain becoming largely confined to the west windy for most places a largely cloudy day nor the Scotland with some shallow as rain spreading across Wales central and southern England for a time otherwise or be mostly dry with clay spells really the school's football on size all your players are not good enough for me to talk to some good enough for Singing in the dead of. Take the broken wings and learn to fly. You are only waging this mom are doing. Blackbird Singing in the dead on. T.V. Some going to learn to see. You were only waiting for this man to be like that. On the White Album seem on a very I suppose memorable tracts of the album of many many many trades so which will come about the White Album for this one's record crowd if you've got the album if you still listen to it if it's in your collection gives your thoughts. 808590969 threes of number you can text me and 5 of 5 agree met up with the B.B.C. U.K. We've got Daniel Rachel. Russell trying to sober with us both music critics music writers musicians Well I tell you this case and in Travis's case in all of. Which make of this one the Travis 1st of all. I was a player before you use it. So I just go to plays really simple question before the news we heard George Harrison's While My Guitar Gently sleeps and then compare that to blackbird which is the best. I mean if they're both amazing to me which I mean the one is better when it's on the 2nd was that they look at their you know which is better. But if they you would you like better but you know I mean to some extent Well my guitar it's these strikes will calls with me and she'd say I get it I like this. It with Ellen I did it for the member which Harrison will say could use a cell. To set aside sixty's time you know is it going to Charing Who is it better to get such a nice lead served trying to get to this point it's better than not good. It's not how I listen to shoot through but she didn't want to use me just. Point of having a conversation with you console me which would you prefer. Depends what mood I'm in isn't how I have ever lived in Israel. Which is why. It's a play I can tell you that but on the catell Well my guitar gently weeps revolving around in a minute one of the driver hits in on. A Tele killer tell you a story about what I My Guitar Gently Weeps through free but I'm still going to go see the Course and then. Say with pleasure I'm both While My Guitar Gently Weeps the need of them were actually written in machine Cashel though much of the the album was in the IN While My Guitar Gently Weeps George Harrison wrote in Warrington I think it's fantastic that you focused in on George Harrison Try to a the ready of when you call because he's really comes into it. With a with this particular song has Eric Clapton Of course he's playing the league. He was just but still a farewell tour with the cream of the night and they were going to split up but the original inspiration for this for this track was George Harrison was thinking about the Chinese I Ching and taking the Book of Changes and the concept that everything happens for a POTUS and the idea that he was channeling into the lyrics of this and of course is baseless aficionados know from the ad takes that were eventually originally releasing the anthology that is missing says that were on those original takes of this song that make it any further. And then you get as we say much of of people. Tracks on this record is the mixing up of who plays Walt So you got John Lennon plenty organ and sometimes playing the bass as as. He said Ringo is left sessions he never returns and does play drums on this track as say he wouldn't for example back in the U.S. Ready But isn't that the one of the lovely sing that comes to light in the again this is a town that's been celebrated by 50 years and is a 7 CD box set that comes with a new release and one of the fantastic tiny little moments this is in the session for my guitar gently weeps as an ad lib it was called ad lib on the tape Oakes and he pull McCartney singing about Brother Malcolm comes to me and he's the 1st hearing of what will become Let It Be happens at this moment in 168. George Harrison song and start a run of Harrison songs that would take him all the way through into his 1st triple album to be solo things. Yeah OK fair enough. Blood loss of innocence it is good fun. Reggie for us yeah Reggie you're J.G. a Regular jag. So with some point of this shooting then Travis was a point of well I mean it was about well the phrase came from a. Play at Jimi school. In late July plate that none. Of it. But he's saying it's his phrasing apparently it's your. You know and it may seem means your life goes on. It's a story so I think it's one of. The families You're Oh I think you're about Muslims like usual but I did way I was you I was a school with a member of bad manners you know mono you're Christian I mean you know I formed all the food as brands and governor. Crist we saw to be had would you INS together he played the saxophone in bad as a crowd he was the only one on the route read music in bad manners and so I may just going to do the beaches of pools Well it's actually he was he was a some of the political and you. Used to beat Jimi so you know he's getting upset if you have a bit of fun choosing this one. Yeah so. Again as you quite rightly say is an old to skull stuff as it as some people interpret that is meant in the song as being Desmond Deca. And it's with these like the Israelites. But it you know it's it's it's a kind of successive Macone story so it's you know a tale of lives and but I think you know he said it's a it's I mean they there was sort of all humans what we were all it should be a single in the end it was to an end the band could bubble $800.00 points in a balloon with it so proof in a way that the song was very cold I would say what's the drummer a moment a bed no food. But it was you know in full course I thought you knew. I was sorry Was he the one that started the whole lapdog club scene in the drummer from. I have no idea if it was one of those are literally insulting sort of like girls I don't really need information to oversee every day I do have a book in the state of Paul McCartney made it made it when you were in particular. I think I know this but I never thought it was I'm going to have a group in the 1st place I mean this is pretty safe it doesn't. That's that was a mistake. It's a mistake the idea that Desmond stays at home and does his pretty face he didn't hit it. At that summit that's a mistake but they get me and he wanted to redo the track and the 700 we've got to take that. Basically it's a great the whole thing is. Into the Boomtown even to send a check to to Jimmy Scott for the use of expression over the over the life goes on brah and a good the the the there's a great version of this where it was very interesting to tell base and to John he wasn't part of the that process session just came in handy through the doors Abbey Road number 2 went down to the piano and me than that of Pete intro that really defines beginning the track and set the mood for the other 3 Beatles and I kept to the Take That they were off to and he's also got another Beatles trick on this song in which when you weak when I record it decreases as they purposely recorded them so that the. Meetings were in the red to give it that distorted the say. What of the you know when you see. A dial a meet with numbers on is in you. And it shows the employee to the instrument into the recording desk and you would normally try not to make sure went up in the red hot you mean to sound level yes. Yes and I see my acoustic guitar go into on the center eval into the distortion area and the red to get that particular sand coming from an acoustic guitar sounds and it's the stones also similarly did not quite as and with on a very was doing that in Jamaica this is the Jamaicans. That becomes a big influence on Paul McCartney via Linda McCartney She was a mess. Scarfs and I went you know you you know the story she went the middle section and Live and Let Die with the. Seal Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah they used to great effect in the majors well and when I saw a poor McCartney at the food see if the Superbowl in Jacksonville Florida. For I was going Neverland was it Brady incredible or addition of that. OK there's a there's one fun to do but the cheap album you know we're talking about doing tracks with the Bob Dylan we should play the track from this album which is back in the USA Which reminds me of Chuck Berry of course back in the USA They say they're 10 this year. This is my live I'm going to Barbados that people and life and. Credit goes great. Even though the US is how is noble is this don't seem to be a great way to start an album deal 1st. Then you. Well whether it was the obvious choice was made because you know more of them yap or they've waited for the perfect over the phone to be awake they get handed a great got the point and boy they are many women most of the great rock group Omaha they prefer to fight off the record as a primitive and somewhat reminiscent Travis for movies to get back because Paul McCartney is going through Grove voice all day trying to match your lead his rock grow voice and as I were you guys Daddy would you say he's a proper you know if he does need a little this is a kind of sparring on the record in the sense of I mean everyone knows that one of the kind of things and ways that Lennon at this point often often said altie done so is it better than the end of the take an enormous amount of honesty and he then you sort of supposedly Polly and the cheap Legion Derek Taylor it was the original Beatles publicist who didn't come back to the U.K. From Los Angeles where it's helped. You know that helped found kind of one of these festivals and. Monterey and but he comes back to sort of help set up Apple Records one of the things about this record is it's the 1st album they're making in the wake of Brian Epstein's death and so they think they're sort of in a way fending for themselves in a way they haven't before but this will see brings out some of the impeached elements in it but it does mean that you get this extraordinary directness from Lennon in some of his songs he's you know he's having in a way going on is kind of psychedelic journey he's then decided that he wants to be you know much willful fright much more kind of. Guy needs to think about this truck as it don't need Woody alluded to it's a ripple Well you know old shall we say to a Chuck Berry now but then sort of down the line. Lennon will also do his own not to Chuck Berry and come together but will come something of a financial crisis from it because Maurice Levy is head of roulette reckless States . Season and so the rule she writes and in the end she has to be serious of a very numbers down the line on this rock N roll seventy's in order to return to that will cost us another deserved I don't know I did indeed. You like this David tightly comes from a copy section of volume 17 Jetson piston engine airplane and the Abbey Road collection it's of I can't engines and it's so much easier nowadays Oh no and you probably get that same sound you know you have to go out and get a different versions of it is well known Subha so way she put the SOB who put this in the Beatles rather than you know how boom revolve. Sergeant Pepper is which we put the why album with for other. I've never had I think I compare prison as one of the great we had this discussion before the meat of my mind were me to it but Sergeant Pepper I never considered it a great basin album for me it was put into a punch of you know. How do what I don't. Know you mentioned earlier of course Paul McCartney always said I was about the Civil Rights Movement and I'm rather than like you directly he's a power take way to write and as you well know that this is the year that Dr King and Bobby Kennedy was shot and it's what beautiful way to to mock what we happening in black consciousness in America in this year with that song. Does that resonate with your listener the as well Travis Yeah I think so I mean there are tensions in the record in the sense that particularly with resolution for example revolution was by John Lennon was denounce to be no political enough of the Nina Simone even recorded a kind of a ripostes to it just because it was you know keeping count me in out you know coming out and then. Correct for a critic older of it was considered rather kind of complacent and in the sixty's an image out there O.C. Writes in a street fighting man which somehow seems mill in a down on the streets as far as its political sense says ability in retrospect in some respects the White House no it is more a key about. That consciousness of 1968 because 68 is both eras resolution and on the polling you know assassinations and great civil rights consciousness but it is also a conservative reactionary strand of it because it you know it is it's a City Year of you know the risks of blood speech and when Nixon is elected so it's you know it's a it's a it's a tent spirit lives you know I think that the revelation comes as 3 version until now yeah but if you know of it have slow version Adam is record the bass side of it which is the uptempo rocking version and then you have the the sound scape which is revolutionary to hit the top of the program and crowed in May and never many I have to take on the. 50th anniversary edition just became a release where you have for the 1st 3 or 4 minutes. The acoustic slow down version of Revolution and then John Lennon really starts getting into the con of the screaming of the word right which then evolves into Yoko Ono he's present in the studio playing tapes of. Loops way you hear say the catchline of Revolution 9 we become naked and it's an extraordinary evolution of a track to the full scene in many ways where tight loop in a song playing what will happen in pop the music 2030 is late to move Poppy said 40 . And this experimentation The Beatles are doing its context in a city 5 years earlier they were singing Please Please Me the incredible evolution of the band but when you put those 3 versions of revolution together you really getting into this mindset of John Lennon was and beginning to removing himself from the 3 of the Beatles. In terms of the revolutionary spirit in terms of . His food and in love with in terms of his. Use of heroin. Of much change in the Beatles. On to us at this point you have the engineer Geoff Emerick who walked sites at the sessions saying it was that the entire atmosphere was poisonous and as but then as. Travis says this is a band that's really really working together they have 3 different studios out of the road operating at one time I mean the stories and messages about Iraq and the surrender records and Helter Skelter. In spy Charles Manson's and hideous mud as that goes goes on around him and yet at the same. And you know they do a 27 minute version of of that song and that brilliant story that you probably know where Paul McCartney read the band done this does he still does rock N roll track you could ever imagine wild and and then he then till McConnell He's this track and it transpires is I can see for miles by the WHO and he's right that was the wildest signal is ever going to hit what it simply isn't so then he goes back to the band and said we all get a lay down and that thing that I imagined in my mind when I read about the 2 and they tend to on as a sound helter skelter and and so he goes on with this record and that would the last thing that I've only realized for the 1st time having been listen to this album since I was an 8 year old is that I always used a pen as a track Yeah blues in the noticed that you pronounced how I've just come to realize it should be which is you blues as in. If I see London or if the middle class it's not as light as nurture never realized until now. . You're right don't suddenly. Desmond putting on his makeup was in the state. That was very forward thinking who Paul McCartney was in a. Long sleeve. And we had to we had to pull to the church in the reference to read this romance. Is not. So you. Know musicians. So he went you know there were a couple. If you pretend that. Clearly. Busy it's. Easy to take it. With. Brother Mike but maybe you have a felony. For you slip maybe. This is the White House released into rehab the choice between the monitors in the area. And if you have the. Money. For. The 52nd. Reply of health and with Ringo Starr saying I've got. Things but if you've got a. Stereo the. One mind don't worry don't worry one obviously for the honor existed and think I'm pretty high for writing it right you can have 3 different versions of bring this conversation to an end we've run out of time gentlemen thanks very much. Thanks of course to Dan you write about the White Album and Blood On The Tracks Beatles and Bob Dylan. On digital B.B.C. Sensis. B.B.C. Radio 5 Live Labour's warning of a constitutional crisis if the government fails to publish the full legal advice behind backs a deal to reason he says it's confidential some M.P.'s speculating need ice will show the U.K. Could be tied to ecosystems rules indefinitely. People have been involved in violence Jamie antigovernment protests in Paris of being one they will face the full force of the law more than 317 in custody following the demonstrations of a fuel taxes and living standards. Climate change has never posed a greater threat to humanity according to a senior U.N. Official Patricia Espinosa has issued the warning at the start of an international conference in Poland to tackle global warming the B.B.C. Is found around $40000.00 retail jobs have been lost or put at risk in the U.K. This year slow sales online competition and rising costs are being blamed that's latest news with. An LIVE poll manager yeah I can call him it's the winning goal against Everton was a bit lucky but he says they deserve the 3 points divil Caribbees scored the game's only goal in the 96 minutes following a children Pickford era and that prompted club to charge on to the pitch to celebrate I have to apologize for my run apologized to me after a game to Marcus ever think it was fine I want to make sure it was should be should have been disrespectful or what ever you know 2nd that the respect for Everton is after that game even bigger than it was before because I knew how strong they are but today they were outstandingly strong really difficult to play. Also fought back from 21 down to be Tottenham for 2 to win the North London Darby and stretch their unbeaten run to 19 matches it's also a 1st win against a top 6 side for you not Emery while Chelsea be fillin 2 nil to move them up to 3rd it's 7 domestic trophies in a row for Brendan Rodgers as Celtic be Aberdeen one nil to win the Scottish Cup This was a real tough one for hours and probably a volatile result we've won this is probably the most satisfying because of it was an easy start to the season but. Played against a top team today at the end of a tough week and the players came through showed up mentality and strengths and talent and put hearts there go on to another top Rangers are top of the Scottish Premiership after they beat Hearts to one while in the Women's Super League asked will stay at the top of the table despite a 2 nil defeat to munch to city Tyson Fury says I've never seen a worse decision in my life after his W.B.C. World heavyweight side so far with Dion say Walter was declared a draw promoter Frank Warren says he and the British Boxing Board of Control will write to the governing body demanding a rematch furie thinks the belt should be his world knows are the real story Mishi jumpiness was not a good decision tree have lighter able to be frank and he's focused ass morning still not agreeing to go about because up until the longs to make Tyson hearing a K. The gypsy K. . Ronnie O'Sullivan says he'd like to create a breakaway series of tournament's involving 7 or 8 top players in a Champions League style formats where every match feels like a final the snooper legend has previously talked about is on happiness with the way the professional snoops who works and believes players like John Higgins who suggested on Saturday he would consider retiring at the end of the season given his frustration with his form would rather play in events that just involve most of the top players I'm not looking for an alternative so I'm just looking for 7 or 8 real top quality players Champions League star 80 paste. The best of the best Every match is a final. Nora Kenny and Emily Nelson have won gold in the women's Madison at the U.C.I. Track cycling World Cup and is now ball is big Uganda $6637.00 in the final test to take the series 3 nil and in the Premiership both in-cell Shong St Just 70 at the Rock and that's the latest from B.B.C. Sport P.C. Find. Out. In headline as we bring you in-depth interviews biggest names in and same culture Welcome back and so will the music mogul because this is a candid conversations by women a colorful old suit enjoy that welcome to the football daily podcast in the company of slack time it would seem that it was not about scoring goals and there was like the best kills technique and I brought it with me wherever I don't. Sound. Too fussed for news and the best law school this is B.B.C. 5 Live up all night but Dawson attaboy out there now for something new on. The SR collective you heard about them a moment ago the pod cause this is what these online. And will consume cut costs one of the sister collective candid conversations by women of color and it's we enjoy this IS colleagues now this episode we're going to talk about black British identity of course it's off the back of history month long and how if at school did you market but you won't be well on B.B.C. 5 Live journalist Jessie and Phillips and each week I'll be joined by my regular conscript. To. Go I'm John a judge you finalist on the B.B.C. T.V. Show The Apprentice Hi I'm Paul at Panama MCO found a of black. And I. Am Alan pick bronze medalist welcome this brand new podcast the B.B.C. 5 Live we all asked. As the system parts of the system collective and each podcast we're going to be joined by a collective of women from different parts of the U.K. Now this week we thought it fitting as we are actually causing right here B.B.C. Me just city in Seoul for our collective are going to be from Greater Manchester each episode will bring all very diverse perspectives to top it such as relationships colorism identity and body image we'll also be talking about what's trending on hash tag Black Twitter I mean we will have a special Lindsey's and they sweep its way can actress Catherine Drysdale Now some of you may know from playing sail in the movie St Trinian's and she's also played Louise in 2 pints of lager and a packet of crisps and she's company playing make a mark on the T.V. Programme the winds as she's got me on in a little bit I'm going to meet the collective but I thought it's quite important to give us the 1st poke cast to meet the hosts Anika you were part of his bros the very 1st pilot which was a long time is a. Lot Now I hear it and I have kind of know you knew before knowing you because all families know each other now families news for the cause all the Nigerian. Yeah so it's such a small community and really is there and I've never told you this OK because obviously you're on a limb pick. And I steal a little bit of running I caught a couple of internationals so this is like a big reveal moment. So when I left Liverpool and I came back I kept on saying posters around of someone running and I was like well I'm still got my post is open it's me but it was actually. So it's like I think it's a couple of are you a liar might think so I'm so happy that you and I thought I was close saying to you earlier on Seriously your name just kept on coming up as I literally connects I was like Who is this who I need to find. The back of us but as I tell us a little bit about who you are in terms of I know I know you saw I found the F.B.I. Go fast. I started with my friend Sol and we saw last year because there's literally nothing like it in this country this like Afro Punk in Essence Fest new US but this one kind of festival to space well but coming can be celebrated or see themselves we saw last year has like panel shop and market place and just re trying to represent and give black women or like a community just a space and then join one I know you kind of through a friend and of course you on The Apprentice how you feel about the public are so excited so excited it's nice as well that is no of them women and and also. Wow I don't really think that and I think that he says no that's all right then there are I'll cry myself to sleep not. Really all that is and I did think everyone was Scouse this morning on NEW DAY a tooth fairy tale at was is everyone scouse. Yeah I guess everything north of what you know of Missy just so sad to say right because and that was one question of. Course I say but I keep on saying people can you and me. Less than a bum taught ya it's not me I was. Thinking that happens to black America. That was that's all that another part of let me have a dialogue OK to call you crazy. That's also how the dialogue around meant was the times my noting I meant no I like a. Bit of. You listening to the sister collective on B.B.C. Radio 5 Live a brand new. Const I just think Cher knew. How if you're telling this for the 1st time this is called Concert wrong come the conversation you could say by women of color folds who actually maybe like what he added Make sure you subscribe and download and also go to B.B.C. 5 Live on top set because taxes collected to get involved feel free to just talk except you want to come home as pub a collective a must and this week's collective from right here right to Manchester so by way of previews Hey all some black British pounds from on just a. Few The time. To munch the collective Did you recognize who recognize what song writing Cleopatra and and. What a bit of a bug's even line in that book the looking at. This one sees just some you know you are mine just a collective All this week let's go around the table some presents on legacy F.M. Black radio station and her kids are now a bit at. B.B.C. As well B.B.C. Radio Manchester it's not. A money I'm a National Wheelchair. I also. Have a company called Triple say a drama based Glee people and I am a fashion by and Pax and I'm in software I am an investigative journalist plans Harvey really and so. But you see radio nice he point and I also do and Tesla yeah somewhere in the area here in America was ready yes so this was I was talking about black research I've done soon as of course it's off the back of Black History Month but before we go in so the discussion I spoke to a couple of kids and mining today and I need. A shave feels radio to be black in British because I get treated the same which is every different nature of Colac and I think we need to be really positive about that and just remember that everybody should be treated the same even if they're not the same color highways or county and I'm from the leaves and what it means to me to be black I'll bet issues that you get like a mix of 2 cultures the block is where he gets like have lots of good hearings and the feeds amazing guy and he's all like Bry and colorful and believes it's just so I can explain it the feeling of being like. And British is just that it's like an explosion of like 2 cultures coming together Oh I think. Scientists and they are recall me and also thank you to the B.B.C. School reports as well so who feels that duplicates identity I've never had to feel like about to segregate to be in 2 cultures I guess is pretty amazing especially in Manchester does anyone feel about the segregated super So I think I get asked. To segregate be made sure. Yes And people kind of want you to pick a side are you black British don't kind of put them together when your face and you're kind and just a violin was a jubilee. And I think that's then and that then step on that the U.K. Can if they say is it is people kind of confusing thing that you want to pick a side when you quite happily sit in in the middle of both you or your race so. It's interesting interesting that you say because I remember soft when I was talking to you about this you were saying when I showed that question so there's a kind of question mark over your black British identity what you mean when he said Wow In general I'm just I'm it's obvious you don't know me and I don't know you know I was born in Zambia I came to Alton and when I was 4 and a lot of the kind of experiences I've had is I always try to you know embrace my culture to the mice I can say the the food literature language and visiting the country south but then sometimes and when I go back home I'm too British for the Zambians So a lot of times my and my grandmother use always like you know say to make up my a lot because my Ben bays about fate present but obviously when I'm here I also get questioned about my British identity lie all you know to Zambia to African Unity black to be British and US on the phone the old What was your name was always in software how to spell out spotted phonetically for them though I also you know you not British are you're And I was like I am yes and she's like you name some British I sure is not your real name and I was like her now is my real name where are you from so I'm I'm from Britain of all that's good for you. Do you know. My name's too African to be a British person so although I do feel like I am a proud British champion the raise that question mark on Samoan I feel like I'm really broken like OK so now you've heard from the British Africans. Are. Your experience from the older generation to stay away from the like born here no know where you're from oh really i do get it is mainly from the old cook Asian people the question and I'm like No I'm born here I'm not no no you don't understand so then I got to kind of break it down to go OK then one woman from think it's me was my dad is from Jamaica but I shouldn't have to say that I was born Harry Manchester so I should have to break down where I'm from I'm black British and sometimes what annoys me they don't do as much now is when you've got to take form and you got to take black and I'm thinking why is black British you have black Caribbean black African black over they don't do as much now but I used to get on my nerves a lot. I don't have no black people know what black there actually means is made this film. Maybe some of the West or do you suppose because I'm all yeah so. That would make sense but now I just kind of pick one spend time feeling. Just so how do you identify I don't know I am black and. No I'm not mixed race so I have to make it and like Well and then the rest say Shelly and so it's all a bit mad so I kind of just tell people that I'm like kind of. Have to make it and I feel like experiences with that is I think with a name like Taj or my name. It doesn't sound very brave she doesn't sound very English so it was a lot of people asking that women names from my name is home Gary and I was named after like a single He went to number one so has nothing to do color of my skin. Is quite interesting the way people kind of approach me with a where are you from a quiet man just Ochs and I would say so it's quiet Yeah. Yeah I feel like experiences that I don't know it can be very different depends on who you're speaking sape I always kind of mate yes it's a rod the. And kind of like criticizing George for I get mobbed by it I just educate because people will ask again people get curious as long as like you educate and they're not being read by I complete the system collective the system collective it's time to welcome all fast a guest on our best episode of the sister collective welcoming Catherine Drysdale to the studio now somebody may well remember have from playing in 2 Pints of Lager and a packet of crisps or saints trade ins and she's also recently be starring as Meghan in the Channel 4 T.V. Series The wind says this is the sister collective. In many kinds of roles Shakespeare Company productions How do I go from Wake and go from Wigan to Dr Ali ha ha ha well I was into Shakespeare at school luckily enough you know now you have exposure to that sort of thing and you know in drama and basically I wanted to become an actress and my parents Dad you have to get an education fussed so I went to drama school in London where you study a heck of a lot of shake spammer monks lots of other things of the classical kind of taxed and then I graduated in well I was when I was at drama school actually and that's how that happened and you do a dive. So of range of of what when you're at drama school and you get cast in lots of diverse parts a you know for me I laugh thinking that I was going to be playing Old least parts that are played by white people I didn't realise on leaving you know there would be a limitation. I was going to ask you about that because you know Michael B. Jordan who the actor who's in. I think at one point he said that he's not he doesn't want to go for Black Rose he wants to be cast for everything I suppose that's so much so what you're saying yeah definitely. When I was growing up as well I didn't want to be in a box on just you know I want to be able to apply what's on the paper I'm for people to not think of me you know the color to be an issue in just that I am right for the character and I've always had that but now I find sometimes I come up against is times when especially when you're going out for American stuff the parts are written and it's Farry ethnic specific the characters talk in a so I'm way that suggests someone that's from for example an old black neighborhood which I certainly didn't have growing up in the north in. A lot of people I don't know maybe that's just American scripts they tend to in a way stereotype the black characters so that they told very specifically in a sort of block accidents and not necessarily regional to where they're from and you sort of have to pull on away at Paul to be seen as black enough for those kind of roles which is ridiculous how does that make you feel because you're reading it and it does not feel like that's completely separate from your fundamental beliefs when you think it yeah yeah it does but you've got to do it and you think could you just by just a black character and have the act to decide you know how that character is specifically going to speak but it's so different because you'll see a scene with a black character and a white character this is mainly in America and I don't see this as much in England . And you can tell just reading the page because it's like they've got completely read it as they've got different accents and it's like their friends what currently have Wouldn't they have to say you know when they talk Similarly the fast friends and you currently playing the lady of the moment. Marco in the wind says. How is the household that thing greater than I've loved every minute of that be honest and I've loved getting only info outside of you know outside of filming when I've been reset saying and learning more about I mean she's a force of night. Incredible woman I mean what did you think of the wedding and welcome to my black British identity on the on the podcast today I mean personally I was happy I was really really happy that she's married to the royal family I mean. I know Prince Harry from Afghanistan I don't know him but you know I just. I just I do think it was a moment I know people might disagree but I just think as a moment as a woman of color in the royal family and a woman of color who's actually recognized as a woman of color because of course there was a Princess Beatrice many many moons ago who is of mixed race heritage but just wasn't acknowledged and what Charlotte's I should be trying to just been many throughout history I've got I've actually got a book which is. It's black history book Britain and the cover is a painting of a black ass and people think that we arrived here with the wind rush that we you know it's like we've been here a long time you know we've had places in British history and it's important for people to know that and acknowledge that and but it's great that that is happening now I can't see myself make Marco so I can appreciate that this is something big and monumental with the context of the world family in my everyday life why it doesn't change anything but I think it's big that those those princesses of princes the future children are going to have a black grandmother no nominee you know central to their lives and their their upbringing and that's for me quite exciting absolutely it's only exciting when it gets. Immediate impact that will have I think him wide to race relations the what is what was being picked up by journalists I don't think it has a massive impact on the everyday black woman's life or experiences yet as if it's likely just if occasion to say oh by the way this is another reason why we're saying that race relations you know peak in the country and it's again I guess like the symbolism that it can be used in some in some an instance is an excuse for certain things and but at the same time you know she is black at the end of the day and her mom is dark skinned it was really nice to kind of see those you know little bits of I guess nods to black culture and black people within the wedding which none of those if you'd asked is 5 years ago what we have over the past to be and I want to talk about learn something. He was annoyed and then he was a sledgehammer and I was going about it I just I was watching I was like This is Greg Miller I don't I'm just. Going to sometimes find. Out how he was loved and talk show you want to say something yeah the main thing I was taught in school about block was set like slavery do you think if we were told more in schools about the operation a stray into think it would have been celebrated as much the what in. I had hope everyone would have a copy of those kind of book yet rather than me having to troll Amazon and Google and find that there's a book that's been written that historically accurate about you know the 1700s to whatever period that nobody knows about you know I think that simple and for me coming as an actress I did a sketch show a few years ago I had a sketch where I was playing an old lady and we were talking about the blitz and I was cutout of that program as this character and the director told me it was because you wouldn't have existed at the time. You would have been in this country and we don't want to alienate the audience was for you making. I just that's the ignorance we were not taught this in schools nobody knows that. He's ago when I was going up Odisha name for Charlie Bass and I read about her life and I was I read about all the pull of England and all the mixed race and black communities that existed over hundreds of years and you go Well no doubt these communities. You know want to say like we're speaking are true I'm just looking at your face and your face just speaks Salut volumes honestly do you feel as a black actress there are distinctly less options yes it's a fact. It's a fact I'd love I mean I'm I'm a member of the committee member of the thing called Act for change I don't know if you've heard about it we'll got together a few years ago it was well done he went to his idea because it's seen as a trailer on I.T.V. About a new. Drama season that was not one black face in it and I was like this cannot continue so we all got together we formed a sort of charity committee called up to change him and we had action taken to to change that and it's slow process but you know it's happening in just hearing the voices of so many people not just black actors Asian actors you know. Ethnicities and disability saying I am not represented you know I switch on the T.V. In it's the same side of the same act is the same color as and things since the change movement and the work that Lenny Henry has been doing has been some shifts you know now with castings and dramas that been produced in comedies where they they only say we want to make this happen we want to represent but it is a slow process what's next for I'd like to do is period drama I've done a period drama for I want to squeeze this one in because. It's a book called honesty and there's a T.V. Adaptation of it on the moment and I was in the film version we had mentioned to people I was in this this movie wasn't nice that the threat that they made this black character I said I was the richest character in this book I was a billionaire S. And they said oh they made that the character into a black character I said no that character is a black carrot in a book who is not a slave go read it all Catherine it's been lovely to speak to you know it's it's all those things see someone you know and I was just on a what's this story you know not stop talking. With Palin or them of you know had out by. Like the silent house I live in and there's nearly no one to the welcoming please give Catherine Drysdale a round of applause thank you for close. The cystic collective in the next hour of the program we're going to be looking at amongst other things Google and Facebook under attack down and for having in unfair advantage in the digital news market or least that's what they're being accused of. They've got another perspective that would also be talking about the week's news in Argentina the G. 20 summit has been there ARE RUNNING clearly at the same charm many Argentinians are struggling financially because of the economic downturn over there while the economy is in a message for. All who will figure out and here wherever they. Absorb that irony themselves of the week at the G. 20 with. For news. Really anyone else this A C B C 5 if it's 4 o'clock Good morning this is up or not on 5 Live on Dalton at the main news and find line calls for the government to release the legal advice on the P.M.'s backs that deal Limbaugh left it late against Everton as also the top man in the thrilling north London. This is B.B.C. 5 with the B.B.C. 5 Live as Bala the government's under pressure to release full legal advice on juries and breaks a deal Labor says Polman needs to be given all the details all that could be a constitutional crisis some M.P.'s claimed documents will show the U.K. Could be toyed indefinitely D.-U. Customs rules the Commons its use of a little a deal later this month to reserve villas is a form of his have Did minister he supported leaving the. It's a big step to vote against something that your government your prime minister is advocating and I don't really believe the sort of fanciful numbers about $100.00 conserve M.P.'s voting against it there will be at least 40 I think who have such grave reservations will just have to vote against the head of M I 6 will warn rogue states not to underestimate the U.K.'s capabilities in his speech later Alexander will say some countries such as Russia see themselves as being in perpetual confrontation with Britain he would tell students at St Andrews University the country's well equipped to deal with cyber attacks and disinflation to David as Maria will speak at a major environmental summit in Poland which gets underway later 40 political leaders will also be there our correspondent is not the girl.

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