Transcripts for BBC Radio York BBC Radio York 20191216 220000

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a hearty good evening to you how long it warms last Christmas of course kicks off here in the late show with me Russell the late night friend of a fresh week his hey if you and I with a whole bunch of stuff I have to stuff is the best word for it because it's it's you know ovarian quality is that something that is of extremely high quality and I'm really looking forward to this tonight we begin a new story though b.b.c. Look Norths looks me go pal reading a Christmas carol. In a wood base she was brilliant doing the a growl and poke bait over so we thought we'd have a back in for Christmas and that the 1st week lies ahead of us and it'll take has through the Christmas week itself one of the classics for the ages if you don't know the story you're in for right treat if you do all of the hit series it either dope or houses. She has some really good voice work as well so it looks me is going to be reading that and the 1st episode in a matter of minutes. In the notes and. I must say hi to Steven in Minorca. Russell we've test driven the pickled sprouts. No one stop to think if they showed. The wife's given them the huge sums up. I thought if I thought I could get a jati one piece I'd love to repeat the semi a lovely photograph spread all the mustard seed you could possibly want to. Lovely dark vinegar. They do look funny testicle it was. Very Morris show any magic fairy more she. Chided Jane hope you had a good weekend thank you so much for the Christmas cards arrived today much of the dog's delight to put it up on the wall next to the. That's a fact he for the playing card as well as. You can would try to have our very own deck of cards and you could be reminded that when you look at the Queen. They hope you like they're called to we did it's on display it's on a string and they all feel that he's there because it's lovely be to annoy the boss so thank you very much Johnny that's a really really no play and glad you enjoyed out what. Leslie. And the pussycat thank you very much for a Christmas card it's taken pride of place in the end. Enjoyed a picture of you so much of the city my pussycat wishes you a lovely and happy Christmas as do I Many thanks so much I'm glad you with us Leslie hope you get well soon. And then they did the bull postbag arrives from the b.b.c. . Reception come up and hand me this 1st warning a saxophone or. A phone running this is. Wishing you a Merry Christmas Russell best wishes for the New Year. This I think is one of my favorite. They want to Darren as well and they. Play in the double triple sack. Dressed as Santa Claus that's on the back of. The special throw. I have bid envy saxophone running. You see that I have to say on these folks that's what I hope mine one day will look like. I can't wait to have that sort of splash of the white. With a few little dark patches that's what I want. To hear from the sex for running thank you very much for the saxophone paintings Darren and I both wearing those on our work. We have the coolest. In Leeds thank you for your lovely called and your box of Tracey's which were really love thanks she was well. You really didn't have to but it's so nice that you do. As well thank you for the mentions funfair makes day long May the silliness last thing. Jane lower and Daisy. A wonderful Christmas and on the front is a pulled in a Christmas jumper what is not to love about any of this. Is a thank you. From. The miles come through for. The seas wings on the way in a 2nd after the beautiful self. With. Cash. The. Small. Business. The young man. To steal. A young. Man. Chances. Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. Blah blah. Blah. Blah. Blah blah blah blah blah but. a situation soundtrack you know the one plus endless analysis that's being of last week's general election some of the most bizarre analysis you've ever heard in your life has inspired the sound tonight so it will get to that very soon you know already know if you make some Facebook you will see this Brian in Mansfield Remember dogs can have chocolate Oded say not the truth. Last time Nacho and Luna pinch chocolate cost a $70.00 quid vet spill all jumble already have this. About having this with them in it because she's said to what I think the technical term is a Dickey is all she's had for about a week and a half so but the pills that she's been on seem to have done the trick with this so mobs do it all right but yeah keep them away from the chocolate unless of course it's dog. Which occasionally you can get you know from. Trying to get the story going it's a mob show and I haven't been interested no meat in it so she canceled so this weekend bizarre experience is complex. And something said to me by a waiter in a place that I've never had a way to say to me before I've never felt like Mr Creosote through anything he threw a moment in my life so I was going to go down laugh but a Sunday lunch with fancy the roast takes is nice but I'm a Yorkshire pudding. Stand however walk through the dole like the suit like the waitresses that they have to in the tables like Ole looked at me now there are me or not I'm bald or anybody and they all looked at me like What are you want and basically it was Christmas. And every table was a 100 feet and they said you can stick stuff enough food it'll be a lot of a sit down on. Be at least 50 minutes till we can secular a little. Trick by the end it's no good at all. So I went around the corner lo and behold there it was beckoning me inside the local curry house. And I hadn't been there in like a year and I thought you know I'm in the mood for a puppet on some pickle drink some sat there in a basin. And you know me I'm very aware of these things and I just said that I am filling my face I didn't start I'm sure to not kings and a full and I'm just shoving the whole thing in the 1st time ever the young way to this young lad. Would you like another bit. Of the. I'm talking to a particular. At this point with you know none birds disappearing down and he looks to be Ok so. You have a good time you settled out. Your Jimbo. You've. Settled down. To. Have a. Just slow down it was like. I was sorry for his Robbie Williams It's time for. The legs to. Matter. I mean you won't get this political analysis elsewhere let me tell you this however . Has been speaking to the Newseum. Claimed responsibility for the election victory for bars Johnson last week the t.v. Site tweeted he'd met with the prime minister and his team a head of the majority in last week's general election and then on Facebook he revealed his crucial role. He posted a video of his bizarre blessing ritual of to Facebook on Monday. The psychic said that he gave them a spoof to be presented to Boris Johnson which belong to gold I'm a full prime minister of Israel. I had energized the spoon with positive energy. Also along with the mind power of the u.k. Public who sees no joke this is real this is yo regality. This is no joke he said this Israel my energy and the energy of the people. And showed the victory. To which our analytical response to this. Rise. Gallery. Where he's made the statement you think the of the ever got that spoke. To the prime ministers to do with that spoon is now. However if you want to see a nice photo of you sat on a throne make the debt. Bent spoon. You can head online Facebook dot com slash late night was. Dry. So tonight it's songs for the cookie. Song for the cookie. For example. The old kitchen appliance but listen to my juice. Spoke spoke by top. Screams ladle with love. George Michael a different cola. Of those big circular Apple slicing things it was like big heavy pieces stealing you put the top of the apple and just pushed. My favorite thing in the most kids. The great Vold of Whitney Houston. Spatula not feasibly. Whiskey I was looking. Because the knife Patti Smith. Bread knife in America Supertramp 81 triple 3 all you double s. When you drop me a line on this tonight you so good at this have a thing for me a one triple 3 all you double s. On the phone where it's free it's 080389 double 3 double 308-0389 double 3 double 3 Facebook dot com slash like nod Russell and if you want to catch me on Twitter you can do it at Dane Evans songs for the cookery droll and the Sid sound tonight on b.b.c. Take being tricked into traveling to the world's largest doesn't the Sahara keep on with brownish. Exactly how is it going to be a bigger number than them. Ok so. All the way. a lovely thing to be hearing and reading hi to Jane here. Here comes the knife bit about where the songs for the cutlery draw the cheese grater pretend oh yeah. I'm not much of a singer. This is the best it bites. The hero's. Fork this way Aerosmith very fine rockin Sue in New York thank you for the. Spandau palette for the knife of course yeah you can have that one Englishman in new fork cut up fatty big Cleaver by Jimmy Nail Now you say big clear this is a popular one tonight I must also say hello to saxophone. Also suggesting big Cleaver by Jimmy Nail for one of the fanfares which is a big easy deck of cards. And just when I needed you most by Randy van warmer which if you ask me is impossible tonight you can't possibly get a cutlery pulled out of Randy van warmers just when I needed you most but big Cleaver gets one of the. Allen and hole on the phone 080389 double 3 double 3 and he same by Meghan strainer . Or spatula. There was a brilliant. Delight Meghan strainer that's very good fresh out the charts a. Couple of notes here from Neil in skeg St Now this is a Notes and Queries Iraq. Reference Stardust last Friday the David Essex films it was a mystery film in the reward set I looked at the sleeve notes for the record David Essex had a fictional band called The Stray Cats and the members were Keith Moon David adman's Paul Nicholas Col Hellman and pizza Doug. Gladstone next year Col How. Jacker from brushstrokes it says. Awful show we did as well in the. It was it was so of it's time babes in the wood of the babes in the wood It's called How men live in suggestions would you get it in London but it's called How many living there with Samantha Janus and Denise Van Outen was in it they ago. He was in he was a David Essex his band The Stray Cats the film. Of those bits of trivia. In the last bunch. Of Kurdish received a Christmas Card thank you very much we got YOLLES that's lovely and I'm glad you received caramel offerings for tonight's cattle guru to your ex. Monster Masha Pickett How could I have missed the monster mash complex that. Talking to the spoon Bruno Mars was kind of told by Anthony Newley after the grill has gone by the Eagles Thank you. The Sarah lovely Neil having gone down the Stardust memory trip comes back here with Foreigner running the West. Dark side of the spook what is knife anything by the mixes straight in. What about Simon in Sheffield he says The Clash and I felt the drill you know that often works just minutes jammed at the back I'm not sure was can get it down to do the whole thing to pop the weather outside. But now it's solo Do you like. How cool is that the bubble that let it snow as the number one Christmas album in Australia. Every year since 2011. Of the Graham Norton Show. It's only had one Christmas so. People are buying it used is Kostas buying again the next. Big some it's all that's coming around. Now. Piano is here which means brand new story at this time. As is tradition. So we would have Charles Dickins the Christmas Count. Which was $840.00 s. It was originally out tells the tale of Ebony Scrooge as you know the elderly. You know it's often overlooked Charles Dickens wrote full of the Christmas story and its subsequent use. With all that cold. Case though is of course the big this time. Because she did such an absolutely fantastic job. With the a good. Story. We thought we go to b.b.c. Look no it's looks me go who is Africa Steve. For Christmas Carol if you ever miss an episode solo on the b.b.c. Sounds that old Molly was dead as a doornail there was no doubt whatsoever about that Scrooge knew he was dead of course he did Scrooge and he were partners for I don't know how many use Scrooge never painted out old Molly's name However there it stood years afterwards above the warehouse door Scrooge and Molly Oh but he was a tight fisted. The Grindstone was Scrooge a squeezing wrenching grasping scraping clutching covetous old Cinna nobody ever stopped him in the street to say with glad some looks my disk root How are you know beggars implored him to bestow a trifle once upon a time upon Christmas Eve old scrooge sat busy in his counting house it was cold bleak biting foggy weather and the city clocks had only just gone 3 but it was quite dark already the door of Scrooges counting house was open that he might keep his eye upon his clock in a dismal little cell beyond Scrooge had a very small fire but the clocks fire was so very much smaller that it looked like one cold wherefore the clock put on his white comforter and tried to woman self at the candle in which f. It not being a man of strong imagination he failed a Merry Christmas uncle God save you cried a cheerful voice it was the voice of Scrooge his nephew who came upon him so quickly that this was the 1st intimation Scrooge had of his approach said Scrooge humbug if I had my will every idiot who goes about with Merry Christmas on his lips should be boiled with his own pudding and buried with a stake of holly through his heart he should own coal I am sure I have always thought of Christmas time apart from the veneration Jewett sacred origin though it has never put a scrap of gold or silver in my pocket I believe that it has done me good and will do me good and I say God bless it the clock in the tank in voluntarily applauded let me hear another sound from you said Scrooge and you keep your Christmas by losing your situation don't be angry uncle. More ridiculous than a Merry Christmas Good afternoon his nephew left the room without an angry way notwithstanding. To watch a Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens continues same time tomorrow night. And if you always like to save you miss one of every show we do survey the bill 30 days online afterwards for music radio and podcasts the b.b.c. Sounds Apted old we live in that. Even though you know what's covered like the back of your head still something magical about it for me read by it looks me go on to say here this is a nice note on Twitter and I must do this quickly Colleen and Becky would like a shout out to all 17 members of the kickbacks band tonight upon hearing rehearsal was cancelled went out and made money for the band by playing Christmas carols in the cold pink impacts what a lovely thing to do that is thank you very much. Have a good bowl couldn't brass band music. This is a proposal absolutely no than I do apologise. B.b. Rights are all the way to me. As a Balkan brass band. From. The Croatian really. Fun Sachi a collar of you ever heard of a sold them live once in a brass band festival this is this is going somewhere and they did this. Just a couple of seconds could you spot it. This is what you need call him back. To the keep tax band doing this in the next competition. You make a fortune. With music why not. that the. Legalities Salim. The air. Play. Play play. The s. Russell will cat b.b.c. Radio. Don't. Consume joy. Where does. It. Make it. In business is. It is magic. The solution let me. Just say of some. Of. The soldiers don't you know you. Can See easy to see business is. Be be Rex a Florida Georgia Line meant to be. Full that the greatest mistake which is like you know it's an attempt to bond same I will say we got an actual one coming up next a July Jack's average he will get well Mondays protocol the new one and speaking of that we had the bulk and responder arrangement of the. It's not a themed program but Becky call it sayin we loved it as a different arrangement of best of bond but he's 8 year old son Charlie always insists on conducting it. A lot after my own heart I don't think I could resist study that given that all people. With the coolest thing ever tonight songs for the cutlery drawer and how to Lisa Lisa Marie. Had a bomb bomb bomb bomb rolling pin the date by a Del Boy. Don't press me much simply the press says in all my love for you. These are excellent. Rhythm of the knife. Folk this way anything by the Scissor Sisters is always a pair in the very nice silky cub father I go in the body meant pizza cutter kiss me by Stephen Tintin open and. Yet this. I like it my friend These are all Facebook dot com slash late night Russell fork of life by Dire Straits is mocking right. Also suggested by Graham in our gates on the phone which is good Bonnie and Alice and he said by the Lovin Spoonful I watched this spoon by fat Larry's band. And exterminate us we're going to last for Lincoln stage. Anything by colander Ronstadt's. Who knew there were this many. Right. It was really. Smokey Robinson. After the. a solid has announced it will temporarily halt production of its 737 Max aircraft the model has been grounded since March following 2 crashes which killed 346 people regulators in the United States have said they will not approve the aircraft's return to service until next year Samir Hossain reports Boeing is one of the biggest industrial companies in America and one of the country's largest export are pulling its most profitable plane from the skies has already cost them $8000000000.00 And that figure continues to rise in a statement Boeing said it will halt production beginning in January of 2020 that the company has $400.00 planes in storage and it will focus their efforts on delivering those aircrafts to customers opposition parties of criticized the decision by Boris Johnson to reappoint Nikki Morgan as culture secretary in a mini reshuffle following last week's election Ms Morgan who stood down as an m.p. Has been handed a life peerage so she can stay on in the cabinet the labor m.p. Joe Stevens described the decision as disgraceful while the s.n.p. Speech was shot said the Tories have shown disdain for democracy and Italy's top football league Syria there's been heavily criticized for using paintings of 3 monkeys to illustrate an anti racism campaign the league said the work which will be displayed at his headquarters in Milan promoted integration and multiculturalism but an in and Demi anti discrimination group fair said the images look like a sick joke. B.b.c.

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