The news is 3 and a half minutes past the wishing time away so the amazing are the numbers very good numbers those 2 men now look can you guess the sound effect you know that it. Sounds like you're trying to open a pack of cards would you like to hear it again. There's an elastic band on all you are so well you you going around the light right lines is my rubber gloves I'm just blown I'm only inside. He's the little things I'm just on the sands but again it's another experiment Martin of which we have many. Easy Radio York whether we need to lease a gallon gas Good morning it is going to be a blustery day today of sunny spells and showers the showers perhaps most frequent around late morning or early afternoon some of them heavy possibly and the winds will be very gusty in and around a shower as temperature has around 150 think Dean degrees that a 61 fan height this shall become feel at 3 this evening and even night there still there will be a few temperatures down to our nice healthy s. That's 48 found Heights Thank you Lisa it's Judy at breakfast it's 5 past 8 beautiful. Sizing up scenery look to shop number to bring your family I wouldn't leave it loving. Judy stands with Georgie at. B.b.c. Radio. Oh it got some good good morning good morning good morning to. David Atherton Oh yes he's back in the bake off tent tonight it's Week 7 it's festival week oh come on i'm Ok like the sound of this and I'm not going to miss it this week because I didn't catch up on Santa's chin last night good morning congratulations to former Yorkshire great about Chris Silva words he's been appointed the new head coach for England again I have one other player. Will say good morning and good luck to how to get town to Scarbrough platic and Tadcaster Albion in there not just in I'll give you a preemptive right and we'll say good morning to Daniel Paul's letter yet again he's just been chatting about his testimonial It's happening tomorrow it's 730 tickets on the door you can still go and say. He did say he's going to sneak onto the page yes I. Mentioned streaking but now he will be in his peak 8 year old now it's just gone and this week thousands of children in school are being inspired to think about jobs that have some kind of link to science and engineering Now this has been going on for the past 10 years scabrous science and engineering week it takes place at the scale the spawn complex and it's been trying to get children in particular girls interested in science and maybe choosing a career in science and engineering b.b.c. Radio James Adam and has been to see Annette in primary school where teacher Robert Webb has been getting the children to make mini wind turbines which they will display later in the week the spawn line and then you just simply filter from there . You know I've been going to scour science and engineering week for people for the past 10 years and I think it opens the children's eyes as to what's available out there and what career perhaps I might say how good a couple of years. Was our whole topic ease and energy and power so everything my doing at the moment whether it's in an English accent are much less and science etc It's all part science they energy and power topic calling your McKinley a version of a wind turbine why you think when turbines are impartial there I think can that be good because because we have nothing else to lose our fossil fuel right now we have nothing else to eat like she said he did something here which is all about the environment and about being green How important is that they think very unkind in a sense of time still. It would be good for just one part of this is to get girls interested in science because that's something that needs to be talked also about is getting rid of stereotypes and yeah I mean you don't have to the front. Classrooms say that girls are getting on just as much a surprise in many ways they're the ones who are leading the way in telling the boss how it should be done but we've got some things that just going to spy I'm going to come up and we're going to chance that you should get it because I'm the one by you is sign a certain subject you're particularly interested in is out on the day even though I might want to study it out when I'm older I defied I tried to find a job I investigated things and letting things out I thought I was there was a 1st step to go do 1st the sit up to the top 2 culprits and I do think it's easy to teach when you've got something practical that the kids can say running for their eyes rather than for the right to lay down on the on a block or you can sort of say right this is what we want from you and you've got the tools to do it and then you give them the knowledge and then I guess at the end of it. They course will be they're worth it I think right I corrected that yeah definitely I mean you know the children are smart and now using saws they're measuring so it's got maps in there I've got d.t. And they're the science because most is that these groups are actually going to generate electricity from the bicycle dynamo that they're using so that links back to the science work we've done and everything just all comes together in this project and that the learning without even realizing their project this chair using a single use plastics I think you know it's very topical very current and it's up in their eyes that it's not just some fantasy on the news it's something that's in real life problem and make it possible for them. Isn't it great to hear a busy classroom just busy busy busy doing the experiments and that's what I was loved about the science lessons was actually game hands dirty and I have managed to do an experiment this morning under the direct ship of Julie Pavane from the University of New York and she told me 3 you might get a chance to hear it again actually it was brilliant that was Robert Webb he's from Sema and primary school talking to the B.B.C.'s Jim De Mint and of course those wind turbines the mini wind. Turbines are going to be on display later in the week at the spa and it's all part of Scarborough science and engineering week how you on the engineering from the science front maybe you fancied as a child and you actually perceived that interest that you Medicare out of it I'd love to hear from you 100 travel 14849 when you call me this morning is just just date exactly Tempest 8 miracle. Can't believe I'm on telling David morning at our Euro diary entry now at the. Very very slow particularly from York across towards the a one Georgia not from there this morning at all down to road works in fact is probably as bad as each other both into and out of York to and from the a what in all fairness there's not much in it there if you driving on the York Outer Ring Road usual pinch barge I'm afraid busy around busy around the x.p. Roundabout busy past Rockliffe past left into water and you'll find some slow moving traffic on the a 59 on Burbridge road out all by road works around water and a 61 as you head into water how to get by at slow coming in from Ripley through killing all down towards the new park roundabout very busy down toward the Empress from there not bad at all on whether the road coming in from the Castro very heavy very very ridiculous least along the a 61 as you heading south of how to get towards late it's solid all the way down from the a 65 died right the way down past Hayward Bridge towards White Plains are really really still there but everything else is good and clued in Scarborough where just a bit on the busy side as any around West on the a 64 the junction of Valley bridge or that's all down to road works anything else depreciate you call the travel line 800 trouble 14849 Thank you David b.b.c. Radio your. Is where we get to the brains of the operation we've just been hearing about some children from Scarborough who've been building a mini wind turbines it's all part of the Scarborough science and engineering way it's at the scale response and. The interest being sparked especially for girls trying to get girls into engineering while Peter we will consent is chairman of sculpture business ambassadors he's also created a sculpture engineering week and he joins me now from our Scarborough studio Good morning pizza Good morning George you're so when you're the inspiration here what well he said to come up with this wonderful idea well if we went back 10 years it's our anniversary this week I was not exact directly Shelden a business school you listen we're very clever engineering company and we were competing with most of the big companies fail there were 12 international companies out there and we were competing with them for talented young people and we got together and we actually decided what we do we create an engineering week it wasn't science at that time period generic out talking about. Oily rags and Coggs I'm talking about robots and control systems that's what we wanted to educate educate young people to be come engineers in that that that unleashed and it's been very successful if we look back. This week we'll have achieved 35000 students in total for all and we've raised around 2 and a half 1000000 in sponsorship with all our partners. Mackay in our own company so we've been here we can pat ourselves on the back how that continues Yeah how difficult is it because you know when you think of engineering you just mentioned cogs and only ranks it probably got a bit of a bad press. I guess more not a bad press because those skills are still needed because you know if you look at most machines there are still not some bolts that you know strap them all together but it really is the control systems that drive it and if you think about children nowadays with that dexterity they handle i Pads and phones that's exactly the skill base we want I mean we have some students at the moment g c h Q But they're on placements and you would never think about an engineer. Being student or graduate working would you say it's cute but it's a very very similar technology very you know that versus not that's the thing it's actually widening it out isn't it it's thinking laterally Yes get the base of the engineering in the science bit but it's what you can do with it and I suppose how far did Tim Pink's of escapades help promote science amazingly so if you think logically I mean we've got we've actually asked him twice to come to Scarborough but unfortunately is a busy guy we've had bloodhound here and we have mantra this wonderful mossy showpiece and that really displays the 21st engineering but you do need these embassadors that I suppose the very newsworthy and they stimulate people to think differently I suppose the journey for us there wasn't just engineering week it was then the education of those students and out of engineering it 5 years ago we created the University Technical College which is now doing a stunning opportunities for young students and we just had. A level students 100 percent. G.c.s.e. These top draw so we went way beyond just engineering we went for education and we have you know an academy now that teaches young people the skills that they need to become 21st century engineers Goodness me and I mentioned that this this takes place and it's in particularly in mind our girls girls getting involved in science how how difficult is it to get more girls into science and engineering Well you know I don't know the percentages but if you were probably in today you'd see a large percentage of girls the footfall is I don't know what the split is but it's certainly 4060. 40 percent girls and if you went on Thursday which is delightful I think you've got a broadcast unit there on Thursday those are the primary school children they're 5 and onwards they are so excited all that it's not true but they're not just there. You know having a day out they're actually genuinely interested in you know their careers believe it or not and that's the age that we managed to grab them at 5 plus we used to start a year 11 but we decided to years in that it was not the right age group we should go way beyond and we have and it's been very very successful in a lot of the internships now. Placements are girls we've got to with n.h.s. Trust at the moment who are young ladies you mention 5 year olds getting excited I am performs an experiment I was talked through it by a lady called Julie Parvin and I got terribly excited about extinguishing a candle with the use of bicarbonate cider vinegar so I really felt so I'm only 55 so. I think I think you know if you can get the hands on thing that I absolutely loved in science as opposed to the writing stuff down I think you'll agree now that I really couldn't and that's what I've been a pleasure they Wednesday and Thursday the reward for us is seeing those young children being stimulated by what I call 21st century engineering not nuts and bolts and rags as I said that's vitally important but I think if you look at the technologies that most companies use now they are 21st century and they really stimulate your children to get involved what would be your message to youngsters who are you know not sure of what they could do or what they want to do yes. I would genuinely say that just look around you and look at the opportunities with technology nowadays. And that really is the stimulation for me but young people should i mean vocational skills are obviously vital to us and there's a blend of both in engineering but I just if they look around them they look at computer screens and laptops and i Pads you just think of the opportunities that those kids have looking at websites to stimulate. Particular their careers I think it's there's a duty not just from teachers but from manufacturers and other other technology just to guarantee you children a future and an engineering piece and many many thanks this morning Peter Wilkinson chairman of scholar business ambassadors and also the creator of Scarborough engineering week and 10 years young happy anniversary and date is Josie It brought this to her on b.b.c. Radio York it's coming up to 20 past 8. Let's get the headlines from Martin morning morning George a series of text messages from a Downing Street source within the past half hour has suggested the Boris Johnson will do all sorts of things to scupper any breaks that delight some Yorkshire children are heading to school in ever so badly polluted they're breathing the equivalent of 20 cigarettes a week that's according to university research and astronomers have discovered 20 yes 20 new moons in orbit around the planet Saturn a competition has been launched to name the new objects can you imagine how much night and day there is for 20 minutes I'm not going to Saturn you can forget it imagine what happens with a with a behind tied in the how many hard oh you know what scale just now today it's going to be a bright star of the day for most of us there will be the orderly Sharon places though much of the day Dr bright and sunny but the chance of some heavy blustery showers around lunchtime they say did actually mention the thunder maybe but temperatures reaching around 15 Celsius that's 59 Fahrenheit we came mornings from Radio York can I quickly mention actually tomorrow's show with Jonathan comes live from Aria Flinter non-news and this month the last trainee pilots graduate from Linton also the to come on a training aircraft will take off from there for the last time and I often see them when I'm driving from Tolleson back home and they they literally do this round circle and they look like they're coming for me with the headlights on but tomorrow this Johnson is going to celebrate the people who work on the base and also lift the lid on what actually happens behind those security gates That's Jonathan live from Arya Flint on news from 9 o'clock to morrow morning it's Judy about this right now though the quiz this morning is cooking breakfast it's a new clue a new day and a new voice that's just what we did Simon thought it was running and it was a big fat 0 now on the e-mail day says Stacy do you have another listen that's just what we do there is a little bit of a Stacey Dooley in there I know there isn't Dave knowledge at all 0800 trouble 14848 I when you call me it's free I'm sorry Bring of bad tidings and all that I got some good tidings and now you'll just have to bear with me while I go through the official b.b.c. Radio or your autumn checklist of saying your country leaves check conquers on the ground or go some of those misty mornings Yeah yeah it's beginning to look a lot like autumn definitely here so we're taking the opportunity to celebrate the humble apple I've got my wrist and Pippin's here in fact I can prove it. Rueful group of micro Terminator mistresses are burning all I know isn't true in my mouth. Oh sounds tasty that sounds crunchy I just taken a walk across the lawns here in the walled gardens and came past lots of rice is a different apple trees greening Empress Alexander also Ackland russet just want a great name heading towards a blue tent where a lot of varieties of apples are on display for people to try out and taste as there's a press in another 10000 in the middle there as well we are here to try and talk about the also imminent also the harvest this is quite a surprise not as good as last year as it's no. Rush it was a real bumpy year so what you find sometimes is apple trees will just take a year off you next year Ok so I'm shipment is the have got I have been an opener out there oh I love that sound and immediately this was just really. No mineral I've got lots of all over I see from the know the food as well having Yes we have over last year foremost so really nice way northern for a group of common given to some of their varieties as well when there's over probably 20300 varieties you can grow in the north of England and the northern food group hold a lot of them how many apples of you harvested it by the by this year 0100 already probably every time we do a question it's about 200 apples and pears go into that you can just see from the display here we've probably got about 10250 apples just out on display and tastings every day take a few as well what else do you do that because you kept the cafe gets involved as well yeah so the restaurant here what we do is we have got several things on the menu this year the Arpels And so we have a lovely Yorkshire pudding where. Pork and up. Sausages and they're called the Straight from here we've got spiced up Ok and a pattern as well sounds delicious that sounds I did it and I so this display here is part of your Apple will tell me what people can do so you come along in have a look at the display see the different writers we have that you could possibly grow yourself a home our war garden a mark he tore every day were talks about our apple trees how we look after them what we do. We have to do tastings through the day so we have one or 2 varieties you can come in taste maybe never tasted before once a day we do a big pressing as well we threw a whole lot of apples and pears and press it down and let people try to juice see the question now what is so special about the apple. It's kind of a taste of our childhood a little bare there's hundreds of different varieties as well all with totally different flavors and I think it takes all of us back to a little bit scrimping in our youth really love it I'm going to look around Georgie beforehand that she is a Manx Codlin love that there's a red devil to some of the different varieties here that she's Holden and North early hunt house Katie as well so many different types here that's the one that we mentioned So just a number of the different types of apples here 52 different types of prices of apples and and pears here. And so it's going to be a really lovely week for people to enjoy Oh you caught me. I'm still eating the ribs and Pippin. Is it tasting It's lovely and you know it originated from little rips than. You know from something hundreds of 1st she 1st made in Normandy apparently. We figured out Adam's apples by the way they could be a cockpit Oh there's another one the larger could be what's that was. Elections. And. Adams apples Yeah laxness fertility order and one of. The oh so we'll say good morning David it's all here which if you don't mind getting around Kirk Hammett and you going to find very very slow them or not but as it was this time yesterday I mean we've had the the bulk of the queues there heading out towards the a one very busy coming into wards York you'll find a heavy on the outer ring road as well as yet in-between role play for the whole program about very heavy and very very slow there 61 into Watertown to get through killer killing all not too bad this morning very slowly adding between Ripley and wormhole grain you'll find busy traffic there due to Tempe traffic lights and again south or how to get towards Leeds fairly fairly grim really around here Woodbridge really heavy and really really slow on the 61 down past the a 659 junction no major headaches or hassles elsewhere a 19 little bit busier than it was north of cell be absorbed York as he passed past recall no major headaches or hassles to contend with Isaac either as he travelling into or out of Scarborough this morning just watch out for work on the a 64 on west around Barrie Bridge Road which will slow you down there right the way through until the 16th of December that's nearly Christmas spirit he would appreciate you call I don't 100 trouble 14849 thank you very much I'm going fishing before 9 am I looking through the papers when might be next from 12. From 9 Jonathan Cowan. Georgie at breakfast b.b.c. Radio you. Good morning Mike he's. Strode all strong straight through the Mont anyways will through the mud to get a from her morning we're looking at my shoes you know not thinking I'm asleep I'm just thinking about that. Do you see I chance struck and I quote my Anyway it's nice to see you and the papers today were like Yeah well this story see actually quite a few of the papers this was in the Guardian because it comes with the picture if I had to say parts of the British Isles that is awash with criminals would one of the smallest of the Channel Islands come to mind seriously I found the outgoing police chief suck Yeah solution 5500 so. Watch with people who are criminal convictions and calling for his successes. Sorry about that we can't hear you. Can You Hear Me Now Ok what do you mean yeah but it's all yours I'm reading the paper while I'm doing it yeah yeah I know it's awash with cream criminal convict people with criminal convictions and says his successes should be armed with batons and purpose All right good in this sort of tough little law and that's in the Guardian nice but I think quite a few Actually it was it seems to fit most of the papers Yeah yeah. Next and then another sort of intriguing sort of I suppose it's history now we have to go back to the sixty's and call it history. The Britons nuclear hotline preparations if there was a 4 minute warning I would go to watch they have Prime Minister McMillan's come linked to a radio with the use of the f.a.a. Could tell him if he was away from his office that there was a nuclear attack imminent so he could his driver could take him to a telephone box on the drive it was armed with for pennies so he was never a shill so you could say that you caught all the. Other One senior civil servants that you can make rich prefers calls and you wouldn't have to pay the charges you know what I think you know for a minute warning could you get the call to him and he said you were going to 5 find a phone but it's possible phone boxes that. You know how times change oh yeah when everything's when you would have had your mobile phone with yeah when you left the . I don't know when it's just a picture this is in the times it's just a picture of what's red squirrel but that and all the houses a little supporting under efforts to keep red squirrel safe from the grey rivals have resulted in a resurgence in the Yorkshire Dales oh say without taking these autumnal walks in the Dales we have an increased chance of seeing a red squirrel you know there's a lot of them about in Scotland Yard and the ever seen one that was last year up in the highlight was in the Highlands goodness you know I can remember seeing maybe one or 2 in the south of England when I was a child in the seventy's and then nothing on clay newborn Bothell Hula-Hoop easing I think the Isle of Wight and a few in the only interesting and I would love to see one of the increase in Pine Martins he says meaning red squirrels increase because they are predators own race with all. The food chain will end by opening. Squirrels and finance interest yes Mike thanks ever so much nice to see this and you might need to be taking a bigger The papers to the. B.b.c. Radio. It's 8 seats on to get their lines and sports news from mounting Cooper super coupes morning Georgie gold morning the latest so far within the last half hour a series of text messages from a Downing Street source of suggested the government believes the breaks it talks will end this week and warn that bars Johnson will do all sorts of things to scupper any delay some New York should children are heading to school in so badly polluted they're breathing the equivalent of 20 cigarettes a wake University researchers say that experts have accused the government of failing children by not tackling and pollution a woman has been taken to hospital ways serious but not life threatening injuries after a fall from a ride hole fire it's thought she landed on the base of another right hitting a teenager who was standing on the ground and n.h.s. England is launch. Services for children and young people with behavioral issues which are linked to gaming gambling and social media doctors say the big Internet firms and book makers have left the n.h.s. To pick up the pieces in sports we've got life football for you tonight on b.b.c. Radio York how to get town travel to North Wales to take already some a team that will be led for the 1st time by Dean Cates after he was appointed manager on Sunday night Town boss sun a waiver says he's no idea if that means they'll change things around so he's just concentrating on his own team I don't know either but we're always done so far you know today's train well but before that we went over the video clips that we made of ourselves and the good and bad from the other day although it's a good when we can go over the top of that you know is a fine performance but there's also quite a bit in there you know that we can tighten upon and improve our Get down on the only one of our sides to be in action tonight Scarborough athletic travel tomorrow lock in the northern Premier Division elsewhere attack us to Albion are at home to City of Liverpool in their f.a. Trophy replay the winners by the way are at home to break house town in the next round on Saturday Meanwhile on the international stage anglers women have a friendly tonight away to Portugal the Lionesses of failed to win any of their last 5 games and have conceded 9 goals since their semifinal defeat at this summer's World Cup in the USA. York City Manager Steve Watson says Young weighing back Nathan Dyer is still a work in progress the 18 year old scored the winning goal at Buxton on Saturday his 1st game professional football because of his age and I think because of how they're well known on the 1023 system at the teachers because not just in Iraq over there at all clubs it's all about going forward and then you get a kid coming into the 1st team environment where emphasis on being very very solid So yeah it's a work in progress and in case you missed it last night York City Nights have announced the signing of James Green the 28 year old prop joins from Bradford bowls he's previously made nearly $100.00 Super League appearances during spells at Hull k.-r. Lease ensurance and Castleford Tigers b.b.c. News and sport it's a $34.00. I'm going to quote it for quite a few messages concerning Daniel Posner on Twitter in the interview looking for to Mars and testimonial also there was a lovely message about Juanita and the apples and this is from Dolphin it says I have an absolute craving for apple crumble and custard to review my. Fabric 1st wouldn't listen anything goes on the show Marty but I know that it was the last one with me today but you're more well more than welcome to come back another time thank you yet Karas tomorrow with the news Ok well it's been a joy Martin I even joy to blush you got through anyway but you've suffered major and thank you for that eulogy stands with Georgia. B.b.c. Radio you. They put up with a lot you know news readers now they're my powers of concentration and my ability to keep quiet and still have been put to the test this week I've been fishing Yeah I've not picked up a fishing rod for many many years and it's something my mum tried to get me kind of involved with and basically I just think she wanted me to stop being so active in the house I was really busy a busy busy child I was the always the last to bed and the 1st one up. It's a bit like now actually. Sitting by leg side and keeping quiet would be the best thing for me what is she the way well I love watching Paul White House a book Mortimer in there gone fishing series and I also loved watching the one show with Marina Gibson I spotted that she based in mass and she's an instructor and they did a little report on her and I thought all now would not be nice to go fishing so she started by kicking me out Georgie I've got a magic wand magic I wonder how lovely Harry Potter we've got going I fit 6 right broad here yes to me that's like that's like but in my it's the magic court case oh right oh Ok or sections. Oh yes this is so nice I had this really old archaic kind of McCain Oh yes go ahead yeah yeah I actually bought it with me really you haven't seen the water for a good few years this thing I mean it's even thinner than a pencil all of it past mad and you know I'm not the dots when you put it on yeah yeah yeah it does it just not on Yes exactly and I just slightly squeeze sections together oh yeah Ok. So slot on. The line now the next bit yeah the real the real the real. It's Ok so now what happens is you're right handed or left handed and left handed but I do a lot of things with my right hand because I've had to you have to adapt to the left Ok Perfect where you all expect you to be cussing off both shoulders. We have 5 hand I might catch twice as many fish marine one you never know Ok so what happens is. Little small though you stop and then you push clever that are in twists with the end so it can't come off oh that is ridiculous my road is just summing up the arc So when did you last go fishing and 122 of these Also that's. 2 years ago. And why do you think you didn't go fishing again. Mario you've got a real phobia of maggots have you got a pocket full of maggots gives Yeah I do actually. Yes but you know what mine are not real that fly back oh. I love you so much this is my day just got better what is it about fishing that you physically love who I love everything about fishing I love the variety a lot of people they love one type of fish you know they might live like they might do salmon and trout fishing all the time whereas I feel like I'm Jack will try to master and. He's one for a few. So I love the variety I love how you can you can come here you can catch rain they trap you closer to catch a grass Cup I love how for example trout fishing for me or single handed fishing is really intense so your your place you fly in exactly the right place and you have to you know move to fly whereas weather when I use some of the fishing I find it very therapeutic and relaxing because you're casting a big long line across the other side and and then it's just swinging your fly so you just wait and you're sort of waiting you're thinking about whether that flies going past 7 so it's all really different and now you say we've got fly maggots so I could be fishing little I think the gaze of my end up being a widow or a fishing Woodrell it's all through door just then extend it yes he pulling keep pulling yes the line is through we need to put a hook on the way yes but. Oh how I hate my guts have got the rod and the rail everything set out all I need is some bait so we'll have more from the arena Gibson and the by the water side and you know it's a very relaxing thing to do if a little trying to try and stay quiet and still jump in town you stay quiet and still learn it's the most difficult thing I know the mother was trying to do because I was so you know I was irritating Well nothing's changed really as if they were NATO and would not have told him by shady wady lovely stuff what you do from what you've heard this story that Marty's been mentioned in the news this morning and it's still is well this astonishing research that suggests that some children on the school run inhale the equivalent of nearly one packet of cigarettes every week which is just horrific really when you think about it would give a child a pack of 20 cigarettes and say smoke these by the end of the week but apparently that's what we are doing by the levels of air pollution that we are creating these days you know scientists have calculated this by comparing the number of deaths caused by smoking and by air pollution I would really love to hear your feedback on air pollution this morning it is a beautiful crisp clear October morning blue skies sunshine in the city of York it's hard to believe that the air is polluted certainly doesn't feel like it is certainly not to me but how about you are glad to know from you how does air quality affect you and your family personally I don't remember as I was growing up so many kids having asthma seem to have aspirin breathing difficulties these days maybe that's something that has an impact on you and your family please do share it with me this morning how does air quality affect you and your family give me a call it's a weight 100 trouble 14849 levee system or your. Yes 3 Matic stuff well it's a mixture really because it's like sad tomorrow's program is a celebration of 80 years of astonishing service and achievements and wonderful memories and stories and what have you and also it's obviously to miss. The great deal of sadness. Things will happen at the base in the future I'm absolutely certain of that but a great opportunity to get a glimpse at a world that most of us don't normally get to see lovely said Johnson thank you it's George at breakfast right now and whether from Lisa morning good morning beautiful out there beautiful. Eyes a brighter day certainly than it was yesterday and we do have one or 2 showers dotted around across northern parts of North Yorkshire at the moment but the main band of showers will approach later on this morning particular around the middle part of the day that's our highest risk catching showers some of them could be heavy and possibly even thunder and his in and around these heavy showers but the winds will be particularly gusty but will tend to fade away again through the afternoon with the increase in dry sunny spells temperatures around 15 maybe 16 degrees that is 61 found height but it stays windy through this evening and even ice will be for the showers blowing in on these brisk winds and temperatures down to around 8 or 9 degrees it's not a Bryson breezy day to morrow with a decent amount of sunshine and many eastern parts will avoid the showers altogether the showers tomorrow will be more frequent in the west across the Dales temperatures around 13 or 14 degrees but the weather is going to stay unsettled as we head into Thursday another bright and breezy day with sunny spells and showers it does look as though they showers will merge into a long spell of rain was the end of the day and temperatures are 14 or 15 degrees thank you so. It's a good morning to David James morning. Good morning Georgie it is all fairly fit so far as busy through her comments on the air 59 due to road works fairly strongly I 61 into Watertown to get through keeping hold you to road works but busy on Weatherby road because he's just gone 229 is he heading in towards Hana good and you'll find it's on the air 19 between recall and Crocky Hail to the well tempered I'd say that we don't know about the 61 ferry quite nicely south or how to get was ridiculous around here will bridge a short while ago that seems to raise a little bit and no major problems to contend with elsewhere as far as we're aware spot anything would appreciate a call 84849 I got a chain from the sisters next. To him experiment they let me loose with an ice cream carton around the kitchen a to light some vinegar some bicarbonate of soda and some matches. Christmas from. Songs to feet and shoes select slaves Says just as I don't feel like dancing I do now actually is coming out to a big stretch if only. The kids of all who are you free at last. I know what it's like believe me and then you're under the cosh to get there for 33 the course of 4 are you to pick them up on these wintry Well autumnal days a nice day outside the moment so yeah let's hope it continues shall we it's coming up to 10 to 9 now when I came into the studio this morning I found a very strange assortment of play some pieces and a note saying I've got an experiment to develop an excited about it that vegs sighted is all because we've been talking about Scarborough science and engineering week and I think the idea was to show that science is all around us and anyone can do a bit every day science and they were incredibly worried because the reforms to sign when you do anything risky and ya today you sign this one off but involve Yes I think I'm a bit reluctant Anyway we did all right forms and I've been left an empty ice cream tub a tea line little bottle of vinegar some by Communists a box of matches I also got protective wire it's about safety goggles a high some protective gloves and a fire extinguisher whatever could possibly happen I was worried it was going to be a bit dangerous because science expert Joy Parvin from the University of York had. Agreed to talk to me and talk me through it but only if she could be in a studio in another part of the country Yeah can you imagine the best was yet to come and I just say don't try this at home but judging by her reaction to all my safety gear I mean I've been one that what right when you're very very well prepped in terms of safety terms I think you're probably a bit slight overkill but for Italy where the rubber gloves get me on the rubber gloves I'm rather deaf and ready so what do I do but the come out in front of me Ok So have you got the night light up inside the car I have I've got a remedy for next to it so you can answer the rabbit Kane is where you got your bicarbonate of soda Oh do you want to talk about the ramekin So that need to be at the other end maybe about 3 teaspoons of bicarbonate of soda at the other end after they're sort of as far apart as you can get them in an ice cream tub Ok in the ramekin Yeah just a few teaspoons I mean I mean imagine ing this is going to work just. Put the fire extinguisher ready for a 3 teaspoons of bicarbonate of soda in the Remicade and the other end of the carton opposite the tea Light Yagami you might like in might work we were suggesting a sorcerer but let's just go with it and see what happens. So now you want to just have your vinegar ready Yeah because you're going to pour some of it on to the pie carbonate of soda but not yet just have it ready the nickel ready lid off. You know I've got my sense of smell I could get a whiff of that Ok Ok so now you light your tea light and sorry I mean the classroom if you're doing this you would have saved the light or rather the matches but I'm sure there sensible are you'll be fine you say come in the strike. Is the rubber gloves getting it the way. You go oh of that it would go so light that the light. Right everybody stand back the t.l.i. Is lit joy Ok says burning brightly Yeah so now poor I guess you could have learned to have you know 3 teaspoons for teaspoons of vinegar onto your bicarbonate of soda and vinegar. Spiraling up 123. All bubbling up bubbling up I can hear I can hear so you have to tell me if you see any change the night light. It's getting lower it's going. It's nearly I don't. Know I'm glad I'm. Just that was my turn to. Show you joy by name joy but I think I love that why does it do that then so of course if I wouldn't in a classroom we wouldn't tell you know tell you why because you'd have to work it out for yourself Oh right so it's only about the fumes of the air to go with the bicarbonate That's right so in terms of the gases that are produced when something is burned you've got the gas carbon dioxide now at primary age they don't need to know but it's quite nice to to share that information that it's a gas called carbon dioxide and it's actually a bit heavier than air so it sinks into the bottom of the basin it puts out the candle and it is the premise for house fire extinguishers work isn't that amazing so my fire extinguisher rested easy in the corner and yes Nobody was harmed in the experimentation of this but can I just say to you don't try this at home it was controlled circumstances and I have been fully briefed and I was fully kitted up so just a word of warning right now it's coming out to fly through and you you were trying to work out who my new mystery voice clue is yes it went yesterday unbelievably can't believe it. That's just what we did. Yesterday sickly with Katherine Tilsley currently in strictly and also in the new b.b.c. Comedy Scarborough last episode to be seen on Friday but this is the new clue who is this that's just what we did Simon thought it might be running but no it wasn't her then Dave thought it might be the broadcaster Stacey Dooley Well now it was no or either so you know want it looks like we may have a row row row of the boat was I love a rollover so when you think you know this is fastest What we do keep my number handy for to Miles I will. 100 trouble 14849 when you do coming up Johnson count this morning. A special show from. Today. It's funny morning. He said quickly all which is just Einstein was right that's all and if you're. Going to find it very very slow it's all down to road works 61 through killing whole rip and roads busy as well around all clear road a 64 through block around Valley bridge road that Soledad road works as well in place until the 9 days before Christmas and if you're traveling towards a towards Selby everything's fine in the mall on the air 19 little bit busy north of Selby a past recall towards the 64 but everything else seems to be fine if you do anything anything at all give us a ring always 100 trouble long 4849 and we've all survived my experimentation my science experiment David I'm quite pleased about that even when I think water on the subject of. Bicarb vinegar Yeah the next thing you need is a little bit of food coloring Yeah and some just some something some we use our door but huge ships and door to make a volcano I have to be and that's all it's really I mean a little bit. Of any of. The stuff in him in his truck. Is. Just my. You. You. See. It's a good. Thing that so smooth no you. Got . To give them. 2. 100. I'm gonna get it. To you. You know many. 100 times. I'm going to get my. Overseas with George responds because the ground attraction. Stop the day at 6 tomorrow morning here on b.b.c. Radio Good morning Jonathan count with you for a Tuesday morning the 8th of October must have you company this morning some. Story from Austin in the news this morning this research that says some children on the school run in hailing the equivalent of nearly a pack of cigarettes every week because the that they breathe on their way to school in the he's so polluted I'd love to hear about your experience and opinion of pollution this morning how does pollution affect you your life your children and your family's life give me a call 800 travel 48 $49.00 are on the text it's 813. It is. Nothing I. See you. B.b.c. News at 9 o'clock I'm Martin Cooper within the past hour the b.b.c. Has seen a series of text messages from a Downing Street source which have suggested the government believes the talks will end this wake they also warn the bars Johnson will do all sorts of things to Sky. Any delay the briefing was given to the Spectator magazine but government officials have not disputed it the u.k. And the e.u. Resume talks on the breaks that deal today the B.B.C.'s assistant political editor Norm Smith says these messages are revealing if evidence was needed of how far number 10 have I think moved psychologically beyond getting a deal to the blame game the series of texts lays that bear and you just get a sense that we are now preparing for a ferry fairly rancorous aftermath to the failure of the negotiations homicide police are appealing for witnesses to an extent of whole fur in which a woman fell from a ride on to another one the woman suffered serious but not life threatening injuries a teenager she landed on was also hurt the Tora Bora has mall I thought I'd have been closed while offices and health and safety officials from whole city council went together to establish what's happened in $27.00 tane more than 30 people were trapped me daf 5 hours and a ride broke down at the whole fair which is one of Europe's largest and oldest travelling fun fairs and is held every week in October every air thieves have stripped half the lead off a church roof in writerly North Yorkshire it happened of the weekend at the 900 year old church of St Hilda in Shaaban experts say the heavy rain has now got into parts of the great 2 star listed sanctioned church through the exposed roof police were peeling for witnesses to come forward the chairman of welcome to Yorkshire has stepped down with immediate effect Keith Stuart moved from director to enter in Chairman of the tourist organization after the surprise departure of Gary Verity earlier this year so Gary Hart faced allegations of bullying in appropriately claiming expenses which he denies some Your children are heading to school in there that so badly polluted breathing the equivalent of 20 cigarettes a week last according to research. At the University of Sheffield and it's led to calls from a former government scientific advisor Professor Stephen King for David King fall faster action to replace diesel and petrol cars with electric ones you can hear more in the next hour with Jonathan a 3 day event starts on the north coast later designed to inspire thousands of young people towards qualifications or career in science it's Scarborough's science and engineering week which is marking its 10th anniversary year something more than $3000.00 children from Scarborough will be bred and Reidel areas are expected to take part Robert Webb teaches at seem an urban primary school he believes the science fair will have a positive for it on his students going scholar science and engineering recruit people for the past 10 years and I think it opens the children's eyes as to what's available out there and what career perhaps I might say that's Robert Webb b.b.c. News it's 3 minutes past 9. B.b.c. Radio York whether we'd be said Gallagher good morning it is going to be a blustery day today of sunny spells and showers the showers perhaps most frequent around late morning early afternoon some of them heavy possibly thunder and the winds will be very gusty in and around a shower as temperature has around 15 or 16 degrees at a 61 fan heights this sounds become fewer 3 this evening and even night is still there will be a few temperature down to a nice healthy if that is found Heights role in grateful for spray series make sure it's great restaurants best place in the world just beautiful place to live and to bring the children a loving life in North Yorkshire Jonathan Callaghan. B.b.c. Radio we'll. Good morning Jonathan count with you for a Tuesday company this morning even backs to hear from me as you've been hearing in the news air quality is not good for this astonishing study that suggests there's something. Children. Are smoking the equivalent of nearly a packet of cigarettes. Quality. Quality where you live and. Give me a call 800 trouble 14849 text.

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