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Vista demonstrations planned in New York's And Helen square and activists say they'll set off alarms at 1 o'clock this afternoon to let politicians know that time is running out his Amy I love my plan now I love all the species I am and to be honest I'm worried I'm worried about my future and elsewhere in North Yorkshire protests are planned for her Scarborough and Whitby people can have their say on the future of North Hospital at the 1st of a series of consultation events later it's being held by the n.h.s. Trust which runs the fire edge and the clinical commissioning group which organizes the delivery of health services in the area surrounding it is taking place in North Allison town hall last March the trust temporarily downgraded the ne Department they're blaming a shortage of specialist stuff there's a call for a more concerted drive to tackle the issue of county lines drug dealing here in North Yorkshire report from the police fire and crime commissioner says the county is the region's biggest importer of organized crime groups trafficking and dealing who use phone lines to facilitate it. Has the data to see a mulligans report highlights how England's most rural counties being gripped by heroin and crack cocaine gangs it says that police have identified 20 unique deal line telephone numbers linked to 14 different county lines which target places which are best connected by rail and road links she says work is ongoing but more community work needs to be done to get the message across about the dangers next the Rexus Secretary Steven Barclay will hold talks with the E.U.'s chief negotiator Michel Barnier this morning yesterday the European Commission president John Claude younker said there was still a possibility of a great many breaks a deal before the 31st of October deadline and farmers affected by the summer floods here in North Yorkshire can apply for grants from the government fun from today the farming recovery fund is open to those who suffered uninsurable damage farmers can apply for grants of between 525000 pounds support this morning and Robey York City Nights and he has come out of retirement for the 2nd time this season fall to me. Rose playoff game against Featherston at booth and present in the spotted 830 the game live on b.b.c. Radio York of course in football her town assistant manager says they've prepared well for tomorrow's National League game at Maidenhead he says training has been good and the challenge now is to take that form into the match and York City will travel with confidence to earn them tomorrow for their f.a. Cup 2nd qualifying round tie and early kick off for this 11230 that's also life here on b.b.c. Radio your connection use of sport Georgie out 4 minutes past 8 all absolutely lovely now tonight on the telly b b c 130 Jo Anita Missy is going to be starring in sky. That's right we're very excited about this b.b.c. Ready your very own journey to master say of course. By someone else of. Career scene of the last 2 days there was a man I interviewed man with the Crutch who stars in Scarborough so Joanie to is woman with coins because she's in the Penny Arcade right Ok so woman with. That man with man with crunch Ok so she nearly hit the cutting room floor but luckily came in at the most vital moment and swept her up off the floor and put her in. B.b.c. Radio York weather with Nick little early Good morning well want to early missed all 4 countries around and some of that fairly dense in place is said to be careful on the morning commute but that will soon clear I think by maybe 10 or 11 o'clock everybody will see a fine day with plenty of sunshine feeling really warm as well high today 21 degrees up 74 in height and then a lovely dry sunny evening and a drawing night as well with a minimum temperature feeling chilly it's about 8 degrees $46.00 Fahrenheit we will get the full forecast for the weekend ahead all importantly for the bike race as well at about 20. Views for. Sizing up scenery for sharks number 2 for your family I wouldn't want to leave. Judy stands. For. B.b.c. Radio you. Hey come you good morning it's good the moon Good morning it's Julia breakfast on b.b.c. Radio your good morning to Scarborough model railway club the sky fly as fast you can see them on the telly tonight they're one of the teams on Channel 5 a great model railway challenge all coming. Good morning to b.b.c. Radio Yost Joni's Alyssa c I'm seen it for 2 days but you can see her make out television debut tonight she's one of the extras into night's episode of the b.b.c. One comedy sky it's half past 9 on b.b.c. One. Good morning and good luck to your city Knights let's cheer them all the way to the promotion playoffs Yes that's the way. They want this many people a big as big a crowd as you can possibly cram in to be the present as they take on Featherston rivals tomorrow so yet they go on a. Killing morning and congratulations to celebrate our football club celebrating their 100th birthday how. Good morning. Is just going 5 past a breakfast to now how ready you for the World Cycling Championships hundreds of yellow road signs warning of road closures have popped up on routes that'll be affected the racing gets underway tomorrow with the power cycling the World Championships start on Sunday this top class international racing every day next week with the final race next Sunday this morning I want to talk about the disruption that's going to be caused by those road closures some people say that it's it's only a week let's embrace it and others well they're angry saying they're closing the shops and businesses are not planning to go out a toll so they don't get caught. Stop in the traffic it's affecting schools social care visits hospital appointments as well have a listen to some of the things that you've been telling us about the disruption inherit Well it's going to cause quite a lot of destruction that's a government all the road closures all of course was parked right outside the shop now they can't do nothing business is going to go down this whole bike race now as I make you feel quite angry quite annoyed because business you know it's it's what makes us makes a living but I don't mind too much because it's good it's going to showcase heritage there will be tree really and I think they have come in with some extra crossing points that they didn't have a new originally and I'm quite looking forward to it and I do live in a cul de sac off the off the road so it is going to affect me quite a lot but I think if you read the planet you may be Ok there's going to consequences police 9 days I think the consequently less than people think it's the cost of doing anything if you're a child that provides time to time and want to put on the news there are going to be consequences from time to time but I can't change that question well it's going to cause a disruption to lot of people but I quite understand why it's going to be done so it's Ok any week and then have you made alternative arrangements Yes I certainly have as in I'm not going out anywhere. In there because it can actually go anywhere really but we can go sort of down panel in the throat so that's what we're going to do there but yeah I'm just going to get going to shop in from somewhere else and we're around it really well the traffic in heritage is diabolical at the best of times really and obviously with the alternative routes everybody in the mums car going to be using those anyway so what's the difference well for my business is probably not great enough and close for a full week because of that so I close from Saturday 21st all way through to the 1st of October so yeah my clients can't pay it so it's not great goodness me see her clients get there therefore there is absolutely no point in her opening so she will be shut until the 1st of October. You know that one of those people saying that you know traffic is darn bollock at the best of times it's going to be chaotic and one chap saying business is going to go down because of this bike race so how are you going to be affected by the u.c.i. Is the World Championships the world coming to Yorkshire and is in particular every race finishing in America I $100.00 trouble $14849.00 that's the number to call it's free from landlines and for mobile phones you can start your message with the word Your I've got a copy of a letter actually that's been sent out by heritage grammar school to one of the parents there starts by saying unfortunately despite careful thought and planning we will not see the full impact of the road closures and rerouting until the week starts this quite a bit of disruption to school activities are saying that all the sort of the after school activities have been canceled the disruption on the school buses they're saying that n.y.c. See together with race organizations and the highways department have rerouted most bus services after school but bus providers are still in the process of finalizing these routes and it's really up until the 11th hour some times the school is closing at 3 in the afternoon there's one day it shuts at 2 but the buses the school buses will not be operating until 5 o'clock so your children are either going to be at a loose end or you're going to maybe try and pick them up at 2 you know how it's going to work I heard that one parent that she suggested that her children walk over 2 miles to get home they'll be the school bus which is going to be rerouted to neighbor then wormhole green and then back into heritage so I would love to hear from you this morning about how the u.c.i. Is are affecting your travel arrangements in your working life in your new new just social life really oh a 100 trouble 14849 when you call me the message is free Yeah well the phone call is free from landlines and most. David good morning. Good morning George fairly healthy sure far apart from the a 63 hole road through which is solid. It's all down to road works you'll find Bishop thought road through York closed due to the sinkhole between charm street and scar Cross Road problem free as you heading north on the Thursday on the 168 would be depicted on the 169 all fairly healthy and there 170 Helmsley cross towards Pickering toward Scarborough and all the way back again very very healthy as well the best not as bad as it was still quite dire around you should 49 dish with a very very thick there taking a while to burn off and if you're traveling through it is busy I got slow moving traffic south or how to go as well I'll be a 61 as the adding south towards late around here Woodbridge But apart from that it seems we ferry why not in the world slightly Championships start this weekend with parasite here on Saturday the action centers on how to get a well pass through lots of towns and villages so for more information listening online at b.b.c. Don't call the u.k. Slash Radio York thank you very much in a moment I'm going to be talking to counselor Don McKenzie He's the man in charge of alleyways and north you'll see county council b.b.c. Radio York. It's all because the world championships I'd love to know the disruption is going to cause you this morning a 100 trouble 14849 so dumb Mackenzie thank you so much for coming on the show Good Morning Georgie now how ready. Well I think North the council is very much ready with being in the planning phase for the last 12 months we work closely with the organizers of the Championships that's Yorkshire 2019 other joins you with around the in earlier and we're now coming out of the planning phase and into the operational phase with effect from this evening so it's great that you heard and because you would have had the little snippets that I played in j.b. In particular saying a bit of advance warning would have been quite nice because they've only found out about the extent of the road closures in the last couple of days don't. Well I would have to dispute that the road closures have been well publicized for on websites for for many many weeks and to say that the broadcast media such as yourselves and the print media have done a great job in getting all of these details out into the public arena I do understand that often people leave into the last minute before they consider the consequences for them and that's probably what has happened and I'm you know we freely admit that you can't stage the largest global sporting event in North Yorkshire that we've ever had here without some disruption to daily travel routines but we've taken every step we possibly can to ensure those inconveniences are reduced to a minimum a lot of people are taken by surprise of Westpark on the stray being shot early because to get to get the trucks in that caused quite a bit of chaos over the last few days well I've got a letter from someone who sent me about the hospital appointment and it's set for next week and it's been postponed for the next 2 weeks and it says quite clearly in embossed letters you know black dark print please know your appointments been changed due to the cycling disruption this is a council appointment done McKenzie Council for a fortnight how raw is that. Well I can't clearly comment upon that we work closely on highways teams work closely with the hospital and all medical authorities for the last 12 months to understand their concerns and to respond to them I can't comment upon a delayed or council to point and well all I can say is that we have a responsibility to make sure that these races are held successfully. And that everybody is kept safe and that's exactly what we're doing so on the flip side just how much of a headache has it been for you and the council to so they sound down because it is a massive event it is I don't view it as a headache a tall and it's been a challenge to which highways team has been delighted to to Darius we have built up considerable expertise over the last 5 years going back to the Tour de France in 2014 and then successive 2 of the Yorkshire competitions it's been largely run on North Yorkshire is highways so not a headache a challenge but one that we've been very very anxious to accept because we think overall this is a very good thing for North Yorkshire under specially for the host town Harrigan's I was going to ask it worth it to have such a prestigious event in. I think so yes I think we often forget that while cycling isn't Pop's the top sport here in in Britain in some countries Spain France Germany Italy it's right up there with with football so I think people will be very surprised over the next few days. Infusing 1000 of many of the visitors who are coming to how you get many looking for the 1st time. And and of course for him not just to see the cycling events over here also to enjoy everything that North Yorkshire under specially hard to get to have to offer Don thank you so much to give me a time this morning I really appreciate it. Thank you George Don McKenzie is a counsellor in charge of highways at North Yorkshire County Council got a lovely email actually from Flo this at me is quite lengthy but she says as chairman of mass and parish council I can only say how very lucky we are that these races coming to our area they could well be going elsewhere and we wouldn't have a look in as I say it's quite long so she goes on to say we have been fortunate not only to have had the amazing ground the power of the Tour de France in 2014 but also the today Yorkshire it has meant a great deal to us in terms of increased awareness of the beauty of the area and a constant stream of visitors so vital to country areas flow Many many thanks for the mail is Georgy at b.b.c. U.k. You can email me too whether it's on the flipside of this it's causing you a nightmare these world championships or actually are you really looking forward to how much you embracing these massive massive cycle races done with saying it's like the World Cup It's just gone a quarter past that you need the number 800 trouble 14849 you could email Judy b.b.c. U.k. Or certainly drop me a text 13 double 3 but start that message with the word. I've got the headlines tonight and I got some weather for years well Morning morning as a really hearing then organizers say North Yorkshire is ready for the world's biggest cycling event which gets underway this weekend some people are concerned though by the disruption it will cause young people from across North Yorkshire will join climate change protests again later today and are calling on adults this time to walk out of their workplaces and join them and people concerned about the future of North Allerton hospital can have their say later at the 1st of a series of consultation of an events taking place last March the trust that runs it temporarily downgraded the any department claiming a shortage of specialist staff in a moment we're going to go to the fan zone with but the weather today any early morning mist soon burning off it's going to be another lovely fine dry day plenty of sunshine around temperatures inland reaching around 21 Celsius 75 and Hyde. Weeknights from 10. Tonight. Fear is a box buying my way 6 master plan is particularly good. How do you like a deal like my son will go home he's given to the shins Lady Gaga I like. The source AC retrieve. Weeknights from b.b.c. Radio you'll. It's very clever you are very clever coming to Russell show all the night it is just going 20 plus. He's coming up to 20 birthday forgive me is day 5 of my current quiz who's cooking breakfast Yes we have a new voice Well it's been 5 days with started on the 1st wife to quit for. On the text says Gary Lineker Oh nice guess. It's not real but a rigid on his way to pick up a load of paper reels to make sacks out of Oman word says the chef Gary Rhodes that's going to be a busy day which it Gary Rhodes you say that's why they quit Oh he did have to me about spiky him yeah oh no it's not a. Story guys better luck next time away hundreds trouble one foresee a faulty when you think you can identify this that's why the quit room. Love it now and more from Heritage j.b. Told me earlier the stray has been transformed j.b. Started the week by describing it as bike town but she now says there's been so much going on that it's become bike city let us find out more Jericho keys is on the straight for us this morning morning Jericho Good morning George and I tell you something it doesn't matter how enthusiastically you flush the b.b.c. Past I still gotta go out beyond the tough looking security guards on the gates of the fun zone in how to get for the u.c.i. World championship Believe me I've been trying for the last hour peeking through yeah I've been trying up for it tried everything flights are a flirtin nothing. But peeking through the metal fence in that surrounds a Westpac strip arm of the Beech Grove side the stage is that Open is going to host the likes of the Pete interactive home bird litany on oh you spoke to last week and the feeling now before when the next week the thing that stands pride in players overlooking everything is the big wheel so I guess that's going to the best view in the house well when you're the top anywhere it's looking absolutely fantastic and if it looks like it's going to called in to plan on the morning so let's talk about bicycles here because I bought my last year begrudgingly after mine was stolen as we know but more not another day now the bricks started going a little bit and I got a slow puncher and I was in the light of day since last year I've left in the communal shed I did. Even if it's the latter be honest now I know that one person would be twisting that news is John Roll for resurrection bikes is with me this morning good morning good morning talk to me about what you do for resurrection bikes because I think your service may come in very handy for me now yeah we're a volunteer organization we've got about 35 people on the team we take donated bikes from the public we had about 1200 last year in heritage and we fix them off and we sell them back to the public and the money we raise goes to support $3.00 charities and while the savages and that is a part this craft Aid International which works with disabled people in 3rd World countries teaching them a scale where they can earn a living to support themselves into out which works with young offenders from whether a young offenders institute and aid to Eastern Europe which is a charity donating ambulances in Eastern Europe 3 with causes that now they started for you just think you mean by trying to well you to list are actually because it's more than just a hobby now I know that you've got lots of people volunteering but it's not just by you think you know. Yes my daughter wanted to do a charity gap year how to raise about $7000.00 pounds for it and a couple of her friends gave her bikes to sell to raise money she gave them to me to fix and sell and that just started kind of snowballed almost avalanche of bikes coming in she did gap year she writes but the money and the 2 people who help most the lady who runs craft Chaffee runs a truce in Europe would spread the word. Brought in loads of bikes we turned it around and started raising money for them because the flow bikes just wouldn't stop and then more people got involved wanted to help. We outgrew my garage quite quickly and we're now in the basement of a local church. Hall just of Cobell throat well conditioned to the bikes need to call me and I can't see looking possible she's. And walk across the canal and look at all washed up bikes and thinking maybe I could do some of that and there's very little that we can resurrect if I just this week we've had a bike that was pulled out of a tree in the need thrown off the viaduct rethink the need good kind of keep need beautiful group we're doing a clean up exercise and we've got it fixed up and it's there on display in the hall for a jumble sale on Thursday Friday next week why do you want to do the same because I was a bike that looks like it's got no life left I think well fine but why have you decided you actually want to do this and carry this on further than just doing it to help your daughters gap year it's a lot of fun I played bikes on a mountain bike yes I break things a lot skinflint so I can't afford to keep going to the bike shop every time I break something I enjoy tinkering with bikes and it is a good laugh with a bunch of other blokes and ladies and we eat a lot of cake paid by Carrick I absolutely know how much money you've raised over the year by doing these for the stationary by the way I know that you get these bikes we stall them and then sell them and all the money goes to the $3.00 cherries use a part you know much money but she raised last year is $43000.00 which took us to over 100000 in total so far and we're about 25 percent this year so far. Did you decide 243000 pounds that's a lot of bikes yet 43000 pounds I think that very much takes the frame is another man's junk is a no man's treasure Well thank you so much for raising all that money and there in your bit to get people back on their bikes and how up Georgia they were here which is going to be the place for the World Championships you see the whole 43 grand that is incredible in fact he's one of the. Brilliant. Bikes city on the stray it's Josie at breakfast here on b.b.c. Radio York Time to get a travel update from David us. And we'll take a look at the papers with Alan Charles within a minute morning David good morning George you some problems approaching 40 bridge services you'll want men out due to an accident on the roundabout where the 162 meets up with the m 62 to the outside and that's close to a couple of vehicles involved is fairly snarly a 63 hole road through cliff just off the air 19 very very busy there with temperate lights in operation bishop thought road through York closed sinkhole you'll find small movie Traffic on the air 19 either side of the city and a little bit busier than it was into Ward Scarborough on the on the a 64 toward the March from c. Road towards falls group of the World Cycling Championships start this weekend with Paris cycling on Saturday the action centers on how to get to the closure of the a 61 West Park we more to come than there and that is Webber just passed through lots of our towns and villages so for more information listening for updates or go online to b.b.c. . Radio York thank you David I want to tell you about our biggest ever talent search is new voices you need to be a great course that you can join University on Saturday the 28 to September from 9 30 in the morning that's when the doors open you don't have to register or enroll just get there before 4 o'clock when the doors will close you need to be able to talk to a panel of judges for just 60 seconds one minute to impress with a story about you or your family or friends and you have to well you don't need any radio experience whatsoever and you never know where it might land you 28. September 9th 38 a great call Yorks and John University Yes David Souter it could be it could be the opportunity of a lifetime from the 12. From Jonathan Cowan have. Breakfast b.b.c. Radio you're. A former chief constable of West Yorkshire Police Alan Charles with taking a peek at the papers today. How I searched everywhere thank you very much that you do look in read health do you have or just really really. No change there are so papers today. You know I worry about kids in the weather being brought up and you know I've got a couple grandchildren as you know and you know that it's worrying isn't it when those reports that kids who are going to school are unable to speak in sentences to their teachers and they are relying upon bedtime stories from Alexa. The child mind you know let's let's sort of think about think on that reflect on it and and think about how we can engage these kids and and what we can do to families I always love reading a bedtime story I was like a file happened I have no children I had other step David but they were a little old for that time story but money is a nephew you know there's nothing quite like or not followed it's fantastic you know next story and if that's not worrying enough then you know the kids are getting drawn into the drug gangs is another one and of course where we see more and more about this county lines links and you know when when we talk about heroin and cocaine in North Yorkshire you know you again we need to do more about that but I have to say that's a consequence of the reduction in police officers I'm really pleased that the home secretary has said they'll be in the 20000 police officers it really is the only way we can tackle these sorts of security is you know the police service has been denuded it's been right down to resume destroyed it and we need to get it by. What next story just to finish just for you this one of course it's it's official it's a 10 fold. Time. Yes. I love length Goodman I'm just I'm gutted that he left the show How do you I mean you know it's 3 years ago but in the Radio Times best poll of the best loved judges he comes top have to say of course surely ballasts has come but I'm afraid. You know she's she's the Bruno Tonioli on Tom No only in there is the Craig Revel Horwood if they want it there is a lot of No no there you know they're in the middle out there but we've got a new one there we go those interviews he says it's running again and it remains to be seen where she's going to be in the course tomorrow night is the 1st one I know you're rooting for James Cracknell No no no I'm going I'm going and on the back a lovely honey because I think he needs to win it he has been always the bridesmaid all the way down the pecking order you never the bride I think this has to be his year Ok I'm with you all rooting the same way Allen thank you so much for coming to play today's love the 6 year 8 to be a playground to play in the league and you generate such enthusiasm if they see it still is your breakfast here on b.b.c. Radio you. B.b.c. Radio. Thank. You were given news and support from Nathan morning thank you Georgie Good morning another big weekend then for the York City Nights more on that in the sport in just a moment 1st the headlines the world's eyes are turning towards North Yorkshire as the countdown to the World Cycling Championships is nearly completed 9 days of racing begins this weekend the event was centered around heritage but some people are concerned about the disruption it will cause organizers insist the area can cope councillor Don McKenzie has responsibility for roads in North Yorkshire and had this to say to Georgie a few moments ago you can't stay. The largest global sporting event in North Yorkshire that we've ever had without some disruption to daily travel routines but we've taken every step we possibly can to ensure inconveniences are reduced to young people from across North Yorkshire will join millions of others around the world taking part in environmental protests again today the demonstrations come ahead of United Nations summit on climate change which begins in New York on Monday people can have their say on the future of the private hospital in all Saletan at the 1st of a series of consultation events later the trust that runs it temporarily downgraded it say in a department in March this year partly blaming a shortage of staff the session starts at $1015.00 at North Alice in town hall and the break Secretary Stephen Barclay is preparing for talks with the e used chief negotiator Michel Bonnie a the u.k. Has shared technical documents outlining some of its ideas on breaking the brakes it dead log on to the sport then we start with rugby league York City night soca Andy Ellis has come out of retirement for the 2nd time this season for tomorrow's playoff game against Featherston he comes in to cover Chris brining who has a broken leg coach James Ford has no doubt saw fit straight back it. Didn't take much convincing he says on the last. Minute it's a personal response on the former didn't take much convincing and I'm delighted to bring it back into school for this weekend's game many made from is an. Excellent Callahan off the field very experienced. I'm sure a bit desperate and a big part of the weekend and of course the game will be live on b.b.c. Radio York from 3 o'clock on f.m. And da be my mother Rugby World Cup starts later this morning when host Japan take on Russia England play their opening match against hunger on Sunday on to local football next and heritage town assistant manager says they're prepared well for tomorrow's National League game at Maidenhead he says training has been good and the challenge now is to take that form into the map as a buying out space they all want to do is to. Transfer. For much to the pitch on a Saturday and. We're not where we want to be in sims of a position in the league I think. 3 after football I think the performance levels of it have been pretty good and also when we talked last year this point turned to gold it's not a never all going to be the case and they're a good game I was always and I am frequencies and also on our website me My York City will travel with confidence to Earl I'm tomorrow for the f.a. Cup 2nd qualifying round tie Steve what's inside will still be without a number of players due to injuries though but the manager says their coaches took the time to minister theatre h.p. We have been you know we have been really unlucky with injuries but we've caught you know the games that we haven't won we haven't lost things from day one certainly if you can if you can win regularly draw carefully and lose really. Think that's where we are that's been making me smile all morning that game of course live on a f.m. Frequencies but an earlier kickoff of 1230 or so in the a.b. As well Scarborough athletic Meanwhile travel to Southport tomorrow at the same stage of the competition Leeds United are playing Darby and there we are sure a new support this morning Georgie at 34 minutes past 8 because I thought I was going to try and show you some facts and hear them. As well yes I know is that. Is that the Madison County Iowa with a population of $1450.00 is that Des Moines was the more they know it's not that a. That I Used to drive by I think in sort of the Manchester area isn't it it's the . Other. Side Of The Moon it's that or that they're playing York City or playing over the weekend on the way and I was going to tell you some facts but they don't seem to be in there oh I seem to be having a bit you know why you know that. It's to him in the morning in the morning that's very very good and very rarely I hear on the grapevine they've got the world's. 1st drive through Greg's allowed some of us drive well that we'll run the. Radio you. Have a lovely weekend now we've been hearing this morning about all the roads that are going to be closed around the next 9 days because of the cycling world championships there's also going to be lots of disruption Yeah if you need to get to all from Hamburg but what about finding another way to get the good news is that extra trains are being put. Us Amy Brendel the Internet we're very pleased to say she's on the line morning Amy Goodman So how many extra trains have you got so over the 2 weekends network that looked at these together to put on an additional $62.00 trains in total. $17000.00 extra seats or 5 and they were the 2 weekend yes which offer a lot more choice of passengers of the more trains means with the additional time that that ability and also those additional fees because it was going to be really popular site where these trains going from place to rains are running between that leave the New York fire Howard get the $62.00 additional trains on the 21st and 22nd of September at a 28 and 29 What's really good is that the best trained from how Regardless the days latch we open our area than usual so again people want to get their area they can get out by the train that obviously like you said will be right closures they will see people using the train and now his the saying your telling me about the $62.00 extra trains How do people find out about this the extra services because obviously there's going to be a timetable change absolutely so you can check with or travel on which would always advice to do and he could do that on the national reading quires website they can do that on about the Northeastern railway website. Or know that so it is really important for a child because absolutely as you say there will be additional services to be see when they are and see it go on lied and he could have a look or you could also Reg national right inquiry is fantastic how big an operation has it been I mean to actually at these services to the timetable so things that they say are obviously planned meticulously and that we need these this is going to be you know a really important weekend a couple of weekends and that people would want to see them so which is why we will work together to make sure that we can put additional services on and give passengers you know a better service and make sure that they can be the championships and it's easy for them to do you say I mean many thanks for taking the time out to come in Chance To me this morning very much appreciated thank you I mean Brendel from that what rail they go 62 extra trains but she says Do check the timetables on the go on line or give them a call Network Rail and you can find out when and where these trains are running from but it's a little to relieve the roads because as we know there's a lot of road closures over the next 9 days it's Julia breakfast here on b.b.c. Radio is coming up to 29 and I was expecting j.c. Here but I remember yesterday he said he's off for the next couple of weeks Good morning Julia Louis Good morning sponsor yes it is rationed not just to die one day . We're going to make the most of it you know if we are all you looking forward to the cycling we'll championships all you dreading the 100 travel on 4849 organizers have been telling children this morning that North Yorkshire is ready to host the wills biggest cycling event the u.c.i. Road will Championships begin this weekend on the event centering around how to get millions and millions of people expected to come to North Yorkshire over the 9 days of cycling some people a concerned about the disruption is going to Coles but organizers say the benefits of the event are going to find out way any problems it may cool so how are you affected by it we've heard of schools being close hospital appointments being cancelled this is definitely a wedding in the middle of it's all somewhere has anything had to change for. To you and if you're trying to get anywhere in the How to Get and surrounding area over the next week or so I How are you going to do it if you going to watch it where are you going to watch it how are you getting that we've heard about the extra trains and how excited are you tell me about your plans this morning and especially not to listen to you if you're not from North Yorkshire maybe you've come from somewhere else in the country or somewhere else in the world people are coming from all over the world it would be nice to hear from you this morning so tell me today are you looking forward to the cycling world championships or are you dreading them I under trouble on 4849 your in mind jar of hearts this morning how excited you know there is an issue Joey it's natural. That you and him and. Timber team timber treated you this morning and I guess what I don't look at that button and not yet that look off it also looks and less like a log so we've done some more splits in the audience listening clips in that we couldn't show fact yeah we do want to a team of 15 but world is not like have split me back oh. You know we had a lovely time and you gave us a lovely lunch so it was very nice There's no such thing as a free lunch and you knew that you were out there for nearly an hour Julia thanks ever so much below 49 o'clock Julia Louis with yeah the show from not I think she was now much looking forward to the u.c. Eyes and if you come from abroad if you come from somewhere in the world she'd love to hear from you too I would 100 trouble 14849 I want to hear from this lady now there Nicolette dully a low. Now then what's happening weather wise because I can see brightness in the distance Yes well that's good some people still on scene brightness though there's a lot of messed around I say a lot it's quite patchy but when it's bad visibility in some places down to around 100 metres so some of that could still lurk around 10 maybe even 11 o'clock so it's not all doom and gloom there because it will then left and actually there's not a lot happening and I quite like that. Yes it's going to be a little a dry and sunny like yesterday plenty of long lengthy spells of sunshine just a little bit of high cloud around but it's not going to spoil the picture at all 21 degrees is your high which is 70 in foreign heights so a lovely end to the day with long spells of sunshine and that a dry night tonight will be some breaks in the clouds so some clear spells so it will be chilly but not quite as chilly as last night 80 degrees is your low overnight because we've got a breeze that means we won't have any mist or fog so tomorrow is the an even better day in that it will prepare to bright from the word go so another lovely day tomorrow dry long in the spells of sunshine temperatures increasing further might reach $22.00 degrees tomorrow $72.00 in foreign Heights towards the end of September rather lovely The average is around 17.9 so yet really lovely day tomorrow then it changes so we're expecting a weather front coming in possibly Sunday morning but I think for the majority of Sunday what we will see is just a bit more in the way of cloud it will feel warm and humid still around 2021 degrees and I once that front starts to move north eastwards we'll start to see outbreaks of rain but because it's so warm maybe some thunder showers but we're hoping that will be in the latter half of tomorrow and then a more organized band of rain Sunday into Monday so cooler into Monday but dry and then choose day Wednesday looking pretty gloomy a low pressure is in charge a very very different and feeling autumnal so make the most of it today and tomorrow because definitely I think the last 2 days of really warm weather for a while Oh my word and I'm out and ripping on cheese day for the u.c.i. So I'm going to have to wear my wet weather gear Nicola thank you so much. Have a great weekend now then Good morning David James good morning Georgie Spanswick the Ranfurly British service is on the roundabout you got one leg due to an accident that's where the 162 metre The 62 little bit every day a little bit heavy on the I 63 around from the whole road around the York Road junction where each appear 63 so very busy due to Broadwell. Fairly heavy to Ward York through Fulford a little bit on the busy side on Burbridge road as well again from the outer ring road no major problems. Still closed due to the cold. Straight road going to find it getting a lot busier as you tramping through 64 you know. We're getting a lot busier. Lives and it's just a reminder as if you needed the World Cycling Championships start this weekend with power cycling on Saturday the action centers on how to get We've already got the 61 West Park closed as a result of that one ad. But it passes through lots of towns and villages so for more information just keep listening for updates or go online. 62nd coming up shortly. This is where you tell me about what's going on over the weekend because it is just over the hill just in the distance will catch up with a few organizers a couple of events to tell you about as well I'm just I'm I'm in the afternoon. Suggesting it. Was. Told. B.b.c. Radio it's Friday Yeah and if you know King then the weekend is just over the horizon. Of course we know the past. Cycling's is tomorrow with the World Championships starting on Sunday it's the Elving to music festival there's the Stokely show as well and York City Nights have this huge My mum who sive match on Saturday against Featherston to try and get a place in the play off final and they want as many of you as possible to get behind the team booth and present sell the town celebrating their 100th birthday I know who knew well you know now and they want to bump a crowd tomorrow to celebrate their 1st ever match I want to do my little bit though to help publicise move as solid together a together. What quality not quantity I'd say a clutch of organizers to tell us about their event so let's start with David who's involved in a historic Colorado in New York on Sunday morning David good morning how are you I'm very well thank you how you I'm fine thank you x. And is the excitement building or is it nerves. Actually excellent keep. You've got 60 seconds on the clock to sell it to us to get some people to come 0 event so are you ready. Steady not really. Ok 321 go Ok hi your historical group would like to welcome you to visit 42nd annual rally on New York racecourse y.-o. 231 signed on the day. Classic cars. But military vehicles motorcycles and scooters In addition there are stalls selling cars toys clothing store puzzles cake sweet something for everyone in addition food is available from burgers to bacon sandwiches tea coffee also washed 3 entries 4 pounds 3 pounds protection. Children under 5 separate also pretty. Common talk radio they love entering questions and also we're always looking for new members when without an old vehicle 10 seconds here just ask anyone in the yellow waistcoat the charity this year is dementia Oh. David Good thank you so. That's a once you get going probably know every morning every morning David let's go from David to Demelza Riva morning Demelza Good morning from Mission Control Oh Mission Control I'm loving you got 60 seconds to sell this to us are you ready Absolutely. Yes 321. Join us this weekend for an elimination of advice quite simply out of this world it's been 50 years to the mean landing and now the moon has landed a diesel once in a blue moon event will literally blow you away turning colors like something iconic I Have a live stream music to accompany all state of cause I said a meter wide exact replica also means suspended in the ring when they part here they ship and how they play and hop on operations or if you're feeling a little bit more adventurous you could mean walk the Cleavers way back some delicious basically the letter of our choir on by all the couples go on but they. Say forget head I'm awesome I want to know stay steady come on with out and take it all in lightning speed so please book I leave everything availability but tonight and the weather forecast is great they just come on down there are limited because they have been day and if you pop onto our website you belt find all the details I . Know well I love all the puns that was that was good work. Thank you it would be a lunatic to me that. You see again the last word unbelievable Let's go over Demelza review of it sounds fab doesn't it to Nick in New York there's another event at the and I think it's going to be a glass smoking make well done Josie well done. Following on from Demelza 1000 to keep me end up like he did so you have got 60 seconds to sell your event to us you ready. Steady ready to instead he's going to smash it 3 to one so your parents start oppressed was one of the best test also in the u.k. It's completely running your need for midday today and all that stuff like it has everything to give it a while if you're just not used with your longest serving 550 Bengal tigers as well as world wide for 2nd I'm your kid market beer gardens are ideal for the current sunny weather and has a wide variety of Pop street when you get a bunch in a midlife music as well as make things go with a swing so what do you love that back because American Pie Lael absolutely sour chocolate reached out I'm like why people. About contagion for a German something for everyone especially Alec Palmer bus service guys from your station directly to the press will start your life's goals and you can pay homage talk to get it. From your paper Talk dot org dot you can. Make thank you so. Send it Nic thanks so much for being here lovely to get out now that Sarah had to do it. It's Judy had breakfast here on b.b.c. Radio York so my thanks to David Demelza and so much going on in amongst the World Championships Yes So on Friday I like to do that little bit you know 6. 2nd cell and if you've got an event you'd like to publicize for next week then please do or in the weeks to come you can email b.b.c. You k. Now that we've got an event Yeah coming up next week a brilliant suggestion yesterday from j.b. About is the Ready Steady Cook off now she got in touch after hearing Jo Anita and I understand cooking mission we went to the cookery school at the Grand Hotel I know. Just to brush up on some nice skills I think I'm going to need the muchly because I've upset someone. Yeah Juanita and I are going to be facing Adam and you had the breakfast versus the afternoon in the Ready Steady Cook off and I am in so much trouble how to listen to what they were saying yesterday afternoon. Oh. They certainly do just. So you were right people. Bring it on I say. Absolutely absolutely. Have a nice day I don't need them I said hey we don't need a machete we do no no no no no do no I would imagine no knife skills necessary no what we need to retaliate. Doing. Well how we're going to do that I've already let Now listen to molest I've already left messages for Mary Berry Yes Gordon Ramsay Yeah I mean all of our own and John Torode facts I mean one of them is bound to come to the have you had any replies. No no response at all so the oven gloves are well and truly off girls and boys yes. What I mean on a don't know is that Joe an intern I had another secret lesson at the cookery school more details next week but looking for a name for our team and j.b. Suggested George Anita purrfect perfects. I love it when you. Call me George and me mate me in the kitchen. But every cut is the law love it's true love love love. I should be cooking Oh you keep me chuckling full you know me George and me actually as if. I'm saying this is the cookery school now I'm saying this is done. Only below could this be or. Could this be her calling me this morning. Pick up. The nanny and. I know I know you're on Scott's a night holy what what's what's Joa NATO this is just time for me to tell you that she is in series 3 no episodes 3 of series one of the new show Sky filmed. Written by Darren Lynn and she's one of the extras in tonight's episode so look out for her in one of the scenes in the Penny Arcade amusements that's in Sky episode 399 on b.b.c. One maybe she's preparing the nibbles for a big screening party I knew that's where she's got you know you're listening to Josie at breakfast on b.b.c. Radio. David James good morning. Jodie Spence with one of the chances a $61.00 around didn't catch it you've got a partial blockage due to an accident around the junction when the LEDs are expected delays as you heading south side bar down towards Haywood bridge as if the works around here would bridge weren't bad enough you've got an Action Party blocking the carriageway of the $61.00 around the the did because it's an expected less as a result $61.00 very very busy as you travel into water again as you can. From the from the right about very very busy that could be in. The moment if you. Through your. Past from. The road works fairly heavy. On the one. Around the queen. It's the. Towns and villages hence the carriage closure of the West. Wing creases well. Thank you very much Jimmy yesterday at. The stage at the. Summit and. The music festival. Thanks c.b.c. Back on Monday morning from says Good. Morning are you looking for. I would say the cycling world championships all you dreading them commuting this morning l a 100 travel 14849 organizes the saying that North York is ready to host the world's biggest cycling event to tell you ready the u.c.i. Road will championships to get in their proper title begin this weekend in the event centers around how it gets How is it affecting you l.a. a 100 travel 14849 Scout easy victory would. Loving life in. B.b.c. News at 10 o'clock Good morning I'm nice and have a North Yorkshire is ready to host the world's biggest bike race that's according to organizers of the Road World Championships which begin this weekend and center around her gets some people though are concerned about the disruption it will cause but organizers say the benefits it will bring far outweigh any problems extra trains are being put on for it Amy brand author is from no rain chains are running between a leave and helped by a holiday. $62.00 additional trains on the 20th and 22nd of September 28th and 29th I was really good at that the best train feel somehow regardless and they latch over an hour. While millions of people are expected for 9 days of racing which gets underway tomorrow with the para cycling the World Championships officially start on Sunday Simon Cullen runs hotels inherits this is the biggest thing we've ever done told the France was amazing was fantastic but it was just one day one and a half days. This is 10 days every single day the finish line here right behind us you know you couldn't it's a huge event even if your ship and Julie will continue the conversation about this after the news here on b.b.c. Radio York and elsewhere this morning alarms will ring out across North Yorkshire later as young campaigners walk out of school again to join the latest global climate strike the activists say their sound I'm at 1 o'clock to let politicians know that time is running out to take action over climate change demonstrations planned in New York's And Helen square a number of York City Center businesses say they'll support the strike no surgery to take place in Scarborough and Whitby people concerned about the future of North Hospital can have their say later the 1st of a series of consultation events is being held by the n.h.s. Trust which runs the fire edge and the clinical commissioning group which organizes the delivery of health services in the area surrounding it last March the trust temporarily downgraded the a need to Parliament blaming a shortage of specialist tough Richmond m.p. Conservative Richie soon x. Constituency includes the fire edge he says he's not concerned about more services being downgraded I'm not worried about that will be or because a very large investment in the mill in Tampa Center at the far edge in recent times the new m.r.i. Scan of the community of rates which now they call radiology unit built around there's an absolutely fantastic ambulatory care unit which is how emergency medicine has evolved where people can go and be treated same day and Lee today's session starts at $1015.00 at no Saletan town hall. Farmers affected by flooding during the summer in North Yorkshire can apply for a share of 2000000 pounds worth of government grants from today unprecedented rainfall saw flash floods in parts of the day was causing damage to homes businesses and I agree cultural land political reporter Gemma Dillon has more grants into this phone variable for a range of farm restoration work it includes rebuilding dry stone walls and replacing damaged field gays now farmers in North Yorkshire along with Lincolnshire which also had flooding any of this year can apply for up to 25000 pounds to help with repair costs the government say they've taken this step to ensure farmers can get back on their feet after the in precedented flooding Gemma Dillon reporting the future of the travel firm Thomas Cook has been thrown into doubt this morning after a last minute request for 200000000 pounds to secure a rescue deal that had been hopes that the Chinese group would take over the company this week without the extra funds the firm could collapse leaving 150000 British holidaymakers stranded and a figure of Christ to the 800 years old has been returned to its home in New York open to York and I hope us the credits or I go past national palace I go past the park and the museum gardens and all the leaves are just starting and if you did I would say this time of year the start of autumn and autumn just look up because you'll see just these beautiful colors and as you go a cycle across the river this morning.

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