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B.b.c. News Hour Medicare Good afternoon I'm Nathan turvy government ministers have condemned President trumpery tweeting anti muslim videos posted by the Farai group Britain 1st responding to an urgent question in the House of Commons the home secretary under Rudd said Britain 1st was an extremist organization that sought to divide communities by spreading lies and stoking tensions the shadow home secretary Diane Abbott says Mr Trump's actions are completely unacceptable it is not just offensive to British people of Muslim heritage it is not just offensive to British people of black man or it ethnic heritage it is offensive to all decent British official figures show that net migration fell by more than a 100000 in the year to June the largest annual decrease on record the statistics covering the 1st 4 years since the referendum Show Net migration fell from almost 336-002-2300 extension 03 quarters of the fall is down to changes in migration a number of schools across North Yorkshire closed today because of snow in some parts of our county several inches have fallen along the North Yorkshire coast and upon the North your malls with a number of roads affected it's now snowing heavily in the York area too Julie had a 2 hour delay to her journey this morning we travelled from her would tell Scarborough which is sort between Scarborough me I travel Multan 1st of all start my partner off and then which I hold on to add travelled on to Donington in York a lorry Jack my cabin which held an awful lot of tropical as you approach Norton on a dual carriageway cynically and it now that you know like a long time actually more snow is expected this afternoon in the saving will keep you up to date with any problems here on b.b.c. Radio York and I was here after the news with the weather forecast the government says it's to change the law before deciding if fracking can go ahead or decides in the northeast. It's unclear whether this will delay a decision by the government on whether a company can carry out the controversial technique in ride oh 3rd energy drawbar well before 2015 and it now appears that until this change in the law the company didn't actually require government consent to carry out fracking is one of the n.t. Fracking protesters that Kirby misfits and she told us it's another setback for the shale gas industry I would be ecstatic if we could see a fat free Christmas that I believe are on the last day of November that they you know they said on the 26th of October that they were ready and we made it and no amount and there's no fracking going on absolutely. It's the best Christmas present that anyone could ask or 3rd Energy insists the process of fracking is safe and says it still intends to begin test drilling before Christmas so objecting to permission being granted to girls from New York whose parents were murdered in the Manchester bomb attack last May are hoping to move into a new home this Christmas thanks to the efforts of a team of tradesmen who've come together from across the city and Julie and March in cliffs were waiting to collect their daughters from Manchester Arena when they were killed by the terrorist bomb a new will be as a family friend she says the girls have been overwhelmed by the support they've had grateful whether it's been a fundraiser. Day to weigh in and they imagine everybody coming on for the house and stuff they can see how much support there have and it is a real conflict of a birth and a watchdog has found that police helicopters take so long to reach crime scenes that more than 40 percent of incidents are over before the supporters arrived inspectors have called for the service across England and Wales to be urgently reformed or replaced and that's the latest b.b.c. News it's now 3 minutes past 12. Easy radio your weather. Continued to see wintry showers pushing in off the north theme filtering inland a little bit further west pulling is sleet and. Snow sat near the hills but down to lower levels as well temperatures today reaching just 3 Celsius 37000 nights but feeling much much cooler fishing in the pits and those any wind postpones well that have a night some showers a continue but they will ease temperatures will drop right down there though enough for widespread Frost me do have a feather warning issued by the Met Office for snow and ice temperatures dropping to 0 Celsius 32 in foreign heights. And some. Really. Great. Live. live . Live. Buckland Turner Overdrive you ain't seen nothing yet which is probably appropriate at this point in the afternoon good afternoon is on I'm Thomas and here with you until 4 o'clock Sadly I was not too well so you've got me on my talk today and tomorrow hope I get better very very soon just to bring you fully out today was humming with the weather and school closures this was just come in Multan Community Primary School they're closing for the rest of the day from 5 past one this afternoon so if you have children at Multan Community Primary school you need to make some arrangements pretty sharpish because they're closing for the rest of the day from 5 past one and. Mention that just before he finished his program had teachers about his skill called to say that that's closing as well so if you have children at some Benedict skill that. They had a message from the head teacher to say that they're closing as well keep the calls coming if you want to let everybody know as quickly as possible this is the best way to do it you can call our news room and give them the information we'll pass on the information and hopefully everybody knows whereabouts they are this afternoon it's baby Radio York on the 30th of November if you're Scottish is afternoon. Under his day having a wonderful time I just love the way country celebrates their patron saint Well when I say conscious I mean you know I listened and Scotland and Wales and we just go. You never know we may we may we may just around but the enthusiasm for the page is entering that at some point who knows so we're going back in time to a particular year all. All you have to do this afternoon is let me know what year it is from the music I'm going to play which is from November of this particular year and of the news which is from right across the year you do it very simply by adopt me a text $81.00 single 3 study with the word York you name wait. What you're up to this time if Yeah I don't know maybe a new album maybe just button down the hatches and say no we've got a fire and we've got a couple to say I was staying put let me know what you're up to. And then time of the mystery and your memories from that year and if you can give information about the weather forecast the way you are the weather conditions then that really helps it helps people to sort out isn't it weather to go on a journey all not so any information regarding the weather is gratefully received Rihanna b.b.c. Radio so what is the mystery year. A But it was like see all the 1st the last my everything but from what he had on the tags to it will take about 3 started with the word York otherwise it won't come through Dave the only man from struggle you're right with the year well done day was the 1st in the south and then he said it was a year and I was a college in Durham heavy snow instrumental now I was about 8 minutes ago and just looking down now it's gorgeous absolutely gorgeous a few moments ago you couldn't see anything and now it's blue sky Yes there's a bit of snow on the ground but it's blue sky. It's Christmas card perfect that's only if anybody's go to the camera and the planning ahead than nip outside now and take some photographs and to be able to do your own Christmas cards this year or next year I mean this year will be very impressive Lou it was a fabulous opportunity we got a camera so music wise how we getting their news wise Richard Nixon announced he was stepping down as president of the United States he was the 1st man ever to do so it was because he was due to face an impeachment trial over the Watergate affair from the discussions I've had with congressional and other leaders I have concluded . That because of the Watergate matter. I might not have the support of the commanders that I would consider necessary. To back that very difficult decisions and carry out the duties of this office in the way interests of the nation are required. I have never been a quitter. To leave office before my term is completed is appalling to every instinct in my body. But as president. I must put the interests of America 1st in this country how old Wilson and Labor won the election in this year as the echoes of the hustings die away it is manifestly essential in the light and national interest. Should now going to lead to that country. Well whatever has divided in this keenly election campaign we have all agree that Britain faces and has indeed for a considerable time been facing the gravies economic crisis since the war and in March of this year miners called off a 16 week strike due to an improved pay off a by the new Labor government workers in the u.k. Well they were all getting used to a 3 day we were going out on a little bit beyond price just added to the co-writers and gave us no 3 day week in fact prices were the key word for a collapsing economy not good then in November of this year Lord Lucan disappeared after the murder of his children's nanny and Bryan Cluff lost his job at Leeds United after $44.00 days in charge I think it's a very sad day for Leeds I think it's like this lad sad for folks or is Mr Clarke the wrong man now when he was the right man exactly 6 or 7 weeks ago because the. Thing that became this. Book was yes so that was all very clear there was no it's all down to the ball and keeping the players happy we think so what is a mystery year on the tags to what you started with the word Yorkie name way what you're up to this time tell me the mystery year and what you were doing it just got new so that really count your primary school they're closing now so if you have children really into account in primary school can you make arrangements to go and collect please ring to encounter private school that one is closing right now. On. Sunday gardening Julia Louis. Why do. You know. If. I'm proud of my wife of 20 pounds. Home Sunday morning from. She. Says just. Getting. A. Chance to. Make. A. Change she can't visit. She's just like a. Good The. Queen and Wayne from history as soon as he gestures in from the music you've heard and the news stories you've heard from this particular year all you have to do to get in touch via text 81 salable 3 Start a message with the word York give me a name wait a while what you're up to this last time he can get a bit of info about the weather be an absolute bonus. Informational to everybody else and then you tell me what the Year is and also your memories what were you doing in that year was it a good one for you was it important he did just have a really nice holiday so your memories are not particularly on the text at once able to restyle a message with the word York. It is b.b.c. Radio York on a Thursday afternoon is 25 past 12 us got the troubling news on what's been a bit of a tricky morning so far yeah I think any condition figured by when people phoning for the conditions there's still that said to why haven't you Friday on the a 160 just you see Ted around the 10 and then just need a café to any keys there is it called Multan traffic strain she had. Route. Seems to be improving. Improves. Anything we should be. Jimmy Ruffin from a mystery of well is a lonely sound but what is that yeah only takes $81.00 syllable 3 starting with the word York in a way you want to tell you me the mystery year on the coast what were you doing in it for how to get says Wife place coming down now and how to get although that was 26 minutes ago such chances may just of passed over as it has here in New York and it isn't now glorious absolutely glorious it's. Perfect anonymous driving through Friday just possible take great care these techs are really good if you can keep them coming will be very very grateful at once readable 3 started with the word Yoko was it won't come true enough no not a banana is it this particular says All in all it is grandad they think it is you're thinking right well don't you see with that yeah and hello to Janet this is inching from Andrew under makes a point about school closures going on the 32nd floor of his stuff. Teachers are to trigger happy and inconveniencing parents and employers just because there's a snowflake within 20 miles lazy and irresponsible said under in Tadcaster under thanks to tax I think there's an element of health and safety particularly where the children are concerned under Thanks for making that point on the text beguile here Aunt Knowles your Maus Donal's says Big Al 3 inches of snow here in the most memories of snow turning to school and sledging Yeah those I'm not talking cricket you know don't mention the cricket we're talking getting on a sledge and going down hills in the snow and going back to loot drenched and when he got back you know madame said Are you at. Yeah just a bit this is good this is a man she says I was a Tupperware manager in the Northeast good old so but we're still using it you do do it you still use it to the make of it you write with the a well and you will the hunted man is right with the year he says I want to Reading Festival earlier that year top of the bell was focus but the best bang for me was Courtney rebel for me this today I mean wondering how I'm going to get home to Helmsley in the snow it is bad over something bank will the amount Take care thanks to the tax cut you can Yorkie right with the year he says I was travelling as a rep from the north midlands to the north coast of Scotland Wow that's a drive best wishes to Ana thank you for that Patrick. He says only 19 more Saturdays to Easter. Element of wishing time away and think it actually hopefully by that point it might be nice and warm thanks to the Iraq with the air Timothy has been in touch Timothy is no 975 he says this year I took an exam in one of production I came out with a b. . And l. And re there in how to get with the right year well done without the queen summer monitors it was the Queen song that did it and with Sonny with tax and you have well. And coming from House space right with the air I was a choky Bhatia round trays and with the 35 years only went after winter to work so why wall and stay there for that if I miss the sounds good I couldn't it being in check. Yet the job in 2 was like it takes this one I think it is chocolate here in all the text I started with the word y'all can name way you are what you're up to tell me the mystery a from the music I'm playing from the new stories all reveal all at 5 to one. Thanks. Paul Hudson has the weather forecast well we made the point as well that we were getting round to midday that's when they started the nuts when you said. Well that's right yes. I'm sure I'm sure you've seen the pictures on Twitter you know quite a lot of snow over the Northeast mors now along the coasts the a 64 ruling turns pretty hazardous as well so it's all going to plan so far so if it continues out I'm want to go to plan or to go supply Yes let's go to plan I would look at you must know exactly what you have up but. I mean I've got to say it's so changeable almost almost minute by minute isn't it no you can be a few about half an hour ago probably slightly more it was completely white over here it was gray and it was coming down it was lane and then literally as if somebody had flicked a switch it stopped blue sky and it was beautiful to look at absolutely I mean that's the sort of we're in and certainly you know western parts Yorkshire Dales it's been fantastic this morning but we are beginning to see if you know flows coming down the Vale right Ok sort of forecast and pull Ok Well we've got the snow and ice warning for the rest of today and tonight so the showers are pretty meaty coming in across eastern parts of North Yorkshire running down the coast down the northeast mors into the Vale of Pickering there will be appreciable snow levels over the top of the Northeast Moore's by the time this lot is out of the way further west destroy the moment but what we're going to see is that the wind just subtly is around to the north of the north northeast and that will be the mechanism to bring these showers inland so certainly though it's snow showers extending as far west perhaps as Howard gets by the end of the afternoon and this is you know there's a chance that come this tea time for the commute the could be tricky conditions with those snow showers continuing to feed in from the North Sea bitterly cold as well temperatures around 3 degrees Celsius so as we head through this evening and overnight those that sleet and snow showers it will continue giving accumulations in places but very gradually they'll lose that. Intensity by the end of the night the returning soldiers sleety with more in the way of rain lower levels but watch out for ice flows temperatures around freezing point to hours for tomorrow Well it's quite a cloudy start the modest and low cloud in places actually there will be a few showers I think by the time we get to tomorrow morning most of them will be of sleet and rain and will tend to fizzle out as we head through the course of the day temperatures around 4 or 5 degrees the weekend looks less cold in fact by Sunday afternoon temperatures might be nudging up to double figures a lot of this weekend but as a say we will lose the frost risk that's a forecast for b.b.c. Radio York recruit at breakfast we've been trying to come up with alternative slogans for travel posters for places around North Yorkshire some good suggestions from j b how to get great if you can afford their star. Of the level crossing Martin in Multan says Norton shouldn't it be mustn't what I've come up with with the help of some of my colleagues Middlers were rejected by. Jenny income and says. I'm really place on the line moving how it's. Like that Howard's week here. At breakfast things from 6 b.b.c. Radio. 3 starting it with a word York rose and Terry are in Pickering it's not $971.00 Rosen Terry having said that they just moved to Yorkshire from Hampshire which is a good move will be handed down a search of the came over Sutton bank I saw a head sticking out of the snow drift as I do need any help he said no I'm on my bike you gotta laugh about this weather says Will the 100. 1973 things hubby just started I love the way people pass the book Things just started work me still at school so jealous tell me who just started work it's not 973 you're right Gordon. Golden in Scarborough I was on strike Ted Heath was pm says Gordon is gone but you're right with the year and Roger from Wall Street weighs heavy snow the year is this one I'm so glad Cliffy failed at Leeds I'm a forest supporter he was a legend says Roger in one of the state Raja thinks that you are right with the years so what is the mystery year well t.v. Wise were watching World Cup grandstand Now there's a bit of a clue and the Wombles. A little bit later in the evening we might have been watching The Old Grey Whistle Test. I think we're all watching crossroads and Leonard Rossiter in Rising Damp you are you may not know this mischance but I happen to bear a bit of an expert on Indian for me yes yes no use the Chandra Levy chicken the mother may duck yes I put the likes of in the little manual after which is usually cases with a little I feel that if you pardon as an academician. Oh then what's this is a delicacy here that's what I. Hear if you had youngsters in the house or not you made you to enjoy it we were all watching this all the time. Not so long ago. I was a little girl and her name was. And she had a shock. Yeah thoughtless good evidence that it is bad for us marvelous and this was perhaps on t.v. a Sign of the times. My. Friends it's. Been 6 and it's. Surprising. Yes it's a tough moment cinema wise the big movies including Towering Inferno we. Raced against as one tiny spark becomes a night. Coming your way was actually member going to see the town and phone in this particular area I think it was at the a.b.c. Cinema in Leeds and I think mine saying they had either 2 or 3 screens so we was out there watching Towering Inferno we couldn't some of this room bling noise was because in the next cinema one of the other big movies of that year was the earthquake and it had some sort of special sound which made you feel as though the whole place was vibrating even in the next you know which Watching earthquake Blazing Saddles you know big movies and so to 1st time around murder on the Orient Express. Mystery. In this is the Christie's. Suspicious. Yes a little gray cells price wise bugger McDougall flour across to $18.00 and a half pounds 12 Oxo cubes 11 pounds a parka Ryvita 6. Now a 12 Ange Bush a black and white televisions that would cost you $46.00 pounds $75.00 if you wanted to go cola then a $22.00 inch pie they would cost you $201.00 pounds and 47 pounds. Washing Machine say about $72.00 pounds $95.00 and then to dry all you need to create a tumble dryer and that would cost you the same price $72.00 pounds $95.00 so what . season 972. The town no it's not. So Genesis being back in touch she says well I said it was 970 to I think is a bit of a heated debate going on in Genesis as I said it was 972 he says I love this he now thinks is this one in which case is the a we met Johnny Ace. He going to have to give way I'm afraid he is right Poppy in snowy Sima you all right as well well done to you and I hope said Roger include his brother I think the it is this one just to let you know that here in Deep South Yorkshire. The skies Gray is starting to snow thank you so. They don't just Raja thank you you're right with the year what is the mystery yeah I'll tell you off on the came. Here to. Music they. He's been in touch says if it was I was looking after 2 young children if I'm right there were 2 general elections Yeah I was involved in local politics at the time says Wendy in a snowy sky Wendy you're right with the year. Now. Clue . You know musically news I would hope so in. 1972 just after to civilization. Doesn't the close of words and it's not $972.00 voice of the is what is it $974.00. 1974 many people getting it right yes indeedy 1974 will go back in time extra time after 3 o'clock to 4 bit more music and. Find I was born some to do that sort of thing will do that after 3 o'clock. The next minute it's clear blue skies a beautiful bit of a morning on the road things of the moment I think it just remains a little bit. Just taking. The congestion me out. 64 through. The railway station. There's a build up from school b. Road. Southbound in the area just taking. Heavy again it was. Barely on 1st thing. Around. And then heading through towards west from. 64 we are still seeing some areas of patchy congestion I think people are just taking if you know of any problems specifically give us a call it's 301-2339. Please Joni Bristol and hang on in there baby so back in time actually time to 1970 fall after 3 o'clock this afternoon coming up for the next hour of the program for a Thursday. And then I take a good old look at a Georgian Christmas. Of this just a slightly on pleasant odor.

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