Transcripts for BBC Radio Ulster BBC Radio Ulster 20190813 100000

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13 point one media. Radio want. To be used as this is Keith Burnside police in Malaysia searching for a teenage girl from London say they've found a body they haven't confirmed the identity but the Lucy Blackman trust the charity working with the requirements family says the body is likely to be that of the 15 year old our correspondent hard Johnson is and the resource for Noor of disappeared from Bor than a week ago we've seen the family go in through this area someone was being can solve in the back we've seen forensics teams also heading down this road behind me and we've also seen British embassy car go down the road this is the central know their way of the search and rescue operation has been off limits to the journalists reporting on the story for the last week or so so we're respecting the family's privacy obvious it the moment while they work out what's going on with this latest line that's come out from the police you figures show that on employment grows 531-0021 point 33000000 in the 3 months to June at the same time average which is increased by their highest rate for 11 years the B.B.C.'s business correspondent Phil Liggett has more details total earnings growth including bonuses rose by annual 3.7 percent in the 3 months to train that's the highest rate since June 2008 so the highest rate basically since the financial crisis and considerably higher than the figure we had for the cotton period last month so even though we've had figures recently that show that the economy as a whole is under pressure that growth declined by point 2 percent in the 3 months to the end of June the labor market broadly speaking is a more robust shape members of the public are being asked to give their opinion on the suggestion by M.P.'s that drivers should be banned from using handsfree mobile phones in England on wheels the transport Select Committee says using technologies such as cars speaker phones or Bluetooth headsets can create the. Crash risks is holding a full support I think the McCarthy casserole golf club is hoping to follow Royal Portrush royal counted on and support Stewart and hosting the Irish Open initial told with Europeans who officials have already taken place with Castle Rock bidding for the 2021 of bents Linfield could become the 1st Irish League side to reach the Europa League playoff stage they host F.K. Suggest at Windsor Park tonight in the 2nd leg of their 3rd round qualifier their 21 up from the 1st leg and Andy Murray says he won't be playing in the singles at the U.S. Open and will instead focus on the doubles and mixed doubles in New York memory loss to reach August day on his competitive return to singles action at the Cincinnati Masters or forecast country Philips a few showers are on today but lighter and more scattered than they were yesterday and many places will avoid them staying largely dry feeling warm in the sunshine with temperatures of 16 to 18 Celsius perhaps 1000 or 20 towards the County Down Coast kind starts to spread in for the C evening bringing some Charedi rain overnight but it won't be as chilly as the last couple of nights B.B.C. News. B.B.C. Radio Ulster travel. In Belfast lane restrictions are in play as for emergency and I worked on the less burn road in both directions near the stop and again fly over the right turn from Balmoral Avignon to the less for Notice also down to one land A. Clear Rolling Stones are the strolling Bones has been used to call them ever grew young men had those sense and break that are not as far Fergal Charkha. It's his birthday today and that was the 1st single he ever bought and I was very impressive fact that I heard him say many many years ago I was his 1st saying I suspect his 1st single was not a mystery but no his 1st single was Stone's 19th nervous breakdown this came in yesterday a happy 95th birthday yesterday to Gerry Dickey and his skill have a great birthday from his favorite son in law. Doesn't say who the favorite son in law is but that's a very you know that's a that's a big claim your favorite song and Jerry is self-taught on the piano could you play something nice for him please I think we have some nice records at least one nice record between 9 and 10 o'clock pawnbroker says Great show yesterday any possibility of playing Jerry and Shawn's version of a boy named. I'm very tempted very tempted but I do know that Shawn will be back you know now I'm not going to do that or failing that Johnny Cash his cover version of the USA So many thanks that's a great record Hello Michael could you please play something for our met and friend John Arlo and Castleview care home get well soon we're all thinking of you that's from the both club and Belfast young Bradley is a Says here in the text you. Tell Micky McMahon I'm a to take 10 the man as like a machine I think Tommy from Green Island asked for the US. To eat. Meat. Spot for that I must address as well has been a song but I like it to because it has a resolution because there's an ending to a start south he's on the bus and it ends. And the robins are there on the the tree so he can get off the bus and all and I was reading about resolutions and a John Lennon interview John Lennon was taught was talking Thank you was to Playboy magazine but I bought the book I didn't buy the magazine I bought it in the book and he was being asked about songs he was asked to go through all the Beatles songs and about Paul McCartney songs and he says publisher is fantastic of course it is but sometimes Paul's songs don't there's no they don't resolve you know there's no ending to them the I don't know what the big Zack you know what he means but I know that there's a definitely a resolution and that's my theory now is that John and John Lennon loved tire yellow ribbon round the old oak tree Jeff and Belfast and hello to Christine thank you very much for all your very kind thoughts and blogging gets in touch says another great sing along and music night at Brian's interim CRN we thought shown would have been there saying his on his holidays still waiting on him to come over for a sing a long night and could a wish Tommy and Maisie a happy 47 where none of thanks for the today and kick last night a few play Joe Dylan good looking woman that will be very happy keep her let be thank you very much playing for you I'm surprised Schoen didn't turn up to sing along and drum CRN you know he always talks about it they always talks about it someone else thanks me for band look Kelly yester the knife is a nice song apart it was the last song that he sang and public I didn't know that and Steve Mac an orange field as shown going anywhere he can sand a week post card for the notice board you know what I don't think we even notice board anymore do we have a notice board don't stairs need to have things on it and there were letters in there was really important information that was up there from 6 years ago but no we don't do it anymore going to play a record night for Marina Dorn his and Canada. Draw more all in. 1000. A I S. By. She was young and hung thought. Her beauty. Took my breath. Away. She. Believed. Fevola. Goal. Was. To. Come in her to meet my. Needs. She's sad. Good she. Had. A. Good. LOL you. Did I am. Harai. Calm. Down and leave. The rule or hold on hold Danny dog. Goodbye. They came for it on. The. Good lead I. Come down. And Ron Paul. Told. My. Dad. The Dubliners on the go away show less for Marina reason Canada from John read Dorn and all the family and I have to admit how for a 3 that I thought it funny and I was just about you know when you go to something and there's a have to say I know a boy and the corner and he's saying in a way I knew thank as he finished but he hasn't done a great song great song of course. Stretch stretch was very happy to hear what he called Left Bank. And I think just thought it was the theme from vision on the you know at least to the gallery at the end of Asia not. Happy memories of a time when there was decent children's T.V. He said sounding like an old man and the new stretches until our played again tomorrow I'll play it before 12 if I have the chance or could I please play something from the Zed cars they are play there's Ed Garsten. Right Hi Michael I know I'm a day or a late but please could you play a dog named the for big dog he's a big Jimmy Stewart found his 65 years young tomorrow Many Thanks Michael and this comes from all his friends on the top of the hole in the waterside that's in there that's big dog so I have to keep that and someone asked for Johnny Cash I've got Johnny Cash and I have it now Billy in Belfast fell in Belfast give us a list I'm wondering could you play any one of these 3 songs Mario Lanza the drink and song Jerry Lee Lewis Great Balls of Fire or I will always love you play with the Histon belly I have to say Whitney doesn't make the cut. So it's between Mario I was between her home and Jerry Lee. Bowl. Is just a bowl of pot. So To. Just try to bowl. Belfast us one of the 3 that his request and I'm just happy to be able to be one of the 3. Hello to the human the moire That's from death and someone or hear someone like that rendition of courage of killed there this is an invalid money and could you please play something by taking a rock from a good friend Grace McKenna and park who went with me to the Grand Opera House last night to see the Miami story mammy showband story it was brilliant would recommend it to your listeners I sang I clapped I laughed and I cried all night thank you and about a minute I have heard great reports about that and I assume we'll be hearing coverage of that all over radio host of areas under maybe already have and I must. Show Sammy text he says Hello Sean I saw Jimmy the yodeler in the shop and call it off last week I can't wait to his next gig. Don't we Jimmy the you are a know is. Can I can Archer of course Kristin Gardens an Essex regular listener are you going to play any of my songs. Christine out there best in O.C.S. For the 970 Chelsea team in blue is the color Charlie Rich behind closed doors or status quo I'm living on a night and have I got Charlie Rich. A half. Long Rich on behind closed doors what a great record no sign of William yet no he's not ready yet he's still polishing his medals. Says that's why when I was talking yesterday about trolleys and gators and all that and thank you to big Henry from carré he sends me a photograph of a proper photograph as in taken of a goal card stroke I had made us go card at us and it's it's really good and it's old traditional ones sold by lumps of wood just checking the quality of the bolt a very nice problem which is good prime ways to Molly May as the registration at the back so I assume that that he gets that Nona as indeed Molly may high get is that somebody got a proper cart a go cart stroked trolley strokes so boxer would get her thanks very much Henry for get in touch with us and we're going to see if we can put that up on the on the radio host or social media as we say happy birthday to me somebody says. Thank you very much a cut of a surprise should a read the 1st that's a spare on our way to the big airport to the airport by Chris Watson has given us a lift to the airport from Lawrence the painter John the painter and Princess Sarah the painter kind of play buttons and bowls can we get that Tommy Brous buttons and bows and as a regular listener can you please play a man on the train by Frankie Laine I haven't heard it and about 20 years and I count by it nowhere as from Shawn and Mitchell's grass Yes senor he says that's very nice thank you very much I suspect there was at the song that we had a committee meeting about a man in a train Sean John A Tom cinema south we sat and we listened to it may listen to it . It didn't pass muster didn't pass muster a little to Dave and wearing stand as well Dave thank you very much for Johnny Cash a country member but this is a great record. Is That's the pawnbroker they asked for that or a boy's name say but not by Johnny Cash of course by Jerry and Shawn and we can find out we had I think Sean had a box of about 300 copies of it and it's that and the storage somewhere and he can't remember you know where you put something away and he can't remember where you put it as exactly what it is no one can remember where they put the by name say Sadie's David unlucky man and says. Now that the fire wall as away on holidays could you play some Fleetwood Mac. Maybe landslide not familiar with that but we will we will look for it and if it's any good we'll play it some day this week and somebody else. Christine and Don had a says she loved the music before the news was that the music from morph from a very close it was from version on and I think morph used to appear either on version on or on the 20 HART Our show was for the spend enough so morphed definitely there's a connection to a vision on our show Wonders as a from Art Attack not our attacks completely different generations Christine says she feels a bit disloyal to show on because she's enjoying the program Christina stuff like that I'm operating from the list of songs that Sean Cole has left that's how you this show works Norman Bangor asked for the US. Roberson of course California just realized it is by coincidence but the last 4 singers have all appeared on. Some records the sun record label and not one of them made a penny from it I am absolutely sure Jerry Lee Lewis Charlie Rich Johnny Cash and Roy Orbison gets in touch he says you're right you know about start and finishes to song starts and finishes designs could play card of the county by Kenny Rogers maybe not today maybe tomorrow T.-Mac wasn't happy at all with go away show he says after that goal way schol dirge please play something to wake us up again to America hope that hope you really mean that because he was listening to you and she says the GO AWAY show was just magic that's the sort of singing at our night so what we have to do is get T.-Mac along to to blinds big nights. With we will get that sorted out no sign of him yet no sign of met so you know when it doesn't turn up which is of the play Paul McCartney. If we take. A. Few minutes. They. May expose you. To. A. Just another day fab what. Are you good morning how are you I'm very good today. Well you know we got very sad news to begin with today because for the family from Malaysia and the killer the police locally there have confirmed that a white skinned female body was fine this morning we're awaiting more details obviously on the on a full the dent vacation but the looky the Lucy black one trust to revising the choir and family say it's likely that those are the remains of young nor of the 15 year old who disappeared from the resort in that area where she was holidaying with her parents just 10 days ago. So we'll try to get you as much information we have at the top of the program and obviously you know this is every parent's worst nightmare an obsolete or awful tragic situation for that family we'll also be talking about. The case for the United Kingdom we've heard a lot recently about the case being made for a border pole and the United Ireland after Bracks it but what about the case for strengthening northern islands place within the United Kingdom Emma little Pengelly will be joining us the D.P.M. P. She has started a new group at Westminster to do just that to make the case to strengthen the union and she'll be joining us to take your calls as well OK then after one today I've just done an interview actually with the chair of the parliamentary select committee the transport committee that is now calling for a ban on the use of hands free phone yes even those that are integrated into the car system like what I have many of us have so not just hands free kits but even if you have one of those Bluetooth connections they're recommending that the government should ban that because they say the evidence is pretty clear now that it's a risk to people's lives we'll debate that do you support a ban on hands free phones in all cars it's funny I remember whenever mobile phones 1st came yes I'm one of the great selling points was and you'd be able to use it while you're in your charge drive and legally yes of course no one ever says that eventually it will become illegal so yeah but what about the radio is the radio distraction while you drive you don't talk to the radio we're going to buy on the radio you don't talk to the radio no less when you're when you're on the radio on. Their. Rights I have a choice write songs for you you have either Tommy Bruce and the Bridger's and buttons and bows you may have hair gel playing it but are Melanie and brown you Kate. The choice is yours melon a brand new key I've run I've got a brand new pair of roller skates OK let's go for the I haven't heard that one yet you certainly know that Melanie isn't the full name not she has a surname but can't remember the surname but she performed under the name Melanie let's go for that one OK. 030385555 this is Melanie with brown U.K. . Thank you William My pleasure. I Keep. Pointing I think Melanie A lot can. Probably because it's not her name Melanie Brown he listen ski listener rings as did she did you get the correct lyrics of Tiger Feet I thought it was you've got your guts ringing out a bind policy I looked at a wrong website because a list of ski list or says it's you've got your help swing an idea of Bynes stop what I hear definitely is not what I hear some in Belfast friends are going to play Celine Dion and part of or the one from the Titanic. I may have they let you down today. Have a listen to that on Ellen and east Belfast so they could play Elvis Presley and just pretend you played it for their wedding anniversary recently I think I may have I will I have Wednesday Thursday and Friday to try and clear this all up and get the lease songs played before shank is back next Monday Louie brand him about it he says he's enjoying the music tell Sean to take his time coming back to work I will not give him a big chance Sammy where With me now when I can still use that I close friends. And you play my name back. To. The wrong. Way when I was frozen. Thanks and thanks and anything. In this prayer a Chinese concrete. Way there now for. A country I. Keep you. And send. A country. And. A name. Was. Barbara Barrington in Belfast rings love that Barbara barring tin and Belfast rings a sounds like something that you but they heard in the in the home service in 1945 and she says Michael would you mind kindly playing Sonny KNOWLES No one will ever know I've asked Sean many a time but he hasn't played it I am hoping he will I will look for it Barbara Barrington in Belfast and I will try and play that maybe tomorrow bridge can develop for she moves through the fair by Margaret Bari on a barber and band bridge there's a problem with Margaret Bari I'm sorry to say it just sounds very very old it sounds like something you would play on a 78 with you know the big 10 horns so I'm not sure what we can day we can maybe look for another version of she moves she moves to the fair causes a great song of course and Jackie betrayed a rings and she says Michael I'd love to hear Johnny Nash and half way to parties and a chance and marker to create the Rings Michael can you play our Jackie singing who's at the window Hey hey. We battle team when I go on a back to carry Of course. She thinks I'm doing a job and she hopes that Sean and his good wife are taking time away to do something nice together I'm sure they are now he was seriously was talking about that. Patricia as he says. Touch any chance of playing low it says here live long rock and roll that's the name of the song as a Long Live Rock N Roll it's long rock N roll it's a song Henry with don't mess. With a great bass line on the Albert Lea plays some nice guitar some less Henry McCullough of course. What about playing by Desmond Dekker or top ranking by Althea and Donna. Is dealing with a crazy computer. Just about to start my day here and Hardy and South Carolina came out of a 25 minute school so hopefully it's well and truly started. And sorry Carolyn I am really trying hard not to say that an American accent really. From the 3 grandchildren. I think it's kinda Rosen Wexford I was going to be drinking or drinking water out of the hot water tap you're not supposed to do that. And the morning we fell a flask with hot water and it's there all day whenever you need hot water saves on energy to you and you. And I fall to pieces trying to tomorrow. Thanks for everything. $92.00 to $95.00. 1341 medium. Written you want. It's midday and with the B.B.C. News this is Keith Burnside a body has been find in the search for the teenager and or acquire a new disappeared while on holiday in Malaysia the missing persons charity the Lucy Blackman Trust which has been working with the words family says the body is likely to be that of the 15 year old the local chief of police Mohammed but you saw give reporters this update for you just now around 230.

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