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We were in court for the sentencing hearing but McCann himself refused to attend the judge Mr Justice E.D.'s said McCann had conducted a campaign of rape violence and abduction of a kind he'd never seen or heard of before he said the 34 year old was a violent bully a coward and a paedophile who'd remain a danger to the public until he was weakened by old age the judge said he doubted whether it would be safe ever to let McCann out of prison and he ordered that he serve at least 30 years before he could be considered for release a police officer has pleaded not guilty to assaulting the former absolutes town and Aston Villa striker daily Annakin said he died 3 years ago and hearing Crown Court p.c. Mary Ellen Betty Smith who's $29.00 denied the charge of assault causing actual bodily harm another officer p.c. Benjamin monkies $41.00 was not required to enter a plea to a charge of murder both remanded on unconditional bail. And flood warnings been issued for the Riverway Vinny Environment Agency says homes in some relates an Elton broad and Beckles could be at risk of flooding tonight when I say sions warning that evening tides in effect until the early hours of tomorrow could cause some problems and the national trudge trust is replacing all the slate tiles on the roof of the famous Rotunda building at a courthouse means one of the largest scaffolds in the east has been erected to remove the roof slates safely conservation engineer Kevin Clarke says it's an incredible job to work on Braille on are actually spiritual to be given the chance to work on not only a grade one listed building a building of this importance nor can the National really to actually take the time to carry out these works next year the building is getting the care it needs and to give it a life time for the future it's an absolutely amazing project and Dr softer New York show in the north of the county at times windy overnights with Again heavy showers pushing in and cold down to minus 4 potentially overnight tomorrow rain spreading in from the west early on and then a cloudy and windy. With temperatures between 8 and 11 that's like to start next news is out 3 o'clock thanks John. Singley should be talking about. Radios p.c. . Radio stuff as p.c.-dos cut a deal if you can. Use the radio. On b.b.c. Radio Good afternoon I'm sitting in. On a one day only a special she will be back tomorrow but you've got me until 4 o'clock and in this hour with the. Advent calendar today we're going to chat to Mike Smith from the stock market food bank and also travel agent Andrew has recently won a couple of awards so he celebrated with a plush Black Tie do 1st of his clients will find out all about as well as picking up the fin stock when. Jamieson on b.b.c. Radio. Plus correcting music. Maybe. Bring up. We like I'm inspired her something's wrong this is not joke and so you win again here own b.b.c. Radio stuff that. Can. And so you win again and here are. My uncles favorite chocolate and talking of hot chocolate Yeah I think it's time for a hot chocolate if anyone's making mince pies. And I want to bring some mince pie and hot chocolate. It's everything that. You would write. E.t.c radio Suffolk. I kept into the car check the docking have to strap you know they're going to get into teak. It's a beautiful lovely thing. To see me in real life I just sort of well educated you seen. Any way and it landed and we've had 3 Clichy cryptically was probably put it on the Sussex mound geographically today that has landed between Wicca market and from again in the Valley of the river and the village shine shows a man surveying the fields with the city's hand and he's believed to be of loose origin the pub is the Chekist where the local cribbage team play to which Johnny said he wants cribbage and I said. It's a puppy I. Get you to not tell us what's not Capitol Hill. And the church isn't Andrew's 14th century Tao There are 2 big open spaces in the village one around the pond area and the village green which was created in 2005 and managed by the village green trust and the anagram today was Brett get Hulk joining we have a winner he's on the lawn his head in some pretty good afternoon has that all out your hand though my love for you are today's a wind up or not a dolphin style fluffy back I don't. Know how to build it but by Jonathan Godel and stuff about Willow Moss and the last day dominate Heather tell us why dolphins dot landed. T.v. Brown down when she gets it head on the floor I didn't make it that hard today. Well. I see I've had several pee. Say cattle bass Yeah well that's going to Linda came through on the island said cattle Bastien on the text Asheem Bad Well Ash got it right as well but you are today's win without Yes Polly put the kettle on and a better amount in. Yeah absolutely what you up to today have found is that you make mince pies in. Any one day in the United States morning I. Saw my former. Wife you. Know you can you just you know put in special delivery so no one here you can say posted you come pick the prizes up. That's good I didn't know. What. Case she made mince pies Well she opted to try songs so am I could live with them or. Not is this to do you Christmas cards. So yeah it was a. Little I do know my address is on labels as well and the time yet. Really Does not having to address the and let's just you know they're all pretty pretty done and stick them on the envelopes on that for you nice. To see Joe no idea where you we are have we've got it sussed we have been date Well you have fun enjoy your prize it will be winging its way to you those books now keep it he had Christmas and that fluffy back well be my things. Time of winning. When the proxy vote. I haven't even got won no one won Heather and you've got saw Eve let's you know. What it'll be much. Longer so. I don't it's my grandson so it's been distributed so you're very lucky he wasn't really speak very. Well enjoy fluffy back number 5 Heather from such great 2 days when we were in cat t. Think she has been winning them or do you think they've just been breed and oh yes a good point and should know what happens when you leave. The way to go cattle but if you go interesting a fascinating facts about the biggest place in the well but there's a pup then and there's a church and there's a village sign as well and the green the village kept about a green trust created the village green in 2005. That maybe there were famous residents that belief that maybe you know then this is the number that tell Johnny all about cool 80110121 b.b.c. Radio self. Or you can send a text troubles for a start you message s s k We'd love to hear all your interesting facts kat. No. Surprise dogs are barking. Dogs are banned in. This. The Some sun as he has fallen into. Some ski. Poles. To such Take back all the comedy in the family. Well you can keep that. Please come. A cozy little Christmas who is. To see you. On the train. Katy Perry and cozy little Christmas on the radio that we're going to be finding out about this food bank where Mike Smith it's the Leslie's river advent calendar all coming up and travel and taking is up to the base class a specials and guys time and. Looking after things in the south to name him on b.b.c. Radio. The special time bringing me back memories of the 1980s. 21 minutes past the within to find out what's happening on the roads and. A guy. Voices. Into. Looking quite busy on the high street with the Fordham roads pretty heavy on the white into town for the time of day just heading down towards the Quite a bit of congestion where those road works on the. Directions. Straight suits quite heavy queue building I think on the road maybe a little bit slow on the way out of. Civic drives getting busier and. Slow for the time of. Buses running between it. There was I have no service to train. And as a result of those sickening problems reduce. Bridge currently. If you can update me call 801412121 thanks Barry. Is b.b.c. Radio. B.b.c. Radio. Music every single. I suffered playing the songs you love every single day. George Jamison sitting in the Leslie Dolph and they soften a after 3 o'clock very excited there on the side so my guest is author and political broadcaster pull Whitely He's also a professor of politics at the University of Essex and I'm going to be asking him why he's described himself as the probably the only person in the whole of Britain who enjoys elections he'll be talking about how politics has changed since he started studying and also about his time living in America he considers himself partly the genial We'll talk to him after 3 o'clock on the sofa about his thoughts on how things have changed in the last few years with that in the political landscape but is there a vast advent calendar something Leslie's doing every day rather than taking something out she's encouraging him to put something in and the stock market an area feedback was launched in October 2012 to provide families and individuals in Stowmarket in surrounding areas who are in crisis with Imagine seafood and parcels it's all run in conjunction with other churches in the area and joining me on the line is Mike Smith Good afternoon maek. How long is that been there you know it started in 2012 that at how long have you been in your current premises in stock market because I know you've moved to your own place. Yes Well what kind of office use and Hill saw it all what telling him but well our own designators room. And storage probably for the last really to 4 years. And you know associated with the church they market Jackson the areas Abba changed in the area had to spend you know. How it works really the way out we run local church sales hard scientist you know new life family church so we manage the food bank on behalf of churches together so most of the churches in style market collect food for us from their congregations every week now like I said the feedback started in 2012 and he's run to the church when did the church identify that then there really was a need for a seed bank in this time Mark an area where where you were again people coming to us probably once monks something like you know we would come across try a family in crisis and we would just go to the supermarket and get them some food and then chatting to other church leaders in the tie on by all the churches work and the similar sort of a work if failing is similar so in a it so then we say let's do something together to meet that need. And you what we've I know that you've got collection points in a coup c. Markets but do you work alongside with those people market in terms of any food waste they've got Did they die night is wow yes we have collection points in Tesco in stock when asked for in the east of England cow all stopped when garridge co-op us while in Needham in holy elms all round the place really but Osaka set part of that week and of Di eco it's from Tesco from Oz to sometimes from liberals stuff so I would just be throwing a why it's still quite good and still could be used the next I we get that we send out as extras with offload parcels. Now is demanding time if you I know you know people would think and I certainly would think demands going to be big at this time of year but actually looking on your website it's the summer holidays that people find the hardest time he says has its demand compare in winter at Christmas to the t. This summer to the summer yes a is big it's it's similar anyway you pay during the school holidays because there's no Frisco dinners for 6 weeks away for your family you're in crisis you're struggling you're fading your children twice awake suddenly your faith in them 7 days away excited but that's a massive difference when it sometimes pushes families just over the age Christmas time it's cold so we don't notice the colder it gets the more people age the mall people need it you know they do so Christmas time is always a mind time for us the other thing is as well as crisis parcels Christmas we do provide just over 100 Christmas hamper. Switch of boxes decorated in all things Christmas and they will be delivered I buy the few days before Christmas I asked you can say t. What kind of things do you need for Christmas because we think of staples like bags a pastor in tins of Bain's and that's what I think is important if people want to donate they donate some Christmas he treats his wound it is bags upon if they were 3 things that we didn't really it's for a whole year it would be bags of past tins of buy things and tins of so we've got mountains of old for a guy on the 3 Lions that people think of when they think of food bank for Christmas time post which we're starting to pack the end of this week and next week examples we need to strive for makes Wayne a Christmas kikes when we decide that we usually get the I was the Bob's I sponsor yes I know the individual cakes yet have all the. You know that can go to a for a we've got some big around Christmas cakes coming already but they would be quite rare tins of ham you know of the passion that the ends of we we need a 100 or so of them and. The chocolate instant hot chocolate we put those in the Christmas hampers and something very pricey I know tins of salmon. So the Christmas hamper is not yet I have preached on the male food Pa So this is a special thing to help a family Christmas week Yeah just give them a little bit extra I have no fancy things because Apostles all year round are quite by sick. Christmas wake we just like to go out like a room provide something really nice for someone who is really struggling if people wanted to put mince pie. Chocolate also nice big sin as well welcome yes play is mince pies biscuit you know chocolate biscuits Pringles those sort of. Jobs a quick jobs of Paco. Every company has anything that you could relate to Christmas will be fine you might want to. Like to say that your feedback began since 2012 and say banks started in this country really as that was that was seen as a need and we have them all over the country do you think we'll ever see a time when we will no longer need food banks so obviously now just as I hate to study. That's another go question the way things are at the moment they look as they are. I think there will always be people fall through the cracks in our social system and our welfare system and so I think from a raise and. Food banks we need to be here in some why shape or form last year we fed $2750.00 Paypal in the year and they're here we're looking like but looking like been around 3 times and. How can people help and volunteer and tonight Mike how can I take part in our events at thanks and yes something to yet with the Riverside vent Callen the idea came up on Facebook a few years ago the idea air is you put something into a box or into a ball skate each die of December and then the bright idea was to bring into a local food bank Christmas Eve that works really well where open Christmas Eve That's not a problem we do find moms coming in the kitty sigh and will this get delivered before Christmas while in reality most of the hampers will have gone by then but the food will still be true right during John you're married so that's not a problem some people like the stomach chime Brokaw most are doing it as a local as a sion for us Di you will cite to their paypal pro can you finish the advent Riverside went away casually and take it for the buy to give the food bank chums to get the food I would absolutely yes because that doesn't strike me as a lovely idea but to take it on Christmas Eve some time is a little bit time like unrealistic to be honest it's on realistic the food won't get wasted it will if people get a Christmas cake during January or a Christmas pudding or a bar of chocolate they're not going to know not to so how can people find you Mike when and where can they come and dine night they want to case you well you know they can come to the Food Bank which is at the hillside community center in style mall for what they can come in the mornings where they're going to one of the mornings they condone any of our pickup points any of the supermarket's around in stone or any of the churches in Stowmarket have pick up points I condone I there as well what we are noticing is a lot of carol services in the area we've done a. Then why not simply eat as with the Christmas Tree Festival they collect at the Food Bank Salvation Army have done the big towels for all day collect. Lots of organizations or turn back our services. In aid of start an area food bank so you can send and the of those special events might thank you so much food bank manager at Stowmarket. Bank thank you so much for joining The great that you. Have a lovely Christmas and New Year. Yes thank you very much lovely Mike Smith. If you want to go and. Advent. This collection points in all the big supermarkets in and around the area you can find the feedback. News. The best staying an Englishman in New York a baby say up to 3 cloak thrilled that Professor pole Whitely will be on the side of these author political brawl Costa He's also the resident political expert for breakfast show He's now professor of politics at the University of Essex not going to be asking him that he's thoughts on how the political landscape has changed in recent years obviously when to get into too much specific detail because we are in the general election period but just in general how he thinks people feel about public. Picks and politicians is going to be fascinating and he will be on the sofa. 3 o'clock chatting at sea Phoenix a travel agent and you write in that every show he's received 2 awards recently his travel agency business and he celebrated with a big black tie do for over 200 of his clients lovely he took them all out to the o.l. Hotel in Felixstowe for a bowl and he joins me on the line now and good often. On Sinai how do you celebrate seeing these 2 awards prestigious industry awards What did you win well or he wasn't. Translated homework. As of now 10 years worth of high office and. Which was a money received from Jennifer Saunders. Took in big deal and said Jennifer. Is absolutely at the Lyceum So we're going to hold the Lion King Yes. Well it was a lovely evening and then there were 7 top cancer crews including restaurants to travel agent best cruise agent best time worker probably. And I talk the more with the operation you know what you're going to did you know you get a win a through things when they are surprise on the night and I was surprised when our oh I was on it sometimes with these a would sound nice they kind of yet clear you in a little bit and say what you need to come so how shocked were you when you were voted over the top agent of the year. But of course an even pointed sense of most who can so much for and also want to go over there and suddenly find one kind or. Another So I was sort of known I got called on that it's just just incredible one of those. Who knows it. When a cherished. Place is a service to life please tell me Jennifer Saunders was lovely she was trying to love. Her and given how old she can always break so much if somebody who's generally lovely turns really lovely who has been a big fan and I think she's hilarious inside Taliban so I'm pleased to know that real life she's wonderful sentence you will celebrate these alludes you did rather something rather special you had a push Do you didn't say well it's discouraging so let it go we've been planning it for about 18 months. Nobody we have a barbecue quite a number of clients in our garden in the summer and I said No I we're 10 you know we need to do something and. So we took over your well and we had 172 people you know and we made up like so evening. That drinks on arrival to the free course Mayo we had a foretaste. Just went swimmingly it was fabulous and I had so many lovely comments Oh and by just going along just had a very good one so it was good fun is Lebanese have the excuse to get really dressed up as well and really celebrate the day when it came along must if you know how like you say 12072 of your clients are they right and they Regulus to people come back you get repeat business well just to give you know some people have a lot from heaven and will cheer and travel and jokes and look up go. Really well I guess. In the Internet now you can book with anyone anywhere you know you don't necessarily walk into a trap what you do you walk into a travel agent but you don't have to so you mustn't clients who live there then you . I have a lot in central London I'm actually in London the moment just walked in off Christmas wine and cards and things to Mark trance down. Which is really nice to pop in to have a coffee with but say hello and it's just it's so good that looking after the client not the trust. And I come back and I recommend each other which is how the business is. Established itself to what is to die. Some bold plans to to you know reach a certain target sales 10. Well we wanted to reach the 1000000000. That was the idea. 'd if ideas. So that's really good and now we just the idea is to maintain that actually creep up a bit more but you know but what I don't want to do is lose focus of the client because if you get too big too quickly or employ too many people in the nicest possible way that's great but you then lose a handle on what your challenge to mine time which is about looking after the clients of the service which is which is how the business is developed as as well as it has so far and that's the key to a Small businesses well isn't is looking after your clients and building gradually because it's hard for you to be in business for 10 yeas. Is it is a fantastic achievement I'm so pleased with that with that lovely boss. Andrea how do people find you because I know obviously January will set up after Christmas and we want to book us and use that for a little less well by all the farm a. Road in which are w e a o n travel or I am all travel. Which in my initial post and I'll find maybe. We one of those. Things we do people aren't sure about what they will pop up over and say them have a coffee or a beer or something and talk further because it's really important to get some proper late to understand what they like so dislikes are whether this poll was good was a good so we can see there was a profound Oh my so that we can have expectations lovely Well congratulations on those awards thank you very much lovely and. Chaffee least a travel agent who won a couple of prestige awards and had them presented to him by Jennifer cylinder the evening credit the jealous. This is talking heads and once in a lifetime is doing the Jamison looking after the Often the. Yes I think the 2 out the touch the Radio Suffolk and Barry has everything we need tonight that he had his side looking quite peace now on the London road does he make into Brandon the softer new nights at the high street unfold in road still be congested that those cues don't do the long for now just bury him on those road works. One for 3 days a little bit heavy as he had a y. e From Barry's and Edmonds spends all day one for 3 there it was the temporary lots looking quite slow then further on a y. e From Bury St Edmunds I one 4th were a bit of congestion there showing on the speed sensors for makes with Stanton to think it's a. Straight usual build up and Simon just as you had into h.h. Were queuing now on Phoenix I rode on Sue for Hamlet on the railway signalling problems means replacement buses train obsession fix some gripes angry rant no service between. There's reduced service as a result between a church and Cambridge Umberto is full b.b.c. Radio Suffolk travel and if you say something will come up like me call 080141212. One Thanks Barry. Auntie a.b. Digital radio this is b.b.c. Radio Suffolk. They coming to a time the year before. Christmas told feast spreading the phrase Did she hear a rhyme saw folks again this year coming to the time you saw it the most. Is it seems very. Likely. This all began the way. To 6 to. Bring to. The ballot. Georgie Jamieson on b.b.c. Radio Suffolk. Tonight speedy see belonging shadow is all about climate and the environment with this she's around nature and the local climate concerns and Catalina will be talking to a range of people take a deep understanding of what was meant by the climate imagine say the Suffolk County Council which which cut Suffolk County Council announced back in March this year Kat spoke to load the tape and John Gama about his own family practice and he's thoughts about supporting sustainable change likely. I spoke to John Gummer early in the year and I asked him his feelings about the developing concerns the garden the climate and the situation locally as a result of Suffolk County Council announcing the climate and the agency back in March this year well as you know Wade started Suffolk the greenness County many years ago which was because we were right about the people sign please that Suffolk continues that tradition fact is that as we said in the climate change report which we've just published one of the most important ways of fighting climate change which is desperately necessary will be to. Put the foot back into the soil so the soil pulls down sequence straight since it's cold. So farmers have got a huge row to play and we have to move away from show when you're just growing a particular crop to the mix farming the way you have animals as well because animals are very important fertilizing the soil and the way they work on the soil that's. In intensive capacity and in particular under the. Life in general the fact is we do insects a terribly. Little bit of land that we've got we put it all back to what it was that we have the insects on the 1st thing that happens if you have the birds again so last night when I walked out not a very nice evening but I walked out and you could hear those birds which we haven't had for a long time because there are now the insects for them to live on and there are a lot of examples of farmers are doing that. Intensively paying part of his land but. He's got all sorts of set aside then all sorts of areas where the insects grow and he's beginning to also he's got a herd of Red Bull cattle a traditional cattle and they are of course the land so there's a lot going on in our job is to encourage it. And now building the. Particularly keen on the children because they are saying to our generation and your generation generations after it you are changing our climate and you've got to do something about it and there are far too many people out there who have pretended that it's not happening but honestly you can't have lived in Suffolk because I have lived for so long when you have seen that spring comes 17 days earlier Isn't that frightening in such a short period of time. In the. It costs nothing to actually feel connected to the countryside and close it to the issues of farming that is so vital to Suffolk as a councillor Well that's one of the dangers isn't it we've become a defied it nation in that sense people live in towns and don't know anything about the countryside surprising how many people live in villages and who don't know much about the countryside we have actually got to be much more open in the beginning to be much more much more open and explaining what's happening and after all we do. In the countryside more than half our food bill to produce even more than that and we've got to be very careful also to help farmers by not going in for buying cheap produce food from abroad particularly from America where they have 4 times as much food induced to see you so we have here and they're trying to make house change laws in order to be able to export their chlorinated chickens why they have to chlorinate them because they own this cleanly as I was all so it's a very important support to buy and there are new trade agreements which destroy all farming which we could easily pass thank you so much I guess I but I'm here more conversations and information about the climate and the environment tune into the 8 o'clock tonight he'll b.b.c. Radio. Listen to cad and tell tonight from 7 b.b.c. Belong all about the climate and the time and take it is up to the straight knees some Abba and this is us. At 3 o'clock the latest news it's Catherine coast and thanks Georgie good afternoon there is a call for the next government to address the growing shortfall of g.p.s. Data from the. Suffix 140 don't to short of what it needs which isn't 10 pushes up the workload on practices to over 2000 patients per doctor Laurie has lifted from the t.s.a. Promise to recruit 4000 last time regurgitated because of the government promises to recruit another $6000.00 but only commit to doing $500.00 new training classes per year simply not the level of investment we need for a world class health service in Suffolk a serial rapist who attacked 11 women and children across England over 2 weeks has been given 33 life sentences McCann's victims were aged between 11 and 71 and included 3 who were abducted at knife point our porters Sarah call craze at the Old Bailey Judge Ito said you are a classic psychopath you will never cease to be dangerous he went on to say this was a campaign of rape violence and doctrine of a kind I have never seen and he will serve a minimum of 30 years in prison police in New Zealand say there were no signs of survivors after a volcanic eruption on white Highland at least. 5 people are known to have died but that number is expected to rise the number of children being arrested in Suffolk has fallen by around 2 said since 2010 with around a 1000 under eighteen's taken into custody last year the criminal age of responsibility in the u.k. Is 10 frontis Kirk is the chief executive of the Howard League for Penal Reform she says that 10 year long campaign is making an impact Suffolk police of have been doing quite well over the past few years but they've they've had a bit of a blip this year so I would really call on Suffolk police to look at the research particularly as I know they're involved in protecting children who are victims of county lines trafficking or who are going missing from children's homes that sort of thing the police should not be arresting them $42.00 tons of historic 200 year old slate tiles are up for grabs that equips House may Bury St Edmunds where he's underway at the National Trust property to replace the roof on the famous return to building and the land from the trust says the work was needed as there were many issues with the old roof the wings of the building some of the wings for the East Wing and The West Wing roots do leak when we get severe weather and some of the sleigh has been up there for 200 years so we replacing the entire thing is really important to stop leaking as well so we decided to do it as one big project to minimize as much disruption as we could Suffolk weather fine and dry through the softer name but the old shower in the north at times 8 degrees Celsius windy overnight with several bands of heavy showers pushing east and southeast woods and cold down to minus 4 degree Celsius and to my rain spreading in from the west at a long cloudy and windy with temperatures 8 to 11 degrees Celsius b.b.c. Radio Sophocles It's now 3 minutes past 3 Thanks Catherine was due to the radio stuff like where I. Was. Down to. Don't you see me on 3 channel 7 so you can say find us on digital radio and tell us mom speak it. Joy she Jamieson on b.b.c. Radio Suffolk sitting in for Lesley Delfin until 4 o'clock this afternoon and it's time to pull up the sun thought I'm delighted I'm going to be joined by author and political broadcast a pool Whitely Professor of Politics at the University of Essex and the man who has described himself as probably the only person in Britain he likes. Georgie Jamieson on b.b.c. Radio. But I must be someone else surely as bad. Maybe but we'll see he'll be joining me up to this in the Dandy Warhols I love they spell You mean like he was Georgie Jamieson.

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