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Intimate thoughts are a book that just going to strike let's play actually give me a chance to express yourself get forward you know trying to write for the team can have a goal to cancel I think that's many pushing a lot to play and hope that you keep it will David I'll tell says nobody it crew is getting complacent despite their good form they sit 2nd in League 2 After 7 wins in their opening 10 games but as hell says his side can't well on the price they've been getting it is not that whatever comes our way in the way of recent director is going to go you do not get carried away a manager want nomination No love with Russell is trying to get a little nod in his direction this week and the whole group and all 4 vocal guys will nod in the direction because of us I cannot reforms but from one point of view changed England thrashed the USA by 45 points to 7 in the 2nd pool match the Rugby World Cup is the 2nd successive bonus point when one keeps them top of that group the weather will be mainly dry this evening and tonight we could even have some clear spells after dusk but want to sound as possible certainly it's more a morning but not to start drawing 1st thing with more sunny spells the showers could turn heavy or thunder a much later ice tomorrow in Longton and stone 15 Celsius that's 59 in Fahrenheit's . D.c. Radio Stoke. We still have some slow traffic after a breakdown early on the m 6 southbound that's between junction 14 for Stafford north and 13 it's tough itself although the lines have reopened and instead of the traffic is now easing after the accident on the a 34 queens why southbound from North walls to the Queens white roundabout here up to date say it's 6 minutes past 4. John I can brag what you believe Scooby Doo is 50 years old so you do scheme you do impression you are. I was really about to have a favorite character probably shouting because I don't say I'm asked to speak but if I do you find yourself going like man this is really creepy. Creation. Weekday mornings from 6 told b.b.c. Radio. One of those songs that ends the same way start pink and get the party started b.b.c. Radio Stoke Thursday afternoon tempers forum St George Well plenty to talk about in this hour not least the language used by politicians at the moment we talked yesterday about bricks it today I want to know from you how do you feel about the way our politicians are behaving at the moment I weigh 201218080 the speaker of the House of Commons John Bercow says the House did itself no credit yesterday Boris Johnson very much in the spotlight in terms of comments he made in language he used will speak to someone who is a linguistics expert in the next half hour about the power of language the choice of words why using certain words or phrases can have a different level of offending a different outcome lead to different results find out more about that just after 430 here on b.b.c. Radio Stoke will speak to the biggest we mean choir in the u.k. From Staffordshire details on that come before 431st this afternoon that if you've been anywhere near College Road or Stoke on Trent railway station recently you might notice that digging up the roads you might be wondering why they're digging up the road seeing the signs saying why they're digging up the roads for a district heat network you may then be wondering what on earth is the district heat network Stoke on Trent city council involved 700 meters of piping will go underground in College Road in Shelton it will take 30 weeks to do and it's costing 1900000 pounds the idea in the long term is to have an 18 kilometer network created. So how does it work and what does it all involve up in finding out where vital energy is limited or install or specialist serve dishy teach immense choice a prince let your partner or buy from Scandinavia bring your over to you k n n we tend to do installations for numerous clientele across the u.k. . The pirate has a very dense thermal insulation retains you see Propertius. Gives a single source heat and dish result to a number suppliers in the end which in our heat and preventing the need to reheat the water has already contained within it therefore looking to the end result is lower carbon emissions and so how does it work when you've got these big pipes and we've seen the big pipes that 500 millimeters thick in places and they go on the ground is a college road how do you get the heat from that pipe into someone's bath for example or into the shower told you of this central heat source no relocating in any sense or that will heat the water up within the pile work and then when he's water in the part of the dentist reach it up why are such a pumps turn number of end user buildings the system is like a consensus to install the water never escape from the system it just circulation number of plates that we took place close together push and transfer that he over to what is a 2nd decide within the building I know we're sour punch within the building the 2nd or side that will then circulate the heat around so you know the heat interface units or another plate within the actual dwellin itself so in someone's house and I'm from there you'll have the internal pirate bit of the industry out of the box and the tops next and where is it working already because to a lot of listeners to b.b.c. Radio Stoke and people seeing this they might think well this sounds like a really new fangled thing it isn't really it's been used in other places before us next year then the technology mainly comes from Scandinavia choice been used Ariela from the 1950 s. Vital energy been heavily involved in installations from the 1980s on which to the biggest networks you'll find are in Nottingham in Sheffield from by scientists point of view we've covered the King's Cross development. In London University of Cambridge but 2 years ago we did 33 kilometers a pirate copy a new universe you're saying Andrews in Scotland what stocks vision here is to really kind of branch out and connect into the wider community so we're looking to embrace our own vision and help them regard journey over the 8 o'clock which is looking to install when I mentioned I was going to talk to somebody said district heating does that mean they turn with thermostat up and how does that work you still have complete control at home I guess the yes you do yeah so where do you see the homeowner there will see radiators and Hot Shops that's all still controlled by the Jews or the homeowner what we do is we're constantly supplying a level of heat up property should they want to turn all their tops on at once they're showing up all the radiators on the time they can have the where will the heat come from in the 1st instance in the 1st instance I believe it's coming from what's called the c.h.p. Engine which a combined heat and power engine that will be a single source gas speed Internet sensor which will then go through an engine which will then he the water there as well traditionally touts I believe his own future vision about how we can make it more friendly more equal from my from the searchers ground source heat pumps and things are so it's an interesting idea don't you think the idea of pumping the whole water around parts of North Staffordshire in order to give people heat without relying on gas or electric call oil or coal depending how far they get with this potentially 18 kilometer pipe system that they're looking introducing up in finding out today I went to Stoke on Trent college today to find out a little bit more about how it will work and who's involved there is a heat Academy been set up at Stoke on Trent college training the people with the skills they'll need to get the system working I've been speaking to someone who's over here from Sweden offering advice Helsingborg city in Sweden similar size to Stoke on Trent they've got this district heat system and it seems to be one running without any problems and has been for the last 50 years. Will find out more about that after 5 quarter past 4 now on b.b.c. Radio stuck in the news the government has lost its 7th vote since Boris Johnson became prime minister after M.P.'s voted against its motion calling for a 3 day parliamentary recess next week police say they're still investigating after 4 people were injured by pellets fired in New Castle and stokes the system manager Paul Hart's took this afternoon's press conference instead of manager at Nathan Jones b.b.c. Radio Stokes Leigh Blakeman was there you'll hear more on sport at 6 tonight Richard Serling's Northern Soul this week part one of my look back to the year 1969 I'm celebrating the 50th anniversary of the fabulous year for American soul music gave us so many memorable northern soul memories we'll hear how the productions are becoming more sophisticated albums started to become a big part of the American holiday scene Richard Serling's. Saturday nights from 6 b.b.c. Radio Stoke. Student b.b.c. Radio Stoke. More comments coming in regarding the m.p. Bracks in there I say let's see who's next this afternoon John who's on the line from. Oh pleasure to speak to have you. Many maybe redress some of the propaganda. I think the b.b.c. Does tend to be on the side over email and we don't hear a lot about some of the biggest that. I think the public maybe should. And I just I just heard somebody earlier on bringing on this one subject about the lie is that we're told that the head of the referendum the so-called he's on the I think rather against the man who said once we leave we will not be paying the 350000000. That was on the side of the Boers and the reality is of course it was a little bit more confusing it was a gruesome. And out to all fight the way it works I think is listen I hope you break if you run a club let's say a golf club and you pay $500.00 a year and usually if you tell them all right to them and say you're leaving there's no condition to it rather like the referendum it was totally on conditional I didn't have a name for in it. And if the golf club a year later send you an invoice for membership you politely straight I've left I'm not paying it I'm not is the situation so the $350000000.00 on the side of a Bush wasn't well written it should have either Grossberg or against state and it didn't say we'll spend the time and h.s. It settle let's fund the n.h.s. But it wasn't so much that Stuart I was I wanted to comment on it was a few other things that don't get to about. One of which is I can quite understand how our M.P.'s all want to be on this gravy train. For them it's somewhere else to go it's wonderful. In actual fact we have too many people running the country because. If you compare us to America the Congress in America has $535.00 running a population 5 times greater than ours in other words if we were pro rata we'd have about a 100 in Westminster we actually have about 1500 most of whom are not even elected so sorry to rush you John but we got to move on but what she key point here well that was one of the points that the 350000000 needs to be challenged once we leave. We will not be paying this so-called membership 3 what about where you were made out of the economy that was in yellow hammer for example and now some say that's a worst case scenario but $350.00 How much do we lose by not being in the European Union Oh we gain I don't know if you are aware of some of the things with trade the moment it's been part of a round that we trade nearly half our trade is with Europe do you believe that I've no idea I'm not involved in the business sector in the sense is that based on value is it volume is it weight. One would imagine that you're more likely to talk about trading in value rather than volume because if you trade lead you going to have a big figure but if you trade feathers you know Tanya you've also got to consider if those figures are correct which a good term says it based on which what Sorry banker turns them on the side transshipment cargo. You not know what what I think the terms are I don't I'm afraid John you've called me out that well anybody that they also an overseas trade it's one of the 1st things it's like a bell in society you go in and they asked for a mortgage and they say what's a mortgage. Thanks. Many of the politicians saying. Ok We're going to have to leave it there I'm afraid John but thanks very much for your call this afternoon 0801 to see. The b.b.c. Radio still trying to. Find out what's happening on the road. With all the latest His Linda Well the m 6 around Stafford especially on the southbound side has been problematic for the past. The line close the official word between 13 for staff and sat down to 12 at following a place incidents in the center showing some slow delays of about 10 minutes onto your journey there have been reopened on the southbound side between junctions 14 and 13 outside of Stafford following that breakdown but still looking busy there especially around junction 14 South that northbound lanes have been reopened between junctions 12 for Galleon 30 for Stafford south there's an earlier breakdown there are a legacy of traffic remains all of that is slowly clearing off the most why is the I $500.00 a ride out of stock towards the m 6 a junction 15 backing up towards the house fit into change and the day roads also struggling through those roadworks southbound as well approaching the bus but roundabouts and same delays or approaches around joined a square especially on the I 50 out of hand they finally weren't on road looking a better picture through the book malaria we did have word of an accident there causing delays earlier it seems to be flowing out if you see a problem call us on our 801 to watch. This stuff. Luck. To solo. B.b.c. Radio Stoke Keane love too much it's b.b.c. Music day if you heard Louis stones from the into potteries in Hamley you will have heard so many acts taking part if you missed it don't worry some of the best bits still to come I remind on the white a little later here on b.b.c. Radio Stoke we are celebrating the music you love to listen to maybe you play an instrument you love to perform this year's theme is all around music and well being and how music can be therapeutic and bring people together the perfect example of this is the all women choir in Staffordshire It's the largest of its kind in the whole of the u.k. With more than 300 members all of whom have a different reason for going along and singing. Every play. Ever been able to get out and feel as normal as everybody else. The. With. The 2 hours a week I wasn't come to patients and the just being able to come and sing and leave how I thought behind me to recover. Can take me sometimes take each food 5 minutes to leave the house. Which involves rituals. Safety thing the sit in photographs actions of. The mind than anything and the others practically physically set. In anybody every doorstep. And. Feel like among stars in the eyes and I have started that silly trying to do something that whole did. Fans of the new host didn't bring wanting. The. I retired 9 years ago and immediately I was diagnosed with cancer Theosophical. The life of the choir I like a challenge why not I love music and the big thing was she didn't have an addition my singing is so bad my husband said don't sing it already. Gave me a focus but the most important thing was the fact no one knew me. I was completely anonymous no one knew about any health problems and so no one asked me how I felt was the treatment Ok And you know how I was a feeling and that mental fought to me I could just be me without being someone who'd been ill. You just want to come to think it's just a happy place to be. I did try and take my life. As a result of all the abuse and how it made me feel somebody said to me look don't come to choir anymore if you don't want to and I said I've got to come to choir it's like I was hanging on by my fingernails to a little bit of May require we have a truly good saying I'm just concentrating on that it's not you're free. To think about music how such a powerful. And giving them to people and inner That's fantastic mate thing about helping them. Fantastic more on b.b.c. Music day through the day here on b.b.c. Radio Stoke half past 4. With the latest b.b.c. Radio Stoke news Ricky Nelson the government has lost its 7th vote since Boris Johnson became prime minister after M.P.'s voted against its motion calling for a 3 day parliamentary recess next week the break would have coincided with the Conservative Party conference in Manchester Police say they're still investigating after 4 people were injured by pellets fired in Newcastle offices a firearms units were sent to a park known as the whammy of Wilmot drive at around 630 on Tuesday evening the health secretary Matt Hancock says he's prepared to take. Bold action to protect children after vaccination rates fell last year the need ficus from any chance digital showed a continuing decline in the coverage of all routine childhood vaccinations for under 5 in England and Cheshire Police and staff a chip Trading Standards a warning people across Staffordshire and Cheshire not to be fooled by fraudsters pretending to be from Thomas Cook school is claiming they're from the reef and team and they ask for bank details so they can give you money back as the latest next nice and sport for me here at 5. B.b.c. Radio show. The break 6 debate has descended into a bear pit of polarized nation according to the husband of the murdered m.p. Jo Cox Brendan Cox was speaking after a night of strong debate in the chamber the Prime Minister's been criticised by a number of opposition M.P.'s Labor m.p. Paul the sheriff accused him of inciting hatred after he responded to her concerns about death threats she received with the single word humbug and urgent question was table today by Labor m.p. Jess Phillips asking the prime minister to explain the language he used during yesterday's debates Dr Chris trail of linguistics expert from the University of Warwick controlled some p.b.c. Radio start this afternoon good afternoon right Stuart area I'm very well thank you for asking what did you make of the language that was used in the Commons last night. I think it's an extension of a long process of trying to talk about a very complicated issue of Bracks and simplistic terms trying to understand it through metaphors like competition in games and sports and the prime minister is trying to perhaps transfer that understanding of competition toward a related metaphor of combat and work here. And so. The right kind of language to use if there's such a thing can you understand why some people have been upset by it well I think. Certainly it's their right to know that it's intentional so they prime minister repeatedly called. The parliamentarian motion not to leave without a deal repeatedly labelled that as the surrender bill and that was a very intentional act which was was clear as several M.P.'s asked him not to do that and he continued to do that so it is an intentional effort and I think the broader problem that that's right to think about is the ways that if we understand issue like Bracks it through metaphor of combat what that does to our understanding of the issue more broadly the more useful thing to think about all perspectives on Breck's it is to understand people as people who want the best for the United Kingdom and have differing opinions about what that would look like and how we get to that point if we understand people instead as enemies and that does dehumanize them and that does change the ways that we think about them and their motivations and how we could work together how powerful Tom Woods be then. Well they certainly reflect and then in turn shape the ways that we think about the world so I've suggested that we're thinking about bricks in terms of sport and if we think about something in terms of sport then we think of it as having rules and a time when it ends and a score and whoever has the highest score at the end wins and that means that strategies like for instance program Gratian where you delay the game and don't let the opposition have the ball and have a chance to score become valid if instead we thought about bricks it through a different metaphor and we could substitute something like. A family decision about whether to move house then we might think well 2 of the kids decided that we should move into Didn't So we're going to move but we need to respect the decisions that the wishes of the people who didn't want to move we have some different informations we need to keep having this discussion and it would it would shape the ways that we think about the way we should act in the way we think about the ways that we're dealing with other people who might disagree with us going back a few weeks ago or a few months ago even this notion of the will of the papal How does that say to linguistically What's the telling us about the city's described. It very much reflects the understanding of sport so there was a score in bricks it was 17400000 to 16100000 and therefore if you understand that as a sport whoever has the highest score wins and that winning is being transferred to the label the will of the people and of course there is the election result and I'm not saying linguistically anything to deny that but I'm saying we understand. The referendum differently if we think about it is something where the nation was was very closely divided but overall reached a decision as opposed to something like the England versus American Rugby fixture today which was clearly a rout it's not something you don't really want to discuss. I mean it's just. Yeah yeah just just a bit perhaps. When the score is 457 lovely to talk to you this afternoon thanks very much for your time thanks Chris linguistics expert from the University of Warwick the power of words I remember years ago when I was a student. I didn't study Latin although it feels that long ago there was a book called some of that language in power I think Norm in fact Wolf wrote it for us and I think. Your thoughts on the way the politicians are behaving from Mikey in Sydney grain Maggie what do you think of it after name I use this afternoon Stuart to be honest I was up so the site it's it reminded me of a bunch of screaming bunchy it was not Steve it was delicious and all the empty should be ashamed of themselves. Never heard anything like it before I mean 3 years ago the majority of the country voted to leave the e.u. With a simple question in all. At as are since then this country has gone. Because the the m.p.c. To chuck everything they turn. To objection which. Whether we see it it wasn't there was no mention of the deal I don't know why we need to deal why do we need to deal can you tell me. It's an interesting question those who believe we need to Dale and not everyone believes you need to deal Of course you don't buy this and believe we need to do you think. In terms of business in terms of moving things in and out in terms of imports and exports would be far easier to do that if we had to deal with the European Union so there's a set of rules that are clear and defined and that people know where they stand with things that concern for not having a dale Well the rules if there's no deal where do we stand what is our relationship with Europe Well Europe's The e.u. Have been bleeding us dry ever since we joined because if we do leave. And not my. Thoughts about that they're getting dinner every day. They'll have to go to the other countries to make up the shortfall of what we used to pay Ok so let's give you another example of why people might want a deal if you're my best friend for example lives and works in Amsterdam. He didn't want to live and work in Amsterdam he's been moved from London to Amsterdam because his business relocated there he says because of Breck's it and if there was no deal would he be allowed to stay in Amsterdam or would he have to come back to Britain and under what basis would he be allowed to stay in the Netherlands as a u.k. Citizen how would it work I'm not saying whether it would or wouldn't I'm just saying how and that's why some people think we need a deal so all these things can be sorted out well condo's things be sorted out after we've left what do you do if you're living abroad at the moment well if you're a British citizen you you know people come under the protection of the British government wouldn't you but what protections would there be well you can need if you can make up your own mind as to whether to tarrie all live in that force or come back to the u.k. But as it stands we have trade deals with lots of countries we have a trade deal within the European Union so people know where they are yes but if we don't like that I don't know where we are. We can't call our so our own anymore we've got a wall by the e.u. Polish to do in what sense what do we have to do because the e.u. Tells us that you'll be glad once we're out that we don't want things we'll be masters of our destiny again we masters of our own destiny Well it doesn't sound like it to me maybe give me an example of where we're not masters of our own destiny. Well off the top of my head that I think that one just at the moment I'm sure someone will. Be. On. The road to. The South and I'm sick still struggling around stuff from what we know between staff at South and 12 years of police incident at the walls down between 14 and 13 outside of staff and that's been removed but traffic still exists in a heavy sense around that so the southbound m 6 wife. Is struggling the northbound side looking much better after an earlier breakdown has been cleared around 12 a day like of the most was the I 500 a road struggling towards the m 615 backing up so was the one fitting to change you'll find it very slow going all approaches around join a square in all directions of the 852850 Victoria route the I 500 a road to struggling to was the best but roundabout that's due to the roadworks there and say some delays building elsewhere on the now which bypass the struggling towards Crewe road if you see a problem call us on our 801 to watch. This . 2 looks. And. Let. Let. Let. Us. B.b.c. Radio Stoke the Detroit spin as working my way back to you the one thing that is clear cut about. It's not clear cut $101.00 to $1.00. Is my number you want to talk about the behavior of politicians yesterday. And particularly being criticized today this idea interesting the parallel the analogy of sports and bricks that we heard from the linguistics expert I weigh 201 to one. To get in touch this afternoon. In the new place in Staffordshire Trading Standards are warning people across Staffordshire in Cheshire not to be fooled by fraudsters pretending to be from Thomas Cook. The health secretary Matt Bangkok's says he's prepared to take bold action to protect children of the vaccination rights last fell last year and in sport Port Vale midfielder Scott Burgess thinks playing for the forwards will get the best out of him though she headlines will have more 50 my After 6 sports at 6 tonight on b.b.c. Radio Stoke Nathan Jones not the Potters press conference. Speaking to his deputy ahead of tomorrow night's huge game against Nottingham Forest you will hear it exclusively here on b.b.c. Radio. In a funny old day showpiece wise what with it being b.b.c. News that day. Wrap up Professor Green has taken over the weather with b.b.c. Breakfast Carol Kirkwood in a rush. Saturday sees the center of a period of uncertainty we've got to where the fronts the 1st to come in from west to east and take it rain across Scotland with it. You can see the full video on the b.b.c. News website. The original stars of Jurassic Park are reuniting for the next installment of the dinosaur film franchise Sammael lords and Jeff Goldblum repairing reprising their roles in the upcoming Jurassic World 3 the act has led the cast of the 993 hit directed by Steven Spielberg and have appeared separately in subsequent installments confirmed she was so excited to rejoin her friends at a Los Angeles screening of Jurassic World on Choose to some of the stories making the showbiz news the softer noon if you want to find out more go to b.b.c. Dot co dot slash entertainment showbiz news updated all day every day that. People. Should go. Be that banks to. Speak. But. Be able to topple. Saddam. The right here. Goes on the. Mum I am a sinner. Play my music get some. Joker smoker. And. She. Sees. The chance to see it go treat me. I would. Call them. Have a. B.b.c. Radio Stoke the Steve Miller Band and the Joka minutes to 5 we're talking about what was said in Parliament yesterday and how it was said and inevitably we've stumbled on to that as we do all of us call b.b.c. Radio stuff and all of it has a point to make from an alternative view without Gary Jonah Maggie so old king to leave I think it's fair to say all of you are remain that right. Yes. Ok what do you make of what you've heard I think fundamentally I mean a of he says does the last 3 years of time that it's become you know 'd a far cry from sovereignty and blew past all the lots of the nonsense that was spun a rich and they it reached it does reset a religious status now in the sense that you know Boris Johnson us the face of the league you can clearly do no wrong you know I'm not going to sell always lie to the queen and he still misses them either but clearly he is among devoid of all sorts of moral responsibility and the point of all sense of right and wrong and here is the amount trying to deliver on a referendum. Well I think fundamentally there is this there's a point at which you do something that feels morally right and democratically right now as a remain and I'm not one of these people is going to back Joe Swenson and say you know forget Breck seat I'm going to be the policy that just advocates remain because I personally don't think that's basically democratic I do respect a. I do respect the referendum but I am one of the minority in the sense that I do think things have changed over the last 3 years nothing I don't I don't think there's anything on democratic about reassessing people's coins I know people say Oh you lost get over it let's not have a 2nd referendum but I do feel like it it's become a point of principle now that we we are you know you have to believe you have to get your you have to remain in this no middle ground and for me democracy and the point of of Parliament is to ultimately find that middle ground you know we elect them we we get 600 people in a room to make to come up with a general viewpoint on something that is to be a narrow you know it's. Impossible to do that because there is no middle ground lane never was there ever a middle ground if you're given a choice of Leavell stack. If you use another analogy you were supposed to. You can either Leavell sti the middle ground isn't going to stand on the drive you either go you've done and I agree completely I do agree completely but I and I'm more than happy to have a semi intellectual conversation with. You know the benefits of leaving you know I'm I as a remainder I I looked at the pros and cons you know I think the Lisbon Treaty is a terrifying prospect but I'm a firm believer the rest I make you make from within. I can't stand is the narrative I think as a remainder it's the lack of proper narrative where people are saying oh why don't they just get on with it or they can get on with a very difficult why don't we just leave it there to deal well you can't leave that deal because ultimately it isn't like a party because after all the you don't have to consider things like European social fund you know instead of things like scientific research and conservation that there are so many things that so many thousands and thousands of these legislators with tied into that you know it's not a simple case of just walking out the door as it was unfortunately put to us by Mr Cameron So I mean. I think I think personally for me obviously morality is completely gone that there is no on this that you know have to be a good person as long as your but aunts believe that will get you the vote that's clearly evident once the morally right thing to do in the situation I think the morally I think what's morally right obviously you look at the cabinet or a cabinet you can't see a single wholesome human being able to I think you look well none of them are here to defend themselves and I'm sure they disagree with that point become real. Well I'm sure there was unfortunately that that track record and some of the things that stood for and against ultimately is indispensable. I think the difficulty is establishing what's morally right not having to things like chairs costs you nothing at all and I think. Whenever a question that it's not just quoting 17400000 it's again now it's reached the point where it doesn't matter what the substance is as long as you quote 17 point 4000000 'd better self or n c And you say it in a way as though you so my trail if you want and that's what politics is becoming I find it set in and you know I've got an 18 month old son and I'm not positive about the future I'd like to be I'd like someone to come on to this radio and say something old is done oh you just have to be positive and all will be great we've got all this control and all 'd this nonsense but there is just no actual evidence to support you know there's no basic over than just. The so the sense in spirits of sovereignty there's nothing else to it you know we set up a trading block with the e.u. To enable us to trade on an equal playing field with some of the world's superpowers if we become isolated and we become you know we focus on isolationism and think we're going to get a fantastic deal from the States we will get in a bilateral arrangement because we've got no clarity and that's the reason it was all set up in the 1st place you know that it's not rocket science but unfortunately to be remain hidden text it isn't that and so now it's apparently Democratic I really don't know at this point there's no saying Ok well make Well let's hope all of us are going to leave it I think 7 so much for talking to me this afternoon that's open it up to anyone else but your argument if you want to leave or all of us need some convincing here. Russia no logical reason why leaving Europe. In unions a good idea 080-121-8080 I feel like we're treading over ground remove coverage once or twice before but I'm happy to the softer no one trouble 3 Start your message with the word stroke b.b.c. Radio Stoke job watch a part time retail assistant is needed to kill university you'll be working 39 hours a week in term time only and the salary is 8 pounds $51.00 per hour for more information and details of how to apply color some 80121880 making a difference in Staffordshire and Cheshire b.b.c. Radio Stoke every hour a job somewhere that is available right now across Staffordshire and Cheshire on b.b.c. Radio Stokes jobs what if you want more details about that one or any of the others we've featured call it is free 08012188 in. This case Stokes static charge and Cheshire. To stand. Aside to pop the latest b.b.c. Radio Stoke news from Vicky Norton the prime minister has said tempers need to come down in parliament following fierce criticism of his comments during angry exchanges about Bracks it yesterday Mr Johnson has been urged to apologize by dozens of and piece after he used words including surrender and betrayal and suggested the best way to honor the murdered and Peter Cox would be to get Bracks it done here's our Political Correspondent Chris Mason the day after the night before there is still boiling anger here at a place where long standing conventions and courtesies now appear threadbare tonight though an apparent elements of contrition from the prime minister Boris Johnson hasn't made the apology many M.P.'s are calling for but he has told the b.b.c. Tempos need to calm down he is however a. If using to back down in describing a law designed to prevent a no deal breaks it next month as the surrender act he believes it's an accurate description as it's made negotiating with the European Union harder Mr Johnson added that he was deeply sorry for the threats M.P.'s have faced I think it's very important we look after them he said Meanwhile Stoke on Trent Labor councilor Alastair Watson has been speaking to the b.b.c. News channel as part of the debates he said the Prime Minister hasn't done enough to secure a praxis deal doesn't sound like he's doing that much to work for a day or part from some rhetoric parts of M.P.'s have been working to tell says his side can't dwell on the price that in getting whatever comes our way and whoever is a director is going to go you do not get carried away management nomination no lovely. Time gets a little not in his direction this week and the whole group an awful vocal gets a little nod in the direction because of us economic reforms but so on points of view changed England thrashed the USA by 45 points to 7 in the 2nd pool match the Rugby World Cup is the 2nd successive bonus point when and keeps them top of that group the weather we mainly dry through this evening and seen the light so we could I wanted to say hours overnight lows down to around 10 and mainly dry to start tomorrow with some concern he spells the showers could creep in later the kid even turn heavy with a check.

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