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B.B.C. News at 10 I'm more Alderson the US Canada and countries across Europe have expelled more than $100.00 Russian diplomats in a coordinated response to the songs bring nerve agent attack Moscow has vowed to retaliate the foreign secretary Boris Johnson says the scale of the global response is unprecedented what I hope is that this really is a watershed this is a turning point I think for many people many other governments what happened in Salzburg sort of crystallized their own frustrations their own disappointment with the way Russia the Russian state I should say has been behaving and what you're seeing in this huge diplomatic expulsion is a desire to correct that and to say right Russia enough is enough there have been rival protests in Westminster for and against Germany Corbin's handling of alleged anti semitism in the Labor Party he's apologized twice in the last 24 hours to Jewish leaders the president of the Board of Deputies of British Jews Jonathan are Cush says concrete action is needed after silence for 2 years I get 2 letters it one day so he's clearly trying to make up some ground but in the end it's about actions are not words we've had lots of words from Jeremy Corbyn before he always to close himself to be an enemy of racism The trouble is he still hasn't confronted or taken effective action to expel and to see it in his part of the independent inquiry into child sexual abuse has announced plans to go to Telford in the next few months to hear evidence from victims and survivors in the area the announcement comes after reports vulnerable teenagers have been targeted in the town since the 1980 S. Southern Health N.H.S. Trust has been fined 2000000 pounds for failings that led to the deaths of 2 vulnerable patients 18 year old Connor spiral Hawke drowned in a by. Suffering an epileptic seizure at a unit in all that 45 year old to raise a cold and killed herself at a hospital in Hampshire Tim Galloway from the Health and Safety Executive spoke outside Oxford Crown Court like for pay my health bill the family call that free that. Actually. These cases mark the culmination of a long complex sensitive investigation. Both for. One thing. Fail an 11 year old boy with autism has received $42000.00 pounds in compensation after his parents sued the Scout Association for discrimination by parents were told he couldn't go to camps or take part in athletics without supervision the weather another largely County day ahead for most of the country on Tuesday some rain lingering in northern East and northern and eastern areas possibly turning dry and brighter in the southwest a top temperature of 12 degrees B.B.C. News It's 3 minutes past 10. And from sure the A 5111 the council Gates ensures brain is closed as South bone from the A 5 to 8 for roadworks and Calvin Tre the A 46 is closed as southbound between a 45 and the A 429 heading away from the city itself because of works and in water sure heading into rugby on the A 4 to 8 eastbound that's been closed between Addison Road and all of our street for works that's the latest I'm calling Mason. Graham tell him to Hello again here we are together then for a Monday night's have it's been Smuggle in the memory goes on the taser cloud stories music blogs it's light Nygren talking to him. If you're late with me last night in the program you'll know that I lost my voice over the weekend and back. Nearly came back last night and it's almost packed tonight so I'm hoping it's going to stay with us why the West will I. Told. Her that. I. Am. I run. My branch trying to Malaysia shortly before she died Will's mom gave him her diaries in them she read. For she used to get upset when Will's dad was away a war she often used code words and wrote in such detail about her day to day life that they are remarkable snapshots of a time gone by I want to turn them into a book he's my after 11 guest tonight Do not miss not a little later on William songs on the show this evening all these Coming up I had one this cane. Also on the way Sonny and Cher. In Roxanne. So just a little Tyson of some of the songs on the way before 1 o'clock and as we get to 12 of course going it's Choose day morning and it'll be the 1st round the sweet. Of the midnight love songs at home is that a little later on tonight will you Firstly though tonight how good are you at avoiding people that you don't want to talk to or being serious on this I really AM What tricks do you have to get out of or What tricks do you have to do to get out of seeing talking to certain people you know thanks to technology and social media it's much easier to get hold of someone these days but it's also much harder to hide from someone that you don't want to see or speak to. This is ringing true to you let me give you a little example I used to live somewhere long time ago not recently a long time ago where I kind of like the neighbors but they were all right but I didn't want to be with them 247 bicycling right you know the kind of neighbors that you know you say a lot. But you don't know my person friends of them anyway they live next door and they love having a barbecue they absolutely love having a barbecue which is fair enough but every weekend I'm talking about here and every weekend they would knock on my front door and they would say Oh we're having a barbecue again this weekend Graeme would you like to come. And I still make excuses every weekend not to get their barbecue because to be honest they were my neighbors they were close friends I didn't particularly want to be spending time making small talk with these people so I still make excuses every weekend I mean every weekend for about 3 summers alone and I used to have to creep out before the barbecue started my own house to go out to avoid the neighbors having a barbecue. It was a lot about so I went to great lengths to avoid going to the neighbors but. What about you how far have you gone to avoid someone and why share your story right now you can email me. For a start your message with Night night Graham Torrington. 56 B.B.C. Radio stuff. You. News. Outlets. Such. Luck. That make. Me. Stories music life it's light like rain Charenton turn strength of the sun my name songs in the white very soon I the stylistic Spirit makes coming up in a few moments time and Texas to play as well. How do you avoid people that you don't want to see or talk to we will. Be honest with alternates are there people that you work with friends. Or might be members of extended family that you would rather stick clear of but you can't so how do you avoid them What excuses do you come up with to get out of speaking to them and why you want to avoid them anyway. Share your story now be honest we don't have to name any 9. Go on tell me how you avoid people that you don't want to see or talk to. Text me. Your message with G.T. I can also check out my show page on Facebook which he's like Nygren trying to Brian's post to this on my Facebook page just before we went on Mary said. Remember hiding with my mom behind the settee from the insurance man in the 19th 60 is in with order and they have a way how do you avoid people that you don't want to see or talk to get involved now you can email me. Your message with. Graham only 3 from 53 debonair for 6 maybe seen radio standing. Yes and I suppose a $10.00 to $1.00 it's like French orange and Texas and say what you want on the way very single similar roles at the Stylistics a play and a year it makes coming up in a few moments time as well so I'll get to you avoiding people that you just do not want to talk to. Were all. Victims of his own way yeah people would want to say people we don't want to talk to but to get written how to get rid of them. Thanks to technology and social media it's much more easier to get hold of someone these days but it's also much harder to hide from someone that you want to say or speak to so share your story now B.B.C. Doco to take a phone to text a 23 story message with G.T. Hologram it's difficult to avoid someone who lives near me but if I meet them I just give them short responses for example know all I don't want to go into that anymore. I don't feel obliged to answer the phone or respond to text I'm not on Facebook or Twitter I'm like this if I feel people being too pushy or generally disrespectful. You have to talk to everyone. Be friendly but you have to give what information you want to give out. So how good you are avoiding people you don't want to talk to what you have to get out of single talking to certain people get involved now you can. Text. Message with. Europe makes. Stories music it's like a little rolls on the Stylistics. How do you avoid people who don't want to see you too what do you do to avoid them we've all been there when I don't want to see them talk to them what excuses what little tricks do you use. To text. Message with the cittie thanks to Phil a man setter he says an ex-girlfriend sister was a right back. She always was wanting to tag along with us and would have a tantrum if we said no she wasn't a kid either she was 19 I told my girlfriend that I was allergic to cats because her sister had a kitten it works and every time a sister came near me I'd walk off saying sorry. It's brilliant it really is so how do you avoid people that you don't want to see or talk to get involved right now you can email me B.B.C. Doco dot U.K. Phone to text me a 23 Start your message with G.T. I am the street police so then we've been waiting all weekend for this because it's night 10 night 10 Here's the voice Who is it I tell you I work hard. I wanted to go please I wanted to go before Easter so you need to work really hard this week please for me who is it I tell you I work hard if it's driving you mad yes it's driving me mad as well I tell you I work hard so somebody out there knows who it is if you want my silence Mr voices you need to fire me tonight please Who is it I tell you I work hard OK I tell you it's not the wrong guesses that have come in so far are Donald Trump Michael Flatley Michael boob Howard kill Richard Branson Bob Hope Gerald Butler Tom Cruise Red Adair George Hamilton Bryan Adams George Clooney Dermot Morgan Paul Simon Clint Eastwood Lynn Nielsen Harrison Ford Sid Killian Murphy Tom Hanks William Shatner Brendan O'Carroll Larry Hagman Jeff Goldblum addle handle and Tom Jones Robin Williams No Fitzpatrick Glen Campbell colonel all of the North Kirk Douglas Hugh Jackman Sangi. Kevin Kline Robert Houghton Patrick Bergen David Hasselhoff Robert Deniro Lance Armstrong Jake Canossa angle but Humperdinck Van Morrison Robert Wagner Clark Gable Bruce Campbell Dave Allen Burt Reynolds Burt Lancaster Kevin Spacey are all wrong so who do you think it is I tell you I work hard. Playing out of the newest 11 no prizes just for fun need to get your answer in by 11 which means you've got 28 minutes exactly now to get through the only way except an answer is on the phone do not text do not email but you can call when we only accept the 1st 10 callers through with a different name so tell me please who is this I tell you I work hard. And screen full screen. For the same leasing radios. Branch. Falling in love all the way very sane Whitney Houston some rocks at supply and some loo rolls as well so now officially to party so much time and it was kind of yesterday. Full. But today of course which is a normal working day. He get the real fairly that any light now till the start of Coronation Street is that good I think it's going anywhere and more to come of course and a short working week for many this week of course because we're heading for Good Friday and then the east bank holiday weekend so lots of people will only be working till Thursday then it's the Bank Holiday weekend but I know lots of people will also be working at the bank all the weekend. But lots of people will be taking some time off between now and the end of Easter so if that's you bring it on Yemen and don't forget course and Sunday not only is Easter Sunday it's also a powerful state as well so in order will you OK And tonight so how do you avoid people that you don't want to see or talk to other people that you work with maybe friends of friends or members of the extended family that you'd rather stay clear of but you can't how do you avoid them What excuses do you come up with to get out to speaking with them we've all done it be honest we've all done it but what are your little tricks so he's been on the phone like from an anonymous where an older couple Graham who lived in our house for 27 years when we acquired new neighbors who were much younger they were over friendly and patronize ing popping in for chats and being basically a real nuisance one day when they popped over unannounced I said that we were just on our way out allotment we didn't have an allotment but it was the 1st thing I thought of after they popped round for chats about non existant allotments and in the end I had to say that we giving up the allotments they moved 8 years later thank you. That's my beloved. School Graeme only 3453 double murder in the money stakes B.B.C. New radio stuff. How do you avoid people the dumb ones are told to get involved and I can email me G.T.A. B.B.C. Don't cut you if you want to text me H one trouble for a start your message to Cheech very low rolls. Lady love. Lady. Love is be like the green. My way. With love and that's it and baby. You give me all the things that I saw. You in my work with Them down that me. My. God my souls. Have a. Class . On. What to do. Stories musical I should say not talking tonight liberals. Surely people she died Will's mom gave. Got him in the Doris and in them she revealed what she'd got up to when will stand was away a war ship unused code words and wrote in such detail about day to day life that they are remarkable snapshot of time gone by what has now turned them into a book and he's my After living guest might do not miss that a little later on this evening I am the street police it's night 10 Who is it I tell you I work hard yes we're all struggling. But who is it I tell you I work hard when someone finally get sick you will know this person is OK you will know who they are but we're on tonight 10 let me just remind you at the beginning of this week that he needs to go before Easter and the. The record is 19 nights so we've got a way to go yet but I'm hoping somebody is going to get it tonight please Who is it I tell you I work hard to tell you it's not the wrong guesses that have come in so far Donald Trump Michael Flatley Michael bublé Howard K. Or Richard Branson Bob Hope Gerald Butler Tom Cruise Red Adair George Hamilton Bryan Adams George Clooney Dermot Morgan our poll Simon Clint Eastwood Liam Neeson Harrison Ford Killian Murphy Tom Hanks William Shatner Brendan Oh Carol Larry Hagman Jeff Goldblum Arthur I'll handle and Tom Jones Robin Williams know all Fitzpatrick Campbell colonel all of a North Kirk Douglas Hugh Jackman Sanjay Basque Kevin Kline Roberts Horton Patrick Bergen David Hasselhoff Robert De Niro Lance Armstrong Jack Engelberg competent Van Morrison Robert Wagner Clark Gable Bruce Campbell Dave Allen Burt Reynolds Burt Lancaster Kevin Spacey they're all wrong so who do you think it is I tell you I were card. Playing after the news that 11th no prizes just for fun need to get your answer in by 11 that means you go watch 60 Minutes and 60 minutes to get through we only accept the 1st 10 callers through with a different name so you need to be quick plays because a lot of people of color ready Who do you think it is I tell you I work hard the anyway except announcers on the phone do not text do you know that you can call me Who is it I tell you I work hard. And you screen for 3 double. Play say Lisa radios. I'm loving you're almost. A really amp How good are you avoiding people that you don't want to talk to what tricks you've got to be a slave to get out of seeing or talking to some on that you don't particular want to talk to we've all done it will be in there. ILISONI story now email me bbc talk how does she cave in to text 803 Start your message with G.T. Linda Northampton's been in touch Hello Linda she said my late mom bless East have a great way of avoiding having to speak to people who annoyed her she just used to say I don't want to talk to you because I don't like you. I used to get really embarrassed but then I realised that the people that she did talk to felt really good about themselves so it was a double edge sword. Just say that someone particular talks or I don't like you. But I tend to read something that works most times just having a quiet time says thank you very much they've shared all these tonight and said How do you get avoiding people at the end I want to say how do you get around it what are you. Going to take. Your message. This is rocks at. Us. Stories music it's like my brain turnings in Iraq sets me to being alone with the hissing coming up in a few moments time thank you for your honesty tonight how do you avoid people that you don't want to see or talk to get involved you can email me. A phone to text. Message with cheat. Text this coming this has never had the problem apart from saying good morning except for we live our own lives keep yourself to self but sometimes you see people colleges want to steam in there and push their way in how do you forward that kind of person somebody who's been on the phone like from an anonymous says I got a cousin I really can't stand she thinks she's above everybody else and she will keep button holding me at weddings and funerals so she can boast about this and that I got divorced and was with my new partners a family and this cousin came up and started boasting about her life and her husband and my new partner just said he could have to excuse me but I think I'm going to have to be sick. Well to trace because the cousin will tell. You it. Will. You. Let. Me. See you. Again. You. See. You. This. Alex. Was. A I was. A It was. Was going to. Be a. Was was. Was. It was was. Was. It was was. Me and. Adriana a. Me Up. Where do you stand on the how you would like road challenge and I'm smarter than I I really am smiling because just the so on a civil suit in which is just a good thing. How do you avoid people that you don't want to see or talk to let me get through the final ones of coming Johnny has been in touch he said I once pretended that I had lost my voice to avoid talking to my wife's brother at a One thing. I don't it's a bit extreme but he so annoying it's a the THAT'S or I'll be rude to him he's arrogant and big headed and I'm likely to tell him so as well luckily he lives in Spain so would seem that often. Somebody wants remain anonymous as a woman at work is always going on about her granddaughter I mean this skill can do no wrong this girl is the best at everything this girl is the cleverest I am sick of hearing about her I have to speak to this woman I just kind of order so I'm listening to your show for tips I'm sure you get loads of tips tonight and this one really made me chuckle from somebody like from an anonymous I have a friend who I really love but she can talk the hind legs of a donkey. I'm not really good sometimes if you coals whilst I'm watching one of my telly programmes I just white until she gets started then I put the receiver on the Titan before I go watch my program popping back in the ad break mumbling something to her. Getting off again she never has. Thank you very much a day for those of my response about how good my G.'s mother was his top.

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