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Bernie brothers let your love for. 6 minutes past 12 the b.b.c. In the south Monday it's time for the for liberty letter word game let's work through this together a little bit of fun in a moment I'll come up with the words I'm going to take the 1st and the last letters and throw the others away the ones in the middle are going in through slightly in Been they can be used another week so that will leave us with 2 letters I'm then going to flip them around to the 1st one becomes the last one the last one becomes the 1st one and all you have to do is come up with words by putting letters in between the 2 So let's go for them and I can tell you that the word we're going to begin with is onus in the onus is on you oh n u s so we get rid of the n. And the u. That leaves us with oh and s. Flip them around we've got s. And o. So we are looking for words that start with the letter s. For Sierra end with Oscar they've got to be real words I'm not asking you to make words up because that's easy to shove anything you like in there they've got to be real words we do want funny words clever words we also try and see what the longest word is that we can get we won't accept words that are hyphenated and I don't want words but a name of people or places right so when looking for names or anything like that they have got to be just words words now them any that we're not sure about will be checked with the online edition of The Oxford English Dictionary and if it isn't in there I'm afraid it doesn't count it's as simple as that so I want to know what you can come up with where you could do these make up words come up with words beginning with the letter s. For Sierra ending with for Oscar this. Is not an easy but as you know as the weeks go by they get more and more difficult but so far you've always come up with the goods How about tonight Cool Cool Man Oh wait oh wait 103800 b.b.c. Radio. There's another tune age going a mile Paul Miller Show a b.b.c. Doc what you can say text just start with a word Miller Center one triple 3 on Twitter Pullman or radio so words begin with s. And end with they may be unusual words we like unusual words but do your utmost if you're going to come up with a word and you don't know how it's actually pronounced or anything like that do your utmost to try and sort that out before you phone throw because nothing worse than people coming on and saying oh I've got a word I don't know how you pronounce it and I don't know what it means. Pretty pointless really. You know the way you can check using books and dictionaries and things of course you can just make them up out of thin air beginning with s. And ending with a little earlier on we were looking at this one I said to Mr Austin so that colleagues of said can't think of anything and then he gave me some ideas Well what about a.b.c. . News. There are some even though it may not look as though they're all there are . 300. Very well and you're sounding fine is always going yeah yeah not bad not bad busy day to day longer. Than Yes I'm going to get to tell you why tonight so that I can watch the film both on the fence and I was driving out of a school where I live. Here a cable snapped. Oh yeah marriage her family I fell off hours later I was still waiting. I still have searched for until a better word makes it drive the boat on the on the way back up Mark fails to pick up one of my spare vehicle sellers I've got it 1st thing in the morning. But you know after having a night off. You know and I find I'm still driving a living taxi and did you did you get you did you get your take. Oh yes yak that much or asking. About the. Whole the name of the company is reasonable Texas. It's just as well in a way. I always like to put you know the silver lining on these things and there's always a positive side to everything how do you know right if you hadn't gone out to get you take away that plastic cable could have gone tomorrow when you were on your way to a job where my 1st job in the morning is to take someone to very very hospital so I'd rather it went to night than yeah absolutely on a nuisance then I went to try. Show you really can't tell me about it till we had had it. So words to begin with s. Name without a not an easy one but if you go back well into something that you got probably years anymore. Shab How do you I have caution to wash the car with. Whatever the rugs. You know. Now I have some pills for that it's all dried up now. Yeah. You just got back on the course of a day 2 hours in that there are indeed yes can't go wrong can go wrong well hopefully your week will carry on getting better and better and you've got the rubbish out the way today are you able to continue to use that car for as long as you need to or someone else waiting to use it you know I show it's book 10 for tomorrow morning the guy told me it might make an example of me what it was and he said Barry just jump in tomorrow we're so get out. Of there I should get it back tomorrow night hopefully our story and then we can take it easy and you know I'm glad when I get it's who were probably my friends greatly too cheap as a thank you so much and you take care all right. Those bad blocks to come to sort of cow that are Dr Christine Hastings Hi Christine hi. I so shampoo out the way I was quite upset and offended. Yes motion Cowdin you oh and. I watch Janet Now go and. So what have you got for us My Love begins with s. Names without. Soprano supra who Soprano Yeah yes. Yes of prominent and of course thinking about my my musical a chair Christan shooting that yes West brought to mind you again you never know. I didn't think of anything out here only playing around with Ace but there are quite a few there I guess prize in there a 2nd affair not in that small want to spend money don't well. I think I want to let me have it because it's just Sacramento right supply Yeah it's a place not a word some. Legs for that one Ok Sopranos good loving Christine thank you I say Get my love oh yeah. How dare these people I used washin go I washed and it ways is gone. As in Buckland high and a girl you can call how are you tonight you're good thank you you can usually get Yeah very well into it yeah very well indeed huge. Beginning with s. And ending with us when I 1st saw this I mentioned Good grief but there are some on there who are always thinking of you when I went to poor Palombi this will be good this is a small world yeah yeah yeah go on let's have it. Work cool it's not that who were cool. How do you spell that. Can you Google who. Stuck what it may. Want to look around. And boom and. If you go too close one. You know Roman. Times you tend to see them on the. Story 2nd story high on when you have. To make it look as I was meant to start and he went. And that's stucco stucco you know one of one of them when. He gets impression from work if you make lines horizontal line one last. Gift and passion. Move on and out imagine from a distance it would be very difficult to tell it apart from the real thing absolutely I mean especially when I guess and it's sort of weather a little bit see at the low unlike yourself that I've no idea whether very well or talked with you. Just keep looking at their old photographs they don't age. Doco I love a fabulous word brilliant thank you very much and I have learned something that I sure use that in Scrabble one day and I have great pleasure in telling people what it means probably forgetting you see the worst and worst way and I think. Oh I don't know that one of them I had I don't know their sounds flashed on stock and Trask. Thank you Randi. Thanks for calling tonight close a campus none I'm not by now and in but rather a friend or an alkie town or say to him you don't Stucco is your sake you know and he says the lips are mine a. Very very well indeed I'm getting into me stucco Now this is my new words I be walking down the road or driving down the road and I'll be saying to people that doesn't have the appearance of stucco on the outside of that building to. No sound ever say flash that you know what you're on about and. You waited to get anywhere. You'll be looking over the buildings over the top not to get it all wrong . Looking at the wrong thing. Nothing unusual for me. Begins with x. And ends with getting some good words I'm learning things as well what if you go find my love. To. Stick again with my sort of you know with my musical ledge all these words I bound to come in when they really they were bound to construct Carter and need a great. Sounds good it sounds like what it is isn't it. Staccato I think a soprano Christine got that yeah absolutely go in there 1st unfortunately. For me. Yeah I'm just having a look it's an unusual it's asked c. C. C. His name it's. Just 123-4567 that's the longest 12345 you know that's 8 Well that's the longest one so far oh I don't think you know but you never know you never know the positive go on electronic dictionary in front of me. You know sometimes that doesn't help especially in pronouns than I got to hone. Oh well let's play I'm sorry. Staccato it is lovely Thank you Anita good to talk to you my love Thanks. Yeah speech you saying thank you very much Don Imus way left a moment. Thank you much appreciated none of us wait no I prefer not by nature that some little stick out oh by the way so do a spell you know so now it's a it's s u d Ok u 2 it doesn't end with a no if you people funny threepenny with Stu. You know it ends with a you know flip or 2 letter word game this week words that begin with an s. And end with begin with Sierra and and with ska Jennie's in Wimborne hygenic a. We hear tonight I'm fine how are you yeah I'm fine thank you and people being unkind about your hair and that they were your going to add something to I can tell I can feel it you know just which I can say from where I was just thinking he was saying about your road photos I mean you actually had to have an ending and yes. Who's asking. You know it's funny Have you been had I have I photographed with. I felt you have hoopla and I'm sure they were worth a fortune. Gold up at the edges. How to. Get out just with its own. Love. So what do you got to begin with an s an ending with. A star terrible pain oh well what. Is a volcano pill to votes and layers of law and Irish and how strong it is s.t.r. $80.00. Yeah as t r a t c bulk I know what it's all one was. That cell longest one side of. The 13 I think it is. I have never heard of this was before all I never knew you would know about such things away in a job quite intelligent you night yeah a volcano built a whole ton of layers of lava and ash. Yeah it is a new look yes. That's our longest one so far you just leave me. Know I always disbelief here. Well I thought you might been winding me up I know you're like. Making up words you got a couple of days you know who knows I don't know but they go on and people who are that's very true yes who are there for goodness. I think flight a lot. Fabulous good so what did you do did you just keep kicking him until he put the lights on oil. Straight is raw I venture to get so painful we have to do it and you know it. Well I'm glad you got your tree on just make sure that the weather doesn't get to them they don't Concow by this time next week to be very embarrassed. If I don't get the speech to 'd be so poor they have a lovely Christmas sunny. And to us Well that's very kind of us and you take it easy and good luck good luck with those lights. There's Jenny in Wimborne straught so volcano it is all one word 13 letters that's the longest one so far 22 minutes past 12 Sharon's in the hi Sharon I pulled my so if you got my love. Share. Music Amendment Yeah absolutely shit these are very stylish words we coming up with the saving are they not yet just going to show our intelligent how posh side coming out very stylish people we are all what we you and I'll shut up everybody else but you and I definitely definitely your shit so well that I think that 13 might be the longest one means somewhere and I'd be able to bring a tear Yes but some with letters like this that's no big surprise sure so Ok it's on my. I list I like it Sharon thank you very much not saying I can't buy love. She had who. Mark was imposed on a Michael. Very well indeed thank you I'm sure you all yeah yeah he had all these say dietitian colossi what's coming out tonight I know I know Starlin help me and what have you got to add to my stylish list well doing he wants to go on holiday so it's going to be. Some bread yes you know we'll we only have one of those. To keep the sun off yeah it's. Some brayer have you have all along no I have no oh you must of been. I mean it it just you know it is the ultimate thing to be wearing when you go on your holiday. You know everyone says you had a nice holiday did you say yeah come and see me and you know to some Brehon That's about 50 times the size of you lumping around the place. That good that's without remorse around the outside you know what you show up in there. Now you come in very handy some birthdays Well John thank Doreen for that and thank you for calling. To say get down on Michael goodnight nun I host some bread which me next door by going to some bread or no why would I have made will come around the cult you cannot pelican that think you can Ok fine rain is off with us now and rain I'm hiring I know told you yeah good if you ever want to some rare Oh. Don't do hat just I just wondered if you had a can see you now will can tell me how it's true you know you are just talking to us look backward to that bags I woulda had also could do with that girl like me wrinkle that not ring cause that just shadows that's all they all the shadows in the lie good idea shot. Those in the lat us know I say that Quiet Riot you know what I got for. You a few weeks back the style I have you know but not be able to get through say Tom I'm glad you have tonight is always nice to spread shy sweet honey not to get one of your bags but Mr Blake. Never my then might be more next year we don't know yet I have to wait and say I think I do honestly don't know yet but think just cos was . Right the the well he's so broke oh yes oh I love that one yeah a rock house Caracal as it looks yes a rock out he's good. It's a car I think reason there and I can relate to that yeah and have Volkswagen struck out I remember when I was a kid I always used to think it sounded so flashing blue sports cars and always when. I end up knowing or on stage they would have us are Ok as they say you gotta say we those are the ones you know already gone to the disciples. The driver are just driving round the bend Sometimes knowing what you are on and you're keeping everything under control room that is your position as your colleagues k.p. So an IP address is the part as well does say no to the house you can always. Write you're going to get that so much that you could tell your status since we've done a lot of all it's not just standards must be maintained to watch all the other stuff they took my name and not. Love it strawberries thank you very nice to you again my love have you here from Canton can't be like. No I don't think I have no never heard anything last time I spoke to she was busy busy busy but she shows she not just want cyano to a pool right then consider a problem thank you must wait until you buy and she look after yourself when you take a nap about the Christmas yes of course and you thank you happy. Well soft. Not nice. Thank you for getting that. In the Serai it's a great Were you a sounds fancy Oh do come and have a look at my store aka the little sports cars out. There amongst other things a coast at 27 minutes past 12 ga half way up the George Lopez holding. Company. I mean after all the stylish words what do you do you know somebody has to do it come on them oh no so yes so are you asking me to do it is that what you know little or no no no no no no no no no then you'd have to be so you know. Fucked. Up for. Some solo is a great word because it can mean different things coming different context you can have a solo record you can have something working in so many it's working by itself and so there's great. Great Would I like it only for not that makes any difference I don't think we're going to be saying to you George and I can I can just imagine you know some broke now you can can you can put it to me today you could have from the sound you could have a vivid imagination. Couldn't play along. Or neither could neither could I neither could I when Ari. You could share it George you could post underneath that together by the candidate together. Thanks miracle my love nice to speak tonight I say bye bye there's George in halfway and I don't see what's funny about me in a summer trying to get the raise off my head it's you know do these things take a few more flips the letter word game words beginning with s. And ending with a difficult combination while you're coming out with some brilliant ones at Rose joins us in Dorchester Hi Rose hope or Ha I sort of you got my start from well so unlike one night you didn't know I was a case make quick. Different some rare I mean it would get through the door all seem much less use that strange woman over there with things. From that I have a bit of fun with it why not live closer to was the capo an e.m.p. To it cold Full Tilt still oh. Lost of things. Ever invented Nay it's a good talking to if you ask me great things to. Know what I think and alas I you. Know I could not going to pilot you so I would wear the platform seen a 6 inch platform bullet in things they were seventies but I was told Rose that you had been seen the other day in the post office in your 7 inch to that house but so you know not you. Must of got the wrong some fair enough mistakes of my thanks you call my love but not now that is Rose in Dorchester with still less I just want to know where the other one is you lost it Jerry's in blueberry Hi Jerry simple if you just let I was all ready for Christmas look in the pot Oh why. Catch . My money so times a one way then why is that I have to. Buy it they just have tested. Oh right in which case then the stretch I was not a good idea you know right nuff said understood what the were going to be my love. The song go low don't know what the song go no no how do you spell that so and she yeah. Yeah. What is it that's a 2nd letter paid good 8 good coon Rafe . You don't come across those very often do you. Know you don't want to say either song Low low low. Song alone know why that is the word of the night so far it's not the longest but that doesn't matter that is the word of the night it's a song. Now but it happened to say one of the plans by the interview stuck in your mind for these reasons. You thought that will come in handy one day that word us remember that 125 years later and it delete. It. Right some are lower days Gerri thank you very much. Very much. For those who want thank you very much you take a cat 5999 Jerry and blueberry song. Sylvia's in Croydon Hi Sylvia. How do you have a come across a summer low Oh I wish I had. That much to let her. Know you don't go there everyone's got a leg just thinking about those the way you do you still wear them now. If you want to get them out Christmas I. Ran a supermarket there to hide now I only had about 2 in the hall. And there now a big a star had was a 3 inch and that was only when I went copied. Twice that height 7 inches Now this was a useless they also. Have that idea with flats now flats and copy slippers as a way out of it definitely So what you were going to be must we are the locust you've ever ride go all me some searching go on. Some. And that's as good as. Good As It Gets by the press when your level arrives it's the shortest want to know that you are I don't know. Doesn't matter doesn't matter long ones and short ones are welcome if any of a bit of fun is trying at the longest so. Thank you Sylvia. Sylvia's in Croydon Judith's with us from this. We've got a little song with the some. We'll do that after a few drinks I'm sure. You have not lost on what a week today's Christmas Eve I think is next not long. Yeah I think so yes 17th. So I should be so you just make sure you check those sprouts make sure they're boarding nicely when you get in please. So what's this we're going to be my love baby oh sorry go. As in the pudding. Spiny is that one of those things you the level Hey I've got I quite like it I have met a few years my gran used to cook it I quite liked it my father used to loathe it said it was dreadful stuff and yet I didn't think much flavor to it really but. He needs something to give it a bit of bit of a Doesn't it spiced up it will bit but no Sega's good Sago is good here on with that for. 4 letters. Sorry love they prob am. Saying what you need to do is get your stilettos. On and dance around the front room I will. Get him out Jude if you look in the pot. To go. And that's to face still crippling you not. To play you know pose and it got very pointed Michael did you walk with great difficulty probably Judith but you moaned about more night moon orbiting was sunk below 0 in which they were all right then then there you are you might be in for a surprise get on you might be surprised might be quite comfortable. I can see you in the post office kicking off stamps wearing the. Lovely just because he must wait. And no doubt. I look forward to it none of us wait on none that is your thin red tail. Woodrow and so you can find in there to where it is no to show Hyatt a you can dance around the room with all you would all go on what's going to be it's an Italian. Soul to relish. The double. Salto Rella is an Italian down just a little slow on ladies. 3 Yeah get here yes that's Arizona way we go we're going to the soldier l o. Y r l. Oh you got a very old docs a dictionary and I opened it for you words on the same page and you know that's a bit like it was meant to be was it an office they stole to read low sounds like. So I said like a chocolate bar doesn't a soul to rela they get in my mind works when i scream possibly like a truck I stop using a soldier and there is a very I mean it's Italian wrong it so they go for them big time. So maybe the high that they stilettos are not such a good idea. For everyone's sake. Quite Ok still to show you how we came by 62 coals to get to you tonight. It is so so busy I'm very grateful for people impatience I thank you very much for a kind of being very sure. Is in Dayton very much appreciated he said thank you so much thank you take care not speech or later but by now Bob I see it does get put in finger and he does get very very busy and you had a say in ways appreciate your patience I thank you Mary into this now from Oxford out of Marion High. Which would for me in a lot of plays. I go to. See just such low you never know dear that's a thing he's going on you don't speak to since the. Real knowledge non-conference to that I wouldn't mind well I could have this. All right fair enough enough say. What's the one. Thing. Oh I had to as for you but I decided on so though Salvo who salver Yeah yes. I salvos not just what I sound very posh doesn't. Believe that you know coming from Oxford what you spend my ain t. Which I. I expect the salvo to be out with the with the stiletto it's doing the soul to rely on a Saturday night. It is sung lolo the miller pay Yeah yeah we learn something around here that way we do . I've got yours down salvo it is Marian thank you very much for taking part you know about thank you and I love there's Marian from Oxford Marian Let's go to Terry in telling tonight Terry Moore is a very well indeed talking of starvation colossi Yeah there you are in sunny Teddington. Sunny tames I mean check it down rain probably you are being turned down since the last 2 for advice on how me about it tell me about. Gin that you put aside they are the kind of guy to wear some broccoli imagine you to have one for a laugh or Kong. Why not let me just pick out a sort of joking really but I want to say. That back to the picture even better we're going to look at mushroom. A little. Unsteadily. If ever I see you're a walking mushroom intending to now know if you want to hear Mr Miller friends might. Say Look I'm not sure yet but I'm going to meet remember what people say you are a fun guy oh never good. A lot I want to get it really does oh I heard case number now are less I can get I must use a program like this some We've got some great words here such a difficult combination such a difficult combination looks like also taking Scotty along guess what you got Terry look for me I'll be earlier about going to what I. Say sex tend to carry my. Sex to became I just barely and c.-x. Yeah. Yeah he yeah see how I am. 6 to decimate What does it mean it's appropriate for the release of the book your joke you walk out they just call it a page and be done with their pillow source and he thinks he's going to please ask him people to tell your friends or how ridiculous excuse me or do good or bad words sex to disappear I was that your kid I'm just so sure you will 12345678 nice 11 less is. What oh we're. Going to write you 6 so we know that he's the kind of word that would come up on to member that program the t.v. Is God who called my bluff yes yes yes and there would be people on there with there'd be a word and they would describe it and then the the other team would then have to decide whether the explanation all of the revert was of course true or not and a lot of them were very very old words so they go 6 a decimal. Point to my lips Sarah Walter. Lawyers are brilliant excellent Terry thanks very much indeed for your sentiment of now look I mustn't come here and get some symbol to help you to grow up there ought . To be just take it easy. Sorry but by now that the hurt forward by about this Terry intending Senates at the time is going to cost to one we close the phone lines now some more that have come through that have been checked that we didn't get on the phone Chris from Maidstone Tex with aced studio why did we not think of that talk about prize pillocks the word studios written everywhere around here for obvious reasons Well done Chris what about some sagacity which you see week from David s. A.R.G.s s o Sargasso a claim Ringwald says. Scores on the ends with an ad that doesn't. Klemesrud yours begin end with an a not that one doesn't work and you Buckland says speke s p I double c 800 for violinists hits when the boat bounces or ricochets over the strings Oh I had that the other night in the bad weather. A silo from k. Thing Graf I'm sure you as in push elf sh double ost Sandy and Tom Ridge Well thank you Sandy saddo essay Didio from nor in Britain park sumo from the Japanese wrestling from Brian in Tunbridge Wells and superhero from freights in Chandler's for thank you very much indeed for that Fred and a lovely one in the email supreme supremos from Diana in toll paddle every week I say this every week I mean it we come up with some really good combinations with these now and you always come up with a gems thanks to Libya on Twitter who had some bread which was one of the most popular ones and some others here as well which we've already covered because other people mentioned them super brilliant and somebody just sent me a picture here a link of some way you can buy them I'm going to buy and some Barrows thank you very much looking up as a pyrrhic as it is that well one of those things walking down the street longest word of the night is Strasser volcano thanks to. Thank strata of Ok. Thanks to Jenny I'm Wimborne strata of Ok you know 13 Lexus. These were. Sold. Sham. Sex to Decimo salvos So you go Still let's get arrested for officers things I'm showing and. We will have another one next wait. Even more difficult. It will but Justice thanks to. Court of the spade a song that I'm alone as well as a caterpillar I think is near the Millipede a caterpillar when you when you when you if you see if he's disturbed it turns into a sort of Us circular shape or does it go for a bit on the bend of branches and discover the other week when many in so many were yes some Barrow ever want to go. Yeah I think so yeah I think so yeah I mean you know in I mean you were on holiday at the time eat and you know you know I think he was a posse almost high strange and yeah the other thing I ever want to sombrero in Spain you know and I've not been to Mexico. Have any agreements on the huge on oh yeah some of. Which is pretty good still to read though I love it does sound like a joke I say he does very much so. The stretch of k. You know 30 never heard of that staccato of course being at the music I'll be familiar with this was being a performer Absolutely yes assigned Soprano would understand shampoo I should just gloss over right and sit down have some say got to like say go. But I know to be honest with you I don't know that I've tasted Ok putting in the now and now and not just those 2 words milky putting not you know putting Satan likes of semolina macaroni right like putting really does. Steak and then. You know like steak I say goes off the it's awful a little I don't know we would rather chew on a song alone with your yeah. Milky putting it. I think it was about all we had some other mention some parents say I missed out sex sex to do summer where. We have sex but that was the book the leaf in a book here it's to do with pages that fold in $16.00 to $16.00 pages and they fold into themselves interesting and then one that we missed or could we missed you about certain everywhere I know all of the signs studio everywhere if you will to confirmation there were a couple of thickos use that wasn't Have we not all in studio and it's really everywhere around the place. Everywhere. It's kind of that didn't we didn't do you know how to solve our love sounds so lovely. And the water so low is what I demand yes yes. Which can be a solo singer of course doing something by itself you put something into solo something works solo is a good man solo and Han Solo in. Electric machine personally but they get. Any that we didn't get a chance that you thought of by the I don't think so have a quick thought so we had quite a good list on the Texan of words had uncovered this one apparently called San Benito from Valley in Chichester which is a kind of sacking made of San Benito has been checked Well we haven't checked only you know he's going to stand there just isn't it isn't that came through here so many come through and someone who sent lots through the will begin with an a excellent people paying attention that's really useful. In doing finishing with over the last few minutes. Just makes things up. So I mentioned just now to write a Mandaean Buckland violinists when your little boat bounces. That settles spoke out. Good women for the weekend yes violinists you know you're either a good violinist or you make a racket you know that you know you made your way some people can pick up a violin and they can make lovely music and any person who even has you know their child has gone on to be a great grand for form some of the greatest venue's in the world every parent has to go through the stage of you. Read for Amber and they were learning to read them in music lessons I think was a Monday was there was different lessons on different days of the week in the music room and I think it was Monday was was violin and in the afternoon we used to have technical drawing and it was the room next door and say would be there and it was sometimes quite good fun because you could hear music playing or you know it was a racket some what have you in the secondary school but then on a Monday will be. For hours on end oh oh you are going to go in there armed with a t. Square and you know you know going to get a compass but I mean the thing is the weeks went by I never got a better if anything it went backward you know at least by the Easter holidays you had a church. I'm not criticizing anybody who can't play music but tries because I can play not only tried briefly but it is a terrible instrument when you're learning as the noise that it makes you know you just it's a it's just you know squeak is another one another one when you're learning it goes through you the record Old Yes and there with the counter code a very very highly. Junior primary school there were also the girls who got to use bigger recordings improved enough still sounded like something was being tortured still sound ascends directly heard it chewed the madness of having like a dozen recorders to play together the school concert I mean a different show you exactly where I thought all those. Even if they could all play it trying to achieve in sync was non impossible I've never been to a school concert where there's been record his Oh yes isn't this oh the medically lazy Yes of the Christmas carol concert which we used to have a few days before we broke up you know it was Christmas you can say once a year or so you. Know few days we broke out and and we have to sing carols and so on as you do and then it would always be the record as a primary school remember a note and then be about 6 hours and this Iraq we're not going to want to morrow David said say and get the girls and they would start playing this charity thing on Reagan I said. That he's like a signal is supposed to sing along so that you think that you know we know you're using the. City but somehow it sounds like 3 of the people playing the recorder doing Agadoo they were. The ones having to go to some kind of the way to exactly just lots of different songs all the while it's supposed to do this and you so rarely see recorders played by adults. I'm not saying it doesn't have lunch not fatal We got messages but by comparison you know you don't get many Yeah I mean I'm not I'm not the biggest follower of fashion and pop music as you know Paul but I remember seeing on that so far also saying last weekend yeah I don't remember seeing a sort of set a record as on top of them yeah you know Kanye West new album doesn't feature as far as I know he's made not run it with all the. Players. Is one thing getting to school or school quad to do. This so mom just. Another thing. And then eventually it would be off way through $10.00 David City Hall could have co-op with us now then they would go off on a harmony or something. And so they where you would just wish they'd go for you want to just go yeah I just got out of many ways and you know if I saw him. Talking in many ways they be like the anti Pod. People away. There is. Red Bull and there are only about 3 people who played the Vikings they did violin lessons in my primary school as well then about 3 people who did it and then there was one girl called Dinny class and she was a miserable what's that even then I would love to me and now that I know what she's like she wouldn't be happy about it by the odd condiment or she was someone so yeah I know when she was young and take it so seriously and of course she could play it but every now and again you would get a little like a little you know as you do and then she would pull this funny faces my dear I appear to have gone wrong we laugh at. What Please quote that Denise finish up performance was I wish you would. Pop on this pedestal right days would you please join me on the stage not she would come with flapping around in the wind you know under a. Cloud. They say this was . Your scope's I think she's there something wrong you know. She's. Just playing a violin bass guitar. Working from back to front. Is going to help it should be good enough and vice versa. But I mean musicians who can play these instruments fabulous obviously beautiful strings but when you're learning to play 9 and it takes dedication pool it's just occasionally more in your ears Yeah isolation patient parents very much so so you don't choose day it's a Huling poem was that your name we can't really hear what I hear you are yeah just keep me awake. I think so I should. Tell you wanted your Christmas shopping I know when you've still said yeah. No a made my 1st started. I was rushing carts of what some in the car to put in a post box on the lever on it so you know you get in there then. Yeah it's efficient this isn't it yeah it's not you know last week I lection. No no no the trying to get stuff ready and be ready and all the rest which is kind of cooked up the week of it. Yes Christmas stuff really we yeah yeah Ok fair enough I'm not under any I'm just I did not decide and decided yet. I really should sit down with a pen and paper work out why I'm doing this week because you know there's only so many days and if this is very true and Christmas is a week away yeah it's Christmas Eve and you know I mean yeah absolutely so just case of organized. Thanks very much. And. Practice your. Ourselves a good day whatever you do on the show. And we are back tonight just after 10 For now though for Mr Russell and the dreadful squeaking violin from the cold that is buys you but. I'll leave you that colleagues of p.b.c. Radio 5 Live that keep you up all night take. This. Radio. This is. The pm wants to legally block any more breaks and delays and spills and it's in a set to intensify their attempts to get 1st choice manage a condo and. Download. Music. And. The program so you don't miss the next episode. This is b.b.c. 5 Live. Coverage of morning. Trying to block any more bricks it delays by legally stopping M.P.'s for extending the transition period beyond the end of next year the Prime Minister wants to make a change to his with drooled deal which would mean the deadline can't be moved even if the u.k. Hasn't agreed to deal by them with Brussels the Commons is expenses a vote on the bill on Friday political correspondents Jessica Parker what Downing Street and what Boris Johnson are trying to do is get a bit of momentum going to show that they are getting on with the business of getting on with Breck's it as they would put session of course they've got lots all the new Conservative M.P.'s are also keen to get on board with that program as well and there is M.P.'s will still want to be sworn in later today Boeing says it will pause production of its 737 Max airliner for next month the company's continued to make the planes despondent being grounded since March following crashes in Indonesia and Ethiopia that killed more than 300 people pilots had reported problems with a new feature or business correspondent Samir has seen and has been costing the company a lot to continue to make these planes at the rate it was considering that they can't deliver them and the planes are not suitable for air this is one of the biggest industrial companies in America and to see that it is now whole thing supply on its biggest most profitable plane is massive. A major review into the decline in the number of write prosecutions in convictions across England and Wales has found no fault with the way lawyers are taking cases to court but the report from the Crown Prosecution Service inspectorate says the criminal justice system is close to breaking point 5 or it is in County Durham have rescued a 13 year old boy fell 30 feet from a shopping center Ruth before getting trapped in a small cavity between 2 buildings it was read around half 7 last nights when rescuers smashed through the wall of a shop in Nice in $1000.00 they say is unbelievably lucky to be alive the European Space Agency will launch a telescope later this morning to study distant worlds it's called Key ops and instead of looking for new planets it will measure ones we already know exist to learn more about them and to look for evidence of life Kate only has access scientists is working on the project there is this class of planets so-called sleeper earth side.

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