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Day with sunny spells from my stereo is just a few shows there in the north an East 1st time with highs of 9 degrees mills and Crystal. We have an interview. Questions. The most is. Still Be careful I'm not going to say I'm going to. The piano it's. Going to be a slice of. Males and Chris stock Saturday morning he sees raising. The bar and coming up in this hour of the program but the moment a volcano erupts in New Zealand off the coast of the mainland the prime minister of the country says the situation is significant and evolving the latest. On the white and it's been 6 months has the pro-democracy protests toss it in Hong Kong will find that any version he was wrong in the province place in India of arrested the owner of a factory where more than 40 people died in a fire will find out just what happened and to celebrate 25 years since we 1st got to know the friends the t.v. Series the sit com is being shown in the cinema and. Fan of friends and a city just before 4 o'clock from full 30 feet ahead my interview with one of the 4 men whose conviction was quashed last week 47 years after they were convicted was at the Royal Courts of Justice but 1st we'll let's find out what's happening in New Zealand where a number of people unaccounted for after a volcanic eruption the country's prime minister just said. Then said about $100.00 people are believed to have been on watch island off the country's north island at the time of the roach including pick up from Radio New Zealand as the latest on this would we know so far about what happened. Arlen Conan Well don't know it was about just under 3 hours ago that the 1st reports arrived with the New Zealand police of an explosion there were some people on boats some 30 to 40 kilometers away who witnessed it who had rumblings and then satellite images very quickly picked up a great huge cloud a mushroom cloud of white and gray smoke billowing up into the air and they very quickly became visible from the coastline about 50 kilometers away because White Island situated up to sea in the Bay of Plenty on the eastern side of New Zealand's North Island so as the prime minister said within the last hour as you mentioned there about 19 or 20 people are believed to have been injured and there are a number of people as yet unaccounted for we don't know how many and a spokesperson from the port of Toto on that that's the main port in the Bay of Plenty where cruise ships often dock and visit and people but surely take voyages tourist voyages to the island to see the volcano a port of totaling a spokesperson has confirmed that some of the people on the island were from the cruise ship ovation of the seas so that means it's likely to be a kind of international crowd that was there and we became pictures in fact from the island did show people on the shore of the island walking about just before the eruption happened that $211.00 local time so. Also within the last hour a chart about operator has reported seeing in Jeddah arriving ashore after the 1st time an ambulance was there to meet them but it's still not known how many people actually and accounted for but we have heard a figure of between 1020 people who have injuries did the volcano erupt without warning. Well entirely It has been a low there's a volcanic alert system which was raised I think to the level to just a month ago about the 18th of November and sporadically the seismic sensors on the island do pick up increased activity but it hasn't erupt for if you're fully for many years so that the volcanic level 3 it now is listed as $4.00 and $5.00 as the top level so that's certainly a serious eruption but the seismologists right now analyzing the data to see whether they believe this is a situation that's the stabilizer where the eruption might go on for some time and in I think 26 Danes about 3 to 3 and a half years ago the number of people visiting the island had been increasing partly because of this visiting cruise ship activity and a shelter was installed on the island which is normally inhabited by anybody and to just in case this happens so it's yet to be known whether that shelter was in fact occupied by by people who were able to flee all those details yet to come out but in fact although it's some 48 to 50 kilometers from the nearest point on shore the civil defense service here is warning people who live near that closer coastline area to close all the doors and windows to be wary of ash fall and even not to wear contact lenses in the area because ash and grit that flies up into the air from one of can get in and underneath them. The prime minister's statement seemed urgent saying that the situation was significant and evolving to know what the authorities are doing as we speak yes and they this is the St John Ambulance services dispatch number of ambulances right to the boat ramps at the nearest point 5 Coast Guard helicopters have already been out and collecting people and fearing we believe people to and from the island encircling it to make sure they know where everybody is and to see if anybody needs help they're there too I think Chad operators who've been seeing the. Out buds and indeed one helicopter company called volcanic air has confirmed that it had a helicopter on the island at the time that it erupted they say 5 people were flown back and they were all accounted for and they've arrived back and they've been acted the emergency response plans are all the companies that operated in the area did have a response plan where all the normal operations are suspended and they go into it Nugent see mode so that we hope it is effective and that we'll have got people out of the danger area so the worrying thing now is just what condition the people in who have already been recovered and ever Roy is back in the nearby seem to have a fuck a tiny way with the result hospital and just how many people remain unaccounted for at the moment. Conan thank you Conan Pekoe there from really do need Zealand Let's catch up with what's happening what's been happening in Hong Kong because it's exactly 6 months since the pro-democracy protests started hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets over the weekend in a peaceful March demanding greater political rights the protest tosses you might remember in June over a controversial extradition bill and if no evolved into broader anti-government demonstrations the B.B.C.'s Laura Bacon was covering the protest over the weekend just remind us about this extradition bill the initial reason for these protests started way back in June or well back in June the 9th about a 1000000 people showed up on the streets of Hong Kong to the month the Mistral of this proposed legislation that would have allowed expeditions to mainland China the chief executive of Hong Kong finally withdrew the bill in September but by they can anger at her and at the government here in Hong Kong had spiraled Since then there were months of protests hundreds of Ses The people took to the streets weekend after weekend often in the errors of the morning these protests could turn into clashes with right place and I can tell you that on the streets of Hong Kong a lot of the younger that you're hearing is directed at a police force and now in fact one of the demands that these protesters have is an independent inquiry in key conduct of the police force over the last few months they believe that a place had been far too brutal here we are next 6 months later and last night watch this hundreds of thousands once again shuffled at times because it was so many people densely packed underneath this skyscrapers walking the same route that they did 6 months ago and many were dressed in black but I'm told 6 months ago when these protests started it was in the heat of summer in t. Shirts last by everyone was bombed. Up a it's quite cold here in Hong Kong considering. The weather though compared to the u.k. It's nothing but here a here everybody's kind of wraps talk as they made their way through the the streets and at one point I'm just as we were top of the prey it's just as darkness fell all protests raise their 4 winds switched on their camera lights and it looked like a sea of of candles as they slowly shuffled along but yes the protests have remained the dominant peaceful but that's not been the case over the last 6 months indeed over the last 6 months we've predicted so many times over the demise of the protests just out of protests fatigue all the demise of Kerry lamb the chief executive every prediction we've made about this as proved to be not the case I wonder whether we're talking about one protest or a series of other things or almost an existential situation that the province finds itself in that he caught wriggle out of after 6 months. But I think there are 2 tier issues here one How long will these protests go on and I think everyone was looking kid at the streets yesterday wondering how many people would turn up because they had their chance at the ballot box 2 weeks ago during the local district elections and at that time they crowed democracy at Camp candidates swept away Beijing's establishment candidates and now the room Lee a 60 prove Beijing local council areas within the within the lookahead so so that means that the democracy candidates control 17 over the 18 local districts now these are local district councils but next year there are much larger elections in a soul a number of people being signed up to vote in those elections they were. There were campaigners going through the crowd saying Are you registered to vote sign up here so it does seem to be that protest is agreeing to take their campaign to the ballot box again next year it does seem to be continuing the protest but there was coal for a while a blight city might strike this morning and to stop traffic and the transport routes it had very little effect 50 fewer people turned I and I think a lot of people are wondering why is it then have the steam as the steam get out of the process that's not what I so yes they have the Straits what I saw was a very determined population but there is it's terminations also to kind of wonder and look at one another and go Ok what do we do next on the other hand you have a chief executive Kerry Lam her government said. Saturday that they would humbly listen. To the population but when it comes to Beijing they seem to be standing firm and saying and describing these protests as violent activists and they also say that it's due to u.s. And u.k. Interference so both sides are not budging and you're right it's hard to predict read it was from here it might well be that these kind of peaceful longer marches are less frequent and we've seen over the last 6 months it might well be that in the run up to the elections it starts to pick up again but right now they're still determination but whether or not that's going to spell I point to something ousts that we've seen over the last 6 months the kind of review and hardcore protesters who talks about burning a burning Hong Kong with China perhaps that the steam is going to have that after all 6000 people have been arrested and could face time and present and I think this may be a kind of collective thoughts going on within all of the V.D.'s plan democracy movements as to where they go next they did. Say yesterday during the March that this was one of the government this with governments last chance before they would step up the protests and it would be interesting to see how they step it up and if they stick it up Laura thank you very much and Rebecca there in Hong Kong Meanwhile police in India have arrested the owner of a factory where more than 40 people died in a fire is spread through the bag factory in the capital Delhi killing 43 workers in the early hours of Sunday morning Prime Minister Nuri 100 Mody called the hare ific and sent his condolences opponents Murty Christian can tell us more about that do we know much about the victims of the murder Well what we know is most of them were would daily wage laborers from the impoverished eastern states of Bihar and Jharkhand and they earn as much as little as $2.00 a day and sleeping in the factory between Lenzie shapes and this is a tragedy which was waiting to be sort of unfortunately you know happened because. It's this thing was cause apparently by a shot circuit it turned this entire 5 story building. Almost $1150.00 workers were sleeping it turned into a lethal gas chamber and most of them died choking was choking was that they died of asphyxiation which will we see in such horrible infernos and it had about a dozen illegal this building it housed illegal manufacturing units and warehouses were being run from this ill ventilated groups with no with combustible materials and unfortunately there was just one narrow entrance to the building spread across almost about maybe about $500.00 square yards when which Ok. Ensured that the fire trucks and officials didn't have proper access to the site you know at the most of us 30 fire Kandice which rushed to the site but only one could enter the natural 8 which clearly shows that you know there's absolute disregard in terms of fire safety regulations and unfortunately every time such an incident like this happens in and in India this to stand in a capital that was open is always Monday tree you know checks they do of illegal buildings but then finally a nudge nudge and a wink wink and it's business as usual again so this kind of an incident is not unusual design unusual it's happened it's happened several times but haps the scale and it's not so much here 43 people lost their lives but we've seen such incidents happen with such sickening and tiring regularity across the country where illegal buildings do not have the fire safety norms I mean where there are acts of omission by and commissioned by authorities to allow these things to happen because they because then they also get Regulus out of a payout into to allow these factories to happen and this time unfortunately you know if it if they were probably a skate route perhaps the toll would have been so much higher what we see right now stacks of paper a cardboard plus take other items lying around and the units doubled up as a residence for laborous that night and I think this would be a serious wake up call considering the fact that this is the 2nd most horrible incident in the capital a fire incident in 1970 clearly remember a similar fire broke out Misener that killed 50 night stands $43.00 and there's a likelihood that the toll could go up when another couple of hours because many of them are still quite serious and battling for lives in hospitals People's to horrified by incidents like this and. Boy it is it's been People are clearly horrified but like I said this kind of warning the sorrow lasts for a few days unless you really come down hard on these illegal owners as well as illegal buildings which stack up people who like in or sa deeds and allow them to operate I mean just about just about to one day before this fire itself. They had received a call on Sat on Saturday saying us as mine a fire had broken out obviously that was immediately doused out because it was it in spread but this one was a tragedy waiting to happen really thank you very much Mary Christian there. One of Britain's most decorated Paralympians the will chair race Baroness Tanni great chums and as shared some frankly shocking details of her experience during her pregnancy with the now 17 year old daughter during a 1st read scene scan the 11 time Paralympic champion was asked whether she would like to abort the pregnancy as she was deemed not physically fit to have children she was speaking to the b.b.c. Broadcast stumps Wales and Wobblies lead a discussion about was I trying for a baby and like I was that close it was and it was just the individual had some quite complicated views on disability and it was you know we might spray tend to not and I have to answer questions about what we just it's just labelled it's like well I'm actually have a really cool chat Darbyshire I guess. But choosing to ignore the advice to any great Thompson continued with the pregnancy but says she lost count of the number of times people lost her as she got pregnant and was even told that it was disgusting that she managed to do so she is now of course a member of the House of Lords and says she hopes to help change attitudes towards people with disabilities and you can hear the full interview on b.b.c. Sounds. Like. Many of you will know what this is a thing and to celebrate 25 years says we 1st got to know them friends the sig is being shown in the cinema for episodes of the us it called were screened earlier all for one season from season one indeed the 2nd and 3rd screenings on Wednesday and Sunday will feature episodes from Seasons 23 to 6 and Shia is from there and she's a massive fan I was at a screening earlier she told me what the. Oh it is the rhythm even in this thing. Every when even the teams always claim. The 400 cars every class you know Will. Find of all ages there so it is everything to enjoy the experience with the different. Fans would have seen all these episodes zillion times on the. Differences seeing for the big screen. That was it was just seen on the big screen it was every kind of to be all and we had been a fan for course 20 maybe 21 years so I never saw all those years ago that I've been watching the show at the cinema in the future and what do they propose to show it's paid off they pursued it everything so preemies insisted on the screen for did you have to travel. Oh no for soul music played in my local cinema and so I didn't know how to juggle for told so there are many friends fans in your local neighborhood Oh yes yes I mean it was you know like it was a sort of a screener in the world way came a lot of people there and yeah those a lot. Did she do you still not do the fact I was in the cinemas too long for Jensen 100000 tons didn't make any difference in that respect being a big screen I'm a cinema Yeah I have another son feel to walk along Wes even though you've seen the 2 those are the things before you're still laughing because you understand the last thing you're doing them is Am So that means feel safe you know we have this result so it's about the Camino experience rather than the cinematic experience and not the series. I mean I guess I could have sat in the cinema by myself and watched on the big screen. On that one so and so I see. Myself I wish I'd chosen the other film to go and see instead. You know multi-screen But it begs the question. Why isn't friends a movie you know rather than the t.v. Show if there is this love or if there is a market for it did you ever wonder that itself on why they never made friends a movie. Cain dove like you know with all the television shows before but I don't know Frank is the Canuck shrieked of the not well I think you know it being a television show with a poor bastard able to that's when you're going to get off all of the characters and stuff. A lot really should have a movie type saying so I think that maybe that's why I made a special scene in the spin mode because no end in your scene and the cinema so it's like whoa this is not we're friends is meant to be so maybe that's what I mean it's a special you know fridge is Downton Abbey No no definitely not going to not. Yet is a sentimental journey because of course it ended years ago and we haven't had any new episodes than this nearly. Definitely like to see I think it was maybe 12 or 13 when I started watching it so November there is dame fortune. At the cinema as it was a big thing you know one of a very special to me still because I have been a fan for so long so yes I get it was very surreal but I am quite symbolic. How do the who could so. Under your skin. Turn to you know something like that and of course you're only 21 don't get me wrong but I. Think the appeal is more than the appeal is. The Magic. Yes definitely I think. I was a teenager when I started watching it so making a hit to me when I was very young been a part of my life. For so long it's been a style that is they all going back and watching all the episodes am and still finding the jokes funny. Been able to do it to the characters and when I read through my twenty's been able to relate to the characters as well without pointing to you know a star which is a teenager being come into your twenty's and you're like oh wow I'm having the some of the same experiences the characters were having on the show so it's very nostalgic. Well share there is safe to say a friend found in and went to the movies to see episodes of Friends I personally don't get I don't get why you know people love friend so much there. Was one of those sitcoms I really really couldn't get my mind there right but whine about these things as governor late his father had lived his and Hodges home digital b.b.c. Sound small space various cities b.b.c. Radio 5 Live. Promising a budget to end all star a c in its face $100.00 days in government if it wins this week's election Boris Johnson sets a visit for Labor held seats which voted for Bragg sits in the north east of England the prime minister is expected to tell voters in Sunderland that life has let them down a volcano has erupted on an island just off the coast of New Zealand around 100 people were in the area when it happened and some are unaccounted for Bill Clinton to police a 13 year old boy arrested on suspicion of measuring a woman in a Streets has been released with no further action the 25 year old victim was stabbed in Rushton on Saturday night 27 year old man still being held and illegal things among those paying tribute to the us rapper juice Wells has died at the age of 21 The singer who cannot proceed with him any of this yes says he was a sweet soul he was just getting started now with the sports he is Katie Smith Celtic survived a bombardment from ranges to win one. And left the Scottish League Cup with just 10 men is Celtic's 4th League Cup title in a row it was Christopher Julian's goal settled a dramatic final but the praise post match went to keep a phrase a full stop he saved a penalty and was named man of the match just trust my life was another game and not reaching much into the into the hype around it so I just joined them was about once a performance for a long way and really great performance and showed today that we can do the other side of the game and it's not. All about playing a football so no obviously the live person is all in the Premier League school twice is less a city thrashed Aston Villa for one it's a club record 8 Premier League wins in a row and keeps a lot of the hopes of catching leaders Liverpool friend of regicide reduce the deficit on top spot to just 8 points we could have heard more goals in just the final pass combination of the final pass Tomic and some brilliant saves kept at it for very very good will create opportunities and kept attacking right to the end. Defend the Federica finance has scored a late win as his I came from behind Southampton Tijuana St James's Park another team he turned the school I'm a chef edge and knighted Chris will decide where one nil down heading into the break at Norwich before 2 2nd half goals brought them there when I think it's unfair is off sorry but I think it was a fair result the end because a sort of 2nd off reaction the way we played where we stepped on to and why we played like we have done in terms of how we've got this position and I would call this point sort of cameras the place for that the Blazer up to 8 sets he points behind wolves he drew 2 to Brighton Meanwhile Vivia me to Moscow twice the last will he remain top of the women super late they'd be reading 3 now Anthony Joshua's revealed that a healthy she left him fully feeling sluggish and drained in the build up to his jean defeat by Andy Rooney's Genia he reclaimed his heavyweight Well titles on Saturday and says it's still sinking in I did really cross Well actually been hit way jump to the wall was about. A loss there and I saw from the other side of the corner are in Mexico what it was like to be a great champion of the woeful when I would have been China's danger in way has won the u.k. Sneak a championship in York he beat Scotland Steve in the quad by 10 frames to 6 to win the title for a 3rd time but only his 1st for decades so proud of being away for a long time for his trophy was awaiting the date I thought if the trophy again. Which one did the big one. And this is amazing week you can check out the Masters drafty on the b.b.c. Sport website dinging we will take on Joe Perry. Faces. The medal table with 5 team goals at the European Cross Country Championships in Lisbon and on the final day of the European Short cool swimming championships g.b. Finished 5th in the medal table Mali Renshaw won a silver medal in the 2 injuries his breast. In the 2 metres butterfly as the latest now from b.b.c. Sport this is b.b.c. Radio 5 Live on digital b.b.c. Sound this small space. Hello good morning it's been a windy night across the country store materials focused the strongest of the winds tool to south west of England and the south and west of Wales we've had gusts of over 70 miles an hour and it's going to be a windy day today but the winds a changing will to a northerly which is dragging down some cold are rare so 1st thing in the morning temperatures are going to be around 40 degrees in Scotland 6 or 7 elsewhere and through the day today the strongest winds I think are going to transfer towards the east down the north sea coasts where you'll be plowing and they'll be quite a few showers around in the morning as well will also pick up some showers across Northern Ireland feeding through the I would say and into parts of Wyoming through the day the showers become few or many places draw it with a fair bit of sunshine and gradually the winds will ease down a bit as well but it's going to be a colder day it will feel colder I think than it did yesterday temperatures are probably only 4 or 5 degrees in Scotland in the name 7 or 8 for the Northern Island 8 or 9 for England and Wales but truly a 6 degrees in northeastern good at least because of the strength of the wind those winds continue to ease down during the evening there may actually be no early frost down the eastern side of both England and Scotland later. In the night though the winds will strengthen again out towards the west we'll see some weather from so rolling in and Somalia spreading all way as well so choose days weather looks very different from today is going to be a lot of cloud around going to find rain pushing its way eastwards the heaviest of the rain arriving in the western side of the u.k. During the afternoon together with a really school he wins it will be a windy day everywhere mine too strong to go force winds but at least it should be mild temperatures in double figures that are Barbara. Not really a strain relief to anyone else. Later on tonight States from West Ham's This is awesome people said 8 pm is your station and that is this a spy blah I need to eat some digital b.b.c. Sound this is a small space and online days is b.b.c. Crazy is right in 1972 for black men were accused of stealing some handbags the 4 men were imprisoned for 8 months for assaulting a police officer and attempted theft in this past week the man known as the oval full of had their conviction overturned 47 years later. The question is why because they're arresting conviction was at the hands of a corrupt detective Derek Ridgwell Winston true Sterling Christie George Griffiths and Constantine bowed she would sell by Lord Chief Justice Lord Bennett our regret is that it's taken so long for this injustice to be remedied Earlier I spoke to Winston true who's now a university lecturer and author he told me about that night in 1982 I left my home in Peckham on the not to think think think the March 972 to meet 3 friends at The Oval Underground station to go to North London London to visit another black organization called the black direction front I belong to a black power organization called the symbols and of a similar story in Amman lines with the Black Liberation Front we attended the meeting we had a discussion we collected some children's books some other things. It was getting late so we decide that it's time for us to leave and go home to South London made our way to my house got on the t.v. Got to South London got to him the Oval Underground Station a little more light there was going to turn to something extra ordinary abnormal. What all along the platform walked up the escalator I looked up this guy the Suddenly these white boys white men turned around and grabbed as started shouting and pushing we were young black activists we asked them politely what the heck do you think you doing who are you one of them South where police thought so where's your id never bloody mind you guys are you look you lot as it's been making handbags we're going to search I said you know that you know anyone so sure id. Well they didn't show us an idea that speech shouting pushing shouting pushing we decide we're going to walk off that grabbed us pushed us up pushed up against the wall more shouting more. Swearing. Where young black men and we we were going to take it up from these white boys so a fight started. Next thing I realize. One of them had his hand around my throat. Tracking me literally against and he held me against the escalator Fortunately a crowd of gathered on a white lady saw what she saw most of it was a fight between white men and black men well what men and young colored boys as we recall that she jumped on the back of the mind those trying to kill me he eased his grip I was and we have this little on found out afterwards that pulled inside a room. Then one said you have bloody had you bloody had it was going on with police with police and that was it after that I knew you were in for a woman night. Then the set up one of them's got away one of one of our friends I'd run off because he couldn't stand and take the fight the beating from the police. They took us to the police station on the way to the police as one of them said to me just you were to get to the bloody station just do what I know exactly what you meant is going to fix me up in the police station. Got in a police station to put a sit in and a charge room that told the sergeant that. They saw or saw us acting suspiciously when they approached us with Tottenham. Said that didn't happen at all we're told what happened anyway didn't he didn't believe it at all like put into cells. Then off for a while the door opened 2 men walked in one in civilian clothes the other man in uniform he stood by the door as he was keeping watch why the other one in civilian clothes numbered his way towards me said Ms your name true often Yes I mean he stopped movement stand up when I'm talking to you get a handle on got off at its height now. He said and you meant you've been attacking my office no you wouldn't like an office he said Don't lie to me don't like to. Talk apart Clinique are kept on denying I talk in the offices he punched me in the face upon the admitted that if I admitted that's acting up as the worst thing I get another could be thought kept quiet. Slowly but surely was edging his way towards me and because I went to school in this country with white boys in school knew exactly what is going to is going to basically cop as as as I knew in a grown what he didn't know I was a practitioner of martial arts karate. And what we're told is that when and when when you're faced with an enemy look into their eyes I looked into his eyes and I lifted my right leg to block his his knee anyways knee my thought he was so shocked he shouted you be he grabbed my head hits against a wall and walked stormed out then they came back and took me upstairs and showed misstatement I had to sign basically what the statement said What was that they saw me on the Propofol the 4 of us trying to I tried to put my hand no man's pocket while he was going into the the train we didn't get anything as I said so we walked up the escalator I tried on another man then when they then when they came to arrest me I had top themself aside and let the rubbish on what's on that. Move more punch a slot Wolf Wolf Wolf Wolf. Anyway there too about downstairs I thought I'm not signing You must have beaten him to make him son and then I both unless when I bought me a statement that was signed suppose he signed on my friends then I saw so he must be in the sun I'm assigning the top back up says the guy in. This big book with all these unsolved crimes and went through them you know which one did you do so I didn't do any of them when there was none of us more punches more threats I want to make it this is also an arm or feature we're not taking his beating from these men but there's no if me to leave the police station that had planned to meet. You you look around Stephen with us the moment you look at Garnett naked woman's handbag not as a moment so no we don't know we don't toss him in a minute I saw no math as the moaning yes yes yes yes yes yes so read out some some crime on a Thursday more of that yes was me what I'm to us at 1030 now I signed on to an aside on 10th that that very morning the labor extent so every crime they said I committed I said yes I committed committed it 1030 on the Thursday morning they were so pleased they wrote civil down the beating stopped they were very happy I schooled the mess that much school since I went downstairs in the morning they fixed it up the others went to court the morning Friday morning Kambal my district's court they oppose Bell will get we hear any and we were granted bail on account based on the count we saw not in the police station every Friday evening all of us signed statements but I amazed basis on the folds statement so when it came to court. On the set when it came to court and the 9th of October 19th $72.00 run bell for 6 months. We we spent another 4 weeks listen to the police tell a park of lies now people don't understand you're sitting in court your life is not yours your lives in the hands of the police and the prosecution and the telling a pack of lies you when you give your evidence you try to counter those lies but the truth is nothing compared to 7 policeman one woman and the 3 detectives telling a pack of lies against you in the end were found not guilty for all the charges we suppose they confessed to when the police said my defense called the manager of the labor exchange to come to give evidence and I said No Mr True Son don't everything that I tell half past 10 without felt all the crimes that they had me down for committing at 1030 on Thursday morning I was found not guilty of all because I'm. A can of committed it so over left facing was what the police allied to say the source during the not the amazing thing is that some 10 members of the jury found us guilty to have the jury refused to refuse to believe believe what the police said so were found guilty by a majority of $10.00 to $2.00. Were given 2 years each on the charge I was found guilty on 2 counts of assault in the police and 2 counts of attempted theft theft given 2 years on each count office was given 8 years in prison when they read Judge I needed fell down the dog when I went down in the base in the us the cells the slit muscles and turned out I was not 80 years is 2 years to run concurrent body and I was concurrent consecutive didn't think. My world kharaj to be completely crushed what was going through your mind then when the court case you or your standing. Charged with. This fabrication in courts what was going through your mind then and then when you were sentenced you said you're almost fell down was going through your mind about the justice system about the country you're living in about what happened to you and what happened in those days to a lot of young black men well look the shocking thing about it is that I on my 3 friends would not have been there but on the ground station that not we were members of a black power organization of in this country defending black people's rights would go into North We also run a Sanford a school teaching young children reading writing spelling written thing these are young children who have been sent to e.s.n. Schools where the whole thing bins education subnormal schools and had no right to be there so we're part of our program was basically teaching them English math also we taught them African history lots of thing the told them so as far as I'm concerned we were arrested for a political reason because we're defending black people's rights you show yourself as political prisoners Yes well I suppose that's one way of putting it yes one for our politics I mean for if it wasn't for our policies would have been unpopular and dominoes at home listen to records how much of that 2 year conviction did you spend behind bones we served 8 months in prison we launched an appeal the appeal was a roll call for justice very same court that their appeal last Thursday. On this occasion it was 972 people this is 9 this is a long long time ago people's attitudes the different. We we we had evidence that the policeman had gone around to fit in the young black men on the underground but we had the 1st case called the will to do for the next guy to stalk all 6 and that's caused over 4 including ourselves. That last case on the Underground was the Tottenham Court Road to then the very last case. Involved Stephen Simmons a white guy he was from the sit in the car and we were all through it all queues of stealing mailbox that was sent to prison sent to both thought. I was the same police officer in the lead or it was the same policeman he's involved in every one of those cases every one of those cases. Bridge row that is numbers Derek on the ridge row and what was his rank to the time Detective Sergeant detective saw gardens Ridge Well yes. Though there are there were on the cover duty they're pretending to be human Arkansas even they are paying to be citizens underground travelers. And in the end what happened the judge refused to quash convictions but he said I'm because I. Would serve half of the sentence it costs and. Reduce it to one year because you said that money those days the $2.00 thirds yes and that would serve 2 thirds we could release of all of that I was happy to be out of prison but I was not happy because I was still convicted felon cools for 47 from that day I work hard that hard and hard before to have me as I wrote a book in 2010 called Black for records will come on to them in the months of that as well. What was it like for you behind bars for 8 months for a crime the you knew you were innocent of it was a nice little it wasn't much. The prison officer didn't believe us all he has of course of course you're innocent everyone is innocent but we didn't do it it's always a taunting them you just told and told them that it was a model friends family and friends richer. My mother came to court and she collapsed in the pool and I sent to the prison to find a nickel another one another friend's mother she shouted she screamed and fainted there isn't we're in the public gallery for my support of the police to look at without sentence. I spent 4 months in Wormwood Scrubs. One of the worst experience of my life us shot that by the prison offices. You have basically your life you have no control of what you could do where you could think it was horrible then I went to East church to serve the rest of my sentences. Now what I'm a search is a semi open prison there are less restrictions but you're still in prison. No made it worse the sama it was summer and the days are long long long sometimes one days things seem to last for 2 days. The time stretched it stretched to stretched out an imprint. Conceptualized to think in prison this prison time where things move extremely slowly than as outside prison where things move extremely fast so for me one day was like 2 days in prison the time stretched out it was horrible I. Can't describe how I felt it was I felt depressed I thought helpless I felt lonely I felt the jetted. Every not ask myself how the heck did I end up in prison how did I end up you rehearsed everything happens you wonder if you could have done something differently could've done something different what happened with the app and on the money stuff of the money stuff for the tube station delivered on the ground our lives a finished finished finished finished because no escape for us at all those policemen knew exactly what they're going to do without the police but they knew there were police that they attacked was to Russia shout Push out push out confuse you confusing and then I'm all done what I was thinking while it was going on because you couldn't think straight. It was just horrible you have no control whatsoever to manage to get some answers for yourself when you ask yourself how the hell did I end up in prison did you manage to get some kind of. Resolution of that question No because the only way I got on to the question always on greed I was as I'm sick of the vex I was angry. When I was released from prison. Collected old Anees paper cottons I could collect everything I could of there before about and then I'm. Something extraordinary happened in Jenin not in April as May Not tonight the rituals the rest of the bricklayers arms the stealing were posting stealing mail bags this is the detective yes sergeant's ritual Yes he was arrested still alive well he was suspended from duty he resigned his post your Tonbridge magistrate court he pleaded guilty to stealing the mail bags remanded on bail on trial. Appeared at the Old Bailey engendering on to 90 is the 7 years in prison but conspiracy to steal what happened he and some career criminals the brick lies on the side the gun decided they were going into the gardens a partnership with each other and I still think for 18 months they stole over 300000 pounds worth of goods is out and that time not another one of the guy. Said About half a 1000000 pounds nowadays Goodness knows I wonder how much it is and just remind his detective sergeant Ridge Well when he was was he one of the offices at the Oval Office yes so he was there from the oval look at the detective thought that neutral was the officer in charge that night who arrested us at the over and was he also told that there will be that he led the police right to the rest of the world to pull the throttle 6 off their before the top and call for 2 and then go to clap and 3 I was also part of the police officers who were beating you up yes in the in the cells it was part he was rich of Muslim he was me up in my faith so you have a clear memory in vision of him because I could see it now Ok when he pushed paper from my thumb and he slapping Panpan and I faced many jumped back because I'd then I went to stand up that's a knock on his room so the policeman thought back down so when it got to the point then. You said earlier on that this wrongful conviction that played on your mind certainly every day while she were incarcerated now imagine most of your days and nights since then for 47 years I thought of these dreams where I was in a place and I couldn't leave it to my mind it was a prison. I could walk out but for some reason I couldn't walk out of the prison I couldn't escape and I'd wake up and I thought it must have been by that ritual now with what's happened now I promise a whopper what month and roll the house anymore because we've been hearing about we're drilled every day every especially that the thing in the house without Coleridge else results on that is. Not get up and I had the mind not cuz i'm something the pop into monster that blah blah blah rude drop that so and so so and so now the mind occupied my brain he was in my head awful when I left prison I'd be in the prison I took him home with me in my bed that's how bad it was . Just one small thing I collapsed in 2003 I did stroke when I came to us that's what I want to leave the prisons not some to prisons the hospital. Refund the hospital is a prison that's how deep it has affected me so I left prison I decided to write the book I didn't have time wasn't working I wrote a book called Burn not for a cause not just because. I took 5 years to write the boss thought the book in 2004 finished in 2009 had it published in 2000 and they sow the appeal with an I wouldn't win the case the book was my autobiography The 1st 3 chapters about the arrest the 4th chapter was on Derek on the old Ridge Road court I just went bent I did a massive amount of research on him using freedom of information I got information from him from Home Office some information I could have other information I got. I wrote that trap them the last 3 chapters was about my Black Power life and of a symbols then that riddle then was was was he died in 2008 died in 180 from from a heart attack in jail in jail yes he died in jail I approached some solace to. Find out if I could using his conviction to get my conviction overturned at the same 2 thought the same time brutal arrested 3 white men in Clapham and accuse them of stating my about the very thing he was convicted for then he phoned in a radio station that sold him searched the man's name on the Internet he searched for dirt on the ritual he applies to the criminal case of recommission to have his case reviewed my book is central to the information oh this is the 1st of the person that ritual had had framed for a stage amount for spiritual frame someone didn't know about it he was opposing the mailbox in the 1st place he then went that was a good step. He arrested Stephen Simmons his 2 friends are not the same to 6 they're found guilty not no rest and not some the father found guilty not 76 and sent the bulls who for 2 years he applies to have his convictions reviewed the c.c.r. Seeds a criminal case of you commission contact me for more information to set up with the book is very helpful I send whatever information I have including the d.v.d. Produced by the b.b.c. . Which investigated the original 16 arrest in one of the cases they said that what was said happened could not have happened was that what he said Asako 60 could not have happened so the case comes up at a court of appeal generally 2018 based on criminal conviction plus old information I did my book about these other arrests the man has his conviction quashed also happened the my identity applied to c.c.r. Theat of my conviction quashed I give him as much information as I can and that the case comes up with a quote a coupe of pill lost as that before that low chief justice there say a man who'd quashed Stephen Symonds conviction and he says of her same thing I was so happy I was so happy said is that I saw him he said the. Word chemically trusted so old because I wrote that book and you see me smiling today because of cool sums up feeling so good because I'm for the last full 2 ideas I've been depressed I've been on happy. I've been angry. In the 1st 2 years one woman called me somebody you get annoyed about it with you just fluff and leaves get angry that's what they did to the news conferences so you can make right decisions the mix of people in the mix with You got women shouldn't go out with you make decisions about things because your head isn't through. The b.b.c. News or 5 o'clock in morning there has been a volcanic eruption on the Island in New Zealand popular with tourists it's not yet clear if anyone spent hurt but it's reported that around 100 people were in the area and that some are unaccounted for the volcano on White Island is about 30 miles off the country's north coast the shadow chancellor John McDonough will promise to deliver a budget to end all store as sturdy today he'll give a speech later setting out labels priorities for the 1st $100.00 days in government Boris Johnson will visit for Braggs it voting Labor held seats across Humber in the north east England telling voters the party's let them down with 3 days to go until the election the polls to suggest Curtis says the conservatives are still ahead the Tory lead of 10 points is not that far ahead of the 6 percent figure which is the point at which you say there's a 50 percent chance of a hung parliament it's held steady so far on the Tories have managed to retain their position bought their set last 3 days could still make a difference medical and health service leaders have accused the political parties of ducking most of the big challenges facing the n.h.s. The organization which resembles trusts or words represents trusts in England and h.s. Providers says politicians haven't been honest about how far the extra money they've promised will go. A report is warning that tougher global targets on lowering carbon emissions could wipe out $1.00 and $3.00 quarter trillion pounds of the value of some companies by 2025 the full cost has been made by the un backed group which promotes responsible investments with more his Roger Harrabin to study examines the likely impacts of climate policy on firms within each sector for instance at full cost that car makers concentrating on electric vehicles will increase in value by 108 percent last firms stuck on petrol vehicles will lose value power firms who've invested heavily in renewable energy could see the value of their shares increase by 104 percent whilst those reliant on fossil fuels could see their worth for all by 2 third's representatives of fossil fuel companies told b.b.c. News they were already adapting their business plans to take climate change into account a police appeal for witnesses has been launched after a robbery in Rome c. On Saturday where a cashier was threatened with a claw hammer a man wearing a black Pollock of a stole around 2700 pounds from central stores on Bali road it happened that around 10 past 5 on Saturday afternoon and the Dorset woman's on the cusp of completing a cycling marathon pedaling from her family home in Dorset all the way to New Zealand Molly Heywood neber he set off in April 2017 and is Jeter arriving Queenstown in New Zealand South Island on Friday cycling with a partner Hayden Ward streets a pair of raised more than 10000 pounds refugees as part of their cycle for love dot com charity and the weather for Monday early cloud and patchy showers will ease during the morning leaving a mostly bright dry often name but it still will remain breezy through the rest of the day clear and dry for much of termites with temperatures falling away and allowing a frost form in places will have highs a softening of 10 degrees and the low overnight tonight of minus one rain spreads

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