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June from Boston more than a feeling b.b.c. Radio Sol and more like that coming up as well we got the farm all together now it's a play for you in seconds but back in lead action today away at the house of facts in the National League after our getting through in the f.a. Cup of course in midweek and there for us as always up and down the country in welding Good afternoon afternoon John Oh I've just seen your tweets saying this us to be one of the coldest stadiums in Britain is it really freezing up there is that I've got about 8 layers on John at the moment so looks like I put on about 3 or 4 stone cold on a sufficiently the coldest ground I think in the whole of the Britain apparently I'm not sure how to what I want out but Halifax are going to be a close 2nd I would say he's far as I'm concerned as far as crowds are going to is certainly number one every time we come here it seems to be freezing cold he has an under and overindulgent international break he's just got loads of clothes on to day I mean you can Stephanie the case right there Stephanie tickets definitely yes that's my excuse and I'm sticking to. This is a big test for a silly today because my Halifax in 4th in the league at the moment yeah for sure I mean Halifax are done really really well they've exceeded expectations but AC will come here with a number. Players available now again Johnson fingers crossed he's going to be Ok tired tone it down a Holland's all 5050 but hopefully if they can all come through then the split 40 got a pretty decent 11 to put out there and they will draw comfort but of the Halifax maybe 4th that they have not want to home for 6 matches out of facts and they got off to a number level stop 1st 10 games or slightly recently so he will hope that there is an opportunity there this afternoon Yeah and the last 4 games are just seen actually they shipped 5 against Bromley and 4 at home to talk he is Wow So definitely very silly right now definitely and they've got one of their defenders is out today because he got a red card last weekend so he's out suspended so when you look at things like that there are opportunities hopefully for a flea to exploit in a Spitfires themselves it's a funny old league because Halifax out of sorts but Eastley at last just 2 games in 16 in all competitions and yet they're down in 16th place they'll look to the next 2 or 3 games is a big opportunity now to really start to put a run together and hopefully really get into that top 10 even top 7 if they care yeah how much of a boost you think getting through in the cup was in midweek for the club as to how it's great and they've got a big time now and crew going to bring in a lot of money for easily isn't it of for sure and it's at I mean financially it's fantastic but a football club over 100000 pounds they've picked up already that will get you 2 really good players at this level so it's massive as far as that's concerned if they beat Crewe then who knows us an extra $55000.00 pounds and say they get away one of the big 6 in the Premier League it seems like a pipe dream now but it could happen then all of a sudden you're looking at 60700000 pounds on top so it's a massive opportunity and like when he got to the 3rd round a few years ago there's a real feel good factor around the place the league and the cup went hand in hand and you can see how that that's starting to develop around the club again now the f.a. Cup everyone's got smiles on their faces and hopefully that can transfer into the league as well lovely stuff great. Thank you very much. There was a small little pressbox I'm going into Iraq now. The trash . Washing the trash. Question Going to see the b.b.c. Radio. Show with Kevin James will be on if you missed my chat with Harry Redknapp earlier on King of the jungle of course we spoke about I'm a celebrity of course about Pompey and the cherries all teams that he's managed he can listen packs about right now b.b.c. Sounds also at b.b.c. Radio side and on switch our kitchen garden with Rebecca Parker now what's going on with the children at the back of the class whispering to each of us we're just priced with the amount of hard work you do. I mean. It's a food and I really wish that sometimes salute leaks out into the world. Cup So there's no fun on this program it's peel hall was. Quite excited being in a you see great company now I didn't see fruit. Cut our kitchen garden with Rebecca pocket tomorrow from 12 b.b. . Right use that. Radiation with joy move. Now Monday back in legal actions a day. In League One that Pompey come and say good afternoon and they after enjoyed great to speak to you off the international break Kombi of course didn't have a game last weekend because of a postponement of their seem to care advantage of that international break because a lot of the squad was still with. Yes they different had the weekend of Christian social media was often Eurostar think he went to the Netherlands with his girlfriend he was posting. Jacket made it very clear even though the weekend off they were back in this Monday as they were prepared for any game so it was a couple of days off and then as you were again after of course that Monday night game against Portsmouth did win but came up quite a cost in the injury front speaking to Harry Redknapp earlier on the show about Pompey he seems pretty confident they'll make the playoffs this season things automatics a little bit too much for them but seem confident on the playoffs. Every right to be confident so far this season there's a fair few people speak to in the club to share that opinion that even though ports without a pretty slow start to the season they're not too far away from the playoffs they've got game and had things will get better and they could certainly make it. Mathematically out of the automatic promotion picture but it's just very difficult how they've given how they've played so far this season to make an argument that they're going to suddenly put 10 wins and the bounce together and get up toward that top to you and they will still need to play better than they have been doing to reach the playoffs and I think you look at the squad there is still a fair amount of talent I think it's completely understandable for he would think they should be competing for the top 6 that would have been the minimum the start of the season but they still need to improve an automatic promotion just looks a very very long way off given how they're playing but like you say I'm being in the last 4 league games. 6 points off the play offs with games in hand as well what you think the mood is like in the fan base at the moment Pompey fans. Who are they still smelling blood a little bit I still think it's quite mixed That win against. You can argue either way the 1st 20 minutes on that artificial pitch on the Monday night Pompey were an absolute shambles they found themselves 10 down against a normal league side they looked in real trouble and they I think it's fair to say found a way to overcome those difficulties and get through but there was nothing convincing about the form so bad it was always going to be difficult on a picture like that against a decent opponent too we were going to be up for it on a Monday night but I think Tommy found the still much waiting for that definitive performance this season for them to take on a side and beat them comfortably the amount of times last season particular on this time of year we saw Portsmouth go to the left in the 1st half an hour and then click not cling on but go on to win the game really really comfortably even the victories this season have been tense and difficult and I think that's where a lot of the frustration from the top be found by comes from Obviously there is the January transfer window over the horizon but we know how difficult it is to get quality players in during that period and yeah and what's it like. In the north Halifax says it's absolutely freezing there in Halifax What's it like in Rochdale and they don't want the cost of all to sit 8 degrees which are. Gloomy it's great it's overcast it was writing a bit this morning kind of what you might expect from North Manchester in November but it's not absolutely freezing yet that you take care which they have had some problems with in the past couple of years I think it was relayed maybe 2 years ago looks absolutely 5 to that's an encouraging bit there was a bit of a slowdown to towards the far side this a very old fashioned for terrorist football ground this one so what the away fans will probably enjoy providing force with and get the better result Graeme miserable you know going to be moving anytime soon and you know funnily enough it's not somewhere I had I can consider this is it is a throwback that because we're in a ground. As I said it's an old fashioned You can see the chimney pots of terraced houses everywhere you look left or right this is what you think of when you think of traditional Oh yeah. Thank you very much for coming on the show he's going to be back of course with him with. The soft in a tough time in the in the. Time. We often if. You. Think you know. Prince I'm a Little Red Corvette on b.b.c. Radio catching up with the. Adam Leach because it's his last game covering science today off to almost 18 years in the job the scene Oh sorts of stuff looking forward to catching up with him live from the Emirates very soon. B.c. Radio. With the latest for us on the. Yes good afternoon in Beijing 6 and queues at the moment on the a 34 Irene white west road at church way west in the center of town Steve has some Q.'s to on the ice tray that's heading south just off the a $275.00 sheet a break down has closed one lane. East needs post the blanks on the westbound side looking a bit slower. I mean on the census there there was an early a vehicle fine. Thank you for. Between the cross roundabout and the traffic lights and phone down and take care of Western Abbots there's some flooding from back street. Both sides of the road so do approach with care and the island has a revise service between your head and Shanklin because of an earlier faulty train if you spot anything else on the roads I haven't mentioned them give us a call. 803 Ari on the ground. It looks like it's going to remain generally cloudy and very misty with the higher ground. Which might become more persistent. Softer noon of 12 degrees this evening and. Shower. In this evening and it will remain very misty as well. But. Will start tomorrow across the south and then. Sunny. Especially to start to roll the old shower. Wow Eva tomorrow high of 12 to Grace. A radio silence sign up and become a way to watch out go online to the b.b.c. Down played out u.k. Slash when I watch as. Some of the Daily News sayings writes Adam Leach announced this week that today's game hour snow will be his last covering Saints after almost 18 years so I thought I'll go to get Adam on the show you this afternoon live from the Emirates and he joins me now good afternoon Adam Good afternoon thank you for me knowing thank you very much for coming on I mean how you feeling then today with this being your last game emotional the very last. Outing blackball the last few days I think I've cried more than I have in the rest of my life put together it's just been a bit overwhelming to be honest people have been. So calling and so nice to me. Well which is a bit a bit different than what you normally get when you feel like you're in the country covering and you know you're on the receiving end pelters and to be honest I know in years to come back with great pride but it's yes been it's been a hard few days and I think my wife had a pretty hard time trying to get me through it to be honest the last time you cried this much was not knowing defeat to Leicester a few weeks ago I take it right. For different reasons. Now you've written a great piece summing up your time covering things which you can find on your Twitter if you have a search since so many ups and downs I mean covering saying throughout this 18 years past one of wow this is the craziest times right yeah I think so I think so you know interesting on Thursday I had the great pleasure I've got together on a lot of the great and good of echo past and I had Graham Holly and Paul Brunskill who did this job before me between the 3. I think we've done about 45 years of the last 45 years of science and I think more happened in even a year or 2 that I was covering it than than those guys had for the majority of their 10 years so yeah over the 18 years I mean you think they've gone 1st season or 2 or 3 the f.a. Cup final in Cardiff and destruction then obviously the source load capitulation and then the very dramatic capitulation interleague Warner ministration to promotions back into Europe and cumin Yeah there's been 16 managers I think 7 or 8 chairman in ministrations takeovers far out. All callings of you know goodness only knows how many players I think mourner 1000 games it's just been it's just been absolutely crazy when you actually stop and reflect on it and you get back on it how much is happened and even writing that piece and the number of stories that just popped in my head I thought well I must put that in because it's amusing or I must put that in those I don't have room for even even one percent of the norm in this so many great memories so many funny days so many crazy games and crazy happenings. It almost been forgotten and more probably at this club than many other clubs have and have in many many decades I'd imagine yeah you listed all the things they forgot to mention the great has gone with it as. I'm sure it was a few wrinkles He's been your favorite saints manager to deal with over these last 18 years then would you say I think that's a difficult one because. Actually you know my favorite former Saints manager to deal with has been Dave Merrington He sat right next to no he's not he's not here he can't hear this right now but him and there's only a small group of us you know who cover Saints as you know and go everywhere with them and so we we're lucky will the band of brothers really there's not really not many. By the time you take a few at the club and radio silent and the echo. And so we're very very close and we know each other and we have large periods of time where we see each other more no wives and they've been fantastic amazing companion but I guess in terms of actual people who are worked with Walsh they've been managing Saints it's a hard one I mean I really enjoy George Burley which I hope people. Raise their eyebrows up but he really understood the importance of local media to provincial club which saints are I really also liked both of the Dutch guys even though it was a difficult time they were very engaging characters and people. I think Potch Tino was great fun really really very again a very engaging character and and so much going on there sort of out of sight from the public a bit and I really really enjoyed as well I mean the football was pretty and I had great respect for him as a person though we weren't close because he was sort of kept his distance I really respected the way he went about his job and the way he went about dealing with me and the media in general so there's quite a few there of the 16 I don't think there's been anybody to some of them have been very challenging for sure especially Gordon struck and but I don't think there's anybody there the kind of actively dislike They were just a challenge and in time I guess what I learnt was. They all deserve to be treated as individuals and you need to treat them as individuals as long as you are respectful towards them even if you're critical as always you are respectful and you do things in a proper professional manner then you hope that they will respond the same and they might feel as generally been I don't really know but in this job to make friends I don't really care if the if the players or the manager or the chairman like me or not doesn't matter all that matters is that they respect me and that has always been my mantra from the start yeah and a fantastic story about Gordon's track and actually in that piece that you've written which Yeah you should go and have a read. Because it definitely made me chuckle the other day reading that just this the imagery of call of strucken just screaming at you. While you going around all over the place yeah it was it was choir practice of a thought that was pretty much my 1st exchange yet another great struck in the story that I still remember is. Is the infamous Delgado story got called into his office one day Oh I thought oh God Well you know you just a shame in that you're just getting a shower What is this going to boss the next thing we're meant to have done wrong and he sits down and says God I like yes give me a 2nd he walks across his office goes in the fridge takes out a yoga comes to sit back down on his desk and said See this yoga this yoga is more important to me than I could say. It is because I'll tell you why because it means as to be in the next week and so that is more important to me than I've seen Delgado from their old when the most incredible interview and stories to come out of it is that mad saga continued classic stuff what do you think the future is for science then at the moment I know it's impossible to say and it's difficult to predict the future but how do you see it going over the next 45 years with Saddam. Well I mean it's hard to say these are obviously slightly difficult times again I mean I do keep saying to people kind of keep the faith as much as you can you know when you've seen as much as as I have you realize that football is quite cyclical and different clubs have different cycles and that's that's kind of the way it goes but I think for me the absolute Kay people talk about the manager the players whatever the absolute key for Saints is getting things right off the field. That has been has been what's holding them back frankly I think that comes from a very very top and I mean the ownership and that's what needs to be. If not resolved then a clear direction at least needs to be set because I think that's the problem at the moment nobody really knows fully was what's going on what what Mr Gao wants with the club why he's pulled. And you know where he sees it going you know running it self-sustaining is fine I don't personally have a problem with that but I think that I think the fans deserve to hear what he wants to do with it and where he wants to go over there and if he is unable to take it on and doesn't want to take it on and put you know as much into it in terms of himself as much as money as then then I hope the selfsame find somebody who will because it's a fantastic football club. You know the people there were pretty and I saw unfortunately so when things went badly wrong in the past and they got relegated it was the brilliant people the ones that suffered other owners hardworking people of the football club and obviously the fans who didn't have Premier League football anymore and I really hope that that's not the way this goes but I think that as long as the ownership problem remains the elephant in the room I think it's going to be it's going to continue to be difficult so that's why I hope it will be resolved going forward and if it is I think there are still many many days ahead for the club now I just before you go out there was an article in The Independent yesterday I don't know if you seen this and it was saying that we are looking to see. How his stake in the club and pound He's been looking to sell it for the past 6 months I'm the figure quoted is around about 200000000 pounds you had anything of this it's so well I mean I speak it wouldn't be a huge surprise I mean what we don't know because we don't know why he's built the club whether he's actively looking to sell or whether he would just consider selling I mean only he will really know you. Just fill the for the for the future of the club he needs to decide whether he really wants this or no and as I said I don't think that means necessarily him having to dip in his pocket and spend you know hundreds of millions of pounds on the team so I don't believe that that's you know I know that I know that that's the dream in some ways but I don't believe that's the way a football club should have to be run or needs to be run especially one like Southampton I would hate to see the financial future of the club in jeopardy again because one person is sort bankrolling it and you're dependent on them but he actually needs to decide whether he wants to put himself fully through all of this whether he really wants to get involved whether he wants to make sure he's got all the right decision makers there and you know what role in that would he take in as I said before if he can't do that he can't commit that I think it's right for him to stand the sight yeah and I'm sure you'll be watching signs from a far going forward what are going to be doing next autumn if you go next move. Yeah I have so. I'm going to be the head of communications a company called Super League. And those of the people who know me well know I'm I'm a been a keen triathlete I started in Chaplin in 20122013 it's been a massive part of my life and I've really enjoyed it I've got a lot from it I think it's an amazing Spore and it's one of the nicest groups of people that I've ever come across in the community and this is simply because you know people can go look it up it's the last races there were only this year on b.b.c. I player still in the sports section and then this broke last live on b.b.c. Either online or read an oral b b c 2 sometimes when the season begins again which is after the Olympics and so it's a big change for me. But to be completely honest. The state of media at the moment is is is fairly depressing as much as I loved working for the echo you know hand on heart it is difficult. Newspapers are dying by death by a 1000000 cuts. And it's difficult to really only see see a long term future in it I'm very sad to be leaving my friends. Around the club in the press box etc. And I'm very sad to be leaving the platform the Echo has given me I'm I really sites are cheapie leaving the paper not not outside if I'm totally honest because I think it's you know I think the region uses struggling badly and as much as I like to keep fighting the good fight off the law into trying to do that and trying to keep up the quality despite rather than because and. I think the time has come maybe as hard as it is and it's been so I says been so emotional. Maybe for me to try and be brave and to personally try and do something else this has been my entire adult life I joined the echo when I was 18 up in covering sites for 18 of those 20. I've known nothing else in mind tire life which is why it's so emotional and so scary to move on but I will and I hope I'm making the right decision I don't know if I am or not but I think like I said I think it's time for me to to try and try and just be brave and do something else but I won't be a stranger around the football club it's always my friends then they'll have me back I'll be coming back still to some games but if things are going badly I can I can catch up my friends have a bit of lunch and then leave a 5 to 3. To sit and suffer oh. Yeah and who knows I mean I mean today my association with the club is so long and so ingrained that if things don't work out for me doing something house then I'm pretty sure I'll be back in even when I was driving past the stadium the other day with a tear in my eye when I was going somewhere outside my wife was next to me and she just said to me and said. I just said I. Got to miss this place and she just said you'll be back it's the most annoying thing you could day so you'll be back. Well on behalf of everyone who's ever read your bits for the. And I'm sure there's a lot of people right now listening to this who want to thank you for your coverage of Saints over the years and going to wish you all the best in the future is Wow And thanks very much coming on the show to softening Thanks for having me. 18 years on his game today. Or lose. Radio so don't come on the cherries for you very much sport throughout the afternoon Kevin James would love to read your tweets our only saints Cherry's Pompey and Eastley fans looking at the early game in the Premier League today it was too narrow a half time to Tottenham in Jos a Marine Yes fast game in charge of Spurs boss it's now 3 No with Harry came with a go and I have to say I have just been watching some of it West Ham look absolutely dreadful in that game which does give some hope I suppose to science fans so. The clock is ticking 5 clues to solve in just a 180 minutes the sound of. Building orienteering scales. We haven't seen a sign for a while clued up your local knowledge can give the clue Hunter the edge I think is King Kong kings were in a high stakes game where the winner takes it all. B.b.c. Radio said it's Katie. Westphalia to be the clue. Isn't an option we have. Clued up with can't say since returns tomorrow morning at my b.b.c. Radio. One great mood the softer news here b.b.c. Radio because the Premier League is back there's no more international breaks and still the new year and we're back with a bang the softer news well for live games. For you coming up Saints away also of course sin and Adam Blackmore of commentaries on this once who on the pressure of bosses in that one cherry is having a decent season so far taking on wars at the vitality stadium Jordan Clarke with commentary with on that one pump a white Roach Dow in League One today and the mooning guy with seeing a mop of that one for us the softening and back in National League action after their great win in the wake threw in the f.a. Cup there away at how the facts in the National League it's a big afternoon of sport we're looking forward to it. B.b.c. Radio. And with the latest It's been a Livingston Yes Well if you're an avid take Carol west straight there is some flooding at the moment from Backstreet too clever lawns that's on both sides of the road so do approach with Kat quite slow on King Street in Weymouth just around Kings junction in Beijing starts in queues at the moment on a tree for Ringway west road and a church way west in the center of town. Milton Road East ne is partially blocked on the westbound side looking a bit slow at the moment there wasn't really a vehicle finance build avenues there is a replacement bus service running this weekend on Southwest and services this is between Andover and Salisbury because of engineering works if you spot anything else on the roads I haven't mentioned and give us a call and we'll have moved here later. The b.b.c. In the points. Looking for that. Including for. But there were. 2 very much expected. To. Get the nod ahead of. The. Who spoke of the pressure. They need to improve.

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