Digital radio and t.v. And. This is b.b.c. Radio so. B.b.c. News update I'm Mike Powell in the last half hour Thames Valley Police have said 34 people have died following the midair collision between a helicopter and a 2 seater plane in Buckinghamshire it happened close to the village of Waterston just after midday emergency services expect to be on the scene until at least Monday the local m.p. For backing him and the speaker of the House John Bercow told b.b.c. Radio wants for this evening that he knows the area well and the terrain will make recovery difficult. Obviously. Some time to. Recover. Recover police in Dorset investigating the disappearance of 19 year old guy a pope released a man who was arrested yesterday on suspicion off. She was last seen 10 days ago in the town of Swan h. The government is having to pay at least 500000000 pounds to recipients of the Maine sickness benefit because of mistakes Carole King waiting how much they should have been receiving b.b.c. News has learned that between 20122015 around 75000 people were under paid Employment and Support Allowance Peter Cartwright is one of them it's not as if you can go and get loads look there is one year on there's been. You know enough to get through and the people around are getting on the paid for it. That means they're not getting through the Robin to make the choice of food or he's the leader of Zimbabwe Robert Mugabe has appeared in public for the 1st time since the Army took a. Troll of the country earlier this week he opened a graduation ceremony as talks continued about removing him from power the human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell has been a long time critic of President Mugabe I was a campaigner against the white minority regime of Ian Smith In what was then Rhodesia I supported the liberation struggle of blacks in barbarians to win majority rule and in those early days when Garvey was definitely a good a good guy but sadly he's gone from being a liberation hero to being a tyrant we should remember that Robert Mugabe has killed more black Africans than even the evil apartheid regime of p.w. Botha in South Africa the president of the European Council Donald 2 screws want to reason may be that the e.u. Needs to see much more progress in the BRICs it talks before discussions on a future trade deal can begin he was speaking after meeting the prime minister that's an easy use summit in Sweden tonight's weather cold and frosty in the south and east cloud reaching the southwest by morning to morrow cloudy and damp across the south and west with some patchy rain dry and sunny a but cold in the north and east b.b.c. News it's 3 minutes past 8. On the. Run and wouldn't. Have a life time children join the main event. We hear about the. Should not be the. All chocolate one of a couple of those please. I'm going to chat to one of the creators the brains behind the operation we've got a 1st and last and on everything from making. Your texts what do you raise a little cash for charity. Love to put it in but this came in on the e-mail it comes from let me say. That a couple of very funny messages though. On the Facebook is suits you she says. And this is from Sue in n.d. We're listening from the. Only lovely the radio they say been shooting in since you started you want to sing to me all you see and the kiss is on the full big. Thank you. a very good evening meal you don't know me at all. Somewhere about. The Colorado outside the studio. Society but you see their lives if I go and I yelp in they're going to be on a minute we're on television on b.b.c. One more used to talk to George it's like you know a you know I've got to come outside Peter Kay you student sketch him in a car here sketch and little to the audience no but when they come back to the studio he will have crept in and what we saw in the front row of the audience and I going to be from when not happens I'm down to my left I've got children from 3 or 4 schools around this everyone else to the north London and that is also children from all the schools all around the u.k. Different points because they're going to the choir about 20 past 8 so they sing good so. More over the rainbow and they jump to all the different schools so they're constantly being told to shush. I don't think Radio 1st I would encourage or not. Do you thing they give you imagine But now listen you mention Peter Kay who else have you seen because it's all kind of a star studded night as much as anything isn't it Yes well we've had. Graham Norton source and we just want to pass faint so you kind of always look at it and think oh well there's a mysterious Graham Norton on tax day. They will come very close. With a wheelchair he said especially. Children need me again. So we've got there for the presenters and then you're the 2 of Marvin and Michelle Humes has been to watch combo doing it later on tonight so I've seen all the presenters we have the country firelock doing a special cowboy and cowgirl song and dance don't really they were trying to ruin a rhinestone Joan Craven in rhinestones Yeah we can't sing but you gave us but. I'd like you to say that to his face Neil I think he got me to it and I think you know he kind of does that slow if you say. Sounds like you sing it but you're not really yeah he did a bit about what he was good and then all the girls carried it was very good she sang Jolene at the piano it was very you know it you I thought wow you're really good you know really impressive you get the impression sometimes these guys they're very you know stage orientated and you think I want to say look you know the careers because she was really good. I love it thinking you actually great so what's coming up tonight you mention the choirs in Somewhere Over The Rainbow and also camp karaoke. Karpal kind of card carrying the wrong side of the Atlantic story. On at the moment and then Peter case in the audience are going to yeah it was a big secret all day but I can tell you know it's happening and then we got the choir which is a big you know kind of technical freaks we got bounced around the country we got Rita or a bit later on we got Weakest Link specially with being a Serbian which. Yes Getting paid to before he said I So it should be quite go to she rips apart a celebrity panelists as I try to answer questions you can imagine if I get one wrong going to get short shrift for both Absolutely yeah yeah Neal thank you so much for giving us a little flavor We'll have more from you later on tonight from the Elstree Studios for children in need that's all reports and he's really in the thick of it the lucky segue. To get to next. Week. I can Tina Turner rivet Deep Mountain High Now quick little shouts out. Earlier. The week from Sheila she says can you say hello to my cousin on your Friday show at 8150 look at that 815 all on the Dilts she lives in you but she spent a week with me and we were listening to your program and she said she listens to you as she's driving home on Fridays I would love to surprise her by you saying hello to her I wonder if by now she realizes who she is she is such a lovely person and is always helping others she's 82 yes it's you and travel down on trains and all across the London Underground to visit me in East born aids you see you June How did you know she would really appreciate if I can do is for her well here we go I load June you're a star surprised you. And thanks for listening to the show always good to know bless you for that Sheila thanks for the Georgie at b.b.c. The u.k. Oh she's going to a word with you. You'll have to tell me what response you love it it's just gone cold about stay here listening to Judy tonight right across b.b.c. Local radio in England and the Channel Islands now if you are a juggler like let's be honest. Who isn't at this time of year it's really exciting doesn't it there's only one place you need to be this weekend chalk fest returns to Melton Mowbray on Saturday for his 2nd year you see back by popular demand clearly with more than 30 of the country's leading chocolate is descending on the town Oh they'll be tempering all the way let's talk to the man behind it Matthew O'Callahan and he joins me this evening evening Matthew good evening so how busy are you at the moment right there what's happening out right for your I mean the large part market and. Got the sounds all are made being set up ready for trial 1st tomorrow we've got 127 times so that's 33 chopper tears or numbers where. Chocolate. Ice cream spares cakes for a round of 1st. They're just chocolate wine that chocolate cake says I'm eating chocolate hang on chocolate wine how does that. I don't know but it's. Been shown to be a oh yeah chocolate bear Yeah yeah yeah now that is actually very nice and some by a local very good chocolate Baron and as I say there's someone doing chocolate pate sour and not surprisingly chocolate chocolate I'm sure and he's not just about selling children is it is made there's a history of chocolate here as well isn't that yes there isn't and it's really it's about right now chocolate to stop people really starting to appreciate chocolate I mean I still live in Costa Rica and that an institute where we actually had the national the international plantations for Coke are. Breeding Plants against the Russians against diseases and really it's to teach people about Chopra's and where it comes from rather like people now want to know what the coffee comes from people starting to say well what it's like what is my chocolate come from it's not just a ball there's a lot behind chocolate and I think it's going trend and it's all over the good how far do you and chocolate go back because you mention the east in Costa Rica. Oh I talking about in the eighty's and I want to tell you the night I was Professor animal sciences and I. Agricultural search Institute and part of our collections were topical the rainforest also we had a fair plantation of cocoa trees which were sort of one of the World Heritage plantations fall for that species do you have a good mood of chocolate. And we never get bored or chalk or Mind you I did have professional chocolatey of course once Yeah for about 3 months flatteries and one in Manchester that's about 3 months afterwards I couldn't make. You know how. Well you got someone else you know you think you think too much chocolate Santa Monica across America back and I won't touch it for a little while really really well how long does Chung fast last email the race itself 2 days it's tomorrow Saturday and Sunday at some 10 so fall. And we've got workshops in fact there now with actually had booked our 260 places for workshops but there's tastings. There's chocolate and wine is chocolates and. Chocolate and then there's demonstrations and talks and so there's lots to do as well and kids under $616.00 and under 3 Well that's one of us and its allies to mark a moment where it's all of the lights out which is bang in the center of town and I'm Saturday there's the street market which is the oldest in the country and on the Sunday there's a I think it's covered in the town center as well well this is wonderful Matthew thanks so much for taking time out to chat to me tonight. B.b.c. Local radio in England in the Channel Islands. And. Thank Faves she asked me out to $25.00 passe on the b.b.c. Listening to me Joy. It's time though to say a very happy 30th birthday to a very special thought. Was. The same as the hero next door you know is old today. Screams and was one of the. Very. Is it nice to hear the tune again. I hear it in my sleep chills you know no related how many times. It is I said. It Before I came out just occurred to me that. Was the absurdity is old I was at the time that I actually do the 1st cartoon if I met Sam I was the same age as he is now I know is that such a scary thought good to see you see they say children age so yes he they see quite considerably. You look at a lot better than I am mad. At you I don't believe that for a 2nd now listen how did you get involved with famine Sam how did it start. I was I come to call it from comics background on from going to prison if I didn't do none of the 10 years tonight and I thought happened the the time I came back Mike Young who subsequently became the producer Fineman said I don't know studio in Cardiff 1st animation studio I got things far as I remember. To make his idea of super tight and I worked all that down to mation and I went back to what I was doing was creating cartoon characters he subsequently was approached by Dave Jones who was a fireman very much like he had like this he had Mike on the radio talking about super Ted and came was like I have this idea about if it worked in a fireman because he was very keen on fire safety and Scotty Mike said look I there's a guy upstairs can draw or can write you know alledged you should together Dave and I went to a few beers and that's how it started that is incredible just a real life coming out without eyes if you win and and coming together that's wonderful Yes it was Ben what was great about it was the fact that he had all the back and information actually and whatever struck the scene was if I need to be liked I wrote to 60 lines if I was stuck about in a certain aspect and we try to make sure that the. Every incident was actually accurate because if I was unsure about anything I just pick up the phone to Dave and he went through me and whatever you know and so it was quite I had when we started we had a few beers he explained his side of it which is very much that aspect I said but I come from the entertainment side if you want to get the fire safety aspect across to people let's get this across as many people as we can by making it as entertaining as we can which is great with the soon as he said that was Ok I was away that I could just go in and. When I did I picked his brains for. How the hierarchy worked he explained about the station office and the mass offices which of which I do I've station over to steal an Elvis quitting Tonight the way they only. Know that the cycle is. That I went away and. Got to the comics up by created a teleprompter Pandy which in the case of part b. 2020 and then. The I suppose 8 or 9 characteristics subsidiary just Phyllis Norman and whenever I did those to the c.b.c. I did you know I think it would be same popular role I have seen no idea honestly we thought. I thought. 12 episodes if we would like to actually get you know 1st of all he's got to get the money to make it become accepted by the b.b.c. And it took a while to get the money we had to invest it ourselves as people don't know that myself to find it we had to read it. Back into the thing to get a doctoral thing made so we have the main media but also a good while but. O'clock in the 1st series of 12 episodes we thought that would be that and then that wasn't too bad because. Only have had 12 episodes for many many years and it was the 2nd most up to Canada to tell us the tank that time of God Bless the b.b.c. You know what they do if you call the b.b.c. They'll they'll build it they give us a 7 years old tract once. We knew that seas would be on set not only did they do that but they they played it time and time and time again because because there were a few channels in those days in the awareness Chris not like nowadays as you know sky in West Virginia and I think only 2 of the t.v. Stations that time was showing cartoons on the radio collars so happened was we they went as group very quickly and by the 2nd series so when we went from one in 20 people known it to one in 4 children subset of so by the 3rd series we actually started making about why did you do it dresses if a slow burn a you could say couldn't be what it was a because. You make some stupid Ted What else have you done. I do soup that was my idea I just worked on he said I created a cartoon series called Joshua Jones which went on immediately after finding Sam which. Doubles on the b.b.c. As well it goes to show you can never tell was successful because that was it was it was kind of free form within. Viewers but because Rosie and Gemma come off it was something about that mine was that apology a good sell its own merits it always so that sunk that dog you know. Literally so. That you people with like which I'm just coming. From the West Midlands he came to me with a system to write you and that actually got to what we thought was best and alternated what it was going to sound the same night so I was actually I had 2 tables off always so last. Know asked me what is it Ok. And what are you working at the moment Rob. Is I've got to think old. Age It's about back up everything but as I was like a size lunch pail I know is this a child to grow not to I think there is so that subsequent to some things I'm also am writing books oh fantastic Well it's been a joy to tell what he's a knight Thank you ever so much fish sharing some memories about famine salmon he's 30 year bad and I'm I'm sorry I've not but I think it's like a guy they still swell because I was in my twenty's when he 1st came out oh my god yes exactly as well I feel about it they're your baby thank you so much back to China. From the late one of the creators of famine so. Jimmy Ruffin is a lonely sound we got a 1st lesson everything she enjoys coming from the mic in the sky. Let's get an update from Jules tonight. Good evening some problems in Hampshire heading west just off the m 27 more heads onto the believe the west bound sorry is county at least partially blocked for what we believe is an accident is causing a lot of congestion back on towards the m $27.00 just around the Emery down turn off the one to avoid if you possibly can exit a blocked or a 2 vehicle collision looking slow and heading towards Kent tonight Firstly westbound for the a 2 very slow traffic at a standstill just around then stand lane for a collision on then through being both directions of the $8.00 to $96.00 comedy closed there's been a collision just outside the Darwin Valley hospital's a very slow on the approaches because of respond any problems to call us over 330-123-0184 the latest I'm just. Going to Jules Now this is coming from Sue on the e-mail she says for the past 2 years I've been walking to support war child's educational and psycho social work with Syrian children in Zaatari refugee camp in children oh I want this is what saves doing for charity she says I want 650 kilometers the children trailing 20162 thirds solo with g.p.s. Oh wow brave girl this year did a walk a 1000 miles 2017 and just finished 224 K.M.'s Sinai trail in Egypt now. And this is the some 5084 pounds well. What are you doing or what have you done in the past let me also don't forget the. One good thing this can be a big. Thing that's made. A little bit may be. New. To. Me. We're. Told. Duffing and Warrick Anthony you're listening to that right across b.b.c. Local radio in England and the Channel Islands this is coming from it see on Twitter it is a Jack Russell from Devon a like you new fashion statement the Pudsey is. She Madam Well thank you very much Wolf to you Mitzi thank you for the tweet just look for b.b.c. Josie tonight you can follow me on Twitter and also Facebook now 290 you know we do this time don't you this is. The 1st the last of the everything this is the 1st scene you have aborts the last 2 new board i.e. The most recent and the chain that means everything to you book Ali to avoid disappointment just email me Georgie at b.b.c. Don't go to u.k. With the choices tell me a bit about the Chines and you and I can have a chat on the show at a later date tonight it is the turn of make in Scarborough they make your do not speak your Again Oh nice to talk to you oh now hang on How's the book going is it been it's been published isn't it oh yes. Just remind us what have you written on well I was a biography of March service March from. 37 to you to call rock n roll your partner to Matic. Which right about over Yeah we did we didn't do you well and laugh it's Ok well it sort of set a lot of slightly tepid cakes. So now your 1st to last and everything got a Little Richard and Lucille what was it about that chain that you loved and you bought worlds not oh I wish I was slightly not into almost immediately I was more into a Little Richard I'm thrilled really nobody started to rock n roll revolution you know barking at. Mid fifty's I Lucille. Was one of the riches. It was just the 1st big hit record he made a couple of records before and he also strangely made made a couple of films which is the opposite way around because usually in those days you got a top 10 and you were invited to make a film all the way around but anyway this particular one was typical of. Quite a number of years. You have this a long introduction which builds up to a crescendo and then this is the most dramatic the memory of this in particular was not planned to record all movie listening to you books Raisa pubs and coffee where there was no health and safety in those days a thing could be blasting away and you could hear a mile away yeah which it was sort of unharmed the actual experience really tough stay well I'll give it a little blast and I'll play as loud as I possibly can. To get Lucy a Little Richard's. Really good yellow couldn't they. See. What a brilliant trying. To field in the field. It's to a song for concerts where well by you you're waiting for the styles to appear well the longer. If you intro the crowd such something in class and then suddenly they burst into whatever whatever I really was you know and you say that you liked him before the life of Elvis came on the scene but you're the last one you bought is an Elvis track Oh healthfully enough that's right yeah well it was actually a triple loss because I just bought it going shopping a soup pocket had a triple se day for 5 quid and a bargain hunter I love that's right. So the over to those trucks and I mean it was never made a bad record so it was always going to be good value. The of every of Elvis' well but a couple memories of some of this stuff but the one that you're going to play I assume is going to be kind of fall in love yeah the memory that is did the top or so of our store in USA Memphis Nashville. By. Oh it sort of places yeah. At the national venue the party who made a recording of that particular record cannot fall in love so the guys in the studio and we all. Sire so. So. Little bit of this then Elvis Presley income. a phenomenon wasn't really was. This movies I mean he talked about Little Richard in the movies by love the present case I mean. Arguably the better one was one of. The. Is it just serial. All right. If you're looking for trouble. You've definitely come to the right place. Now you know everything chief David Whitfield and color me us right one of the city of. City of Culture not. One of the 2 famous singers from whole. Run it Carol. So what is it about this team the love well if you you. Left the school. So they would follow him or knew you did in those days gosh such a little money to spend what were you doing what was the job he went into was apprenticed engineer but it didn't stick to. Left to join me on afp but. Does what I was doing to stall. And then left school to start other so serious girlfriend 1st on. This she was around that's right it was really was a 1st or just say a few things about he was the 1st British singer. Crooners was more popular than rock'n'roll as he was the 1st Brit to have a number will mean they lived on the. U.s.s. Same song he was destined to be a new sort of Eddie Nelson. Went to Hollywood but never worked out he had this broad Yorkshire action they didn't really get Yeah and so it didn't sort of work out and you'll be home 6 Ok Mark so you know so he never made it in the Oh it's been lovely talking to make it again. Yeah it's nice to to share a music as well so he sang much for coming on the show yeah. Well my pleasure you make this is you'll everything she's currently a David Whitfield 2 Big field caught him in the everything to mic in Scarborough before that little bit of Elvis Presley and falling in love and his. Little Richard and Lucille what a fabulous selection there is if you let's say Paul in this then I'd love to hear from you email me at b.b.c. The u.k. With you 1st last and you ever think you choices. Stuck in the middle with you there's no place on the. Radio. a whale stuck in the middle and you can count Babs has been on her leg and she says Guess where my sister lives Georgie right behind the market in Melton Mowbray where the child 1st we'll be. Talking to Matthew O'Callahan he's the man behind this choke fast how. Bob says Lucky her great show as always well I'm just thinking can can she can can get your chocolate in for Christmas orders. To send it to a boy like you for the day and this from Caroline and Deb something for the Jell-O. We exchanged yesterday so we can finally start our new life in the you. Think this is definitely one for the jar of hearts it's a big move and we will be starting 2018 in August called How We listen to you every time we are making the journey north say thank you for a great show all Carolina day Kong Gratz and I got a couple of cases a little. A Nicholas Berg on Facebook says regarding my Pudsey is looking good Mrs Have a great weekend love the show love your message thank you. Something for the gel please triple 3 it's got a message with the word. Ily Digital radio and t.v. This. Is.

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