Put hospital n.h.s. Trust say it's down to mums choosing to give birth elsewhere only 10 babies have been born at the railway unit since they reopened compared with 474 at the other maternity wards injuries brain Telford the North Korean leader Kim Jong un has invited the South Korean president in to visit the north as soon as possible the invitation comes after an unprecedented high level North Korean delegation visiting the Winter Olympics Matt president Marion in Seoul and exhibition featuring puppet icons from the last 80 years opens today at the world how to not gallery it's been organized by Michael Dixon from Britain the 1st popular was ever made for television experiment so you. Will see them a lot on certain nights. We've got some of the birds like reality park we've got pictures we've got got. We've got prints show suspension imagery you know I mean we've got a park run as introduced by marking the Darwin festival today wearing Charles Darwin inspired fancy dress the competitors wearing fake beards and Darwin masks for the 5 kilometer event which is just getting underway now after 2 big away when she continued their league one promotion chase back a time against an in-form Plymouth town continue to impress in 2nd place and defend our mob Ackles who scored in last week's win at Bristol Rovers says the players will continue to play with the same united purpose again that's going to be full of energy and for 3 points at the end the day that's what they want off the point so are you going to see the same as usual the hard working bunch of lads are going to be in a shift in looking to get 3 points it's always good to play for your home fans and they've been outstanding for us this season seriously so yes always good player what about. The news and sport more at 10. Helping you get money to buy. From ideas from here and Jamie's got the details for your morning Yes good morning I make Well so far this morning traffic is caviar came all the main rates around bridge north and lot by no issues of the moment around Chao Ferd's but you will find the road works continue insurance rate on while cop it's closed heading down towards the. Bridge for ongoing right to exit will be shut for the rest of this month and you are being diverted instead by the well strange number of bus routes around diversion but a busy through the road works for 43. Busy at the moment there's a claim on a few on the also Street bypass I'm looking. For on the m 6. Not too much traffic about the keep the cameras safe obvious Morning course you will get. Home to Plymouth Argyle where the 3 and if you see they. Are on a 331 c 33550. Travel. Just a quick recap of the weather forecast for the news at 9 o'clock mostly dry to start with today but then the rain is coming in it's coming into the county right now from the west and it's going to stick around a little bit as well into the softer noon it's going to be quite breezy milder than yesterday and 7 degrees today more rain this evening in the 1st overnight it's going to be down to 0 overnight there is a yellow warning for snow and ice through the night tonight into the more tomorrow morning and tomorrow it's going to be a colder day with sunshine and wintry showers a brisk westerly wind and 3 degrees tomorrow. It's. 6 going to. Jail. Very well. Morning Jay thank you Jon intros we said if you give away the answer to the quiz yet because I think it's freckles it's not freckles and you may be surprised because this is it here we go most of us have them some have more than others some have known China has a day dedicated to them and mosquitoes have twice as many as you do the answer is teeth its teeth Yes most of his clothes most of us have them yes some have more than others yes some have none at all their teeth techno China has a day dedicated to teeth it does and mosquitoes have twice as many as humans what is the human Why is it 32 for humans similar and we must Peter's ago 6432 you know to me you didn't know did you so there you are amazing friends what a dinner party conversation were unearthed did you hear that I was on b.b.c. Radio. So teeth is the right answer well done. I have this funny funny feeling that I've got a computer problem staring me in the face at the moment I'm going to try and solve it while I speak. We may have no diff we may be able to do it Ok let's go. Oh. You've no idea how relieved I am. Find out about a new writing group coming up in a few minutes time on breakfast on b.b.c. Radio show I'm sure that's after we hear from the wonderful Neil Diamond the Telford writers' group. After. Seeing him dancing. His action at. Me. Forever. You. We've . Got our all. We've got. Our. Socks. Revealing. Forever in blue jeans on b.b.c. Radio Good morning it's breakfast It's 12 minutes past 9 I wonder if you've got a talent that you'd like showcasing there might be an opportunity for you right now because there's going to be a newly formed Telford writers' group they're in the process of creating a local magazine this year and looking for some help and inspiration so let me introduce you to our 2 guests and they are Jordan Skerritt and Martin Stanton. I think you founded the group yes Jordan you're going to be one of the editors for the magazines and now you are actually going Ok so why did you decide to start writer's group and well I've been writing since I was at school and always had a bit of a passion for writing and wrote poetry and was was a bit of a bookworm as well. And just really wanted to get a group together to support each other and help motivate each other to write even if it was for a hobby or you know if they wanted to actually take it further really and I didn't really see anything that was around the area that was something that I could go to and I thought well. Myself and see what happens and then all these people came along realize that actually it's something that's there is to somebody to kickstart it yeah yeah before we go any further into the writing let me just backtrack a little bit what you like to read. Like to read 3 less romantic comedy I don't mind a bit like Sorry for now and again not huge so if I find a spot Jordan is your ass of myself. Because I'm off after c. Clarke really love it love it I've never got into it just so I find really. A lot. To remember the dreams created by all this that's a vision. That you like Yeah you know like no I love it love it it's amazing yeah if you haven't written any Yeah I've written quite a bit I mean look different to. Any of it's any good in them. Require a pair and my mind said like this there is no real platform in which you could show people apart from your friends and family about it and if that's their interest and cells are not really down for suppose but when you when you write something like me so I find show off to the group and stuff it's just going you know what's yours it was your bags it might be poetry you know why actually I write trying to write novels for years and I've. Written a couple Well yes but they're not finished because writing is hard yeah it's really hard work especially to do a novel in a short story or bit of poetry is quite simple to do well not simple but it's a lot easier to do but actually get into the end of a novel is really hard work she could be really disciplined to get there as well and here and finish it off more than anything I could have tried. Tried really you know used to counter that is hey here's this headache and. You're going to be so dedicated to be right here everybody thinks you got it easy but you know a good writer working hard for your money. Yes exactly. As you read it we've each got our favorite sandwich and one mine is mama's mates another man's poison anything of you recommended that. You know and also called Simon toy don't know why no no I came across him by accident had a book bought for me I would have passed it by on the bookshelves you know that you think all year I read it it's good it's one of 3 it's a trilogy scientists try it some criticise silent toy and then you might be might get into the next 2 or you might say you know what book the record. Yeah but it's not. Tell me now about the writers' group what do you want. When it began running already delighted group is running already it is Yes So actually we were in the year in February of this month only got involved there's about 15 of us which is quite good but obviously not everybody can make each month because it's you know the different commitments but we usually get about 10 to 12 each month which is great we have quite a structure to the group so I try and do like various activities and stuff as much as I can within the group you know we watch videos to motivate us and get some tips of a way to write or you know doing certain grammar or whatever but we also actually have a little project that we do each month as well so we set a task each month we would either write a $500.00 word story or no more than 40 lines of poetry based on a female so we will actually written a load of things and put them in a hat and we pick one every month and then each month we bring our submissions to the group and then we just choose 2 winners and if you say 5 Jordan jumps up in the . Article And so it's any sort of Ok. But yeah it's actually has quite a good response videos and things like that yeah we surely don't mean the problem no no we actually meet a meeting point House in 2 so we meet there of a proper room we'll sit down. At a table and discuss various issues as well you know if anybody's had problems like you know create a story or anything like that or they want feedback on some work we do that towards the 2nd half of the session as well and there's always tea coffee and biscuits and a big chunk you know you can tell me you have a laugh oh yeah we do it's not dry as dust no no definitely not it's very interesting isn't it you know it's something that's very Monday nobody ever gets bored it's just one of the key quaint back which is great so there's the testing you know. How often doing once a month once a month or once more that you start it will more they don't know because the next move they got it wrong. Quarter people yeah I'll give you 2 known each other for exactly. The same since the likes of groups yeah yeah yeah I was I was looking for a long time for a group like myself and for a long time as well I wanted something like that to exist but I personally didn't think a lot I had the the knowledge of the now to do that they're mine and quietly you know with this group and I write and straight on all of those. Rocks open and then you you and your structure and everything and I was just like this is what I've been dreaming all looks like my whole life. Is great really if you like trying to something that you know that you want it you know that God have said to you we've lost the time we discuss things and we don't completely completely the same way of yeah. You you you have certain skills in certain areas that I I don't know and vice versa my friend who flew vice versa. Tell me how the magazine idea came came about when we had to me Christmas it wasn't a normal meet we just decided to go out and have a you know a bit of a point to a few drinks and stuff and I was sort stores saying about the ideas that I've got for next year and then me and Jordan were having a chat and saying because we because of the project work we wanted to do something with that as well because we thought about having caught some kind of anthologies or put in the winners in kind of a. Something like that and perhaps you know publishing it whatever but we actually thought magazine might be a better opportunity because we wanted to not only spread the word about tough role is great but actually promote talent within local area because nobody actually promoting that and there's a lot of talent out there that's probably insane and it's about it's for local people it's for everybody to get involved submit work if they want some of their work to shine there's no charge for it there's no you know there's nothing like that it's just put if we like the work will stick in the magazine yeah hopefully get it out there for people to see structure with this magazine will be themed No we're not going to go with the thing we're going to go with the main story between I think is 8 to 10000. And then we're going to have like 3 or 4 short stories and some poetry there will be an event section in their study what's going on within the local area like the literary festivals going on and stuff will have a comic strip because we've got an artist or somebody who actually draws comic strips and he's amazing about it. So we've got a range of talent and we've also got people who can do our work for us as well to do the cover work within the magazine which would be really nice we won't just be pages of text we're going to try and keep it interesting for people to actually want to read it but the idea is is to also keep it short as well because people don't want to read 25 pages of one story they want to read something that may be on the books for 10 minutes where they don't want to work or something like that so that's the idea behind it but it's to get there and get people to know what we've actually got talent from you and you know for as you say in different ways not just writers you know artists and stuff like that as well and reaching out to those and I mean you know come on let's let's let's make some of that this is a fair thing to take on Marty it is massive. You got to work you got full time yes I forgot as well yes. We're having extra meetings at the moment for the magazine to try and sort it out but the aim is to get the 1st edition at. So you got family to the think that you know they're going to get the conversation out to you for the next 456 weeks possibly. Yeah. It's going to be expensive that it was printing costs or not you yeah I mean look we have got some contacts who are going to print for us I mean they're obviously still is a cost involved but hopefully if we're looking like a bit of a disk and will say Ok traits yes. We hoping to have it sort of professionally printed we're not just going to you know go to you know x. Rays it's going. To be it's going to feel it's going to look good yes we wanted to look good because we want to appeal to people so you know we're trying to make it as good as we can where do you come in on this then when the magazines up and running like a man and you're editor one of the others is what I want to add is basically we picked a group of people when I say we picked we we asked people in the various group they want you who want to get involved and we started signing different tasks for people to do so there's myself and there's 3 other people who are the editors for this. And we're going to take it on the work that people submit in to us reading through it pulling it apart and saying this or that this could be nice tweak you know that's not great we'll stick now and we basically have in final say on what's going to be going in and then delivering all that to mine to pass on to I don't have the enthusiasm guys really do. I look you know and people say I'm going to do this yeah you know you've got this motivation to get on with it and we're really pleased as well that people are actually committed to doing it which is a bonus because everybody's got commitments as well as well as you know doing this like you say people got jobs but people are really committed and coming to the meetings and organizing stuff and we've got our own little chat on whatsapp and Facebook to talk about stuff that gets developed you know so you know it's all going very well at the moment where will it be available I think that's a good question yeah. But it's something. That's that's that is a good question we're trying to we don't really know how many copies we want to get printed yet because it is popular people are asking about it we initially thought about just putting in libraries and coffee shops and places like that and local community places. People could read stuff for free yeah the magazine is going to be great it's going to be free we're not charging for the magazine we are trying to get some advertisements to go in the magazine which we have got 4 or 5 already so and they're paying a small fee for that which will help us cover the costs as well which is great because that's what we want. But you know we haven't really sort of decided on a figure. How many copies we can't say you know we'll just print a 150 and then now it's crept up to 200 well I don't know anything about it yeah I was thinking I was going so what you going to do 25500 well yeah well that's the initial plan was about 250 just because we're going to a library and stuff like that I but I'm actually trying to talk to Waterstones in Telford as well to try and see if I can go and spend an hour in there with them to actually promote the magazine when it's out and stuff like that so it might mean many more copies for that because 100 to the public yeah I don't know whether we'll eventually hopefully posting a local areas or anything like that but we haven't really so objects got that far we're trying to focus on the magazine more that's going to come next month where we go right what we're going to do we're going to go for just libraries or local places or we're just going to go away if we can and print more copies but I think the initial plan was about 8 to 15 to start with just to start because you Michael you know yes come quicker yeah what you going to call. You can see. It's going to be called a twig. You know why well it's got tough Writers Group any. Time it was we would write t.w.g. And we got a quick talk about the name of one of our meets and one of one of the other members Oh why don't you just put a tiny. Twig and I was like that's quite amazing actually. Going Yeah because they're not that makes Twitter now so I think you know it's also a branch off from our group you know so. There's a lot of thought go and. See w i j Yes light yellow I just designed it for you to get another. You want more people on board all the time you know he's welcome more people but you know definitely like so what's the easiest way you know the number of different ways people can make contact that is crazy and it's always going to get an easy way for people to say I don't mind actually coming along guys you know when you say once a month well that's one point of view so we basically have a Facebook page which is tough with writers group and you know I always put every meat on there every month with the date on where it's it's always the same place was a tough I mean point house it's at 7 pm till 9 on a Wednesday usually we make it for what they can contact on Facebook or e-mail us as well in for a tough and writers group stop kowtowing I think. Tell food writers group. And think so I'm interested you know tell me more about the group you get out of yeah of course there were no commitment you know commitment if they want to pass along it's actually fall into place so absolutely we usually charge 5 pounds which just covers the room and every refreshments that we have so yeah we do we do we do charge but usually if they come in for the 1st time we don't shine. For the 1st time takes me to tears Yeah if they're going to commit them be we'd like you know contributions and I also I think it's. Quite good to explain as well that anyone of any skill level is welcome to you to join even if you've never written anything in your life we welcome that you get another one they have to because. People sometimes are quite reticent quite shy they might have done a little bit think that's not very good actually and you might read it so it's really actually quite nice Yeah you know exactly exactly which is which is the benefits of having a writer's group rather than just writing on your own and just having no feedback at all or no no no relation to anyone who's got common interests show your hobby so I think a lot of people get put off from put off going into writing because they don't feel that good but by going to a group like the one that we go to you can bring your work along and I what what skill level your are we can we can we can have a read through and we want to find it amazing people just go along just for one session to see what it's about and why you want feedback on their work and some of the work we've had been brilliant. And then more to be focused in the magazine Yeah and then that will get the wider audience Yes Ok great stuff guys thank you for coming in it's interesting info at Telford writers' group dot co dot u.k. Yes or Facebook Telford Writers Group yes you have to look yes I do if I could talk as a copy of a magazine often you've done it oh well yeah you know how many copies one of. The right ones are going to be out we hope in mind for. Literature Festival which is on the 14th of April so I have been hoping to have it at the beginning of April because we're going to hopefully do a little bit of promotion for tougher literary festival in there as well thanks to both thank you very much it looks like a motive and that is Martin Stanton and Jordan Skerritt they are from the top of writers group if you want to get involved to get some more information info at what Writers Group dot co dot u.k. . The tide is high Great to talk to Martin and Jordan that wasn't at the top of writers' group service if you want some more information want to get involved a lot of hidden talent and it might be you there might be something that you're writing and using last time but it might be brilliant it might be really good and it might develop you might be able to develop it by getting involved with a tougher do writers group so you found them on Google Simon did you know as well Simon went into the search engine generally does Google that all of this but a one in than just writer's group. And there it was. Facebook as well or at his group. Was. Was. Was on an airplane on holiday coming back and they were showing the films and I thought I should have watched it and I just. Got enough I was going to watch 3 billboards. It looks really good the trailer looks good. a. Night Fever rummage sale in Clive in the village hall today started 1020 when it's time you got time to get there if you near by and it's parents school organized this one it is in aid of Clive school Thank you Sara for the email Clive really tall for the rummage sale at 10 o'clock today after 10 on b.b.c. Radio shops are rank energy Good morning oh morning morning you're right I think I'm fine this is good you think you are yes thank you for waiting for a 2nd opinion is the 2nd major signal but when the alarm clock goes out. Thank you for sitting in a break 1st time I did probably not as good as you I was going to say that I was not as good as me I didn't do anything for a full on excellent lovely yes read books Yeah to something read books and did not and good things yeah yeah karma what they were college for over 4 books altogether to jack against thrillers Oh yes and I was talking to the lads there on the writers' group about Sanctus by Simon 2 and I'd read last year and then I tried to read the 2 sequels the key in the tower and a half where I got off way through the key every time and then didn't pick it up by had to go back again so read the key in the tower and 2 from Jackie except a busy time and there is a busy time doing a sling and sleeping you should that you should have seen 3 billboards in is it good where. Yes yes very good to recommend I've never heard of it until about 2 weeks ago and then now now it's got all this Oscar recognition and yes it's very good because the title doesn't give you anything it doesn't know you know well when I heard it. And there about their school stuff and I'm thinking 3 billboards outside having music I know what it's the most bizarre film title ever Yeah but the trailer is good yes it's good it's compelling Ok I won't give you any spoilers Ok thank you right now that you know I apologize but here are just mentioned for because of come home for 3 weeks now that you know I I bang on a lot about blubber of this yes the musical and the senior I have yes yeah yeah yeah don't need to persuade you cause it's coming back to theater 7 intros be in October Ok so for those who haven't seen it go to see yours in a similar one it is good yes another one good it's worth seeing we're going to see in the mountain in April you got tickets booked the already and well I've just realized but 1st few days it was coming back to theater 7 intros be in October and I said to my wife here we go and see if you. Can you've seen it 3 times already but it will go see it again yet and we're going to see what was happening with you so after after 10 will continue theater theme actually we're talking Sister Act which you can see this week it fit a 7 interest but it's going to be they get you wiggle and production line up in the on so you can hear from them couple of the cast members are coming in and we'll see if we get you on the guest list to go along and check it out as well will do that also there's a Beach Boys tribute show now who doesn't like the Beach Boys music. That's coming to their place theater in Telford later this week so you can hear from them about what's involved in the show and how much like the Beach Boys there actually are. We'll have to go our quiz as well we'll do that little Rican Wrangler thing working with me later on as well yeah and only Gomery last week. Yeah. You know we were traveling last week we were at the area so really couldn't listen but I think. That warm up question just after 11 to get you thinking really good and then tomorrow 7 till 11 tomorrow you've been hearing about the Darwin Festival this weekend which is of course going on not everyone believes that Darwin was right some people believe that he was wrong both sides of the story both sides of the argument tomorrow morning on the creation versus evil exactly creation versus evolution saying here about that and we'll do the treasure Quest as well I'm needing your help as always with some cryptic clue solving to find his way around the county where he started from just after. Talking about May thank you very much Kennedy today and 7 till 11 tomorrow. Vienna. B.b.c. Radio. Now another weather today looking at that weather forecast rain staying wet into this afternoon and then it's going to be cold tomorrow with sunshine and wintry showers but if you wrap up nice and warm and maybe even take a brawly then this could be the weekend where you can have a look at the snow drops at. 458 between Bre and Cressy and 11 to 430. Well signed off the a 458 as a say at the Snowdrop Wark and 11 to 430 in need of some Peters Church and the Guildhall and you can then stop off for the Guildhall after your walk and you can have some nice warm. Soup and or bowl or cakes or teas or coffees right so is this weekend 10th and 11th from $11.00 to $430.00 but if you'd rather plan it for next weekend which might be rather nice then 17th and 18th of every same sort of times 11 until $430.00 in the Snowdrop walks get full commentry the south to noon against Plymouth they're at home to Plymouth full f.m. Commentary today. They're at home to bottom of the National north north Ferebee and that's on d.a.b. And online it's all in shops united on b.b.c. Radio shops are from 2 today. Cut. Just want to have you know there's a lot of talk nowadays about. Back in buckles as opposed cottons whether it be delivered or whether it be from the supermarket but back in bottles and there's an interesting piece in the paper today which focuses on the man in the world who starts he's round at midnight on the Arabs to get all these Mo bottles delivered before 7 in the morning 500 feet. He houses on his delivery list leaves the dairy at midnight. So when he was younger he went up every road and delivered to live every house in the roads and the houses on the rounds are more spread out now he says he checks the instructions when he gets to the house how many bottles from door or back door abs the container rushes on switches the full bottles for the empty and then rushes back to the float. And he gets everything delivered by opposite in the morning Good honest in doing milk round for 43 years Philip Candyland interesting feature page 35 of the i news paper today. Whatever you're planning to do this weekend wrap up nice and warm is going to be a bit of a cold one bit of rain and some sleet and snow maybe tomorrow. But stick with us on b.b.c. Radio on against Plymouth today for United against North therapies all in shops United from today. Have a good weekend I'll see you Monday we start a new week on breakfast with plenty time Monday morning from 6 o'clock. Shrewsbury. Wellington. Trial to be a. B.b.c. Radio show. The news at 10 o'clock am to be Mitchell The chief executive of Oxfam has denied the charity provided references for staff who resigned or were sacked for using prostitutes while to living day to Haiti in 2011 Goldring insisted there had been no cover up but he said in hindsight Oxfam's report on what happened to the Charity Commission should have given more detail about what the staff are done the government has said it's reviewing its relationship with the charity the Defense Minister Tobias Albert. 2 British jihadists captured in Syria should be tried at the International Criminal Court in The Hague Alexander Coty and El Shafie al-Shaykh are accused of being part of an execution unit of the Islamic state group but the barrister John Cooper q.c. Says a criminal trial would be the best way to get just as elevating it to a tribunals state as a special tribunal status is actually elevating them in many respects they are criminals they should be tried in my opinion in the criminal courts and the system I have to say is set up to do that the North Korean leader Kim Jong un has invited the South Korean president moon j.n. To visit him in Pyongyang it will be only the 3rd meeting between the leaders of the 2 countries since the division of Korea the trust which runs try.

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