Spooky but you've got over it I haven't you John thank you for sharing that if you're getting in touch that I ate 13 double 3 for texting just start with. Made me. Feel great. It's 11 o'clock Good morning our market labor has renewed his call for a public inquiry into tax avoidance after a massive leak of secret papers showed how the rich and powerful invest millions in offshore tax havens the documents called the Paradise papers include claims that the queen has 10000000 pounds of her personal fortune invested in such a way there's no suggestion that those involved acted illegally trees a mayor who faced questions at the c.b.i. Conference said the government was already taking steps to tackle the use of British overseas territories to avoid tax. Present pay as consulting lawyers after allegations against him appeared in the national media over the weekend Dido captured Skee says he's the victim of a feeble media witch hunt whose joint Gallacher reports the story has appeared which suggests asked a female research where to go for a coffee with a friend of his I've spoken to him he says he did suggest it when he bumped into her in the House of Commons he says that was 5 years ago she said no and that was the end of it he stresses he's done nothing wrong he says he acted in a professional manner at all times and he says there was no impropriety whatsoever . He has consulted lawyers as he says there are false words in the news reports which have appeared over the weekend Health bosses are being asked to explain why the hospital reorganization plan for the county appears to have stalled the leader of the region Council says the public consultation should have started by their show Davis says the scheme is failing to deliver and he thinks the delays down to concerns about funding the changes and single and have to sign off the plan before the public could have their say. A gunman who killed 26 people during a church service in a rural community in Texas has been discharged from the u.s. Air Force for domestic violence the attacker has been widely identified by American media as Kevin as Devon Kelly. Police say the number of cases of children sending sexually explicit messages on smartphones and other devices is growing rapidly with reported cases reaching 6000 a year the chief constable of Norfolk Simon Bailey who speaks for the police sub child protection issues says Internet companies could do much more to keep children safe we are also now seeing more and more activity within chat rooms where predominately men are going to those rooms to groom young children young boys young girls are generally believe that the the software providers the r.t. Companies have both the social and moral responsibility to ensure that children can use the facilities that they provide safely without fear of potentially being exploited and ultimately being abused charity that redistributes supermarket surplus food is opening a new center today the Shrewsbury food hope gives the food to 32 local community groups including the 7 hospice the new center will mean they can collect store and send out more items Alex Thomas is a co-founder we've got food from Tesco. Dispenses book is what they very kindly do is give us the food that they can't sell in their store and they're back up for us and we can collect there's been a fall in new car sales for the 7th month in a row the latest industry figures show just over $158000.00 new cars were registered in October that's down more than 12 percent on the same month last year that's news 11 the next is at midday Thank you Mark it is a bit of a chilly one today but we've got some good sunshine around at the moment clouds building as the day goes on the temperatures hitting 10 Celsius 50 degrees Fahrenheit much milder Tonight plenty of cloud around still down to around 8 that's 46 and then tomorrow dry starts Tuesday before the rain starts to move 3 temperatures hitting 11 degrees. Helping you get where you need to be travel news from big. See my ideas for a few How's it looking David's really getting to and from shows a 49 through based in the hill you will find some slow traffic in both directions at the moment the scene cues on the traffic sensors I'm not aware of any planned road works along there but there's clearly some form of incident that I was restricting traffic in both directions because he had away from the dog reside in the junction with the a 5 other it's intros return center go look to be moving pretty well not seeing any significant problems either around the tree or the Telford areas just checking the traffic sensors through Hama Hill though there are some roadworks that could delay you on the a $5.00 to $8.00 as you travel around the junction with road so as the motorways are concerned just heading off the m 6 at Junction 10 a towards the Hampton at junction one there is a lane closed on the westbound side of the m 54 whilst the lorries having a tire change that isn't causing too much of a delay and there are no problems in either direction on the m 6 if you see a problem you can call us 133-012-3355 extension 0 David more b.b.c. Radio Shack to travel. That is on b.b.c. Radio in Shropshire morning in for Jim until 12 today colony's with lunchtime Of course Adam and Vicki from 3 picking a brand new place for the week and it will be films that forward cartoons after forward movie recommendations for year as I'm here in for Jim we like to play a game called get the message which is where producer Tim leaves messages on a certain celebrities fired or pretends to do so anyway and then your challenge is . I'm still in all of the things that I doubt I would do any spoilers just say however that one thing to look out for if you haven't is the fish with the transparent head which I think is a really useful trick if you can do it it's a he can look up through his skull and see what's coming that would be useful for think cricket as they'd find the East for traffic controllers anyone who lives near seagulls probably find it quite useful it's still fascinating last night on the telly that take that b.b.c. Radio show. Showbiz now. Put on my sparkly game show jacket. And funny I did have a sparkly game show jacket. I'm going to ask for next time we do this Ok so what i'm here we like to play a game called get the message which is where producer Tim leaves messages on a certain celebrity Friday it's your job to try to get through that celebrities get yourself into the winner's circle. And. We need to see if you can become a one clue one that that is your challenge to here comes the message number one READY. This is the voice mail service you have one saved message new voice message message from unknown caller I it's only 10. Remember seeing your woman Sally where when you were a young lad a company that was nearly 30 years ago now and you still might Sally 'd. Ok on the telly 30 years ago a young lad who do you think he is pretending to be on the phone to that 017-432-4832 extension 1 is the phone number if think you know you can text 13 double 3 just push rock star see a message oh you can email me if you like Ryan dot Kennedy at b.b.c. Dakota Here's the clear again I it's only 10. Remember seeing your woman Sally where when you were a young lad accompli that was nearly 30 years ago now and you still might Sally it's not a lot to go on someone who was on the telly a long time ago when they when they were a child and that was about 30 years ago gives you a kind of age bracket see how you do if you can become a one to one I think will be very impressed naturally we will be good if you need more help there are more clues on the way off the particular clock. Down to the radio shop to get a few calls about what's going on the. Shrewsbury railway station of the moment Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service say there's a fire in the recurrence of a train that standing at a platform shoes free station the firefighters are in breathing apparatuses they're dealing with it at the moment but it might be worth checking a few Jews to be travelling from the railway station in church very very soon because obviously it will be affecting things that are going on surf in the rick carriage of a train standing at a platform there of the recession but it is being dealt with by Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service I'll have more in the travel news for in about 15 minutes time of course as we get it here a b.b.c. Radio shops are playing get the message as well so producer Tim is leaving voicemail messages on a certain celebrities mobile phone do you think you know who that celebrity is from this clue so far it's only 7 I remember seeing you on the telly Well when you were a young lad I can't believe that was nearly 30 years ago and you still are my telly still on the telly after 30 years Ok good guess who's coming in to me Newport thinks it's Phillip Schofield indeed it was on telly 30 years ago it's good nick says wild guess Could it be Alan Jones walking in the air too early. I won't sing as we get nearer to the tie by there are promise you that now filling also thinking it could be Alan Jones Kath says Could it be Tim Vincent Blue Peter back in the day good thinking not quite right Chris from Telford says is it David Jason. Binn on the telly a long time it's good thinking and she says he asked to marry gold are you still getting over what happened in Strictly Come Dancing last night aren't you Angie is still getting over the shock of it I think there is a helpline high though to Geoffrey chainsaw a bloke. Who take a deep breath I think is in the winner's circle today you've got your old one please wonder. If that's all I could take of mine giving too much away but you're pretty much there that's that's all I'll say here comes your 2nd set of clues 'd 'd. This is the voice mail service you have to save messages new voice message message from Unknown Caller Hello yeah I just find I need to speak to the 2 of you and not just you when you are because that quite frankly is just a bit weird 'd. Ok the 2 of you that might help there's a little bit more to go on there and it might explain why I'm being cagey about what I'm saying about a chain saw blokes get 174-324-8321 phone number he think you know who the mystery celebrity is and get the message you can text 813 double 3 just push rop at the start of the message you have just find I need to speak to the 2 of you and not just you when you are because that quite frankly is just a bit weird just a bit weird to talk to one person on the road that's that's very strange very old what's going on there think you know who it is see if you can get into the winner's circle your final set of clues on the way. This is. Above. Queen at a kind of magical b.b.c. Radio show he may well have heard us talking about a fire actually railway station at the bar the platform has got more on this what's going on yeah I've been speaking to Network Rail and as you as you mentioned there is it the train on fire at the moment the railway station it's the reoccur reach of a train but the emergency services are there dealing with it the fire service the police and the ambulance service have been no injuries reported from what Network Rail of told me however the station is closed for research reasons so a review Trains Wales are trying to get rail replacement services in place it seems possible buses but at the moment there's no estimated time for the station to reopen so if you were intending to travel by a via train through she's be all to Shrewsbury then be aware that there is going to be a problem at the moment because obviously they're dealing with that fire but as we say as far as Network Rail are concerned there are no injuries and the emergency services are on site dealing with it we know that the firefighters are there with breathing apparatus as well to make sure that they can bring that fire under control on that on that reoccur of that train Ok Lamia thank you we'll keep you updated with that of course as and when we get more information 3 it's what comes to. Your name. Today to be. Playing get the message as well so producer Tim leaving voicemail messages on a certain celebrities mobile phone it's only one celebrity that it's important that I point that out I think. Particularly now we've heard clear number to say hey here are the clues that you've got so far I and 370 I remember seeing you on the telly Well when you were a young lad I can't believe it was nearly 30 years ago or no and you still might surly and then include. You have to find I need to speak to the 2 of you and not just you when you are that quite frankly it's just a bit weird so nice to speak to 2 of them but he's only actually making a phone call to one of them so we need to know which one that is Joe a carpet shack in Bridgeville says Is it the Chuckle Brothers it's not it's not either of the Chuckle Brothers we can confirm that but we'd still need to know one or the other we were so Jan you're close Christine you're very close in sapphire and jazz you're very close as well Karen in Wellington Yes you're very close Pauline bridge and yes you're pretty much there however we do need just one name Nick as well saying 2 names but we need just one name so which one is it I think this is the clue that should give it away. This is the voice mail service you have 3 saved messages new voice message message from Unknown Caller Oh so much from again. I got to be honest I never know the difference between you 2 and I just realized I thought I was calling the other one someone just pointed out that you always stand on the right so that's good tonight speech. 'd always stand on the right that's got to give it away one second 43248321 if you are to get yourself into the winner's circle you can text 13 double 3 just push up at the start the message which one is it is so mixed up again or are going to be honest I never know the difference between you 2 and I just realized I thought I was calling the other one someone just pointed out that you always stand on the right so that's good tonight speech you say in order to. If you find 174-324-8321 can you start a conversation that way please that. I think is that what So which one of the I will tell you in a few minutes time but if you want to get into the winner's circle in the meantime 017-432-4832 extension 1. 13 double 3 just push from the start to get you to b.b.c. Radio Shropshire and get the message. That's. Just. So. Easy. Just bank. And. You just. You. Just. Let it. a few minutes time as you've been hearing Shrewsbury railway station is closed at the moment because of a fire on a train and some of control emergency services are there apparently 12 fire engines at the station and is having a knock on effect if your car so for gate traffic is busier than usual if you had ing into town center around the on the a 5111 if you're in the area even let us know a little bit about what's going on there if you need a railway station d. Please get in touch let us know what you can say 017-432-4832 extension 1 is the phone number here so playing get the message as well trying to work out the celebrity that produces him has been leaving voicemail messages for we were to those 2 famous celebrities but we need just one of them who normally stands on the right and when we say stands on the right what we've established now is that that's is Tim's looking at them so it's as you or I look at them this one is the one who's always standing on the right as you look at them that's funny because it's only on the left for one of them and they weren't leaving the message but we only one of them call in that let's give us both Liam from Newport on the track to you've got the right. Yes Well done John in Hereford says in the video to let's get ready to rumble Well I think we know who it is now. He stood on the left do you really just confuse things. In Ludlow is giving us both names c c We just want one of them Sarah made ready for intuition again giving us both names to Joe from carpet shack in bridge north you've got the right one now well done easy peasey says pinch and always stands on the right or the left as we see them so you kind of wrong but right in a way. Joe got a carrot in Wellington you've got the right one now Phil injuries very yes you've got the right one now next you are the right one now so yeah you might well have narrowed it down to Anderson deck that I think we did and deck but we were looking for deck because deck always stands on the right as we look at them said let's examine the clues Oh it's only 10. Remember seeing you on the telly but when you were a young lad accompli that was nearly 30 years ago and it is still in my telly so they guessed I'm on telly 30 years ago bike grove of course when they started but yes still on the telly would be deck you have just find I need to speak to the 2 of you and not just you when you are that quite frankly it's just a bit weird and they never appear separately or very rarely appear separately so phoning deck but he of obviously he wants to speak to and and Dec Oh so it's him again. Are going to be honest I never know the difference between you 2 and I just realized I thought I was calling the other one so much just pointed out that you always stand on the right so that's good in our speech you say to always turn to the right as we're looking at them which means it was Declan Donnelly as in deck out of Ant and Dec The solution to today's get the message is well done if you manage to get it. Helping you get. Meaning to be travel news from b.b.c. Radio from feel Ok particularly as he introduced me this morning with the latest is David Yes we've got some congestion throughout the shows return Center at the moments we've had some problems at the station it's been evacuated because of a fire on a train that itself is obviously causing some lengthy delays and cancellations to all train services that are heading through the station so do bear that in mind if you are planning to travel but as the effects on the roads is that routes around the station extremely busy particularly castle for gate as you head into wards the town center but also seeing on the traffic sensors surrounding routes such as Smith who road and Castle Street are all extremely congested so that's certainly an area to avoid for the time being no problems 2 reports around the Telford area though all looks to be moving pretty well particularly through those roadworks that continue on the queen's ways of travel between the Hollins would run into change and the greyhound interchange we've got some roadworks that harm a hill though that could cause some delays on the a 4 to 8 that's around the road junction on the motorways save it dealt with the breakdown that did cause some delay old some issues short for a short period of time westbound between the m 6 and junction one it would have been so both carriageways now moving nicely and there are no problems reported on the m 6 if you see a problem that you can call 330-123-3550 David Moore b.b.c. Radio shopper travel Thank you David and if you're near trees priest train station and you can tell us exactly what's going on there what you can say 174-324-8321 is the phone number to get you to b.b.c. Radio Shropshire. There. Watching the ships. There now one. I'm sick and known the dog to be. Watching not. To move quickly. To sit no no dog a little bit. Lives to. Our left. The Doors. To Fall Ball 1st ball. Hard nothing to the ball no blood not mourning Oh my. Soul one just person in that dark little blade watching. With leaves. And sit no not a dog bowl or big. Least an entire. Look not the main goal of. These remains of a. Morning 10 people tell me. More are girls. Lives said. Last thing. In the street all. Alone. It seems to dial miles an hour won't. Just come it's not my home. Number just mostly dog love playing. With a. New sim No not a dog. We're used to. Calling them both resisting the temptation to whistle aren't so odd but let's not. Get on that. And should we just ruin it wouldn't think of. Writing it was a whole was. Very nice and you know just so you think relaxing Yeah yeah I remember you the Reminds me. Want to be doing a double take you know you just mind your own business you walking along somewhere you're driving along or you look out the window you go what is that red where did that come from this little incident you know rising from the weekend's activities I was totally along the coast road in North Wales I was going to say that the coast of Shropshire I kind of I know this is now no less rapture far beyond what you did if you're at the coast yes I guess North Wales North Wales Coast to play along and right alongside the road I looked at. Each. Doing there was an albatross knowing they would. Allow the truck was huge Now there must be people who you know from Shropshire may be gone for a day be so I. Round about the sort of really. Pressed up to any sort yeah yeah you know if they have been there myself right Ok Well you're probably saying Yeah I've heard how I'm trying to rack my brains now and think it was their youth right alongside the road that's all wrong one Q How did that get there who put it there in the 1st place what's it doing fish whacking great big ship. Oh and by the way why are you hiding all the many Yeah you know it. You know Lena which is supposed to be on the see. What's what's it doing drama grounded all looks like a little more of you yeah you know it looks as though it sort of. I remember I was in France a couple of weeks ago and I remember seeing we drive past a field that was about in the middle of the field. Again that's that's the wrong place for. You know about a lot of right. Clearly washed away by that point explains everything maybe a little bit more of Mark at the my trip north. Enjoyable that I'm sure it was I didn't know the wind could blow that. Discovered by gophers when I try to. Get about 2 feet off the ground get it all the way. Double take moments then. for gait right and cross straight. Because the station remains closed for obvious reasons while that is going on if you're anywhere near the area and you posted a b.b.c. Radio show then please do so one second for 3 to 4 right through the phone number. Simply right in fact ground. B.b.c. Radio show Ok let's take your mid-morning take away. This is where we take a look back and just remind ourselves ready of what's happened on the show today tell us a Ritchie Wardle has been discovering a story for himself of a mining disaster which happened in his hometown of the height of the Industrial Revolution $86049.00 men died at the end of their 12 hour shift in a coal mine in maidenly and you can see the story on inside out West Midlands tonight at 730 on b.b.c. One this inspired us to challenge you to tell us something surprising about the place you grew up Charlie from Dolly called with this is what I'm trying to do we literally all call to you should be lonely intrepid trolled when I was growing up part of the story which proved to be true that every 30 meters from where we were this cottage was an American car you couldn't look at a crowd during the war but a tiny come along I mean I was born to the. End of the war but I met with no pain really just a small graph sort of. In the middle of the road and you heard from John where I grew up in London on. Annoying Ecuador was designed I believe by Thomas for it and it was in the middle of the fields where my father was employed as a farm work for the 1st 20 odd years of me life. Just they are We didn't leave been it was just a local thing but it's virtually unknown to various other people and if you want to do some digging into the history of the buildings you've grown up in Joe Ming from building beginnings with some advice the best place to start is in the local record office with the structure Archives Council gates and they have fantastic resources for people to find out about their house they have a great collection of proconsul photographs have a huge number of maps and of course maps 3 times show you how the footprint of your house changed because people are always adding extensions and making changes nothing you know it's been going on for centuries and so maps are a fantastic resource and of course then there is the parish records and all sorts of things that people can use you can go to building beginnings dot co dot u.k. To find out more information about that we had the 1st of our historical cool seats today going to do these throughout November. The fascinating history when it comes to Shropshire today it was the turn of Catherine Mary Holly and Robert Milton join me to help find out a little bit more about her she's one of the very very few ladies that actually commemorated on any memorial in the country obviously it's one of those things I'm an absolute demon for history and when we started research in particular name along with many other summer all of a sudden quite an interesting story began to develop around her remarkable lady and there was a photograph of her on the memorial and she was quite a formidable lady from the looks of it you weren't going to mess around with. The arrival of autumn often means frosty mornings and cold evenings it's also the time of year that the trees put on a spectacular display for us today a charter for trees is being launched to redefine the relationship people in the u.k. Have with trees and Woods Nicky Williams is the director of the Woodland Trust So what we've done is we've gone out to these hundreds of thousands of people $300.00 communities of which you're really looking you've got lots of communities you've been involved in Shropshire around there all the traditions of tree just in that takes place in. And we've asked them why a tree is important to you now and we've had all this information come back so we've crowd sourced a brand new charter. Current days and it's things like planted in the trees for the Future been able to celebrate hatcheries making sure our local landscapes agree that we've got lots of access to woodland because we know that these woods and trees really help us with our health and our well being as we're getting about daily lives that are getting busier and busier which may well have inspired you to go for a walk this afternoon and explore the trees. For today. To Singers. When. She sings solo. If. She. She. Told. Right. Stick around calling one she's not but you'll double take moments off to make day to die a baby she right I've been Vicki days from free on b.b.c. Radio Shropshire I was always intrigued by the face recorder which is just the moment I like it and I don't like heights but does it just sound like a lower version this is richer and you have to stretch your fingers on you know we have got massive thing right. For massive 'd. You told me once that I was like you tired Dr I'm a die hard. Oh never said. Adam and became. Very secure they are actually the more weird we have them close up

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