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The fires have been burning for 5 weeks reinforcements have been flown in from Canada the United States and New Zealand but many people have had to fend for themselves when you once we came up we just had to do what we had today that before we did it we pride because without God we can't do nothing as it came up as a great big wall of fire and here is standing here fighting it with their hoses and it was very scary something I never want to say again really pretty scary pretty hot pretty intense the 1st event a West Coast trains have taken to the rails off to the new operator to covert from Virgin trains on the West Coast Main Line its parent company is a partnership between Aberdeen based transport firm 1st group and Italian firm Trenitalia sport now here's Thomas Duncan. And we don't seem to have told Miss so we'll go on with some more news thousands have braved the rain and wind to take to the streets of Glasgow dressed as Santa they're taking part in the 5 k. Charity some to Dash drivers are reminded a number of routes in the city center and beside the clay Tremaine shot to 4 pm. A police investigation has been launched into another which didn't tear no financial fraud at the Scottish Qualifications or thought a t the probe relates to the quangos Glasgow office and the allegation is understood to involve a 6 figure sum of money officers were 1st made to wait of the claims in June last year. At least 43 people have died in a fire which broke out in a factory in the Indian capital Delhi The fire service say their work's been hampered by natural streets in the 80 affected but they have rescued more than 50 people. Tens of thousands of pro-democracy campaigners in Hong Kong have begun a March through the city center for the 1st time since August police have given permission for a rally by the civil human rights front and one piece of sports news that s p f l said earlier this morning that despite the rain the pitch it Pam didn't in good condition and there's no need for an inspection ahead of today's League Cup final between Celtic and Rangers which kicks off at 3 with full coverage here on Radio Scotland a look at the weather no windy this afternoon with sunny spells and showers the sharers may marriage into longer spells of rain at times and there's the risk of hail and thunder and the showers will be wintry over the mountains temperatures reaching $6.00 to $9.00 Celsius saving and tonight very windy overnight especially in the north and west where gales are likely showed a drain to this becoming more confined to the north and east later where snows likely over the hills b.b.c. Radio. Scotland news. The Scottish League Cup Final on the sports side and. About. How our. House Wow that. Was if you want to. Call that. You did the White House Call at the White House call that was. Because. The school was curious to see 81 no medium wave and all your life they say in sports from the b.b.c. Very. Good afternoon just kind of any warm welcome from me Richard Gordon from the National Stadium how cold it is way that is blustery but it is the safe thing for the 1st major final of season 29 a 20 and the 2 sides that have dominated the county thus far are about to go head actually up by 2 in 3 hours time will go head to head as they like to welcome some good at dominance in this campaign which promises to be absolute. Thrilling absolutely nail biting over the next few months it is of course Rangers against Celtic it is the best red cup final and as you'd expect it is of course live with us here on Sunday sports and right across the frequencies on b.b.c. Radio Scotland it would only do a 1995 f.m. Online and on digital or be some time before the fines start to appear with the stadium is getting ready the stewards are in they're being given their instructions all sorts of preparations are being put in place and the pitch certainly Lukes playable there's no question that there's no water no surface water lying there both gold motes a little bit scarred it's clearly you can see that has taken a lot of rain over the past 24 hours in particular right now it was horrible Airlie and all right now it settled down a bit I gather the forecast is that the weather will return with some for Rossetti in a little while but whatever happens it promises to be a thrilling encounter and we love full live commentary from 3 o'clock we've got the gang here the top main all assembled to give their thoughts throughout Bonner Really though it's Neil McCann William Miller and Tom English also where there's a get his thoughts is. Expansive thoughts online of course at b.b.c. To slash Sport Scotland so let's just set the scene to be some time of course for the team uses confirmed usual little Rubens ahead of Keiko but nothing confirmed until we get confirmation from the 2 camps and of course we'll be endeavoring to do that for you as soon as we possibly can I don't know if you've been lying awake the last few nights of anticipation of this one I'm really looking forward to it I wouldn't say I was lying awake but I've been thinking about it for the last while and the significance of today for both teams I think is going to be the way that both teams are playing it could be a cracker of a game but I think it's a huge game at this time of the season for many reasons of course 2 teams played so well. This is going to be of a confident situation whoever comes in top today it kicks them on for almost the rest of season I think Prof probably just needed more than Celtic probably at the end of it if they lose it will say well it's just just another game and we did league but for a religious point of view this could be a moment where you can see we are where they are now really taken still to go on really the big big challenges of selling and system up for which is going to be an incredible end to the season we've seen the other night when when we were doing the games and with the way that both teams of the one played against Aberdeen one played against How will the home and rate at the end of last almost 45 minutes how the whole thing could have changed around and so so so the atmosphere detention among the fans speaking to them at the moment in order significance also of it it's going to be a school be a wonderful occasion and we're really really looking forward to it yeah sure Billy do you feel the same in terms of your anticipation for this latest head to head between these 2 absolutely and you always look forward to a cup final especially when it's an Old Firm Cup final so probably the rest of the boys just can't wait for it to start looking forward to seeing. At the start the way the tactical battle you can actually I think threw into the mix the way I don't know because I could be mystics to be made today that could cost one team the cup final to look at but and Thames intensity and of course and I am really looking forward to the kickoff and we'll see what the teams are before the tactical analysis Yeah we'll do that we'll get your put it maybe once you have got the team you should might actually give us a prediction believe you refused to yesterday am I but I did and I'm standing by I'm going to stick with the drawing given text. I mean to say this I mean the game prediction No I mean well you might try to wake me up no we're here in the car but you doesn't understand this is how this thing to do that does it draw I mean clearly it's. Just I mean I would do it. I mean you see I think I think. Because I'm not I'm not betting man I don't go through the doors of a big piece of North Shore you know your rationale you keep your money because I said if you threw If you threw the defiance right and you said what's this decision for me I'm sure what's easiest this is it to me and I think in the fence in the draw that combined with your rationale behind it that I did but I think most people's perception would be sent in the financial thing the 0 idea. Was Yes I would. Do it after extra time and I was just going to everyone to leave here today and go a penalty to get a trophy for 6 months you know listen anybody protectin here when he called his tail new forty's because there's no chance you can see I'm telling you Ok Hold on hold on are you are you predicting a draw with any confidence. Yes So I'm going to sit. Tight it's one of 38 cards so I think you could take it with governance and say that you could predict either Celtic or Rangers with confidence because at this closely much the form of I don't . Understand your rationale as well well but I'm not understanding when you go and you get the biggest odds in the draw as to how this thing to protect That's why the bank and it's a biggest between the 3 selections you could make to have this one people that understand be a coming from from my point of view but I'm trying to put over the point of view of the fans and I think most funds would see or come or go off the fans door gee you know you take now you know well when you have off the spins I hope you'll get a little bit was up there a danger. I'm sure you're not protecting with any great confidence Hello there we are here today we're in for 3 hours in this good is just always going to be guys. I thought you know. You see it you were sleeping. But you're thinking about. You she said I wasn't even but I was thinking of. You I can't. Actually I don't think about it when you're sleeping your lesson to be I was right I mean I know it's a long time but we need to try to keep something I don't know so I feel like you know you have already said join us he said I was going to say I can't wait he can't wait for the team news he wants to see that is the team use going to have a significant beating can either manager spring a surprise on the other with the team use. Yes I think there's always a case for a surprise I'm looking forward to seeing a more important look forward to seeing rain just sets up and it's not because he's depleted into this because the last old fun game everyone has an opinion including myself about you Stevie set up game with no one else playing if I. Might feel those and I think that's where the game was lost because Celtic then what I like to go and play are strange as they have the white ball and they deal with all of the game so that's what I'm looking forward to seeing the team. And then late barely see who the game developer and I could even though so close closely much there I think this will be an absolutely brilliant Cup Final I really do nothing to say if they do see this as a Steven. White players with and I can't for the life of me think it won't work that I can't be in one of them I think I think if you play today as well and because he's got an intelligence I don't know what go next game and I don't know how you I think. I thought being said. And that's what we want we want our game is going to inflow we want filth all we want through Paasschen play then a couple old from the cup finals and another special but when the soul closely marched just when you just love the whole atmosphere changes because we've seen it before where does doesn't it doesn't and I'm ballance because one note from team clearly stronger than the other but that's a very hard one to call that day. But before you jump on and start. I think it's I think it's. I think it's easy to call at all and stay there just for one site well account I can I can be a draw I don't know how well you know talk like that yeah just carry over the point you make in the on the I guess so it's so it is yeah because you know I think you can certainly faints and easy as you say it's going to be you know I can see going to penalties on something like that but I think Celtics nor over the number of years Steven Gerrard's comments off. With the pressure yes it pressure on and you and I discussed Livingston. When they said that they can this game to use a catalyst for the league and absolutely. This can go to the mental edge and the mental strain. They famously So we are so right about that being the case you agree with Pat then that this this game perhaps is more significant for Rangers either way yes I do I do believe. I understand the flee 2nd offense. Because when you get games you don't know what I'm saying No nor does one say what you think lesson if they plea they will when today it's not like that in the scheme so there's a case to set an offense that's what I'm seeing you can usually protect if you really find some don't form of the front or you can look at a fading away or it's gone by in years we've played double d. In our body and have to step up that game but it's not the key to do evil in much of those a peaceful the old flees set an offense right Ok so it goes it's all square and let so much that he can maintain when it's believed we had an absolute classic And then we have 30 minutes of stop start sorry but that's no 4 that's going to get extra time and we go to the penalty shootout with this I don't know at that point you have to see which of the teams is going to win the bet red carpet I want to know what are your rights when your call would with the supplies you do if they don't go . Over that surprise if so to one. Of the please better than your course just straight forward. To hold down a little you know get the straightforward answer. To the needs of the world like you know his plea bit on the team on events one exam on it just know. I don't like calling games on the course because it's the big we haven't even seen a team to put a stop but when the game starts to develop this is when that's online become really really good if you have both or not so I think you know I think it and no I don't I don't gamble at all I'm just saying that people who got a knowledge of the game can actually start to see how the game develop and see a team up now if you will put Hines teams not playing right the something wrong with what they want to be and you can actually see it you know what I find see. You are going to win this because it develops. And you think you could maybe have an opinion a little bit before the game starts once you see the team and once you see the light you know and I actually. Think and well it is the ranger. Stronger Yes talking about the last game you're talking about how no one else that might make you change of mind as well actual formation the team personnel Yeah yeah I think you should look up but you know pillars of things are already in or here other teams and. You know all we're trying to establish really is where we might actually get a prediction from here so it's so right now it's looking like the only game going to take hold on I mean if you forget when we spoke yesterday I predicted simply. Because it was new form gate they'd start to do Season silted with a bit the need one name in the throat but suddenly it ranges of come to the floor over the season that's why it's so evenly matched. Has been watching too many of these political leader to. Do so. You can spend an hour talking about I could write like this is like what So that's not true as well Ok So we'll we'll get your prediction once the teams are in you're going for now I think Celtic will want it. Now if Edward plays it will certainly want to if he if he doesn't play correctly when I said she will certainly want to because I think you know you have to I'll tell you why because they have 2 options that if we just step off them in any way shape or form Celtic will play through them and run them if Rangers pressed him and if Edwards play and he can play long to had ward and then he can get higher up the pitch if he doesn't play creates a little bit of a problem for them and how to find a different way that's the only proviso I will try into it at this moment type right but you certainly feel that's what it will win this game Willie your prediction is I think I'm going to set an offense actually. After listening to my 2 colleagues here I say that began the season I think Rangers are the challenges and Celtic are the ones with the history the other ones are the confidence they are the ones that I think have got to be beaten obviously and I thought by you know that can happen but I still think you know Celtic have got a slight advantage and I would have to go for 50 trophy but then again I'm a Dodger. I wouldn't be surprised if we just talk on the stove to do the gently get players that can do it up yeah but you know even the short term history says the better than Rangers because the last thing they may take one look as if they want to prove Rangers are still got to prove that they can take Celtic on their on the occasion if we have the expectation as the awards range of the 2nd tough against you know what's on the far stuff we get it with the door going to blow. The money just change it out of the money just change the name and I didn't see Steve and Joe have an answer to the tactical changes and actually I'll be in my probably the better team and the 2nd tough and green just didn't. And actually question for the good times or the pressure so this is a pressure game reserves are still got to prove that they are better than Celtic that's why plumping for Celtic I wondered when he when he questioned his players kindly depression was he directed doctorate at the players rather than the media I think that was just to try and stoke the fire yeah right you just tell us almost embarrass them to say right you know you let yourself down so are you going to do the same again on Sunday are you going to bottle it again on Sunday but they did let themselves down. Did they do you know a show and I think it was I don't know that I think it was a mind games going to be but it was accurate and he's the only mystery it was provoking thought it was a joke and it seemed to come up with a reaction and that's it you're spot on this is the final of the 4 ranges of the Off to be taken seriously as title contenders as yet and and the sure. The goals are scored in the form that on the day we had the playing I think the all contained does but this will reinforce the point or get that in just finds a tangible proof that this is real that's why does one need this game is sure huge for Rangers it will it will tell us whether he can actually go or if they lose this game today and that little 2 point gap the Celtic have just opened up because of the draw what what. That range is hard then the confidence to call for it will take I dunno but if they will if they play well or lose it I don't think I don't think they'll be too much damage done to the morale if they're just beaten when I think I was doing everything I told it was the oddly then. As it's going to play should on being more precious a little go oh well that's the way it could go and it well I don't know if you know but that is the big thing told because it's a few years since they last picked up major silverware just they have invested as you know we all know millions and millions in the last couple years they've given Steven Gerrard out the can a squad is clearly capable of challenging the other we've seen already this season if after all but they still can't beat Celtic on the big occasion in the Cup Final do you not think that those potentially have a damaging effect I think it has a damaging effect absolutely but I think there are degrees of damage done if they play well and they're just beaten by ice appear yourself sick I think they're just going to have to take it on the chin and press on do you think I tell you to look at it that they've been beaten again by a city a Celtic I said that if you disappear for the past decade or whatever John asked me to 2nd guess the thoughts of the Rangers fans which I thought that's a place I don't want to go to I thought I think I dream has been to do to see who had been beaten by a subpoena or seen and played him but I think the pressure on being just for the rest of the season does it a lot of good but in deference to Steven's yet I was comments I was reading to the end he's talking about that difference and obvious haven't played out and played against my chest and when I thought it was away from live up to and I think those games are and he said it because. They got between these 2 in the rest of. The 2 with us maybe 4 to 5 then the other had become big games but he was seen the scrutiny of the media makes us an exceptional game so the pressure that comes from losing this game of Rangers with 21 with absolutely the mainstay of the players because then the media would run again the for. Field. Is also not just the media's to 2 sets of fans law and order. And I think it is also media not just a right yeah. But place as in the clear. Because no more than ever know with a social media the players want to go after the game and see all the support to the thumbs up will last you have no you know and they just get pelted I mean I can't I can't get my head right on social media in terms of so they will know I ski and they were at least 80 and I mean so Stephan wanted to touch again and see the standpoint of the patch and Celtic of an earlier kickoff and the older they won the game and mediately the pressure is on them to go and answer that question and then the weakness of the main that these players who are not one of the an expectation of the final bring that's when these 3 think about it the other way also if they want it or not so it's least that's what I was saying and that's why this this cup final forget the Scottish golf and because it comes at the end of a season you know you're almost winding down and it's a great occasion and you have a week to prepare or 10 days whatever to this is right now season this is going to affect the league it's going to affect the even as Cup starts and January all of these things this game will affect and it's a critical time and both clubs probably this board has a history of Rangers at this moment in time but Celtic lose it so lose it while the big question marks are asked over and also there's this analysis and you hear it from time to time that you know because Celtic have won 9 trophies in a row they can afford to drop this one and it won't bother them too much and some Celtics that will be direct rhetoric never to. Say that and they mean us some Celtic fans say that and they don't mean some sense of fans will just go loopy if they lose this because they all all reason goes out the window and they just cannot they cannot abide to lose even if they have 109 trophies in a row doesn't not they cannot get used to their. You're making Thomas good because you say that the fines that will just go absolutely off the head though they go off the radar because they'll think it's. Leading to a thing just when this is tangible range is a common yes and then suddenly it's northeast of the blues in the sun have a beautiful name. And Taina a nice when the there was if there was a 10 point gap in the league and Rangers going on today yeah that I don't think Celtics fans of the 2 would be too upset if they let it all over just mess talk as they could see look 9 are always a good in the bag already they're just not in the pack you know this game not a step towards the real ambition the Rangers and thought yes of course this is because the realize in this they stopped out in the league of course that has that ambition so this is only the step towards I think of confidence if they don't want to I think it gives them a great boost if they do want to be on but you know Michel you know our point the minute you know the are actually going for 9 in a row maybe 10 in a row for them to get ahead today what losing this game confidence will go and then you're right the reaction from the fans and uses some level dismissal but in the back of their mind you know that night is a challenge and also I would say listen you guys a lot like a gazillion times more about this than that I ever will know but. No religious team became a great range of state without hurting Celtic Right yeah I know really just like it became a great range of striker without hurting Celtic and that's going to be good for the morale is to be right after you have to download still tick to become. A really serious about the bottom line is they have to be there because they have to beat Celtic to the trophies because that's how Scottish football or previously you know it. Will come Eduardo there are so many and I space just in terms of the so actually we won't be able to see this afternoon what the significance of this is it's going to take till the end of the season because you just do win maybe I'll just be. Make up for Celtic maybe it won't be domestic trophies narrow but if they win the Scottish Cup in the league championship then it was just a little break up the difference will be as of Rangers and build and if they do win to the be then go on and win the league or win the Scottish Cup or win both Sorry I think the significance will come very quickly Richard we were with Linda season we'll see how the teams react to it over the next 4456 games left before the season or is it a break then it's a different it's almost like coming into a different league because you know you're a little bit of time to prepare and the players all of that you've been there that break. Or whatever but this next 4 or 5 games I think you'll see a reaction and that could be 8 or negative or positive depends how this result and that's what I would say so even from that perspective this game is so important it is also important if Rangers are to win today they're going to have to produce probably the best performance they produced under Gerrard probably by some distance because. Unless they lose themselves on the way to handle Celtic are going to deliver a big performance because that's what they do they have an amazing ability to peak on the big day 3030 consecutive victories in Cup ties have nearly a 100 goals have conceded less than 10 have been across those 30 Cup ties they've been behind for talking 47 minutes across 30 games so you know Celtic unless something weird happens you know that Celtic are going to deliver something today because that's what they do so ridges are going to have to match that and then go or so so this is what is proven and you're talking long term and all together but I think we'll just talk about silk in Alaska. They point to that run over the top with angels that ranges of proven and one off occasion will twice when the. People who I think this is an easy once he's a player you believe that to the if you the Rangers player we cannot lose again the trace of his own ranges of human nature with us. Yeah. That's the question is it on the other NATO against Aberdeen so that's why Steve in general is through and through in the gauntlet to them but things that he's the one we are simply and defines may be screaming at me but I think simply could not get out we would but there's no I think the more place it is only just the one that's caught for you know you'll see the be gutted and Ridge but there's not as much pressure in silt when this is it doesn't mean just for me but I think we all like it or do we all like it I think so yeah yeah yeah I mean it was and you know the voice the 1st game of the season against Celtic this would be the 2nd game this season after a loser Yeah you have a case forward that you're capable of winning the title and your fans are going to . Be no. Against are being questioned whether you could handle the pressure on them or if you're going to question after this game depends on how it goes but I think. It's so vital that Rangers get trophy so they can kick on from there I think if they don't do that then huge bonus for them but I still think they'll take I've got enough there the office that I should know how to handle I haven't had too many in recent years but they should be able to handle that with the quality and the quantity that go with and not scored as well that would be really intriguing and I think that would share our real table challenge I know we've got challenges though because both teams are playing so well but this is a crucial what I think it makes it ranges by if they don't want it there's a crucial thing I'm going to watch t.v. And it's hot and twice when Rangers of won twice against Celtic with absolutely smothered school yes yes absolutely smother them school with that a number on them and when when Celtic lose. The game and the game it doesn't have the influence that drives in the Poa than I think someone and still exceptional going forward I'm not saying score that I go. And for what. It's the top the tundra and how many Jason and in the know there are some there with passion and the plot and nor who he's going to he's going to make great to get after yes you're right but I'm looking at Rangers just now and Steven Davis of what is one thing's for thing where 3 just doesn't have. The. Look of course addressed in the thing he's a leader in any least by performance and and how he plays but not as No as a god people discover next March from the look over the top of them as you stand in there and left your teammates because we've all had players that have done and you could name them where the way I'm standing next they were no it was one of those boys and. A Cylon assassin smile look over the top of anything and it can let you do we see and look at Tom and yet as as as a captain a Rangers. Player but they need become a player and the only way they're going to become that type of player as the rain jacket. I don't know you like them a lot of rings are to one today and suddenly maybe a couple plays with an investment of poa and then no rain just wanting player for a trophy I think it could turn the balance in the main I agree with you Neil in relation to Scott Brown the pending and where Celtic plea game will start to game if they start and try to play through Scott Brown in their own half and Rangers can go impress them in our field I think is the key to this he's got to play in a position where he's close to if Shelly try to do that and that happens and Celtic or Rangers then get the momentum from not and are higher up the pitch but have to go in Minnesota and they play higher up the pitch and ask why I said to you that Edwards in this team is absolutely critical they don't have anybody else. Loose modest and very very well but he's not a target my star player you can put it all up to make it just a play there and again we see that I broke when rain just dominated the game couldn't be nobody to play to. So but if Edward plays and the play beyond Scott Brown up there then Celtic's momentum will go and they will not press you almost. Make it that press and not so I don't know then then then you're Scott Brown's playing in a different situation he's not a support player rather than that he needs it on the part of someone's team because you can't you can't focus on one. Talent Celtic oblate and so you can see it was just going to force the game because enough make it joints is playing from Point Boma Not that I say don't want to get too many good players crusty talismanic players they can change the game if you focus too much on one but you take the time off. And a fake So how do you take him out just a few minutes after you but only other Holywood I think it's I can't explain you know who is part of the you know I think the over the course of external usually being I think it was filling. A field on and you see some of them it doesn't move it doesn't influence a game you type team way you go running in a couple on and you try and get a noise dot but you left your own support as well as your own players and you don't score influence again and once you do that you didn't ask in the other good players to a few a few don't want to play as it on and then mark in and and your function and we always a team in that game plans good you'd ask in them to influence a game but it's not been a big change under Neil Lennon compared to Brendan Rodgers for example I could predict Brendan Rodgers in charge is team how they were going to play the you're played a ball in the park to a play true Scott Brown to a player don't walk through the thirds of the pitch under Neil Lennon and by the way I think they've changed a little bit under the Lennon because I think the players have taken it on themselves to try to play a little bit more compared to when Neil committed to go to team force but I think the day if the Rangers press which we know that would be the game plan if I was game plan that's all you have to do if you step off Celtic in any way shape or form then you're in trouble because it was proved that I Brooks and the last game but if you press them here and they can go beyond doubt and this pitch I think of other players who will influence the game and that's why I take Celtic to win this game not because you know people think I'm a Celtic supporter I just think you'd be watching the 2 up. It's sorry is that what people think but yeah well listen you know you're going to take him with us but we're here we're talking future we're talking of authority you are we have to give it as we see it on the pitch and if they don't perform you've got to also talk and and tell people how Celtic played and if they don't do and if they do it what you say in the oval and they play true shopper in our field as a job and Celtic loses then don't you. See that this is one component and just let me a lot of people on this court that anything I try to do it because I identify you take time out of the game then then he can affect the others around them it's like you go for the chief. And the endings of all sort of thing you have no say in what Scott brain does and he's a really clever foil and not you a lot to overlook a Costco as you think you need any draft sent it what you did here you commit your possession and see if you have not get players that are intelligent enough to just let him go there because he can influence a game from a film about possession and the foreman It creates a gap and that's when your thought of it my career has increased because you're clever the true and those holes and the game that you're talking about so you need that you need intelligence you go in sequence they fall on you go all over the top of it the rest and yet as to your team are we trying use our mind mock up to his advantage you let him go and you keep it clean to and then we try to do that as well as can intake and credible he has a very clever plan is it for me I think it's easier to describe to the can in order we function no range is better is Ok and when it did go after blown and stayed for the utopian games you know that's not the way it's been saw the intriguing question for me to do is have a range is going to go but the deal with what they stay for Scott Boehner would want in place high up the touch but in European games this will come down to fierce and older I think who we are few and maybe can't instead of the 2 wingers I've been playing in European games and in counter-attack and so that would be one way they would be a vote and he set of policies that would. Pick them off or did it go and try and stay for sale to teach school pro note because. The not been do not you know been depleted to mingle so I think you will get an indication that when my point as. What we are going to play today with the few the track Well the 21 goes on well the tech school I feel peace definitely. What would you anticipate which we see Steven Gerrard going. Offense again in terms of I think the balance will be coming with us after. I think we'll go a balance of. A few Steffen up and one wing up to the right I think that's one thing towards and stay deeply in a new Jewel has been inconsistent as new was pointed out and that would mean would have to Wenger's new speed to go and what analysts would be going to have to set your tone and that would. Be off it you're talking Davis Jack come out of are you Yes I mean yeah our field field can't I'm not that Renaissance. But it was absolutely because it was a spell where we didn't know it from week to week but it's become a fixture the way employ notice you know you don't have an up front in terms of certain offense and it's get monotonous but the you get a voluntary to dangerous if we just set off this game and play with it to when else they could be in trouble because of what he said. But the best form of Heidi beaten silk it is when it. Can recall and between that was my point and I think that will be the balance that Stephen General de Villepin for today did the other issues sorry or not is that if our field goes on on to pro and stops him getting on the ball and run as you said is very clever takes more with the 2 center half the Celtic have especially stepping out into midfield if they just go to one off and I think Ryan Kent is critical and I think the position of the plays almost like an inside if he plays or not left on say play in a left hand side yeah and the deal is what one of the Senate Armed the food back he could have pasted it out and he picks up that position and gets it distances right I think then I will stop and go on to the other side I have not made stop Celtic again from building a little bit from the back and I will I will help our field and he can follow Brandon a little bit more but that makes sense this is this just a change tack slightly the weather is horrendous and a supposed to get even worse is this what impact is this going to have and again I'll make a fast pitch which is what both teams actually want a fast pace but when the swelling so then you're looking at set pieces becoming very very important with set pieces become very important become really difficult for goalkeepers to come in and judge a flea across it so that it won't play an impact on it just to paint the picture if you are hitting here folks mean me she is a war that's for sure but it swirling I mean the readers own again that the skies are laden above then and it is swarm lingering this bowl of a stadium believe play there and what it is windy is there are particular problems in this and say this. Not really I mean there will be mistakes made because of it there's no doubt So that's a problem when I said before the game at this game could be you know the result could go the something's a mistake in a way don't have that so we're looking at it and you're not telling me to do that a mistake could cost one team the cut this is definitely going to enter. Scotland somebody you know stage it but you know we saw the way that the touch was neat but if it continually pulls us we could see in a national game especially those floods Well yeah you look around the outside of the pitch the perimeter I mean they're better off bottles pretty significant bottles forming on the track all right in the perimeter all of the page the pitch itself is looking up so what they find right now well as a player I mean are these the kind of conditions you relish when you are there we will be clear we will look at that yeah and say this will be all because. None are definitely. So Ok so then I was looking for no one in perfect conditions and you have to call the think the when the I think we would all agree that the wind is more difficult to deal with than the Nerine I think you can deal with it in I think as a defender then you would try to make sure that you didn't make any mistakes that you werent you know certainly not dressing room through the mornin the fire you had made a mistake and she has conditioned course you the cup you know a lot but. By golly in the. Past but now of course passes it gets caught up in the and they're in the going in the score so that's I think that's where you're going to focus on I don't think that we're going to get these conditions because it's coming kind of a common goal in the arena so yeah it is a little but so it might not be quite as bad but for me the one that is all. It was difficult to judge a ball and think plot would be this enclosed bulge in the boat difficult to judge in a light plane and windy conditions but that in no problem a lot of suggestions I suppose I was going to see below where you are because of mistakes like the mistakes that you made never counted because they were high up the park good one part is I don't want to come for those I don't know. Just perfect little white player because it's just if you get on a bike fit and you're running at full pelt then he's funny. He's the oldest even Jen I get what you were going to say that if they could there's a little perfect no no absolutely not for me I think school field will play more and say draw as it was spoken of in school but I mean and he's clever take a minute and not with an open not tough and yet I would I would play almost if he's going to play off that I am not sure to fail school off the list but he's gone off that I then you just comment on the on site and know for your pov and you on the on there you say then it's a very his delivery and the books but for a white play out and Celtic have some really special players that run in with pace that's is absolutely for all what they enjoy for the fandom because you can't come to the challenge to quit because of some of these quite enough good that going by people just lends itself just to skip and it's such a brilliant selfish course in a ball because the ball rolls you have your touch very very easily so you can say yes you know very very quickly also if you're scared then low courses and you know you need to pace in about shape or not and it's just going to get to where it wants to be holding up every team you know of his dry did Broadwater an approach to want dots zipping as a ball they want those passes you want to get and Celtic play that way to play up to 4 2nd touch to move the ball around quickly so the conditions won't bother them and Will is right as a but the one b. Interests Fraser Forster and McGregor deals with a situation like I think if I'm playing planes they have a muscle influence on the game huge Yeah I really do think he could be a key player a fit place for sale today. Well Friday when the t.v. News is available we'll bring it to you right here on some of the sports over live and b.b.c. Radio Scotland it will media we have 9295 f.m. Online and digital the 1st major final of the season the bet big cup final Rangers and Celtic preparing to go ahead to head a 2 and a quarter hours and of course the 1st cup final to all between these 2 since 2011 and the League Cup back in 2011 Quite apart from Everything's been happening this season that adds to the occasion the just the story nature of the afternoon I guess it does yeah absolutely it's got a novelty factor there was a 3 times they've met in Cup since since then yeah it will be just 2 words for Celtic you know yeah it's you know it's always it's it adds it adds to the last historic nature of the fixture. Arrangers longing for a trophy and the implications of not winning Yes and the implications of winning Yes I mean it's just the 2 scenarios for them are our extraordinary. Potential visitor offer Celtic. The kind of a real blow to Rangers title prospects as well into the bargain so the psychology of the game is fascinating it's absolutely fascinating you know previously would have turned up at these games where the risk semifinals something to just a few finals whatever and you get put you put your house on Celtic winning comfortably. Today not so much when I mean I'm with Pat I won't sit on the fence like dogs I will not do not I worked out I think if Eduardo starts I think Celtic win but not early enough I think I don't think this is not going to be I gree we're talking I don't think you know after all of the park look I think that there's been a lot of talk about predictions or the lock their role in the program so far I mean I think they were there and when they said you know it would have said they would surprise you would have just been there with I think it would be a surprise this afternoon would be a havey win for either side doesn't it yeah I think that's right and we've seen we've seen plenty of heavy winds for Celtic over ranges and the last number of years. And that would that would be a genuine surprise if they were to put them away by 3 or 4 like they have done. By the state that well have sent in for it just hit us that would be an upset that probation but you're saying that the 2 sides a suit tight and so difficult to separate these days so that if Celtic are capable of doing are we just keep a look they're going to get out of range haven't done against this we just sight. To be going to beat them to do and it was to deal going on and I don't talk yesterday you know they do the real number on them yesterday the 2 knew it was a real number on them. So if Celtic were to do it it would be a surprise but not a revelation if registered to do it would be an absolute shock because who's on the to the Celtic team in recent times and hearts beat them for nail says so I mean if it was about it was 3 or 4 for Celtic to be you'd be mildly surprised that someone would yeah yeah but only because I think. I would be I would be I would be very surprised and shock is probably we're kind of respect and hairs here but I know I would be shocked if I saw yesterday we're just going to get a lot more to this register to vote Israel recently Richelle that yeah it's not true at all told her to nice to. Know you know I think we would all be shocked if there was a heavy I told her sometimes I just was thinking let's start off or something really was just something I thought it was a little bit he's a machine because we've watched him play this season you know a voice on really good performances both teams so I think it would be definitely show if it went one way or another unless something extraordinary happened like sand off which can throw the imbalance but you know if 11 players start and finish and. I don't have a defeat for the I think you know you have a defeat I don't really think as although the balance of the game could you know you could say it's a heavy defeat it should have been more so if it's that you know more yeah that's and that's a that's quite a generator a just result is really to the surprise of Rangers have shown resilience but it's been a resilience. That big resilience has been largely in Europe domestically against Celtic they've lost to nearly already this season the family in the league last season. Knocked out of blood cups last season by Aberdeen domestically they haven't had that resilience they've had a bit more of that this season but the 1st big test they fielded against Celtic they need to show it today and there is no safety there today there is no there is no 2nd chance to do it it's not like it's a league campaign where al-Qaeda pick up the points down the road it's do or die today that's a big pressure you're right and get some really good results and you don't sell to the base 8 that means as a face this season and I'm talking to an author and paltalk Celtic of the most dangerous 8 that Rangers face this season and they have to come up with and since I can sell to the place in a cup final that your rates all they have done European but they haven't money to go. They were going still to kill them as they. Were going to full live coverage of course as these 2 go head to head against Celtic getting underway at 3 o'clock still very blustery here at hand and I think I mean just a bit off again for the moment as they said it's coming through and Sorrels and squalls as it makes its way through we've still got plenty to bring us that is the team news comes to hand you get with us here on Sunday sports and last look forward to the build up to the game and then goodness only knows full will give the boys just a little bit of a break we're joined by Stephen Thompson and Michael Steele It will of course be in the studio later 715 for sport seeing all the highlights of the weekend's Premiership action we'll get their thoughts of what might happen the sense that it will get the thoughts too and the big story that developed last night i Reporter Brian McLaughlin was already there what made it 6 o'clock last night off the ball to tell the nation that. Has Arrived Brian Bell is now in the country a return to believe you arrive in Scotland at some point tomorrow and here will be a castle on and on Tuesday afternoon he has to club on a 2 and a half year deal after being released for that he's been released on not from Barnsley But still to find out because my understanding is there's still an ongoing situation between Daniel standoff and bonds late but he was going situation being that no severance payment has been meat by the club no severance payment and no compensation as I'm led to believe has actually been paid by Hearts to Barnsley right for the 45 year old dying of stereo very put off. I believe Richard don't and there with fans are a very important to the fans despite the fact he didn't win any of his last 10 games in charge he did leave the club though from League One last year into the Championship struggling this year close to the bottom of the table. But you know what I hear on the 2 and a half year deal he will bring with them I'm told least one coach with him and that will be 26 year old Chris Stanton who was one of his assistants up biomes Lee was also a player under Daniel Stengel previous club and Hanover but I'm told that he will come along what we don't know is what will happen with the current coaching staff with Alston McPhee with Liam Fox and with John Daly whether they will stay on and some capacity in any capacity at all what we also don't know Richard is what happened with the sporting director's job tops and we'll also McPhee the move from kids take it into the money just to the post of sporting director but what we do know is Daniel Steno will be in place take us for a massive game next Saturday. Against Johnston Yeah I suppose that if he could become a sporting director when he steps so you never thought that 110 yes. He is arriving yet and I'm not sure exactly what is your new job will be but you know she's taken away and think tell you I'm Richard to get to this stage. Whispers yesterday morning that something was going to happen that happened after the defeat at Motherwell and by defense we made the decision that Daniel stand your stand or was there mine there may be a little bit of poker going on here as well with bonds and seeing Richard Well Ok we've got him on what are you going to do about it because this fight has led to believe hearts don't think that any compensation will be due to Barnsley Bonds only another hander saying Oh yes said will be because of sevens packages being agreed technically he still would monitor Yeah I mean normally these things out in a moment anyway yeah I mean only these things and I stay in the contract I mean most agents and sure that there are provisions meet for the owners interesting what the. Co-chairman of bonds Lee said and. Midweeks and these things are normally sorted out before Nicole which I don't know why they're sending letters there's actually bonds like who sent a letter to hotspots informing them that they would be due compensation only to leave Ok Brian thank you so Michael we were discussing this a couple of hours before the events what was actually meaty is in place which changes things and of your view of the apartment but the bottom line is at least we can see their hearts now I have a manager you can get to work as soon as he gets in the door absolutely I mean look it's been it's been a long time come on and. Desperately need to stay in the to come in and them and reinvigorate the state you know it's. A person if it was that he comes into the margin you know for the manager you're looking at a club the size of hearts with the resources that have been thinkin they will know we should really be is up so it's a great opportunity for the manager to turn things around but there's a lot of work to be done because the legacy that's been left by the previous managers is not a great one of the moment. There's some readjustment to the squad I think it forced with. The squad to start the season and I think everybody was Racine you know very very good there are areas of it which are good but there's other areas that are sorely lacking and them and there needs to be. A real need to be a real recognition of if you want a developed youngsters you've got to give them an opportunity and not simply wasn't getting done before Stephen your instant reaction to their formative stable. Well it's a bit tame I think is my reaction really the club itself seems to like leadership just no I think the squad needs investment he's going to need to be backed in January they don't get the playing staff they scored doesn't seem to have an identity so it was a big job to be done and you know I've been seen all season just because you have a huge club and you've got all the facilities and a great following and all the great things that said don't touch football club doesn't mean you're too good to get out there bottom of the League joint. So it's a humongous job I think make a point no it's maybe a great time as a manager to command and take a team because yes that is sources of their facilities or they are everything is there to go in that direction but you should only be your league. Is taken away you know but if you stand the was that initial target initial number one candidate and I've got a man fine that's Ok much less that was said at the get go and that if it takes longer than expected but they get the right person this was before Rovers to donate in those name this is to us this is just a. Fairly generic point if it takes longer than you expect but you get the right person and funds won't kill or drop but is only going to be normal and tight you know and what has happened with this process is that the pressure because the situation with regard to the confidence of the team has plummeted in this and to the p.d. It and the longer it's taken and obviously all the complications that have said only that it's just adding more pressure to dine your standard have been a common and have an empire and it's more difficult and I was well in this design but period because of so many games will be difficult for him to introduce any different ideas that you'll be looking to train and to juice it's I mean Linked In all the school or whatever there's also a bit more pressure on him to get. Given the league position Yeah it's definitely yes exactly and it's very difficult because it's you know it's in the thick of it we game after game after game can vastly or the margin that we he'll be trying to look upon it positively is that if you can get a couple of as it was quickly then it changes the environment and then he's going to join you know when he's going to have to make a few changes because you know Richard you and I were both there yesterday it was a continuation of what's been going on for a while but need some energy whether it's you know brought from the monitor and has enthusiasm that comes in some of the players I would be surprised if they're able to take it to the level they need to be on it's actually bringing in some other players who have the energy and intensity of both of them and particular and the middle of the park they are sorely lacking and it's causing them some C.D.'s issues I guess going to see Yeah right yeah I mean Stevens spoke about bringing players and then join us on budget say that would be money available for the new mine in January however this is a very large score deeply of $29.00 players this season so far they've actually done so by the 1st of October this year so there will have to be a streamlining of us quarters where players will have to tough to go a lot of these players won't want to move on Richard because some of them are on very lengthy contracts and on very good wages Indeed it's very difficult and very expensive it can be to move players on basically don't have that money yeah it also makes it more difficult to move the ball given how they've been performing because they're not exactly a truck wants them and so this is basically the point I was making before about you know the length of time it took to get rid of the previous incumbent and the legacy that's no been left as shocking and you know I made the point yesterday for Craig Levine to be traveling don't mind just stuck with on budget to supposedly be organized enough transfer for. Regis this is the guy that has put the club in this position. Given a lengthy contracts to players who clearly haven't worked and are no haven't paid the price for that and to train refunds to get the new manager money to go and make bits of the mess that he's made by selling an asset Airlie how to take he should be for the next 3 or 4 years and hearts getting the benefit of that young star and then selling them for a greater value in 3 or 4 years is absolutely ludicrous to find themselves in this position Yeah we have to wait of course to see how that all pans out I'm just a couple of other thoughts in terms a point that the statement last night make up that lack a bit of class with the point that statement that that your Stanley been appointed pointing out that he had finished above Jack Ross's Sunderland's and I'd like what I saw that and to be honest you could make the argument it doesn't but you know it's tongue in cheek I think it you know if the. You know a football wasn't full of these little quirks and what they have to talk about I think yeah probably dead but as funny as well and I think we need to just you know roll with that have a laugh and move on I'm pretty sure the Habs are not going to lose too much sleep as they looked out for the top 6 they will be trying to be 2 years suppose statement Michael Stephen if you're the new manager coming in do you want your coach is your man around you do you clear the decks of those who have been involved and what's Nabi know well I guess a field regime for a few years well you know I think every manager likes to have his own staff had imagined Daniel stand a well of his own staff and want to bring in does that mean and he needs to be the end for the staff that already there are going to be a question that needs to be answered them in Austin you know I feel sorry for Austin given that. His Pando is going to enter them tame as manager the lovely and awful lot you know it's a great experience for him to have been a manager for these 5 games. It's just not going to read. Even of late. I think he'll be kept on at a club in some capacity. Sure and welcome positive but there's still another big recruitment to happen and that is to bring in the sport that you know there's a question mark about whether he should have command before the manager came in. But yeah I mean if I was a manager I would want my staff that would yeah I mean I know we had this discussion but I mean the simply couldn't we couldn't we had to get a sporting director and then Star No I mean I do I know the point was being made you should appoint a sporting director or director approval and then he should be involved and appoint the manager did not have that luxury not only not only the. Finances you know the still pinkly Glavine a few you know his for what you know the name of an a.p. Which of you know I'm led to believe is a fairly chunky salary to Daniel Stengel with a going to get a fine I mean personally. I would imagine that your standard.

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