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Up there but I think America should stand right by its personnel and we should work as a team to figure out how we're going to handle this this cannot be every man for himself scenario the process by which immigrants who illegally cross into the U.S. Are deported is to be speeded up the trumpet ministration is expanding the authority of immigration officers to the ports migrants without needing them to appear before a judge 1st the American Civil Liberties Union says it will challenge the policy in court there were calls to increase the number of genetic conditions tested in new bones the charity genetics Alliance says the U.K. Is lagging behind other countries so 102 sons had a genetic brain disorder eldest son Alex died as a teenager after being diagnosed in childhood is the little brother AIDS and was able to be tested as a baby because he was diagnosed for everything tinted so he could be morning Ted and sure enough when he was about 70000 I. Didn't show rate a Bryant. And he was giving up about America. Well the U.K. National screening committee says it will give updated recommend recommendations to governments in the autumn when it's reviews the latest evidence. The culture secretary says ministers are not yet in a position to decide what role the Chinese take phone while away can have in the Pretty 5 G. Mobile network the company's activities in America were restricted by President Trump over security fears Jeremy right has been speaking in the Commons since the US Government's announcement we have so clarity on its extent and implications but the position is not yet entirely clear until it is we have concluded it would be wrong to make specific decisions in relation to our way but we will do so as soon as possible and astonishment working on the Fast and Furious 9 has suffered serious head injuries that's Warner Brothers Studios in half a cheer and air ambulance was called to the studios following the fall of the site well that's the news Rob Scofield's here with the sports Arsenal have agreed a deal with Real Madrid to sign Spain under 21 midfielder Danny said by us on a season long loan that would be in addition to use an atty and teenage defendant William Sullivan who sets joined for 27000000 pounds before heading back to the French club on loan Sheffield Wednesday meanwhile have reported Newcastle to the Premier League over the appointment of their former manager Steve Bruce at he Hearn has dismissed rumors of Anthony Joshua turning down a rematch with Andy Ruiz Jr saying alternatives are not even up for negotiation Cardiff principality stadium is the front runner to host the bad on the 14th of December Adam P.T. Says he wants to break another world record in winning the 50 meter breast road at the World Championships in South Korea this week this after swimming the fastest time ever on route to a 3rd consecutive 100 metres title and going Thomas says it's important that he and fellow team any US ride to egg on by now don't throw away the Tour de France by racing each other in the final 6 stages Thomas is 2nd with but now 5th behind overall leader Julian Alan Felipe the. Space B.B.C. Radio 5 Live on digital B.B.C. Sound Smart speaker and she says whether any early Mr Nice clear to leave a fine day with long sunny spells for many areas of the U.K. However heavy showers and thunderstorms may spread northerly for western parts later on in the day very healthy he would stay time highs of 34 in London 30 in Cardiff 24 in Edinburgh and 22 for Belfast day on B.B.C. Radio 5 Live from 6 wake up with fun it's like breakfast Hello good morning but if you offer the day 10 and up on this let's do this today I'm in Westminster but I want your site for a more Joining me tonight for catching up with. Mr no doubt. With live life drawing Welcome to Belgium today really another crucial day breaks for the Senate. Committee on the way to. Peace and we're here for you take this week on the B.B.C. Sounds and. This is a fortnight on 5 Live from Dawson added by and coming up at this hour of the program in a moment we'll tell you about plastic shaming it is a thing something of a new phenomena they're resorting to exaggerate measures in New Zealand to try and stop people polluting the oceans they'd flute Norma's right move the animal go to and we'll also be talking about the news in France this week. Well they deal with the heat wave their mug some things will be interesting to find out just father pro French are prepared to go to keep themselves cool to talk about cool. How cool will the relationship be between France and its outgoing. Outgoing from the European Union neighbor when they announce a new. Minister later today I'm joined by the care of course and what's a president macro who knows a lot about Britain's police does not about speaking English makes a new prime minister more than that interesting moment just me now you Beach Balsall ready reports in New Zealand is calling for a culture of plastic shaming to turn the tide against pollution the study by the Royal Society apparatus she claims that over the last decade an entire bin Lauri's worth of plastic has been dumped in the oceans every 38 seconds so how do they actually do it with me now is Dr Sam a capitaine who's a lecturer in marketing at Oakton University of Technology would you go about plastics I mean then Dr Capitan. Thanks for having me on well in reality is something I hope becomes more of a force in society and you know we've got this modern addiction to classic it's not just New Zealanders. The daily pass plastic waste per person is on the order of something like 286 grams per day in the US 199 grams per day in Ireland or New Zealand 101 Grams if we can all be like Norway it's something like 26 grams so I think there's something to learn from what's happening in their culture. And I think it's driven a lot by the fact that plastic isn't everything that we encounter as a consumer products it's in the bags we carry the food containers we buy the grocery store it's in our clothes or there's micro fibers in our clothes and it doesn't go away even if we try and recycle it so one of the biggest responses has been about regulation so just in our journey our Prime Minister down here last year put into effect a band for plastic bags in groceries in grocery stores and supermarkets even. If you go to your K.-Mart or for your retail shops so that is step one of kind of creating a habit and the way be a behavior change works is that you have to have something that makes you start to have it it's kind of the hardest thing to do is to is to start to the fact you've got a regulation that's starting to make this a force in society the so that people remember now to bring their reasonable that begs right but what I want to suggest is that it needs to become more of a social norm and carry with it the weight of of plastic shaming right that if you show up with your plastic bags or you ask for plastic people look at you funny and that's kind of the way that we need to have behind this in order to change our perceptions. We have the that's the best way to tackle this issue by say me people make them feel bad by making them to by humiliating them and well maybe not humiliating that I think I think that takes it a little too far the concept different well the idea is you know we're on the cusp of something here we've got 3 quarters of all the plastic we ever made his comment to the rubbish and it doesn't go away it doesn't go anywhere it's in our oceans it's it's now in something that wildlife is consuming there's little bits of plastic human beings are consuming it what more push Do we need to be freaked out about this process what more do we need to feel a sense of moral outrage if we think actually what happened with cigarette smoking so there was definitely it was it was a thing that most more of us were open to doing and then something started to change we started to hear about the health side effects we started to hear about cancers we started to hear about secondhand smoke and in that process government stepped in and started to regulate Now we can't smoke in airports we don't smoke in public places we don't smoke in restaurants we don't smoke in bars that leg of the Bentley competition is a little through law that there was such a regulation in there but coupled with the regulation moral discussed started to rise really kind of had this shaming you know if you were to walk by a kid and blow smoke in their face that's something we look at with a lot of shame It started with regulation but I knew a social norm why not allow that shaming then to come over most naturally in that way why not 1st of all plastic shame government to not fall in line rationing now it makes a yeah you brought in the comparison with cigarettes in cigarettes and as you say legislation was brought in to ban smoking of cigarettes in public places why not force governments by plastic shaming them to bring in the legislation that would ban the use of plastics and then allow the moral outrage from society. To develop organically as it were well I think it is happening organically what I was trying to do was name a process that I was starting to see so one of my colleagues was at a farmer's market and you know before the guy put the broccoli into a bag he started the political aspect bag and 2 or 3 people around her said no no you can't have the plastic that's disgusting and started sitings to his face and I'm having a thing is you believe it is but the point is that it happened organically so I think that they're there they're going hand in hand right legislation is starting to go hand in hand with how society feels and you know I look out across I'm at a staff meeting and I see my coworkers PADLEY display these like metal straw was and the bamboo straws they're clearly showing that they a few plastic that that they are using alternatives that they're bringing this with them to their workplace so they don't have to use plastic straw I'm starting to see this sense of pride in what used to be kind of a fringe hippy activity like taking a net bag for your fruit and vege down to the supermarket you know my Nana used to do that but something happened and I did not for the longest time until last year maybe at Christmas I was like I should get these netted bags and it's something as simple as taking a 1st step and once we start to do it we can get further into the habit but you have to make the 1st step to make it a habit so of the predictors of behavior social norms are a predictor of behavior and your past behavior what you've done in the past encourage is what you'll do in the future because you've got something to rely on hey I did that in the past I know I can do it I know I can act behavior and you know other simple things like I want to take away container to the sushi shop or to the curry place so that they don't have to give me a new one or one that I'm going to throw away right or you reuse that container and put you were spring or garden in it if you can kind of refuse and reduce reuse. Was in renewing to use all the sexy our words right if we can kind of make that more of an approach perhaps we can take what was once a fringe behavior in acted by hippies right what was once a fringe behavior make it more mainstream because we all should frankly be outraged by the fact that we're eating micro plastics that it's just part of our environment it doesn't go away you know the Earth can't process it they can't eat it so we are that's disgusting you come across like a sane that. Becomes I mean that in a positive way you come across like a saint and the active. Thrown away plastic is come across like a sin but we didn't know as Oscar Wilde say that every saint has a past. And every sinner as a feature Oh yeah I like it and in marketing. Markets saying which you are next but that's the devil incarnate isn't it because it's a market saying that we are convinced to buy products that we then throw away in the police the world mobile phones for example and so on so there is some irony here that. You your specialism in marketing is guilty as sin. Of course but you know in reality marketing is an amoral tool it doesn't care if you use it for good or for evil it is just a set of processes tactics and strategies to reach into the heart and minds of consumers of people right so I can use marketing to sell beer and I can use marketing to sell Don't drink and drive I can use the same processes to reach into your heart and I think the same can be done as a social marketer not social media marketer but as a social market I think the same can be done to drive social change and that's why I suggested it's seen as plastic shaming and that arise in the way we view plastic a change a shift in that perception driven by marketing as a tool might be part of the solution going hand in hand with regulation. I feel like if you can make using old granny containers a sexy again you know like my grandma always had these old reusable ice cream containers you know things from the grocery store that she just thought were sturdy enough plastic that would reuse it why don't we do that why do we think they should be recycled and the things that are recycled are processed thoroughly because again they're ending up in our waterways they're any company that giant ocean patch you know you talked about plastic shaming being a potentially humiliating process where we should be embarrassed to know that we created that we've only been making plastics since the 1930 S. So we should we should be responding in that way so in reference to what marketing can do I think it can show. Maybe you know. I've got this this French culture of hippies who are the ones who are stealing the plastic and bringing these bamboo straws everywhere what if we just made those simple acts sexy again if we took single use and made them reusable if we are using all plastics to plant our gardens and if we are using plastics. In a reusable way why can't we make that succeed and why can't we take the old ice cream container and bring that as a mom to another more to another mom's get together and have a really know how lovely you recycled instead of view it as a disdain for hippie behavior if that makes sense Adam a $0.70 in a cracking on sand thank you very much appreciate that don't to some capital and then later in marketing it Open University of Technology as large parts of the U.K. Buskin a mini heat wave temperatures are once again set to rise to potentially dangerous levels in mainland Europe this week France and Spain will face extreme danger from fires ditches scorching temperatures across Western Europe according to U.N. Experts monitoring for as far as the Copernicus emergency management services for causes of highs threat level for far as far as for almost all of France's brain on Thursday were high ovarian high and threat level so much of Portugal Italy Belgium and Germany also I've been speaking to any LIESBETH me is a columnist at The Sunday Telegraph in Paris and she began by telling me just how high the mercury has risen in France as we speak it's about 28 degrees centigrade and tomorrow is into your Look NOT NOT NOT West because tomorrow is shared it is. Predicted to be $36.00. And just 8041 so that's not going to be fun for a bit how do you cope with such hot weather embarrass in the summer poverty taking a walk along the beach on the same. The manufactured bridge of the sane that's about the last thing I would do because there isn't enough shape the sun reverberating from the Sen The Senate still has not entirely clean it's not let nearly minus blue water the Pacific service the sort of place on who it is if you go out you try and go out as little as possible when you go you have a shower and we are gradually and slowly buying our conditioners in this country which you know usually when last year and I love it dearly It looks like a diabetic and it lives in my bedroom and at least I sleep in the cooler in the rest of the day and I suppose the last person you want to ask about how to manage the heat in Paris over the summer is the ecology minister because he might charge you for his advice well he now has to charge me for his advice because he's out of . The ecology minister replaced. Their mental our campaign who became and television personality who became him in your head because ecology minister 2 years ago and as those ministers often do he resigned because he said I can't do enough which is very fine and so then you wonder who used to be the speaker of the house and who also got that job it by default became the ecology minister by default he now has left he's resigned because he came out in an investigative website that he 1st of all he organized dinners fault friends of his new wife and the National Assembly and those were dinner parties that had very little to do with politics and his staff were not invited but he invited. Journalists and media people and various celebrities and they ate massive lobsters the pictures of which have been going around social media and they drank shot to each and 81 and you know various wonderful Clarence and keep. Same Is this the same government that has said that they would be exemplary and transparent and wouldn't do these things and then we found out that the noumenon do a version that ecology minister is called Hospital Hershey his wife his 2nd wife when he married recently it is a celebrity journalist who got used to the celebrity treatment and so when he moved into the National Assembly she had at the National Assembly by far you missed various accessories that went from sort of training physical machine to a hair dryer a gold plated had dryer and you'll be happy to know the address is British made it's a Dyson That is the special Dyson had dryer which is $500.00 quid because it's the special edition that's got that's gold plated why she needed that and why she needed the National Assembly to buy it for her nobody knows there's a feeling in her for her friends that she was invited to often to junkets and she felt but life as the wife of what attrition was going to look like a drunken which was a massive miscalculation when allusion moved into the ministry of environment and for us most ministries and for lots live in 18th century or 17th century town houses at the heart of Paris these were bought in the 1900 centuries from impoverished aristocratic families and they are extremely beautiful. There's usually there's a service apartment where the minister can live if he's not got one in the city and she's decided that the apartment that they moved in was not nice and they had something like 50000 pounds of refurbishing from it which also did not go down well and a series of revelations sort of drip drip drip day after day and eventually hospitably she had to leave with people making an unkind jokes. A lot of French is. There was. Famous crime a few years back adult a rich woman in the south of France was supposed to have been murdered by a girl who was called Omar and she rooted her blood on a on a on a Wall Street killed me enough course you got all sorts of drawings that cartoons of the people making jokes about the fact they lost or killed the do she's Kareena . Probably that's a good one that's a proper Fred scandal is nowhere near as go the province's of you know the. Crime do what they used to corner the crime of love in the French columns it's true she's well he's quite enough with his wife and his wife just did not sort of get it and he himself was probably overpromoted it's really also a case of Peter Principle. You there are various ways of weathering that kind of thing there are people who would have seen from you know the start no don't do this it may not be completely legal you may stretch a definition and your your expenses to admit same but it's like the expenses scandal revealed a few years back by now Terrell is not acceptable anymore to people and especially when we've had 6 months of yellow jacket saying we haven't got enough money to eat properly. Midway through They're still mad so that was that was a political embarrassment and he was sharing the door mutely by the president and said that he resigned you misunderstood me when I said crime of passion I was a thing of or his love for his wife or his love for lobster anyway let's move right to go well yeah. Exactly who is the fridge person going to skate board across the Channel. Yes it's a very special kind of immigrant and he might. He's not starting to invade Britain he is actually a man who was the star of the steel Day parade last forty's or tonight and he is a man called Frank he's about Believe it or not he's French from us age and he invented and it took him 5 or 6 years Klein who brought. God and French and he through the parade and lend a neatly on class little girl in front of the president and his guests and it was pretty. So because it really looked like something straight out of Avengers Assemble and he invented that thing it took him years he. Refused offers from various companies abroad American Century he got finance modestly by the French army. About 1200000 pounds the equivalent it into his discovery he sacrificed quite a lot for this scene lost 2 fingers from the Child Line early on when the ended misbehaved and grabbed his hand but having flown for a few minutes over the parade which he says was a dud Well he's not going to try something which he says is probably the most difficult thing he's ever tried and to cross the Channel on this he can cross the channel without refueling he carries on his back a backpack which contains 30 which weighs 35 kilos and contains kerosene and he still needs some mid-way through he's not allowed to refuel in French territorial waters because the the fish are only as happy with him the French protect children and there isn't he will refuel in British waters and he doesn't yet know whether he refuel Khania meter with the city on a goat 3 metres below handing him a hose with the crate kerosene or whether he will land on some alert Midway and refuel which means that his crossing will not have been a direct crossing and eventually he were arrived in I think state and in on the English side which is the place where we let you know the French an arm learned for the French cross Channel crossing more than a century ago and we all hope that he will succeed because this is a great mom well you have salute in them a bit will be crossing the Channel in the future you never know. If it is who required very scared of setting out they. Don't get me wrong I would always let you go 1st ladies 1st either it's to get a turn in your arm so the 10. So impressed you are our closest neighbors friends and you know that we're about to have a new prime minister in the U.K. . Well the French is thought so that the French are baffled by Boris Johnson and one of the reasons of course that the baffled by Paris Johnson is he completely He's an avian in French he would be an alien in French politics because he's really an alien in every way shape or full because we never had anything like that 1st of all he doesn't take himself entire seriously or you could only get that he takes this curious seriously but the other thing is that most of them have never heard his voice because there's always a voiceover in French news when he's there so they see somebody with sort of a very sort of strange of halo of this behaving here and so they ask is he like truck and we say that in the title possible that he reaches some parts of the electorate in Britain that reaches in America but they are 2 slightly different animals and then you try and sort of plunge into into all sorts of things that include you know Brussel curvature of the nurse 2 different columns on bricks it. Eats in Oxford etc various various women different understand women they're not worried about that and the rest is completely strange to them and that the full Doris effect is lost on the French that right now they they believe that tomorrow he will be anointed and they think should we be afraid and I've been interviewed in on television panels many time trying to train that probably not all you know you might disagree with Boris a lot of green with Boris but he's not scary at least I don't think he's scary but the French think that he's a kind of sort of close a trump to us and when the French when they argue about the full Boris effect they do know in France don't know that it's nothing to do it's not like the full monty general mean. Yes but I mean you you would have to go into said we had a very different we we had a class system you have a class system they are very very very different and the French system is not technocrats and you know how did he the someone like Michael that somebody articulate with very little sense of humor very ambitious competition and. If anything they will have an excess of sort of over sort of inflation of their own ego in that you know they want respect somebody I've Barra's what people want people to be entertained I suspect a great deal of his intellect which is real but the whole notion of Celtic rotation is completely unfair so that doesn't work the other thing that they hear and more French. The French have been watching with you know the news that the 3 years of bricks at negotiation and they feel that they do not understand anything and on what present Markram what would they think of the impending Boris if Boris does win the election because even as we speak now we don't quite know for certain but nevertheless this is a front runner every exit expects him to step out of Number 10 Downing Street sometime on windsurfing. Much more try to be the trend whisper when Trump was elected because he felt that he had the measure of Trump and I think I can confidently say that he doesn't I don't think you know the matter of Boris Johnson in good order and I don't think he gets the point Michael speaks very good English that he doesn't stand England at all. And just certified avoid Is it the same actor gets to dub Boris Johnson voice or know the place like you know in the old days when the French fields would French T.V. Would dub everything you know it was always funny to see Captain Kirk of the Star Trek Enterprise speaking with friends voices you know yeah well that's that's that's that's fiction and French studying is terrifying and the any single instance when Dolly was actually superior to the original was the French actor. And J R In Dallas the serial and he was much better than Larry Hagman when I finally had Larry Hagman Anita shackle not interesting and to me but you had the actor who dubbed Jr was excellent and he doubt you know 10 different a star was it was a small market it's very different when when Doris is dozen voices who are in the news basically you got either professional translators all you got journalist to do this for the news and so it doesn't try to imitate him and half the time did this the troops so a key. Key to. Key sure he'll. Go yes here we call him OK you're just. Like I can do the and I got in front if fact they didn't kill J.R. Did they they shot him and who shot JR and Hoover It was a long time ago the whole thing about Bobby but he had been shot and for a whole series. But he was dead and then you know they sort of basically front this out by having his wife waking up and realizing that he was in the shower in a dream. Because they brought back major characters to life in Game of Thrones as well was Game of Thrones big. Shows is massive in France Absolutely they don't really liked it work this is you know the French look at. The world and they look at really good television starts from basically with British actors and then they say you know this is wonderful it's like you you British I mean you just the French and you say you make also subjects not the French and then you say yes but you know the food and and Jack the sophisticated attitude to love and also something so we have we have to sort of paranoid and attitude you know hate which is which is. Elizabeth mutate. To make jokes about the French wheat us. Surely you know it's got the latest 5 headlines days I will Morgan on digital B.B.C. Sound Smart speaking on. B.B.C. Radio 5 Live thanks for some good morning Boris Johnson or Jeremy Hunt who will be announced as the new prime minister later Mr Johnson is the favorite to succeed to reason. Scientists are warning that drug resistant malaria parasites are spreading rapidly in Southeast Asia experts say half of patients are not being cured with 1st choice drugs in their words resistance may spread to Africa. Iran's arrested 17 spies who would says were working for the CIA in a sentence some of them to death the Intelligence Ministry says they've been collecting information in the nuclear military and other sectors president trumps the Smiths the allegations and temperatures are forecast to reach up to 35 Celsius in parts of the U.K. Here for the next few days it's because of hot air pushing northwards from North Africa and Iberia That's the news from Scofield's here with the support it could be a big week for Arsenal we understand they've agreed a deal with Real Madrid to sign Spain under $21.00 midfielder Danny survive on loan that would be in addition to recruiting sin Etienne's teenage defender William Sauer for around $27000000.00 pounds he'd return to the French club on loan next season so more outgoings at Real Madrid manager's Indians a Dan has said Gareth Bale is very close to leaving is being reported Bell could be set for a 1000000 pound a week move to China Paul Ince told the Monday night club that would be a mistake I think isn't so much that I don't think the next move for go if there was should be about money go if Bell nail needs to reinvent himself as a player you know we know what it is he's got we've seen what he's done it we would have checked League finals so our lot to fit the mood for go with Bell with his agent drawn from Barnet what we just saw we placed on mining about the impact into pro football week in week Monday night club is available to download now on B.B.C. Sounds elsewhere Sheffield Wednesday have reported Newcastle to the Premier League over the appointment of their former manager Steve Bruce at the Hearn has dismissed rumors of Anthony Joshua turning down a rematch with and the reason Junior at London's O 2 Arena on Saturday where Dylan white beat Oscar Rivas there was ringside talk of Joshua looking to fight someone else before trying to get his belts back certainly the next few days and the reasons team will be alerted as to where that fight will take place and that fight yes or couple. Rumors Joshua Perry Josh was not like it's not even up for negotiation if you take it that far not that far is happening Well according to her and Carlos principalities stadium is the front runner for that meeting on the 14th of December with a return to New York's Madison Square Garden on the 29th of November 2nd in line Adam Petey says he's hoping for another world record in the 50 metres breaststroke after winning the 100 meters at the World Championships in South Korea P.T. Clocked 57.14 seconds point 24 of a 2nd slower than his record breaking semifinal swim former Olympic bronze medalist Steve Perry says Petey is dominating the field in a way no one has ever done before I've stopped thinking about the times that is producing cause it makes my head want to blow up 56 seconds it's what you used to see on butterfly for men 40 years ago to think he in our own 20 of the top 25 times ever on the 100 meter breastwork that is more dominant than the likes of Hussein bolt our coverage from the pool continues on foreign sports extra from midday P.T. Will be in action in the 50 meters there that since all to $31.00 will bring you stayed 16 of the Tour de France team in the US principles to Dave Brailsford has told our bespoke podcast he's surprised Garance homeless is still 2nd behind France's Julian our Felipe but let's face it myself included you know I'm not that I you know nobody expected him really to hang on this long into the race so on the one hand everybody's taken right we've got to do something to get rid of this guy but we want to go don't want to over cook ourselves trying to get rid of him because we think inevitably is going to go anywhere and latest from B.B.C. Sports this is B.B.C. Radio 5 Live on digital B.B.C. Sound this small speaker come on Good Morning to you a few What a scorcher and choose day is going to be hotter than yesterday temperatures. In some parts of the country might even hit the hit the mid thirty's but I want to point out that the heat that we're going to be getting over the next $23.00 days is mostly across central and eastern England some western parts of the countryside the very western tip of Cornwall and same nor the neither did western Scotland no heat way for you here in fact in Belfast over the next couple of days temperatures will be mostly in the low maybe the mid twenty's so if you don't like the heat towards the west you know it's a bit of an overview Let's talk about the short. This morning is pretty quiet on the weather front really there's just a bit of low cloud across some west and southern parts of the U.K. That will clear through the borning it's already pretty warm out there and then it's just unbroken sunshine beating down on us now the temperatures today around about $34.00 degrees in London $31.00 in whole new Corsa will get up to around $37.00 degrees so these eastern areas pretty halts as I said the west one white so hot now tonight's we've got some thunderstorms on the way so choose day night into the early hours of Wednesday quite widespread storms across the U.K. Frequent lightning. Gusty winds as well some downpours leading into a little bit of flooding that should clear out of the way but on Wednesday so Wednesday another hot sunny day and then the peak of the heat wave is on Thursday and temperatures somewhere in SE in Britain could hit 37 degrees that's 99 Fahrenheit if that happens it's going to be a July record I'm from a chef and I think 5 life weather related I school favorite ashes memory would have to be yours as we you know the light switching costs he doing runs They're all stars who drives you. Should we make sure how much all the boys chasing down their runs in such great fashion was to defeat. It. By the speech stark stark pitches rise and fall what the ashes the greatest robbery coming 6. 5 families East Asia from digital B.B.C. Says it's a small streak of online it is B.B.C. Radio. Talking of some of the heat that many of us will be experiencing of the next few days in Australia researches are now looking to Africa and the Middle East for drought and heat resistant crops as many grain farmers face another failed harvest the full cost for the 2019 winter grain season has fallen sharply with key agricultural regions in southern Queensland likely to miss their 3rd crop in a row Australia is grain research grain Research and Development Corporation believes that crops in Syria and elsewhere could be adapted to help us trade is drought hit farmers become more resilient and productive in the face of a changing climate now let's get more of this with Phil most in Sydney and Phil who have you been speaking to about this and what they've been saying. We've been canvassing opinion Dalton over the last few weeks with farmers up and down mostly eastern Australia trying to get a good handle on what's happening and there are parts of eastern Australia that haven't had decent rainfall for one year there are parts of eastern Australia Dalton that haven't had decent rains for 7 years and so for quite a long time now the grains Research and Development Corporation is carrying out say global. Climate proof grains as you say it believes that crops in Syria elsewhere in the Middle East and also in Africa could well hold the key for Australian farmers to squeeze every last millimeter of rain to maximise year olds now the plan is to analyze many thousands of different plants to see what mechanisms they use in places like Syria and countries in Africa to overcome heat and dryness and then the aim is to adapt these mechanisms to Australian crops essentially to build in resilience and John minnow gives from the grains Research and Development Corporation and he says that his research agency is searching for crops that can flourish in difficult conditions we've got people in Syria in Africa in all of the parts of the world which have historically had these crops grown for thousands of years we have a lot of investment seen people on behalf of the drying growers searching the world for plants that are resistant to bread and also that I will to handle stress conditions and heat and identifying the germ plasm that we can then integrate into the strain crops because it's such an interesting story for obviously the there's a better version see with regards to the harvest and so how long do they reckon it would take before they start seeing solutions. Well John Minogue hasn't put any time frame on it but when you speak to people who work in this field they do say that essentially breeding new types of crops can take many many years but there is an urgency as you say the national grain harvest this year is expected to be 10 percent below the 10 year average but of course building in that sort of climate resilience does take time and of course you need to get it right and you need to do things fairly and that's why Australian research is a casting their net so far around the world to see what works best in those very dry coal is of Africa and the Middle East and try to adapt it here in Australia and you look at Australia's recent climate statistics we've just had 5 or 6 months ago the hottest summer ever documented here in Australia today here in eastern Australia in Sydney it's the middle of winter in its $23.00 degrees Celsius so it's quite unusually warm for this time of the year and the feeling is that us as Australia's climate gets warmer and the rainfall becomes more erratic and unpredictable and less Australian farmers who are well known for their resilience and adaptability will have to be even more resilient and even more adaptable to cope with these drying conditions so certainly this global search for climate proof grains is really part of an overall hunt for Australian overall need for Australia generally not just farmers but everyone else to be extremely mindful of water to conserve more and to make better use of the water in the rain that we do have recommend the yams because you probably have to swap those for your potatoes yams seem to be very hardy and soft you can grow don't seem to need as much water birth they taste or you know your own regrowth you know regrowth. Would like to have you have in my garden No I'm not in the Army yeah I know you can't pull over a mean somebody or city your gardening or send you the. Thank you very much anyway so it's a pleasure for most of the now it's time to see what's making the back pages with the McKinley this instance sports editor at The Daily Mirror matches United's David is set to become the highest paid goalkeeper in history but 1st we began by discussing the exploits of this year's Open golf champion Shane Larry Well Larry is showing Larry after a fantastic Victoria in the open in Northern Ireland of course and Larry proud argument. In trying to shine I replaced why when he would declare a job in bed after his open heroically snuggled up to the trophy in a Dublin hotel has a picture of the great man snuggling up to the famous Clara jargony hotel room looks back on that after Absolutely well it's as close as you can get to demolishing the field I suppose in the open and the headline It's Clarence no celeriac inside put a carrot in the saying that it should be a launch pad for him to take on the Americans in the Ryder Cup and be one of the leading lights in 2020 the thing he needs to pay for is get. Top sports willing to do for the sake of the photograph. Yes and if. He won T. Want to spend time on a. Joke. Made time you know 3 wins the trophies you can understand a different Levy side. You know just like Olympic gold medalist like to buy the meadow Vince's happen to love buying the gold medal yet you realize that we do actually have a picture of it as trivial areas in bed with air traffic exactly OK you're sporting headlines those all about Man City no doubt that he did they are easy to talk united on a city in fact yes what is he the top earning goalkeeper of all time and he will yes I'm very much so he's just he's a great son a new 375000 pounds a week Dale which will be signed when he returns from the club and he says headline is the hotel's only I want to be kept in Cape a legend he says he wants to commit he's going to commit his long term future to the club and 5 year deal with the option for an extra 12 months of his 28 now so I'll take him up to 34 obviously goalkeepers play tend to play on for longer than outfield players but P.S.G. Were interested in trying to sign him but so she has maintained all along he was confident that I was going to sign a flight turns out and now he's I'm the captain of the club. Arguably he kept the job for didn't need this season arguably. Invasion last certainly the season before had a little bit of a dip to me at the end of last season where using he was making some very unaccustomed errors not on whether the contract was playing on his mind it's so but there's no doubt about it that when he's when he's on form a he's certainly in the top 2 or 3 goalkeepers in the room $375000.00 pounds a week you'll be earning nothing I don't think even the Chinese could afford to play for that amount of money could well you wouldn't think sometimes forget that alexy Sanchez and his team mates cities on even more reason half a 1000000 awake Let's hope for the highest like that he's more successful in the United shirt than Sanchez has been. Having said that it was sensors that got them to the F.A. Cup final you know their head I think it was shorts man of the page ads ago against them Wimbley you know the season before last I'm sure yeah it's I mean it's a very expensive edit are in a less. Whatever it cost you know the link of China's because you have a stories about men's lives in China yes haven't gone down very well I say no the headline is disrespectful and arrogant to Chinese host blast City this is some Amalek story from Shanghai says here at the center of a diplomatic story says after the Chinese state media have branded them disrespectful and arrogant and that it's all real following the Asia Trophy together with Newcastle West Ham and wolves no complaints about those 3 clubs from the Chinese media they fulfilled their obligations managed to not speak to the fans but the Chinese weren't too happy with what they was regarded as arrogance by Pep Guardiola and Manchester City I said disrespected the fans and it said that for refusing to but when Guardiola Smith you speak to them and the article said Take alone you might have been excusable as a one off occurrence Perhaps you to jet lag or pack shed your body for sleep pretty one example among many of the outer disrespect shown by city to their hosts during their tour of China an attitude of arrogance and the belief they were the main attraction was misplaced and stood in direct contrast the other clubs which is obviously a very embarrassing thing for Manchester City to have to deal with so he now says it will erode still really good well it's a there's a dispute about that because by Munich one of the club's most interesting take in German international sunlight for a match the city say they're in talks about a 100000000 pound transfer but the city has quote from a senior City source from Zamalek saying we are not in negotiations with Buy I have a son I will. Talking to him about a new contract and not looking to sell so that's much more of a hard line than even Guardiola used last week when he was talking about him he was catching it more in terms of well if a player wants to go we only want to have happy players here but obviously the city board are taking a very strict line on this and saying that signage definitely not for sale so about transfers of the ball with regards to football so how much is supposed parading in this summer transfer window while it's going to be taken out 253000000 pounds quite surely which is over 60000000 pounds more than the premier league spending cycle currently taught by Aston Villa 91000000 pounds because they're going to pay 80000000 pounds for Giovanni Lascelle so and Ryan says in your. They've already splashed out 73000000 pounds for tango and ballet and the Leeds winger Jack Clarke and after 2 years of not spending anything this is a massive departure for autonomy and they've not signed anybody for any kind of money since they bought Lucas more of the 36000000 pounds why 18 months ago now January 2008 saying so far in just case you're interested the top spenders so far Aston Villa perhaps surprisingly top 91000000 My City 81000000 and then Leicester 76 and a half 1000000 so Tottenham in 4th place at the moment are one of those deals go through there will be very much for the spenders list and that hasn't happened for a very long time be interesting to see what the balance sheet is because you mention Leicester then I was thinking well yeah their balance sheet might be added to the in the black if they fell. In DADE Yeah I'm a guy goes to one of the Manchester clubs it's been it's been tipping one way and then the other United seems to be in the driver's seat with Maguire as much to see whether we seem to have their noses in front of him but if he stays he stays or Leicester then Leicester will will looks like they'll be in 4th place in the spender cyclists if of course he released Leicester and that means that perhaps Leicester then would buy the players of course but then they would. They near the bottom of the spend it makes a big difference that just what just that one player supposes by the 153000000 they've shipped one or 2 players and Alvira Toby Alviro was rumored to be leaving was a yeah absolutely much as you know one of the clubs supposedly keeping an eye on the situation which I bailed a viral the Belgian international center back but he's been quoted recently saying he doesn't expect a last cash transfer of spurs and a 25 mile 25000000 pound release clause no takers so far and he says that he's going to just all he's doing is focusing on playing at Spurs next you know not now but if he does stay a Spurs that means that next summer. He'll be available for nothing so you can see why perhaps clubs are a little bit reluctant to spend the 25000000 pounds now alone is a very very cool place 30 years old but 25000000 pounds not that expensive for a player of his class he would have thought of course being a once upon a time member of the North London boys Association say they would have a sense that you will I can say that the other side in North London ain't happy when they weren't doing the Spad spend new all this money in the. Absolutely well money is very much an issue for Austin at the moment is that they'd love to sign Wilfried Zaha but the money just doesn't seem to be there to do it so but last I am or a manager is confirmed the club closing in on the day off for the Spanish under 21 star Tanisha BIOS the realm of great young and young and Spanish international and obviously a very very good player last spice wants to succeed in Madrid but he's coming over to Arsenal for a year online and. She's good good news for Arsenal but it's certainly not going to be a long term thing do you believe that the money is in their arsenal to sign a Crystal Palace for. There is well I mean it's not just a Crystal Palace player of course some of us are hard probably cost 70 or 80000000 of course but but yes this does that well that's pretty shameless remarks last night when I was a Bank of England Club and I was so for them not to me to not to be in the in the mark and also there's the hold up as well on the Celtics Kiran Tierney. 25000000 pounds from Celtic saying a skull International very very good very good left back not fundable for a shot but they're arming are now about not on the course they're slightly worried about senior injury history. Even so with a $25000000.00 pounds for a promising full well I shouldn't you would think they too much of an obstacle for a club of Arsenal stature but they've got their budgetary constraints and they don't seem to want to break them Shifu Wednesday obviously not happy about the way Steve Bruce left the club they should have expected some kind of compensation for Newcastle Well the way things are going this is it is we're all about to start off with I think Newcastle thought they could get away with a 1000000 pounds compensation Sheffield Wednesday so the no uncertain terms that wasn't enough then the they went up to 4000000 in compensation but now Sheffield Wednesday reported Newcastle to the Premier League for their conduct during the appointment of Steve Bruce as their manager and of course Sheffield Wednesday also lost coaches Steve Agnew and Stephen Clements who have gone with Gone With Bruce to Newcastle and of course Bruce joined New Castle in China for their pre-season tour when they're insisting some legal issues are still asked standing when the A point was announced and I'm now registered their unhappiness with the governing body remains to be seen of course what the Premier League will do about that it's interesting though because it was a way that was done this is Steve Bruce decided to resign from the job so he wasn't transferred he wasn't packaged where from Sheffield Wednesday technically was imposed but you know we all know sure what the resignation was all of her Exactly yeah if it. Clear was clear what really happened not being full nobody's doing full body and of course shit where the fans are angry because the club. If you like can find just a bruise didn't insist he took over straightaway because he had because unfortunately the death of his father Sheffield Wednesday allowed him time to spend time with his family and so took over the club a little bit later on and the same to be an understanding between manager and club and the fans and now Sheffield Wednesday fans in particular feel particularly let down by what happened because because now of course the season is even more close for Championship club plays for Premier League clubs season starts a week earlier and that they haven't had a lot of time to bring in new players and a lot of anger that Anyway it's great to be talking football to go exert a bit of a break and yes but there are some of it yeah of course there was and I was the reason you wanted to talk about one the feature a pound from you well I'll just walk out like it was it was you could say it was stretching it a little bit this is the cycling this is my Walters talking about the Tour de France and Great Thomas who's in there are 6 or 6 candidates to win the sort of France which is great because it's a little bit of a change normally we know almost by now who's going to win that sort of has not the case this time and it's going to be decided in the Alps on the big hill climbs and so hence the headline climate change this year's tour is different and they also decide who takes the yellow jersey grain Thomas' most of the people in Britain be rooting for him but others drown our Phillipe is in the box but he sure is likely to fight in the 3 brutal Alpine stages always growing Thomas fancies his chances to be both pain I was the bookies favor because he's the strongest climber could be the 1st time winner of the tour since 90 I think 5 and I got in but now still I'm a genuine chance and there's another part of the very very this time has to do with cricket. Yes it is open all hours of. Our style IOU our G.I.'s now it's because the story of good pals Rory burns and Jason Roy are out of her therapy for an end at the start of the order I've known each other things or since were 10 years old and so I wore my middle day when I walk out together so open England endings against Ireland at Lord's starts tomorrow Wednesday Wednesday morning and this course the big the big build up test if you like that sort of warm up sad with all due respects all and the warm upset people get from the like. Thanks for listening thanks this is call a. Lot now our squad and we're back with more of them on. This. It's 5 o'clock this is morning reports on 5 life on Simon Morgan our top story the new prime minister and leader of the Conservative Party will be announced later this morning where was Johnson is the front relative a place to reason over his rival Jeremy Hunt political correspondent is nakedly around midday we'll find out whether Jeremy Hunter Boris Johnson has been chosen by Tory members to be our next prime minister Mr Johnson is the favorite and many in Westminster have been preparing for his government for days whoever wins will take over entirely Street to morrow and the face some huge challenges right away the biggest one will be how to solve breaks it and get on to healing their divided party 2 cabinet ministers a sense they will resign if but we still wins the Foreign Office Minister Alan Duncan has also stepped down because of grave doubts over whether Mr John. Some will be able to command a majority in parliament but the employment minister Alex Sharma says critics should let him get on with the job of trying to deliver breaks it what they will have is a new prime minister's absolute committed to making sure that we leave by the 31st of October we have actually seen a change and I do think that the European Union will come forward and we'll talk to whoever is the next prime minister I think is pretty inconceivable actually that that wouldn't happen last night stories or maybe held a farewell party for Conservative M.P.'s in the Downing Street Garden Nigel Evans says she was on good form three's it was brilliant and she went round everybody in the garden I was one of her stoners critics towards the end but the fact is that she did a toast as well to the next administration which I think said everything because we want to leave the European Union which she said and we want to make absolutely certain that we win the next election so she is very positive about the reason why he will spend one more night in Downing Street before her final prime minister's questions tomorrow afterwards childe turned her resignation to the Queen with her successor taking over by tea time. Labor's National Executive Committee will today consider proposals to speed up the party's process for delivering for dealing with complaints of anti Semitism including a panel set up to expel members last night steering the call been told his M.P.'s the poison of anti Semitism had to be confronted. You know mation Commissioner's Office says it has serious concerns about the police policy of digital strip searches of victims of crime it follows a report from the group Big Brother Watch that Koos for urgent reform under the policy please ask victims of crime including rape complainants to hand over their phones and mobile devices so they can be searched for evidence relevant to the case our legal correspondent to sqlite Coleman the Information Commissioner's Office says that it is seriously concerned about how the policy of extracting mobile phone data by police impacts on people's right to privacy under data protection law following failures to disclose digital evidence to defendant's place in England and Wales introduce forms that ask alleged victims for permission to view data including messages photographs and social media accounts if they don't comply prosecutions can be halted the national police chief council says it believes the consent forms are the best way of meeting it's the police's obligations to search for relevant material but the council recognises the concerns and says it will carefully consider both the Big Brother watcher report and one from the Information Commissioner that's expected soon U.K. Entirely researches malaria parasites are resistant to key drugs to spread rapidly in Southeast Asia they say the resistant bugs have proliferated across Cambodia and into low.

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