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Variations the worst street in one measure nitrogen dioxide is still hopes treating clouds go but levels there have improved the worst of particular matter is now summer member street in Edinburgh where conditions have worsened plans are being formed for new low emission zones in our biggest cities with the 1st enquires go by the end of the year large areas of Scotland are brisk for more snow following the coldest night in nearly 2 years the Met Office has a yellow Be aware warning in place until 6 o'clock tonight there is wanting to enjoy the snow and Scotland slopes may be disappointed high winds are forced a closure of the gondola and skied left on the never strange kind of warmers warning of possible weather disruption later it's busy at Danko and there's been no repeat of yesterday's problems on the approach road. That's the news no sport with killers have any in travel to Tynecastle where they'll face city vitals hearts in the forefront of the Scottish Cup The tie kicks off at 5 past 2 sports and will bring you all the build up on commentry Easter Road boss Neil Lennon says he's anxious for his side to progress it's probably our last real opportunity of the trophy it's against of our revels the local rebels for Syrian rule. The role of the forwards to save the players of. The sort of keeper I think they're just chomping at the bit to get a player vote you'll often maybe say for 10 minutes is any less a g. And or any sort of like a much sharper sport just to be understandable as well we mow hips have signed defender 1st overhead us on loan until the end of the season subject to international clearance the 24 year old joins from Belgian side Kavi Mechelen and has previously played for Scotland before hearts Scotland will play for international friendlies in preparation for September's Nations League Costa Rica have already confirmed that they will play Scotland in March the 3 other opponents will be announced later by the Scottish f.a. He and England's Ross Fisher at Leeds golf's Abu Dhabi Championship by 3 shots he's 21 under Scott Richie Ramsay finished well behind on free under Stephen Gallacher had a torrid final round the 4 over for today 3 under for the tournament remember sports zone from midday and there's also more at the b.b.c. Sport Scotland websites Thanks Jan and by the weather most parts cold and dry so here's the sunshine over the northeast through this morning rain sleet and snow will gradually spread northeast across gotten through the day highest temperatures typically to the Celsius reaching 6 Celsius near the West Coast later strong to gale force south westerly winds will develop across the Hebrides then across the northern islands of the saving most places will become dry as the Rio moves up into Shetland be a mixture of clear intervals of a few reinsurers overnight and then it will turn. Milder and looking ahead to tomorrow President of us ensures I'm turning milder again b.b.c. Radio Scotland News this is Sunday morning with me Richard Holloway we have a shorter program than usual today with football coverage at 1130 before that though we'll be speaking to a trio of professionals who work with some of society's most vulnerable people we'll be finding out what they reach for to restore and sustain themselves when things get tough That's right after Miss Irene euros and river. Do you throw job or do goody others and I want to do good. By. Reading the A's to leave you. And yours for a bit and you. Can Last month regular listeners to this program might have heard video's guests on the show giving us what we called a little Advent inspiration one of them was Alister doctrine head of the Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund Schiavo and he's with us again the Smalling Allister told us about a poem he read to himself when times got tough and his demanding job and steadied and strengthened him and it got us thinking when your day job brings you into contact with people who are facing some of the most how doing circumstances life can throw at them What are the things that help to keep you going. To help us think about this question Alice the doc is with us as is Judy lever a health care assistant who works with Mattie cutie and Ronald Mayer who has spent his working life in social care and is now with a Church of Scotland safeguarding service so Hello and welcome to all or morning good morning Alastair when you go into a humanitarian crisis zone and encounter people who've lost everything as you did recently when you visited writing of refugees and Bangladesh you see the best as well as the worst of humanity but tell us something about the impact it has own your own emotional and mental health. I think when I'm actually very I'm so focused that more I have to do and we are able to make a difference and do something to help people my energy and my emotions really a focus into practical things and getting through the day and getting things done there's a structure I put to the day that helps me process some of that and deal with some of the most immediate emotions but it's often off to the image and say that the full emotional impact of some of these places starts to hit me of course we should acknowledge that while as those doing the caring are not the ones facing the grief and pain we also know that carers do carry some of the pain of the suffering and it has a cost and that's why they have to learn to look after themselves and find ways to maintain their own health and sanity if they to go and doing their job or come back to Alistair in a minute but Judy you worked with Mary Curie spending time with terminally ill patients helping them in their last days give us some sense of the nature of the relationships that develop and what your job actually involves you in doing the id night shifts with patients one to one the other Mary Carey nurses who work in hospice is that my shift is through the night for 9 hours with that particular patient everybody we care for they don't actually have a lot of time but that time is very very precious and we're very fortunate in that there's no ward routine There's no clock watching that whole 9 hours is with that patient and their family we also have direct phone access to rapid response team in Dumfries to if things get really tricky or the patient becomes very distressed they will come right and assist each new patient is a challenge and from the very 1st 2nd the door opens we're sort of weaving a tapestry of up patient's life and trying to absorb what's what's important to them what's special to them and basically try to get to know the patient and their families as soon as we can because we're going into their world. That's the lovely thing for us that patients usually happy relaxed very often very at ease themselves you know Judy thanks for that Ronald are going to bring you in now because I want to get you all as it was to say you're seen you've also spent your life in a highly pressured environment social care so how did you learn to cope and avoid burnout operating in such difficult circumstances because that's in a sense what I'm trying to get at the impact of this work on you how did you manage and what are the kind of situations you came up against I mean I think working with as I have done over the piece with challenging young people people who have been through very damaging expediencies but who like tote themselves some of that anger and distress sometimes act overt directly at the people who are trying to care for them so some of that is it's very difficult you have to minty in a degree of professional perspective that this person isn't actually angry directly with me that they are being driven by the things that are work inside of themselves but you also have to be sure that you're not allowing the stress and distress to build up my social work when I was doing my training talk to us about seeing if you come across people who are stuck down in a hole and they are terribly distressed the not chilling clinician maybe to want to get into the hole with them to comfort them actually that then just means there's an extra passion stuck in the hole and you may have to be in sight the whole in order to be able to help others so I think there are some disciplines if you like interiors of professional training I'm sure the same for for other people in the helping profession without becoming distant and removed as a helper because we have to be in touch directly with the people we're trying to help that's been true in their Lieschen to safeguarding people who have experienced harm and abuse. Dealing with other people's I'm going to distress you have to be sure that you are recognizing how that can impact on yourself and have we both in our day to day Saints and over the peace in terms of distressing and regenerating Otherwise I think you lose the capacity to help others and that's helpful let me come back to Allister because you said in a sense that the big impact comes after is that where the heart fees when you're actually in the you're in gauge in the difficult zone but tell us how you actually cope when you're in the zone whether there are a little routines that help you do you have little rituals you have things you do to help keep you and some can a balance when you're in the place and then how do you mend yourself afterwards I think it certainly is both I think the most important thing to me the thing that always stays with me is the people we serve so the people we're working with they are always very strong and they address whatever has happened to them with enormous courage and hope so I have one particular photograph from the good or at earth quake where some of the garlic women we were working with just within 3 or 4 days of the earthquake the smiles on their faces and the interaction between them as they were picking apart their old house to salvage what they could to rebuild it when she see that strength and courage are math part that gives me enormous strength to do it but there are also been a number of things that I do regularly there are things I carry and routines to the day which are how I process it I talked a little bit the last time I was on about the 4 things I've found myself carrying 2 emergencies over the last 20 years and that's my wedding ring a pebble from my favorite be a book of poetry and the Bible and those 4 things are all portals that help me to tap into you. Places I go to recover or things from which I derive strength and and heal myself and within the course of the day you know I always try and do an hour's meditation that is really hard in some of those big emergencies but to take time to be quiet and listen to my inner self before I'm caught up in the heat of the day and we always try to make sure we buddy up an emergency so there's somebody looking out for one another just talking stuff through when you pick one another up and you go back to the desk I remember in the dark for when I was there the woman from the media I was working with in the stories she was writing up was so horrific I watched her dissolve into tears every time she was typing up one of these women story and we would just go outside and say you're right now and she'd say yes and we'd go back him but by the end of the next story we'd go back out and again so we do look out for one another but making sure there's a real routine to the day with the right places and support is so You very important Judy does that ring any bells with us I mean what do you turn to regularly to restore you after all those night watches when the light has gone out on the people you've been caring for I mean do you have little rhythms little routines that help you deal with what must be to you're kind of lost as well yeah I suppose it is not so much retain but I suppose the work that we'd say is that basically when people are ill and then usually we are we are looking at people terminal illness it is a passing their passing from his life into whatever whatever they they do believe in and it is a natural process I actually lost my own father I was quite young I was 268 I very suddenly and I think I draw very much in that experience to give me strength because the next morning I walked up the hill just where we lived and. The sun was shining and I was walking under a canopy of trees and I suddenly was absolutely distraught and I thought daddy's debt but where is he I knew he was dead I knew his body was in the all styles but in Belfast but where was where was my daddy where is that big strong caring charismatic lovely father died I'd known for 26 years and I was I was distraught and immediately instantaneously I knew he was Ok it's something I can't particularly put into words because beyond that the other feeling I felt was everything I loved about him was all around me like a big warm blanket I have never ever lost that feeling and everybody I've lost since then I've lost my mom and my parents and no I and a very dear friend just recently I do the same thing I keep them close and I do feel that when we are with somebody and when their family members has passed away we very often go into kitchen have a cup of tea and we'll talk about that person fondly and I try to transfer that sort of feeling that I had it's a very very grounded belief and the husband of my dear friend who passed away amongst other things as a poet and he wrote 3 wonderful lines that I often say to them and it is open sky open heart all there is and I try to help the families to keep their heart open and let the love and the care of their families and their loved one who's passed away just be there and that that flow and that that helps me to move away from that family and go home and try to go to sleep most times in fact I do stop summer and have a wee cry and that's Ok but it is that sort of warmth and that sort of feeling of of ongoing love that doesn't ever stop and that's what gets me 3 open hearts open skies over poetry often helps in these circumstances Ronald do you have any routines or rituals that. Well you keep a kind of balance things you say or go back to mantras after spending hours with people whose own lives are a bit out of whack you have a rhythm like that I think I have certain strategies where there is we're faced with suffering and pain we're also very aware of our human capacity for resilience for recovery and a capacity for healing which is sometimes totally surprising and against the odds that people can come through the situations that they've been and so I think holding on to it fundamental belief in the capacity of human beings to call and to move on I think it's really important in terms of coping with the stresses I greet her when I come home and I'm I've been stressed I have to get the Hoover out I think there's a kind of sense of if you're coping with chaos and disorder maybe having a little bit of at least the carpets are clean but also through it in a portrait we feeling really grown did I do or coming home from work sometimes late at night having dealt with distressing situations with other people's children I needed to simply look into my own children's bedroom and see that they were Ok I think we have to re groaned ourselves touch be so sore that we can go on helping Hoover therapy not that we're promoting a particular product in this program I may add I want to go a little bit deeper with with all 3 of you mean apart from the emotional wear and tear I'm very interested in what we might call the existential impact of the kind of work you all do although it is different layers and levels how you respond philosophically to a world that so steeped in sorrow in pain how you make sense of it how you find meaning in it do you have a kind of philosophical response to that Randall or stick with you how do you deal with a world that's like that. Again this kind of sense that this is Nort human beings are fundamentally both human beings aren't fundamentally evil and people that cause harm to each other that there is a capacity for goodness but just the importance of of helping my favorite part a graph of oh this is from nature and not maybe the philosopher we all immediately talking to but actually is a much maligned philosopher and it is a exploration not of but I'll a t. He talks about helping people can I just read a little bit and he says to be like a little witch 3 Jakes nor one who is a need but which is afterwards for daughter not ridiculed to possess no advantage neither better food not to daddy or not a more joyful spirit but to give a way to give back to communicate to grow poorer to be able to be humble so as to be accessible to many and humiliating to none to have injustice done to you and to of crape Through the Wormhole of errors of every kind source to be able to reach many hidden Saul's on their secret paths. Forever and a kind of love and for ever and a kind of selfishness and self enjoyment to be a position of authority and at the same time concealed under a known saying to lie continually in the sunshine and gentleness of Greece and yet to gnaw that will rise up to the sublime close by that would be a life that would be a reason for a long life and I think this free as is run through my having studied teachers at university through my social work courier to be accessible to many and humiliating to none that what we have to try and do and tough enough since that we've we personally have something to offer of the me triggered a difference the healing may have to come from a good many sources but we may be the catalyst to some of the change that needs to take place in people's lives thanks for that Randall and I'm an each a fan most of Alistair mean how do you respond to these big question is What are your spiritual resources I think like Ronald We are all a mixture of good and bad the problem of pain has never been a problem for me the problem of evil because we do good and bad and sometimes we do bad things and people get hurt so the manmade disasters we talk about the wars the likes of Syria or South Sudan at the moment I understand that the things happen within human nature and we try to get over that and improve it but the ones I find most difficult area the natural disasters and particularly earthquakes the 1st one I went to was the good year at a quake I mentioned the women from it earlier but there was a small street down which 60 children were walking to school one morning when all the buildings around them sure unfolded in and every one of those 60 children was killed nobody had done anything wrong there was no village and know nothing and 60 lives. Were taken that I find far more problematic than wars or things that people have done and to come back to Julie's point about crying occasionally I often find I will be on a plane coming back from an emergency and after a good year out I remember to this day it was the film of Billy Elliot and I'm welling up as I talk about it the dawn of the Black Swan I do your thing blow but the last thing I just wanted to mention Richard was 2 of those things I talked about that I carry one is the wedding ring and the pebble that I have in my pocket and I think those are very active symbols to me the mere act of touching the ring or grabbing the pebble that allows me just for a moment to step out of the chaos and place myself either at home with my wife and in the setting of love or on a beach where I go regularly to restore myself and so that's that active holding something which is a portal to a place which allows you just to be a bit calm so it is about where do we find ordering chaos so that we can work amid the chaos to do good sane and lovely advice Alister But Judy you get the last word give us a final thought there is so much chaos in the world and these guys are so involved in that I'm not involved in chaos I'm involved and sort of very close care with a lovely families and things that I've found you know since I started this job things like listening to the don't chorus with the patient who's maybe having a bit of a troubled night and playing music to them and things that that we touch on that are so special that we take for granted and when someone is life is kind of limited it's the little things that really matter it's just such you know such a privilege to be with these people at this time and often I'll stop on the way home and. What's a sunrise and be very grateful the time I'm seeing this new day and I've done all I can to make that person's little bit of time spent with them just a little bit a little bit calmer and yeah it just puts a very very different perspective on life generally and makes you very appreciative of every day we have Judy lever Alister dot and rambled mayor many thanks to you all for a rich conversation next week in the company of Stuart Kelly and Denise miner will be looking at our fascination with dark characters in fiction and what that tells us about ourselves. In a couple of minutes football coverage takes over but 1st here is. With pressure drop good bye for now. It's all good all the news sports and on b.b.c. Radio Scotland. Hello and welcome to Sunday sports signed with Geoff Webster The stage is set for the biggest tie of the Scottish Cup for tomorrow and hearts against a barony and commentary to come from Tynecastle just after 2 o'clock before then we take a look back on the cup ties that survived the weather. Oh. God it's a goal don't do you know you got to know. One. Of them that it sort of hurt like that but not that they had that either. Oh yes lots of. Sort of flicked on Paul Lambert was back in the dugout yesterday and he kicked off with a win as the new manager of Stoke City you wonder why you can bike and it does exist . But that's me we. Was in the yeah I was enjoying Malaysia last weekend with a pretty good that you can buy going to. Change it for the move John Higgins went out of the master snicker at the semifinal stage last night beaten by Northern Ireland's Mark Allen I think made it to put a foot and I think in one. Thing he's caught up in a streak enough up the fans he's winning one there may be no i'm the money but Britain's Kyle Edmund has reached the last 8 of his truly an Open tennis we'll hear from him later so plenty to keep you going on the build up to hearts against the Banyan here on b.b.c. Radio Scotland. If you. Were so young that tried to trick that's not the way I think all the action from all the biggest games . Sports on t.v. C b do school. Yes Well come along to a slightly reject. Sunday sports zone but we're here all the way through till 5 o'clock this afternoon we had hoped to bring you commentary or freezer against Rangers in the William Hill Scottish Cup at midday but of course that fell victim to the weather we will bring you all the action from 10 Cassel in Edinburgh Darby kick off 5 past 2 we'll be there in plenty of time to savor the build up with our team of Stubbs Preston Tom English Lee McLeod and Chris McLaughlin But before then we've assembled another dream team for us this afternoon and our Aberdeen studio Willie Miller fresh from Aberdeen game gets their own petard yesterday good to arsenic Good afternoon still good morning really Yeah good morning Jeff I think fresh as a water was what we're freezing at that point the stand for. When this is so wind is called the bin you know it means stand left and then there was. Funny isn't it to moan a thought but a good victory for the. Just all a little bit too easy for them I think. Although have been plenty good players going forward the thought defensively of a pure Yes the been handed over being far too many opportunities said Well I'm looking at the weather here in Glasgow and it's not quite drifting snow but it's certainly heavy snow anyway looked good in other genius to the afternoon. When that was nice is the sun was out so short of the shore called in and a little bit when they were totally exposed as well but the game was decent you know loads of goals and one in particular was spectacular from Yes Like I said even we shall get to that later on with me here in the studio having made it through the driving snow Jim Duffy manager of Championship side Martin who went to Dunfermline and won 21 in the Cup Jim a great result for us and a late winner from get on go yes it was done the result for you know we're going to say to us you know a really good save loads of firepower away from home we've been in a good result the previous week they have been playing well the last few weeks or I think it was probably about a surprise for most people but you know you know what they were I could say we just haven't been consistent enough but there was a new standard for those and you know hopefully I can give the boys a lot about confidence the strength to call in the rest of the season and as we've said before although it was the cup you were involved in yesterday with Championship clubs virtually anybody can be anybody we see that we have to be doing Yeah it's such a difficult games to call if you see in fact the board is in the same league and I wasn't there was never going to be much between the 2 of us and you know when you get to one each of the family started to push for that and we capitalise on it which can happen as I see it in the cup day it's all been through the next round in me unfortunately we don't also here this morning bright eyed and bushy tailed chick Young who was at Fir Park yesterday from other holes when over how much an Ickes and checked you must have. The most bizarre own goal for a while from Scotland is the most bizarre and go of a scene and it was you know up above much as my life of the of the Johns Yes I have seen it but you know what somebody in the office reminds me of go back to 1970 going to bite off some thought a bit of the Willie don't he told me nothing like will out of envelope again I was there that night it was good but I wasn't you know was I was at the 1st can a straight go to get this was. Always. Talk about. I congratulate you and. There's no he hadn't ahead of the 3 pundit you've gotten as bro come to. Get you and I wasn't ready and he has a deal of liaison bristling at well he's saying it was all too easy but I bet he knows they all hit by I thought dodgy penalty of. The lot as you know and check it doesn't take the afternoon to get you briskly anyways so we're going to come to that in just a moment but with Fraser Rangers off because of the weather today he's Scottish Cup tie between hearts and have any and is the sole focus of attention. And stresses have barriers a bit much for themselves with much. Greater everything it was a. Chilly start 1st but. You know. You know we'll set of course. The hump and they did it was. Good when he stops I mean I'm excited for that and I'm really looking falling so just to be fine involved in football being a dominos from the shops that sell the things on beautiful Spanish he's still a really good player that will help people just more just to get. Through So he only wants to school. It's against. Also the rebels. Say you know the role of the 4th said The players are. Already the father keeper I think it's just chomping at the bit that all this is a different age to Darby games 5 on the energy in there and they're well to one that's just something to flee and I'm enjoying enjoy the pleasure of it so I'm sure I am when the game starts are going to be feeling and you know we don't do business things that sometimes give you food for information said. In the lead up the good will is good form this is pretty consistent style football so it would have been spilled on this Scottish Cup on sports on b.b.c. V.d.u. Scott. Yes the game kicking off at 5 past 2 the softer newness a commentary here on b.b.c. Radio Scotland joining us this afternoon Willie Miller Jim Duffy And Chick young well as you cast your eye over Edinburgh from our Aberdeen studio How do you see going south and what you make of this one well I believe mine is going to productive you know. And a cup tie as well and you know looking at both if. You watch them recently come up to and comprehensively beaten on the day they were very very poor Obviously it's been a good season for them so far and you know getting back into the talk to you then you know being in the top 6 Israel in the quality of player that they have got in the fact that as a Darby you'd expect them to produce better than what they produce to Aberdeen and watch and hard against Aberdeen. You know very very well organized I think that. Is brought to them there's no doubt about that as the organization and the fact that the how to be and how to score against them sure but they don't want too many goals either. I don't think the. You could predict that one I really don't think you can go either way you know the 5 to 2 teams we're different qualities within the team. Being in the cup and who knows but I think it will be I mean obviously it'll be fatherless from should have and hopefully we got back in game Jim Duffy I mean if you look at the league positions there's a 4th place. 5th 5 points between them as well he sees even on league form alone it would be very hard to call Yeah I mean of course it's going to be a closely. Contested March I just think that with a house and loving life it's a I mean just last year we were kind of the bring a nice myth and he's going on and get to know them very very quickly. And I think you'll be a fantastic saving over the rest of the season but I think the Habs seem to have a lot more continuity about them I think they're certainly more options on top of the plate options piece and the way the areas and for me I would see Habs is quite strong field in this but they're not. So interesting I think to go along with that so I think Bill is spot on is really hard to call when you talk a big man and Gemma is obviously a brave money mind. You know. It's almost the opposite what John says and it's I understand. The logic behind that discovery notion what people. Nice with this go because of that the minds of a couple not get a scenario of course you start looking at logically and James just a case and makes any sense as it's going to get to well but it was a bizarre kick off to a 5 plus 2 but you know. And and I wouldn't be surprised if they're going back to the steroid I think that someone's going to important all these games I mean you know I think invariably get faced in the darbies And you know that could also play a major part in which someone does Rush the referee you know maybe a strong. Or in conditions where we don't wake up to an image I just sent pictures of the pension it looks absolutely pristine the moment we do it because it has been a television show it's been. You know I think again or these are things I think has been stopped once it's not scar not one of 3 if you start going for a challenge and that could certainly make a difference but just for me just looking at both teams want to give even playing so 1st in a natural game for hubs will. The houses one thing that's interesting took as well Jim saying because of his opinion about enough the firepower of course one thing that particularly does do and has done as a short defense. Speculation of course is they want to play 646 formation but you know I think Levine has been pretty impressive and you know it's taken over to steady the ship the cup was a number of top Moser on what because of both the new stand but you know that it was an egg last season for them put it more if you would know again so many home games and I think you know that's an unfair position as you said Jeff the and I went today would be a huge step forward for them you know and I think I think he's done a good job to say the least but. Well it works today and surely has to be at that I think but the business is a guy who was not to many months ago was part of an e 1000000 by Johns for you know and is still only 31 years of age it gets and it's game that's got to be good business and I am totally mystified by I mean just chose not to because I think that's really what I wanted to go come on couldn't get into that can a budget I think ranges could of and I'm mystified I think that. You know happening as a club you know well when you think of the progress in the last couple of seasons from winning the Scottish Cup and winning promotion and I finding themselves in 4th place you know people often talk about a season to consolidate you know the going rate in there I don't have that I'm going to be in the console with the going to Maine see I don't think new ones I like I don't think he's going to see available just that we use the up this year that we get off easy is completely driven is an individual who drives players or needs players it's a weekly or honestly that you know. He's done it publicly as well you know he's been really in the feet when he said that the game up our body now after the hour he was very critical of his players but for whatever reason they seem to respond to so that's fine as long as you know your players and you know the main players than when you've got the you can understand them better than anyone because of what's with them in a daily basis but you know that the father standing you sons one in the Scottish Cup I think I was a huge you know we off the shoulders of course and then that can accomplish some belief in always things was taken on a label Wednesday liniment and they also know I think the club on the up they've got fantastic. Healthy budget so you know I think I think they'll be top 4 all season and I think they'll really be challenging our body in the news for the 2nd spot check yeah. One of the few things really agrees with me on the natural order restored and in the Scottish game at the moment Rangers Habs and. Right here you would say that the 5 biggest clubs in the country the budgets to so much. Maybe not necessarily or that he knows but certainly the there are the 5 biggest clubs in the country with the East teams head over to g.m. We're not talking today but come on at the tail of the moment but you know what job they're doing as well but done with more than over the last couple seasons so but as that is that as I'm not sure the restored and really. In this there isn't much to go between. That's wise of it and she can go up to General hear from Steven Naismith in a couple of minutes time about. There he's obviously in the squad for today if you if you were managing hearts today would you put him in from the start or would you save him to come out of you know a 100 percent or so sorry you are not using Stephenie's Bill you get more now he's legs going for as long as you possibly can you go with the junk players anyway saw the energy you know be there for them and I think you thrive on adrenaline checks is you know Easy is a new stand in player and an individual you know in there and professional. I would have no doubt she would of course like any Darby marks the 1st 10 minutes is normally a 100 members and enemies where there's a mob where he's played regular football or not but he's going to experience the game no know how and also the ability. To win a game in change as any any do you know just use a 100 percent is n.t. a Thought at the things but since August. If you know me. As an artist and yeah of course 100 percent again you know you need my friends but I can't see me as you see sane in white that's such a fantastic sane in and to bring about and then pit one against I think it's you know just different and different finds when you hear the name of what you want to get to find a great guy and you straight me get out get out soldier energy and try and get. I was I going to fall out of it and flip it promises like it's led by yourself and enjoy it and you're going to want your money actually that's what Steven is but the . You're enjoying it but old Many a little bit to train in but that lies a get a plateau is not you have easy as it were you know already the more you know people you know homeless people in various things the released foundations and charities and I think not just below the Theodore years but for hops as Norbert the boy is that. In the end for it you can have one approach and for me it has to be on the pitch from the start and the lesson if you're lost I know about your doubts a bonus what was spoken about I'm trying to hear from him as you say Steven Naismith he's available today having completed that loan move from Nordic City Yes Get this it's good the probably the Vegas I'm watching and feeling just again I want to see an infection and haven't I fall into the ether to look forward to trying. To appear for am the biggest thing Miss Miss can I hate the few days but and want it all done in one half or these couple of these before it was going to be going to be we said it was you know it's great that we just both get through to just want to be one of the ones we did yeah as in just to get back playing and enjoying football again it's been tough it's probably the fox they mean my heels of experienced not being in charge involved in a mansion and not much chance to be involved so I knew that somehow to give in to move in and John get in the industry in legal fight. There was a fuss ones in on it it said had I think Eden and if it was something I would be interested in but also that enthusiasm to. To get a deal done and on top of what the manager before him and and from when I was last in Scotland the transformation in terms of training facilities to to the new standard is what ends the St James for the for Been to be part of what the youngsters coming through is something that I feel. Checked all the boxes it was when you're really though and then we would know it was and I thought to be honest in the whole process a nerve is likely to move but I've never said I want to hear anyone because in an air bubble if it doesn't come off yeah you're going to be disappointed saw I was a situation where I said I'm open to whatever comes if something comes forward then I'll concede that I didn't he said costs really enthusiastic especially for the game in Sunday coming up that they want to do something done in evidence suited me so I could go get my story. Again this. Is a good one a star so. I'm excited for a. I'm really looking for links just to find involved in. Being a Davina Scottish not only some me sob even more special Steven Naismith they are with Brian MacLaughlin the head of what we expect to be his debut for Hearts soft an inch of Duffy and Chick young in the studio with me here in Glasgow Willie Miller joining us shortly again an opportunity Jim a couple of points from listening to Steven Naismith Firstly the desire to play football almost over right any financial consensus will be getting well paid of course but not simply as much as it is getting to city and if there comes a time when there's enough money in the bank and at $31.00 you just want to play football well as get the same money to get in because nobody's pm will probably just be a percent each so he's annoyed each player on lonely heart so he gets a Nordic salary so that's how it works and so he's not losing any money that's for sure. You know and House will be whatever they've agreed to was the salary to Norwich and some some close play alone fee so we don't know if he's been alone FIA either in that are but to go is he not going to do have he wants to play it made it quite clear there that you know the can of the energy and enthusiasm the house showed to try and get him and you know there were any early. Check I'm really surprised there was a number of clubs not just in Scotland and then when the when the as well I mean because the one thing that I said no one can. Play against even if it is is the fact that he's not professional field if you get a man and he's not quite what you look for in terms of the player you know you're going to get shop class Prudy who's going to have great Albert she's going to help everyone with the club is going to give you a good whenever called up on shore surprise there was a lot more interest but I feel agreement I think it's really found insane. And you know I think all credit. To the board there include Levine for going to get it done because some Did I mention the walk in nice or if not more chances as I'm sure in which I was but well done I wonder. Relationship between kleagle been and. Played and legend that he game against Czech Republic 8 years ago that is there in the nation the great. Force explanation and this was a straight you know what other stuff. And that said So you know it was obvious at all you know Jim you know. I always look at the. Vote of the page you see players going and you know the Hogan are plenty where did they play together but then it is always easily legs that go on in the game this one than you know of. You know you get a clean gave Stephen a smith an international chance with Desire is the fact that and again as it is much is because of a lot but they came through the enjoy what can with them you know we're not pitted you know. Well really Tweenies and he's probably you know. Even. Been involved. In selecting a man or Gainey should faith because that Jane would probably have a good number of players who could have packed sure all of those things because other words for him to meet the choice to go to hearts I think she's a lot you know. From how something house you've got to see it out and you know she said. The one thing you would see Jeff is if you went to maybe on our language Championship club or possibly ranges of us as a Gandhi the play every week I think I knew the suspect there is 3 if he's found a big God. He's a little guaranteed every week and that you know it could be a tangent this program Jeff is going to just inching up just looked up the Scotland team which I would never associate years ago and the price. Of admission defendant. To go with what's a government minus we cold well done flexion Morrison Dorrans Mikey Jim. Mike you remember him. Naismith and. Gordon. Robson because it will no wonder when I must go. The other thing is well that again the interview showed the 1st of all that and you know this is a manager I mean if you're sure real interest real desire to get a place almost like putting the arm around the back won't come and be part of our set up and the speed that what they wanted it done by this they want to be able to get him in a quick clear they want to the man for his game you know the one you got back sane and you know again to see the thing or that has to do with the atmosphere in the stadium because Habs have had a stranglehold over one of the La skin there's a draw very controversial go all from all the sure. But generally speaking Habs have been you know the team dominant over the last few games so I think they really want to change in the atmosphere and get a big sanely Steven Naismith over with the opportunity to find out who they're really enthusiastic overseas are just losing. Lots of the Israel and Jamie Walker so. Those are these are key players mustn't Israel or. Shorts they need someone to see to find normal us and we have we can compete in this game we can win this game it's on your ability conceal him achieve and just to be aside from today's game check the news last night came through the m.k. Doan's narrowband Robbie Neilson have parted company at the League One club and I'm still it's a decision he made on Saturday evening following a meeting between Neilson and the chairman Pete Winkelman the last 21 at Northampton and Saturday afternoon he leaves the club 21st in the standings it's strange to think how recently he was the manager of Hearts Yeah I haven't won 11 much as a something of a gets a real bad run I know Stevie covert as a as a wee wee as well yeah yeah. Yeah so you know you don't it's a gamble you take in this but. You know I think the Be That was one. Robie thale previous seasons it was tame it is run well and make it move the obvious move was to get yourself you know just start m.k. Dons get them himself noticed and. Suddenly you know that. By the point. It was a successful and he's week that could be nicer said Ellis steady the ship and. Job You know it was it was much admired and they get it's a gamble you take them and money spent and you just don't know when to be did to teach it I go there I just did it but a while and the gas as an all was good enough and the reasons why m.k. Dons I'm not performed but so I watch them when his programs and Channel 5 are some of what some play he said he said watching India. Gave years ago and 1st time I watched. I know him from somewhere some on the set. And it wasn't that I don't notice through these things that he said you know. You know I really do say I'm still but it's been a good a bad move but you know you walk away from so yes psyched by a club at that level I don't think many English chairmen and I was saying well you know go for all but you also realise his stock is probably quite high in Scotland and Jim is all I think I was reading or heard last night as well that Mark McGhee he's been moved up stairs at Barnet a kind of I don't know director of football we haven't ruled out a 2nd a strange one and I mentioned because I think there was a mind of the and then the command can out of it was a can of was I 2nd a strain's can say. Again the left or any team is toil in the autumn or if it's going to mean that some was out whether it's r m r usually when we shift someone from possession or you just lose your job like Robbie you know but I thought. As a bike club then if you don't if you do the stadium you know the boat was the a.t.m. And I can a true able if you want to call it you know there's like 10000 seats and a bit of oil. Or the infrastructure bell and then he just had the plus he's at the From have to get successful Shaw so somebody will thought club on the. Back catchment area. You know and the view wash but Asians to get to at least in the playoffs and so therefore they aim to be in the bottom 3 I think was inevitable and will be without. You know you I thought you had to go in there because if he does do will be does get him up then he's he can say you moved on a label but you know it wasn't. When Tim Miller saw. You are low but you already think it would go against Oh I think he's what probably 3 at least maybe 40 someone about but still very young to go Mind you I think and I've been in studio Willie Miller has been playing musical chairs only for the find the right chair for you know when they were just talking about your old mate Mark McGhee then if you were if you heard us just at the end there you know as Jim was saying it may be a surprise role to start with but heading up stairs no yeah I mean I don't know the circumstances but at the same time you know Mark is made it very clear they wanted to still be involved in football and you know if you get the opportunity to you know step and be a footballer and move up stairs then you've just got to offer. And they say just self if that's where you want to go or you know if the young next move in football or do you just want to stay in football and football management but I don't think my. Management again I think the important thing from his point of view is that he still involved in the game at some level and it keeps his name in there doesn't as well and the new c.e.o. Perhaps as well and I'm sure to be on the lookout for them on a g.t.o. Job. Maybe somewhere else as well as you when you became a director of football was that through. Choice did you just feel was if you tried to teach the management that you just feel it was a definite rule or did you find yourself going to easy then and often wonder why you didn't get back to management again because yes some day for me I would look at what I don't think is an ideal candidate for money and therefore you'll be an Aberdeen and have an a in the we know what media they say that always an actual views rather than the back and it going to cut throat management they well I think the money's meant wasn't for me. 3 years out a couple of good years and one. And and then when I lost my job I thought about going back another couple opportunities but a lot of level you know part time as well and to be honest I didn't really think that was for me and and then the long game and your name's not there you don't get any off and you know you just drift away from and you know to it being in business you know but for.

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