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You know how Monzon isn't a channel is what we're causing them problems and being on the front it was something the struggle to cope with well just a reminder that we're going to stay on here on medium wave so we can hear from the Hamilton boss Martin canning but if you're listening on f.m. That we're going to hand over for the news at 10 but to say we're continuing here on medium wave as it comes up to 10 o'clock this Friday night Martin County hopefully we are in Christ and I think you'll be pretty delighted to point given a look at looking ahead to tomorrow's game again it's 3 o'clock hearts against Inverness. Castle huge game put in for days after what can only be said to be a person or to the season is a challenge is challenge for the young manager alone his play. I'm fully expecting it relished the situation out there it was a club well and say that we spent a lot of time there so if you want to thank us so much you know it's no easy place to go it's hard places it was always a place I enjoyed playing and the part I was little was in on top a year and as a challenge for any player able to take us all never mind if you get in about any form so I would fancy that the jump was to get 3 points to be honest and time you know Richie for you must just be desperate to get that 1st when as a manager under his belt in the league Yeah he will be in you see some flaws in it because of a thing you don't build a League Cup then but I started off in the league and play pilin Skaven seem to think us will have a tough place to go a little bit nuisance took a little but that's because we'll so you'd expect a reaction from Hans. And there was little typing in new players as well so that's a that's a tough one for them when they're sick with their finger back up a point I think I could result but you know I find the hospital not get good about to what Paul Hartley was saying he's obviously desperate to varying in at least 2 more players where do you think he needs to do that Kevin which it is looking at. I think on on the performance tonight I think he would like an all defended on and always a both and I think he's definitely going to be looking to bring in the last like oh there's no 2 ways about it and I think the team missed home against tenaciousness and he's energy and he's dry that brings to this team. And I think is a key player because there's no him is a shoe store that sold headlines but he's one when you go through the spotting of that on the team or data back being in goals in the given in the middle of it that should have divided one that the teams that people wouldn't expect in Ohio and then what you're in Hammond's really is a fight on the fine You've you've got we've got move forward to doing it because you got some good players in there but that's been that's been broken that's been it's a challenge for portraying reinstate and you know it's a real important factor of any team let's go back downstairs again because their scores is with the Hamilton Accies both Martin County Martin your 2nd away draw in the Premiership this season but to take into 3 points in that 2nd I think I think so yes I thought the kid's a little chin East's him over the top fall I think it's possible that 15 minutes until we can see for the game teams dropped off a lot too often in the 4th set a path of complete until beginning of the Chinese as the 2nd week at all we haven't taken 3 points for the performance of the Off The only difference in the 2nd half. That we just possible over move the ball how is the Coke bottle toss the do get up tell it quick and I'm like the in from the employee often in Detroit the place is higher for the foster hospital but slow to be continued to train pasta the citizens if they can of it I'll just quote take off we will have quite a bit off with him and it's usually just really good for the sake of me to think of performance we should be 77 point something lost if you can put we don't need to take a loss like a little today again moved only for the last possible get to the last of when the game in and for the pulled us apart from the game should be 77 points and hopefully just when I'm listening to school believe me she'll know that we go over should be put on of awful and none motionless oppose daddy in the can even be feeling too happy about downing you almost have to rub your eyes in disbelief that it hadn't gone in when he went 20 Yeah I think so I thought that it was the one with one last week as well emitted one of the Bart police fuck almost as if he had the whole movie 2 of the gals in it just doesn't often it was possible so. I got that as a place in terms of if not in the performance because they are a means to continue to perform about why. Because how those of the date were put on the block when the Indians even saying just before he kicked off the dun seaborne and recant shipping on the are close to completing their deal so with all that there's a lot of positivity about tickling there definitely him a good place of his away all the squads a squad strong a few with him and I've been looking at a time going on a couple in that 8 people and it's taken away if I get those deals done and get the guys that are looking to get in the think and Donald's they'll be looking for at least the siblings out to you and the 2 guys up with late prevail and it gives the cult attention and the top of the Keystone he offers something slightly different theology call in the name of Wolfy and chuck a. Stronger thinkable in the kitchen think I'm the oldest of that 3 and by his questionable movie also Wolf like of the Belle volatiles or thanks Marc just like you Martin canning there and Kevin old what would a manager do for a striker any club these days this is what it all crying out for isn't it and that's where they go they want to just ask Tom. Either one is cool goes. No the other one is right now I'm on I think Martin's spalling then I think the 2nd half performance imo now he's teleplays Osama I thought it deserved to win the game you know with 2 of the unbelievable good chances but if you're going to be clinical this level and if they go in school they goes all in the game not because you're done to us but to holocaust another one of it in the saying how often you know but you got to the bone in it and they didn't do not not by the committee appointed them to seems to be against c'mon you have got to find someone to go to school go. Well we had a crowd of just over 5000 here damp dance partner can tell you the rain it was raining before them I started it's rained all through the notch on the flood lights are still on and it is still raining here and d. That is just about it from Friday sports science My thanks to Kevin Thomson Tomic Nonis Scott Davey and Collin Tater rolled McLean He had Anspach along with colon Stephen and to produce a colder back in the studio we're back on air tomorrow at seeing on medium wave we've got commentary on the lunchtime kick off between some Johnston on Celtic while on f.x. But there's off the ball with Stewart and Tom then from just up to 2 coverage of the rest of the afternoon's football I'm back on Sunday with sports on from a day will run Doppler weekends football discuss the managerial moves within Scottish rugby. Team G.B.'s successes at the Olympics but in the meantime for me Geoff Webster here Dens Park thanks for listening. ah the incredible as you read it there it with patients of angels and I was lucky enough to see their life here at Pacific Radio Scotland's key sessions a couple of months ago she was phenomenal Honestly I've never heard anyone sing beautifully so well life so beautifully a fake it even to you and welcome to say nice music match is. Blackly in the hot seat until 1 o'clock in the morning and I'm so happy tonight because I'm here I'm really sad as well because it's my last week of a 4 week so I've got loads and loads of great music to play for us tonight with our top pick tonight as well which I'll be introducing very very shortly that's how I'm happy because I'm here to play you some of my favorite tunes Speaking of which here is Kasabian an underdog. Absolutely incredible vandalize That's because savy and with underdog you listening to the music match a very good evening to use Joe Barkley year with you into 1 in the morning and a lot coming up on the show today but sadly I have said I was clearing at my house this week average about the floods recently and is taking about sui months to clear up the tiniest room and my house honestly my bathroom is bigger than this room so I have had lots of painters and decorators and elec traditions and people laying floors the whole law and so as I was clearing out my stuff I came across a whole pile of D.V.D.'s I hadn't seen and ages and decided to watch a couple this week and one of them was cast away now I don't know if you remember castaway Tom Hanks go marooned on a desert island with nobody to talk to but he's football Wilson so it kind of got me thinking what would it take to a desert island a fair I was stranded and producer Paul here well he's pretty disgusted at me because he asked if I would take my dog and I am of course completely blind so don't just have a guy for no reason so and I said no because I presume to he would just come with me anyway you know Paul. He says that she sang as a 1st of all I thought I would take my cordless hairbrush and my eyeliner got to look good when you're stranded on a desert island and then I kind of realized that I would have nobody there to look good for so I scrapped that. Then I kind of thought I would take. Bacon and bread so I could eat bacon butty but as producer Paul very kindly pointed out of no better so I had to scrap that as well so I decided I would probably take my husband for one because then he'd have to take us also would have 4 things between us and we I thought I was pretty clever but I'd love to know what you would take to a desert island if you were stranded on a desert island what would you love to have with you get in touch you know the usual ways it's $80.00 to $95.00 if you want to text us you know to get in touch on Twitter or at the music match and just search for his and Facebook with the music match now back to some more great music another band I saw this year actually acquisitions that last year Glastonbury the brilliant anyway is the 19 $175.00 and love me. To. Come aboard. Thanks. To. The a thank you for the way I. Am. Thanks. Absolutely fabulous song there from the 1975 that is of course love me now I've been asking you to get in touch with me tonight to let me know what you would take to a desert island if you to be stranded on a desert island what would you take or who would you take your life to things never over Mikkel it's been in touch he's actually given his 3 things greedy greedy boy he said he would take Gucci Prada and now I don't quite know if you mean the fashion designers themselves or maybe some of their clothes or maybe their aftershave So Dick and such is less know Robert but you're obviously a very fashion conscious guy Tony you'd be wearing this for Robert though because it's a desert island and you're on your own so you might be better off taking some grub and also Josh a bore from Lenzie has been in touch tonight thank Shasha gosh we've got some celebrities listening to this program honestly one international audience that's obviously visiting Lindsay at the moment she said she would take signed picture of me and a naked picture of producer Paul shot do you know something I don't producer Paul would you think. You know. He's absolutely horrified absolutely horrified so what we're trying to minutes into the show and as a descended into chaos away the I love it keep on coming in on 80295 at that is of course if you want to text you can also get in touch via Twitter at the music match and if your face but then so are we just search for the music match Now let's have a bit of a throwback to the ninety's here is how do I And what is love. I. Don't Going. To get you got to admit it's really good to hear that again isn't it had a way and what is love you listening to the music match Ned You have been getting in touch in your droves tonight thanks so much for listening in on for texting and tweeting and Facebook ing us I want to know what you would take to a desert island if you were stranded on a desert island island of what 2 things would you bring with you now Carol from Bonnie Raitt has been in such peril thank you for listening tonight she would take her she's greedy she would take 4 things I said to her she would take 4 things she would take a battery open it operated straighteners which Yeah I get that but at the same time there's nobody there with you Carol so it's a bit pointless. She would also take a crate of wine Another good idea Carol Bartz that would finish so I'd be more inclined to take a wine making kits and she would also take catch up t.v. Carol might be picking holes in your suggestions here but say you need an i Pad for that and you can have a signal so that be pointless and she take a magic. Carol there's nobody on this island why would you need a magic that usually ends up with timelines so it's pointless to get in touch with us and give us some realistic things you would take with you and practical things like Mr Simon has done Mr Simon said that he would take a motor boat and he would also take a sat nav and he's also enjoying the music tonight's cheer democracies but miserable because he's got a cold at Mr Simon I think we need to clarify the rules here basically you're stranded on a desert island humid. And there there's no going back there's been an apocalypse or you know your friends don't like you nobody likes you anymore nobody wants you in their life you are on this island for the rest of your life so unless you want to just drive you most of all right in mind in circles that is a little bit pointless to thank you for getting in touch if you want to get in touch with me tonight and let me know what you would like to take to a desert island I would love to hear from you 80295 you want to text me you can also get in touch with those be a twitter at the Music Match and yeah also on Facebook just search for the Music Match get back to some great music here's Robin with every heartbeat. A hope you're enjoying the music as much as I And tonight this is what i love of an amazing match I get to play you all of my favorite chins now Bonnie bridges been back in touch with us she said Ok right scrap the clothes thinking again she wouldn't take any clothes or anything like that because. Nobody to see her so she said instead she would take with red wine Yep I'm liking that and she would also take one home for her full of goodies I wonder what those goodies would be and thank you for guessing and such for those Carol and taxi driver from Wishaw has been in touch he is a man of simple tastes a man after my own heart he would take lentil soup and Nicole Kidman The only reason I would take Nicole Kidman is because she would get a couple of choices as well so that's me just being greedy but thank you for getting in touch with us tonight it's great to hear from everybody tonight I'm loving the fact that you're getting in touch so many people are listening in tonight so I'm very very grateful if you want to get in touch with me tonight and let me know what you would take to a desert island and I'd really really love to hear from you get in touch on 0295 that is of course our text number you get in touch on Facebook as well just search for the music match and world so interesting it just search for the music match now back to some more great music is another one of my favorites I love this band it's the Lightning Seeds with pure. would take. Dynamo pirate radio so that you could listen to the music match will obviously having you know corny and that's obvious that the only thing is you don't know what time the music much would be on an arch was Niland because we don't know where this island is so while city and save is going to take. Oh his favorite snorkel now you know if you got more than one snorkel that was really quite alarming but say good for you you take your favorite snorkel he said he would also take the chicken bad umbrella and Baz from the Happy Mondays so there you go all these fabulous suggestions coming in tonight thank you so much for listening if you want to get in touch me tonight I'd love to hear from you get in touch and let me know what you would take to our desert island it's 8 to 95 on the text you can also get in touch via Twitter at the Music Match I'm on Facebook as well now I'm going to play you a little bit away says I love this song it's one of my favorite races tracks is half the world away coincidentally where our desert island just to. Be. Good Morning Scotland 7 days a week able to bring you news from across the country this was the 1st chance for term social to stand up and give some kind of a code to Rousseau's the big international stories to the big political stories and if you've ever seen account of it like Donald Trump Gary I've never seen a person like Trump Good Morning Scotland on the table to ask the questions that I think people want to hear the answer to What are the potential comes from polling get out get going and get across whatever's happened overnight. Everything you need to know every day on b.b.c. Radio Scotland is Joe Baca here with you until 1 o'clock in the morning with the music match if you've just joined is a very good evening to you and welcome to the program at now I have been asking you to get in touch with me tonight lots of you have been getting in touch thank you so much once the hello to Raul where he's been in touch to say that he wouldn't take all these fashion designers with reason to ditch the fashion designers and I'm glad about that because that it's a noise or I could be perceived as being a wee bit stalker I am yet will ditch the fashion designers and take his partner now are you saying that Robert because your partner is listening or would you really take your partner you would also take an unlimited supply. Of Crisps Yeah yeah I'm liking that one and you'd also take a rowing boat now that's all very well but if it's an unlimited supply of Christophe you know you've got to watch you know eating too many crisps and in the rowing bowl and you want to sing King Jr I mean you know I'd love to hear from you tonight please do get in touch with me it's 80295 if you want to text me you can always get in touch through Twitter as while we're at the music match and if you're on Facebook so are we just search for the music match Let's get back to some more music here's Phil Collins with you can Harry laugh. Thanks to Is that way if you can Harry live I think it's a great Friday night you know what you're having a great Friday night whatever you're gassing up to thanks for listening in to the music match with me. Now I've been asking you to get in touch tonight so many of you have is great as. Hell and has been in touch to say that she was stranded on a desert island she would take a massive bean bag just in case the ground was uncomfortable you know that such a good idea you know for a she think of that because you know sounds can get a b.m.i. Of been grainy Sandor and so you don't know it might even be a pebble beach you don't know how and so that's a brilliant idea and she would also take. It gets hard because she'd have plenty of time to learn how to play it so I had some good suggestions there and Terry's has been back and such as Well he said he wants to know what producer Paul would take and funnily enough he would take Bear Grylls because he would just be set for life then so even need anything else he's not greedy would just take Bear Grylls but he would also take Bear Grylls wife just to keep bear happy see and nice boy I think he's a very clever producer Paul I really do if you want to get in touch with those I'd really love to hear from you let us know what you would take to a desert island if you were stranded there for the rest of your life there's no going back you can always get in touch with us at the Music Match We're on Facebook as well just search for the music match and if you want to text us it's 80295 now I am going to play you my very very favorite hole in the song is called she's gone and always reminds me of being a little girl my mom used to play this album or in the house all the time so I hope you enjoy this as much as I do as I said his whole night she's gone. Expected to. See. A common name with such. A. Grid in. This album. Thank you. All are. Getting Is that not just a brilliant song that was of course Hall and Oates was she's gone now Mr Simon's been back in touch with us tonight Mr Simon thank you so much for listening and now he said that he would take to his desert island. And Imodium to cover all all afflictions Simon thank you so much resenting is that I'm getting off absolutely horrible thoughts here producer Paul is just about fainting in the background here we've a dead naked pictures of him with ghosts abandon and. Imodium other medications are available for the aforementioned afflictions Yes kind of descending into chaos tonight but we do appreciate you getting in touch and say I just want to say a couple of fellows as well to people who are listening in tonight we have Keith is listening down in Manchester also at my Aunt Janet and my uncle John they're listening and from true in they've come all the way from America not to listen to my show and to mention but. They've spent the whole summer over here so thank you very much for listening and I actually and Janet listened in last week and told me that my voice is better than any sleeping tablet I think that was a compliment writes I have been told I am a good cure for insomnia before on Janet So I thank you very much for listening and tonight's if you want to get in touch with me I'd really love to hear from you please do you know all the usual ways 80295 if you want to text you can also get in touch via Facebook just search for the music match and we're on Twitter as well at the Music Match now I'm going to play you another one of my all time favorites this is from way back in the ninety's is the Cano. . Great song there from the 7475. Now we are on our island and there's no escape. With. My. Son. Was just. A few. Such like. Right. You. Know that's. The same. Salad. Get. Spread. Out. With hosts. And she. Insists. And she says it's. Us. Lots more texts and tweets to come a little bit later on in the show but for now. And here is the headlines with hope. To 90. 810 medium wave and on digital radio b.b.c. Radio Scotland. That have been warnings from the head of the International Olympic Committee in Rio There will be major cuts to the numbers of venues in next month's games because of a shortfall in the budget so Philip Craven said more tickets needed to be sold he said the parliament had never encountered such issues never before in the 56 year history of the Paralympic Games that we faced circumstances like this Brazil is in a far different position to the one that it was over 2009 when it won the right to stage both games. Judges of the Court of Session in Edinburgh have turned down a bit by the owners of the news of the World newspaper for a new trial of the Tommy Sheridan defamation case they've also ruled that the damages awarded to Mr Sheridan in the 2006 case will stand Kark reports 10 years ago Tony Sheridan an m.s.p. And leader of the Scottish Socialist Party emerged from Court in Edinburgh victorious the Judean his defamation case against The News of the One Touch find in his favor and he was awarded 200000 pounds in damages the m.s.p. Had taken the now defunct paper to court over allegations involving his private life News Group Newspapers applied for a new trial they argued that after the case Mr Sheridan had been convicted of perjury and that other evidence had arisen subsequently So the Judy's verdict was unsafe to day 3 Court of Session judges published their decision noting that the verdict of a civil Judy should be treated with considerable respect and that the newspaper group had not been able to demonstrate that a new trial was essential so the Judy's verdict against the News of the one old and the damages awarded stand a boy who was fatally mauled by a dog in Essex has been named as 3 year old Dexter New York he died after being bitten at a house in whole state yesterday evening a 29 year old woman has been questioned by police at a price reports Labour's have described hearing lots of screaming emergency services were called in 3 year old Dixon the male who lived around the corner was taken by ambulance to hospital but died later the 29 year old woman from hell States who was arrested on suspicion of allowing a dog to be dangerously out of control has been questioned and released on bail place a confirmed it was an American Bulldog which is not on the list of breeds in the u.k. This is a 2nd time someone has been killed in a dog attack this week on Monday a 52 year old man died after being mauled in Huddersfield latest figures suggest hospital admissions the dog bites or attacks last year or up 76 percent compared with a decade previously. Detectives have launched a murder inquiry following the death of a 24 year old man in Larkhall earlier this month Roy Watson was taken to Wishaw General Hospital following an incident in the Wilson Street on the 11th of August but later died we say that following a post-mortem examination and further inquiries the death is now being treated as murder the German interior minister has called for a partial ban on the burka a day after he said a food might not be caused to tional He said The issue was not one of security but of integration more details from our Berlin correspondent Jenny Hill if Germany's interior minister has his way Muslim women would be banned from covering their faces a nursery schools and universities in public offices in courts and while driving Thomas to stop short of proposing a complete ban it's widely accepted that to do so would violate Germany's Constitution which fiercely upholds the rights to religious freedom Nevertheless the minister said he and his fellow conservatives completely opposed the Baca or any other full face veil the sinews their sport with John Barnes Sunday of going joint top of the Premiership after a 10 draw at home to Hamilton down in line give Archy's the lead with a 25 yard effort but Marco had us equalized by claiming his 2nd goal for the Danes Park club and England a lot on the brain of it scored both Manchester United's goals and their 2 no victory or Southampton you have a has opened disciplinary proceedings against Celtic after some fans display Palestine flags joining their Champions League qualifier against the Israeli side happy to be a shiver was going to champions have been punished 8 times in 5 seasons by the European governing body for supporter misconduct at the Olympics Great Britain of won gold in the women's hockey they beat the Netherlands 2 nil in a penalty shootout after the match ended 3 all. Nick Skelton one Great Britain's 1st and digital should jump in gold medal in the Olympic history following a stunning performance in Dio Doro However Katrina Mathieu looks out of contention for a medal as she goes into the final round of the women's golf $11.00 over par and b. Park of Korea leads on 11 under. Scotland's Well rain clears the mainland but affects or cancelled don't want to lose around 11 to 13 Celsius tomorrow heavy rain will affect the central belt in the south for grumpiness mostly dry and cloudy until mid until mid to late afternoon when heavy showers arrive the Highlands and Islands will of the driest brightest weather with some sunshine and highs of 22 Celsius b.b.c. Radio Scotland Hughes thanks so much to Duncan Kerr Co for the 11 o'clock news you're listening to the music match is Joe Barkley here with you until 1 o'clock in the morning because so much of coming out in the way of great music over the next hour so please do stay with me we got a great talking point tonight as well that in a 2nd I'm going to play you the weird song now I love it it's merry heads and one night in Bangkok here on the music that. I'm the best. Friend. For you. When you're. Like. Me. By the way. This cracks me. Up crying. Thank God I'm only watching for controlling. Guys waging a kind of I'm contemplating the true. Story not excite you oh. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow Wow. Wow. Wow I. Can feel and I just. Wouldn't. Want to. Get up. In the book and. Great song there that's Mary had it with one night in Bangkok You're listening to the music match we're now into the 2nd hour of the program is Joe Barkley here with you for another hour at 2 hours I beg your pardon and thank you so much for your company tonight is great to have you along now we've been talking all night about what you would take if you were stranded on a desert island no cheating you know I like to bring somebody else you're alone there and there's no return so what would you bring it's 80 to 95 if you want to text us you can also get in touch on Twitter at the Music Match and why not search for isn't Facebook just search for the music notch now I am going to play this. From my friend Glenda she went to see those bands at the Royal Concert Hall here in Glasgow not so long ago it's hard with unknown. To. Untasted song by heart that was of course alone and I'm playing that from my mate who went along to the concert here in Glasgow at the Royal Concert Hall a couple months ago and I and she said it was absolutely fabulous This is the music match thank you so much for listening into the program tonight I had just want to say hello to Keith who is down in Manchester we also want to say hello to big g. And. They're both from bears and I take it they know each. There but we've been asking you to get in touch tonight tell us what you would take to a desert island if you were stranded on a big She said that he would take a white poodle to keep my guide dog Lucas company that's very sweet of you and we said she would take her Kindle and Kevin Bacon we are bending the rules here I said you're not allowed to take anybody else's goal to be on your own so out you need to get back to us and pick something else that you would take with you I'd love to hear from you tonight if you want to get in touch me to let me know what you would take to a desert island if you were stranded it's 80 to 95 if you want to text us you can also get in touch through Twitter at the Music Match or Facebook as well just search for the music match now I remember this song Way back when I was 12 years old is Cher and just like Jesse James. a brilliant song isn't a share with just like Jesse James you know I used to listen to that I got my 1st leather jacket when I was 12 years old I thought it was so cool it was chocolate brown leather and it was a bomber jacket and. I thought I was the bees knees and I used to blare the say in the car when we were driving by some of the boys I used to fancy when I was a girl so it always brings back a half your memories listening to that song now I've been asking you to get in touch with me tonight to tell me what you would take to your desert island if you were stranded there for the rest of your life drama from Aberdeen is so incredibly clever I never would have thought this one actually but she would take. Superstore that is such a good idea Donna Well John you thank you for listening to the music much tonight and for getting in touch with us if you want to get in touch that it's very very easy I want to know what you would take to your desert island it's 80295 if you want to text me you can also get in touch through Twitter we're at the Music Match and we're also on Facebook as well just search for the music match another great cheer and here is Roxy Music with dance away. Saying so cool. Night. Let's say. You know. It's funny. Until. You. This fall. the music match to tell me exactly what you would take to your desert island if you were stranded there for the rest of your life well dog and Fife has been in touch I don't know if that Dog the Bounty Hunter or not but it's a dog has been in touch with us to say that he would take some seeds of a questionable nature Ok dollar I take your into farming about cultivation there and he would also take to pay well you would hope that they would be male and female so you would have an endless supply of bacon dog I'm liking the idea that you would also take a blow up doll so you've got all areas covered their dog Thank you for listening and tonight and for getting in touch we have got loads of great music coming up in this hour of the music match please do stay with us on please do get in touch keep me company let me know what you're up to tonight where you are in the country and say what you would take to this desert island that we're talking about it's a 0 and shoot $95.00 if you want to text as you can also get in touch via Twitter or at the Music Match are why not such as on Facebook just search for the music. Or it is. That was the fabulous Denny Laine from the middy Blair is way to go now and I interviewed Denny Laine a few years ago actually and he was such a lovely guy is one of my favorite interviews ever but it was just awful at the end because I asked him for a picture and he asked me to sit in his knee and I swear his legs were so thin I thought I was going to break him and cheer but very very nice man he was anyway you're listening to the music match it's Joe Barkley here with you until 1 o'clock in the morning thank you so much for listening in tonight and thank you so much for getting in touch George form Jet Pro Now he said he should be a nice beds but he doesn't want to switch the radio off because I'm playing all these favorite tunes will join us and I'm so glad George that you're liking the music tonight because that these are all my favorite tunes too I am he saying I can guess his age from from that statement Well I'm kind of guessing you're maybe round about the same age as me I met approaching 21 George honestly I'm not approaching 40. He said that he would take a boat with him at his desert islands because well if he wants to go home he could see that's cheating George you can take a boat you there for good you can sail arrange your islands or go fishing with your boat but you know let's go home and he would also take his electric chancer because there were very nobody there to annoy and away you well yes I guess that was I thank you so much for getting in touch with us George and he just finally says that he wants us to say hello and. Very Happy Birthday to his 14 year old son Drew at the Happy Birthday tree if only I'd known I would have played some good songs you know they might play it later that's out lots of great music to come here on the music match speaking of why it's. That's the Beatles' Come Together Now from Eritrea has been in touch tonight to say that while he would take it to his desert island he said he would take the Jaguar trends at that might seem a bit strange but he said who would be there to charge him with murder to whom the Jedward twins aren't listening tonight Jedward twins if you are listening get in touch with as you need to answer and tell me what you think of that I would love to hear from you tonight p.t.s.d. Get in touch with me and let me know exactly what you would take to your desert island if you were stranded there for the rest of your life and you couldn't come back you know I'd boat you know what life's take anybody else with you certainly not like to murder anybody get in touch and let me know you can text as an 80295 you can also get in touch through Twitter we're at the music match and you can search for his on Facebook. NY and other one of my favorites here is Barbra Streisand's with women in love. With 3. She gets such an amazing voice That's Barbra Streisand there with woman in love now Mr Simon's been in touch with us tonight again he said that he would take to his. If he was stranded there he would take his mate Gav a bottle of whiskey so that he could get drunk and laugh at his bum Chen that's really cruel Mr Simon I have to say per gab with these bomb Chen Gav if you're listening you to get in touch and let us know what you would laugh at but Mr Simon I'd love to hear from you get in touch with us tonight there's so much you could take it to your desert island so many people have been getting in touch tonight at Nik has also been in touch at he would take a pillow so with Helen that would take her being bag and Nick that would take his pillow What would you take is a 0 to 95 if you want to text says why not get in touch via Twitter at the music match and you can search for his on Facebook just search for the music match and I'm going to play this for our producer Paul he absolutely loves us on his lawyer Brannigan and self-control. Right. And. The. Polls. Wow. Wow wow wow. Wow wow wow. Wow wow wow. Wow. Wow. Wow But. The book reviewer to out. To our abode. The butt of you and the be. Above the be . The be. The big. Oh I have to say I've never seen producer Paul dance like I've never seen anyone dance like that actually and that was Laura Branigan there with self control if you've just joined us a very good evening to you You're listening to jail Barkley on the music match here on b.b.c. Radio Scotland playing you some of my favorite chins tonight we've got so much great music on the way well I would say that because it's my favorite tunes I hope you're enjoying the music as much as I am. It's altered. It's going to be right. Sometimes it's. Sometimes it leads you to places. I can't stop you don't think the speed. It's not for the new season is well and truly underway moment it was. Too soon weeknights from 630 on a 21 medium weight and digital radio until we came down after news to follow your team with our tour was your son and b.b.c. Radio Scotland Oh what a great program that is don't forget to listen to sports and to morrow here on b.b.c. Radio Scotland now this is the music that you're listening to and I'm playing you some of my favorite chains tonight another one coming up in just a minute but Keith has been in touch from Manchester he said that he would take it to his islands he would take a solar powered music box and he would also take a grey fleece that had been tested all the way up here in Scotland so I thank you for getting in touch tonight Keith as really good to hear from you and yeah I think it's really clever Actually solar power because it arced Iowa is going to be sunny during the day I just know it could get cold at night with a lot of clouds if you want to get in touch with those I'd really love to hear from you tonight please do let me know what you would take if you were stranded on a desert island you couldn't go back nobody likes any more apocalyptic And you know I boat so you know like people so that is the rules it's 80 to 95 if you want to text us you can also get in touch it's very Facebook just search for the music match and her interest here is well aware at the Music Match. That. Yes. Brilliance in there from talking heads that was burning down the house still can't make up my mind actually where I prefer whether I prefer that version or the tome Jones and the Cardigans version they're both really really good if I do that did I hear a huff there from producer Paul. I get what do you prefer. That's that could be either. Talking Heads Ok well. I feel like I've been chastised Honestly I get into trouble for bullying you on air producer Paul and I'm getting bullied on air he says he doesn't care and he listens great to have you along with us tonight thanks so much for listening into the music match I would really love you to get in touch me let us know what you're getting up to this Friday night and what you would take to your desert island with you it's 80 to 95 if you want to text as you can always tweet us as well we're at the Music Match and we're on Facebook just search for the music match please do get in touch with me keep me company right into will be smaller as a 1 o'clock in the morning to hear some brand with stop. latest headlines with Duncan Kerckhove. Thank you to deny. It one of the medium wave and on digital radio b.b.c. Radio Scotland. Thousands of people in the Northeast are reported to fled their homes in the city of soccer after a fresh bombing by government forces the u.s. Defense Department says it during the bombardment. Writer planes were scrambled to protect American special forces on the ground our North America correspondent James Cook reports residents and has soccer have told the b.b.c. That government warplanes bombed Kurdish districts of the city on fighting for the 2nd day running footage posted online showed damaged buildings and one man saying his home had been destroyed after being hit 6 times at one point American fighter planes were scrambled to the city to protect u.s. Special forces on the ground the Pentagon said it had tried and failed to contact the city an aircraft which were leaving as its jets arrived much of a soccer is controlled by a Kurdish militia the y.p. Ji which is supported by the us led coalition in its campaign against so-called Islamic State Appeal judges have refused to overturn the defamation verdict which saw Tommy Sheridan awarded $200000.00 pounds in damages the former m.s.p. Was awarded the sum after winning a case against the no defunct News of the world in 2006 the paper's owner news group wanted the verdict struck down following us to Sheridan's conviction and 2010 for para jury and subsequent imprisonment judges of no rule jurors in the 2006 case were justified in concluding that the paper had defamed Mr Sheridan police investigating the death of a 3 year old boy who was mauled by a dog so the animal is an American Bulldog which is not a banned breed Dexter Newell was attacked last night at a house in holstered in Essex a 29 year old woman has been questioned by police significant cutbacks are being made to the Paralympics in Rio which start in less than 3 weeks time the International Paralympic Committee said the event would still take place but following a series of financial problems and poor ticket sales it was no longer possible to deliver what was originally promised. The success of Scotland's Olympians is to be celebrated with a special homecoming event in Edinburgh Scottish athletes have enjoyed the more successful overseas Olympics in history Lisa Somers reports Scotland sent its largest ever team to Rio 50 athletes in all and with a total of 12 medals in the bag and 3 days of competition to go it's their most successful overseas games celebrations are being planned for September to honor the Scottish Olympians and Paralympians that were part of Team g.b. The event will take place at the country's new National Performance Center based at Terry a twat university in Edinburgh on September the 28th the Paralympics finishes on September the 18th as well as athletes members of the public sporting organizations and school children will be invited along 3 men who used a stun gun on a pregnant shop worker and her colleague in a raid on a shop and Kelso have been jailed Stephen Moore dest was jailed for 8 years James Ervin for 9 and a half years and 3 Kimber for 9 a jury at the High Court in Edinburgh had found him guilty of armed robbery and illegally possessing a stun gun. Adjoined a glass jar designed as a public artwork has been vandalized after going on display in Glasgow the bespoke sculpture was one of 50 in the b f g dream jar project inspired by the character from Roald Dahl's 1982 book Sera to me has more a number of cities across the u.k. Are participating in the b f g project they're hosting 4 foot tall glass jars designed by celebrities each containing beautiful objects representing dreams one of the jars installed outside Glasgow's Gallery of Modern Art has been smashed and 2 painted merry go round horses inside it have been stolen the jar created by artist Chalo was due to be auctioned to raise funds for Roald Dahl's marvelous children's charity and Save the Children Glasgow City Council says it's deeply disappointed at the vandalism and has urged anyone with information to contact police news John Barnes as a sport than do you have gone joint top of the Premiership after a 10 draw at home to Hamilton down in line give Archy's the lead with a 25 yard effort but Marco Harras equalized by claiming his 2nd goal for the things Park club and England is Latin Ybor him of it scored both Manchester United's goals and their 2 no victory or Southampton you have a has opened disciplinary proceedings against Celtic after some fans display Palestine flags joining their Champions League qualifier against the Israeli side happy will be a Shivah is going to champions have been punished 8 times in 5 seasons by the European governing body for supporter misconduct at the Olympics Great Britain of won gold in the women's hockey they beat the Netherlands 2 nil in a penalty shootout after the match ended 3 all Nick Skelton one Great Britain's 1st and divisional sure jumping gold medal in the Olympic history following a stunning performance India Doro However Katrina Mathieu looks out of contention for a medal as she goes into the final round of the women's golf $11.00 over par and the park of Korea leads on 11 under Scotland's weather on Saturday heavy showers will affect the central belt and south Highlands and Islands will have the driest and brightest weather that's b.b.c. Radio Scotland news Thanks Duncan. The music match the final irony here is a lie by the plain white tees. That much to producer Paul's disgust was the Plain White T.'s with Hey There Delilah he knows what he would like to do say them anyway you are listening to the music match is Joe Barkley here with you until 1 o'clock in the morning we are into the wee small hours. Off Saturday mornings a very good morning to you if you've just joined us or if you're still up and you've been listening with us for a while it's great to have your company from got an hour to get in touch with me tonight this is my last music much show for a while I I hope for a while back and I hope you're enjoying the music tonight as much as I am get so much great music to come in the last hour of the show we're also talking about what you would take to your desert island if you were stranded there say there was a some kind of apocalyptic thing that went on our Everybody hated you and you were put on this you were sent to Coventry and that was you're stranded in your own desert island what would you take with you I really really want to know I've got a few ideas of my own I did think I would take my cordless brush and my eyeliner but I thought that was a bit of a waste of time purely because nobody would see me so that's. Then I thought I'd take bacon and bread but I did know better on account of a bacon butty with a batter that's impossible so scrap that so I decided I would take my husband with me because he would get a couple of choices as well so I guess me being greedy but I'd love to know what you would take with you so please do get in touch with me it's 80 to 95 if you want to text me you can also get in touch through Twitter if you're interested then so are we at the Music Match and don't forget you can search for his and Facebook as well just search for the music match Here's another great you know I haven't heard this no actually is a lot of miles and black velvet enjoy. This . Brilliant chin there from a land of miles that black veil fits so happy because tonight is free loads of my favorite songs I have to say for just a poll though I think it's Billy me tonight I think getting into trouble over the last few weeks for pulling him but now he's billing me he doesn't want to play it Jessie j. Which is one of my own one of my favorite songs but I really really do like it but he's dropped it in favor of Shawn from parents request now I'm only doing this because it is my last show for a while so Shawn this is especially for us with this area it's the Allman Brothers with Jessica. That's the Allman Brothers there with Jessica and I've been asking you to get in touch with me tonight at 10 let me know what you would take to your desert island if you were stranded there Gav of the bomb Chen has been in touch and he said that he would take a car door with them so that if it got too hot he could roll down the window very very get Gav Yes as an old want to have to say my dear but he's also said that he's changed his mind he got in touch again say change his mind he would take a bottle of whiskey and a volleyball to replace his mates Simon who disappeared and very suspicious circumstances you know this this show is getting a bit dark and I have to say we've had a suspicious seats was a blow up dolls we have had naked pictures of producer Paul we've had twins being murdered with mega merger between best friends so a guy's a lighten up I want to know what you take to your desert island give me something nice and cheery to talk about you can get in touch in all the usual ways it's 80 to 95 if you want to text you can also get in touch through Twitter as the music match and outward face because while just search for the music match now I'm going to play you this. A bit weird but my breast ever got a dog with Colts Jerde believe me apparently he looked like a Stewart Anyway his name was Jerry and I used to always saying this to him is mental as anything and live up. To a. Goal. To . A brilliant song that's a man with you listening to The Music Man. It's Joe Barkley here he into 1 o'clock in the morning I've been asking you to get in touch with what you would take to your desert island we still get texts and tweets coming in so thank you very much guys for getting in touch with us tonight and a Callie wabbles has been in touch to say the I don't of color Well this is a he or she are where they're from but they would take how much in the hope that there was some trees there to hang it from if not then what a downer it's Was that would be a bit of a downer but if you think logically collywobbles than that you could use that how much as a fishing net and you could actually get more fish than you could if you were taking them or with a fishing net so I think that's a really really clever idea and it's been in touch as well from the Isle of Wiley he said that he would take a survival 10 and a 25 grab a 25 kilogram 25 grams isn't very much Gosh that's a portion practically at 25 kilogram bag of rice to survive on. That's a wee bit more he get bored of rice wouldn't you but suppose with all that fish if you met with that collywobbles then you could a fish and rice a might be a good enough plan after all please do get in touch with me tonight that long I've only got up until 1 o'clock I want to know what you would take to your desert island with he is 80 to 95 if you want to get in touch you can also search for those through Twitter the music match and that you kind of course search for isn't Facebook it's the music that. This time I know it's from. My chair here I do love that song this is the music match with me I'm so glad to have your company tonight if you've just joined has been a very good morning t.v. Here with you until 1 o'clock this morning plaintiff some of my favorite chains and I've also been asking you to get in touch for me tonight because I want to know what you would take to your desert island if you were there. The only place that that was that was basically there is an apocalypse and the only place on earth the survived wall as. This desert island what would you take with you or read Jojo has been in touch and he or she is very very educated they would take to do series or or. I beg your pardon Matt McQuinn who is a Scottish folk singer he's also an actor and a poet and author as well so frank as although I hate to tell he says I don't know if you know but he's been dead for 40 years so that might not be so feasible and even if you did the sites take it might be a bit boring for you as well but thank you for effort guessing and such read that you know you and if you want to get in touch as well I'd love to hear from you it's 80 to 95 if you want to text me you can also get in touch on Facebook just search for the music match and if you're interested we are too it's at the Music Match now I am going to play you a true that I really really like and takes a while for me to get into music you know I'm always the last to end up really liking a song I like this pretty instantly new artist it's Gregory portière. Owner of the room. Broke. Down and so do. The women come on you. Don't you. Don't give. One a. Blow dry but. You. Don't get. Thank you. Because there were times your time. Joey. Came. Down. Oh I'm told her area. We're going. To meet you but do me best. Don't get me a. Young. Walter want to. Jump. From I. Told her area. And all. The Been. Told. You. I just love that song it's Gregory for Cher and losing steam now I add I'm just laughing here because that producer Paul thinks he says like Chef Jeff was. Part wasn't to me yes that was all to Boles I love that song it was Chris Isaac Hayes before he was chef but sad apparently he looks like he's wearing a writing hat so the odds but great great song from Gregory Porter hope you enjoyed it too now Doc has been back in touch from Fife he says it's great show he's loving the music oh thank you so much dog I really appreciate that and thank you for listening but he does ask when is the last time the Jefferson Airplane's White Rabbit was played on the show well I'll tell you seeing as I'm being bullied so nights dog producer Paul has decided to get read all of that Jason Mraz he's taken a bit of a nosedive tonight unfortunately he's replaced it is specially for you here they are Jefferson Airplane with white rabbit. They would go especially for dog in Fife I don't want to know what you are doing at the moment dog with your questionable seeds but I do hope that you enjoy that was Jefferson Airplane there with white rabbits this is the music matching on Joe barking and we don't really have long to go and I so pleased to get in touch with me let me know what you would take here a desert island with you or just let me know where you are in the country what you were up to and say hello to you it's 80 to 95 on the text you can also get in touch via Facebook just search for the music match and. The Music Match Now another great chain for you. Here is the Tom Jones in stereophonic and burning dynamics. 7 Go around. And see you can tell it's a live radio and you can tell it's the small arms of the morning because that wasn't burning down the house that was talking heads that sang burning down the house in the last hour and that was of course Mama told me not to come by Tom Jones and stereo phonics this is the music match I'm sorry guys but game is a bogey the game is over Tommy from our dross and has been in touch and he has ruined our game he said that to his desert island he would take an endless supply of everything he needs told me you've absolutely killed it for as we don't need any more tax or tweets because Tommy has absolutely killed the game I bet you anything told me you're the kind of guy that if you were asked if you were told you had one wish that you would ask for a 1000000 more wishes are an endless supply of wishes but I do appreciate you listening tonight told me so thank you very much and thank you for getting in touch if you do want to get is just like tell me from our dross and I would really love to hear from you please do text me on 80295 you can also get in touch to. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. 6 Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow Wow. We've. Alan. Alan. Alan Alan Alan. Alan. Alan. Ask. You a. Preview. Of the back. The only. Brilliant song there from Jon Secada that's just another day now you've been getting in touch loads tonight with what you would take to your desert island and that Robert's been in touch from Glasgow to say is that against the rules to take a fully fully stocked reputable fast food restaurant with one staff member with you . Well no you can take the fully stocked reputable fast food restaurant that's no problem but producer Paul He's incensed he said that say if you're going to take one staff member it has to be Tommy from Ardrossan because he kills games he's killed the game so there you go Robert I hope that's Ok for you he probably won't serve un away so it thank you for getting in touch and a picture as well it to. Paul why. He's driven all the way from Germany back to Scotland to be with his wife and kids so thank you for listening in Poland thank you for getting in touch with us here at the Music Match Now that long to go but if you want to get in touch with us and let us know who you would take to your desert island are just at this point we're nearly at the end of the shows you might as well just born an hour or text and get in touch and let us know where you are and what you're up to what you're doing up at this time in the morning I'd love to hear from you 80295 if you want to text as you can also get in touch through Facebook just search for the music match and you can also Trisha at the Music Match Now I love the song big hit for Ultravox it's Vienna. With. Us. Fabulous song there from Ultravox a very big thanks to everybody who's getting in touch with us tonight I'm really sorry for we have managed to get to your texts or your tweets or your Facebook messages tonight with so many but I just want to say hello to Drew and to Newman who said that he saw Jon Secada we played him earlier of course he saw Jon Secada on Broadway in New York he was very good well that's very good but you haven't told us what was what you take here desert island but thank you for listening and that we've also had a text in from Drew and Paisley and he would write in Paisley a beg your pardon now he would say at Lords of the Rings the book and he would also take John Martin Solitaire but what would you play on boards thank you very much for getting in touch with us tonight. Now the great track here is Boston on the music match with more than a feeling. Her Great Chain there from Boston that's more than a feeling makes me want to get my chewing gum I use that is pretty much it for this week's Music Match I have had such a ball over the last 4 weeks thank you so much guys for listening in on for contributing all your texts and tweets and messages I have really really loved having your company and I do hope other back soon if I've behaved myself you never know I might be asked back but if not it's been a blast and I do appreciate your company and just a final show to Tommy from our dross and held the game told me I hope you listen and next time Natasha Ruskin's with you next week the last song I'm going to play tonight is from Bananarama it's cruel summer cause it is a bit of a cool summer Hope you enjoy it.

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