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B.b.c. 5 received his own form of history Roscoe a 20 year old man shot dead by police in south London after he stamped people had only recently been released from prison so Dasha man he was jailed in 28 team for terror of fences was under police surveillance Chris Phillips is a former head of the National Counterterrorism Security office we should master someone under surveillance he's been sentenced to 3 years in prison a year after a sentence to then expect social services and the police to March of 2 unit been cut to shreds over the last 15 years it's just too dangerous for the public this man should still be in prison the government's promising to take action and change how convicted terrorists a deal with matches a-g. To be announced later has the home secretary pretty Patel this is very much about the system where they are let out a person under different law so this is a law that goes back obviously to previous government whether led out of prison halfway through their sentence we committed to the Counter-Terrorism Bill to stop that but as I've said we're going to announce new measures that will deal with the fundamentals of counterterrorist offenders 3 people were injured in what police have described as an Islamist related terror incident on stratum high road 2 are being treated in hospital and the woman has been discharged in other news a lot of them British citizens flown back from the Chinese city at the center of the coronavirus outbreak spending the 1st night in quarantine as a hospital on the where all the journey more than 80 others will be monitored for signs of the illness of the next fortnight. Hundreds of thousands of voters are preparing to take part in the i work of causes the 1st state vote to determine the Democratic candidate for the u.s. Presidential election in November the polls show that Bernie Sanders is slightly ahead of former Vice President Joe Biden the World War One film $917.00 has dominated at the batter's in London it won 7 of the 9 awards it was nominated for including Best Film and best director versus a Mendez the main talking point of the night was the lack of diversity among nominees something back to President Prince William addressed in a speech in 2020 and not for the 1st time in the last few years we find ourselves talking again about the need to do more to ensure diversity in the sector and in your ward's process that simply cannot be right in this day and age and a wild Gracie ill has been caught clapping on camera for the 1st time he was filmed making will spin describe his shotgun like cracks off the Fall annoyance experts say is their way of warding off potential competitors and tracks inmates dumbass b. Has the sports Jones has urged his beaten players to go to Mari field next week and have a bit of fun England face the Scots off the back of a 2417 loss to France England's women defeated their French counterparts in the women 6 Nations 913 Island beat Scotland 814 and Italy won another close game beating Wales 915 Stephen Bergeron scored on his debut before Sunday in Maine added a 2nd source Spurs defeat the champions Manchester City 2 nil in the capital Tottenham are now 5th in the table earlier Burnley an Arsenal played out a goalless draw at turf more Celtic a 7 points clear at the top of the Scottish Premiership after a 41 win at how Morton and the women Super League leaders Manchester City beat Arsenal 21 Chelsea thrashed West Ham 8 nil and Brian were one nil when his over Everton in Super League debutante Sonny Bill Williams lost his 1st game for Toronto Wolfpack they were beaten 2810 by Cassel for. And Sunday's other game. 30 points to fall on the will sneak past Neil Roberts a 9 frames to 6 to win his maiden German mostest title this is b.b.c. Radio 5 Live on digital b.b.c. Sallis. To look at the at the Scotland you know the island I know of in England will have to be shallow as far south we'll see clear spells with a few showers in western areas including parts of Wales wins will strengthen especially for the North coming up this February. Extra 6 Nations rugby back. Should be. Treated Like coverage from the i.c.c. . B. Club Challenge. And the life continues with the return of the Champions League the Premier League and the f.a. Cup. Feb. And find life sports extra. This is an. Added by own coming up in this opening up the phone lines now brought Monday morning travel for me and this morning it's destination u s a if you like to join in the conversation feel free pick up the phone and give me a call on 885996930808599693 few go any questions or comments about travel in the USA Whether you're headed there any time soon or maybe in the more distant future or you've been there and you'd like to share your anecdotes of bring in the USA being back in the USA as Chuck Berry said. Was it the Beatles they only way one was us is always USA I think Chuck Berry won that one with hamburgers sizzling on an open grill did he miss this guy's grape juice did he miss the long freeways from the coast to California to somewhere in the Delaware you can bet your life he did see go back in the USA and say somebody else is in the USA Right now our travel guru Simon Calder of the independent and precisely so I mean you are at Gate see Nawin at sots Lake City airport as we speak. Yes good morning to you Daryn I've been here for oh right actually I think let me just let you know I think 7 hours ago now and nothing has gone wrong in terms of mechanical breakdown or bad weather or anything like that what has gone right is that the life of a supposed to be commuting on which left 6 hours ago was overbooked and rather than . Random passengers you know on this flight they will open negotiations to persuade people to volunteer to off so I may have my friend Doug with Satie Yes Police say we have been sitting around for 6 or 7 hours and it's good to go out and around the hot from now until final destination of law books but even that is up for negotiation and I see this now just appeared at the gate and therefore it's worth negotiating again to see if we can take an even later flight and get even more cash for trouble. You'll be a billionaire this time I'd share here be really nearly Yeah very likely that the film what was the film is it contempt of the bomb where somebody was stuck in a trance was and it was yeah I think in any way only this is this is entirely voluntary voluntary it's not. You can check out anything you can never leave. Anyway. Powered up switched on and ready to take any questions can give you some breaking news which is just coming actually from. The new cd the government. Is refusing any foreign travelers who've left transit through China. So if you if you did it. You're going to be refused entry to. Any questions on any issues you remember he said. The. Officials are at the gate now maybe flying. Questions about. Going to be here with. You know you sure because they may not have you know the president to do a good deal and. Pretty. In the. 330. 335 what we might have to do. 10 minutes he may I may have to switch. The plane. To situation but we'll. Have lots of questions about traveling in the USA. 3. From Edinburgh with British Airways always full for the very 1st time to provide proof of my. Exceptions at the airport before they'd issue boarding passes New did it last September but desk staff. Were adamant that they had to see routes improve for Luckily I was able to go into the us embassy website but after filling in various details of the accepted message. Across the states. Over the last 20 years and I've never had this happen before is it a result of break. Is right there has been a recent clampdown on. The electronic system for travel in that every visit it needs to us in this year or some other kind of strange visa. Has nothing whatsoever to do with breaks it relations between the u.k. And the us completely change and he did with Europe as well as repented to the European Union till the end of the year after that at some stage there will be a European type state but we got plenty of months to talk about that I am like you Stuart on baffled by these British Airways certainly are not going to allow anybody on board a plane. Who convinced as is going to be allowed to enter that country because they get fined thousands of pounds if they do. Right now sometimes I have no idea what's happening behind the scenes. From County has. An ester sometimes it did moment proof so always worth carrying an actual physical paper copy with you although quite often they will be able to just tell from from swapping or possible it's just every time I go to the us is a different rigmarole. When I left it took off at 10 o'clock on Sunday morning couldn't have been easier checking in and everything for anything and then going through immigration here when I've got some people Global Entry which are stupid might want to consider it's. A bit of a 5 to apply full cost about 150 quid but then you just adore everybody else in the queue because you just go straight to the scales can you. Now filling out customs forms or whatever it was very very light touch but next on hold off to secondary Don't Have you ever been hauled off to secondary there where that is what you have been there and a secondary is where they they and they take it if possible take a look at you they ask if you questions and they know it just so you go in this room other people have been sent to check in 3 and they they make inquiries and you have to. Do anything by the way you can't you can't. You just seat. You simple questions. And then finally they will make you out of big stuff for up to 4 hours before now today it was maybe a minute to you to get free. I remember I was flying into Washington d.c. . Dulles Airport Washington d.c. Is going back about 4 or 5 years ago and. Mustering 4 years ago I was going to travel up in and everybody coming in to. Pull from. A plane that was coming from somewhere in the Arabic world some was holding a slide and. This one particular possible control he was holding everybody into secondary and fortunately it was one of those when you had. You going to just go to the next booth variable for a moment I feared that my booth was going to line routes going to take me to his booth but thankfully. Somebody else was old off the secondary and I fear went into another possible control law and. Yeah it's not president's appearance so I imagine if you just come. I mean it. To be. Possible just a. Miserable experience Ok. 66 yeah. So no fly zone you with. Great grades because they. Did Route 66. Very very well. If you do the Pacific. Coast. Yeah. Ok So several things they think of Route 66 he's quite. To be going from San Bernardino to. The Route $66.00 stops being east west south and goes across a mountain range and various things like the Route $66.00. And so on of the world's 1st. That. Is. Route 66 so it's just Midwest but very happy to be driven. Across the u.s. Several times coast to coast by different routes but not this route $66.00 which of course is about 2000 miles. She called Illinois to Santa Monica Pier California. Wardens from she called Brother way more than 2000 miles over we're. Going to Joplin Missouri Oklahoma. Which doesn't. Exist. But you will see I'm going. To New Mexico. Right now. Is the only. Rock overlap so you don't forget we had known that and when the eagle was. Standing on the corner. We need to get to get there with intersection so yeah. They went through 66. Week period for their honeymoon a couple years right and as good as the big city it was small town USA That really is true. There are some great places of Arizona what a wonderful place. It's where you can really feel that you're back on the old. 66 and for them all this fantastic things like great access to the Grand Canyon which is a start and on top of that this. Wonderful Pacific tree just up in the hills and you can drive up there and it's really kind of stuff. And there is actually a good thing as Proposition 2060. 2 Route $66.00 we've kind of chalky through the whole thing and that's what I'm going to be using for my trip on just a slice probably Alice with a $66.00 but I think the best hours with anybody. Years ago I became aware of how much tipping money. Anyone listening to this program. Should be aware of. To begin with frankly. Bristol is quite right it's a it's a fire risk. Just before I can't talk. Very nice cup of tea from from the coffee shop which is just across. 10 yards away from me here and. Because of course people he's running. To traffic that absolutely fine but I got the credit card thing to sign in and there was a space for a tip now forgive me when I'm buying a cup of tea. And it's. And that was sort of his $48.00 so you didn't have to work out. That this is going to be reasonable given I'm never going to come here again I'm pretty generous tipper it's places where I know I'm going to be able to never get to be to return to this place it was to see it all so unless I had left 18 percent which worked out just about $8.00 that would have been a sign I was actually giving myself a discount It is just you just have to get used to the idea that 80 percent guarantee absolutely to be true to present and to any i.p.o. Since there is growth and of course you get the ball and have a drink. Is going to expect quite a lot of cash rich a chance to just be getting. Your money all the time and this is because. Of a built in to the system. The fact that people will get a minimum wage which is generally quiet and receive $50.00 an hour that doesn't apply if you are in the hospitality industry he might just get one of $2.00 and they they think you're going to make up the rest so it's a messy Oh please do this and I've got a lot of the. Changes from state to state because of state taxes change by the way did did the Paul waitress in I'm presuming nevertheless did the poor waitress who served you did see did she realize that you just made a few. Bucks off your. Best but. If only it were if only it were I would tell you haven't I got $600.45 pounds which is very nice That's more than the entire London Salt Lake City Long Beach and then back on find out from Miami to to so that where you've made a profit already there you go. But I need to because because of. Negotiating to see if we can do it. Or we go. To. Tomorrow to Los Angeles possibly. Into the course they get schools. On the menu Oh yes they are going chips that's going to be $50.00. $15.00 plus 70 percent of a state tax so suddenly it settles 16 votes and it's $25.00. Cheese which other people have lots of money. Is just on from a country where did you just get used to the price being what gives you great service because it's of money. That you. Gates Nawin see slate see it see. You have disclosed you've been doing very good business tonight anyway. Entirely wrong and no I don't know anybody who's a couple of minutes well good thing is where we're here you've been talking to me. And there I was envious did I know that you'd be trapped in transit and see it see. That there was. Only Marriott later on tonight but that. The Queen Mary fill in to. Apply now a towel to have her reservation there which is rapidly dwindling in its value but that's not I mean they just say that wait until the floodgates if this were a good find if they were. To use yes it's quite a sport a Friday night Sunday night definitely best by the way everybody Oh Ok and the Queen Mary is doctor. At Long Beach California as she has been for a long time I think. So we're just going to do that you know chips on our ferry briefly if I may Queen Mary the original has been at Long Beach I think for Certainly 25 years she's a 1st attraction she's a. Pretty pretty good right so she compared with. A breach. Of the pull the Q e 2 which has been work effectively. Deep night for a decade is now back in action it's been used every trick in the early ninety's sort of typical. To her credit the fact that exactly where she was to get it completely it's over 360 is now it's not certain Chris she says she feels quite old school very good job of putting it out and putting it back to the way she was and apparently incredibly popular for conferences because people like having it read. And. Ok you're in Salt Lake City was you keep an eye out to see if any of the. On it and it just. Didn't you remember the Winter Olympics. And today held you. And. Your home to sort of treat me which really was. Quite so I mean I get to speak up a little bit. The loudspeaker. The you are but Ok fine I feel I think they're after me now 2002 Winter Olympics Salt Lake City the Mormon temple the mafia church in the heart of the city I was out doing a preview who popped up only donate said hello shook his hand what a what a man I am of course this is. Man's famously. To the Mormon faith and this is where it is where the heart is and a little bit of terrorist advice if you hear it's a beautiful clean enough least 50 mountains all around and you can go to the boom and h.q. Where they have got over all the details of you all your relations with your ancestors going back to the dawn of time so I was I think able to see my paternal grandparents wedding certificate I seem to recall the last time it was and did you do the obvious with Dani. And that's exactly it no I didn't. It's good to. Enjoy meeting him very much. Enjoyed the experience. And the cold it anyway is there anything this is a dream. Is it anything to do you all see in Buffalo New York which is a look oh yes there where you are the moment. Most certainly is I'm embarrassed to say that I have a crush on the old but there is the most extraordinary. Early to me to 20th century architecture going on. This was when 913 was that 920 s. Into 930 s. America was getting its sense of identity and so therefore you get a prize actually in them. Main Street downtown l.a. You have the main street has just magnificent buildings and. They 1st of all fell into the k. In the seventy's eighty's ninety's and then now being brought to life and there are great architectural tools you can go on in but of course most people go at it because it's the trade system to Niagara Falls which by the way off on the Canadian side the American. Every been to all the states in the u.s. Including or excluding Alaska and Hawaii. No I haven't counted them I've not been I know I definitely have nothing to do with the coast if you see what I mean. Because I've always thought it looks a bit cold and remote and not much going on. And I'm sure others I haven't been to I've not consciously thought I'm going to try to take all. The. Inclination to go to a for. Country in the welter of go to places which look interesting Ok if you had these are families united. States was always a New York state California. Nevada. Florida. Texas. D.c. Is not really a state but I've been surveyed Ginia. Over Illinois and. Ohio . And Michigan. Is not a bad place much better than awful actually. Knowing my now 50 Ok Right well I would say on and on ahead of you did you mention South Dakota Yes Mt Rushmore and. I haven't yet that is quite quite astounding. If you've seen all the pictures this is great for Haiti the American president if we could be I can't remember their names I'm sorry Thomas Jefferson George Washington and John Adams from now. On the inside. I don't know he just I forget the Badlands a bad man for a crisis by really strange weird landscapes I was different so the movie to dispose for a moment if you know. So I mean about your destination us safe you've been to the states so indeed if you're planning on going you might be able to on so many questions in gauging the conversation 080-859-0969 extension 3 so we want your stories of traveling to the states can take similarly 5 or 58 remember b.b.c. Talk 1st has got the latest 5 live at lines. On digital b.b.c. Sound small speaker and. B.b.c. Radio 5 Live I am secretary pretty Patel is calling for people convicted of terror offenses. To serve their full sentence after it emerged the attacker in Stratham had been released early from prison last month Sue just a month served half of his 3 year jail term 11 British citizens are spending their 1st night in quarantine at the hospital on the we're all left returning from we heard in China that joining more than 80 others who will be monitored for signs of coronavirus over the next fortnight as explosive admitted crime scene mistakes were made in the investigation into the rape murder of a man that Michael Barrymore's home the admission is made in a Channel 4 documentary to be out on Thursday and the 1st World War film $917.00 was the big winner at the back to Film Awards in London it took home 7 awards including Best Film dumbass b. Has the sport it was a case of what might have been for England after a poor 1st half display cost them there in Paris the host run in $3.00 tries they had 70 Nella half time before England got 2 of their own through Jonny May in the 2nd half well the French won it 2417 so it was they say you will Cup hangover for England his head coach Eddie Jones Look we don't know but certainly we're slow are the blocks we were feeling a bit sorry for ourselves out of kilter and let the situation get to a spin and half time we took responsibility belief of the situation and I thought the response of the boys that's really magnificent England's women began the defense of their 6 Nations title with a narrow 913 whenever France Pero Alan Bates called an 814 and Italy won another close game beating Wales 915 Tottenham had a day to remember in the Premier League after beating current champions Manchester City to nail in the capital sun here knowing got the goal that secured victory with the openness scored by Steven Berg why not his debut his manager Joe same arena was delighted with the new signing even forgetting the rule as it was very good. Didn't lose the ball easily played against a fantastic opponent called Walker is so difficult to play against the play The control will create he was reading the game well he was understanding. Every single To told him and then you know top of that discourse in a musical so couldn't the beautiful in the days early kick off Bernie to nil nil with Arsenal and Celtic us 7 points clear at the top of the Scottish Premiership after a $41.00 win at Hamilton and the women Super League leaders Manchester City beat Arsenal $21.00 Chelsea thrashed West Ham 8 nil and Brian were one nil win is evident in Super League debutante Sonny Bill Williams couldn't help his new club Toronto Wolfpack to victory they were beaten 2810 by Castleford in the days of the game while f.c. Beat Leeds Rhinos 30 points to 4 Meanwhile the former Wigan Warriors head coach Sean Wayne is set to replace Australian Wayne Bennett as the England head coach More now from our red Belleek correspondent Dave Woods show Wayne had to riff excesses within coach 3 grand finals and a world championship in his 8 years in charge before stepping away and joining Scottish Rugby Union he replaces the Australian Wayne Bennett who had led England to a 2017 World Cup final but 2 years out from the next World Cup his reputation had nosedived when his Great Britain side had a miserable run of 40 feet sinful matches in a series Down Under shoulder Wayne's 1st challenge will be against the touring Australians in a Test series in October and November this year Graeme McDowell claimed his 1st European Tour title since 2014 with victory in the Saudi international racing and 30 Hayne demonstrated his enjoying class with a thrilling victory in the flow gas Novice Chase at Leopardstown I will sneak a champion Judd Trump has beat Neil Roberts and 9 frames to 6 to win his maiden German Masters title Sylvain t.t.c. Sounds fine place to eat hot spots they conceded like that and missed a few chances so it might be a bit for that he didn't have to play that well to win for the 1st 6 of the 1st the weekend is to speak on the latest news and analysis and some big name guests military training in front. Kiran tricky. With me for $45.00. This is b.b.c. Radio 5 Live available on the b.b.c. Sounds. Right. To the 4th quarter of the Super Bowl and the 49 is 27 c. Head of Kansas City the chiefs and from Monday morning travel for. Travel is in Salt Lake City at the airport there waiting for a flight so I'll phone in his Destination USA If you go any questions about your travel plans to this stage now's the time to give him a call on. 85909693 if you've been to the states to share your stories as well we'd love to hear from the same number applies 080-859-0969 extension 3 interesting enough if you're listening from the States I'm happy to take your calls Teles Where is the best place for a Brit to visit stateside this question for you Simon from says What's the best and crucially easiest destination to add to Vegas stateside for a wheelchair user. Right really really good question Dan thank you very much for that there's a couple that I would add on the 1st one I know it's not great for wheelchair uses in the way some place it's just about 20 miles west and last I guess you find yourself in. An extraordinary bit of landscape absolutely classic Southwest USA sandstone Red Rocks and this is red and yellow as a pretty good this is descent and there are some trails we. If it be easy going but from what I recall they are not. Excessively. Good people with a bit of limited mobility but that wouldn't be to retrieve the great things to 30 miles or so south that. Would rule quite possibly the beginning of the 1st of the 20th century the Americans are doing some amazing civil that website will get you and Beth says by email to see. Who are female Paul could not swim have been fortunate to go. Anywhere else it would be good to go. Right well it depends if you want theme parks over the go through. It thrill rides now. It's our own land out a couple times a week and must say the original is still the greatest in my book Disneyland in Florida as sorry forgive me in California Anaheim harder for no harm at Anaheim Now possibly anyway. And. Morning to me. Late evening. Here in the city. And it. Seems to be in the. 18. Counties. That. Thank you Nikki the great question. We're older than in the. Military that 16 year old but they have been going to the u.s. With their very 1st state that they went to war ship it off the wall with Alaska. But. I must say they were about 100 times more impressed with new gold and it's a funny thing you know I think as an American cities. I would say. It's in the Premier League but it's not nearly so American as she can it's not nearly such a great tourist destination as Washington d.c. And I would definitely put those 2 ahead it's not nearly as as as as welcoming and and fun and interesting and historic as Boston so I'd say Boston Chicago Washington d.c. Well ahead of of New York but what you can do is. Say. Off to the would that be appropriate on the shoulder where they are in the school year. Fantastic time to combine all of them you're not going to get the whole time searching prices because it's it's too too far off a sociological mayors or is. What work really well for us was flying out to Washington d.c. Great city in fact just loads of really interesting crucially free stuff. Some of the best museums in America not so stuff it was really really interesting for teenagers we went through down to Orlando bought somehow managed to swerve the theme parks and instead went to space said to us a. What a fabulous sister nation we really did. We went to see a little choose one of the highlights of my life you can find out online where they're all going to go to is that they tend to be every few weeks because you can . The best is not guaranteed if this bad weather it might not happen. But try just a launch event just right down the coast West Palm Beach Florida and Miami Beach and then you see excited me different sides of America. That they can do that with their pals and some other time and hopefully for you your credit card as well. The Super Bowl story is a spring in the background on that was that but anyway. The important thing is Mickey's travel plans to keep farm I beg to differ you know you have a stake you know fighting up to listen to my advice however I do I do have to do it says myself who are the age of your do you know your children they both kills you. Ok Well let me speak for the girls before might. My daughter says. One city go to New York we had no other choice and I suspect it's because the 2 destinations they want to go to all the destinations are familiar with from the television screens or the movie screens you've guessed the other one is l.a. Now New York had no trouble they just love New York I know that Simon's would do you often he is right what he's saying but let's face it it's not your holiday if you see what I mean so this 2nd well was Los Angeles and well. If you choose that one is to do 2 things if they really loved a friend of a friend who is who lived in the apartment which was close to the Hollywood sign is as close as you can get to the Hollywood sign they'd love. And then we drove up the p.c.h. The Pacific the Pacific Coast highway up to San Francisco and they could. Looking out the window. We have the words. Nicky I would absolutely agree with. Much under great heat and wonderful tourist destination it's not. Because all the interesting bits is as it was strewn about great so Santa Monica as the end of Route 66 Absi gorgeous place to be just down from there you go to Venice Beach. Because. You can then this is the one of the best. In the city in the world you could hike across from Wonderland drive it's Ok you have to address the call up to Wonderland drive. 2 or 3 hour hike through this amazing creature and you come back you come down at the back of the Hollywood sign and then you guys are Griffith Observatory and that's all spectacular and then you realize it by road is about 10 miles away and so you hitchhike around to it which for me and. Things like the studio 2 it's absolutely great so pretty exciting but sort of place that you need to kind of base yourself for a good few days like a. City where you're going to think Ok. Here and get the most. Coveted you need. You do you do think I wouldn't go. Because. Even though it's going to be extremely low. Yeah yeah. Yeah I think right. Good good luck to you. It will be great if you do do any of those trees so we next have been on or whatever after you've done the trip if you tell us all about it. Yeah well Ok take care of your pleasure. 08085. 3 we've got colder for about another 40 minutes before you might have to go on a flight to California he's in Salt Lake City at the moment I've already done the Osmonds job so please don't send me any more but thank you nevertheless. So I mean. This is from Joy says Oh talk about the Super Bowl do you know any of the players. Who I know need a player now to. Check in on. It's really good to be caught up in the Super Bowl. Excitement and forgive me I was listening to. A good analysis. Of what was going to be happening is going to be one I really enjoy that just look here on the screen I have absolutely no clue what's going on in my theory is that americans. Are just exploded because nobody else gets to pee on the search or get. To the Super Bowl or expose his it's great to just let everybody know what you heard the federal review heard in the background all the commotion was probably because the Chiefs have turned around they were 2010 down to San Francisco but they've turned around. 2420 they've made up about 14 points in the last however many minutes of about 244 means a lot says. American football fans money. In old money can you tell me is that the same as going from 21 down to 3 to. In the closing stations Yes You know if. It is there's a lot more money at stake in the Super Bowl ring any of our old money could ever imagine on earth and. So you'd be just. The other people school chief excuse for example get into baseball anywhere in North America is great even if you don't quite work out what's happening it's a really good atmosphere. And anyone anywhere that you all just find out what's happening in the schools they vehemently it's generally a very crude Washington today. Ok. Yeah my experience of baseball and I went to the l.a. Dodgers many many many moons ago my experience is some degree you could explain where you are in a lot so much was you know on the field. Quite easy to grow over the obviously c 3 d. So sure I know when you see this role you will see you on Super Tuesday there are so many there are so many. Really good gauge of the group as it were and takes how yeah and of course it's the same for Americans coming to you to tell you to. County cricket match I mean they're going to be awful the whole thing. 202-140-1314 I'm looking for more rules balls as in. I'm going to. Palm Springs. Because it's going to be hot. So if you want if you want these I would say those are all great places if you want to take. Yeah I know that for a fact because they haven't been released for May 2021 yet and it could consider this big lump of. Provides a brilliant cliff drive above codes. And polish bedroom communities great place to stop for. Me as the sun sets next to me you know I live to try and whistle as you do this writing impressions well sitting on the dock of the. San Francisco No no no. Thank you for that I might even try that tomorrow in the unlikely event that I get to the west coast sometime sometime tonight or tomorrow morning at the moment is for. A commuter jet flying down to Long Beach tonight and it looks like there are many people. Signing could say they are here. I'm trying to help people die live in la I am going to help the community center the bill is a community very community says you will get paid for it but you called me today for free will just very quickly. Once when I was in the state somebody said to me Oh you lived in l.a. That's a Western town that they meant as opposed to Nice didn't sound because the Radio. 3 Good morning this is not over. The news this saw the government's promise in an overhaul of the way convicted terrorists are dealt with and in sport there's to be no grand slam for England after that beating by the French in Paris is b.b.c. 5. By the Johnsons promising to make fundamental changes to.

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