Yeah absolutely and I can only I can notice now that actually none of the count is a do really doing anything in Oxford less than Abingdon So a wonderful get a result quite quickly after this wanted announcement it doesn't look like they have been any recounts this time say maybe not quite as close as last time I think there were one or 2 recounts last time when they're dry so it's very very tight. Lipped looking rather glom about the national picture but I have been told quite hopeful to be able to hold on to that seat of Oxford West and Abingdon and I'm just watching now on the screen the conservatives are creeping towards their majority they need 325 could want to be the one that gets them over the line I think they just need one to win because Mike freer has taken. Golders Green that's a conservative hold and Jews Brady has gone let's bring you the result here now from the constituency the returning officer calling the candidates onto the stage right now and a generous round of applause for. As we wait for the result. This is the declaration of results of poll the election of a Member of Parliament for the launch each constituency of Thursday 2 of December 2019. I read the acting returning of the above election day if I give notice that the number of votes recorded for each candidate at the start election is this following is. Richard Spencer liberal Democrats 21430. Gray Mogs independent 1475. David Murphy in the Conservative Party candidate 34018. Thank you. Robert Jonathan. Commonly known as Roberts joining Labor Party 10181. The number of ballot papers rejected was as follows want of an official Mark 0 voting for more candidates than the voter was in touch with 31 writing or more my which the voter could be identified. Unlocked or holy for it for uncertainty $273.00 making a total of reject a paper this is $306.00. The electorate was 19867. Ballot paper is issued $67483.00 giving up the center to turn out to step into full point $27.00 and I do if I declare that David Mervyn Johnston is duly elected so she has a new n p it's David Johnson for the Conservative Party the Member of Parliament a new member of parliament from Wantage exceeding Advaita and before him succeeding Robert Jackson is he what he's got to say to the police as well will sit on the greatest road this election campaign. Firstly you know commiserations and my best wishes to Johnny Richard and Mark because if they over really spirited campaign and I think it was in the best tradition of having disagreements about politics without being personal and it's something that actually I hope Westminster can get much better at I think we are a good example here of out of those those debates. I want to thank you from our side Simon this estate chair and the other offices there are a lot of other tears who made this post and it would be impossible to name them all so I will just pick out 3 people that I've spent every single day with Nathan my age and James and Jeremy Moss because they've been crucial to this I was selected later than everybody else we had to run to catch up many people here shoot role without which we wouldn't have this this victory tonight most importantly the votes of Wantage and we know it's a real honor to be chosen this as the m.p. For this constituency my predecessor always said he had the best constituency and I think he's right and I have loved the conversations I've had with people all across it whether they were voted for me or not and now I am the m.p. For. And I hope that everyone will find me an effective advocate for the things that we need and particularly getting the right infrastructure that we let in that as most of you know I've never been in politics before and I decided to go in because I was just about bricks and I want to get back to the issues that I cared about that people's lives I think the see this result is a pretty clear indication nationally that the British people would also like to get back to the issues that affect people's lives and I would be one of the people fighting to do that thank you very much. And people wanted which of course includes the large town of in the constituency with just over 50 percent share of the vote he has been returned as the newest m.p. In Oxfordshire both in Him Yeah it looks like he'll probably be only new m.p. In Oxford sheriff things go as we expect in Oxford Western Abingdon and head lady any team left to declare and interesting as well it was a race to 2nd place as many of our seats are and there was a strong showing in that constituency the Liberal Democrats 21432 but I don't think those fights really came from the conservative big with almost exactly identical results in terms of vote Tory votes the Ed Vaizey had in 2017 yeah I think those votes. Richard bendable have come straight from labor which is interesting and. Yeah I mean really when you when you look at the bar charts I've got front of me now they're the swing from labor is almost exactly reflected in in the swing up in in Lib Dems. So we're down to 2 constituencies in Oxfordshire still to declare Oxford West in Abingdon and Henley and Beth was saying I mean Henley I don't think . It would be. Called trends if the anything other than Blue Ox Western having been around is in the building she looked reasonably content reasonably confident about her own situation of course the situation for her party not so much and she may well become the focus of some attention when she returns to Westminster at some point tomorrow that's for tomorrow she's still going to get through here and it's only 2 and a half years ago we sat here with her having told her she isn't going to be nickel or Blackwood and then of course she did yet say you can never really predict what's going to happen can you when and in that election where your own party has been voted out in a sort of shock. Turn of events you cannot possibly feel particularly confident in such a marginal seat that West and Abingdon and there was a big swing last time to the Lib Dems and the big question now is can they maintain that. It's been confirmed if you're just waking up around Oxfordshire this morning that the conservatives have won a majority we're not talking about exit polls anymore we are talking seeds in the bag for Boris Johnson the conservatives have got a majority Chris Ballenger who's a political expert alongside me from Oxford University has been rightly making the point that because shim Fein have M.P.'s that don't take their seats the conservatives probably had a majority some time ago but however you do the math it's already in the bag $333.00 u.k. Seats declaring for the conservatives labor on $199.00 and it may be it may be you know that is the figure that's projected Labor will finish on it maybe the Labor has won its last seat of the night following his reelection in he's easily inten constituency the Labor leader Jeremy called when announced he would not lead the party into another general election and would stand down as party leader following a what he described as a period of reflection had been Tory victories in traditional Labor seats including great Grimsby Don Valley in South Yorkshire said the constituency I once represented by Tony Blair Boris Johnson who was reelected with a majority of more than 7000 in Oxbridge said he's party now had a powerful mandate to deliver Bracks in the Cabinet minister Michael Gove's said the Tories would set about delivering for communities across the country we know that talent to spread evenly opportunity is not and we also need to make sure that people are safe and secure they have a sense of certainty for the future and that means of course making sure that we invest in more police officers and that we also make sure that our justice system effectively keeps the public safe by making sure that the worst criminals and terrorists get crime boss. Being some big gains for the Conservatives from some of the Labor Party grandees right at the start of the evening the seat that had been held by Ronnie Campbell in Bly by valley. Went to the conservatives and the Beast of bold sober is no longer an m.p. Denny Skinner lost his bold sober seat. In the West Midlands with a swing to the conservatives of 11.5 percent and a significant majority for the new m.p. There Mark Flecha So it has been a bad night undoubtedly for the Labor Party to Westminster leaders have lost their seat the Liberal Democrats leader Joe Swinson lost her seat in Scotland the Democratic Unionist leader in Westminster Nigel Dodds was beaten by Shin Fein in Belfast north the result means that Northern Ireland's capital has a majority of nationalist M.P.'s for the 1st time the former Tory minister Zac Goldsmith last of the Liberal Democrats in Richmond Park in south west London in the biggest shock of the night as I mentioned Joe Swinton lost in Eastham by just 149 votes to the s.n.p. She said the election had produced what she described as significant results for millions of people in our country. These results bring dread and tonight. And people are looking for hope. I still believe that we as a country can be warm and generous inclusive and open and that by working together with our nearest neighbors we can achieve so much more. The defeat of Joe Swinson in that seat very much part of a wider swing to the s.n.p. Across Scotland where the party is expected to win more than 50 seats we're here in Abingdon where 3 Oxford just seats are being declared this morning one is already in the bag and you see in the back for us which is new a stampede David Johnson has just been on stage I'm happy to say he's live with us this morning on b.b.c. Radio Firstly congratulations you very much on the latitude you have had a hard fought campaign although your the amount of conservative votes cast for you in places at Wantage in places like the court almost exactly the same numbers as Ed Vaizey achieved 2 and a half years ago which for a new face a new a new face on the block you must be quite encouraged by I'm really encouraged by I mean I think you know individual candidates shouldn't think it's about them I mean you live or die by how well the party performs nationally but I do think when I was going around the doorstep there were people who really like the fact I'd never been in politics before had spent 16 years running charities that help young people and I was keen to do things to improve their lives we've been hearing though that when you're an incumbent m.p. Who's got a high profile It can be easier to defend a seat for their party. You you have successfully managed to do it and of course. Something that was mentioned relatively often by your opponents in the campaign is you've been to parachuted in from from the smoke now you're you know you've got to find a property here well my parents did say that but what they left out was that I was picked about people who were local to be the candidate and I think the reason the argument didn't work is because so many people in the constituency. Have moved here from London and other parts in the country we were absolutely right the next task is now to find someone to live in the constituency and you touched on it in your acceptance speech. Also you must try and serve as the m.p. For everybody whether they voted for you is not does your party need to try and government for everybody in the same vein absolutely absolutely does and I think they will understand the need for that to be the case I think Boris Johnson is being clear that he's a One Nation Conservative and that he needs to bring the country together and I think that's what was your stance. Now I voted to leave but the whole reason I got into politics was because I was reading the paper a year ago the 1st 11 pages were about and I've never been someone obsessed with the and I couldn't understand how we were neglecting all the countries priorities just to talk about Article 50 all the time so my position is still that we ought to leave and then we need to get back to all the things we've neglected. To say as a member of parliament you join you and have a look. If this is handed to the winning m.p. Although the winning candidate who becomes an m.p. Just says Member of Parliament only has got your name on new members new members guidebooks got a letter from. My expenses not that I was going to anyway information from your employers and. Already claiming their tax from you as well so that must be for somebody who is as you say fresh to politics this most recent quite something to get your head around it really is definitely hasn't sunk in yet and I don't know how long it will take to do so the whole campaign has been a whirlwind I was picked a month ago because obviously I decided to stand in. So it's all been new for me but I've really enjoyed it what is your background for those who wake up this morning to a new m.p. In their part of the what is your background and what does that allow you to deliver for. Well I was born on a council estate when I was. To a school where only 20 percent of people past 25 g.c.s.e. Is a mom left school at 16 and my dad left school at 14 so I was 1st person in my family to go to university I then spent the next 16 years running organizations that help young people like me so I think I've got a good track record outside politics of advocating helping improve people's lives I would bring as an m.p. What about the way that your government will be able to knit this country back together again because you must have felt it when you were knocking on doors talking to people in the street. People that will have great will agree wholeheartedly the whole heartedly with you and other people right the other extreme How are you going to get this country back together so we arguing about everything else I think all parties have got a responsibility to to lower the tone to have arguments like we have in this constituency which are about policy positions but not about personalities and trying to attack the motivations of other people and I think now that we no longer have a hung parliament I think we will see hopefully a return to civility in the House of Commons and One Nation conservatism perhaps because the portrayal his brain that to counter perhaps the Labor party moving to the left the conservatives with the have gone to the right and that's not helped the polarization of our politics I don't really think that that is the case I think as a mayor of London Boris Johnson was very much in a One Nation tradition and I think he will now be as prime minister. Again congratulations all that you read through the the bombs that you've got to go through that that's going to when you go through all that I'm sure it was seeking Congratulations again very much thank you for your new n.p.a. For Wantage and Ed Vaizey used to call it the Wantage m.p. David Johnston who has won his seat with more than 50 percent share of the vote this is b.b.c. Radio what would you say election night coverage if the election morning right now to see it still to dig. We are about to hear the result for the Henley constituency John Howell of course the incumbent and paid we expect him to be returned will swear about to hear from the returning officer for a moment for the constituents. Of the 90. 8 returning. Election. The number of. Each candidate. Is. At 18130 thank. You. Michael. 1000 the out. Side to. 5698. Commonly known as. Green Party 2736. The number. 1. 180. 3. Rejected 200. 76. 1646. It was $59000.00. Making a percentage turn out it's 77.03 and if I think that children like this to get. Boys have mother wait he's the acting returning officer for the heavenly constituency declaring that John Howell has been returned as Henley m.p. Once attorney or so that we thank you and all the stuff here works so diligently to produce the results for us tonight and for this sort of looked after a security I'd like to thank Laura Gerrard's and said for being admirable Cantors we have not told found any indulging in the dirty tricks certain character ice and much of this campaign it is a great privilege to be related to gain for this constituency and I thank all of the. Reelect me for their kind wishes and particularly for their votes. During the election I made it quite clear that I was a moderate one nation to serve it and I am 50 years that I will be able to be at the center of that town to conservatism as it goes forward into the future what this means is that I will continue to focus on the 2 cation I would continue to focus on the showing that we get the right amounts of money for our schools I will continue to focus on housing and planning and the communities can take the advantages that I've helped bring in the form of neighborhood plan and most importantly I will continue to focus on climate change. I would like to thank you hard like to thank Nathan my agent. I would like to thank all those who worked and helped 3. Slightly reduced majority but still a comfortable win for John Howard in the Henley constituency for the conservatives talking quite like many of the conservative candidates will up and down the country that have been successfully returned about climate change being an important issue interesting to see again better than him oh this this race for 2nd place in Oxfordshire constituency in a flip there Yeah absolutely and Laura coil the Liberal Democrat candidates did last time around and she has got 10000 extra votes this time around that really is quite a good showing for the Lib Dems So even though they've had a pretty mixed night nationally they've lost their leader she lost her seat actually in this part of the world they've done pretty well they've beaten labor out to 2nd place in both Hedley and wanted to say whether that bodes well for Oxford Western Abingdon as far as they're concerned will have just a few more minutes to wait I think it looks as if the final result of the night isn't that far away while we're waiting for the result from Oxford Western Abingdon Let's bring in Chris Ballenger from the University of Oxford our political expert with us throughout the night and they'll be with the breakfast club no doubt we're long with Beth and once we're done here at 6 o'clock David previa waiting in the wings to take you through the morning the situation here is that the crowds and the t.v. Cameras and photographers there around the stage they're not particularly dispersing because we're not that far away from the result here at Oxford Western Abingdon So let's bring in Chris Bellenger Chris you're thoughts on what we've heard and seen so. Well. In Oxfordshire what we've seen is is a holding up in the safe Conservative seat to conserve disporting of mass switching from the labor to liberal Democrats liberal Democrats from languishing in 3rd in those some of those seats are now a secure 2nd. And it's very interesting to see that whether they're old and old candidates or new ones the conservatives in those safe seats have been holding up the photo of themselves over their predecessors so we've seen a broad amount of stability in the county and it would be interesting to see with the last seat to declare shows the same electoral stability across the country we've seen sharp falls in the labor vote particularly in the West Midlands and in the north east and to some extent in the northwest. Are holding up of the labor vote in many parts of London and some parts of the southeast where they were leading to start with we've seen moderate much more moderate rises in the conservative vote and those falls in labor and the more moderate rising conservative votes secure pushing conservatives over the line often in seats that they haven't held in a generation or they haven't held in 100 years iconic Labor seats take least weak performances of labor and stronger performances of conservatives in x. Mining seats in in the middle and in the Northeast I did ask you this earlier on when we were talking hypothetically and basing our conversation on an exit poll now we see with the conservatives already with a majority of $36.00 if if there were no more results declared tonight the majority would be at $36.00 where do we go now over the next 4 now 5 years if you any inkling in clinic in clings as to what will happen with the Labor Party the Lib Dems and the conservatives for that matter well Jerry coldness announced he'll stand down. Although he hasn't said he'll stand down straight. It away there'll be a lot of just sling for position within the Labor party amongst those who remain It looks like Labour's weakest electoral performance. In living memory. So amongst the 200 M.P.'s who remain of the a certain amount of just in position that means they may be distracted from the next couple of months which will include the pushing through of the bricks just lay Sion and the starts of negotiation on the longer term deal with the e.u. . I suspect that some of that jockeying for position has been happening for the last 2 or 3 weeks behind the scenes do you think the Labor Party saw this coming that. I think it was a great deal of discontent over the course of the campaign with the leadership and with the direction. And there are always people in parties who disagree with that based on what people are hearing on the doorstep. It's quite clear that in some parts of the country. Candidates who deemphasizing the leadership and the and the role of the Jeremy Colvin some were pushing some considerable numbers of deemphasizing because they found that it wasn't playing well on the doorsteps in their constituency and also although those candidates will be back as in Peace of course and they have the 1st sift in any labor leadership election. But either there will be an intensive period of illegal election or there'll be a great period of just sling and neither neither helps the party to become an effective opposition in parliament to check and balance the new government the Liberal Democrats of course have a false leadership election they're likely to have no more potential candidates than they had before and with one of them has already been leader one of them has been defeated as a leader so it's a limited candidate pool to deliver Democrats but they'll need to have at least an interim leader straight away so they can form selves and speak as a party in parliament and in the media do you think. If we get the result you know it's the western Abingdon that we're expecting based on the exit polls and what's happened elsewhere. And Layla Moran is returned. Back to Westminster as the Liberal Democrat m.p. For Western Abingdon could we be looking tonight at a serious contender for the leadership of the Liberal Democrats but that's really a question for her but it's quite clear that she's built up a profile since she was elected quite quickly and quite effectively in the media it might well be that she has done something at the same party there are many candidates but the party will still want somebody who looks strong and secure and has the ability to get their party's message across particular through the media because they have possibly a slightly diminished force in parliament part of the reason we were hearing that she did not stand for the leadership of the Liberal Democrats when it went to Joe Swinton was because her majority in the West and Abingdon was so slim and do we need to look out now for the majority she gets in the 29000 general election so how that might shake down going forward I think there are 3 things to think about one is absolute majority if she gets back in the declaration about the here the 2nd is a sense from her of how secure she feels even if the majority hasn't risen whether she feels she's established herself in the seat as a local member sufficient to now become distracted by national politics the the the 3rd the 3rd thing is there's a question of where the party is going to go and who the other candidates might be . And there aren't there aren't that many potential leadership candidates who haven't shown their hand the full. Lots to think about we're not too far away from the head from the Oxford West nabbing the result but I want to speak to the returning returned m.p. For Henley Congratulations John how Thank you very much indeed it's great to be back as the m.p. For Henley and you must be Kaka who we're not your only your personal result will result for the conservatives tonight it's great to have both of those results coming in together it means that we'll really be able to move on and get out of the way and move on to the things of the really important for people and unite this country a little bit perhaps well I think the country will be united as this result shows and I had to I had 32000 people who voted for me and that is a great tribute to the feeling in the constituency that we should we should be united in the way that we deal with things or move on do you think the conservatives have won this election or at the Labor Party lost it just looking at the stats the one percent a conservative is down 8 percent the Labor Party Well I think that the Labor Party has certainly not done itself any favors I mean Jeremy Corbyn style of socialism is clearly opponent most people in the in the constituency isn't in this country but I think that the indecision that they've shown about breaks it has also not not done them any favors at all do you think it was BRICs it what won it for the conservatives then in this let's get it done message Well I think people are absolutely fed up with still talking about it and they want something to happen that's certainly true but I think it's much more than that it's the domestic agenda that we set out as well and that shows very much that Boris Johnson is a One Nation Conservative. Wasn't spoken about too much going into that breaks in negotiations when he was dealing with the g. For example and you know but the but the issue of bricks. It is something that. Hits home to look at is what he's trying to do in the domestic agenda and that is that he's about one nation so you can probably hear in the background we're getting the final result of the not very sure you know. He talking about climate change as well on the stage absolutely climate change is absolutely vital and I'm pleased to support it young climate warriors which gets. Children and others of their interests to do things the same time to do you know that you can save a tremendous amount of missions if you don't fill your cattle. Thank you we'll leave it there congratulations. Fredrickson. The conservative. 20307. If. You're. At. 4258. If. The number of ballot papers rejected. Once have an official Mark one voting for most candidates the coach of this title to be writing or mark by which the voter could be identified 0 I'm up to her boyfriend certainty $207.00 making a total of rejected papers 238 the electorate was 76951. Preposition 59061 the turnout was 76.75 percent. Michelle Moran is to yell at each. Thank you. With a very substantial increase to what was slim majority now they figure. Big cheers from the Liberal Democrat activists in the room she prepares to take to the stage to speak on the county agent and this is the last one and everyone's desperate to get him I promise I won't speak for very long I'm also the police who have been fabulous throughout this entire process I want to say thank you to my fellow candidates it's not hard so it is hard in today's politics I think to stick your neck out and it's not anything to be underestimated and we run a very amicable campaign where we got to know each other and have a lot of respect for each other and I want to thank them for that and I want to thank my amazing liberal Democrat team. And is going to continue. To fight the fight but above all I want to thank the boat is of course of the West and Abingdon interesting. With me again I want to thank the Green Party for standing aside in this election I want to. And I want to thank the food system political spectrum who decided and I think with the 50 percent of the folks in the West and Abingdon we can say categorically that the people about the Western Abingdon do not want to get it done. Because we know what it will do to our local economy we have a great universities we have our car industry we have signed sector and I am deeply deeply concerned if we look to the national picture for that wave of nationalism and populism that seems to be sweeping our nation. So whatever happens from now on with. We must remember that I am people and I have done in the last 2 and a half years there is no problem too little too great that I won't take on. That's how other people were clear and actually despite the divide is divisive politics to borrow a phrase there was more in common I think in our community than there is that divides us they were talking about climate change about the need for funding. About the any chance. Ga 34 about the expressway and these are the things that I look forward to taking up on there. And I thank them again that we like to be there and we thank you very much. Thank you 1000000 rand returned with a substantial increase majority it was 800 and something last time 8000 and something this time our political reporters better Nimmo with your reaction to that yet that is a surprise I thought it would be closer than that but a very comfortable majority for later Moran and now the inevitable question will come for her does she want to replace Jay switch in his leader now she's not in necessary particularly marginal seat she's a much safer bet I'd say I would think that that was what was holding her back last time around but also be up here in a minute and I'm sure that's one of the 1st questions you asked that. That was happening while she was talking the conservative majority has gone past the 50 seats this is no longer a prediction the conservative majority is at 54 seats in a situation now where 632 seats have been declared so only 18 to go be waiting quite. Late into the day for one or 2 of them but in many respects the story of the night has already been told nationally Chris balance. Is a substantial majority for the Conservatives it will allow them to govern without recourse to coalition partners. Without a risk of an early election for the 1st time really since the mid 1980 s. . So we've seen them have a very strong performance in England they've lost a lot of seats in Scotland they've actually shored up from what looked like a borderline performance in Wales at the start of the night they can actually turn the number of marginal seats in their face. So they've got one of the best performances in Wales in the last. 60 Years So actually we're seeing a solid conservative party in England and to some extent in Wales it will have to govern to the u.k. It will have to govern for its new constituents in the working classes many of whom will be hit by bricks it and particularly hard bricks it to be very interesting to see how the coalition of voters that this government into office will be will be served by the government itself just pick up in a couple of those things you said that when we've heard a lot tonight in this room. And she also from some of the conservatives that we've spoken to one elsewhere about the phrase One Nation conservatism has come back into things and. Victoria print is for example talking about how she wanted the to make the moderate wing of the conservatives stronger. With a substantial healthy majority that Boris Johnson now has Do you see that happening and how does that affect Brett it does it make bricks it softer or harder. It's much easier to drive a moderate line in policy with a large majority because it's easier to to be able to have a coalition within a party rather than a coalition between parties or indeed it is needed to keep the whole party on board and Boris Johnson drove a hard line against some m.t.c. He kicked out of the party a few months ago that actually was showing a hard line against people from the other factions of his party as well they won't do that need so it's in a way easier the question is what's the basis of this majority and all counted it's assigned up to the government's view all conservative candidates are signed up to the government's view of BRICs it is not entirely clear what that view is beyond the 31st of January but. But given. There's a unity of purpose might be said that actually. Whatever please say now in the Personally the leadership will say well they've signed up to the Prime Minister's decision and what the prime minister says Moscow over the next 4 or 5 years after recent elections what's happened on the Friday has almost been as interesting as what's happened in terms of the results overnight could this be a quieter Friday some of the imponderables might have been what happened to the Liberal Democrat leader will show swings and lost his seat she's out we might have been waiting on and on another day for what Jeremy Corbyn was going to do but he announced on stage of these constituency that he was going to be stepping down he would not fight another general election as Labor Party leader. Yes Well he hasn't said when he will stand down as Labor Party leader and we've we we know that this government is not sustainable over the full 5 years of a parliament so what I suspect we will see on Friday and through the weekend is a great is a certain amount of jubilation from the government followed by followed by a lot of announcements about how they propose to get Bracks done in their own terminology. Much said about the resigning of Parliament before Christmas although it's a given that. The u.k. Can only execute it leaving the European Union formally at the end of a month it's it's highly unlikely. That any agreement will be passed by the end of this month because parliament needs to be summoned piece need to be sworn in there needs to be a clean speech and a debate on the Queen's speech so constitutionally it is improbable that the u.k. Will leave earlier than it's already stated deadline of the 31st of January you're an expert in the machinations of Westminster politics and politics generally how about the personality of Boris Johnson and how he may be affected by by winning such a such a handsome majority. Will be interesting to see how he leads his party as much as how he leads his government. His great success has come not as a minister like so many prime ministers of the past but as a as an executive leader of a. Of London which is very very different from being a prime minister heading a cabinet. A large majority helps him perhaps. Be more a mare of London. In America the United Kingdom than a besieged prime minister beholden to factions and so it might well suit his his existing style of leadership we really fascinating to see how he exercises that it also be a large number of new Conservative M.P.'s who rejected on his manifesto. As an old Conservative M.P.'s who have stayed in the party by agreeing to sign up to that manifesto rather than leaving and standing as independents or standing down so it's likely that at least for the 1st while having a large proportion of his party automatically behind him and supporting him I think that will help him get off to a head start and of course it will be a source of satisfaction and relief that not only has he been prime minister bees won an election as prime minister on with this healthy handsome majority that he has will he start to think already about what he thought he might do to win another after that was it far too early for that well it's it's it's likely that the impact of policies will be will be assessed on. No government can win an election for 5 years ahead but. I'm sure that tacticians in the back room over thinking of. When those hospitals need to be built and where and where policies need to be placed to retain the support that has been garnered at this election because otherwise if one if one breaks new ground and this is a conservative party has broken ground that is genuine new to the party and turns its electoral base then it will it will be will be problematic for the party if it if it's been blown away by the actions of the government over the next 2 or 3 years . Celebrations going on down in front of us with the Liberal Democrat m.p. For Oxford Western Abingdon and she is again around. A big cheer for her that she has fled there have to tell you but it's also worth pointing out that around was a very nervous person not that long ago 2 and a half years ago when she stood here not expecting to win she has won let's go down to the the bear pit if you like where around has been celebrating with her activists and those party workers who really have enjoyed the celebration here this evening and this morning I probably should say now congratulations to her Oh no. On cloud 9 I have to say and a bit sleep deprived not going to of course is the 2nd time we've spoken this evening although the 1st one was about 11 o'clock and a lot has happened since then firstly congratulations on being returned and when we spoke here 2 and a half years ago you squeaked through I think you surprise yourself with an 800 seat majority now we're talking about an 8000 majority Yeah well yeah it's pretty awesome I have to say and especially on a night such mixed pictures across the country really weird election this has been . We've had the most amazing reception from voters it's a question I'm going to and I'm just so grateful to be able to go back and do the work and continue the work that I started 2 and a half years ago you go back to Westminster though without your leader Joseph Winston having lost her seat tonight where does that leave the Liberal Democrats well she says she's going to be making further announcements about that later today so we'll have to wait and see I mean I think Joe has shown extraordinary resilience in what has been an incredibly brutal general election campaign all over the shop what's happened to the Labor Party as well and I'm deeply deeply concerned about what Boris Johnson is now going to do to our country. And it's great to have the voters of opposite Western Abingdon behind me as I go back to parliament to be able to speak truth to power with such a healthy majority people will be asking are you interested in being the next Liberal Democrat leader now I understand when it was an 800 majority of perhaps was impractical Honestly the only thing I'm interested in right now is bad. I am saying I'm not saying I'm not saying yes it's too it's way too big a life decision to make quickly and actually I was not expecting to make any kind of decision it was a big. Shock that Joe's lost and I think we all need to digest that 1st how was the way that Joe Swinson was treated during this election campaign how has that impacted you and potentially your decision oh well as you imply I mean I think the sort of vitriol that Joe was seeing some of which frankly I do think was quite sexist. Does make one pause for thought I think we are moving into a phase of politics in our country that's deeply deeply worrying where these kinds of smears that we've seen against all the political parties and the leaders is now commonplace and absolutely that will affect my decision but more importantly I'm worried for the direction the democracy is going what will be the message you feel that you will be taking then to Westminster from the constituents the voted you back in well 1st of all I stood on a clear stop except platform I will except of course that you know with a Tory majority that's now looking less likely but we will continue to fight for it because it's the right thing to the area but also. Now have the mandate keep talking about climate change I really think that is top of the agenda and then the local issues the a 34 the expressway all that stuff it's all really really important stuff and I look forward to continuing that work thank you for talking to us congratulations again. Turning Oxford West and having an m.p. The liberal Democrat and if you're just waking up here's around up of what's happened in Oxfordshire overnight we started with the results in Witney just after 3 o'clock this morning Robert courts had on to the seat for the Conservatives a similar share of the vote as last time in 2017 he hopes that people who voted for him voted for progress in the what I'm really feeling from people here is that people there's a real feeling now that however people voted for a friend and they do want to see us make progress they don't want to see it going round and round in circles arguing with ourselves and not making any progress they want to see us you know advance a program that's positive that is has got a good domestic agenda and they want to see us have a sensible compromise Brock's at. The result for Oxford East was declared soon afterwards Annelise dogs they're retaining her seat as the labor m.p. She says victory is bittersweet now certainly picked up talking to people on the doorstep in Oxford is quite a lot of fear really. Sadly it looks like it will be the outcome i.e. a Very very strong majority for a conservative party obviously the Labor party my party we're going to have to really look into why we have done badly in this election. Or Next we heard from Bambery where Victoria print is held on to her seat for the Conservatives she said there was only one name for the time being what I really hope is that we can get my foot down which was the slogan that people repeated to me on the doorstep of the constituency all the time but that we will also be able to move through Bracks said and to concentrate on the other issues that were praised repeatedly during the election campaign just over an hour ago we had the 1st new m.p. Of the night for Oxfordshire and it turned out the only new m.p. For Oxfordshire David Johnston took the win in Wantage he replaces Ed Vaizey another conservative of all Johnson has never been in politics but. For he was very complimentary of his constituents during his acceptance speech my predecessor always said he had the best constituency and I think he's right and I love the conversations I've had with people all across this whether they were voting for me or not and now I am him before the mall and I hope that everyone will find me an effective advocate for the things that we need and particularly getting the infrastructure that we lacked in that. In Henley John the how has continued the conservative hold over that seat which is lost and for more than 100 years he says education and climate change are among his top priorities what this means is that I will continue to serve this ridge occasion I would continue to focus on ensuring that we get the right amount of money for our schools I will continue to focus on housing and planning and the communities can take the advantages that I've helped bring in the form of neighborhood plan and most importantly I will continue to focus on climate change. And a few minutes ago we had the result from Oxford West in Abingdon the Liberal Democrat candidate the incumbent around increased her share of the vote by nearly 10 percent to hold on to her seat she's told us she will not yet make a decision about whether she will stand for the what is now vacant liberal Democrat leadership role she says her resulting oxer Western Abingdon shows one thing. That . Let's. Just. I think with. The people of the question I do not want to get it done. But that is not the message nationally with Boris Johnson gaining a majority with 12 seats still to declare it is going to be a comfortable conservative majority Labor have lost seats in Scotland Wales and Northern Ireland. And the Liberal Democrat leader lost her seat Jeremy Corbyn won his but the Labor leader says he will not stand again to lead the Labor Party into the next general election as we approach 6 o'clock in the breakfast club taking you through the morning and all the ramifications of what we have heard over night it is worth saying that it has been a real pleasure to be here in Oxford Western Abingdon and Wantage and Henley and the seats here with the team that's been around us who I am very grateful for and one thing to say is we hand over the David preview is there looks as if he's going to be a blue Christmas thank you very much thank you Jerome Now you can go and get some sleep thank you very much I'm on the team for keeping you going all the way through the night so if you're just waking up this morning you've been listening for the last few hours will recap exactly what's happened nationally and of course here in Oxford Sharon Oxford days to Whitney Bambery one. Henley Oxford West and Abingdon Well we have at least one new Am paving a lot of headlines overnight you're waking up this morning to news of there is going to be a Conservative government for at least the next 4 years and I just headlines with and I say the next 30 seconds will speak to the windows maybe some of the listeners as well and some reflection nationally from all the bank it is including many names have lost their seats I would not as well stay with. Radio on Freeview on b.b.c. Sounds nice is b.b.c. Radio Works and. It takes the clock with the b.b.c. Needs box the chair I'm not silly funny that conservatives have won the general election and are on course for a big majority the party's made large gains at the expense of labor and its traditional Hollands once the accounting is complete the Tories are projected to finish on $360.00 full seats and labor on $201.00 Boris Johnson he was reelected with a majority of more than 7000 says his party now has a powerful mandate is to deliver Bracks it's I want to thank the people of this country for turning out to vote in a December election that we didn't want to but which I think has turned out to be a historic election. That gives us now in this new government the chance to respect the democratic will of the British people to change this country for the better and to unleash the potential of the entire people of this country or the I believe it Jeremy Corbin healthy thing say citizens to north but with my reduced majority he acknowledged that it has been a very disappointing nights for labor and says he will not lead the party into a future general election but he has indicated he will not be stepping down in the near future I will discuss with our party to ensure there is a process now of reflection on this result and on the policies that the party will take going forward and I will lead.

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