Transcripts for BBC Radio Oxford BBC Radio Oxford 20191208 080000

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And for us we are really good at preparing but ultimately there's not a lot we can do about nature and thousands of people around the world who spent the night sleeping outside to raise money to tackle homelessness it was part of the world's big sleep out of vent and Dame Helen Mirren read bedtime stories to a crowd camped out in a very soggy Trafalgar Square the actress explains why it was important to take part I think it's deeply disturbing to everyone and as it becomes more and more of a problem which I believe it will unless we really. Really think about solutions I think it's terribly upsetting for people that you saw her help this you don't quite know what to do the problem is becoming much too big windy and showers tonight oxygen is whether I should say that vision or rather windy and wet 11 so says the top temperature dry and comma for tomorrow with those winds easing off b.b.c. Radio works at News It's 4 minutes past 8 July your story so you feel. Radio to. Be Doing all right for this Sunday morning I should probably say happy birthday to my husband because he's in the car right now on the way to run that's what it's about but it's birthday what else is going on today we will have part 3 of my series looking at the job of Thames Valley police I was with Russ Massey and rob all of a place in it from the problem solving team we've been looking at some of the tools of the trade this is the 1st port of call we go for but if you don't proceed to sort of punching somebody or hitting them something which could cause real damage you can actually use the brakes as temporary been going through their kit with them and you can hear that in the next hour also up next my special guest Tom Cutler describes being diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome in the age of 55 as the happiest day of his life he's written a book about it we'll find out more next. Long Pole. James Ingram and Michael McDonald Jammo be there was nearly 10 by state on Sunday morning at b.b.c. Radio Oxford I'm not sure whether we're allowed to have a favorite part of the show it's bit like saying you've got a favorite child but I do like this bit where we get to introduce a special guest and have a good old gossip with them and an incredibly interesting human being in the studio with me this morning the 1st time you've been back in the b.b.c. Or just years for 40 years time you know I 1st came here in 1979 when I was at university and still looks very much of. The top portraiture is different. That probably says more about our engineering than anything else but you know Tom Cutler is an author he has a new book out about his adventures with aspect is called Keep clear my adventures with Asperger's and one of the things you say which I think is fascinating I want to talk to you more about is that the day you received your diagnosis when you were 55 is the happiest day of yours life now some people might think well yeah. Well I'll tell you I've always known that there's something funny about the way I relate to the world. And it's grieved and bothered me for my whole life really. You know I have trouble in social situations I find difficult to understand other people I can't chat find parties dreadful I have I have don't think you're alone there tell me true but I mean I was in a pub recently and the glam lady came and put her arm around me said Are you all right and I said no I'm not. And so it's been quite severe but I've learnt to deal with as many people with Asperger's go but anyway I went slightly a minor. Crackup it was a little one and I went straight up the doctors and said something wrong and in Jew course I was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome or aspergers you can call it what you like and I was skeptical to start off with because as you can tell from listening to me I don't sound funny I hope maybe I don't know you absolutely don't you know there's nothing wrong with me intellectually yet anyway. This is this is another problem you tend to have. A sophisticated syntax and a big vocabulary and and to be focussed kind of intelligence and looking in you know with a drive to look deeply into certain subjects and that goes along with the difficulty you have with people so those are the 2 the main things that help experts identify it anyway but the hair finally to have this. Label given to me Asperger syndrome and I read around the subject I thought this is my last I understand it was a sense of peace descended on me and I've been depressed for years and it just went the depression just went and it was really wonderful and I'm much much better now much better to understand I mean I had a label before it was weirdo. And this is a better label as bogus in real to understand myself a bit to forgive myself a bit and to adapt my behavior and I'm sure there are people listening to this perhaps as the conversation goes on will say that chance of Cobol bald head off road because it seems to be mainly made and boys who get it although there are plenty of women and girls out there with it as we are increasingly learning but anyway so yes it really was the happiest day of my life well you know what that's brilliant to hear and I guess it is this this particular thing of this time of year where you know there are people like me who loves a party and socialising and going. You know with my friends and having a good chat and there are people for whom for whatever number of reasons it's quite stressful and people don't necessarily understand that the wanting to maybe stay at home you know is preferable to going out into this it's very interesting the difference in the way women and men with the condition deal with it women are better at blending in they tend to do something called masking or come a flashing so they rehearsed beforehand so the sorts of things are likely to come up and come and practice responses this doesn't always work I'm afraid as you might guess mainly just as I know not God not doing that. As we know. And for me to chatting as I said is impossible and part is I just avoid parties now it's just much easier to avoid it although to understand as I said to understand what it is now for example I went to a family party not so long ago a lot of people there was a big family cousins and nephews and nieces and uncles and I was able to understand why I was failing as I was failing at that my behavior but make an effort to say hello to people and to give them a proper smile if I could not the Pan-Am smile I generally use. And so it does help the understanding of what's going on has helped me to not not not to be too hard on myself now and so that my behavior as far as I'm able to do that can be exhausting There are taking a breather and go and you know take 5 minutes on me and I Pat I bet and I mean that the wonders of the modern world and the Internet have you been able to connect with anyone else with Asperger's any groups and anyone he can so if you really have a chat with a bow it's an interesting idea and ask Berg is community a sort of oxymoronic I spose going past like the morning a bit early for that word but never. Have I connected I'm not a technology there all the technology no. I mean i t i worked in a company once and there were 34 people in the i.t. Department all men and I now identify them all as having. Yes they all had several traits of the condition but I'm not a technology person I'm not very good at numbers are not very good with phones and gadgets I can get very stressed and have what's called a melt down. Where you become really out of control trying to do something like a ticket machine which is very badly designed often anyway but scuse me it's that time of year is that Tommy had thought about it so so I'm I haven't really I'm very I'm very Ok being on my own if people want to talk to me I'll talk to them one of the time but I'm not a member of any any you know great society no I'm not I am I am a member of the National to stick society Ok because Asperger's is part of the big broad umbrella of autism and the difference between autism essentially and Asperger's syndrome is that the intellectual thing my cousin for example has severe autism and he can't speak has to be looked after has epilepsy it's a physical thing it's not a mental illness it's not it's not really a mental thing at all our bodies our brains are different we have more neurons our brains are heavier we our bodies are different we may walk on our toes or with splayed feet we may have a lazy eye we may have battled problems these are common traits which go along with the other traits of deep interest in systems things like you might be interested in all the presidents or after the fact fryers or lifts or mechanics or mathematics. In my case I'm very interested in the design of British road signs which is why my book is called really clear I mean it means 3. Things it's a Rhodes articles but it also means maintain your clarity which is of clarity always very very important to me and don't come too close yeah I know it's pretty and you say you know you're not good with numbers but you're great with words and people may know you from the Amazon best seller 211 things a bright boy can do but this one this new book is much more personal but there's woven research in there as well yes it's a tricky thing to do but I wanted to understand my story I tell my story from childhood up to now really. And I wanted to do 2 or 3 things one I wanted to do enough to write an affirmative positive cheerful book because although that can make your life wretched I was very depressed tried to end my life a couple times. Much better now and things can get better I also wanted to have a few I read lots of books and there were a few with humor and humor is my wave. There's is a misconception that people with Asperger's don't have a sense of humor is quite false humor is my way into other people I perform all the time. Whenever I'm at a party say or some social function or a family dinner or whatever it is I'm always performing I'll make people laugh a lot I don't tell John not to joke teller I'm a humorist like Paul I love word games and word play. So. It's a crazy business but as I said earlier I think to understand what's going on really . It's just like a lot going on it explains everything explains my strange family I resent my father's got traits of the condition in fact of 7 of us where a large family there's only one person who doesn't show any traits of a condition gravely that's so interesting and I guess even in must make you look back on you know certain events certain my human seen your life and think Oh if I'd known that then. You know what I don't like to my own. Let my discontent be less secret but he said I'm not try not to moan but. It's better late than never but it does explain as I slowly explains everything from my discomfort as a boy to. My own birthday party my charitable social phobia Tarzan fluffs and flubbed relationships and screwed up social overtures my trouble with with girls of all might put it that way . You know people have always thought in common eccentric Now I understand what it's all about but it feels like you're really meaning that and celebrate. And you know people who are going to buy and read this can find him about it again to find a very happy human being but while I don't know whether I'm very happy and if you want to draw the line somewhere and I'll take away some room for more time constraint I don't I wouldn't own it all celebrate it those are 2 words which are very old fashioned and. And but I do you're quite right I accept that this is me lot of you do accept it it's great to know that I don't tell most people although people listening to this know it's not a state secret but I it's a bit boring to tell people I tried in states without my behavior if I get into trouble than I can say sorry I've got to go out for a minute and if people ask me say Well is this is what's going on. I think you know except that self acceptance is something that hundreds of you know if you think if the use of the word ordinary people struggle with what is true and here you are nailing it I don't know if I've nailed it exactly it's a continual struggle as much of life is going to struggle it doesn't mean it's miserable but. It's just a bit more tricky to do I mean for example people with with Asperger's often. Have trouble getting jobs and it's generally the interview where they fail where your social poise and all that stuff is tested you you can do the job you're likely to be very conscientious which is another trait you're likely to be very loyal but you won't probably 15 very well unless you're the arts is a good place so there's many people with Asperger's work in the arts as in i.t. a Lot of comedians stand up comedians. Are friends a Senate committee has the condition. So they're on the she's where you can fit in but it's quite it's quite tricky to to get employed. Generally the interview where things go wrong Yeah now it's fascinating what if you want to find out more maybe it's something that someone you know has been diagnosed with and you want to have a look at what Tom's done and how he's got through this time couple's book keep clear my adventures with Asperger's is out now and Tom's going to stick around and tell us about some stuff in the papers that he has found for us after a Christmas song from I'm going to say our very own he lives in Oxfordshire I'm taken in Jack sever at a this is Christmas morning at b.b.c. Radio Works for it. Christmas. With as. Much. Don't. Lose your. Christmas on. The. Don't be. Scared of the mom stay. Response bomb. You can tell me I'm bored in school. Mayor Nat. To drink. And me. To be. With the sun. It's. Christmas mom. Be. Scott writes me from Jack separates he Christmas morning it's b.b.c. Radio. 825 right now in the studio with me is author Tom Cutler he's got a new book about being diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome at the age of 55 Keep clear my adventures with aspects is what it's called if you want to find out more and he's also been going through the papers spotting a story that I've been seeing all of my social media in the past 24 hours time which I think would strike fear into the hearts of many and I kind of but by the grace of God go I situation absolutely I mean the when I saw this I thought my goodness it's in this one's in the Mail on Sunday but it is all over the place. And it's headlined with all the I'm going to headline but I'll read some loses inheritance of 193000 pounds over one era on his sort code. What happened was this guy who's called Peter tight shot I think that's how you pronounce it. He was due to inherit this money from his dad I think and he he told his bank and gave them. Or he told someone it was a solicitor Anyway the but the bank. He keyed a number of his account number your name right. Code was one digit wrong. So the money's gone awry Well it's not only is it going to raw it's going to some of those it. Struck me as very old someone else has got the same account number. And a very similar sort code and so this fellow ended up with the money and he very quickly realised something you gonna rock I contacted the bank and said Don't worry we'll send it back to you in about a week. But then he was told by the bank that no is are we missing you were Miss Advised. And we're giving you 25 pounds as a goodwill gesture no living 25 pounds and 193000 pounds looks quite large to me yeah very good with numbers but it does look like a big difference I think they rather have the chance to do the right thing and I muffed I think the bank here is very interesting at how you would think it would just be taken back and put in the right account but apparently it's not that same parent Leigh Favre has required request permission from the fella who'd received his money but this fellow was an old ball let's put it nicely and he he decided no he'd spend it in state so he started taking money out and spending you out refused to give him permission they told Mr touch we haven't had permission you can have your money back so the poor fellow then had to spend some not 46 pal's and pounds to hire solicitors and all the rest of it drawing his money back and fact he he approached another newspaper that was the guardian who rang Barclays and suddenly puppy's woke up and realize that this didn't look very good go us and he's got a happy ending he got his money but well thank goodness for that frankly I think he was trying to save anyone and I mean a late leg and 193000 but. The principle is I have 30 and there another you say you've got 2 tails of misfortune in this wake the other one is a lady who's had a rather unfortunate incident with the immense power I understand this was tragic yes Dench is eaten with poor This is from the sun so the words are quite short all Angela McGill wants for Christmas is her 2 front teeth after swallowing her dentures eating a mince pie I mean that's quite an impressive feat his nature is she thought she'd swallowed a bit of holy or something or because of a bit of pastry that was good but no she went to the house. Little. Did they do in hospitals are you actually there or something took pictures and I look see that she will chase and you will not miss my decided not to pull them out of her throat. Like a good idea they said they would allow So you could call. Them to think about this anyway but you did take its course. And things happened question is would you like she's got a show for. How I would have done I don't see that as serious but of disinfection having to go on some color thank you so much for coming and it's been a joy and a pleasure have a very Merry Christmas Marc pleasure the same to you and I hope you manage to sway of all of the stressful parties it is Baby see radio works with laces knees on the way next from fellow. Radio walks with us this morning from No I joined us from his greatest day Michelle spine did also say it's coming cruise the series showdown is in front you know like to see it's a race against the clock with me in the studio in the car and your brain power helping us find the mystery like. It's jellied eels time I kind of. I can't think of one thing I've had in my mouth thank you Michelle's find it so small say it's telling me this morning from the lead on b.b.c. Oxford n.b.c. Sounds Hamish Ellaby and to reveal the 1st clue in about 20 minutes time in the mean time I will have part 3 of my ride along with Thames Valley police as problem solving team I mean is it from doing and George Michael and Aretha Franklin after the latest news from Felt. B.b.c. Radio it is a $31.00. Randolph hotel has been sold to an American hotel chain gradual. Hotels says it will relaunch the famous institution as the graduate Oxford in 2021 Antony Joshua is celebrating after becoming a 2 time world heavyweight champion he beat Anthony Ruiz Jr in Saudi Arabia last night more on that in a sport in a moment the number of people going to Church has dropped by 15 percent over the last 10 years research by oxers modeling college shows that more people are attending even song cathedrals though officials in the Indian capital Delhi say that more than 40 people have been killed in a large fire at a factory rescue services say dozens of workers were sleeping inside the building Manchester City fans found guilty of racist abuse at yesterday's Darby at the ETR had facing a lifetime ban the club has promised to act after video footage appears to show some supporters making monkey gestures towards Manchester United players and thousands of people have been camped out overnight as part of a global effort to raise cash to tackle homelessness celebrities were among the hundreds taking part in the world's big sleep out in London Edinburgh and Cardiff it's thought more than $50000.00 people took part globally sharing your b.b.c. Radio was that slowest. Oxygenated Captain John must Senos says his team may have to get used to a negative approach from their perch opponents it's after Shrewsbury were criticised for time wasting tactics as they held out for a new all draw at the stadium Oxford had won every home league one game since they've played since August of Siena says what should 3 days maybe a sign of things to come there's very little we can do about it we can always have a word with the ref we can always have the 4th official we can keep trying plugging away and hope that speeds the game up and fact that they've come and done such I think a good job killing the game maybe it's something as well going forward are really going to deal with and make sure that we do find ways around it because we don't want to start we've got a different challenge on our hands so yeah it's extremely frustrating the fans of the trade with it and we try our best to make sure. We can counteract somehow oxygen i.z. Women return to action in the National League today with a game against Villa called Place farm kickoff that is at 2 o'clock a cool place farm yesterday 10 Man City were beaten 41 of home by Maidstone in National League south the National League north there was a 2 nil away win for Brackley a guy's League 2nd place Bambery were beaten one nil at home by leaders Tamworth in southern league's premier Central Division one central there were 2 Oxfordshire Darby's Killington beat North Li 3 nil and did call 121 at Wantage rest results of the day was for tames 2 nil win at leaders Corby tame keeper Craig King made 2 penalty saves now to boxing because Anthony Joshua has done what he said he would by beating Anthony Rose Jr to get his career back on track the Briton regained his belts with a commanding boxing performance to win unanimously on points last night in Riyadh if you want to win a life every time do not step in the ring if you. Loose up. Life is a boxing match the result means that Joshua is back in the frame for the biggest fights in the sport and after the fight his promoter Eddie herd was quick to praise Joshua the man I question whether mentally could come back from this strength the shine is an individual why it's unbelievable it's such a great. Loss. We should be so proud back to football now for some Premiership news it was the red half of Manchester who emerged from yesterday's Darby victorious after Marcus rash Verdun the Marshall scored the goals in their 21 win at City the game was marred by another racism issue where United's Fred appeared to have items thrown at him as well as being subjected to monkey gestures from one section of the crowd Russian says enough is enough reason to. Pass. Something. Departments need to do the right things to. Result yesterday means that United are up to 5th in the table and leaves defending champion city a whopping 14 points behind the leaders Liverpool and a quick but a rugby because National League wins for 2217 at Birmingham Mosley and friendly 18 to 15 at home to Bury St Edmunds your 3 day forecast b.b.c. Radio works whether or not teaching out there this morning how's the rest of the day looking baithak has the info it's very windy out there at the moment across Oxfordshire and those winds are only going to strengthen as we head through today and tonight we have got want to see Miss patches out there good to have sunshine No but the risk of some showers move so towards the middle part of the day we could see some heavy ones pushing in it with the odd rumble of thunder to temperatures today at 10 degrees tonight the winds really start to ramp up we could see 50 to 60 mile an hour gusts at times want to see isolated showers as well but a frost free night blows a 5 degrees tomorrow is going to start off quite blustery those winds will be stronger through the morning and they will tend to ease a little bit into the afternoon and if you take away the wind is going to be a nice day tomorrow fine and dry a lot of on broken sunshine the wind so all coming down from the north so it is going to feel a fairly chitti exposed to those northerly winds temperatures at around 10 degrees . Celsius. Joy life stories. Radio. So. You. Don't. It's done Stella now from doing b.b.c. Radio Oxford site he has a lot of fake news on the internet about 1000 people thinking it means it's like a stage name and it means to you lips No that's actual real name. Parents are Kossovo Albanian and do it which is a 1st name in Albanian she says I'm proud of it now when I was growing up all I wanted was to be called Hannah or Sarah because I always had to explain that I was from cos of our eighties b.b.c. Radio work so we got the scripts and George Michael and Aretha Franklin in the way but right now Paul 3 of my series on a ride along with Thames Valley Police have been able to give you an insight into the job of the place on the bait thanks to P.C.'s Russ Massey and all of a Clasen from the problem solving team at this is part 36 today we find out about the tools of the trade and how they feel about meeting the public's affectively our radios where comparison channels are not cities but one channel every officer who's on duty and I will be listening to our present Obama side and I can sort of explain who I am what I want you know what Rob was doing when we pulled over the break I'm going to interrupt the top of it all police radios a separate button and that's basically an emergency button. Press and that gives us unfettered 10 seconds of radio coverage so it cuts across every conversation and every place radio in the area will light up and it will tell them something happening if you change of an officer to say whether they are in the location or not. I mean might be that we're in trouble or it might be we need urgent help or something's happening we need more resources to assist us yeah but it's that is that moment that it creates that creates that culture within us that we know there's something coming adrenalin and we're yeah yeah you know kind of you things go a little bit tingly and buy some of the blood within your extremities comes the center to keep you safe it's a natural sort of reaction and it's really actually happens when the bad guys are doing interim us I'm just trying to stay away from our inspection and what about the rest you see you've got handcuffs on you yeah I carry handcuffs I carry rigid cuffs pepper spray this is capped so it's affectively purpose brass the same sort of thing but it's an interesting spray and the idea is that it is the 1st port of call we go for for anything dangerous so sort of punching somebody or hitting them something which could cause real damage you actually use the brakes is temporary it gives us a 2 or 3 minute window in which case people usually pay more attention to what we're saying listen talk and trucks and speed because they want to feel safe and we're able to explain to this temporary thing yeah effectively it sort of causes them to get a runny nose and for their eyes to close to try to wash the past and now their eyes feels like. Fall over Thanks for being winded and that's a little horrible 20 seconds where you can breathe in a tiny bit about you know that 22nd video is kind of like that but only last about 2 minutes so we use that and actually the reason we use that is because it doesn't cause long term projects it's tried and tested and it's one of the 1st ports of your own best interest. All of a place and from time Sally places problem solving team I join them on the bait and next week we'll hear more about the work. Christmas Tree Festival this weekend with. Christmas trees in. The daytime until the. 29th of December it's a new musical adaptation by the children it's a company with children joining the professional. Christmas this weekend for. Me with the 60. Christmas trees to sail on festive. B.b.c. . Says . Plug. Plug. Was. The word to use in George Michael in a race to Franklin a new you're writing from a and it's that Tommy and he's finally back 05000000 zillion. Michel Djotodia did you ready for some what now and say oh I did I bought it about the wake of. The facts played on to my voice Ok I guess. We've had to say Fareed success. For the past few weeks a lot of Southie driving down country lie yes typing comforted you can put it back which you know we're all back yeah I was going to break the bike and. She sounds had she looks fabulous Fastback is flaring selfie during take off and I feel confident today all right Pride comes before full light to say everybody that when they say where they started from this one I was so yaar until I got inside set but by now Brad is where they are at the moment so that's the starting place to see it says. You number one leave Middleton Cheney and a rifle at a place famous for its 16th century cakes helping children is the aim of this run with 100 Santas. In this last week's clue Well Middleton Jane a well I know in Middleton say the producers know I really think Christina Grayson they know it all out. Up just tell the left I mean you know in so many cynical I know I'm and I'm my x. Mature and I don't think it's a crime and I thought oh well this is brilliant I remember how I just said it's right comes before you and it's going to completely you want to go to something that's so we know don't worry don't worry it's going to be e-mailed to me and I think if the clear going to say Yeah that definitely I got a horrible sense of deja vu that is definitely there at the Santa Ana Bambery last week good job. But I really love it's a tantrum it's going to die Yes Well. No no no no it's the mills and show you where we guys they had brought up the course mistress House delivered from yawns and golden head west to a town he's born gets all the best live music Christmas trees and bar find a party in West Oxford. He's going to love that Diane is in a wonderland go and find out what I have planned Ok. I can't. Really say. It's going to be I'm feeling confident she says it's going to be great this week and reads out last week's click so for me also got sent to head west to a town he's blanket's all the best life music Christmas trees and bar find a party in West Oxford. Skies Diane is into Wonderland go and find out what I have planned if you can help Michelle and for. Clee this week she claims her house gets 13 double 3 of attacks that the u.s. Is spared I was going to say this is just trying to get at the yeah a little later a lot back together over it I write 100 not 105 to 4 in 8 minutes and 22nd the comments 6 the next and results on b.b.c. Radio Oxford this Thursday nights from 10 will be live throughout the night with the latest from each of all switches constituencies trust us to bring you the results as they happen when they happen this is your own sale and on Thursday night from 10 I'll be live at the y. Coast leisure center in Abingdon where results from 3 about switches constituencies will be declared the will have reporters live at all levels which is Coutts bringing you the results as they have the general election results on b.b.c. like a Michael Page thanks Sophie not looking too bad out there we've got a couple of delays just starting to show signs of building up because of temporary light so on the a 4 to 60 Bambi road attack clearly we don't want my work there to the south of the fox going to turn and between Oxford and Abingdon there are some temples in Oxford Road for water main work a back to the west of Kennington on the trains until 11 this morning chill. Only between Aylesbury failed Parkway and Great Missenden there are also buses running all day between Oprah and princes ribber Reese brought a Great Western Railway have a bus service has between Hemy and Twyford they're replaced by now only bus service until midday I'm great West and also have buses running today between Guildford and Gatwick Airport timesaver travel from b.b.c. Radio Oxford I Michael Page. 109 triple one b.b.c. Now. Thank you very much. On C.D.'s and on b.b.c. Sound this is b.b.c. Radio. It's 9 o'clock with the b.b.c. News for Oxford I'm full most Oxford's famous Randolph hotel has been sold p.p.c. Radio works its brand in the technicals reports also its iconic Randolph is featured in Inspector Morse and Lewis and has been open for over 150 years the chain is being sold by the Scottish Randolph hotels to the us company graduate hotels it'll be the chain 2nd one in Britain and controversially is being marketed on its website with a new name the graduate Oxford with an opening date expected in 2021 the British boxer and city Joshua has reclaimed his world championship belts from anti Rose Jr becoming only the 4th heavyweight in the sport's history to win a direct rematch about took place in Saudi Arabia 6 months after Joshua's surprise loss in New York our sports editor Dan Ronan was there redemption hair friends and Joshua half of the British fight have reclaimed his heavyweight world titles with a defining victory over Andy Ruiz Jr after crossing the Mexican side the 1st round a slimmed down Joshua never looked back using his jab to expertly control the rounds and constant movement to keep his distance from his fast punching rival the fights never turned into the explosive slugfest the sole reason to shock the boxing world by winning their 1st meeting earlier this year the growing number of people with hearing problems is putting. Extra pressures on his church is that from the Church of England chaplain to deaf people in our area a special accessible Christmas service is being held later today a church house in Killington kicked up playing is Chaplain among deaf people and a disability adviser she says it's frustratingly difficult at times surely we're duty banged on by the grace of God to make our buildings accessible in every way in our language accessible and to have people flourish in every level of church life you're right sometimes heritage agencies find history more precious than the current future and we've wasted and we're waiting for a response from historic England to that now a factory fire in the Indian capital Delhi has killed at least $43.00 people the fire broke out in the city's crowded old quarter in the early hours and many of those who died were asleep inside the building and tens of thousands of people have taken part in pro-democracy rallies in Hong Kong it's the 1st demonstration since August to be approved by the police now researchers from Oxford to look at why at a time when fewer people are going to church more are attending weekday choral even song church attendance is down 15 percent over 10 years but even song is up 35 percent more than colleges looking at why that might be these people of been telling us why they go amazing really Yeah what's so special about it I think the building I think the music I think the message behind it all is just something you Kong and you or else I think the only busy lives and that that gives you time to think about things beyond that that can take over in the lives and also just weather for today rather windy tonight as well expect showers around 11 Celsius the best dry and calmer tomorrow with winds easing b.b.c. Radio walks of news it's 3 minutes past 9 Thanks Phil Michel spine this is it's on b.b.c. Radio says. Well well well well. Good morning it's going to go for it with me Michel Jordan to help if my happiness on the rect you want to Sunday morning whatever you do when writing didn't work because he was a bright morning edition of the engineer when I have an image. Now let's go through the 1st question. For beyond some golden cents a head west to a town whose blankets up best live music Christmas trees and ball falling to poets in West Oxford to draw me that cerebral but I'll go with it so I and is in no one's allowed and go and find out what they have planned so one triple 3 Start your message with the word but where should flow and selfie be going Stand by guys a Christmas chain as well coming up for yeah I have where we are. Where we live out the Christmas vampire coming up.

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